Advanced Educational: Statistics
Advanced Educational: Statistics
Advanced Educational: Statistics
Course Description
This introductory course in applied statistics covers relevant concepts in
DESCRIPTIVE and INFERENTIAL Statistics applicable to research and thesis
4. Select the statistical tools appropriate to the research problem and design.
Correlation Analysis
Types of Correlation
Pearson’s r
Degree of Correlation
Excel Printout
Table of Critical Values of Pearson’s “r’’
Assigning of Ranks
Spearman Rank Order Correlation
Test on significance of Spearman Rho
Table of Critical values of Spearman’s Rho
Regression Analysis
Regression Y on X
Regression of X on Y
2. What are the highest and the lowest scores obtained by applicants in
a test?
• It is important to know the kind of variable we are dealing with, so that the
data gathered can be properly interpreted and the appropriate statistics are
In statistics variables can also be classified as either
independent or Dependent.
Sample Research Articles:
Determining sample size using Slovin’s
Sampling Techniques
Data Gathering Techniques
Project Proposal
Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson students are
expected to:
• Which survey gives Roco much greater assurance that a majority of the
voter’s support him?
Examples in determining sample size with a pre-determined
margin of error:
• It should be noted that in research, the more samples we have, the
better the result we would obtain. Therefore, Slovin’s formula is just a
guide for getting the number of samples. You can get more that what is
suggested by the formula but not below it.
Sampling Techniques
Schematic diagram of the two types of sampling techniques
Two types of Sampling Techniques and their Definitions.
• The beauty of probability sampling
is twofold. First it avoids biases
that might arise if samples were
selected based on the whims of
the researcher.
• Second, it provides the basis for
calculating the margin of error.
• Non-probability sampling
is one of the sources of
errors in research
Types of Probability Sampling
1. Simple random sampling
Samples are chosen at random with members of the population having a
known or sometimes equal probability or chance of being included in the
1.1 Lottery: this needs a complete listing of the numbers of population,
write the names or codes in a piece of paper or cards, place them in a large
container then randomly draw the desired number or samples. The process
is relatively easy for small populations but relatively complicated and time
consuming for large populations.
1.2 Generation of random number/digits: This is better and perhaps
more efficient method for selecting a simple random sample. Computers and
even your calculators can be used to generate random digits. A table called
Table of Random Numbers will be used in this text.