Begin With A Square, White Side Up. 2. Fold The Left Side Over To The Right, 3. Fold The Top Left Corner Over To The
Begin With A Square, White Side Up. 2. Fold The Left Side Over To The Right, 3. Fold The Top Left Corner Over To The
Begin With A Square, White Side Up. 2. Fold The Left Side Over To The Right, 3. Fold The Top Left Corner Over To The
1. Begin with a square, white side up. 2. Fold the left side over to the right, 3. Fold the top left corner over to the
Fold and unfold along the diagonals, making pinches along the top and pinch you just made; pinch along the
but on the downward diagonal, only bottom edges. top edge and unfold. Repeat with the
make the crease sharp about 1/3 of bottom right corner.
the way in from each corner.
7: Instructions:
Pattern Grafting
Koi ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
4. Fold the top left corner over along 5. Fold the bottom edge up along a 6. Fold the right edge over along a
a crease connecting the pinch you horizontal fold that passes through a crease that passes through the crease
just made with the bottom left corner; crease intersection; make the crease intersection and unfold. Repeat with
make a pinch where it crosses the sharp only from the right edge about the top edge. Turn the paper over.
diagonal and unfold. Repeat with the half of the way across, then unfold.
bottom right corner. Repeat with the left edge.
7. Fold up a bit of the lower right 8. Fold the corner up along the 9. Turn the paper over and rotate so
corner. The corner goes halfway to diagonal. The fold hits the bottom that it is symmetric with a corner
the imaginary crease intersection edge at an existing crease. pointing down.
shown, but the exact amount isn’t
16. Fold the side flaps down 17. Fold the side corners up, 18. Lightly crease the bottom
and up. crease, and unfold. point up and down. Try not to
make any crease mark on the
far side.
19. Fold through all layers; 20. Fold and unfold all the 21. Swing the crimped
only make the crease sharp way up along a crease aligned flap to the left.
between the two dots. with the folded edge; unfold
to step 19.
22. Repeat steps 23. Turn the model over. 24. Fold the side corners in to
19–20 on the right. lie along the crease line.
7: Instructions:
Pattern Grafting
Koi ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
25. Swivel-fold the 26. Fold the sides 27. Fold the model in half,
corners upward while underneath on the existing incorporating a reverse fold at the
folding the sides in. creases, allowing the near bottom and keeping the top gently
flaps to swing outward. rounded. Rotate the model 1/2 turn.
28. Fold two corners up as 29. Crimp the tail upward. 30. Mountain-fold the white
far as possible. corner. Repeat behind.
31. Crimp the head down, 32. Mountain-fold the corners 33. Reverse-fold the tips of
keeping it and the body rounded just to the right of the fins. the fins.
and three-dimensional. Pleat the edge of the nose,
pinching at the corners.
34. Pleat the face. As you do 35. Pleat the fins and fold 36. Finished Koi.
so, make a small circular them up and out to the sides.
dimple at the top of the pleat Curve the tail slightly.
to form an eye. Repeat behind.