Software: Hardware, Software, and Users

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• It is a kind of program that enable a user to perform some specific task or used to operate
a computer.
• It directs all the peripheral devices on the computer system – what to do and how to perform a
• PC Software plays the role of mediator between the user and computer hardware. Without
software, a user can’t perform any task on a digital computer.

A computer system can be divided into three components: Hardware, Software, and Users.

Software can be further divide into mainly two parts: Application software and System Software.
• It is software designed to operate and control the hardware and to provide a platform for
running application software.
• It is written in a low-level language, like assembly language, so it can easily interact with
• they are usually related to the architecture of the machine on which they are run

There are 5 main types of system software:

1. Boot code - helps the computer prepare the system for loading and running an operating system

2. Operating system - a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer
hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.

3. User interfaces - One of the best examples of an interface is a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
This type of interface is what you are using now to navigate your computer

4. Widgets - Widgets are downloadable interactive virtual tools. They help to show users things
such as the latest news, time or weather among a variety of other things.

5. Utilities - Also known as service programs. Utilities perform a variety of functions like disk
defragmenting or data compression.

1. Device drivers
2. Virus
3. Backup
4. Translators
• Applications software also called end-user programs or merely an application.
• It resides above system software.
• The end-user uses applications software for a specific purpose. It programmed for simple
as well as complex tasks.
• It either be installed or access online.
• It can be a single program or a group of small programs that referred to as an application
• Application software can be used by the user to complete specific tasks, such as creating
word processors documents, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, CAD/CAM, sending
the email, etc.

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