TCC Contract
TCC Contract
TCC Contract
* Corresponding author
Assistant Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (Email Address:
[email protected])
Associate Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (Email Address:
[email protected])
Professor and Associate Head, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (Email Address:
[email protected])
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China (Email Address: [email protected])
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the implementation framework, project performance,
underlying motives, perceived benefits, potential difficulties as well as critical success
factors of adopting the target cost contracting (TCC) form of procurement, based on an in-
depth real-life case study of a challenging underground railway station modification
project in Hong Kong.
Design/methodology/approach – The case project was analysed by means of the related
project documentation and face-to-face interviews with the relevant senior representatives
from the client organisation.
Findings – The target cost-based procurement strategy generates a plethora of benefits
throughout the whole delivery process of the project case, including the provision of cost
incentives for the contractor to work efficiently, aligning individual goals of various
contracting parties with the overall project objectives, achieving better value for money
and more satisfactory overall project performance in terms of time, cost and dispute
Practical limitations/implications – Although the selected TCC case study project is
based in Hong Kong, the research findings and hands-on experience of the relevant
industrial practitioners may be cross-referenced to other similar TCC projects in other
parts of the world for international comparisons.
Originality/value – The research study has provided some useful insights into assisting
key project stakeholders in maximising the benefits, whilst minimising the detriments
brought about by potential difficulties in launching the TCC scheme. It attempts to seek
more research evidence to evaluate the entire project delivery process, and capture the
levels of success and lessons learned from previous TCC construction projects for
generating best practice recommendations to achieve better construction performance.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
The procurement method holds the key of success for delivering construction services
(Chan and Yung, 2003). Strong concerns have thus been raised within the construction
industry for adopting alternative integrated procurement strategies to supersede the
traditional design-bid-build approach with the concomitant problems of fragmented
working relationship and the lack of incentive for project team members to contribute
more than just meeting the minimum contractual requirements (Masterman, 2002).
Consequently, target cost contracting (TCC), accompanied by a gain-share/pain-share
arrangement serving as a cost incentive mechanism, has emerged in the United States, the
United Kingdom and Australia with the aim of achieving better value for money and more
satisfactory overall project performance (National Economic Development Office, 1982;
Trench, 1991).
The Construction Industry Review Committee (2001) of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (SAR) also recommended the application of TCC in construction.
Under the umbrella of TCC, a fixed target cost is set based on given parameters at the
outset of a project. If this fixed target cost is fallen short of or exceeded, the financial
gain/pain is split between the contracting parties in accordance with a pre-agreed share
ratio. The theory goes that by incentivising the contractor, he will attempt to minimise
costs and to achieve value for money. By providing a proper performance-based
remuneration, the contractor’s financial interests and those of the client become more
aligned (Wong, 2006). An attractive by-product of this form of contracting is that since the
opportunity for gain-share/pain-share is best realised by working closely with, rather than
being simply instructed by, the employer, partnering spirit is thereby cultivated (Longley,
2006). Hence, a target cost contract produces the desirable “win-win” situation for both
client and contractor.
Although TCC has been practised in construction for several years, not all projects
procured by TCC have been equally successful as anticipated. Empirical research is very
limited to scrutinise the overall delivery process, the levels of success and lessons learned
from TCC projects. It is therefore valuable to conduct an in-depth case study of TCC
applications to explore its implementation process for achieving construction excellence.
Hence, this study aims to evaluate a successful underground infrastructure modification
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
project: the “Tsim Sha Tsui Underground Railway Station Modification and Extension
Works” which was the first fully “open-book” target cost contract in Hong Kong.
Two senior industrial practitioners representing the client organisation were interviewed
and relevant documentation of the case study project were reviewed to examine the
operational mechanism of TCC, and to solicit their opinions on the motives behind
introducing TCC, the benefits, difficulties and success factors of implementing the TCC
scheme. Most importantly, various lessons learned from this successful case study project
in relation to overall project performance are presented and discussed herein.
Although the empirical findings and direct hands-on experience from an individual project
may not be generalised or regarded as conclusive, the Tsim Sha Tsui Underground
Railway Station Modification Works project has demonstrated a useful and indicative
example illustrating the successful TCC experience for a large-scale underground
infrastructure modification project based on the lessons learned. This paper begins by
briefly portraying the underlying concepts of a target cost contract in construction. The
major benefits, difficulties and success factors of applying TCC are also briefly reviewed
from the reported literature. The research methodology including the research framework
and methods of data collection are then highlighted. It is followed by the empirical results
of a case study including the key features of TCC, motives behind as well as the benefits
and difficulties of implementing the TCC scheme. The critical success factors and the
lessons learned from the case study project are also evaluated. These are then followed by
discussions of the applications and implications of the case study findings, before the
conclusions are drawn.
In the United Kingdom, the National Economic Development Office – Civil Engineering
(1982) defined TCC as: “Target cost contracts specify a best estimate of the cost of the
work to be carried out. During the course of the work, the initial target cost will be
adjusted by agreement between the client or his nominated representative and the
contractor is to allow for any changes to the original specification. Any savings or
overruns between target cost and actual cost at completion are shared between the parties
to the contract with a pre-determined share ratio set out in the contract.”
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
In Hong Kong, the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (2003) explained TCC principle in
that “the client and the contractor would share savings (gains) if the final actual cost of
completing the work turns out to be less than the target cost. Should the final out-turn cost
exceed the target cost, they would share the excess (pain)”. TCC is therefore a unique
arrangement that shifts the fixed price approach to a target cost approach based on joint
determination and agreement between the client and the contractor on the allocation of
shared risks. This form of procurement method is much more than a form of contract
setting out the rights and obligations of the contracting parties. It is a method of working
that requires both the client and the contractor to work together more closely than they
would under most other contractual arrangements, to manage the costs of the work for
mutual benefit (Longley, 2006).
Figure 1 graphically illustrates the definition and operational mechanism of TCC contracts.
Under the operational strategy of TCC, an agreed target price and a gain-share/pain-share
mechanism of a project are thereby established in the construction contract under this
agreement (Clough and Sears, 1994; Cantirino and Fodor, 2003). The contractor usually
includes a sum for future design development and for unforeseeable risks (Gander and
Hemsley, 1997). Figure 2 provides a hypothetical example to demonstrate the
implementation of this gain-share/pain-share philosophy for TCC construction projects.
- Adjustment of Named (Approved)
- Adjustment of Named Supply Contract Final Out- Final Out-
- Adjustment of Provisional Sum turn Cost < turn Cost >
- Re-measurement of Provisional Bill Final Target Final Target
- Variation Instruction Cost Cost
- Adjustment of Errors in BQ
- Direct Loss and/or Expense
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
If Out-Turn Cost LOWER If Out-Turn Cost HIGHER
than the Final TC: than the Final TC:
Contractor 40%= 2.4
Final TC: 80.0 Final TC: 80.0
Out-Turn Cost: 74.0 Out-Turn Cost 85.0 FINAL
FINAL ACCOUNT Saving: 6.0 Loss: 5.0 ACCOUNT (TCC)
Out-Turn Cost + Shared between:- Shared between:- = Out-Turn Cost +
Shared Saving by Employer 60% 3.6 Employer 60% 3.0 Shared Loss by
Contractor Contractor 40% 2.4 Contractor 40% 2.0 Employer
= 74.0 + 2.4 = 80.0 + 3.0
= 76.4 = 83.0
All values shown in HK$ million
Under the target cost contracts, the gain-share/pain-share mechanism offers strong
financial incentives for the contractor to work efficiently and to achieve cost saving
(Boukendour and Bah, 2001; Fan and Greenwood, 2004). Another possible advantage of
implementing TCC is the improvement of construction quality. Conventional contracting
methods may over-emphasise on price and sacrifice quality (Cheng, 2004). In sharp
contrast, the TCC sets an agreed reasonable target price and facilitates the tendering of the
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
domestic subcontractors’ works packages on an open basis, which ensures that the
employer receives competitively priced tenders from approved subcontractors and
specialists (Tay et al., 2000). This contracting approach therefore helps in selecting the
right project team which has gained adequate experience and is capable to develop the
client’s design intent (Trench, 1991). This form of procurement arrangement also
eradicates the multi-layered subcontracting and maintains the quality standards of
constructed facilities and workmanship.
However, the major problem encountered whilst implementing the TCC approach may be
the unclear definition of a scope change (Gander and Hemsley, 1997), causing potential
disputes with the natural tendency of the client and contractor pulling in opposite
directions to achieve their own objectives (Tay et al., 2000; Fan and Greenwood, 2004).
The scope of contractor’s work, therefore, has to be clearly defined in the client’s project
brief (Tang, 2005). Sadler (2004) added that scope changes/variations need to be kept to a
minimum in order that the TCC contract can be administered as intended and that the
approach might provide value for money in construction.
A TCC scheme, like other standard cost-based contracts, usually requires that details of the
contractor’s tender pricing for any TCC subcontract works packages be made fully
available to the client through an “open-book” accounting arrangement. The contractor’s
project accounts must be open for scrutiny by the client, and the client must satisfy himself
that the contractor’s supporting staff on-site will include a strong administrative team and
an accountant experienced in this procedure. The clients pay these costs to the contractor,
subject to satisfactory checks of constructed facilities. The use of open-book accounting
regime enables better accountability and quantification of the costs of risk (National
Economic Development Office, 1982).
Additionally, the TCC form of procurement requires a greater level of commitment and
involvement by all project parties to the contract arising from tendering, not only for the
main target cost contract, but also individually for the domestic subcontractor’s works
packages (Tang and Lam, 2003). Furthermore, TCC is still a new concept within the local
construction industry. Project participants might not be used to working in this novel way
and may find it uncomfortable and difficult to change the traditional working style (Sadler,
2004). The National Economic Development Office (1982) stressed that the successful
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
Tay et al. (2000), on the other hand, postulated that there must be a genuine willingness to
achieve co-operation or demonstrate partnering spirit between the contracting parties. This
enables project participants to work together towards common goals and generate a
teamwork culture to resolve disputes and to complete the project without having to revert
to protracted contractual claims requiring litigious resolutions. A clear and fair allocation
of risks between employer and contractor is thus vital (Mills and Harris, 1995). It is also
imperative to tap in the expertise of the main contractor and suppliers during the design
stage and before the design is finalised (Sadler, 2004). This enables technical advice on
buildability and environmental issues to be integrated into the design by the contractor.
Research methodology
The overall research methodology comprises an in-depth case study of TCC. Yin (1981)
defined a “case study” as an empirical inquiry that (1) investigates a contemporary
phenomenon within its real-life context; (2) is appropriate when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and (3) incorporates multiple sources of
evidence. Case studies are suitable for projects that are significant (Yin, 2009). The
selected TCC project under scrutiny is a challenging underground railway station
modification works in Hong Kong with a huge risk profile and tight schedule for
completion. The major findings derived from this case study can assist in reaping the
perceived benefits and exploring the implementation process of TCC contracts for
achieving construction excellence for future projects.
Two senior representatives from the client organisation (Mass Transit Railway
Corporation Ltd) were interviewed in April of 2007 to collect in-depth information and
data of the project and to solicit the perceptions of the underlying motives, benefits,
difficulties and success factors of TCC based on the chosen case. Target interviewees from
the main contractor organisation (Kumagai Gumi Co Ltd) could not be contacted due to
the departure of the staff members concerned after project completion in September 2005.
Each interview was launched at the interviewee’s office and lasted for about 1.5 hours.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
One of the interviewees was the General Manager (Procurement and Contracts) and the
other the Contracts Administration Manager (Operations) of the Mass Transit Railway
Corporation Ltd. Both of them were well-experienced in construction contracting and
heavily involved in the TCC procurement process of the selected project. Copies of
relevant materials including the project’s scope of work, contract terms on TCC, in-house
guidelines or best practice framework for implementing the TCC scheme, case reports, as
well as on-line website materials were obtained as the secondary source of evidence to
support primary opinions and information gleaned during the interviews.
Since the two target interviewees were senior industrial practitioners having abundant
experience with TCC schemes, the interviews were flexibly structured to facilitate free
flow of ideas. The following open-ended questions were asked to convey a general idea of
the information solicited, while the interviewees were encouraged to express their views
on the subject, without being restrained by the preset questions related to the studied case:
1. What is the implementation mechanism or current practice framework adopted for the
TCC methodology?
2. What are the motives behind the decision to implement TCC instead of traditional
fixed-price lump-sum contract?
3. What are the major benefits and difficulties in adopting TCC?
4. What are the essential elements for successful TCC scheme?
The information acquired from the interviews was first audio-recorded and later
transcribed into written dialogues. The draft interview dialogues were forwarded to
corresponding interviewees subsequently via email transmission for verification. A
systematic account of information obtained from in-depth interviews was archived for
subsequent analysis. Outcomes derived from the analysis of interview dialogues were
cross-referenced to the literature review and triangulated with each other for validation.
Case study: Tsim Sha Tsui Underground Railway Station Modification Works
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
A comprehensive search of the background information and data regarding the selected
project case was launched based on some seminar papers (Dunn and Jones, 2004; Avery,
2006), together with online materials (Hong Kong Construction Innovation, 2006). The
Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) Underground Railway Station Modification and Extension Works
project was the first fully “open-book” target cost contract in Hong Kong. It attempted to
make innovation and value engineering a priority backed by the gain-share/pain-share
formula of the TCC process. The contract involved the connection of the pedestrian
subway links of the new Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC)1 East Tsim Sha
Tsui Station to the existing Mass Transit Railway Corporation Ltd (MTRCL) Tsim Sha
Tsui Station at the south end, and to improve passenger access and egress at the north end.
The project entailed a single level extension to one end of the existing underground
structure. The key objectives of the works were (Hong Kong Construction Innovation,
(1) to build subways linking to East Rail and forming an integral part of the Tsim Sha Tsui
subway network for the commuters;
(2) to relieve congestion and to improve station accessibility because of the increase in
passengers and new commercial developments in the area;
(3) to provide a better travelling environment for passengers; and
(4) to provide convenient station access for passengers with special needs by constructing
a passenger lift.
This extension was constructed beneath Nathan Road, a major trunk road in one of the
busiest districts of Hong Kong, within a cut and cover cofferdam. Other station
modifications entailed significant alterations to the existing station structure whilst
maintaining passenger flows at all times. The project consisted of deep excavation and
pedestrian subway construction within a busy urban area. The excavation for the subway
was as close as 1.5m above the crown of an operating underground railway tunnel and the
temporary retaining structures at a similar distance from the side of the tunnels. The works
were therefore executed with a high level of construction risk. Risk management and
mitigation became an extremely critical issue to the success of this project. Apart from the
MTRCL as the client organization and project manager, the project team was also
KCRC merged with MTRCL in December 2007 and the Hong Kong SAR Government maintains a
majority stake in the MTRCL.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
Another conspicuous reason for introducing the TCC approach to the case study project
was to provide financial incentives for the contractor to contribute and save cost by
offering innovative ideas. Given the substantial uncertainties and the high risk profile of
the project, adopting the traditional fixed-price lump-sum contract might result in a
plethora of claims and poor working relationship amongst contracting parties. The
implementation of TCC scheme through the gain-share/pain-share mechanism would
achieve better certainty on time, cost and quality to the client and help encourage the
contractor to focus on the management and mitigation of risks inherent with the project.
In addition, it was intended to vastly improve the working relationships and bring in a
more co-operative approach to conflict resolution. The client wished to align the overall
project stakeholders’ objectives by providing the best overall solutions without
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
compromising the safety and operation of the railway while striking a realistic balance
between the programme and total project cost (Dunn and Jones, 2004). Claims were also
expected to be minimised via this alternative integrated procurement strategy.
The main contract was awarded through a two-stage tendering process. At stage one, a
total of seven pre-qualified contractors were invited to submit their tenders, consisting of a
detailed technical proposal and a fee proposal with schedule certainty. A two-envelope
tender assessment method was adopted for the development of a detailed proposal used for
assessment at stage two. Adjudication mainly focused on the quality of the technical
submission and achievement of the proposed schedule. Two potential contractors were
shortlisted to the second stage whilst the unsuccessful contractors were reimbursed for
administration expenses.
The two shortlisted contractors were given three months and full access to the design team,
with the aim of optimising the technical side of the scheme to achieve the best overall
solutions. This included a value engineering exercise, a full-scale risk analysis and prudent
consideration of all schedule issues to ensure the achievement of the target completion
date. In parallel, the contractors were involved in the analysis and estimation of the target
price for the contract. Subsequently, a senior management team of MTRCL adjudicated on
the final proposals against a full marking regime to award the contract.
Under the TCC arrangement, the client described the tender price quoted by the contractor
as the initial target cost. During the contract execution stage, the contractor was paid the
actual construction cost for the work done. A sum of money was set aside based on the risk
quantification exercise as a contingency pool. Savings arising from the innovation, value
engineering initiatives, management and mitigation of the shared works would go into the
pool. However, any revision to the initial target cost due to the construction programme
has to be agreed between the client and the contractor when the impacts and consequences
of the instructions have been determined (Wong, 2006). A gain/pain share ratio between
the client and the contractor was agreed at the early stage of the project. Consequently, the
gain or pain within the pool at the end of the contract would be shared on a 50:50 basis as
portrayed in Figure 3.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
reduction to
client Final Target Cost
Contractor’s Reward Over-spend
Saving Contractor’s Risk
costs to
Figure 3. The gain-share/pain-share arrangement for the Tsim Sha Tsui Underground
Railway Station Modification and Extension Works [Adapted from Avery (2006)]
The target cost contract operated by the client was on an “open-book” gain-share/pain-
share basis. The contractors were given specific instructions on areas of the bid where the
costs were fixed and in particular the contractor’s preliminary costs. The addition for
overhead and profit was fixed as a percentage at the outset. Based on a joint risk
assessment conducted at tender stage, risks were reasonably allocated and suitable
contingencies were identified, i.e. where the contractor accepted full responsibility for
specific risks he would need to ensure that a suitable contingency was included in the
tender price. For the client’s accepted risks, the TCC may be altered up or down based on
a valuation of the risk impact.
Although the risk profile was enormous and the period for completion was exceptionally
tight, the project was successfully completed in terms of both time and cost. The contract
value of the project was initially set at HK$300 million2 as at April 2002 price with a
contract period of 36 months. The final target cost 3 had risen by HK$12.5 million to
HK$312.5 million to take account of a number of variations. The final out-turn cost4 was
contained to HK$297.7 million, which produced a gain share pot of HK$14.8 million
Exchange rate: GBP1 = HK$15.50 as at April 2002 price
Final target cost: The initial target cost plus the target cost variations
Final out-turn cost: The expenditures on the project under pre-defined and permissible categories, actually
incurred by the main contractor
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
(about 5% of cost saving). The time and cost profiles of the project are depicted in Figure
4. The project was successfully completed in September 2005, i.e. seven months earlier
than the contract completion date (about 20% of time saving). This case study effectively
justified the use of alternative integrated contracting strategies that best align the project
team’s ability to the risk profile of the project (Avery, 2006).
Figure 4. The cost and time profiles of the Tsim Sha Tsui Underground Railway Station
Modification and Extension Works [Adapted from Avery (2006)]
The interviewees stressed that the target cost contracting scheme exercised more rigorous
control over the tendering process, subcontract procurement, risk management, contract
administration, as well as higher transparency for financial control and higher quality of
information required for forward financial planning. These significantly contributed to the
excellent project performance of the Tsim Sha Tsui Underground Railway Station
Modification Works. In particular, through a proper performance-based remuneration, the
contractor’s financial interests and those of the client become more closely collaborative
and it is in the financial interests of both contracting parties to co-operate (Wong, 2006).
The introduction of the gain-share approach, and more importantly the pain-share
arrangement which is absent from the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contracts, helped
align the individual objectives of various project stakeholders to the overall objectives of
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
the project, and establish harmonious working relationships within an integrated project
team. The agreements arose from the TCC contract and partnering initiatives that
encouraged the client and the contractor to manage works together and shared any
consequent benefits and losses. Project participants responded that more opportunities are
available for them to express opinions and concerns openly and freely under the TCC
arrangement. Ting (2006) also opined that the incentivisation agreement can create a more
proactive, co-operative working atmosphere amongst the contracting parties and reinforces
the cultural shift away from the traditional, adversarial approach to contracting.
One profound advantage of the TCC approach in this project lies in the incentive to the
contractor to work efficiently and to achieve cost saving, resulting in better value for
money for the entire project development as advocated by Boukendour and Bah (2001).
Expertise in project designs and innovations in both construction methods and materials
were brought in from contractor to enhance the buildability of the project (Lam, 2002).
Furthermore, a more equitable risk apportionment amongst project participants was
offered when compared with the traditional procurement approach. The project required
early involvement of the contractor in the design phase to assist in the identification and
apportionment of risks (Dunn and Jones, 2004). The application of “open-book”
accounting regime also enabled quantification of the risks and prevented the project risks
from causing adverse effects on the contractor’s cash flow (Wong, 2006).
Subsequent to the decision of applying TCC to the selected project case, the rationale
behind had to be explained to the directorate of MTRCL and the Hong Kong SAR
Government as the major stakeholder. However, obtaining endorsement from the
directorate was very demanding (Avery, 2006). Faced with a high risk profile of the
project, the usual solution in Hong Kong would be a design-and-build lump-sum contract
with the entire risks being passed onto the contractor. The difficulty was compounded
primarily because a fully cost reimbursable target cost contract with the gain-share/pain-
share formula was unheard of in Hong Kong at that time. The TCC concepts were
accepted by the management as it was assured that the issue of cost reimbursement would
be monitored closely.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
At tender stage, the project lacked a suitable form of contract for TCC within the MTRCL
internal standard contract agreements. There was also a prime concern about the use of an
unfamiliar form of contract such as the Engineering and Construction Contract. Changes
were thus made to an existing MTRCL standard contract. As discussed by Sadler (2004),
project participants might not be used to working in this novel way and may find it
uncomfortable and difficult to change the traditional way they work. Gander and Hemsley
(1997) also stated that the absence of standard form of TCC contract would result in a
greater possibility of drafting errors and misunderstanding of liabilities between various
contracting parties. During the construction stage, disputes arose because Architects /
Engineers Instructions arbitrarily constituted target cost variations or were deemed to be
classified as design development due to unclear scope of work (Chan et al., 2007b).
However, adjudication meetings involving representatives from the client, engineer and
main contractor were launched together with the partnering facilitator and relevant
contracting parties to resolve controversial issues and intractable disputes.
Interviewees shared a unanimous view that the overall project success was contributed by
the fairly good working relationships amongst various project stakeholders and the target
cost procurement approach, which had assisted in establishing mutual objectives, common
interests and an open-book accounting environment. A partnering consultant was
appointed to facilitate the team building, enhance communication amongst the project
team members and to monitor project progress on a regular basis. Building integrated and
committed teams can facilitate the accomplishment of smooth project delivery as well as
an equitable risk sharing mechanism. The application of a “shared” site office for the
whole project team further catalysed the communication and integration amongst the
contracting parties under a teamwork culture. Tay et al. (2000) stressed that for a target
cost contract to be successful, there must be a genuine willingness to achieve co-operation
or demonstrate partnering spirit between the collaborating parties.
A right selection of project team is therefore essential in facilitating mutual trust, effective
communication, efficient co-ordination and productive conflict resolution (Chan et al.,
2004). Under the TCC arrangement of this project case, the client was involved in
subcontractor selection and a similar target cost contractual arrangement had also been
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
entered into for the mechanical and electrical subcontractors. Strong leadership and
proactive contractor was also of paramount importance to deal with any unexpected issues
and potential disputes, and the choice made by all involved would either make or
potentially break the strategy and the processes necessary for real success (Avery, 2006).
Another significant element of the TCC procurement strategy was the transparency of the
entire project development process. The project stakeholders decided from the outset that
there was to be one set of records for the project team and this was implemented since the
initial project stage. Mutual trust and close working relationship were therefore critical in
accomplishing the “open-book” accounting regime. In addition, because of this unique
arrangement of the target cost approach based on joint determination and agreement
between the client and the contractor on the allocation of shared risks, the client
recognised the essence of realistic target cost estimates, which would include appropriate
risk contingencies under the pain-share/gain-share mechanism.
Sadler (2004) recommended that clients should evaluate the combination of fee and share
not only the risks fairly, but also to ensure that the incentive is of sufficient value to
motivate the contractor. Perry and Barnes (2000) put forth a strong case for avoiding
setting the contractor’s share at less than 50%. Tang and Lam (2003) proposed various
percentages of shares for target cost-based contracts between the client and the contractor
depending on the extent of cost saving achieved as indicated in Table 1. Broome and Perry
(2002) further suggested that an appropriate contracting strategy should aim to align the
motivations of the parties so as to maximise the likelihood of project objectives being
achieved, taking account of the constraints and risks that act on the project and the
strengths and weaknesses of the parties participating in it. However, different contract and
incentive structures are required to meet differing project objectives and circumstances
(Bower et al., 2002).
Based on the above qualitative analysis on the case study, the major interview findings are
summarised in Table 2.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
Table 1. Suggested share saving percentage apportionment for target cost-type contracts
[Adapted from Tang and Lam (2003)]
Table 2. Summary of the primary attributes associated with TCC scheme for the Tsim Sha
Tsui Underground Railway Station Modification and Extension Works
Project Underground railway station modification and extension works involving the connection
nature of the pedestrian subway links in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contracting Target Cost Contracting (TCC) approach using two-stage tendering process
Gain-share Client : Contractor = 50 : 50
Pain-share Client : Contractor = 50 : 50
Underlying To achieve excellent project performance
motives To generate financial incentives for the contractor to contribute and save cost by
offering innovative ideas
To improve working relationship through partnering spirit
To introduce a more co-operative approach to conflict resolution and minimise claims
To align individual objectives of various contracting parties with the overall project
Key benefits Provision of financial incentives for contractor to work efficiently and to achieve cost
More rigorous control over tendering process, subcontract procurement, risk
management and contract administration
Higher transparency for financial control and higher quality of information exchange
Harmonious working relationship within the project team via partnering arrangement
Development of common overall project goals amongst various project stakeholders
Enhanced buildability of project design
More equitable risk apportionment between client and contractor
Major Unfamiliarity with or misunderstanding of TCC concepts and practices by senior
difficulties management
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
Target cost contracting (TCC) scheme aims to develop a co-operative teamwork spirit
based on a partnering working relationship, which has been globally recommended as an
appropriate means of realising high risk construction projects. To provide sufficient
groundwork for construction clients to establish a best practice framework for TCC
scheme in future construction projects, this study has reported on the TCC form of
procurement strategy via a triumphant project in Hong Kong: the “Tsim Sha Tsui
Underground Railway Station Modification and Extension Works”. The TCC applications
and key features, motives, benefits, difficulties and success factors of implementing the
TCC scheme are explored and discussed through a couple of face-to-face interviews with
senior representatives from the client organisation.
The target cost-type procurement approach derives a multitude of benefits to the delivery
of the selected project case, including cost incentives for contractor to work efficiently and
aligning individual objectives of various project stakeholders with the overall project
objectives due to the presence of a gain-share/pain-share mechanism. Its essence and
operational framework is worthy of industry-wide attention, and project participants could
be bestowed full benefits from its implementation. An evaluation of the TCC case study
project is likely to lead to a better appreciation of TCC practices and to generate essential
strategies to alleviate the root causes of poor project performance and the win-lose
consequence. Although the implementation practices reported from the case study
represent findings which are primarily related to Hong Kong, the research outcomes and
lessons learned on the perceptions and the assessment of project performance are valuable
to key project stakeholders in overseas countries as well for their implementation of TCC
schemes in future construction projects.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
In order to obtain a more balanced overview of the success/failure of the case project, it is
recommended that more in-depth interviews with other contracting parties (e.g. main
contractor, mechanical and electrical engineering consultant and the team of trade
subcontractors) should be launched to solicit their perceptions and feedback on the TCC
arrangement. The case study findings are particularly useful in developing best practices
and generating effective practical guidelines or strategies for the successful
implementation of target cost contracts for the construction industry, both locally and
overseas. Further research can be planned to investigate more TCC case studies in future
to confirm the underlying motives, perceived benefits, potential difficulties and essential
successful ingredients as determined from this study. In addition, future research is
recommended for comparing the performance of projects procured using TCC and
performance-based contracting (PBC) options between the construction industry and other
industries such as the logistics field and service sector in order to produce best practice
guidelines for implementation.
The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to all the individuals who have
kindly participated in their expert interviews for offering their professional opinions and
necessary project information to write up this case study investigation. Special thanks are
also devoted to the Department of Building and Real Estate of The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University for providing funding to support this research study (HK PolyU
BRE Departmental General Research Grants Allocation 2006/07 with Project Account
Code: BRE-G-U252). The work described in this paper was further supported by a grant
from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
China (RGC Project No. PolyU 5107/07E). This paper forms part of a RGC funded
research project entitled “Evaluating the Key Risk Factors and Risk Sharing Mechanisms
for Target Cost Contracting (TCC) Schemes in Construction” with several objectives
sharing common background of study and research methodology.
Facilities – Special Issue on Performance Measurement and Management in Facilities Management
(Final Accepted Manuscript), Volume 28, Issue (5/6), April 2010, Pages 261-277
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Corresponding author
Daniel W.M. Chan can be contacted at: [email protected]