Àa Àäl - 156 Àaapé: Volume - 156, Issue 130
Àa Àäl - 156 Àaapé: Volume - 156, Issue 130
Àa Àäl - 156 Àaapé: Volume - 156, Issue 130
Volume - 156 BENGALURU, TUESDAY, 24, AUGUST, 2021 (BHADRAPADA , 02, SHAKAVARSHA, 1943) Issue 130
¨sÁUÀ 4J
No: LD 207 LET 2021 Karnataka Government Secretariat,
Vikasa Soudha,
Bengaluru, dated: 13/08/2021.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 62 of the Building and Others Constructions
Worker’s (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (Central Act No.27 of
1996) read with sub-rule (1) of rule 45 of the Building and Others Constructions Worker’s
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Karnataka Rules, 2006 the Government of
Karnataka, hereby notifies the amount of educational assistance to the registered construction
workers as under:-
Sl. Name of the Educational course or Annual Educational Assistance
No. Standard or Grade (in Rs.)
Pre-matric Courses
1 KG/ Pre School/ Nursery (Age 3 to 5) 5,000
2 1st- 4th Std 5,000
3 5th- 8th Std 8,000
4 9th & 10th Std 12,000
Post- matric / HSC
5 1st PUC & IInd PUC 15,000
6 Polytechnic / Diploma /ITI 20,000
7 Bsc Nursing/ GNM /ANM/ 40,000
Paramedical Courses
8 D.ed 25,000
B.ed 35,000
9 Graduation (Any discipline) 25,000
1504 , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
10 LLB / LLM 30,000
11 Any Post Graduation Rs. 35,000/- for maximum of 2 years subject
Technical / Medical through NEET or KCET
12 BE/B.Tech or equivalent U.G courses. Rs. 50,000/- subject to the maximum
number of the years course
13 M.Tech / ME (or equivalent Post Rs. 60,000/- subject to the maximum of
Graduation courses. number of the years course.
14 Medical (MBBS/ BAMS/ BDS/ BHMS Rs. 60,000/- (subject to the maximum of
or equivalent course of Medical Studies) number of the years course)
Rs. 75,000/- (subject to the maximum of
MD number of the years course)
15 Ph.D / M.Phil (Any Subject) Rs. 25,000/- for maximum of 3 years for
P.hd and 1 year for M.phil (Those
candidates who have been selected for
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of UGC
or who are in the employment of the State /
Central Government or working in Aided
colleges in the posts covered under the grant
in Aid schemes of UGC Colleges are not
eligible for this assistance).
16 IIT/ IIIT/ IIM/ NIT/ IISER/ AIIMS / Actual Tuition fee paid
NLU and listed courses of Government
of India.
i. The students should have passed previous academic year and should have enrolled for the
current academic year.
ii. Further, the scholarship may be disbursed through DBT Mode on State scholarship Portal
(SSP) designed by the Centre for e-Governance, Government of Karnataka.
iii. The actual processing fee for successful applications will be reimbursed in case of
iv. Students pursuing the above courses in any discipline / Branches or studies equivalent to
the above courses are also eligible for the scholarship applicable to their respective
v. Registered construction workers whose membership is valid at the time of submitting the
application for educational assistance and whose children have enrolled for the above
courses are eligible for scholarship.
vi. Students appearing for the various examinations through the National Institute of Open
Schooling shall be reimbursed the actual examination fees of the specific course.
vii. This Notification will come into effect from the academic year 2021-2022.
By order and in the name of the
Governor of Karnataka,
(Sandhya L. Nayak)
Deputy Secretary to Government,
Labour department.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1505
No:SWD 245 MDS 2021 Karnataka Government Secretary,
Vikasa Soudha,
Bangalore, dated:19.08.2021
The draft of the following rules which the Government of Karnataka proposes to make in exercise of the powers
conferred under clause (3) and (7) of rule 11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Association of the Karnataka Residential
Educational Institutions Society, the Governing council of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society with
the approval of the Government of Karnataka and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read
with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) is hereby published as required
by clause(a) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the said Act, for the information of all the persons likely to be affected thereby
and notice is hereby given that the said draft will be taken into consideration after the expiry of fifteen days from the date
of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Any objection or suggestion which may be received by the State Government from any person with respect to the
said draft before the expiry of the period specified above will be considered by the State Government. Objections or
suggestions may be addressed to the Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Social welfare Department, Vikasasoudha,
2nd Flore, Room No.232, Bangalore-560001.
1 Title and commencement :-
1) These regulations may be called the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (Cadre and Recruitment)
2) They shall come into force on the date of Registrations of these regulations under sub-section (2) of section 10 of the Karnataka societies
Registrations Act, 1960(Karnataka Act 17 of 1960)
1506 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
2 1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:-
a) “ Appointing Authority” means the Executive Director of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society;
b) “Direct Recruitment” in relation to any category of service or post includes appointment otherwise than by promotion or deputation from any
state civil service or corporate or Body;
c) “Employee” means employee of the Society appointed in accordance with these regulations;
d) “Governing Council” means the Governing council of the society formed as per bye-law of the Society;
e) “Officer” means the Officer of the Society;
f) “Other Backward Classes” mean the persons belonging to the classes or categories so notified by the Government of Karnataka;
g) “Promotion means the appointment from a lower post or grade of service to a higher post or grade of service in the Society;
h) “Recruitment Committee” means the authority appointed by the Governing Council for the purpose of making direct recruitment;
i) “Residential School” means the Residential School established by the Government of Karnataka from time to time for Scheduled Caste /
Scheduled Tribes/Backward Classes and other Students, coming under the administrative jurisdiction of the Society;
j) “Scheduled Caste” and “Scheduled Tribes” shall have reference to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Constitution
(Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950 made under Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution of India;
k) “Selection” means selection in accordance with the provisions of these regulations by the Recruitment committee appointed for the purpose
by Governing council;
(1) “Society” means the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society registered under the Karnataka Society Registration Act, 1960
(2) Words used but not defined in these regulations shall have meaning assigned to them in the Karnataka Society Registration Act, 1960 or as the
case may be, in the rules made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990);
3 Application of other rules to the employees of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society :- The provisions of following
rules, save as otherwise provided in these regulations, shall mutatis mutandis apply to the employees of the Karnataka Residential Educational
Institutions Society , namely:-
(1) The Karnataka Civil Services Rules except pension rules.
(2) The Karnataka Government Servant (Seniority) Rules 1957.
(3) The Karnataka Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1960.
(4) The Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977 and Karnataka Civil Services (Probation) Rules 1977.
(5) The Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, control and appeal) Rules 1957 subject to modification specified in Schedule –III.
(6) The Karnataka Civil Services (Service and Kannada Language Examinations) Rules, 1974.
(7) All other rules made or deemed to have made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) governing
the conditions of the service of Government Servants.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1507
Category of Posts, Method of Recruitment and Minimum Qualification:-The establishment of the Karnataka Residential Educational
4 Institutions Society shall consist of the category of posts, scale of pay specified in column (2) of the Schedule:- I their number, the method
of recruitment and minimum qualification shall be as specified in column (3), (4) and (5) thereof.
5 Employees of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society to pass certain Service Examination;
(1) The employee shall pass Kannada language examination and certain other service examinations as specified in Schedule-IV within the
time provided under The Karnataka Civil Services (Service and Kannada Language Examinations) Rules 1974 or within two years from
the date of commencement of these regulations whichever is later;
(2) Employee shall be confirmed in the post held by him or shall earn an increment in the time scale of the pay only when he passes the
service examinations.
(3) For promotion to any higher post, candidate must have passed service examinations for such higher post, in the rules.
Authority to institute disciplinary proceedings and impose penalties and appeal provisions:
The disciplinary proceedings against an employee of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society may be instituted by the
6 Appointing Authority in accordance with the Karnataka Civil Service (Classification, control and Appeal) Rules 1957. The Appointing
(1) Authority, the Disciplinary Authority to impose different type of penalties and Appellate shall be as specified in schedule –III appended to
these regulations.
7 Retirement benefits:- Employees of society are eligible for the following benefits after retirement.
a) Group Gratuity
b) group Insurance
c) New Pension Scheme
d) Earned Leave Encashment
Notwithstanding anything contained in these resolutions an employee of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society shall not be
eligible for pension.
1508 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
Cadre and Recruitment Regulations in respect of each category of Post Specified in column(2) of the following Schedule
No. of
Category of Posts
Sl Per
Tem Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification
No Pay Scale ma
Post pora
(In Rs.) nen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Indian
1 Executive Director 1 - Administration Service or Karnataka Administration Service -
(Super time scale)
By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Joint Director or
Joint Director (Rs.74400
2 1 - equivalent cadre from the Department of Social Welfare or
(HRD/Admin) -109600)
Backward Classes.
By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Joint Director or
Joint Direct (Education (Rs.74400
3 1 - equivalent cadre from the Department of Primary and Higher
and Training) -109600)
By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Superintendent
Superintendent (Rs.74400
4 1 - Engineer or equivalent cadre from the PWD or Any other
Engineer -109600)
Chief Accounts Officer (Rs.74400 By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Joint controller
5 1 -
(CAO) -109600) from the State Account department.
Deputy Director By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Deputy Director or
6 (Rs.67550
(HRD/Admin) 1 - Officer of equivalent cadre from the Department of Social
Welfare or Backward Classes Department.
Deputy Director By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Deputy Director or
7 (Education and 1 - equivalent cadre from the Education Department. -
Executive By deputation of an officer in the cadre of executive Engineer
8 Engineer 2 - (Civil) from the Public Works Department or from any other -
(Civil) Government Departments or Public Sector Units.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1509
Executive By deputation of an officer in the cadre of executive Engineer
9 Engineer 1 - (Electrical) from the Public Works Department or from any -
(Electrical) other Government Departments or Public Sector Units.
Assistant Director By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Assistant Director
10 (Administration/HRD) 01 - Grade-I or equivalent cadre from the Department of Social -
Welfare or Backward Classes Department or Tribal Welfare.
Assistant Director By Deputation of an officer in the cadre of Assistant Director
11 (Education) 01 - Grade-I or equivalent cadre from the Department of Social -
Welfare Backward Classes Department or Tribal Welfare.
By deputation of an officer in the cadre of Assistant Executive
Assistant Executive (Rs.52650
12 10 Engineer (Civil) from the Public Works Department or Any -
Engineer (Civil) -97100)
Other Government Department or Public Sector units.
By deputation of an officer in the cadre of Assistant Executive
Assistant Executive (Rs.52650 Engineer (Electrical) from the Public Works Department or
13 02 - -
Engineer ( Electrical) -97100) Any Other Department or Public Sector units.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Equivalent to
Bachelor Degree in Institutions
Hindi Rathan Mysuru Hindi Prachara Parishad,
Raj Bhasha Vidvan Karnataka Hindi Prachara Samiti,
Hindi Basha Praveen Karnataka Hindi Seva Samiti,
Rashtrabhasha Dakshina Bharatha Hindi Prachara
Praveen Sabha, Madras.
As Per G.O.No. ED 125 PTI 2003, dt: 16-08-2003 Following
are the equivalent to B.Ed degree in Hindi
Hindi Shikshaka Karnataka Mahila Hindi Seva
Course Samiti, Bengaluru
Karnataka Hindi Prachara Samiti,
Mysuru Hindi Prachara Parishad,
Manasa Education Society,
Karnataka Labour Education
Society, Bidar
Hindi Shiksha Parangat Government Hindi Teachers
Course College, Mysuru
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1519
Must have passed PUC with Kannada language as one of the
subject or Kannada as Medium of Instruction.
Hindi Shikshak and Hindi Shikshak Parangath candidates,
before joining the course, must have passed PUC by taking
Kannada language as one of the subjects or Kannada as medium
of Instruction.
Candidate must have studied Hindi and another one
language as method subjects in the B.Ed equivalent examination.
The Candidate applying for the post of Hindi teacher with
above required qualification. If he has not studied Kannada as
one of the language in qualifying examination, he must have
studied Kannada as one of the language in Pre University Course
or SSLC or holder of Diploma in Kannada or passed Kannada
Certificate Course (Kava /Jana/Rathna) conducted by Karnataka
Secondary Education Examination Board /Kannada Sahithya
Parishath Bangalore.
For Direct Recruitment Subject Teacher in Science:-
(1)Must be a holder of bachelor degree in science with
Chemistry as compulsory subject and any one of the following
By Direct recruitment through optional subjects, namely:- Botany, Zoology.
a Recruitment Committee in And
accordance with the (2)Must be holder of B.Ed Degree in, Science methods from the
Subject Teacher (Rs.33450 838 procedure specified in recognized university.
33 -
Science -62600) schedule-II And
Candidate must have studied Kannada as one of the language
either Bachelor Degree or Pre University Course or SSLC or
holder of Diploma in Kannada or passed Kannada Certificate
Course (KaVa/ Jana /Rathna) conducted by Karnataka
Secondary Education Examination Board /Kannada Sahithya
Parishath Bangalore.
1520 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
Age limit: For the posts at Sl.No. 37 and 38 maximum age limit
for SC and ST category-I is 45 years and IIA ,IIB, IIIA, IIIB of
other Backward classes is 43 years and for General -40 years.
Qualification For Warden:-
1. Must be a holder of bachelor degree in Arts or Science from a
recognized university.
By Direct recruitment through 2. Must be holder of B.Ed degree in Arts or Science subjects
a Recruitment Committee in from a recognized university.
(Rs.27650 accordance with the
40 712 - 3. Candidates must have studied Kannada as one of the
Warden -52650) procedure specified in
schedule-II languages either in Post Graduate Degree or Bachelor Degree or
Pre University Course or SSLC or holder of Diploma in
Kannada or passedKannada Certificate Course (Kava / Jana /
Rathna) conducted by Karnataka Secondary Education
Examination Board/Kannada Sahitya Parishath Bangalore.
Schedule-II. 2. Must have studied Bachelor Degree and Post Graduate Degree in
And Fifty percent by English Medium only.
promotion from the cadre of
Teachers in KREIS 3. must have studied Kannada as one of the languages either in P G
Residential Schools. or Bachelor Degree or pre-University course or SSLC or holder of
Diploma in Kannada or passed Kannada Certificate Course
(Teaching Computer (Kava/Jana/Rathna) conducted by Karnataka Secondary Education
Science) Examination Board.
For Promotion:
Provided that the (1) Must possess the qualification prescribed for Direct Recruitment.
Recruitment for 26 posts on And
the commencement of the (2) Must have put in service of not less than seven years as Teacher
Karnataka Residential teaching Computer Science in KREIS Residential Schools.
Educational Institutions
Society (Cadre &
Recruitment) (2nd
Amendment) Regulations,
2011 shall be by direct
By Direct recruitment 1. Must be a holder of bachelor degree in Arts or Science from a
through a Recruitment recognized university.
Committee in accordance And
with the procedure specified 2.Must be holder of B.Ed degree in Arts or Science subjects from
Warden of Morarji Rs- in schedule-II a recognized university.
58 Desai Residential pre- 37900- 26 - 3.Candidates must have studied Kannada as one of the languages
University Colleges 70850 either in Post Graduate Degree or Bachelor Degree or Pre
University Course or SSLC or holder of Diploma in Kannada or
passed Kannada Certificate Course (Kava / Jana / Rathna)
conducted by Karnataka Secondary Education Examination
Board/Kannada Sahitya Parishath Bangalore.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1533
Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society
Method of Direct Recruitment for Posts detailed in Schedule-I
Sl Sl.No
No of the
Category of posts
post in Method of direct Recruitment
as in Schedule-I
1 Computer Recruitment for Posts at serial number 21, 22, and 24
Direct recruitment through a recruitment committee constituted by the Governing Council.
2 First Division
22 Assistant cum The recruitment committee shall arrange to recruit through combined competitive examination
Computer Operator in following manner.
The Recruitment Committee shall invite applications from eligible candidates by giving wide
3 24 Second Division publicity by publishing such notification in two leading newspapers having wide circulation in
Assistant cum regional language and in the official Website of the Karnataka Residential Educational
Computer Operator Institutions Society besides publishing in Karnataka Gazette and specifying the conditions of
eligibility, prescribed qualification, method of recruitment provisional number of vacancies to be
filled and their classification in accordance with the orders in force relating to reservation for
Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste and other Backward Classes and General etc.
The Recruitment Committee shall provide all necessary details in respect of competitive
examination such as Syllabus, the date, time, place of examination etc in the notification.
The Recruitment committee shall prepare merit list based on the marks secured in the
competitive examination and the qualifying examination, aggregate into hundred percent on the
following manner, namely:-
(1) Marks secured in combined competitive examination shall be calculated to seventy
(2) Marks secured in qualifying examination shall be calculated to thirty percent.
(3) There shall be no interviews.
The decision of Recruitment Committee in preparing merit list is final. The Recruitment
Committee shall then publish the selection list of candidates equal to number of vacancies
notified in the notice board and intimate the same to all the selected candidates and send
selection list to the Appointing Authority. The appointing Authority shall after getting the
1534 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
necessary details verified and subject to terms and conditions of appointment. issue the
appointment order. The inter seniority of the selected candidates is as per merit list. Mere
inclusion of the names of candidates in the selection list does not confer any right of
4 Office BY promotion from the cadre FDA Cum Computer Operator/ Stenographer.
5 23 Stenographer The Recruitment committee shall prepare a merit list considering the marks obtained
in qualifying examinations like PUC, Stenography and Typing or marks obtained in
SSLSC and Secretarial practice course as the case may be.
6 25 Driver By out sources.
7 Watchman/Peons By out sources. And direct appointment as per the provisions of Karnataka Civil Services
(Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996.
8 Principals For Atal Recruitment for Posts of Principals:
27 Bihari Vajapeyee The Recruitment Committee shall arrange to recruit Principal by conducting combined
Residential Schools. competitive examination and interview (Viva-Voice).
9 28 Principals For KREIS The Recruitment Committee shall invite applications from eligible candidates by giving
Residential Schools. wide publicity by publishing such notification in two leading newspapers having wide
circulation in regional language and in the official Website of the Karnataka Residential
Educational Institutions Society besides publishing in Karnataka Gazette and specifying
the conditions of eligibility, proscribed qualification method of recruitment provisional
number of vacancies to be filled and their classification in accordance with the order in
force relating to reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and backward
classes and others
The recruitment committee shall provide all necessary details in respect of
competitive examination such as syllabus, the date, time, place of examination etc in
the notification.
The Recruitment Committee shall prepare merit list aggregating to 100% on the basis of
total of the following.
10 29 Vice Principal a) The marks secured in Combined Competitive Examination shall be calculated to
Fifty Seven and half percentage.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1535
The Recruitment Committee shall prepare merit list aggregating to 100% on the basis
of total of the following.
a) The marks secured in Combined Competitive Examination shall be calculated to
seventy percentages.
b) Marks secured in Bachelor Degree examination shall be calculate to twenty
c) Marks secured in B.Ed examination shall be calculate to ten percentage.
Provided that: In case of selection for the post of Physical Education teacher ten
percent of marks secured in BP.Ed shall be taken into consideration instead of B.Ed
Note: In case of Computer Teacher at Sl.No. 30, wherein B.Ed qualification is not
essential, Seventy percentage of the marks secured in combined competitive
examinations and thirty percentage of the marks secured in the qualifying examination
shall be considered.
The decision of Recruitment Committee in preparing merit list is final. The
Recruitment Committee shall then publish the selection list of candidates equal to
number of vacancies notified in the notice board and intimate the same to all the
selected candidates and send selection list to the Appointing Authority. The Appointing
Authority shall after getting the necessary details verified and subject to terms and
conditions of appointment, issue the appointment order. The inter- seniority of the
selected candidates is a per merit list. Mere inclusion of the names of candidates in the
selection list does not confer any right of appointment.
19 38 Art and Craft Selection for the posts at Sl. No. 38 & 39
Teacher (Drawing Selection shall be by recruitment committee on the basis of merit list prepared by
Master) taking average of percentage of total marks obtained in their respective qualifying
examinations. There shall be no interviews.
Art & Drawing Out of total no. of vacancies notified for appointment of the Arts and Drawings
Teacher Teachers Fifty percent of the vacancy are reserved for Diploma in Drawing and Painting
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1537
20 39 Music Teacher examination/Art Master examination and another Fifty percent are reserved for
BFA/BVA Degree holders a separate Roaster system and merit list shall be followed for
each category i.e, Diploma Course and Degree Course separately.
21 40 Warden Selection of Warden by Direct recruitment through combined competitive
examination. Recruitment committee shall follow the procedure of the examination and
preparation of merit list as prescribed for selection of Assistant teachers as in serial
number 30-37 as above except separate question paper has to be prepared for the
combined competitive examination for these posts.
The Recruitment Committee shall invite applications for each of the categories of
posts from eligible candidates by giving vide publicity by publishing such notification in
two leading newspapers having wide circulation in regional language and in the official
website of the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society besides
publishing in Karnataka Gazette and specifying the conditions of eligibility, prescribed
qualification, method of recruitment provisions number of vacancies to be filled and
their classification in accordance with orders in force relating to reservation for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes etc.
The recruitment committee shall provide all necessary details in respect of
competitive examination such as syllabus, the date, time, place of examination etc in
the notification.
The Recruitment Committee shall prepare merit list aggregating to 100% on the basis
of total of the following.
a) The marks secured in Combined Competitive Examination shall be calculated to
seventy percentage.
b) Marks secured in Bachlor Degree examination shall be calculate to Twenty
c) Marks secured in B.Ed examination shall be calculate to ten percentage.
There shall be no interviews. The decision of Recruitment Committee is final. The
Recruitment Committee shall then publish the selection list of candidates equal to
number of vacancies notified in the notice board and intimate the same to all the
selected candidates and send selection list to the Appointing Authority. The appointing
Authority shall after getting the necessary details verified and subject to terms and
1538 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
conditions of appointment issue the appointment order. The inter seniority of the
selected candidates is as per merit list. Mere inclusion of the names of candidates in the
selection list does not confer any right of appointment.
22 Recruitment Committee shall prepare a Merit list considering the marks obtained in
41 Staff Nurse
qualifying examination.
23 42 Cook By out sources
24 43 Assistant Cook By out sources
25 44 sweeper By out sources
By direct recruitment through a recruitment committee. The marks secured in
26 45 Librarian Combined Competitive Examination shall be calculated to seventy percentage. And
Marks secured in Prescribed qualification shall be calculate to thirty percentage.
27 46 Store Controller By out sources
28 47 Computer Assistant By out sources
By direct recruitment through a recruitment committee. The marks secured in
29 48 Combined Competitive Examination shall be calculated to seventy percentage. And
Marks secured in Prescribed qualification shall be calculate to thirty percentage.
30 49 Electrical/ Plumber By out sources
Principals of Morarji Direct Recruitment for the post of Principals and Lecturers for Morarji Desai Pre-
Desai Residential University Science Colleges.
31 50 Direct Recruitment through a recruitment Agency constituted by the Governing
Colleges The recruitment Committee shall arrange to recruit the Principals and Lecturers
Language through a combined competitive Examination in the following manner, and there shall
32 51 Lecturers in be no interviews (Viva-voce).
Kannada The Recruitment Committee shall invite applications from eligible candidates by
giving wide circulation/publicity in regional language and in the official website of the
Language KREIS besides publishing in Karnataka Gazette and specifying the conditions of the
33 52
Lecturers in English eligibility , prescribed qualification and method of recruitment no. of papers for
34 53 Lecturers in Physics competitive examination for Principals and Lecturers, provisional no. of vacancies to be
Lecturers in filled and their qualification in accordance with the orders enforce relating to reservation
35 54 for Schedule Caste, for Scheduled Tribe and Backward Classes and others.
Chemistry The Recruitment Committee provides all necessary details in respect of Competitive
Lecturers in examination such as Syllabus, No. of papers for each Cadre, Date, Time, Place of
36 55 examination etc in the Notification.
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1539
Lecturers in The Recruitment Committee shall prepare merit list aggregating to 100% on the
37 56 basis of total of the following
1. 70% of marks secured in combined competitive examination.
38 57 Lecturers in 2. 20% marks secured in Post Graduate Degree.
Computer Science 3. 10% marks secured in B.Ed examination.
In case of Computer Science candidate merit list is based on the following
a. 70% of marks secured in combined competitive examination.
b. 30% marks secured in Qualifying Degree.
Warden of Morarji Direct Recruitment for the post of Warden for Morarji Desai Pre-University Science
Desai Residential Colleges.
39 58
Direct Recruitment through a recruitment Agency constituted by the Governing Council.
Appointing Authority, Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority for various posts of Karnataka Residential
Educational Institutions Society.
of the
Appointing Appellate
post in Category of posts as in Schedule-I Disciplinary Authority Penalties
Authority Authority
Deputation Posts
1 Executive Director Government Government Government Government
Vice President of KREIS Governing
(ii) to (iva) of Rule (8) of
and Principal Secretary Council
KCS (CCA) Rules, 1957
to Govt, SWD
Government as
2 to 13 Group ‘A’ Posts Parent Department
Vice President of KREIS Penalties from (v) to (viii) per provisions of
and Principal Secretary of rule (8) of KCS (CCA) rule (16) of KCS
to Govt, SWD Rules, 1957 (CCA) Rules,
14 to 20 Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Posts Parent Department Executive Director (ii) to (viii) of Rule (8) of Governing
KCS (CCA) Rules, 1957 Council
1540 ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 ¨sÁUÀ 4J
Posts in the Establishment of Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society
21 Computer Programmer
22 First Division Assistant cum Computer
23 Stenographer Executive Director Executive Director Executive Director
24 Second Division Assistant cum
Computer Operator
25 Driver
26, 41, Watchman/Peons, Cook and Assistant (i) to (viii) of Rule (8) of Governing
Executive Director Executive Director
42 & 43 Cook, sweeper KCS (CCA) Rules, 1957 Council
27 Principals For Atal Bihari Vajapeyee Residential
28 Principals For KREIS Residential Schools.
29 Vice Principals
30 Language Teacher Kannada
31 Language Teacher English
32 Language Teacher Hindi
33 Subject Teacher Science
34 Subject Teacher Mathematics
35 Subject Teacher Social Science
36 Computer Teacher
37 Physical Education Teacher
38 Art & Craft Teacher (Drawing Master) Executive Director (ii) to (viii) of Rule (8) of KCS Governing
39 Music Teacher Executive Director
(CCA) Rules, 1957 Council
40 Warden
41 Staff Nurse
42 Cook
43 Assistant Cook
44 sweeper
45 Librarian
46 Store Controller
47 Computer Assistant
48 Laboratory Assistant
49 Electrical/ Plumber
50 Principals of Morarji Desai Residential
Pre-University Colleges
¨sÁUÀ 4J ಕ ಾ ಟಕ ಾಜ ಪತ , , 24 , 2021 1541
51 Language Lecturers in Kannada
52 Language Lecturers in English
53 Lecturers in Physics
54 Lecturers in Chemistry
55 Lecturers in Mathematics
56 Lecturers in Biology.
57 Lecturers in Computer Science
Warden of Morarji Desai Residential pre-
University Colleges
Service Examinations prescribed for various posts of Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society
Category of posts as in Schedule-I Service examinations
1) Accounts Higher
18 Office Superintendent.
2) General Law (Part-I & Part-II)
21 Computer Programmer 1) Accounts Lower
22 First Division Assistant cum Computer Operator
1) Accounts Higher
23 Stenographer
24 Second Division Assistant cum Computer Operator 1) Accounts Lower
27 Principals For Atal Bihari Vajapeyee Residential Schools.
1) Accounts Higher
28 Principals For KREIS Residential Schools.
2) General Law (Part-I & Part-II)
29 Vice Principals
30 Language Teacher Kannada
31 Language Teacher English
32 Language Teacher Hindi
33 Subject Teacher Science
34 Subject Teacher Mathematics
35 Subject Teacher Social Science
36 Computer Teacher 1) Accounts Higher
37 Physical Education Teacher
38 Art & Craft Teacher (Drawing Master)
39 Music Teacher
40 Warden
41 Staff Nurse
45 Librarian
R.N.I. No. KARBIL/2001/47147 POSTAL REGN. No. RNP/KA/BGS/2202/2017-19
Licensed to post without prepayment WPP No. 297
Deputy Secretary to the Government,-2
Social Welfare Department.