D H A W (. 3000 BCE - 700 CE) : 6th Version, March 2019
D H A W (. 3000 BCE - 700 CE) : 6th Version, March 2019
D H A W (. 3000 BCE - 700 CE) : 6th Version, March 2019
6th version,
March 2019.
Christian Laes
Given the vagueness of the term as well as the ever expanding scholarship on
Antiquity, compiling a 'complete' bibliography on disability in the ancient world
would prove to be an impossible or at least an herculean task.
This internet publication is therefore only meant as a working tool for scholars
in the field. You are kindly invited to send additions or corrections - also
offprints are welcomed.
In the present list, some publications concerning later periods have been
included, mainly because they are of importance for the study of disability in the
ancient world. Needless to say, also this addition is somehow arbitrary.
I am most grateful for the additions and suggestions which have been sent since
the publication of the first version. Special thanks are due to Danielle
Gourevitch and M. Miles for extensive correspondence on the matter.
Contact address for sending publications:
Universiteit Antwerpen
Grote Kauwenberg 18 (D 320)
B-2000 Antwerpen
[email protected]
J. Z. Abrams, Judaism and Disability: Portrayals in Ancient Texts from the
Tanach through the Bavli, Washington DC, 1998.
M. C. Albl, "'Are Any Among You Sick?' The Health Care System in the Letter
of James", Journal of Biblical Literature 121, 1 (2002) 123-143
S. B. Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion: The People, the Inscriptions, and the
Inventories, Amsterdam 1989.
A. Allély, "Anomalies du langage et de la parole et mutisme à Rome sous la
République et le Principat. Approches religieuse, politique, sociologique et
juridique", Kentron 20, 1-2 (2004) 117-136.
A. Allély, "La parole retrouvée du fils de Crésus à travers les sources grecques
et latines: étude philologique et anthropologique", Latomus 68 (2009) 16-34.
J. Anderson, A. Carden-Coyne, "Enabling the Past: New Perspectives in the
History of Disability", European Review of History/ Revue Européenne
d'histoire 14, 4 (2007) 447-457.
H. Aschauer, "Nero, ein Fall für den Psychiater?", in J. Merten (ed.), Nero.
Kaiser, Künstler und Tyrann. Begleitband zur Ausstellung (14. Mai bis 16.
Oktober 2016), Stuttgart 2016, 273-289.
A. Audibert, "La folie et la prodigalité", in A. Audibert, Etudes sur l'histoire du
droit romain, Paris 1892, 19-61.
M. Balberg, "In and Out the Body: the Significance of Intestinal Disease in
Rabbinic Literature", Journal of Late Antiquity 8, 2 (2015) 273-287.
R. J. S. Barret-Lennard, Christian Healing after the New Testament: Some
Approaches to Illness in the Second, Third, and Fourth Centuries, Lanham
M. Becker, "Jesus als unfähiger Exorzist. Die Kritik des anonymen Griechen bei
Makarios Magnes, Apokritikos 3,4", in Gründstäudl, Schiefer Ferrari, Distelrath
(2017) 117-141.
M. G. Belcastro, V. Mariotti, "Morphological and Biomechanical Analysis of a
Skeleton from Roman Imperial Necropolis of Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna,
Italy, II-III c. A. D.). A Possible Case of Crutch Use", Collegium
Antropologicum 24, 2 (2000) 529-539.
T. Benediktson, "Some more Lore and Facts about Ancient Epilepsy, mostly
from "Caligula's Phobias and Philias: Fear of Seizure?"", CJ 87, 2 (1991-92)
M. Binder et al., "Prosthetics in Antiquity – an Early Medieval Wearer of a Foot
Prothesis (6th century AD) from Hemmaberg/Austria", International Journal of
Paleopathology 12 (2016) 111-119.
S. E. Bond, ""As Trainers for the Healthy": Massage Therapists, Anointers, and
Healing in the Late Latin West", Journal of Late Antiquity 8, 2 (2015) 386-404.
S. E. Bond, T. H. M. Gellar-Goad, " Foul and Fair Bodies, Minds, and Poetry in
Roman Satire", in Laes (2017) 222-232.
J. Boswell, The Kindness of Strangers. The Abandonment of Children in
Western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, New York 1988.
M. Bregman, "The Parable of the Lame and the Blind: Epiphanius' Quotation
from an apocryphon of Ezekiel", JThS 42 (1991) 125-138.
R. Breitwieser (ed.), Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen/ Disability and
Impairment in Antiquity, Oxford 2012.
A. Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation,
Philadelphia 2013.
E. Carney, "The trouble with Philip Arrhidaeus", AHB 15, 1-2 (2001) 63-89.
A. Caspary, "The Patristic Era: Early Christian Attitudes toward the Disfugered
Outcast", in Brock, Swinton (2012) 24-64.
G. Cernuschi, Nuovi contributi per lo studio dei connotati personali nei
documenti dell 'egitto greco-romano, Padova 2010.
L. Cilliers, F. P. Retief, "Dream Healing in Asclepieia in the Mediterranean", in
S. M. Oberhelmann (ed.), Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From
Antiquity to the Present, Farnham 2013, 69-92.
B. Cohen (ed.), Not the Classical Ideal. Athens and the Construction of the
Other in Greek Art, Leiden, 2000.
G. Cootjans, D. Gourevitch, "Les noms des dents en grec et en latin", Revue de
philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 57 (1983) 189-202.
A. Crislip, Thorns in the Flesh: Ilness and Sanctity in Late Ancient Christianity,
Philadelphia, 2013.
K. R. Crocker, "The Lame Smith. Parallel Features in the Myths of the Greek
Hephaestus and the Teutonic Wayland", ArchN 6 (1977) 67-71.
V. Dasen, "L'enfant qui ne grandit pas", Medicina nei secoli 18, 2 (2006) 431-
V. Dasen, "Marques identitaires et anomalies physique", in A. Paravicini
Baglinani, J. M. Spieser, J. Wirth, Le portrait. La répresentation de l'individu,
Florence 2007, 15-33.
V. Dasen, " 'All Children are Dwarfs.' Medical Discourse and Iconography of
Children’s Bodies", OJA 27, 1 (2008) 49-62.
V. Dasen, Le sourire d' Omphale. Maternité et petit enfance dans l'Antiquité,
Rennes 2015.
L. De Libero, "Dem Schiksal trotzen. Behinderte Aristokraten in Rom", AHB 16
(2002) 75-93.
W. den Boer, Private Morality in Greece and Rome. Some Historical Aspects,
Leyden 1977.
J. H. W. Dorman, The Blemished Body: Deformity and Disability in the Qumran
Scrolls. Groningen 2007.
C. Downer, " The Coptic and Ethiopic Tradition on Disabilities", in Laes (2017)
U. Ecco, Storia della bruttezza, Milan 2007.
F. Elia, "Morbus e vitium: esonero dai munera", QC 6 (2007) 77-92.
P. Emberger, "Kaiser Claudius und der Umgang mit Behinderten zur Zeit des
julisch-Claudischen Kaiserhauses", in Breitwieser (2012) 75-83.
D. Fabiano, "Eco al maschile. Paesaggi sonori nel mito di Ila", I Quaderni del
Ramo d'Oro On-line 5 (2012) 203-218.
D. W. Farwell, T. L. Molleson, Excavations at Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset
1966-1980. The Cemeteries. 2 vol., Dorchester 1993.
M. Frass, ""Behinderung" und Leistungssport in der Antike? "Mys" der
wundersame Ringer", in Breitwieser (2012) 57-63.
J. Gager, Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World, New York
R. Garland, The Eye of the Beholder. Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-
Roman World, London 2010².
M. A. Gaumer, "What Difference did Islam Make? Disease and Disability in
Early Medieval North Africa", in Laes (2017) 403-420.
B. Gevaert, Chr. Laes, "What's in a Monster? Pliny the Elder, Teratology and
Bodily Disability", in Laes, Goodey, Rose (2013) 211-230.
B. Gevaert, " Roman Perfect bodies. The Stoic View", in Laes (2017) 213-221.
M. Ghaly, Islam and Disability. Perspectives in Theology and Jurisprudence,
London, New York 2009.
J. Godderis, Kan men een hemel klaren, even zwart als drek? Historische,
psychiatrische en fenomenologisch-antropologische beschouwingen over
depressie en melancholie, Leuven 2000.
J. Godderis, De hippocratische geneeskunde in al haar staten. Reflecties over
gezondheid en ziekte onder 't zachte ruisen van de plataan, Leuven 2005.
D. Gourevitch, "La psychiatrie de l'antiquité gréco-romaine", in J. Postel, C.
Quétel (ed.), Nouvelle histoire de la psychiatrie, Toulouse, 1983, 13-31.
D. Gourevitch, "Au temps des lois Julia et Papia Poppaea, la naissance d'un
enfant handicapé est-elle une affaire publique ou privée?", Ktèma 23 (1998)
D. Gourevitch, M. Gourevitch, "Chronique anachronique, II. Mélancholie",
L'Evolution Psychiatrique 45 (1980) 597-599.
H. Grassl, "Zur sozialen Position geistig Behinderter im Altertum", in Weiler
(1988) 107-116.
M. D. Grmek, D. Gourevitch, Les maladies dans l'art antique, Paris 1998.
M. M. Hardie, "The Evil Eye in Some Greek Villages of the Upper Haliakmon
Valley in West Macedonia", in A. Dundes (ed.), The Evil Eye: a Folklore
Casebook, New York 1981, 107-123.
W. V. Harris, "Demography, Geography and the Sources of Roman Slaves", JRS
89 (1999) 62-75.
M. Hirt, "La législation romaine et les droits de l'enfant", in V. Dasen (ed.),
Naissance et petite enfance dans l’Antiquité. Actes du colloque de Fribourg, 28
novembre – 1er décembre 2001. Göttingen 2004, 281-291.
M. Horstmanshoff, "Klein gebrek geen bezwaar? Over de klompvoet in de
oudheid", Lampas 46, 1 (2013).
J. Hubert (ed.), Madness, Disability and Social Exclusion: The Archaeology and
Anthropology of 'Difference', Abingdon 2000.
J. C. Hughes, "If Only the Ancients Had Had the DSM, All Would Have Been
Crystal Clear: Reflections on Diagnosis", in Harris (2013) 41-60.
M. Huys, The Tale of the Hero who was Exposed at Birth in Euripidean
Tragedy. A Study of Motifs, Leuven 1995.
R. P. J. Jackson, "Eye Medicine in the Roman Empire", ANRW II, 37, 3 (1996)
N. Jacoby, " Ein Mensch mit Behinderung als Held. Anchises in Vergils
Aeneis" in Gründstäudl, in Schiefer Ferrari, Distelrath (2017) 37-63.
I. Jenkins, Defining Beauty. The Body in Ancient Greek Art, London 2015.
T. E. Jones, " 'A Lame Man Can Ride... a Deaf Man Can Kill ... a Dead Man is
of No Use to Anyone'. When Was Deformity not a Disability in Early Medieval
Europe?", in Breitwieser (2012) 131-135.
J. Jouanna, V. Boudon-Millot, "The Typology and Etiology of Madness in
Ancient Greek Medical and Philosophical Writing", in Harris (2013) 97-118.
F. Just, From Tobit to Bartimaeus, from Qumran to Siloam: the Social Role of
Blind People and Attitudes toward the Blind in New Testament Times, Ph. D.
diss.Yale 1997.
G. Kağnıcı, "Insights from Sumerian Mythology: the Myth of Enki and Ninmah
and the History of Disability", Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 33, 2 (2018) 429-450.
O. Katz, Die Augenheilkunde des Galenus. Über Anatomie und Physiologie des
Sehorgans, Berlin 1890.
G. Kazantzidis, "'Quem nos furorem, melagcolivan illi vocant': Cicero on
Melancholy", in Harris (2013) 245-264.
N. Kelley, ""The Punishment of the Devil was Apparent in the Torment of the
Human Body": Epilepsy in Ancient Christianity", in C. A. Moss , J. Schipper
(eds.), Disability Studies and Biblical Literature. New York 2011, 205-222.
H. King, "Recovering Hysteria from History: Herodotus and 'the First Case of
Shell Shock'", in P. Halligan, C. Bass, J. C. Marshall (ed.), Contemporary
Approaches to the Science of Hysteria: Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives,
Oxford 2011, 36-48.
D. Konstan, "The Rhetoric of the Insanity Plea", in Harris (2013) 427-438.
Chr. Laes, "How Does one Do the History of Disability in Antiquity? One
Thousand Years of Case Studies", MedSec 23, 3 (2011) 915-946.
Chr. Laes," Unabling Zercon oder Disabled Zercon? Ein Narr an Attilas Hof",
Werkstatt Geschichte 65 (2013) 29-39.
Chr. Laes, "Raising a Disabled Child", in J. Evans Grubbs, T. Parkin, E. Bell
(ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical
World, Oxford 2013, 125-144.
Chr. Laes, "Introduction: Disabilities in the Ancient World -- Past, Present and
Future", in Laes (2017) 1-21.
Chr. Laes, Disabilities and the Disabled in the Roman World. A Social and
Cultural History, Cambridge 2018.
Chr. Laes, "Mental Hospitals in Pre-Modern Society: Antiquity, Byzantium,
Western Europe and Islam. Some Reconsiderations", in J. Rantala (ed.), Gender,
Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, Amsterdam, 2019, 301-324.
M. Leigh, "Wounding and Popular Rhetoric at Rome", BICS 40, 1 (1995) 195-
L. Lehmhaus, "‘An Amputee May Go Out with his Wooden Aid on Shabbat’:
Dynamics of Prosthetic Discourse in Talmudic Traditions", in Draycott (2018)
O. Lewis, "Archigenes of Apamea’s Treatment of Mental Diseases", in
Thumiger, Singer (2018) 143-175.
R. Lo Presti, "Mental Disorder and the Perils of Definition: Characterizing
Epilepsy in Greek Scientific Discourse (5th-4th Centuries BCE)", in Harris
(2013) 195-222.
D. B. Martin, Inventing Superstition: From the Hippocratics to the Christians
Cambridge, 2004.
J. C. McKeown, A Cabinet of Greek Curiosities. Strange Tales and Surprising
Facts from the Cradle of Western Civilization, Oxford 2013.
N. Metzger, " “Not a Daimōn, but a Severe Illness”: Oribasius, Posidonius and
Later Ancient Perspectives on Superhuman Agents Causing Disease", in
Thumiger, Singer (2018) 79-106.
I. Metzler, "Then and Now. Canonical law on disabilities", in Laes (2017) 455-
M.-G. Michel, "La folie avant Foucault: furor et ferocia", AC 50 (1981) 523-
M. Michler, "Die Krüppelleiden in De morbo sacro und De articulis," Sudhoffs
Archiv 45 (1961) 303-328.
M. Miles, "Hittite Deaf Men in the 13th Century BC: Introductory Notes with
Annotated Bibliography" 2008-2009
[www.independentliving.org/docs7/miles200809.html and
M. Miles, "India: Demystifying Disability in Antiquity", in Laes (2017) 90-105.
P. D. Moser, "Epiktet - ein Porträt des Philosophen als behinderter Mensch", in
Breitwieser (2012) 65-74.
D. Neubert, G. Cloerkes, Behinderung und Behinderte in verschiedenen
Kulturen, Heidelberg², 1994.
V. Nutton, "Rhodiapolis and Allianoi: Two Missing Links in the History of the
Hospital?", Early Christianity 5 (2014) 371-389.
D. Ogden, The Crooked Kings of Ancient Greece, London 1997.
J. H. Oliver, "Disability in the Roman Military Lists", RhM 100, 3 (1957) 242-
W. D. Penrose Jr., "The Discourse of Disability in Ancient Greece", CW 4
(2015) 499-523.
H.-Chr. Petersen, S. Zankel, ""Ein exzellenter Kinderartz, wenn man von den
Euthanasie-Dingen einmal absieht." – Werner Catel und die
Vergangenheitspolitik der Universität Kiel", in H. W. Prahl (ed.), Uni-
formierung des Geistes. Universität Kiel und der Nationalsozialismus, Kiel
2007, 133-179.
W. Poetscher, "Der Stumme Sohn der Kroisos", Zeitschrift für klinische
Psychologie und Psychotherapie 20 (1974) 367-368.
B. Pugno, Physicians of the Body and the Soul. Healing and Conversion in
Anglo-Saxon England, unpublished doct. diss., Houston, 2010.
M. Puig Rodriguez-Escalona, "La gestualidad facial segun los textos latinos:
gestos y maneras asociados a la nariz", Latomus 66, 1 (2007) 67-79.
J. F. Ratcliffe, R.D. Milns, "Did Caesar Augustus Suffer from Psoriasis and
Psoriatic Arthritis?", AHB 22, 1-2 (2008) 71-81.
P. Riak, "Religious Recollections of Family in the Ritual World of Rhodes",
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 62, 3-4 (2010) 227-270.
C. Roberts, "Did They Take Sugar? The Use of Skeletal Evidence in the Study
of Disability in Past Populations", in Hubert (2000) 46-60.
J. Ronson, The Psychopath Test: A Journey through the Madness Industry, New
York, 2011.
F. Rosner, "Jewish Medicine in the Talmudic Period", ANRW II, 37, 3 (1996)
S. J. Roth, The Blind, the Lame, and the Poor: Character Types in Luke-Acts,
Sheffield 1997.
E. Samama, " "Bons pour le service": les invalides au combat dans le monde
grec" in Collard, Samama (2010) 27-48.
E. Samama, "A King Walking with Pain? On the Textual and Iconographical
Images of Philip II and Other Wounded Kings", in Laes, Goodey, Rose (2013)
F. Sartori, "Nascite umane mostruose nel «Prodigiorum Liber» di Giulio
Ossequente", Atti della Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia (S.I.G.O.)
69 (1993) 17-23.
J. Scheid, "Les annales des pontifes. Une hypothèse de plus", in Convegno per
Santo Mazzarino, Rome, 9-11 mai 1991. Saggi di storia antica 13 (Rome, 1998)
W. Scheidel, Death on the Nile. Disease and the Demography of Roman Egypt,
Leyden, Boston, Cologne 2001.
W. Scheidel, "Germs from Rome", in C. Edwards & G. Woolf (ed.), Rome the
Cosmopolis, Cambridge 2003, 158-176.
M. Schmidt, "Hephaistos lebt. Untersuchungen zur Frage der Behandlung
behinderter Kinder in der Antike", Hephaistos 5-6 (1983-84) 133-161.
D. R. Schwartz, "Did the Ancient Jews Practice Infant Exposure and Infanticide
in Antiquity?", StudPhilon 16 (2004) 61-95.
R. E. Siegel, Galen's System of Psychology and Medicine III: Galen on
Psychology, Psychopathology, and Functions and Diseases of the Nervous
System: An Analysis of his Doctrine, Observations and Experiments, Basel
W. Southwell-Wright, " Questioning Disability: Physical Impairment, Disabled
Identities and Deviant Burial in Late Roman Britain", American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 156 (2015) 293.
F. Stok, "Follia e malattie mentali nella medicina dell' età romana", ANRW II,
37, 3, Berlin, New York 1996, 2282-2409.
S. Strassi, "Nomi parlanti nell' Egitto greco e romano", Akten des 21.
Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin 1995, Berlin 1997, 922-930.
K. Sudhoff, "Die eiserne Hand des Marcus Sergius aus dem Ende des 3.
Jahrhunderts vor Christo. Eine Prüfung", Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der
Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 15 (1916) 1-15.
O. Temkin, The Falling Sickness: a History of Epilepsy from the Greeks to the
Beginnings of Modern Neurology, Baltimore 1945.
C. Thumiger, ""A Most Acute, Disgusting and Indecent Disease": Satyriasis and
Sexual Disorders in Ancient Medicine", in Thumiger, Singer (2018) 269-284.
L. Trentin," Deformity in the Roman Imperial Court", G&R 58, 2 (2011) 195-
L. Trentin, The Hunchback in Hellenistic and Roman Art, London, 2016.
L. Trentin, "The 'Other' Romans: Deformed Bodies in the Visual Arts of Rome",
in Laes (2017) 233-247.
P. J. van der Eijk, "Helpen of niet schaden. Enkele uitgangspunten en methoden
van therapeutisch handelen in de klassieke Griekse geneeskunde", in H. F. J.
Horstmanshoff, J. J. E. van Everdingen (ed.), De eed van Hippocrates,
Overveen, Alphen aan den Rijn 2004, 57-63.
P. J. van der Eijk, "Cure and the (In)curability of Mental Disorders in Ancient
Medical and Philosophical Thought", in Harris (2013) 307-338.
P. J. van der Eijk, "Galen and Early Christians on the Role of the Divine in the
Causation and Treatment of Health and Disease", Early Christianity 5 (2014)
T. Van Houdt, " The Imperfect body in Nazi Germany: Ancient Concepts,
Modern Technologies", in Laes (2017) 468-479.
K. Van Lommel, "I Would Rather Cut off my Thumb: Refusal of Military
Service in Ancient Rome", Ancient Warfare Magazine 7, 2 (2013) 42-46.
P. Van Trigt, "Disability history: een vergeten geschiedenis in Nederland? Over
het nut van een nieuwe discipline voor het onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van
blinde en slechtziende mensen", Leidschrift 26, 1 (2011) 49-62.
K. M. Vogt, "Plato on Madness and the Good Life", in Harris (2013) 177-194.
L. Wallach, "The Parable of the Blind and the Lame", JBL (1943) 333-339.
I. Weiler, "Körperbehinderte aus der Sicht des Althistorikers" in G. Fetka-
Einsiedler and G. Förster (ed.), Diskriminiert? Zur Situation der Behinderten in
unserer Gesellschaft, Graz 1994, 7-23.
Felicitation of Merlin Peris, Emeritus Professor of Western Classics University
of Peradeniya, Colombo 2009, 125-155.
D. Wilson, Signs and Portents. Monstrous Births from the Middle Ages to the
Enlightment, London, New York 2003.
M. Witt, "Die 'Zwillinge des Hippokrates'. Ein antikes Zeugnis von erblich
disponierter Erkrankung (Augustinus, De civitate dei V, 2), seine mögliche
Quelle und Rezeption", in L. Perilli, Chr. Borckmann, K.-D. Fischer, A. Roselli
(eds.), Officina Hippocratica. Beiträge zu Ehren von Anargyros Anasassiou und
Dieter Irmer, Berlin 2011, p. 271-328.
U. Zürcher, Monster oder Laune der Natur. Medizin und die Lehre von den
Missbildungen 1780-1914, Frankfurt, New York 2004.