Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answers
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answers
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answers
Yes, I am.
I am an English student. I am not an English student. Am I an English student?
No, I am not.
Yes, he is.
He is a engineer. He is not a engineer. Is he a engineer?
No, he is not.
Yes, she is.
She is in the gym. She is not in the gym. Is she I the gym?
No, she is not
Yes, it is.
It is beautiful animal. It is not beautiful animal. Is it beautiful animal?
No, it is.
Yes, you are.
You are at home. You are not at home. Are you at home?
No, you are not.
Yes, you are.
You are a dancer. You are not a dancer. Are you a dancer?
No, you are not.
Yes, you are.
You are in the best university. You are not in the best university. Are you in the best university?
No, you are not.
Yes, we are.
We are the best students. We are not the best students. Are we the best students?
No, we are not.
Yes, they are.
They are working. They are not working. Are they working?
No, they are not.
Yes, I am.
I am an carpenter. I am not an carpenter. Am I an carpenter?
No, I am not.