D H A W (. 3000 BCE - 700 CE) : 6th Version, March 2019

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(CA. 3000 BCE - CA. 700 CE)


6th version,
March 2019.

Christian Laes

Given the vagueness of the term as well as the ever expanding scholarship on
Antiquity, compiling a 'complete' bibliography on disability in the ancient world
would prove to be an impossible or at least an herculean task.
This internet publication is therefore only meant as a working tool for scholars
in the field. You are kindly invited to send additions or corrections - also
offprints are welcomed.
In the present list, some publications concerning later periods have been
included, mainly because they are of importance for the study of disability in the
ancient world. Needless to say, also this addition is somehow arbitrary.

I am most grateful for the additions and suggestions which have been sent since
the publication of the first version. Special thanks are due to Danielle
Gourevitch and M. Miles for extensive correspondence on the matter.

This sixth version is enlarged by approximately thirty new publications. More

attention has been paid to the world context. Readers will find new entries on
Judaism, the Gospels and (early) Islam.

Contact address for sending publications:

Prof. Dr. Christian Laes

Professor of Ancient History

Samuel Alexander Building (S 2.15)

Oxford Road, Manchester, M 13 9 PL
University of Manchester
[email protected]


Universiteit Antwerpen
Grote Kauwenberg 18 (D 320)
B-2000 Antwerpen
[email protected]

J. Z. Abrams, Judaism and Disability: Portrayals in Ancient Texts from the
Tanach through the Bavli, Washington DC, 1998.

A. W. H. Adkins, "Paralysis and Akrasia in Eth. Nicom. 1102 b16ff.", AJPh 97

(1976) 62-64.

M. Ahonen, Mental Diseases in Ancient Philosophy, New York, 2014.

M. C. Albl, "'Are Any Among You Sick?' The Health Care System in the Letter
of James", Journal of Biblical Literature 121, 1 (2002) 123-143

G. L. Albrecht, K. D. Seelman, M. Bury (ed.), Handbook of Disability Studies,

Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi 2001.

M. Aldhouse Green, "'Singing Stones': Contexting Body Language in Romano-

British Iconography", Britannia 43 (2012) 115-134.

A. Alduc-La Bagousse, "Comportements à l'égard des nouveau-nés et des petits

enfants dans les sociétés de la fin de l'Antiquité et du Haut Moyen Âge", in
Buchet (1997) 81-95.

S. B. Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion: The People, the Inscriptions, and the
Inventories, Amsterdam 1989.

A. Allélly, "Les enfants malformés et considérés comme prodigia à Rome et en

Italie sous la République", REA 105, 1 (2003) 127-156.

A. Allély, "Anomalies du langage et de la parole et mutisme à Rome sous la
République et le Principat. Approches religieuse, politique, sociologique et
juridique", Kentron 20, 1-2 (2004) 117-136.

A. Allélly, "Les enfants malformés et handicapés à Rome sous le Principat",

REA 106, 1 (2004) 73-101.

A. Allély, "La parole retrouvée du fils de Crésus à travers les sources grecques
et latines: étude philologique et anthropologique", Latomus 68 (2009) 16-34.

A. Allély, "Handicaps, malformations et infirmités dans l'Antiquité.

Introduction", Pallas 106 (2018) 167-171.

A. Allély, "Les enfants handicapés, infirmes et malformés à Rome et dans

l'Empire romain pendant l'Antiquité tardive", Pallas 106 (2018) 197-211.

D. W. Amundsen, "Medicine and the Birth of Defective Children: Approaches

of the Ancient World", in R. C. McMillan, H. T. Engelhardt, Jr., S. F. Spicker
(ed.), Euthanasia and the Newborn, Dordrecht 1987, 3-22.

D. W. Amundsen, G. B. Ferngren, "The Early Christian Tradition", in R. L.

Numbers, D. W. Amundsen (ed.), Caring and Curing. Health and Medicine in
the Western Religious Traditions, Baltimore, London 1986, 40-64.

D. W. Amundsen, G. B. Ferngren, "Disease and Disease Casuality in the New

Testament", in ANRW II, 37, 3 (1996) 2934-2956

J. Anderson, A. Carden-Coyne, "Enabling the Past: New Perspectives in the
History of Disability", European Review of History/ Revue Européenne
d'histoire 14, 4 (2007) 447-457.

J. Angst, A. Marneros, "Bipolarity from Ancient to Modern times: Conception,

Birth and Rebirth", Journal of Affective Disorders 67, 1-3 (2001) 3-19.

M. Armisen-Marchetti, "Arnobe et l'expérience de l'enfant sauvage (Adversus

Nationes 2, 20-23)", Eoos 96, 2 (2009) 357-373.

S. Arnaud-Lesot, "Les aspects médicaux de la honte dans le De medicina de

Celse", in R. Alexandre, C. Guérin, M. Jacotot (ed.), Rubor et Pudor. Vivre et
penser la honte dans la Rome ancienne, Paris 2012, 45-59.

L. Arseneault, M. Cannon, H. L. Fisher, G. Polanczyk, T. E. Moffit, A. Caspi,

"Childhood Trauma and Children's Emerging Psychotic Symptoms: a
Genetically Sensitive Longitudinal Cohort Study", AJPsy 168 (2011) 65-72.

P. Arzt-Grabner, "Behinderungen und Behinderte in den griechischen Papyri",

in Breitwieser (2012) 47-55.

H. Aschauer, "Nero, ein Fall für den Psychiater?", in J. Merten (ed.), Nero.
Kaiser, Künstler und Tyrann. Begleitband zur Ausstellung (14. Mai bis 16.
Oktober 2016), Stuttgart 2016, 273-289.

K. Aterman, "Why Did Hephaestus Limp?", American Journal of Diseases of

Children 109 (1995) 381-392.

M. Atkins, R. Osborne (ed.), Poverty in the Ancient World, Cambridge 2006.

A. Audibert, "La folie et la prodigalité", in A. Audibert, Etudes sur l'histoire du
droit romain, Paris 1892, 19-61.

P. Baker, S. Francis, "Incomplete Adults: the Mentally Impaired in Classical

Antiquity", AClass 50 (2007) 171-172 [summary of paper, Casa Conference,
Cape Town, 2-5 July 2007].

O. M. Bakke, When Children became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early

Christianity, Minneapolis 2005.

M. Balberg, "In and Out the Body: the Significance of Intestinal Disease in
Rabbinic Literature", Journal of Late Antiquity 8, 2 (2015) 273-287.

P. Balin, "Diagnostic: lycanthrope", in Bianchi, Thévenaz (2004) 295-306.

A. A. Barb, "The survival of magic arts", in A. Momigliano (ed.), The Conflict

between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century, Oxford 1963, 100-

C. Baroin, "Integrité du corps, maladie, mutilation et exclusion chez les

magistrats et les sénateurs romains", in Collard & Samama (2010) 49-68.

C. Baroin, "La beauté du corps masculin dans le monde romain : état de la

recherche récente et pistes de réflexion", DHA 14 (2015) 31-51.

C. Baroin, "Boiterie et boiteux dans le monde romain à l'époque classique",

Pallas 106 (2018) 257-274.

R. J. S. Barret-Lennard, Christian Healing after the New Testament: Some
Approaches to Illness in the Second, Third, and Fourth Centuries, Lanham

R. J. S. Barret-Lennard, "The Canons of Hippolytus and Christian Sources with

Illness, Health, and Healing", JECS 13, 2 (2005) 137-164.

G. B. Bazzana, "Early Christian Missionaries as Physicians: Healing and its

Cultural Value in the Greco-Roman Context", Novum Testamentum 51, 3 (2009)

M. Beagon, "Beyond Comparison: M. Sergius, Fortunae Victor", in G. Clark, T.

Rajak (ed.), Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World, Oxford 2002,

R. H. Beal, "Disabilities from Head to Foot in the Hittite Civilization", in Laes

(2017) 37-46.

M. J. Becker, "Etruscan Gold Dental Appliances. Three Newly 'Discovered'

Examples", AJA 103 (1999) 103-111.

M. J. Becker, "Dentistry in Ancient Rome: Direct Evidence Bases on Teeth from

Excavations at the Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum Romanum",
International Journal of Anthropology 29, 4 (2014) 209-220.

M. Becker, "Jesus als unfähiger Exorzist. Die Kritik des anonymen Griechen bei
Makarios Magnes, Apokritikos 3,4", in Gründstäudl, Schiefer Ferrari, Distelrath
(2017) 117-141.

M. G. Belcastro, V. Mariotti, "Morphological and Biomechanical Analysis of a
Skeleton from Roman Imperial Necropolis of Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna,
Italy, II-III c. A. D.). A Possible Case of Crutch Use", Collegium
Antropologicum 24, 2 (2000) 529-539.

J. Watts Belser, L. Lehmhaus, "Disability in Rabbinic Judaism", in Laes (2017)


T. Benediktson,"Caligula's Madness: Madness or Interictal Temporal Late

Epilepsy?", CW 82, 5 (1989) 370-375.

T. Benediktson, "Some more Lore and Facts about Ancient Epilepsy, mostly
from "Caligula's Phobias and Philias: Fear of Seizure?"", CJ 87, 2 (1991-92)

H. Benkheira, "Impotent Husbands, Eunuchs and Flawed Women in Early

Islamic Law", in Laes (2017) 421-433.

E. A. Bernidaki-Aldous, Blindness in a Culture of Light. Especially the Case of

Oedipus at Colonus of Sophocles, New York, 1990.

O. Bianchi, O. Thévenaz (ed.), Mirabilia - Conceptions et représentations de

l’extraordinaire dans le monde antique. Actes du colloque international,
Lausanne, 20-22 mars 2003, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main,
New York, Oxford, Wien 2004.

C. G. Bien, Erklärungen zur Entstehung von Mißbildungen im physiologischen

und medizinischen Schrifttum der Antike, Stuttgart 1997.

M. Binder et al., "Prosthetics in Antiquity – an Early Medieval Wearer of a Foot
Prothesis (6th century AD) from Hemmaberg/Austria", International Journal of
Paleopathology 12 (2016) 111-119.

L. J. Bliquez, "Prosthetics in Classical Antiquity. Greek, Etruscan, and Roman

Prosthetics", in ANRW II, 37, 3 (1996) 2640-2676.

L. Bodiou, V. Mehl, M. Soria (ed.), Corps outragés, corps ravagés de

l'Antiquité au Moyen Âge, Turnhout 2011.

S. Boehringer, ""Ces monstres de femmes." Topique des thaumata dans les

discours sur l’homosexualité féminine aux premiers siècles de notre ère", in
Bianchi, Thévenaz (2004) 75-98.

J. Boëldieu-Trevet, "Des nouveaus-nés malformés et un roi boiteux: histoires

Spartiates", Pallas 106 (2018) 213-228.

S. E. Bond, ""As Trainers for the Healthy": Massage Therapists, Anointers, and
Healing in the Late Latin West", Journal of Late Antiquity 8, 2 (2015) 386-404.

S. E. Bond, T. H. M. Gellar-Goad, " Foul and Fair Bodies, Minds, and Poetry in
Roman Satire", in Laes (2017) 222-232.

J.-B. Bonnard, "L'exposition des nouveau-nés handicapés dans le monde grec,

entre réalités et mythes: un point sur la question", Pallas 106 (2018) 229-240.

P. Bosman, Mania. Madness in the Greco-Roman World, Pretoria 2009.

P. Bosman, "Introduction", in Bosman (2009) 1-7.

J. Boswell, The Kindness of Strangers. The Abandonment of Children in
Western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, New York 1988.

V. Boudon-Millot, "Médecine et esthétique : nature de la beauté et beauté de la

nature chez Galien", BAGB 2 (2003) 77-91.

V. Boudon-Millot, "Galien de Pergame face au mirage de la beauté parfaite",

BAGB 1 (2006) 127-141.

V. Boudon-Millot, "What is a Mental Illness, and How Can It Be Treated?

Galen's Reply as a Doctor and Philosoper", in Harris (2013) 129-145.

J. Bouffartigue, "L'état mental de l'empereur Julien", REG 102 (1989) 529-539.

M. Bradley, "Obesity, Corpulence and Emaciation in Roman art", PBSR 79

(2011) 1-41.

E. Bredberg, "Writing Disability History: Problems, Perspectives and Sources",

Disability and Society 14, 2 (1999) 189-201.

M. Bregman, "The Parable of the Lame and the Blind: Epiphanius' Quotation
from an apocryphon of Ezekiel", JThS 42 (1991) 125-138.

R. Breitwieser, art. Kropf, in Leven (2005) c. 542.

R. Breitwieser, art. Trepanation, in Leven (2005) c. 878-879.

R. Breitwieser (ed.), Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen/ Disability and
Impairment in Antiquity, Oxford 2012.

J. N. Bremmer, "Hephaistos Sweats or how to Construct an Ambivalent God", in

J. N. Bremmer, A. Erskine (ed.), The Gods of Ancient Greece, Edinburgh 2010,

J. Breslau, "Introduction: Cultures of Trauma: Anthropological Views of

Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in International Health", Culture, Medicine,
Psychiatry 28 (2004) 113-126.

J. Breslau, "Responses to "Commentary: Deconstructing Critiques on the

Internationalization of PTSD", Culture, Medicine, Psychiatry 29 (2005) 371-

L. Brisson, Le sexe incertain. Androgynie et hermaphroditisme dans l’Antiquité

gréco-romaine. Paris 1997.

B. Brock, J. Swinton (eds.), Disability in the Christian Tradition. A Reader,

Grand Rapids, Cambridge 2012.

D. Brouzas, A. Charakidas, M. Vasilakis, P. Nikakis, D. Chatzoulis,

"Nyctalopia in Antiquity: a Review of the Ancient Greek, Latin, and Byzantine
Literature", Ophthalmology 108, 10 (2001) 1917-1921.

A. Z. Bryen, A. Wypustek, "Gemellus' Evil Eyes (P. Mich. VI 423-424)", GRBS

49 (2009) 535-555.

A. Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation,
Philadelphia 2013.

A. Buccelllato, P. Catalano, S. Musco, "Alcuni aspetti rituali evidenziati nel

corso dello scavo della necropoli collatina (Roma)", in J. Scheid (ed.) Pour une
archéologie du rite. Nouvelles perspectives de l’archéologie funéraire, Rome
2008, 59-88.

L. Buchet, L'enfants, son corps, son histoire, Antipolis 1997.

P. Burguiere, D. Gourevitch, Y. Malinas, Soranos d’Ephese, Maladies des

femmes. Tome I-IV (Collection Budé), Paris 1988-2000.

C. W. Bynum, The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity: 200-1336

(New York, 1996).

E. Carney, "The trouble with Philip Arrhidaeus", AHB 15, 1-2 (2001) 63-89.

A. Caspary, "The Patristic Era: Early Christian Attitudes toward the Disfugered
Outcast", in Brock, Swinton (2012) 24-64.

D. Cadelli, "Lorsque l'enfant paraît malade", Ktèma 22 (1997) 11-23.

C. Carruth, Unclaimed Experience. Trauma, Narrative, and History, Baltimore,

London 2010.

E. Cazzuffi, 'Uxoricidio, necrofilia, incesto e altri aneddoti della leggenda

tirannica da Periandro a Nerone', Eikasmos 24 (2013) 255-273.

G. Cernuschi, Nuovi contributi per lo studio dei connotati personali nei
documenti dell 'egitto greco-romano, Padova 2010.

J. Champeaux, "Le Tibre, le pont et les pontifes. Contribution à l'histoire du

prodige romain" REL 81 (2003), 25-42.

L. Chappuiz-Sandoz, "La survie des monstres : ethnographie phantastique et

handicap à Rome", Latomus 67, 1 (2008) 21-36.

Ph. Charlier, Les monstres humains dans l'Antiquité. Analyse

paléopathologique, Paris 2008.

L. Cherubini, "L'oculata malefica. Sguardi di strega dalla commedia plautina", I

Quaderni del Ramo On-line 1 (2008) 157-184

L. Cherubini, "Mostri vicini, mostri di casa. Di alcune creature straordinarie del

mito antico", I Quaderni del Ramo On-line 5 (2012) 137-150.

L. Cilliers, F. P. Retief, "The Eunuchs of Early Byzantium", Scholia 13 (2004)


L. Cilliers, F. P. Retief, "Mental Illness in the Greco-Roman Era", in Bosman

(2009) 130-140.

L. Cilliers, F. P. Retief, "Ortopedie in die antieke tyd", Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif

vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 28 (2009) 87-100.

L. Cilliers, F. P. Retief, "Dream Healing in Asclepieia in the Mediterranean", in
S. M. Oberhelmann (ed.), Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From
Antiquity to the Present, Farnham 2013, 69-92.

M. Claes, A. Dupont, "Augustine's Sermons and Disability", in Laes (2017) 328-


P. A. Clark, M. L. Rose, "Psychiatric Disability in the Galenic Medical Matrix",

in Laes, Goodey, Rose (2013) 45-72.

J. R. Clarke, Looking at Laughter: Humor, Power, and Transgression in Roman

Visual Culture, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250, Berkeley 2007.

B. Cohen (ed.), Not the Classical Ideal. Athens and the Construction of the
Other in Greek Art, Leiden, 2000.

B. Cohen, Introduction, in Cohen (2000) 1-20.

E. Coleman, "L'infanticide dans le Haut Moyen Âge", A.E.S.C. 29 (1974) 315-


F. Collard, E. Samama (ed.), Handicaps et sociétés dans l'histoire: l'estropié,

l'aveugle et le paralytique de l'Antiquité au temps modernes, Paris 2010.

O. Coloru, "Ancient Persia and Silent Disability", in Laes (2017) 61-74.

G. Cootjans, La stomatologie dans le corpus aristotélicien, Brussels 1991.

G. Cootjans, D. Gourevitch, "Les noms des dents en grec et en latin", Revue de
philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 57 (1983) 189-202.

M. Corbier, "Child Exposure and Abandonment", in S. Dixon (ed.), Childhood,

Class and Kin in the Roman World, London, New York 2001, 52-73.

P. B. Corbett, The scurra, Edinburgh 1996.

S. Costanza, "Melampo, Ificlo e la cura dell’impotenza", Maia 62, 2‐3 (2010)


W. Cotter, Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity. A Sourcebook for the Study of

New Testament Miracle Stories, London 1999.

S. Coughlin, "Athenaeus of Attalia on the Psychological Causes of Bodily

Health", in Thumiger, Singer (2018) 107-142.

E. Craig, G. Craig, "The Diagnosis and Context of a Facial Deformity from an

Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Spofforth, North Yorkshire", International Journal of
Osteoarchaeology (published online) doi: 10.1002/oa.1288.

S. Crawford, "Differentiation in the Later Anglo-Saxon Burial Ritual on the

Basis of Mental or Physical Impairment: a Documentary Perspective", in J.
Buckberry, A. Cherryson (ed.), Burial in Later Anglo-Saxon England, c. 650 to
1100 AD, Oxford 2010, 93-102.

A. Crislip, From Monastery to Hospital: Christian Monasticism and the

Transformation of Health Care in Late Antiquity, Ann Arbor, 2005.

A. Crislip, Thorns in the Flesh: Ilness and Sanctity in Late Ancient Christianity,
Philadelphia, 2013.

A. Crislip, "New Perspectives on Health and Disability in Late Ancient Judaism

and Christianity: a Response", Journal of Late Antiquity 8, 2 (2015) 405-409.

K. R. Crocker, "The Lame Smith. Parallel Features in the Myths of the Greek
Hephaestus and the Teutonic Wayland", ArchN 6 (1977) 67-71.

B. Cuny-Le Callet, Rome et ses monstres. 1, Naissance d'un concept

philosophique et rhétorique, Grenoble, 2005.

D. Dalla, L'incapacità sessuale in diritto romano, Milan 1978.

V. Dasen, Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece, Oxford 1993.

V. Dasen, 'Autour de l’estopié du Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève',

Gesnerus 54 (1997) 5-22.

V. Dasen, Jumeaux, jumelles dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine (Zürich,


V. Dasen, A. Leroi, "Homme ou bête? Le dieu caché de l'anencéphale

d'Hermopolis", in A. Carol, R. Bertrand (ed.), Le "monstre" humain: imaginaire
et société, Aix-en-Provence 2005, 21-44.

V. Dasen, "L'enfant qui ne grandit pas", Medicina nei secoli 18, 2 (2006) 431-

V. Dasen, "Marques identitaires et anomalies physique", in A. Paravicini
Baglinani, J. M. Spieser, J. Wirth, Le portrait. La répresentation de l'individu,
Florence 2007, 15-33.

V. Dasen, " 'All Children are Dwarfs.' Medical Discourse and Iconography of
Children’s Bodies", OJA 27, 1 (2008) 49-62.

V. Dasen, "L'anencephale d'Hermopolis (Egypte) et son destin", in V. Delattre,

R. Salem (ed.), Décrypter la différence: lecture archéologique et historique de
la place des personnes handicapées dans les communautés du passé, Paris,
2009, 49-52.

V. Dasen, "Naître et grandir différent dans le monde grec", in V. Delattre, R.

Salem (ed.), Décrypter la différence: lecture archéologique et historique de la
place des personnes handicapées dans les communautés du passé, Paris, 2009,

V. Dasen, "Normal, anormal ? Aux frontières de la différence dans le monde

classique", in S. de Reyff, M. Viegnes, J. Rime (ed.), Les frontières de la
tolérance, Neuchâtel 2013, xxx.

V. Dasen, " Body Marks - Birthmarks. Body Divination in Ancient Literature

and Iconography’, in D. Boschung, F. Waschek (eds.), Bodies in Transition.
Dissolving the Boundaries of Embodied Knowledge, Munich, 2015, 155-177.

V. Dasen, "Infirmitas or not? Short-statured Persons in Ancient Greece", in

Krötzl, Mustakallio, Kuuliala (2015) 29-49.

V. Dasen, Le sourire d' Omphale. Maternité et petit enfance dans l'Antiquité,
Rennes 2015.

V. Dasen, "Modèles anatomiques tératologiques et cabinets de curiosités dans

l'Antiquité", Pallas 106 (2018) 175-196.

V. Dasen, S. Ducaté-Paarmann, "Hysteria and Metaphors of the Uterus in

Classical Antiquity", in S. Schroer (ed.), Images and gender : contributions to
the Hermeneutics of Reading Ancient art (Fribourg, 2006) 239-261.

R. David, "Egyptian Medicine and Disabilities: from Pharaonic to Greco-Roman

Egypt", in Laes (2017) 75-89.

W. R. Dawson, F. D. Harvey, "Herodotus as a Medical Writer", Bulletin of the

Institute of Classical Studies 33 (1986) 87-96.

M. De Franchis, "La représentation des blessés dans la troisième décade de Tite-

Live" in Collard & Samama (2010) 69-84.

J. T. V. M. De Jong, "Commentary: Deconstructing Critiques on the

Internationalization of PTSD", Culture, Medicine, Psychiatry 29 (2005) 361-

L. De Libero, "Mit eiserner Hand ins Amt? Kriegsversehrte römische

Aristokraten zwischen Recht und Religion, Ausgrenzung und Integration", in J.
Spielvogel (ed.), Res publica reperta: zur Verfassung und Gesellschaft der
romischen Republik und des frühen Prinzipats, Stuttgart 2002, 172-191.

L. De Libero, "Dem Schiksal trotzen. Behinderte Aristokraten in Rom", AHB 16
(2002) 75-93.

W. den Boer, Private Morality in Greece and Rome. Some Historical Aspects,
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American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84 (1991) 375-384.

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in Thumiger, Singer (2018) 198-221.

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Review of Ecology and Systematics 6 (1975) 109-110.

M. P. J. Dillon, "Payment to the Disabled at Athens: Social Justice or Fear of

Aristocratic Patronage?", AS 26 (1995) 27-57.

M. Dillon, " Legal (and Customary?) Approaches to the Disabled in Ancient

Greece", in Laes (2017) 167-181.

J. Dolmage, ""Breath Upon Us as an Even Flame": Hephaestus, History, and

the Body of Rhetoric", RhetR 25, 2 (2006) 119-140.

M. W. Dols, Majnun: the Madman in Medieval Islamic Society, Oxford 1992.

A. Dorman, "Menschen mit Behinderung im Licht der Qumrantexte", in

Gründstäudl, Schiefer Ferrari, Distelrath (2017) 93-115.

J. H. W. Dorman, The Blemished Body: Deformity and Disability in the Qumran
Scrolls. Groningen 2007.

C. Downer, " The Coptic and Ethiopic Tradition on Disabilities", in Laes (2017)

J. Draycott, Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt, Oxford 2012.

J. Draycott, "Reconstructing the Lived Experience of Disability in Antiquity: a

Case Study of Roman Egypt", in G&R 62, 2 (2015) p. 189-205.

J. Draycott (ed.), Prostheses in Antiquity. London 2018.

J. Draycott, "Hair Loss as Facial Disfigurement in Ancient Rome?", in P.

Skinner, E. Cock (eds), Approaching Facial Difference: Past and Present,
London 2018, 65-83.

J. Draycott, "Introduction", in Draycott (2018) 1-28.

J. Draycott, "Prosthetic Hair in Ancient Rome", in Draycott (2018) 71-96.

M. Ducos, "Penser et surmonter le handicap: les écrits des juristes romains" in

Collard & Samama (2010) 85-100.

F. Dupont, "Les plaisirs de Claude", in Y. Burand, Y. Le Bohec, J. P. Martin

(ed.), Claude de Lyon, empereur romain : actes du colloque Paris-Nancy-Lyon,
novembre 1992, Paris 1998, 59-67.

U. Ecco, Storia della bellezza, Milan 2004.

U. Ecco, Storia della bruttezza, Milan 2007.

A. Edelstein, E. Edelstein, Asclepius: A Collection and Interpretation of the

Testimonies, Baltimore 1945.

L. Edelstein, "Greek Medicine in its Relation to Religion and Magic", Bulletin of

the Institute of the History of Medicine, 5 (1937) 201-246.

M. L. Edwards [= L. Rose], "The Cultural Context of Deformity in the Greek

World. Let there be a Law that no Deformed Child shall be Reared", AHB 10, 3-
4 (1996) 79-92.

M. L. Edwards [= L. Rose], "Constructions of Physical Disability in the Ancient

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