Non Disclosure Agreement
Non Disclosure Agreement
Non Disclosure Agreement
In rela(on to discussions on a poten(al business transac(on involving IMD Wellness Spa Solu(ons, Inc. (“First Par-
ty”) and __________________________________ (“Second Party”), The First Party and the Second Party (collec-
(vely the “Par(es”) hereby agree to enter into this Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) to facilitate the
provision of informa(on by one party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other party (the “Receiving Party”), wherein
the Par(es wish to maintain the confiden(ality and integrity of all Confiden(al Informa(on.
Confiden(al Informa(on refers to any data, document, or informa(on whether financial or otherwise, or any other
non-public informa(on/document and all other informa(on, verbally expressed or otherwise, marked or stated to
be confiden(al or which may reasonably be expected to be confiden(al by its nature or contents or the circum-
stances of its disclosure.
The Receiving Party undertakes to keep in strict confidence any Confiden(al Informa(on disclosed by the Disclos-
ing Party to the Receiving Party, the laOer’s officers, senior employees or representa(ves both in wri(ng and at
mee(ngs or discussions and will not disclose, without the prior wriOen consent from the Disclosing Party, except
as required by law, any of the Confiden(al Informa(on so obtained to any other person or use it for any purpose
other than for the appraisal of the business of the First Party.
The Receiving Party may disclose any confiden(al informa(on only to its officers, lawyers, accountants, employees
or representa(ves who are only directly concerned with the said Purpose or whose knowledge of such informa(on
is necessary for such Purpose. The Receiving Party will ensure that each individual to whom such disclosure is
made adheres to the terms of this Agreement as if he or she were a party hereto.
The Receiving Party shall not have any obliga(on under this Agreement with respect to informa(on which: a) is
publicly available at the (me of disclosure; or b) is disclosed by a third party who is not in breach of any obliga(on
of confiden(ality; or c) becomes publicly available aUer disclosure through no act of the Receiving Party.
This Agreement and each party’s obliga(ons shall be binding on the representa(ves, assigns and successors of
such party. Each party has signed this Agreement through its authorized representa(ve.The confiden(ality obliga-
(ons under this Agreement shall terminate three (3) years from the date hereof.
For and on behalf of the Disclosing Party:
Title: President & CEO
Name: ____________________________
Title: _______________________________