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Privacy Program Management

Tools for Managing Privacy Within Your Organization

Executive Editor and Contributor

Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT Deputy Chief Privacy Officer,
Lockheed Martin Corporation
James M. Byrne, CIPP/US, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT
Elisa Choi, CIPP/IT
Ozzie Fonseca, CIPP/US
Edward P. Yakabovicz, CIPP/IT
Amy E. Yates, CIPP/US

An IAPP Publication
©2013-2016 by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
publisher, International Association of Privacy Professionals, Pease International
Tradeport, 75 Rochester Ave., Suite 4, Portsmouth, NH 03801, United States of

CIPP, CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPP/E, CIPP/G, CIPM and CIPT are registered
trademarks of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, Inc. registered
in the U.S. CIPP, CIPP/E, CIPM and CIPT are also registered in the EU as
Community Trademarks (CTM).

Cover design: Noelle Grattan, -ing designs, llc.

Copy editor: Sue Ducharme, TextWorks

Compositor: Ed Stevens, Ed Stevens Design

Indexer: Wendy Catalano, Last Look Editorial Services

ISBN: 978-0-9983223-0-8
About the IAPP

T he International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) is the largest and

most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource,
helping practitioners develop and advance their careers and organizations manage
and protect their data.
The IAPP is a not-for-profit association founded in 2000 with a mission to define,
support and improve the privacy profession globally through networking, education
and certification. We are committed to providing a forum for privacy professionals
to share best practices, track trends, advance privacy management issues,
standardize the designations for privacy professionals, and provide education and
guidance on opportunities in the field of information privacy.
The IAPP is responsible for developing and launching the first broad-based
credentialing program in information privacy, the Certified Information Privacy
Professional (CIPP), and the Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), the
first and only global certification in privacy program management. The CIPP and
CIPM are the leading privacy certifications for professionals who serve the data
protection, information auditing, information security, legal compliance and/or risk
management needs of their organizations. Today, many thousands of professionals
worldwide hold an IAPP certification.
In addition, the IAPP offers a full suite of educational and professional
development services and holds annual conferences that are recognized
internationally as the leading forums for the discussion and debate of issues related
to privacy policy and practice.

About the IAPP

Strategic Management
1. Create an Organization Privacy Vision and Mission Statement
2. Develop a Privacy Strategy
3. Structure the Privacy Team
4. Summary
Develop and Implement a Framework
1. Frameworks
2. Develop Organizational Privacy Policies, Standards and/or Guidelines
3. Summary
Performance Measurement
1. The Metric Life Cycle
2. Summary
1. Assessment Models
2. Assess Key Areas of Your Business (Data, Systems and Process)
3. Summary
1. Data Life Cycle Management (DLM)
2. Information Security Practices
3. Privacy by Design
4. Conduct Analysis and Assessments
5. Summary
1. Monitor
2. Audit
3. Communicate
4. Summary
1. Information Requests
2. Legal Compliance
3. Incident Planning
4. Incident Handling
5. Summary
Index of Searchable Terms
About the Authors

Figure 3.1: Five-Step Metric Life Cycle
Figure 3.2: Resource Utilization
Figure II.1: Privacy Operational Life Cycle
Figure 5.1: The Foundational Principles of Privacy by Design (after Cavoukian)
Figure 6.1: Audit Life Cycle
Table 1.1: Sample Approaches to Privacy around the Globe
Table 2.1: Elements of a Data Inventory
Table 2.2: U.S. Federal Privacy Laws
Table 2.3: International Privacy Laws
Table 2.4: Self-Regulatory Privacy Standards
Table 2.5: Sources of Outside Privacy Support
Table 2.6: Sources of External Privacy Support by Region
Table 2.7: PCI DSS Requirements
Table 2.8: Privacy Organizations
Table 2.9: Industry Frameworks
Table 2.10: Privacy Languages and Protocols
Table 2.11: Privacy Policy Framework Template
Table 3.1: Sample Metrics Template
Table 3.2: Metric Template Example: Awareness and Training Measure8
Table 3.3: Other Metric Examples
Table 7.1: Breach-Related Expenses

T he sophistication of technology is advancing at a rapid pace. The growth of the

Internet, globalization, and the potential to exploit data have driven new
technologies and practices to help safeguard information. Privacy-related laws,
regulations and consumer expectations are rising, and organizations must be
prepared to respond in a proactive fashion to these ever-increasing challenges to
data privacy management. As local legal compliance challenges evolve, the privacy
professional must be prepared to assess, protect, sustain and respond to meet
jurisdictional, organizational and strategic requirements placed upon every
organization throughout the world that operates in a jurisdiction with privacy
legislation. A structured privacy approach simplifies and demystifies privacy
management by providing a comprehensive framework that allows for proactive
management. Rather than reacting when an issue arises, an organization with
established privacy-management best practices is better prepared to react during
privacy-related incidents and breaches or when legal disputes arise.

The fantastic advances in the field of electronic communication constitute a greater

danger to the privacy of the individual…
—Earl Warren, 14th chief justice of the United States (1953–1969)

The privacy management model presented in this book leverages many past and
current best practices, including books, manuals, and education and training data,
to build a privacy program. Specifically, this book uses the 2012 Swire and Ahmad
Foundations of Information Privacy and Data Protection: A Survey of Global Concepts,
Laws and Practices book and the 2011 Herath Building a Privacy Program: A
Practitioner’s Guide book as foundations to define privacy and the many elements
that each privacy professional should know and understand for successful privacy
management. This privacy management book expands on those ideas and topics to
prepare the privacy professional to establish a privacy governance model or refine
current privacy management and then to use the privacy operational life cycle to
maintain privacy management through best practices to assess, protect, sustain and
respond to privacy-related events.
I would like to thank all of the contributing authors, especially Ed Yakabovicz of
Lockheed Martin Corporation for his significant contributions in shaping this
privacy management model. Through many hours of refinement and practical
application of privacy principles we have created what is intended to be a valuable
tool for anyone wishing to manage a new or already established privacy program.
Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT
December 2012

T he IAPP is pleased to present Privacy Program Management: Tools for

Managing Privacy Within Your Organization in support of our Certified
Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) program.
The CIPM is the first global certification in privacy management. I am
enormously grateful for the team of privacy professionals who provided their time
and expertise to the development of the Body of Knowledge for this program:
James M. Byrne, CIPP/US, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT, Mickey Clemons, CIPP/US, Joe
Glowacki, CIPP/US, Elizabeth Lake, CIPP/US, CIPP/G, Sagi Leizerov, CIPP/US,
Paresh Majethia, Frank Morgan, CIPP/US, CIPP/E, CIPP/IT, Gokul
Padmanabhan, CIPP/US, Theodore Tsang, Richard Tychansky, CIPP/G and
Thomas Welch.
I would also like to thank the members of our Certification Advisory
Board/Management who provided guidance and advice. These members are:
Yim Y. Chan, CIPP/C
Privacy and Data Protection Executive, IBM Corporation
Chief Privacy Officer, IBM Canada
Andrea Chard
Chief Privacy Officer, AstraZeneca
Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT
Deputy Chief Privacy Officer, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Jonathan Fox, CIPP/US
Director of Data Privacy, McAfee, Inc.
Christine M. Frye, CIPP/US
SVP Privacy Compliance Executive, Bank of America
Timothy Mark Gough, CIPP/US, CIPP/E
Data Protection and Information Risk Manager, Guardian News and Media
Doris A. Patrick, CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPP/IT
Global Privacy Manager, Ally Financial
Susan Smith, CIPP/US
Privacy Officer, Americas Region, Hewlett-Packard Company
Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT was a tremendous partner on this
project as the book’s executive editor. In addition to his written contributions, he
managed every stage of the development of this text from chapter outlines, to initial
draft, through several revisions to the final manuscript. This book would not have
been possible without his professionalism and commitment.
Thank you to James M. Byrne, CIPP/US, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT, Elisa Choi,
CIPP/IT, Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT, Ozzie Fonseca, CIPP/US,
Edward P. Yakabovicz, CIPP/IT and Amy E. Yates, CIPP/US who shared their
knowledge and experience within the chapters in this book and to David Hare of
SDG Associates who contributed his writing talents to portions of the text. I also
thank Yim Y. Chan, CIPP/C, Timothy Mark Gough, CIPP/US, CIPP/E, Benjamin
S. Hayes, CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPP/E, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT, Simon McDougall,
CIPP/E, Doris A. Patrick, CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPP/IT, Marcus Sinha, Susan
Smith, CIPP/US and Ron L. Wadey, CIPP/C who reviewed the text during its
development for content and scope.
I would like to acknowledge Alfredo Della Monica, CIPP/E, Ulrika Dellrud,
CIPP/E, Ellis I. Parry, Gayle Pearce, CIPP/E and Louise Thorpe, who reviewed
chapters of this book and added practical sidebars to highlight key points, as well as
Rachel Deschuytner who researched and validated references throughout the text.
To the editorial and production team—Jocelyn Humelsine, Rebecca Mahoney, Ed
Stevens and Wendy Catalano—thank you for your high-quality work and attention
to detail.
I am grateful to all of these professionals who provided insight and guidance to
ensure that we published a text that both helps CIPM candidates prepare to achieve
their CIPM designation and serves as an indispensable resource on the field of
privacy management.
Richard Soule, CIPP/US, CIPP/E
Certification Director
International Association of Privacy Professionals

W hen the IAPP was created in 2000, the chief privacy officer was a somewhat
obscure position—and was often a firm’s only employee charged with
ensuring that personal data was appropriately managed.
As the digital landscape exploded over the last decade and as news stories of
privacy concerns increased, so has the need for companies to thoroughly embed
sound privacy practices and information governance policies throughout the
organization, from top to bottom and across departments.
The IAPP’s mission has been to improve the privacy profession, and through our
certification programs—CIPP/US, CIPP/C, CIPP/E, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT—we
have sought to educate our members about the “what” of privacy. Our thousands of
certified members have learned what privacy professionals need to know about
existing laws, regulations, obligations and other privacy-related best practices.
Our newest certification, the Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
program, expands the privacy professional’s knowledge to include the “how” of
With the constant threat of data breaches, increased use of Big Data and the
reliance on storing data in the cloud, privacy has become a competitive
differentiator in the marketplace. Often the reputation of a company can be
severely affected by poor information management practices. It is paramount for
organizations to have a structured framework to manage data so that they are
prepared to handle day-to-day issues, and more major privacy incidents. In other
words, organizations increasingly need to be proactive with their data management
practices and policies—not reactive.
Drawn from the expertise of Executive Editor Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US,
CIPP/IT, and the invaluable contributions of Experian’s Ozzie Fonseca, CIPP/US,
Avanade’s Amy Yates, CIPP/US, Ernst & Young’s Elisa Choi, CIPP/IT, and a host
of experts from Lockheed Martin, Privacy Program Management: Tools for Managing
Privacy Within Your Organization will help you prepare for this practical
This textbook addresses two primary domains: privacy program governance and
the privacy operational life cycle. The former focuses on strategic management,
developing and implementing a privacy framework and performance measurement,
while the latter offers insight into privacy program maintenance through four life
cycle stages: assess, protect, sustain and respond.
The CIPM is the perfect tool for privacy professionals working in both the public
and private sectors, but the principles and policies herein will not only serve privacy
professionals but also those in adjacent professions across jurisdictions and industry
I am extremely excited about this new certification. It adds a pragmatic dimension
to an already robust suite of privacy certifications. If you’re just getting your
organization’s privacy or information governance program underway, or if you’re
looking to improve your already existing framework, this text and certification are
for you. I applaud your efforts.
J. Trevor Hughes, CIPP
President and CEO
International Association of Privacy Professionals


T his privacy management model provides suggestions for a structured

approach through two key high level tasks and supporting subtasks. This
section on privacy program governance explores:

Strategic management
Developing and implementing a framework
Performance measurement

The privacy operational life cycle is discussed in Section II.


Strategic Management

S trategic management is the first high-level task necessary to implementing

proactive privacy management through three subtasks:

Define your organization’s privacy vision and privacy mission statements

Develop privacy strategy
Structure your privacy team

Strategic management is important to define and implement. It is needed to

structure responsibilities with business goals. It ensures strategic objectives are
connected to the daily operations of an organization in assigning roles, setting
expectations, granting power and verifying performance. A strategic management
model identifies alignment to organizational vision and defines the privacy leaders
for an organization, along with the resources (people, policy, processes and
procedures) necessary to execute the vision. Strategic management authorizes
privacy-related decisions to include use, protection and management practices that
relate to how the organization handles privacy from the executive leadership of the
organization through to the day-to-day activities.

Key Definition
Privacy professional. General term used to describe a member of the privacy team
who may be responsible for privacy program framework development, management
and reporting within an organization.

1. Create an Organization Privacy Vision and Mission

Strategic management of privacy starts by creating or updating the organization
vision and mission statement based on privacy best practices that should include:

Develop vision and mission statement objectives

Define privacy program scope
Identify legal and regulatory compliance challenges
Identify organization personal information legal requirements

1.1 Develop Vision and Mission Statement Objectives

The vision or mission statement of a corporation’s privacy strategy and program is
critically important. This statement is the key factor that lays the groundwork for
the rest of the privacy program elements. It is typically comprised of a short
sentence or two that describe the purpose and ideas in less than 30 seconds. It
indicates the privacy vision of the organization and includes consensus from many
stakeholders to facilitate acceptance. Mission statements explain what you do as an
organization, not who you are; what the organization stands for and why what you
do as an organization to protect personal information is done.

A privacy mission statement describes the purpose and ideas in just a few sentences.
It should be read in less than 30 seconds.

Privacy can be covered in that mission statement, or a specific privacy mission

statement can be created. As Herath states, “In just a few clear sentences, it
communicates to stakeholders across all your different lines of business—from
legal to human resources to sales and marketing—where the organization stands on
privacy … your customers and partners and the auditors and regulators with whom
you deal need to feel confident that they understand how your privacy policies and
procedures will affect them, that you are meeting any legal requirements and that
you are protecting their interests.”1 Examples include:
Australian Bankers Association: From 21 December 2001, the ABA considers it
is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the National Privacy
Principles contained in the Privacy Act. Our policy is to comply with the Privacy
Act, and that includes telling you about the ABA’s policies for managing personal
information that we may collect, hold, use or disclose for the purposes of our
functions and activities.2
Citibank: Our goal is to maintain your trust and confidence when handling
personal information about you. Our Online Privacy Statement describes how we
may collect, use and share information you provide when you visit this website,
receive our emails or interact with advertisements we have on third-party
Ireland, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner: Our Mission is to
protect the individual’s right to privacy by enabling people to know, and to
exercise control over how their personal information is used, in accordance with
the Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2001.4
Hong Kong, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
(PCPD): Our mission is to secure the protection of privacy of the individual with
respect to personal data through promotion, monitoring and supervision of
compliance with the Ordinance.5
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC): We respect your privacy
and we promise:

To implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to protect

the security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect
To limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide
a better service
To permit only properly trained, authorized employees to access
personal data
Not to disclose your personal data to external parties unless you have
agreed, we are required by law or we have previously informed you.6

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): The mission of the ICE
Privacy Office is to sustain privacy protections and the transparency of
government operations while supporting the ICE mission. The Privacy Office
develops internal policies to protect personal privacy, promotes awareness of and
compliance with privacy requirements and ensures that ICE technology systems
have appropriate privacy protections in place. 7
U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA): Preserve and protect the privacy of veterans and VA
employees’ personal information.8
A shared mission statement and vision is a product of many stakeholders. Thus, it
has a better chance of acceptance and success because it receives greater support
and less resistance to changes in privacy policies, management and direct employee
actions when handling personal information. This statement should indicate:

The value the organization places on privacy

Desired organizational objectives
Strategies to drive the tactics used to achieve the intended outcomes
Clarification of roles and responsibilities

While the intended objectives may vary depending on your industry and location
and the size of the organization, the core principles that guide your objectives
remain constant. They should answer the primary question, “How do we assess,
protect, sustain and respond to data privacy and the protection of personal

1.2 Define Privacy Program Scope

In establishing the scope of the privacy program, you must first understand and
identify the legal and regulatory compliance challenges of the organization and
identify the data impacted. This analysis is not a linear exercise; typically, your
organization is subject to many data protection laws—and some data may be
subject to more than one regulation. As an example: your organization may provide
health services and is subject to regulations governing the handling of personal
health information. You may also handle financial transactions and therefore be
subject to financial reporting regulations as well. Since no two entities are alike, you
will need to determine the true scope for your particular situation.

If your organization plans to do business within a jurisdiction that has inadequate

or no data protection regulations, institute your organization’s requirements,
policies and procedures instead of reducing them to the level of the country in which
you are doing business. Choose the most restrictive policies—not the least

Companies that span the globe will need to develop a global privacy strategy
relevant to markets, cultures and geographical locations. The privacy organization
must be aware of cultural norms and legal and regulatory compliance. Management
practices used in one country may be alien in another in respect to the people,
culture or laws. The privacy organization must:

Understand the global perspective in order to meet legal, cultural and

personal expectations
Customize privacy approaches from both global and local perspectives
Be aware of privacy challenges that include translations of laws and
regulations, and enforcement activities and processes
Monitor all legal compliance factors for both local and global markets

Some of these principles will be reviewed in further detail later in this book, but
this serves as the starting point to clarify the difficulties in domestic and
multinational privacy management, along with some of the steps to define the
program scope.

1.3 Identify Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Privacy compliance is a challenge regardless of whether the program is domestic or
global. Domestic programs can span state or regional laws, while global programs
may span laws in various countries, cultures, languages and business methods.
Identifying these challenges will be the first concern of the privacy professional,
who must ensure relevant laws, regulations and other factors are considered from
the start and throughout the privacy program life cycle. While most people are
aware that European countries, the United States and Australia have enacted data
protection laws, a significant number of other nations have also enacted some sort
of data protection legislation, and many other countries are in the process of joining
this list. These laws may apply to your organization whether it is located and
operated in the country itself or whether your organization is located in another
country (and personal information is transferred to your organization). As Baker
and McKenzie state in their looking-ahead analysis of 2012, “A few important
trends are taking shape.

Data privacy is being incorporated into and serving as an anchor for

much broader view of corporate compliance … this trend will have a
profound impact on the role and importance of privacy professionals
within an organization.
The goal of “achieving compliance” is steadily being replaced with a
corporate need to “achieve and maintain compliance.”
We are also witnessing a strong desire on the part of global businesses to
move beyond a state of “crisis management” toward more proactive
strategies that aim to anticipate, prepare for, and create opportunities to
share information about a potential crisis before they occur.”9

Baker and McKenzie approach the compliance challenges this way: “Individual
nations differ in their approach to privacy protection. In the United States, for
example, legislators recognizing the potential harm and risk to individuals of
breaches and the misuse of data have identified key sectors of civic life in which
privacy protection is of special importance. For example, in the realm of healthcare,
patients are made aware that medical information about them will not be disclosed,
used or shared without their knowledge and/or consent. In the arena of financial
transactions, laws now require consumer reporting agencies—the main source of
credit ratings—to disclose the personal information they hold that influences an
individual’s chance to successfully apply for credit … Differing from the United
States in its approach to privacy, the European Union (EU) has enacted broader,
more comprehensive laws. The EU has established a uniform standard that is
designed to ensure individual privacy protection and facilitate the free movement of
personal data between member countries.”10 Table 1.1 illustrates how the
philosophies differ around the globe.
Table 1.1: Sample Approaches to Privacy around the Globe


United States / Enactment of laws that specifically address a particular industry sector,
Sectoral Laws such as:
Financial transactions
Credit records
Law enforcement
Medical records
Drawbacks include:
Technology relevancy
Oversight through new legislation
European Union Govern the collection, use and dissemination in public and private sectors
member states, with an official oversight enforcement agency that:
Canada / Remedies past injustices
Promote electronic commerce
Ensure consistency with Pan-European laws
Laws Drawbacks include:
Varying degrees of data protection official power and varying levels of
resources for enforcement that lead to inadequate funding and protection
Australia / Co- Variant of the comprehensive model, where industry develops
Regulatory Model enforcement standards that are overseen by a privacy agency

United States, Companies use a code of practice by a group of companies as industry

Japan, Singapore / bodies; drawbacks include adequacy and enforcement. The Online
Self-Regulated Privacy Alliance (OPA), TRUSTe, BBBOnline, and WebTrust are examples of
this type of model.
Domestic privacy challenges for organizations operating in the United States, for
example, include an initial determination about whether your organization
constitutes an entity that is subject to a law or industry standard that regulates data
or the collection of data from certain individuals. “Financial institutions,” as defined
by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), are subject to GLBA.11 Certain types of
organizations and entities known as “covered entities,“ such as healthcare providers
(e.g., hospitals, clinics, pharmacies) and health plans (e.g., medical plans,
organization benefit plans) are subject to the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).12 Websites collecting information from
children under the age of thirteen are required to comply with Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). A
merchant of any size that handles cardholder information for debit, credit, prepaid,
e-purse, ATM and POS cards must be in compliance with the Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which is a global standard. As is
obvious from the name, PCI DSS is an industry security standard, not a law, but it
still imposes certain data protection requirements on organizations, as well as
certain notification obligations in the event of breaches; some U.S. states have
adopted PCI DSS as part of legislated requirements. Domestic U.S. challenges also
extend from federal laws and regulations to the local states; up to 46 states now
have data breach notification laws.13 Accordingly, if you process the personal
information of any resident of a state that has adopted a breach notification law,
understand that to the extent that non-encrypted data has been compromised, your
compliance obligations may include notification to the residents of the states, as
well as government bodies or state attorney general offices.
It is worth adding that in many countries the government may be subject to other
or more stringent laws than private sectors businesses. For example, in Europe, you
will be subject to the national data protection legislation of all countries in which
you process personal data, so you will need to understand the requirements of, and
differences in, data protection law in each member state. There are also separate
requirements for sectors such as telecommunications providers in relation to
record-keeping. Government bodies may be subject to higher levels of scrutiny than
the private sector. Many other countries follow the EU model. There are also
industry-specific laws in countries like Japan and Australia.
As shown, the challenges to legal and regulatory compliance within complexity,
cultural norms, relevant markets and geographies span the globe. There is no one
linear approach. Instead, the organization privacy scope within legal and regulatory
compliance challenges must be understood and translated to align to the
organization objective and goals to ensure complete and successful data privacy

1.4 Identify Organization Personal Information Legal

The first step in gaining assurance that you are complying with your regulatory
obligations is to know what personal information your organization holds and how
it uses it. There are a number of ways to ascertain this. Some organizations engage
an outside consultancy to assess where personal information is collected, stored,
used and shared. Other organizations engage their own internal audit or privacy
team resources. If your organization elects to take a less structured approach to
identifying data and legal requirements, it can still start “roughing out” the scope of
a privacy program by flagging areas in an organization where personal information
is likely to be collected, accessed or used. In most organizations, these areas include
human resources, finance, marketing, and IT/IS (information security). It is also
common for personal information to be stored in marketing and customer
relationship management systems. If your organization delivers services to
customers or consumers that involve the processing of personal information, then
these areas of your business must be examined. You will also need to understand
any marketing laws that work in conjunction with privacy legislation. For example,
in the United Kingdom, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations
contain privacy rules for any form of electronic marketing, in addition to a vast array
of statutes, regulations and voluntary codes of practice that govern direct marketing
The privacy office must understand the legal requirements that affect the
organization through the constant changing of domestic and international privacy
laws. As laws are developed, changed or retired, the privacy office should be
prepared to interpret and adjust the organizational practices. Any organization
operating around the globe must be prepared for the legal requirements concerning
the proper handling of personal information, which can be substantial and complex.
For these very reasons, the privacy office must plan and organize activities within a
framework for the organization to operate and function.
Specific questions that should be asked to determine the privacy legal
requirements include:

Who collects, uses, and maintains personal information relating to

customers and employees? This includes your service providers in
addition to your own legal entity, so you need to understand these
relationships too.
What are the types of personal information and what are the legal
requirements for that data? For example, healthcare information,
banking, etc.
Where is the data stored physically?
When is the data collected? For example, during a transaction or hiring
How is the data collected?
Why is the information collected?

Another six key questions to ask include:

1. Who is covered by the laws?

2. What type of information is covered?
3. What exactly is required or prohibited?
4. Who enforces the law?
5. What happens if we don’t comply?
6. Why does the law exist?

Many other factors can also be considered when determining the legal aspects of
privacy management, which will be covered in Chapter 2.

2. Develop a Privacy Strategy

Developing a privacy strategy, no matter the industry or the size of the organization,
can be a complex and challenging task. Personal information may be collected and
used across an organization, with many individuals responsible for protecting this
information. No one solution mitigates all privacy risk, and there is no “one-size-
fits-all” strategy that can be adopted. The good thing about implementing a privacy
strategy in today’s environment is there is a growing awareness among management
about the importance of protecting personal information, and there could be a
financial impact if mismanaged. Even so, developing a vision and implementing a
solution can still be difficult.
Building a privacy strategy may mean changing the mind-set and perspective of an
entire organization. Effectively protecting personal information within an
organization requires every member of the organization to do his or her share. This
means that management needs to approve funding to resource and equip your
privacy team, fund important privacy enhancing resources and technologies,
support privacy initiatives such as training and awareness, and hold employees
accountable for following privacy policies and procedures. Sales personnel must
secure business contact data and respect the choices of these individuals. Software
developers must incorporate effective security controls, build safe websites, and
create solutions that require the collection or use of only that data necessary to
accomplish the purpose. All staff must understand and employ the fundamental
practices required to protect personal data—from secure methods to collect, store
and transmit personal data (both hard copy and electronic) through to secure
methods of destruction. Everyone in an organization has a role to play in protecting
the personal information that an organization collects, uses and discloses. The
adage “The chain is only as strong as its weakest link” truly reflects how an
organization must approach its privacy program. There are no shortcuts, and every
individual within an organization contributes to the success of a program.
Before your organization can embark on this journey, your management team will
need to understand why their involvement and support is so critical. It is important
to know your ultimate destination before you begin and to have a roadmap for the
journey. These factors and more must be contained in the privacy strategy to
ensure success, buy-in and ownership from the widest possible pool of stakeholders.
This section will detail the data necessary to develop and define the organizational
privacy strategy. Other sections of the book will add greater detail for each of these

2.1 Identify Stakeholders and Internal Partnerships

One of the most challenging aspects of building a privacy program and the
necessary supporting strategy is building a consensus among the members of your
organization’s management that a business imperative exists. You must build this
consensus in stages.
Your first major goal in building your coalition of supporters is to conduct
informal one-on-one conversations with executives within your organization who
have accountability for information management and/or security, risk, compliance
or legal decisions. Internal partners, such as human resources (HR), legal, security,
marketing, risk management and IT, should also be included in conversations, as
they too will have ownership of privacy activities, and their buy-in will be necessary.
Depending on your organization’s industry and business, the corporate culture of
your organization and the personalities of the various members of your
management team, the executives, managers and internal partners will each play
some role in the development and implementation of your privacy strategy into the
privacy program.
Out of these communications, you should start to get a feel for which executive, or
if an executive is even necessary, will serve as the program sponsor, or “champion,”
for the privacy program. The program sponsor should be someone who
understands the importance of privacy and will act as an advocate for you and for
the program. Effective program sponsors typically have experience with the
organization, the respect of their colleagues and access to or ownership of budget.
Final budgetary decision makers are the best program sponsors, but if they are
unavailable, it is best to obtain approval from executive management closest to the
organization’s top executive. Frequently, sponsors function as risk or compliance
executives within the organization. Sometimes chief operating officers or chief
information officers serve as program sponsors.

A privacy champion at the executive level acts as an advocate and sponsor to

further foster privacy as a core organization concept.

Most organizations, regardless of their size, industry and specific business, use
personal information for roughly the same bundle of activities—for example, staff
recruitment and ongoing employment administration, customer relationship
management and marketing, order fulfillment, etc. Further, the use of this personal
information is managed by a similar array of executives—regardless of the
organization or its activities. It is common to call the individual executives who lead
and “own” the responsibility of the relevant activities “stakeholders.” Typically in a
larger organization, an executive privacy team will be comprised of some or all of
the following individuals: senior security executive (e.g., chief security officer,
CSO), senior risk executive (e.g., chief risk officer, CRO), senior compliance
executive (e.g., chief compliance officer, CCO), senior human resources executive,
senior legal executive (e.g., general counsel), senior information executive (e.g.,
chief information officer, CIO), senior physical security/business continuity
executive, senior marketing executive, and a senior representative of the business.
Several best practices when developing internal partnerships include:

Become aware of how others treat and view personal information

Understand their use of the data in a business context
Assist with building privacy requirements into their ongoing projects to
help reduce risk
Offer to help staff meet their objectives while offering solutions to reduce
risk of personal information exposure
Invite staff to be a part of the privacy advocate group to further privacy
best practices

2.2 Leverage Key Functions

Managing privacy within an organization requires the contribution and
participation of many members of that organization. Because privacy should
continue to develop and mature over time within your organization, functional
groups must understand just how they contribute and support the overall privacy
program, as well as the privacy principles themselves. Importantly, individual
groups must have a fundamental understanding of data privacy because, in addition
to supporting the vision and plan of the privacy officer and the privacy organization,
these groups may need to support independent initiatives and projects from other
stakeholders. In some larger organizations you might find that members of the
privacy team sit within other functional groups and have a dedicated privacy role—
for example, a marketing privacy manager may advise and sign off on new
marketing initiatives and e-mail campaigns from a privacy perspective. He or she
may report to both the senior marketing manager and the head of privacy. Buy-in
and a sense of ownership from key functions also assist with better acceptance of
privacy and sharing the mission of the responsibility across the organization rather
than in one office. Based on the individual culture, politics and protocols of the
organization, the privacy professional will need to determine the best methods,
style and practices to work within the organization. In the long run, this effort may
be onerous, but afterwards the bonds and relationships will be much stronger and
better understood.
There are many functions that directly support the various activities required by
the privacy program. Among these activities are the adoption of privacy policies and
procedures, development of privacy training and communications, deployment of
privacy and security-enhancing controls, contracting with and management of third
parties who process the personal information of the organization, and the
assessment of compliance with regulation and established control mechanisms.
As a rule, privacy policies and procedures are created and enforced at a functional
level. Policies imposing general obligations on employees may reside with ethics,
legal and compliance; HR policies and procedures that dictate certain privacy and
security requirements on employees as they relate to the technical infrastructure
typically sit with IT. Policies that govern requirements that need to be imposed on
provider of third-party services that implicate personal data typically sit with
procurement. Policies that govern the use and disclosure of health information
about employees of the organization typically reside with HR. Since activities that
contribute to the protection of employee, customer and other data subjects’
personal information span the entire organization, most groups within the
organization should have some policies to address the appropriate use and
protection of personal information specific to their own functional area; all such
policies will need to be produced in close consultation with the privacy office.
There needs to be an awareness of the difference between having appropriate
policies in place and whether appropriate controls are actually being used. These

Training and awareness—with the intention of changing bad behaviors

and reinforcing good ones—are integral to the success of the privacy
program. Many organizations have a learning and development group
that manages activities related to employee training. This function
enables policies and procedures to be translated into teachable content
and can help contextualize privacy principles into tangible operations and
processes. In smaller companies these responsibilities may fall upon the
privacy function. Whatever the size of the organization you work for, the
privacy team will always need to approve the training output that has
been produced.
The communications group can assist with publishing periodic intranet
content, e-mail communications, posters and other collateral that
reinforce good privacy practices.
The information security (IS) group is more closely aligned to the
privacy group than any other function in the organization. One can safely
say that every security-enhancing technology that IS deploys—from
encryption, to parameter security controls, to data leakage prevention
(DLP) tools—help the privacy program meet its requirements to
implement security controls to protect personal information. As an
example, EU data protection law incorporates security provisions into the
law as one of its key principles. The IS group ensures that appropriate
technological controls are employed (e.g., complex passwords,
encryption, role-based access) and whether the various groups within an
organization are aware of, and comply with, the organizational and
technical controls that govern their activities and behaviors.
The information technology (IT) group supports and enhances the
effectiveness of the privacy program by adding process and controls that
support privacy principles. For example, creating processes to develop
and test software and applications in a manner that does not require the
use of production data decreases the chances that the data will be
compromised and that individuals who have no business need will access
the data. Creating systems that support role-based access also supports
the larger purposes of the privacy program by specifically identifying and
limiting who can access the personal information in a particular database.
The IT group should carry the mantle of “privacy by design” by
implementing privacy principles into the realm of technology
development—such as limiting the data fields that are built into a tool or
application to only those actually required to perform a process or action,
or building in functions that enable the user to easily delete data
according to a retention schedule.
One could consider an internal audit group an ally of the privacy program
and, in a sense, a member of the privacy program, although it traditionally
functions independently to assess whether controls are in place to protect
personal information and whether people and processes within the
organization are abiding by these controls.
Procurement plays an important role in ensuring that contracts are in
place with third-party services providers who process personal
information on behalf of the organization and that the appropriate data
privacy contractual language is imposed on these service providers. Most
privacy laws require data controllers or other entities directly subject to
data protection laws to ensure their privacy requirements are fulfilled.
You must perform due diligence, action the results, and have the right
contractual clauses to reduce your exposure.

In smaller organizations, a legal department may actually create contract

requirements if there is no procurement.

2.3 Create a Process for Interfacing Within an

Protecting personal data and building a program that drives privacy principles into
the organization cannot be the exclusive job of the privacy officer or the privacy
team, any more than playing a symphony is the exclusive responsibility of the
conductor. As with an orchestra, many people, functions and talents will merge to
execute on a vision.
Many organizations create a privacy committee or council comprised of the same
stakeholders (or representatives of functions) that were identified at the start of the
privacy program implementation process. Just as these same individuals and
functions will be used to get the privacy program off the ground, their expertise and
involvement will continue to be tapped as remediation needs are identified—some
of which may sit within their areas of responsibility. They will be instrumental in
making strategic decisions and driving such strategies and decisions through their
own organizations.
Organizations with a global footprint often create a governance structure that is
comprised of representatives from each geographic region and business function
(i.e., legal/HR) in which the organization has a presence to ensure that proposed
privacy policies, processes, and solutions align with local laws (and to nuance them
where necessary).
Herath states this concept another way by saying the privacy professional must
become part of the business solution, not an inhibitor. This involves interfacing
closely with colleagues in many capacities across the organization as both an
advisor and advocate. He states, “Expertise will help staff in other functions meet
the privacy requirements of your organizational policy and applicable laws and
regulations. Your ability to advocate and be proactive will help float privacy as an
important, valuable, and ongoing consideration in many of the organization’s
internal groups.”15

2.4 Develop a Data-governance Strategy for Personal

Information (Collection, Authorized Use, Access,
Security, Destruction)
Taking an inventory of relevant regulations that apply to your business will enable
you to create a data-governance strategy for your organization. Once you have
determined which laws apply, you must design a manageable approach to handling
and protecting this information. It will be nearly impossible to successfully
implement and manage a program designed to address the various rights and
obligations of each privacy regulation on a one-off basis. One option to consider is
to take a more pragmatic approach and collect the various data-protection
requirements and “rationalize” them where you can. Rationalizing requirements
means implementing a solution that materially addresses the various requirements
of the majority of laws or regulations with which you must comply. This activity is
made simpler by a number of factors. First, at a high level, most data privacy
legislation imposes many of the same types of obligations on regulated entities, and
much of this regulation requires entities to offer similar types of rights to
individuals. Among these shared obligations and rights, data-protection regulations
typically include: notice, choice, consent, purpose limitations, limits on retaining
data, individual rights to access, correction and deletion of data and the obligation
to safeguard data. Further, there seems to be a growing consensus among data-
protection regulators and businesses about which actions and activities meet these
regulatory obligations.
Following a rationalized approach to creating a privacy strategy also requires
addressing those requirements that fall outside of the common solution when the
risk of not creating a specific solution for a particular set of requirements is too
great, or the effort to implement and manage these specific requirements are trivial.
Typically, organizations include language respecting how they, as employers,
collect, use and protect the personal information of their employees’ personal data
when they provide offer or employment letters. It is prudent to start with a very
clear and concise statement about the processing of this data. After you have
created a type of notice from which you can build, you should work with local
counsel to ensure that there are no local data protection laws that require the
inclusion of any verbiage or other content specific to that region.
In contrast, if you are deploying a global performance management tool that
collects data from employees and is accessed by all employees through the
organization’s intranet, it might be difficult to create separate and distinct online
notices that would be nuanced to specifically address employees on a country-by-
country basis. In this instance, one would post a notice that provides information
about the processing of the personal data collected, stored and accessed on that site
in a manner that materially addresses the common notice criteria of all of the
various data protection regulations, with country-specific supplements.
Another activity that lends itself to establishing a standard process that meets the
requirements of many countries but may require some “customization” to meet
local requirements is the granting of access to personal data to individuals and the
timeframes within which that the data must be provided to them. In EU countries,
there may be prescribed timeframes within which an organization must provide
access to individuals (e.g., employees, consumers). They may be different country
by country. In countries where no legal requirements exist (and the granting of
access may merely be an organization policy), or where there is a generous amount
of time extended to provide data, the organization can adopt a procedure that sets a
common time period within which data must be provided. However, in certain
countries with more stringent access requirements, such as those with the self-
regulating models, it is likely that individual procedures must be adopted to ensure
the organization in that geographic location is able to act in a manner consistent
with local data-protection requirements.
Technical security controls are also part of the data-governance strategy and are
often a privacy area where technology-based solutions are routinely deployed. The
good news is that most legislation does not enumerate the types of specific controls
that must be implemented to protect personal data. Security controls also have
similar categories and solutions designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of the data; thus, the technical security controls that one deploys in
one jurisdiction may typically satisfy another jurisdiction. The privacy professional
should always involve a security engineer to review, define or establish technical
security controls, including common security controls such as firewalls, malware
anti-virus, and complex password requirements. Even with technical security
safeguards, it is important to become educated about local requirements and/or
local prohibitions. Some countries, like China, will not permit the use of
encryption, and many EU countries limit the use of data leakage prevention
technology, because they interpret it to be employee monitoring. In sum, technical
security controls afford the most opportunity to deploy personal information
protection techniques in a uniform manner. Technical security controls will be
further addressed later in this book.
One last strategy that many organizations employ is, when possible, to look to the
strictest standard when seeking a solution; provided that it does not violate any data
privacy laws, exceed budgetary restrictions or contradict organization goals and
objectives. This approach is used more frequently than most organizations realize
—for example, rather than instructing employees they only need to shred
documents that contain personal information or confidential information,
organizations may implement a “shred everything” policy. Organizations may roll
out laptop encryption for the entire employee population as opposed to only
targeting those individuals who may perform functions that involve personal
In summary, crafting a comprehensive personal information protection strategy
may not result in a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, one must look at the various
activities an organization performs and the obligations that must be discharged and
attempt to create a common solution for the various activities and privacy
requirements. Based on an assessment of cost, risk, legal regulations and
implementation complexity, the organization must determine whether to apply a
common solution to a particular activity or safeguard, or create a one-off solution.

2.5 Conducting a Privacy Workshop for Your

With the support of the privacy program sponsor, you should plan to conduct a
workshop for those stakeholders who will support efforts to develop and launch a
privacy program. Don’t assume that everyone in the room has the same level of
understanding about the regulatory environment or the complexity of the
undertaking. There will invariably be different levels of privacy knowledge among
your various stakeholders. This is your opportunity to ensure everyone has the
same baseline understanding of the risks and challenges your organization faces, the
data privacy obligations that are imposed on your organization and the increasing
expectations in the marketplace regarding the protection of personal information.

Conduct a privacy workshop for your stakeholders to level the privacy playing field
by defining privacy for the organization, explaining the market expectations,
answering questions, and reducing confusion.

3. Structure the Privacy Team

Structuring the privacy team is the last objective to formalizing the organization’s
approach to privacy. This section will focus on the many factors that should be
considered by the privacy professional to assist with the decisions to structure the
privacy team and ensure the foundation for those decisions align to the business
objectives and goals. This last step helps to determine privacy governance for the
organization to align to the privacy strategy.

3.1 Governance Models

There are many different opinions and strategies for creating privacy office
governance models. This text is not intended to educate thoroughly on the
idiosyncrasies of various governance models but to give examples of types of
governance models you may wish to consider when structuring your privacy
program. You should give this issue consideration, as it will help identify what
decisions your privacy team are relied on to make and the policies they will need to
You should consider whether or not the model applies only within a given
region(s) or whether your team should globally consider your operations. Many
large organizations find they need to consider those global implications when
structuring the privacy team.
The positioning of the privacy team should also consider the authority it will
receive based on the governance model it follows. Positioning the privacy team
under the corporate legal umbrella may be substantially different from aligning the
team under the IT umbrella. Executive leadership support for your governance
model will have a direct impact on the level of success when implementing your
privacy strategies.
No matter which model you choose, there are some important steps to integrate
into it:

Involve senior leadership

Involve stakeholders
Develop internal partnerships
Provide flexibility
Leverage communications
Leverage collaboration

Privacy governance models include centralized, local and hybrid versions but are
not limited to only these selections. Governance models and the choice of the
correct model objectives should ensure information is controlled and distributed to
the right decision makers. Since decision making must be based on accurate and up-
to-date management data, the allocation and design of the governance model will
ensure intelligent and accurate decisions.
3.1.1 Centralized
Centralized governance is a common model that fits well in organizations used to
utilizing single-channel functions (where the direction flows from a single source)
with planning and decision making completed by one group. A centralized model
will leave one team or person responsible for privacy-related affairs. All other
persons or organizations will flow through this single point. Often this single point
is the chief privacy officer or corporate privacy office.
3.1.2 Local or Decentralized
Decentralization is the policy of delegating decision-making authority down to
the lower levels in an organization, relatively away from and lower than a central
authority. A decentralized organization shows fewer tiers in the organizational
structure, wider span of control, and a bottom-to-top flow of decision making and
flow of ideas.
In a more decentralized organization, the top executives delegate much of their
decision-making authority to lower tiers of the organizational structure. As a
correlation, the organization is likely to run on less-rigid policies and wider spans of
control among each officer of the organization. The wider spans of control also
reduce the number of tiers within the organization, giving its structure a flat
appearance. One advantage of this structure, if the correct controls are in place, will
be the bottom-to-top flow of information, allowing decisions about lower-tier
operations to be well informed. For example, if an experienced technician at the
lowest tier of an organization knows how to increase the efficiency of production,
the bottom-to-top flow of information can allow this knowledge to pass up to the
executive officers.
3.1.3 Hybrid
A hybrid governance model allows for a combination of centralized and local
governance. This is most typically seen when a large organization assigns a main
individual (or organization) responsibility for privacy-related affairs and for issuing
policies and directives to the rest of the organization. The local entities then fulfill
and support the policies and directives from the central governing body. Members
of the privacy team may also sit locally; for example, with regional compliance hubs
in large multinationals. Each region may have a privacy manager who reports in to
local management and/or the chief privacy officer at the global level.
3.1.4 Centralized, Decentralized and Hybrid
Centralized management offers many advantages, with streamlined processes and
procedures. This allows the organization to create efficiency by using the same
resources throughout the organization. Since decisions are made at the top layer,
individual employees or groups cannot make their own decisions and must seek
approval from a higher level.
With fewer layers of management, decentralized managers create and manage
their own business practices. This may be inefficient because each process may be
reproduced many times instead of using one centralized process. Employees are
also tasked with solving problems to which they are closest and familiar.
The hybrid approach uses a decentralized decision-making process that tends to
provide less outside influence for employees, yet offers the advantage of the
organizational resources of a larger, centralized organization. Typically, the hybrid
model will dictate core values and let the employee decide the practice to use to
obtain those goals. Working groups, individual offices and other groups are
encouraged to make business decisions to include revenue, operating costs and
operations. These types of models allow an organization to function in a global
environment yet remain an organization with common missions, values and goals.
Mixing centralized and decentralized management approaches into a hybrid
approach allows the organization to achieve desired results that may span the globe
or locations across town. Employees feel their contributions provide a sense of
ownership, which encourages the employees to perform more efficiently and
effectively, consistent with top management.

3.2 Establish the Organizational Model, Responsibilities

and Reporting Structure Appropriate to the Size of the
In establishing the overall organizational privacy model, one must consider the
organizational structure as related to strategy, operations and management for
responsibilities and reporting. The privacy professional should know how each
major unit functions and understand their privacy needs. The following is a short
list of those offices for both large and small organizational structures, including:

Chief privacy officer

Privacy manager
Privacy analysts
Business line privacy leaders
“First responders,” incident response and security computer incident
response team
Data protection officers (including those for whom privacy is not their
only responsibility)

Organizational structures function within a framework by which the organization

communicates, develops goals and objectives, and operates daily. Companies can
use one of several structures or switch from one to another based on need.
Principals within that framework allow the organization to maintain the structure
and develop the processes necessary to do so efficiently. Methods and processes to
consider include:

Hierarchy of command. The authority of senior management, leaders

and the executive team to establish the trail of responsibility
Role definition. Clear definition of the responsibilities to create
individual expectations and performance
Evaluating outcomes. Methods to determine strengths and weaknesses
and how to correct or amplify as necessary
Altering organizational structure. Remain dynamic and change as
necessary to meet current objectives, adopt new technology, or react to
Significance. Large organizations typically use complex structures, while
smaller organizations use flat structures
Types of structures. Product organizational structures, functional
organizational structures and others
Customers. Consider the customer base based on products and services
Benefits. To the organization, customers and stakeholders, as aligned to
the objectives and goals
Considerations. For centralized, decentralized or hybrid approach

3.3 Establish/Endorse the Measurement of Professional

Privacy certifications for the privacy organization should be considered in order to
train professionals on the most current and relevant privacy practices. As required
by the EU EC 45/2001,16 privacy training and certification after an appointment is
mandated to develop skills and maintain proficiencies. Certifications, in general,
should be considered a best practice to information privacy program development,
structure and management as related to regulatory compliance and laws, as well as
international concerns. A certification designation, such as those offered by the
International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), identifies the individual
as having achieved a fundamental understanding of privacy laws, concepts,
technologies and practices that are integral to information management as
established by reputable third-party organizations.
Conferences and seminars can be rich sources of information and expert
suggestions on effective ways to build a privacy program and address privacy
governance. An individual may learn about various approaches from privacy
professionals by attending presentations or panel discussions that are assembled
specifically to address this topic. Often, a person learns about various governance
structures and approaches to privacy through presentations on other topics.
Managing security incidents, creating a sustainable training and awareness
program, designing and implementing programs or other presentations on privacy
challenges can inform the audience on the topic itself while also providing insights
into how an organization manages these issues and assigns accountability.
Information can also be obtained through informal exchanges of ideas. Most
privacy professionals are engaged in some phase of rolling out a privacy program
launch—the challenging thing about privacy is that technologies always change,
new laws are always adopted and processes can always be improved. Learning from
your peers is an incredibly valuable method for acquiring information about privacy

4. Summary
Developing a privacy strategy can be a complex and challenging task. Using a
strategic management model assures that an organization’s approach to privacy is in
alignment with business objectives and goals. It defines both the privacy leaders of
an organization and the people, policies, processes and procedures needed for the
organization to meet these objectives.

1 Kirk M. Herath, Building a Privacy Program: A Practitioner’s Guide, 73. Portsmouth, NH;
International Association of Privacy Professionals: 2011.
2 Australian Bankers’ Association, Privacy Policy,
3 Citibank, URL:
4 Data Protection Commissioner, Mission Statement,
5 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, The Role of the PCPD,
6 Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC),
7 ICE, Privacy Office, Mission Statement,
8 United States Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Privacy Service,
9 Baker & McKenzie. Global Privacy Handbook Supplement, 1 (IAPP 2012).
10 Herath, Building a Privacy Program, 17.
11 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C, Subchapter I, § 6809 (1999).
12 45 C.F.R. §§ 160.102, 160.103.
13 National Conference of State Legislatures, State Security Breach Notification Laws,
14 The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003,
15 Herath, Building a Privacy Program, 116.
uri=CONSLEG:2001R0045:20010201:EN:PDF or

Develop and Implement a Framework

T he term privacy has varying definitions and uses among nations, states,
regions and industries. These definitions, while usually similar, can be
vastly different. Most agree that privacy is not the same as secrecy and thus
should not be confused with data classification models used by the governments of
the world, who may label information as sensitive, secret, top secret, etc. Privacy is a
dynamic object with a discrete set of attributes and actions that is difficult to
observe and measure; therefore the use of a privacy framework provides the
guidance necessary to ensure a successful program implementation.

Key Definition
Privacy program framework. An implementation roadmap that provides the
structure or checklists (documented privacy procedures and processes) to guide the
privacy professional through privacy management and prompts them for the details
to determine all privacy-relevant decisions for the organization.

Since privacy is a subject of global importance, organizations can no longer ignore

the requirements necessary to protect personal information imposed by law,
relevant regulations and industry best practices. As governments are imposing
tighter laws and regulations, consumers continue to demand more protection, and
social networking increases, privacy management is becoming increasingly more
important. Consequently, information technology (IT) organizations must meet
these demands through placement of greater controls, processes and procedures on
information under their custodial control. With so many spheres of influence and
pressure, the privacy team must now track, manage and monitor the dynamic
changes that appear to occur daily.

Privacy framework is an important tool in encouraging the development of

appropriate information privacy protections and ensuring the free flow of
— Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 20051

As shown with all business management tasks, a privacy governance framework

provides the methods to access, protect, sustain and respond to the positive and
negative effects of all influencing factors. This master plan, or framework, thereby
provides reusable procedures and checklists that outline the operational life cycle
courses of action, research and subject matter expertise, constituting a “best
practice” approach to an idea, thought or subject. Like maps, frameworks provide
inquiry topics and direction (e.g., problem definition, purpose, literature review,
methodology, data collection and analysis) to ensure quality through repeatable
steps throughout program management, thereby reducing errors or gaps in
knowledge or experience. For the purpose of this book, this framework is called the
“privacy program framework.” Although the privacy team owns this framework, it
shares ownership and management aspects with other stakeholders throughout the
organization, including employees, executive leadership and managers, and external
entities such as partners, vendors, other third parties and even customers.

Framework benefits: Reduce risk; avoid incident of data loss; sustain

organization market value and reputation and provide measurement in compliance
to laws, regulations and standards.

1. Frameworks
Effective privacy programs reduce the privacy risk of data management, protecting
against accidental disclosures and breaches, and in so doing reduce the chance that
the enterprise or its staff or customers will suffer financial or reputational harm.
Effective privacy programs also can serve as competitive advantages by reflecting
the value the organization places on the protection of personal information, thereby
deserving trust. Because the selection of the correct privacy regulations, policies,
controls and other factors is complex and difficult, organizations can make use of an
objective-based privacy program framework to assist in data privacy management,
personal information protection and solutions to privacy issues. The business
benefits of an effective, reusable framework are significant and include:

Lowering risk solutions

Avoiding an incident of data loss
Sustaining market value and reputation
Supporting business commitment and objectives to stakeholders,
customers, partners and vendors
Complying with laws, regulations and industry standards

Simply put, frameworks provide the structure and implementation roadmap to

guide the privacy professional through privacy management activities that prompt
them for the details to determine the privacy-relevant decisions for the
There is no one-size-fits-all privacy standard; thus, a privacy program framework
provides the necessary information and design patterns to build an effective privacy
program. It allows an adaptable and flexible approach to assist in making strategic
business decisions in the selection of methods, strategy and technologies applicable
to the protection of personal information and to privacy concerns for data usage
today. This provides the architectural guidance and framework to associate current
privacy standards and practices to that of data privacy protection within business
objectives and goals.

1.1 Current Privacy Frameworks

Privacy frameworks began emerging in the 1970s, and today there are many choices
based on geographical, political and national boundaries. Examples include:

The APEC Privacy Framework.2 A framework to enable regional data

transfers to benefit consumers, businesses, and governments.
Guidance from local data protection authorities. Such as the United
Kingdom’s (UK) Information Commissioner’s Office or France’s
Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL).
The Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act (PIPEDA) principles3 and Australian Information
Privacy Principles.4 provide a well-developed and current example for
generic privacy principles implemented in a national law.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) Privacy Guidelines.5 The most widely accepted privacy
principles; together with the Council of Europe’s Treaty 108, they
provide the basis for the European Data Protection Directive.
Privacy by Design. Solutions are built by organizations to ensure
consumers’ privacy protections at every stage in developing their
products. These include reasonable security for consumer data, limited
collection and retention of such data, and reasonable procedures to
promote data accuracy.
U.S. Government. The White House privacy framework for protecting
privacy and promoting innovation in the global digital economy.6
U.S. Government. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
recommendations for business and policymakers.7
The differences between each will not be addressed in this book, but it can be said
they each have varying objectives, based on business needs, commercial grouping,
legal/regulatory aspects, government affiliations, etc. Instead, certain aspects of
each will be generalized in this chapter to help the privacy professional create a
tailored privacy program framework for his or her organization. The framework
that will be developed will be representative of a high-level “system design” that
meets the business objectives of the organization, thus teaching the privacy
professional those steps necessary to develop an open, more dynamic process to
manage the specific organization needs, rather than use static frameworks that
become quickly dated and are not adaptable to the organization. Regardless of laws,
regulations or standards throughout the world, the privacy program framework
outlined herein will allow the privacy professional to perform these tasks in a
dynamic and flexible structure.
A framework answers primary privacy questions that include:

1. Are privacy and the organization’s privacy risks properly defined and
identified in the organization with a business case?
2. Has the organization assigned responsibility and accountability for
managing a privacy program?
3. Does the organization understand any gaps in privacy management?
4. Does the organization monitor privacy management?
5. Are employees properly trained?
6. Does the organization follow industry best practices for data inventories,
risk assessments and Privacy Impact Assessments?
7. Does the organization have an incident response plan?
8. Does the organization communicate privacy-related matters and update
that material as needed?

This privacy operational life cycle ensures the organization is prepared to assess,
protect, sustain and respond within the context of the ever-changing privacy
demands of the world. Using the privacy policy framework in conjunction with the
privacy operational life cycle thereby allows “quick wins” and long-term privacy
management efforts that ensure accurate, complete and successful coverage of key
privacy topics affecting the organization, stakeholders, consumers and customers.
Highlighting the potential costs of not having a privacy policy framework—fines,
reputational damage, loss of earnings—can help gain management buy-in.

2. Develop Organizational Privacy Policies, Standards

and/or Guidelines
The steps identified to create the privacy policy framework are not necessarily
conducted in a rigid order, and not every organization will perform every phase.
The process is flexible and further enhanced through allowable “tailoring,” which
should be accomplished early and with forethought and diligence. Specifically, it
should focus on the rigor with which events are conducted and documented, rather
than the wholesale disregard of any specific activity. Teams are cautioned against
cutting out or truncating activities based solely on the lack of time or resources. For
example, for very large organizations, every phase should be completed to ensure
the highest accuracy in the selection and definition of privacy definitions and
drivers. A smaller organization may choose to do one, some or all tasks. A highly
detailed formal analysis may not be necessary, and many of the phases many need
only a quick review. The execution of these events may not need to be as formal or
as time-consuming, based on organizational needs.

A smaller organization may select to do one, some, all or none of these tasks.

The first step of this process includes an assessment of the business case for the
current (or forthcoming) privacy program or privacy requirements for privacy
policies, standards and/or guidelines. A gap analysis of this information follows,
ensuring there are no gaps or holes in the current privacy program or in the
development of a new privacy program. Final steps are to review and monitor the
program and then communicate the framework. These phases are not necessarily
conducted in a rigid order, and not every organization will perform every phase.

No matter the size of the organization, if the core business of the organization
revolves around the processing of personal data, having in place as thorough a
privacy framework as possible becomes all the more important and should be
prioritized within the organization.

2.1 The Business Case

The business case is the starting point for assessing the needs of the privacy
organization. It defines the individual program needs and the ways to meet specific
business goals, such as compliance with privacy laws or regulations, industry
frameworks, customer requirements and other considerations. This allows for the
understanding of the role of privacy in the context of business requirements and
identification of business benefits and risks. This should be completed at a high
level; the lower level detail will be examined in greater detail in the next steps.
After defining privacy and the business case, the privacy domain should be
established, which will determine the privacy elements, such as industry, privacy
organizations and other data, that will provide the necessary laws, standards,
guidelines and other factors that should be evaluated.8 To help assist with business
case development, this book identifies ten foundational elements. These include
selection of appropriate privacy drivers necessary to correctly determine the
privacy needs and requirements of the organization. These elements assist the
privacy professional in reviewing possible factors that impact the business case in
providing a complete privacy solution.
A basic definition of each element is provided below:

Organizational privacy office guidance. If developed, offers the best

starting point. This should be the first step, regardless of the program
Define privacy. As related to your program or organization. Use all
available resources to determine the correct and appropriate definition of
privacy for your organization.
Laws and regulations. Provide the mandatory government policy and
guidance based on the organization’s location and industry. Well-known
examples in the United States include Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), and
Privacy Act of 1974. Non-U.S. laws include Australian Privacy Act 1988
and the European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive, which is
implemented in national EU laws, such as the UK Data Protection Act
Technical controls. Provide the assurances necessary to achieve the
goals of physical and data security, as well as others.
External privacy organizations. Serve as guardians or protectors against
misuse, loss or illegal practices. The Center for Democracy and
Technology, for example, serves as a civil liberties group with expertise in
law, technology and policy.9
Industry frameworks. Provide taxonomies or privacy categorization
guidelines that are not law- or regulation-based. Examples include the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines
itself as a non-governmental organization that has the ability to set
standards that often become law, and the AICPA/CICA Generally
Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP).
Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). Define privacy technology
standards developed solely to be used for the transmission, storage and
use of privacy data. Examples include Platform for Privacy Preferences
(P3P) and Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (EPAL).
Information technology cutting-edge or innovation solutions.
Involve the use of newer or unregulated technology, such as social
networking and the new Internet web cookie policy for eGov 2.0.10
Education and awareness. Provide methods to inform the employee of
the important aspects of privacy and basic protections a non-privacy
profession should know.
Program assurance or the governance structure. Mandate operational
safeguards that include auditing.

Organizational privacy office guidance, defining privacy, understanding applicable

laws and regulations, the use of technical controls, and providing education and
awareness should be prioritized—especially in smaller organizations, where
resources may be scarce.

2.1.1 Element 1: Organization Privacy Office/Program/Management

If there is no privacy office or team, assemble a team of privacy
professionals/associates that will perform the work and identify stakeholders—this
may be one person or many people, depending on the organization size. The
privacy professional or privacy team will be the subject matter expert(s) in privacy
management, while the stakeholders may consist of one or many senior leader(s)
who provide strong knowledge of the business requirements and mission, strong
understanding of the organization’s culture and political environment, and
authority to implement the solution. The stakeholders may also provide the
necessary leadership and support to accomplish the governance structure
required to approve, manage and authorize the privacy program.

Senior, local and functional top leadership endorsement and buy-in for the privacy
function is necessary, especially in a smaller organization, in order to have a
working privacy department and to be able to accomplish and drive the set
strategies and tasks.

Assembling the team also includes these items reviewed in Chapter 1:

Develop scope and charter

Develop a privacy strategy
Align your business
Finalize operational business case for privacy
Identify stakeholders
Leverage key functions
Create a process for interfacing within an organization

Finding the right people with the right skills is difficult in any situation. The
privacy professional will need to combine the team talents with consideration for
qualities, team structure, privacy organization structure and division for
international offices, as necessary. Privacy team assembly should consider:

Funding and other resources

Team structure
Skills and knowledge
Career paths available or if those jobs must be created
Education and certifications Internal Policy Compliance

The privacy office should know and understand the internal policy of the
organization as the key stakeholder for privacy. Key aspects of internal policy
compliance include a formal written policy and designated points of contact
(privacy owners) responsible to the organization for all privacy-related matters.
Written policy should document the principles, policies and practices that
influence privacy for the organization. These will define the organizational and
enterprise privacy principles and provide direction to the organization and
employees through such documents as organization privacy practices; privacy roles
and responsibilities; breach or incident documents, and others that define privacy
ownership and assign stakeholders. They should also provide formal procedures for
receiving and resolving privacy-related inquires and complaints from both internal
and external sources.
A designated point of contact for privacy issues should also be established, such
as a privacy office or privacy officer. This contact can also serve as the liaison to
information security, legal and human resources, all of which are highly important
partners in successful privacy management. There are additional ideas for
establishing ways to contact and/or work with the privacy organization in Chapter
7 of this book.

The privacy function is not a stand-alone function. It is imperative that the privacy
professional works closely with the IT, security, HR and legal functions in order to
take a coordinated approach to solutions.

The bigger and more global the organization, the more important it is to have
privacy resources spread out in various regions to ensure consistency and
compliance. Even smaller companies would benefit from having regional (e.g.,
European) internal privacy contact persons (even if not on a full-time basis) who
can perform some of the basic tasks of a working privacy department. By
conducting regular calls on topical privacy and data protection issues and providing
internal and external updates relevant to the country, the privacy professional
would then create a loose network for an internal privacy office.
Apart from having the necessary privacy policies and procedures in place, it is
equally important to actually roll them out and communicate them to the
appropriate persons and have them easily accessible, which is not always the case.
By way of example, a well-written employee data protection policy could certainly
serve as a notice to the individuals about how the organization processes the
individual’s data.

Set up a dedicated e-mail address for all privacy enquiries, both internal and
external, which the privacy team can monitor (e.g.,
[email protected]). Data Inventories, Risk Assessments and Privacy Impact Statements

How do you know where your personal data resides, how it is used in the
organization and why it is important? The data inventory, also known as a record of
authority, provides this answer by identifying the data as it moves across various
systems and thus how data is shared and organized and its locations. That data is
then categorized by subject area, which identifies inconsistent data versions,
enabling identification and mitigation of data disparities. This then identifies the
most and least valuable data and how it is accessed, used and stored.
Based on these aspects, the data inventory offers a good starting point for the
privacy team to prioritize resources, efforts, risk assessments and current policy in
response to incidents. A data inventory should include the items in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Elements of a Data Inventory


The nature of a Provides context and describes the purpose of the repository
repository of privacy-
related information

The owner of the A starting point for further investigation into the repository, if
repository needed

Location of the Geographical location of the data to identify where it is moving

repository from and to

The volume of How much data is actually in the repository?

information in this

The format of the Is this a paper or electronic repository? Is it structured or

information unstructured?

The use of the How is the information being used?


Type (or types) of What kinds of information are in the repository (e.g., physical or e-
privacy-related mail addresses, government-issued identification numbers, health
information in the information, salary information)?

Where the data is stored In which country/countries is the data stored?

Where the data is From which country/countries is the data accessed?


International transfers Where will the data flow (country to country)?

Once the data inventory is completed and documented, the information will be
used when necessary to address both incidents and standard risk assessments. This
process will help set the organizational priorities for privacy initiatives by providing
data locations, data use, data storage and data access. Knowing this allows the
privacy team to justify priorities and understand the scope of data usage in the

The new proposed rules in the draft EU Data Protection Regulation will make it
even more important for companies, small and large; to have a good overview of its
data inventory, as security breach notification will become mandatory for all types
of companies (not just telecommunications companies).

2.1.2 Element 2: Defining Privacy for the Organization

Each organization may be subject to a different combination of laws, regulations
and other mandates related to protecting the privacy of data, so as the first step, the
term privacy should be defined for the organization to ensure a clear and concise
definition, which will reduce confusion later. The privacy professional’s starting
point is to identify the terms personal information and personal data as associated
with data use, storage and transport in the organization. These terms are
interchangeable and relate to information concerning an “identified or identifiable
person.” As Baker and Matyjaszewski state, “All countries employ some variation of
the phrasing, data ‘that allow the identification of a person directly or indirectly.’”11
“Despite this general similarity, laws differ in what actually qualifies for data
protection. Some countries list specific examples of what can constitute personal
data; others are satisfied with a more flexible—or ambiguous—definition.”12 The
privacy professional must first define privacy for the organization as associated with
all personal information or personal data that relate to mandated compliance
factors. Table 1.1 in Chapter 1 provides examples of privacy data laws around the

Decide whether you still need the data. If you do, is it stored in the right place? If
you have data you need to keep for archive purposes but do not need to access it
regularly, move it to more secure offline storage. If you do not need the data, you
should delete it. Establish the Current Baseline

Establishing the current baseline is the process of collecting “as-is” data privacy
requirements in order to document the current environment and any protections,
policies and procedures currently deployed. Review of the business case elements
will assist with this process. Most of this task represents a data collection and
documentation effort for current privacy management in order to generate a
baseline, or starting point. This baseline will be used later on to evaluate progress as
related to building the architecture. Start by collecting information on the
organization’s current compliance polices related to privacy, regulations, standards
and security that include:13

Collection Limitation. There should be limits to the collection of

personal data and any such data should be obtained by lawful and fair
means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the data
Data Quality. Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which
they are to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes,
should be accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.
Purpose Specification. The purposes for which personal data are
collected should be specified not later than at the time of data collection
and the subsequent use limited to the fulfilment of those purposes or
such others as are not incompatible with those purposes and as are
specified on each occasion of change of purpose.
Use Limitation. Personal data should not be disclosed, made available or
otherwise used for purposes other than those specified, except with the
consent of the data subject or by the authority of law.
Security Safeguards. Personal data should be protected by reasonable
security safeguards against such risks as loss or unauthorized access,
destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data.
Openness. There should be a general policy of openness about
developments, practices and policies with respect to personal data.
Means should be readily available to establish the existence and nature of
personal data, and the main purposes of their use, as well as the identity
and usual residence of the data controller.
Individual Participation. An individual should have the right: (a) to
obtain from a data controller, or otherwise, confirmation of whether or
not the data controller has data relating to him; (b) to have
communicated to him, data relating to him within a reasonable time; at a
charge, if any, that is not excessive; in a reasonable manner; and in a form
that is readily intelligible to him; (c) to be given reasons if a request made
under subparagraphs (a) and (b) is denied, and to be able to challenge
such denial; and (d) to challenge data relating to him and, if the challenge
is successful, to have the data erased, rectified, completed, or amended.
Accountability. A data controller should be accountable for complying
with measures which give effect to the principles stated above.

Consider how valuable, sensitive or confidential the personal information is and

what damage or distress could be caused to individuals if there was a security
breach; use that as a baseline for assessing your privacy program.

Since privacy is much broader than just protecting the confidentiality of personal
information, this effort may take longer than planned. All aspects of the current use
and protection of personal information must be assembled in order to understand
or assess current data privacy protections. Document all findings along the way for
a historical record and to create a library of material that can be referenced. The
most difficult challenge in this task is collecting sufficient detail or current
documents because some organization records management systems do not collect
enough information on its privacy practices. Determine up front what the key
systems, applications and processes are in your organization and use this
information in your initial information-gathering process. The organization’s data
inventory can serve as a tool to more quickly identify this information. The team
should not dwell on this task in a futile attempt to find documents or practices that
do not exist—make your best effort without expending excessive budget or time.14 Other Considerations: Privacy Domains
Also consider the privacy domains that may include the following categories.
These define unique privacy identifiers the privacy professional should understand
and know to include:

Personal Information (PI) is from the public sector: security and

privacy files that uniquely identify, contact or locate a single person,
including national ID, date of birth, street addresses, driver’s license,
telephone numbers, Internet protocol (IP) addresses, vehicle
registration, etc. As already mentioned, the term used for PI and how it is
defined will change on a country-by-country basis. For example, PI is
generally known as “personal data” in Europe. Argentina’s Law for the
Protection of Personal Data (LPPD) also calls PI “personal data” (in
translation) and has a broad definition of personal data, similar to the EU
Data Protection Directive, where personal data can be anything that
identifies a person and could include even basic information such as
name and a means of contact. Both Argentina and the EU also have a
category of personal data called “sensitive personal data” (SPD),
including information on racial and ethnic origin, political opinion,
religious beliefs, and so on. SPD requires additional conditions to be met
to process this type of data, and generally (but not always) will require a
greater level of protection than personal data.
Non-Public Information (NPI) is from the private sector, where
government regulations may not apply, and typically includes financial
application data, account histories, customer status, names, addresses,
telephone numbers, Social Security numbers, PINs, passwords, account
numbers, salaries, medical information and balances.
Protected Health Information (PHI) is from the U.S. health sector:
specifically, healthcare exemptions not made for PI in the other
categories as related to transmission of health data and electronic
maintenance of health data. It excludes education records covered by
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and employment records held
by a covered entity.

Each of these is grouped based on the privacy industry, custom, obligation,

regulation, sector or requirement. Of these privacy domains, personal information
and personal data are the most common terms and in most cases are typically
used in conjunction with the word privacy. Regardless of the privacy domain or
the definition of privacy for the organization, the privacy professional must always
remember that personal information will generally be defined as information
about or associated with an individual. Some personal information will be
sensitive, while some is not considered sensitive when viewed as a single attribute.
As already mentioned, in Europe, sensitive personal data is a subset of personal
2.1.3 Element 3: Laws and Regulations
This privacy element is a highly complex array of hundreds of laws, regulations
and statutes. Most are based on a bottom-up approach15 that spans public and
private sectors. Since there are many laws and regulations throughout the world,
you may need the assistance of the organization’s legal office or a third-party
research firm to ensure all relevant laws and regulations have been captured.

A spreadsheet including all of the countries within an organization’s operations

mapped to applicable laws and regulations for data processing can serve as a quick
reference guide. The Data Protection Authorities page on the IAPP website is a
good resource for this information.16

Using the data from Element 2 that defined privacy and the privacy domain, the
privacy professional can then start the potentially onerous task of researching laws,
regulations and policies in an attempt to gather all that apply. The privacy
professional or the organization’s legal office must understand applicable national
laws and regulations, as well as local laws and regulations. Laws are typically
grouped into the following categories:

General privacy laws (e.g. EU Data Protection Directive, national privacy

laws in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Israel and
Health privacy laws
Financial privacy laws
Online privacy laws
Communication privacy laws
Information privacy laws
Privacy in one’s home U.S. Federal Laws Governing Privacy

Table 2.2 includes the primary privacy-related laws enacted and enforced by the
U.S. Federal Government:17
Table 2.2: U.S. Federal Privacy Laws


Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), state

(GLBA) departments of insurance and attorneys general (see
next table for more details)
Health Insurance Portability and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),
Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 Office of Civil Liberties and state attorneys general
Controlling the Assault of Non- FTC
Solicited Pornography and
Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM) of 2003

Children’s Online Privacy Protection FTC

Act of 1998 (COPPA)

Fair and Accurate Credit FTC and CFPB

Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA)

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) of FTC and CFPB


Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) FTC and SAGs

National Do Not Call Registry FTC

Telephone Consumer Protection Act FTC, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and
(TCPA) of 1991 states

Driver’s Privacy Protection Act Private right of action (trial bar)

(DPPA) of 1994

Electronic Communications Privacy Law enforcement

Act (ECPA) of 1986

Federal Trade Commission Act FTC

(Section 5: Privacy and Security) of
1914 International Privacy Laws

Various international and country-specific laws may also apply to the
organization. As an example, many U.S.-based companies may do business with
European countries; thus the EU Data Protection Directive must be considered to
Table 2.3: International Privacy Laws


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Voluntary compliance with guidelines

Development (OECD) legal guidelines for privacy
protection and trans-border flow of personal data

EU Data Protection Directive Country-specific supervisory

Australia Office of the Australian Information
Japan Public Management Ministry

Canada–Personal Information Protection and Office of the Privacy Commissioner of

Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of 2000 Canada (Note: Canadian provinces
have their own, often stricter, laws)
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) privacy Voluntary compliance with guidelines
framework Self-Regulation: Industry Standards and Codes of Conduct

In addition to U.S. laws, there are also sector-specific voluntary and contractual
initiatives that establish codes of conduct for the communities of interest. Table 2.4
highlights some of the more notable self-regulatory programs.
Table 2.4: Self-Regulatory Privacy Standards


Payment Card Industry All organizations (worldwide) that collect, process, store or transmit
Data Security Standard cardholder information from any card branded with the logo of one
(PCI DSS) of the credit card brands

Direct Marketing Businesses interested in interactive and database marketing

Association (DMA)
Privacy Promise

VeriSign and TRUSTe E-commerce entities wishing to meet recognized industry privacy
Children’s Advertising Media advertising to children below the age of 12
Review Unit (CARU)

Network Advertising Online advertising, particularly targeting or behavioral, that

Initiative (NAI) potentially harms individuals
guidelines Understand Penalties for Non-Compliance with Laws and

Legal and regulatory penalties are typically imposed within any industry to
enforce behavior modification due to previous neglect and lack of proper
protection of data. Privacy is no different; organizations are now held accountable
to protect the privacy of the data with which they have been entrusted. As penalties
for violation of privacy laws and regulations become more serious, the privacy
professional must be prepared to address, track and understand any penalty that
could affect the organization. For example, per the U.S. Health Information
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act that amended the
HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, the maximum penalty for breach of healthcare
patient information is now $1.5 million.19 Fines, as well as criminal penalties, can be
imposed on the violating institution and the individuals involved. In another
example, remedies for violation of the U.S. Privacy Act include a $5,000 maximum
fine per record that includes civil and criminal penalties.20 In the EU, the data
protection regulations allow the authorities to fine up to £500,000 for security
breaches or for failing to comply with the provisions of the regulations.21
This activity can be linked to the business case development but may also be
accomplished after the privacy program framework has been completed. For many
organizations, however, the level of fines and enforcement activity in a given
jurisdiction will often guide the organization in making the priorities for
remediation of its data protection compliance following a gap analysis. Therefore, it
may be important to also link this activity to the business case development at the

Use examples of high-profile breaches by organizations to gain management buy-in

for the budget for the privacy framework. Understand the Scope and Authority of Oversight Agencies (e.g.,

Data Protection Supervisory Authorities, Privacy Commissioners, Federal
Trade Commission, Etc.)
Oversight typically relates to the “watchful care, management or supervision” of
something. Specific to the previous section, oversight agencies can fine or impose
penalties, civil and criminal, based on laws and regulations. Knowing these details is
worthwhile to understanding when involvement is warranted or unwarranted, who
to call or contact, and when those actions are necessary by law.
Several oversight organizations exist throughout the world, including:

Data Protection Authorities within the EU. “Include the key actors for
effective data protection. They serve as low threshold access points to
effective data protection for citizens and other persons. They function as
one-stop shops for all data protection concerns of citizens and other
persons; including areas which were formerly part of the third pillar of the
EU … All EU Member States, in compliance with the requirements of
Article 28(1) (1) of the Data Protection Directive, have conferred one
national supervisory Authority with the wide remit of monitoring the
application of and ensuring respect for data protection legislation within
their territories. Several Member States (e.g. Austria, Netherlands) have
designated one Data Protection Authority of general competence and
several other sector-specific supervisory bodies (for instance, in health,
post or telecommunications). Some of those States organized along
federal lines or with significant powers held at the regional level (e.g.
Germany, Spain) are endowed, in turn, with one national supervisory
body and several sub-state agencies entrusted with the same function at
the regional or federal level. Furthermore, whereas in many countries
(e.g. Romania), prior to the establishment of Data Protection
Authorities, the duty to monitor the respect for privacy rights was
entrusted to Ombudsman institutions, in some Member States (e.g.
Finland), the Ombudsman still maintains a relevant function in
protecting personal data.”22
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), Hong
Kong. An independent statutory body set up to oversee the enforcement
of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“the Ordinance”)
which came into force on December 20, 1996, and updated with the
provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance
2012. Their mission is to secure the protection of privacy of the
individual with respect to personal data through promotion, monitoring
and supervision of compliance with the Ordinance.23
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada. A special ombudsman and an
officer of parliament who reports directly to the House of Commons and
the Senate. The privacy commissioner has the authority to investigate
complaints filed by Canadian citizens and report on whether there has
been a violation of the Privacy Act, which deals with personal
information held by the government of Canada, or the Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA),
which deals with personal information held in the private sector. The
privacy commissioner also has the power to audit, publish information
about personal information-handling practices in the public and private
sector, conduct research into privacy issues and promote awareness and
understanding of privacy issues by the public.
The United States’ Federal Trade Commission has three principle
groups relevant to privacy oversight:
The Bureau of Consumer Protection protects consumers
against deceptive and or unfair business practices. Included
under the FTC mandate are deceptive advertising and
fraudulent product and/or service claims.
The Bureau of Competition investigates and attempts the
prevention of anticompetitive business practices, such as
monopolies, price fixing and similar regulatory violations,
which may negatively affect commercial competition. Criminal
violations in these areas are handled by the Antitrust Division
of the U.S. Department of Justice, which cooperates with the
Bureau of Competition.
The Bureau of Economics works in accord with the Bureau of
Competition to study the economic effects of FTC lawmaking
initiatives and of existing law. In the matter of mergers and
acquisitions in critical industries, such as communications, for
example, a merger that eventuates in restraint of trade or
monopolistic pricing can have a major impact on the economy. Other Privacy-Related Matters to Consider

The framework presented in these chapters covers many of the main privacy
topics but not every detail for every country, state or local government. Instead, the
framework provides the high-level detail necessary to manage and keep informed
on privacy-relevant matters that concern any organization. Other privacy matters to
consider include the geographical location, global privacy functions and
organizations, and international data sharing. Monitoring Regulations
As Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain state in “The Regulation Tax Keeps
Growing,” the impact of regulations on business compliance throughout the world
has been substantial, with cost estimates ranging from $800 billion to in the trillions
of dollars over the last 10 years. They further state that in the United States alone, in
2008, the annual cost of federal regulations increased more than $1.75 trillion.24 A
2009 U.S. OMB report estimates the cost of major federal regulations ranges
between $51 billion and $60 billion.25 As regulations continue to grow each year,
and the costs to comply grow even greater, organizations must monitor and adapt
to reduce risk by ensuring gaps are recognized and mitigated quickly.
As Statenet comments, “Although regulatory agencies generally provide some
period of time for organizations to comply with new rules, that lead time isn’t
always sufficient to allow smooth implementation of mandated changes. Active
monitoring of regulatory activity allows companies additional time to prepare for
those changes and the various direct and indirect costs that will be incurred …
Monitoring state and federal regulatory activity is a complicated task. On top of the
sheer volume—some 30,000 measures proposed annually—there is so much
variation among the nearly 6,000 state and federal regulatory agencies, state to state
and even department to department, that determining which measures will actually
impact a particular organization can be extremely time-consuming.”26
Methods to track the changes include using many resources, such as the Internet,
printed and online journals, automated online services and third-party vendors.
Each organization should investigate the best methods based on cost, requirements
and industry to ensure issue customization, easy access, professional support,
reliability rating and complete, accurate coverage. Regardless of an organization’s
size and complexity, the privacy professional may wish to consider some form of
third-party support because of the number of new laws, changing regulations and
other complex factors influencing privacy today. Third-Party External Privacy Resources
If an organization is small, or the privacy office staffing is limited, the privacy
professional and organization could consider third-party solutions to track and
monitor privacy laws relating to the business. These third parties include legal and
consultancy services that can assign people to the organization and use automated
online services that allow research on privacy law, news and business tools. Privacy
professionals from large and small firms can also take advantage of a growing
number of free resources to help them to keep up to date with developments in
privacy. These include the IAPP’s e-newsletter, The Daily Dashboard. Most law
firms with privacy practices also regularly produce updates and often host free-to-
attend seminars or webinars.

Each organization should determine the best methods for staying on top of relevant
privacy developments, given limited resources and budgets. If the organization is
small, or the privacy office staff is limited, the privacy professional and the
organization could consider third-party solutions to track and monitor privacy laws
relating to the business; e.g., secondment from a law firm. There are also a number
of free resources to help keep up to date with developments in privacy (free webcasts,
free newsletters or law firm alerts).
As the 2012 IAPP “Privacy Professionals Role, Function and Salary Survey” report
says, “In-house corporate and government privacy professionals most frequently
turn to attorneys for outside advice; they rely on outside privacy consultants half as
often. There are differences among regions; Americans and Europeans rely most on
attorneys for outside advice, while Canadians have a more equal distribution
between privacy attorneys and privacy consultants.”27 Tables 2.5 and 2.6 reflect the
results of that 2012 survey for external third-party support.
Table 2.5: Sources of Outside Privacy Support

SOURCE 2011 # 2011 % 2012 # 2012 %

Use a privacy attorney 431 81% 377 81%

Use a privacy consultant 225 42% 184 40%

Use other privacy services firms 142 27% 130 28%

Table 2.6: Sources of External Privacy Support by Region


Use a privacy attorney 55% 49% 58% 50% - 100%

Use a privacy 25% 40% 27% 50% - -


Use other privacy 20% 11% 15% - - -

services firms

2.1.4 Element 4: Technical and Physical Controls

Technical and physical controls are provided across the many elements of an
organization, from the IT systems to employee background checks, building
physical security, clean desk policy, shredders and others that are driven by laws,
regulations, industry standards, geography or location. Although not typically a part
of the business case, these controls should still be evaluated at a high level when
defining the business case to define, explain and document these facts. Since both
are cumbersome, it is highly recommended the privacy professional use subject
matter experts who know and understand the complicated nature of both.

Technical and physical controls are driven by laws, regulations, privacy groups,
industry frameworks and others. They use technology and physical protections to
achieve integrity, confidentiality, availability, accountability and control of the
people, processes and technology for privacy, security and others.

One stakeholder, typically the person with oversight of information security and
physical security, or others should know and understand enough to assist the
privacy professional whenever an issue, question or topic arises. Controls change all
the time, based on newer releases of technology, software applications, upgrades,
decommissions and rotation in staff, so controls will be an agenda item at many
privacy meetings to communicate, understand and provide proper management

Develop a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) with IS/IT and other functions for all
new systems and processes in the organization and embed it in to the organizations
project management framework. ISO/IEC 27001

ISO/IEC 27001:2005: Information technology—Security techniques—Information
security management systems—Requirements, more commonly known as ISO 27001,
is a specification for an information security management system (ISMS). It was
published in 2005 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).The United Kingdom
Information Commissioner’s guidance has included the use of ISO 27001 as the
benchmark for due diligence on data processors.
ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 (Information technology—Security techniques—Code of
practice for information security management) contain global standards and require
that management:28

Systematically examine the organization’s information security risks,

taking account of the threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts
Design and implement a coherent and comprehensive suite of
information security controls and/or other forms of risk treatment (such
as risk avoidance or risk transfer) to address those risks that are deemed
Adopt an overarching management process to ensure that the
information security controls continue to meet the organization’s
information security needs on an ongoing basis

While other sets of information security controls may potentially be used within
an ISO 27001 information security management system (ISMS) as well as, or even
instead of, ISO 27002, these two standards are normally used together in practice.
The governing principle behind ISMS is that an organization should design,
implement and maintain a coherent set of policies, processes and systems to
manage risks to its information assets, thus ensuring acceptable levels of
information security risk. ISO 27002 is aligned to security policies that address both
technical and physical controls that include:29

Security organization
Asset classification and control
Personnel security
Physical and environmental security
Communications and operations management
Access control
System development and maintenance
Business continuity management

It is important to note that it is rare for a whole organization to be certified ISO

27001 compliant; the certification is usually limited to particular processing
activities, systems or premises.

For smaller organizations in particular that are not ISO 27001 certified, it is key to
have a layered approach to effective security, combining a number of different tools
and techniques as there is no single tool or approach that will provide a 100 percent
guarantee of security for an organization. Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an example of a
standard with focus on the purely technical controls of a system to provide data
security. It provides 12 security control requirements for the financial industry that
apply to all system components that are included in or connected to the credit
cardholder data environment. These requirements are identified in Table 2.7.
Table 2.7: PCI DSS Requirements


Build and Maintain a Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to

Secure Network protect cardholder data.
Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system
passwords and other security parameters.

Protect Cardholder Data Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data.

Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across
open, public networks.

Maintain a Vulnerability Requirement 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus software.

Management Program Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and

Implement Strong Access Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by business

Control Measure need to know.
Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with
computer access.
Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data.

Regularly Monitor and Test Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network
Networks resources and cardholder data.
Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes.

Maintain an Information Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information

Security Policy security.

2.1.5 Element 5: Privacy Organizations

Several independent organizations have emerged over the last several years to
provide sound privacy practices based on privacy issues that continue to arise
worldwide. These are not government organizations but private groups formed to
approach and promote privacy through sound practices. Some accomplish the task
as related to human rights, while others are attuned to business needs. Regardless,
they provide a common benefit of non-government information and resources to
the privacy topic that would otherwise not exist at all. Some of these groups are not
privacy-specific, while others were created as privacy advocates. Examples of key
privacy organizations are listed in Table 2.8, which should be used as a guide within
this privacy element.
Table 2.8: Privacy Organizations


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Per the ACLU’s web page, “The ACLU is our
nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend
and preserve the individual rights and liberties
that the Constitution and laws of the United
States guarantee everyone in this country.” These
rights include First Amendment rights, equal
protection under the law, right of due process and
right to privacy. Specifically, the right to privacy is
freedom from unwarranted government intrusion
into personal and private affairs.30

Better Business Bureau Online Better Business Bureau site contains a lot of
information on promoting trust and confidence on the Internet.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) EFF is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization

working in the public interest to protect fundamental civil liberties, including privacy and
freedom of expression, in the arena of computers
and the Internet. EFF was founded in 1990 and is
based in San Francisco, California, with offices in
Washington, DC, and New York City.

Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC is a public-interest research center in

(EPIC) Washington, DC. It was established in 1994 to
focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First
Amendment and constitutional values. EPIC is a
project of the Fund for Constitutional
Government. EPIC works in association with
Privacy International, an international human
rights group based in London, UK, and is also a
member of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign,
the Internet Free Expression Alliance, the Internet
Privacy Coalition and the Trans Atlantic
Consumer Dialogue (TACD).
Center for Democracy and Technology The CDT covers many issues related to
(CDT) technology, including data privacy. CDT co-
developed an informational Internet site,

Global Internet Liberty Campaign The Global Internet Liberty Campaign was formed
at the annual meeting of the Internet Society in Montreal. Members of the coalition include the
American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic
Privacy Information Center, Human Rights Watch,
the Internet Society, Privacy International, the
Association des Utilisateurs d’Internet, and other
civil liberties and human rights organizations.

Internet Free Expression Alliance The name says it all. The IFEA is a consortium of
(IFEA) organizations, such as the American Booksellers
Foundation for Free Expression, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, devoted to preserving the right of
free speech on the Internet.

Privacy International Privacy International’s mission is to defend the

right to privacy across the world and to fight surveillance and other intrusions into private life
by governments and corporations.

Internet Privacy Coalition (IPC) The mission of the IPC is to promote privacy and
security on the Internet through widespread public availability of strong encryption and the
relaxation of export controls on cryptography.

Liberty Liberty is a UK organization also known as the

National Council for Civil Liberties. Founded in 1934, Liberty has no political affiliation and campaigns for the protection of fundamental
rights and freedoms in the UK.

Online Privacy Alliance (OPA) OPA is a consortium of 21 organizations

(including Microsoft, IBM and Sun) and nine associations working to support privacy in a free-
market, self-regulated manner. The OPA has
published its own set of privacy principles, which
are somewhat streamlined in comparison to most
other frameworks. Also, the OPA has developed a
set of principles for self-regulation and
certification of privacy conformance.

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) Per the PRC Mission and Goals, the PRC is a “nonprofit consumer organization with a two-
part mission: consumer information and
consumer advocacy. Established in 1992, the PRC
is based in San Diego, California, and is primarily
grant-supported and serves individuals
The PRC’s goals include: raising consumer
awareness; empowering consumers to take
action; responding to specific privacy-related
complaints; documenting the nature of
consumers’ complaints and questions; and
advocating for consumers’ privacy rights in local,
state, and federal public policy.32
The PRC also offers consumer services that
include: consumer hotline, fact sheets, web site
for data retrieval, referral services for journalists
and policy makers, and speakers.

PrivacyExchange “PrivacyExchange is an online global resource for

consumer privacy and data protection. It contains a library of privacy laws, practices, publications,
websites and other resources concerning
consumer privacy and data protection
developments worldwide.”33

TRUSTe TRUSTe is an independent, corporate-sponsored,

nonprofit privacy initiative dedicated to building users’ trust and confidence on the Internet and
accelerating growth of the Internet industry. They
have developed a third-party oversight “seal”
program with the aim of alleviating users’
concerns about online privacy.

2.1.6 Element 6: Industry Frameworks

Industry frameworks may be internationally or nationally based to support
various principles and provide privacy frameworks within different taxonomies (the
conception, naming and classification of data groups). They are typically not
covered in laws, regulations, or standards. For example:

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Privacy Code

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released ISO
17799/British Standards BS7799
International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) PCI
Security Standards Council for PCI, PTS, PA-DAA
Specific privacy program frameworks:
APEC Privacy Framework: A framework to enable regional
data transfers to benefit consumers, businesses and
Privacy by Design solutions: Built by organizations to ensure
consumers’ privacy protections at every stage in developing
their products. These include reasonable security for consumer
data, limited collection and retention of such data, and
reasonable procedures to promote data accuracy.
U.S. government, FTC: Recommendations for Business and
Policy Makers.
AICPA/CICA Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP).

Some of these are defined in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9: Industry Frameworks


AICPA and The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the
CICA Privacy Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) have responded to
Framework requests for privacy certification by creating a program called WebTrust.
Through this program, accountants can become certified to conduct privacy
evaluations, such as Canada’s Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). Given the
differences in standards across nations, territories and states, the AICPA and
the CICA jointly developed a privacy framework based on a holistic approach
to multinational privacy laws.

ISO The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released ISO 17799 in
17799/BS7799 December 2000. It is a standard for information security practices and is a
derivative of the British Standards BS7799. The latest versions of the two are
functionally equivalent. The standard is required practice for all government
departments in the UK; several other countries have adopted the standard as
well (including Australia, Brazil, Japan, Netherlands, and Sweden). In relation
to privacy, the standard contains several controls for ensuring data quality and
the security of personal information. However, the standard focuses on
securing sensitive information rather than dealing with sensitive personal
ISTPA Privacy The International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA) is an industry
Framework organization focused on creating actionable frameworks for businesses
implementing data protection policies. The ISTPA published its Privacy
Framework 1.1 in October, 2002. More than just a framework for public policy,
the ISTPA framework provides sufficient technical detail to benefit IT
architects, software developers and privacy consultants.

OECD Privacy The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is a group
Guidelines focused on reducing friction in international business relationships. The OECD
(OECD) membership is made up of representatives from 30 countries, including most
of Europe, the U.S. and Australia. The group developed guidelines for member
states to follow as they draft privacy legislation; the guidelines are often used
today as a standard tool for assessing adherence to privacy rights.

CSA Privacy The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Privacy Code (originally called the
Code (CSA) Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information) became a national
standard in 1996 and formed the basis for Canada’s PIPEDA legislation. The
code itself is based on the OECD guidelines, to which Canada was a signatory.
In contrast to the seven principles in the OECD guidelines, however, Canada’s
privacy code includes ten principles (the same principles as in PIPEDA).

2.1.7 Element 7: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) could be considered a technical control,
but instead they should be thought of as an extension to technical controls for
improving the quality of information and privacy choice control mechanisms
available. As an example, the U.S. government has required agencies to offer
machine-readable privacy policies using the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
These PETs reside above the general technical controls on automated systems;
thus they rely on the protections from those to further strengthen and meet certain
specifications, requirements or mandates. As with technical controls, the privacy
professional should use a subject matter expert to assist with this highly technical
topic. Below is an example of some of the PETs languages and protocols used
today. The privacy professional should not try to interpret this data. Instead,
privacy professionals should gather and track the relevant data from the
organization to document the facts for user later in privacy management.
Table 2.10: Privacy Languages and Protocols


Platform for Privacy P3P is a machine-readable language that helps to express a

Preferences (P3P) website’s data management practices in an automated fashion.
Enterprise Privacy A formal language for writing enterprise privacy policies to govern
Authorization Language data handling practices in IT systems according to fine-grained
(EPAL) relies on positive and negative authorization rights.
authorization language

Extensible Access Request-response-style language for determining access

Control Markup privileges, as well as a routine for discovering policy.
Language (XACML) 1.0

Liberty Alliance and SAML The Liberty Alliance Project is an industry consortium that
develops specifications for federated identity management, single
sign on (SSO), account linking and global logout in online e-
business environments.

2.1.8 Element 8: Privacy Innovation

Privacy innovation concerns are those not covered under the other privacy
elements. These are items such as technology, standards and policy not yet
categorized or owned by one of the other elements. As an example, data masking
and runtime aliasing are considered privacy innovations that should be
documented and tracked through the privacy functions.
The requirements in this element are fulfilled by reviewing all previous elements
in researching any cutting-edge or innovative trends that are not defined or
included in many privacy practices today. Many times innovations will come from
the privacy organization or frameworks; thus this task is not easy, as it requires
much research and effort.
Once the business case is defined based on the eight elements, it is time to move
on to the next phase: to assemble the team.
2.1.9 Element 9: Education and Awareness
Education and awareness as a basic rule reinforce the organization privacy policy
and practices. Education allows for communication and socialization of the privacy
policy and supporting processes, to include formal and informal methods that may
be recorded in the employee records. It is critical to the successful delivery of the
privacy message and sets the stage for reception and acceptance throughout the
organization. Education methods include: classroom training; online learning
through streaming, videos and websites; poster campaigns; booklets; workshops,
etc. The education strategy and budget typically determine the best or approved
methods for education within the organization. The privacy professional should
first understand those to ensure they align and meet those standards before offering
any solutions.

Have a regular coffee and catch-up on one privacy topic via a 15-minute web
conference or a face-to-face meeting.

An organization’s privacy awareness program reinforces the privacy message

through reminders, continued advertisement, and other methods. Reinforcement
of these facts ensures greater privacy awareness that can effectively reduce the risk
of privacy data breach or accidental disclosure. Awareness methods include posters,
flyers and trinkets, such as pencils, pens, notepads, etc.
Some mistakes typically associated with education and awareness include:

1. Equating education to awareness

2. Using only one communication channel
3. Lack of effectiveness measurements
4. Eliminating either education or awareness due to budget concerns

Awareness-raising is one of the key aspects of the privacy framework and should be
prioritized for all organizations. This can come in different shapes and forms and in
waves, none of which require huge amounts of resources and budgets. If people are
not aware of what they are processing, they are also unaware of the consequences
and liabilities that come with that ignorance.

2.1.10 Element 10: Program Assurance, Including Audits, or the

Governance Structure
The governance structure should mandate operational safeguards that include
auditing. Auditing provides a method to prove accountability and compliance to
the organization’s objectives, as well as to laws and regulations. Auditors focus on
the identification of threats to the organization’s data through inspection, research
and benchmarking. Results from those efforts can be ranked according to the
likelihood of occurrence and impact. Assigning values to threats will highlight the
strongest and weakest controls, policies and procedures, thus allowing the
organization to focus on identifying and mitigating threats to the organization.
Audit methods may include, but are not limited to:
Audits. An independent assessment of whether your data protection
policies and procedures are adequate and whether they are being
followed in practice.
Privacy Assessments. Several legal and regulatory oversight agencies
require or recommend privacy assessments to include Privacy Impact
Assessments (PIAs). As an example, by U.S. federal law, the E-
Government Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–347) requires federal
agencies to conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) for electronic IT
systems that collect, maintain or disseminate PII and to make these
assessments publicly available.34 There are also privacy impact
frameworks in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand and
the UK. These frameworks were examined in a report prepared for the
European Commission, which is available at
Privacy and Audit Management. This provides key aspects of privacy
management, to include: staff management process; audit planning;
collecting, handling and data analysis for storage, use and transmission.
Best practices recommend use of a standardized audit framework, such as
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (CobiT).
CobiT provides a reference model for good controls that allows for
business needs to be aligned under one “umbrella” of control.35

For organizations that are already under the obligation to annually recertify
adherence to the EU-U.S./Swiss-U.S. Safe Harbor frameworks, it is good practice
to also use that as an exercise to assess the organization’s current privacy practices.

2.2 Gap Analysis

Performing a gap analysis will determine the capability of current privacy
management to support each of the business and technical requirements uncovered
in the previous phase, if any exist. The gap analysis should be conducted any time
you wish to understand the organizational change to the business case or mission
statement. This phase requires reviewing the capabilities of current systems,
management tools, hardware, operating systems, administrator expertise, system
locations, outsourced services and physical infrastructure. While reviewing those
capabilities or others, the goal is to determine the progress made towards
organizational privacy requirements.

Consider performing the gap analysis as an assess-and-coach session for each

area/region of the organization’s business. The privacy expert can assess the current
privacy processes and procedures as well as provide coaching in enhancements and
improvements. These sessions can be documented along with the improvements and
then used to monitor progress in the future.

During this review, privacy professionals should use their knowledge of

technologies and current industry trends and directions to evaluate privacy
management objectives of the organization to consider:

Alignment with business strategies, objectives and goals

The effectiveness of technical design and use of controls
Project, program and organization risk
Measurement of the technical and management environment

If gaps are found, they should be documented to include all facts that support the
claim, so they can be used to provide corrective measures, mitigations or updates as
necessary. Gaps should not be thought of as bad or incorrect but instead as a path
forward to correct or update those findings. The governance structure of the
organization should be contacted to inform them of the findings and actions to
allow them stakeholder input, refinement and direction when necessary. Some gaps
may be small and not important enough to report, while others may be so severe
the organization may have to institute change as quickly as possible.

Any deficiencies found during a gap analysis could be addressed in a step-by-step

approach by making priorities, which will depend on the type of business the
organization is in. In addition, understanding how the organization does compared
to its peers and competitors through benchmarking very often serves as a good tool
when choosing which gaps to address first, as good data protection practices are
seen more and more as a competitive advantage.
2.3 Review Process and Monitoring
Establishing a review process or monitoring for the framework details allows for
review of changes to the privacy framework and impacts to the organization. This
can be done during the business and system life cycle changes or on a schedule,
such as biannually or yearly or whatever meets the organizational need. The privacy
team should establish a regular schedule of follow-up meetings to review the
framework, determine areas that must be revisited, perform gap analysis and
implement any required changes.36

2.4 Communicate the Framework to Internal and

External Stakeholders
Your stakeholders, internal and external, will have been defined during the business
case development phase of the framework, and they will be the target audience for
framework communication and documentation. The stakeholders and framework
development should be created early in the system development life cycle and
updated on a continuous basis as a living breathing document that aligns to changes
in the organization. Communication of the framework will follow best practices for
formal and informal methods of communication that include:

Meetings. Vary depending on organization size.

Conference Calls. This is a less expensive method to bring many people
together using technology, rather than travel to one site. These can also
be recorded for replay later on.
Formal Education and Awareness. Utilizes a classroom environment to
deliver official training that may be recorded and documented.
E-Learning. Content is delivered via Internet-type services
that electronically support learning and teaching through
computer-based training (CBT), Internet-based training
(IBT) or web-based training (WBT).
Newsletters/E-mail/Posters. This one method of education
and awareness used for many years. Delivery methods include
e-mail, website, physical displays, as well as many others
through technology, print and verbal delivery.
Video Teleconferencing. Delivery of content via computer
video similar to YouTube™ with videos that can be recorded
live and replayed.
Web Pages. Online web pages provide an electronic media to
reflect communication of data, knowledge bases, frequently
asked questions, etc.
Voice-mail Broadcast. Provides an automated means to
deliver a message (broadcast) to all the employees without
having to contact each one separately.

Communication should be constant at all levels of the organization and

stakeholders to ensure they understand the framework and how it impacts and
improves the organization.

3. Summary
In summary, as part of privacy program governance, the privacy policy framework
identifies the tasks involved in developing organizational privacy policies, standards
and/or guidelines. This is the first step necessary for the privacy professional to
create an individually tailored framework.
Table 2.11 is a template provided to assist with the development of the privacy
policy framework as outlined in this chapter.
Table 2.11: Privacy Policy Framework Template


A. The Business Case

1. Organizational privacy office guidance
2. Define privacy
3. Laws and regulations
4. Technical security controls
5. External privacy organizations
6. Industry frameworks
7. Privacy information technology languages and protocols
8. Information technology cutting Innovation
9. Education and awareness
10. Program assurance

B. Gap Analysis

C. Review Process and Monitoring

With the abundance of data privacy concerns, ever-changing laws and regulations,
the increase in social networking and use of personal data, and continued
advancements in the use of technology in everyday life, the privacy professional’s
tasks will continue to evolve, and vigilance is required. As privacy, privacy
management, privacy governance, and all things privacy become more and more
complex, the privacy professional needs flexible and reusable best practices to adapt
to changes in technology and business and create solid privacy programs. These
programs need to evolve as the culture, technology and laws change; otherwise gaps
will form between privacy management and the external expectations of the privacy
Frameworks in the form of reusable structures, checklists, templates, processes
and procedures prompt and remind the privacy professional of the details necessary
to determine all privacy-relevant decisions in the organization. Having this
framework and blueprint provides clear guidance on protecting data privacy to
align with the expectations, requirements and laws, as well as the public demands
for handling personal information safely and respectfully. The privacy program
framework found in this chapter provides fundamental guidance on the many
factors all organizations should consider for privacy program management,
regardless of geographical location, local laws or regulations. The framework reveals
a vast array of topics and tasks that each organization must consider within a system
life cycle approach to data privacy management and solutions.
The business benefits of an effective, reusable framework are significant and
include lower risk solutions; reducing the risk of data loss; sustaining market value
and reputation; supporting business commitment and objectives to stakeholders,
customers, partners and vendors; and compliance to laws, regulations and industry
standards. This privacy program framework thereby provides an implementation
roadmap to guide and prompt the privacy professional, privacy leader or privacy
office about the details necessary to determine privacy-relevant decisions for the
organization to document those, identify gaps, and mitigate them.
There is no one-size-fits-all privacy standard. This privacy program framework
provides the necessary information and design patterns to build and manage an
effective privacy program. It allows an adaptable and flexible approach to assist in
making strategic business decisions in the selection of methods, strategies and
technologies for the protection and privacy concerns of data usage today. This
provides the architectural guidance and framework to associate current privacy
standards to that of data privacy protection within business objectives and goals.
This reusable framework thereby identifies privacy-related tasks so risk can be
mitigated and the organization can be protected. Implementing the framework is
only the first cornerstone to protecting privacy in the organization but will provide
the foundation for effective privacy management.

2 Id.
3 Department of Justice of Canada, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act,
(S.C. 2000, C.5)
4 Australian Government, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Information
Privacy Principles,
5 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD Guidelines Governing the
Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data, Sept. 23, 1980. An important
distinction between the OECD and the COE is the involvement and support of the United
States government. For more information, see,3343,en_2649_34255_1815186_1_1_1_1,00.html.
7 Federal Trade Commission, Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change:
Recommendations for Businesses and Policymakers (2012),
8 Dan Blum. How to Develop an Identity Management Architecture Using Burton Group’s Reference
Architecture, The Burton Group. January 2006. PDF.
9 CDT Mission and Principles, (last modified 2012).
10 Id.
11 William B. Baker and Anthony Matyjaszewski, The changing meaning of “personal data,”
September 30, 2010,
12 Id.
13 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Guidelines on the Protection
of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data,
14 Blum. How to Develop an Identity Management Architecture at 24.
15 This strategy often resembles a “seed” model, whereby the beginnings are small but eventually
grow in complexity and completeness (Google Wikipedia).
16 The International Association of Privacy Professionals, Data Protection Authorities,
17 Herath, Building a Privacy Program, 30.
18 Id. at 32.
19 42 U.S.C. § 1320d-5,
21 Tom Brewster, ICO Sony Data Breach Decision Coming in Six Weeks, March 28, 2012,
22 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Data Protection in the European
Union: the role of National Data Protection Authorities. 2010. PDF.
23 Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), Hong Kong. URL:
24 Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, “The Regulation Tax Keeps Growing,” The Wall Street
Journal, September 27, 2010.
25 Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 2009 Report
to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations and Unfunded Mandates on State,
Local, and Tribal Entities, p. 3, 2009.
26 Statenet, “Protecting Your Bottom Line through Monitoring Government Regulation 2,”
(Last modified 2011).
27 IAPP, “Privacy Professionals Role, Function and Salary Survey,” 27
28 ISO 27001 standards as found at the ISO 27001 Directory at URL: HTML.
29 ISO 27002 standards as found at the ISO 27002 Directory at URL: HTML.
30 “About the ACLU,”
31 “Privacy Rights Clearing House Mission and Goals,”
32 Id.
33 “Privacy Exchange Welcome,”
35 IT Governance Institute, “CobiT 4.1 Excerpt: Executive Summary Framework,” p. 7,
36 Blum. How to Develop an Identity Management Architecture at 06.

Performance Measurement

T his chapter will assist the privacy professional with best practices in generic
terms to identify, define, select, collect and analyze metrics specific to privacy.
With profound advances in both the technology and data exchange methods of
the last few years and of the legal obligations imposed, each organization must
ensure proper data protections are in place within businesses and between
employees, consumers and customers. Tracking and benchmarking data protection
indicators through performance measurement is important to ensure they are
current and provide adequate protection and value to the organization.

[A]s privacy matures, as privacy is seen for its risk management capabilities, as
privacy gets more engrained in business operations, better metrics relating to
privacy are needed.
—Ian Glazer, Gartner, April 20101

Products, services and systems that cannot provide value or protect data must
change; otherwise, loss of information through catastrophic data loss (breach),
noncompliance with regulatory requirements or data misuse could threaten a
business through loss of consumer and investor confidence and financial loss and
reflect very poorly on the organization in the commercial, social and public media.

Key Definitions

Performance Measurement. The process of formulating or selecting

metrics to evaluate implementation, efficiency or effectiveness; gathering
data and producing quantifiable output that describes performance
Metrics. Tools that facilitate decision making and accountability through
collection, analysis, and reporting of data. They must be measurable,
meaningful, clearly defined (with boundaries), indicate progress, and
answer a specific question to be valuable and practical.

Organizations need a coherent method to inform leaders, managers, employees

and all stakeholders how well the business is performing by using a fair and
equitable measurement system that is easy to understand and reflects relevant
indicators. Known as performance measurement with metrics selection, this process
provides measurement methods by providing the means to evaluate business
rhythms, technical systems and associated costs to the strategic business objectives
and performance of the organization. Metrics performance provides quantifiable
output that is measurable, meaningful, answers specific questions and is clearly defined.
As a basic rule, metrics must add value and provide data tracking to improve
business objectives and goals. Objectives are typically broad-based (e.g., privacy
notices), while goals are specific and measurable (e.g., provide privacy notices to
100 percent of the customer base; number of privacy notices).
Metrics are gathered for a number of purposes and provide data that facilitate
decision making and improve performance through the monitoring of regulatory
compliance, as well as increased accountability through the collection, analysis and
reporting of relevant information (e.g. business, technical, budgetary, etc.). The
result provides the measurements necessary to make informed decisions that
improve on the efficiency and effectiveness of business systems, processes,
technology solutions and use of resources.

Metrics performance must be measurable, meaningful, clearly defined (with

boundaries), indicate progress and answer a specific question to be valuable and

Specific to the privacy professional, metrics increases the understanding of how

the organization provides data privacy protections that meet laws, regulations,
policy, best practices, stakeholder and consumer concerns. Privacy metrics assist
leaders with the measurement, interrogation and data analysis of current business
rhythms to meet privacy goals and objectives. Major drivers impacting the
increased need for privacy metrics include:

A means of providing meaningful information on your privacy regime to key

Generational change in the use of technology
Rapid advancements to technology (i.e., mobile solutions, iPad, iPhone,
Rapid societal change in the use of advanced technology (i.e., Facebook,
Twitter, etc.)
Catastrophes, such as data loss events, that drive tighter regulations, laws
and standards
Current security and privacy solutions that are not designed to deal with
the fast pace of emerging technologies or requirements (i.e., cloud
Privacy regulations becoming more stringent while privacy expectations
Professionals embrace security and privacy as part of their job

Metrics provide a common language between business, operational and technical

managers to discuss the relevant information (e.g., good, bad or indifferent) related
to assessing progress. They also allow information to be exchanged in the same
language from senior leadership through project management to the technical
management of any system without restrictions or complex jargon. Metrics must be
described in and used with clear language and easy-to-understand terms; otherwise
they may not represent similar value throughout an organization. For example,
generic privacy metrics should be developed to enable analyses of the following

Collection (notice)
Responses to data subject inquiries
Disclosure to third parties
Incidents (breaches, complaints, inquiries)
Employee training
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
Privacy risk indicators
Percent of organization functions represented by governance

Use of that data for analysis and reporting includes:

Privacy program return on investment (ROI)
Business resiliency metrics
Privacy program maturity level
Resource utilization
The selection of the proper metrics is difficult, and special consideration must be
used during the process for selection, use and updates. More metrics do not
necessarily translate into more value. The old adage “You can never have enough” is
incorrect regarding using metrics; data collection, storage and analysis are
expensive business functions and are thus more costly when collecting unnecessary
data or an extreme number of metrics that provide no value.

1. The Metric Life Cycle

Once a metric is selected, it is similar to any other business rhythm, technical
solution or process. It must be maintained and managed throughout a life cycle to
address changes with technology, business decisions, business objectives and the
life of those systems. Without proper care and feeding, a metric could become stale
and provide no further value. As illustrated in the program framework and privacy
operational life cycle, metrics should be reviewed and data points added, changed
or removed based on the ever-changing needs of the organization and stakeholders
and the impacts of external functions, such as laws and regulations. The privacy
professional should consider using that framework and/or life cycle as a standard
practice to assist with metrics management and ensure sustainability.

Metric life cycle. The processes and methods to sustain a metric to match the ever-
changing needs of an organization.

Figure 3.1: Five-Step Metric Life Cycle

With a clear understanding and definition of metrics, why we need metrics, and
the value they provide, we must now review the steps necessary to identify, define,
select, collect and analyze the metric data. As shown in the figure above, the Five-
Step Metric Life Cycle includes these key concepts:

Identification of the intended audience: who will use the data?

Definition of data sources: who is the data owner and how is that data
Selection of privacy metrics: what metrics to use based on the audience,
reporting resources and final selection of the best metric?
Collection and refinement of systems/application collection points:
where will the data come from to finalize the metric collection report?
When will the data be collected? Why is that data important?
Analyze the data/metrics to provide value to the organization and
provide a feedback quality mechanism.

Metrics are gathered for a number of purposes and uses, including the program
managers’ use and capture of metrics relating to schedule, staffing or budget, and
the stakeholders’ tracking of budget to understand the rate of expenditure. As
Blakely states, “The purpose of a metric and reporting system is to develop and help
an organization define and measure progress towards a goal [and objective].”2
Metrics may also help the privacy organization identify risks. A quote from Steve
McConnell, author of numerous books on metrics, sums it up nicely: “There are no
secrets on a successful project. Both good and bad news must be able to move up
and down the project hierarchy without restriction. Metrics help IT and business
speak the same language. Metrics provide each with valuable information that
allows them to assess their progress toward a common goal.”3

1.1 Step 1: Identify the Intended Audience for Metrics

The first step in selecting the correct metrics for any organization starts by
identifying the intended metric audience—the relevant stakeholders who use this
data to view, discuss and possibly make organizational strategic decisions based on
this data. There is no limitation on this audience—the stakeholders could be
internal or external to the organization, based on the data and reporting
requirements. For example, one metric may be used for the internal board of
directors, while another supports external auditors.

Metric audience. Primary, secondary and tertiary stakeholders who obtain value
from a metric.

The primary audience may include:

Legal and privacy officers

Senior leadership; chief information officer (CIO)
Chief security officer (CSO)
Program managers (PM)
Information system owner (ISO)
Information security officer (ISO)
Others considered users and managers

The secondary audience includes those who may not have privacy as a primary
task, such as:

Chief financial officer (CFO)

Training organizations
Human resources (HR)
Inspectors general (IG)
HIPAA security officials

Tertiary audiences may be considered, based on the organization’s specific or

unique requirements, such as:

External watch dog groups


The difference between these audiences is based on the level of interest, influence
and responsibility to privacy within the business objectives, laws and regulations, or
ownership. For example, specific to healthcare; audiences may include a HIPAA
privacy officer, medical interdisciplinary readiness team (MIRT), senior executive
staff, covered entity workforce, self-assessment tool and risk analysis/management.
Stakeholders at all levels should be involved in the selection and management of
any metric to ensure buy-in and a sense of ownership; otherwise metrics may be
seen as negative, costly and adding no value. Consideration must include all layers
of the organization to encourage the overall success and usefulness of any metric
beyond the needs of the privacy professional, with group consensus for
management and use.
1.2 Step 2: Define Reporting Resources
Since metrics continue to change as the business objectives and goals evolve,
someone must be the champion and responsible owner of a metric to ensure it
continues to meet the requirements and needs of the business, is relevant and
provides value. A metric owner must be able to evangelize the purpose and intent of
that metric to the organization. As a best practice, it is highly recommended a
person with privacy knowledge, training and experience performs this role to limit
possible errors within interpretation of privacy related laws, regulations and

Metric owner. Process owner, champion, advocate and evangelist responsible for
management of the metric throughout the metric life cycle.

As Six Sigma teaches, an effective metric owner must:

1. Know what is critical about the metric. Why the output is important
and understand how this metric fits into the business objectives.
2. Monitor process performance with the metric. Predictors of
performance and monitoring data compiled by other metric owners,
processes, or dependencies (operations, strategic, or tactical).
3. Make sure the process documentation is up to date. This ensures all
audiences have a clear definition of the metric and how it should be used.
Many times, organizations allow too much variance within a metric. The
owners must champion and develop documentation of metrics using
flowcharts, visual displays, graphics and other methods. They must also
champion the metric in meetings, working groups and in other
organization communications.
4. Perform regular reviews. Determine if the metric is still required,
capable to meet goals, and provides value to the organization.
5. Make sure that any improvements are incorporated and maintained
in the process.
6. Advocate the metric to customers, partners, and others.
7. Maintain training, documentation, and materials.
As a general practice, the metric owner may not perform the data collection tasks
or perform the measurements of the metric. As an example, the tasks may be
directed to the IT department, and the metric owner simply utilizes the
information. The metric owner ensures the usefulness, business need and value of
the metric to the organization. Data collection, a different topic, will be addressed
in Section 1.4 of this chapter.

1.3 Step 3: Select Privacy Metrics

After selecting the audience and defining the reporting resources of the metric
owner, it is time to select relevant privacy metrics. As the next step in the metric life
cycle, selecting the correct privacy metric requires a full understanding of the
business objectives and goals, along with a clear understanding of the primary
business functions. Prior to selecting metrics, the reader should first understand the
attributes of an effective metric with metric taxonomy and how to limit improper
metrics. After understanding those concepts, the privacy professional can proceed
with metric selection, as shown in this chapter.
1.3.1 Attributes of an Effective Metric
Knowing what metric to measure and report on is important in reflecting the
business value of that metric. It will show the efficiency and effectiveness of the
metric to the organization and how it is a value added to the organization. Since
metrics are commonly mistrusted, misused, overused, and sometimes mismanaged,
this section prepares the privacy professional to better understand those attributes
that make a metric a successful representation of the efficiency and effectiveness of
a process.

Effective metric. Clear and concise metric that defines and measures progress
toward a business objective or goal without overburdening the reader.

Effective metrics define and measure progress toward business goals and
objectives. Good metrics should not overburden the reader; thus the information
should be concise and the metrics manageable in number. Producing large amounts
of useless information is counterproductive, so selection should be made for key
indicators with the greatest value and insight to the specific business case of the
metric. The metric should also be clear in the meaning of what is being
measured, rigorously defined, credible and relevant, objective and
quantifiable and, finally, associated with the baseline measurement per the
organization standard metric taxonomy.4 Metric taxonomies assist with better
understanding the characteristics associated with different metrics to ensure
organizational coverage and utility of a metric. If a standard metric taxonomy does
not exist, privacy professionals can generate their own using the best practices from
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NISTIR 7564,
“Directions in Security Metrics Research.”5
Without going into great detail on metric taxonomies, they provide the following

Objective/Subjective. Objective metrics are more desirable than

subjective metrics.
Quantitative/Qualitative. Qualitative measurements typically map to
best practices, while quantitative measurements use data recorded within
a numerical-mathematical fashion. Per recent industry surveys, chief
information security officers (CISOs) seem to prefer qualitative
measurements, as they better reflect the effectiveness of IT, IT security
programs and IT privacy programs.
Information Technology Metrics/Quantitative Measurement. Since
IT generates many data points daily, this collection method easily
exceeds millions to billions of bits of data. The privacy professional must
not be confused or overwhelmed with technology but instead research
and refine privacy metrics to harness this data.
Static/Dynamic. Dynamic metrics evolve with time; static metrics do
Absolute/Relative. Absolute metrics do not depend on other measures.
Direct/Indirect. The distinction between direct and indirect metrics is
based on the way a metric is measured. Size, for example, can be directly
measured, whereas quality or complexity can only be measured indirectly
by extrapolation from other measured factors.

Metric taxonomy list the metric characterizes that delineate boundaries between
metric categories.

1.3.2 Limiting Improper Metrics

Metrics are sometimes used poorly or improperly or contain faulty assumptions.
As a best practice, the privacy professional must be aware of these facts during
metric management and life cycle to limit negative aspects and provide valid
business value to the expenditure of organizational resources. The privacy
professional must guard against:

Faulty Assumptions. The conclusion is based on the occurrence of

concurrent events without substantive evidence correlating the events.
Selective Use. A specific subset of information is extrapolated from the
larger data set, which leads to invalid/incorrect conclusions.
The Well-chosen Average. Many times the mean (sum of the
data/number of data points) is used for a metric, but it is sometimes
more appropriate to use the median (middle value) or mode (most
frequently occurring value) rather than the true mean/average.
Semi-attachment. This results when an individual is unable to prove
their point; semi-attachment may result, with the exclusion of elements
of a measurement when conveying results.
Biased Sample. This measurement completely excludes certain elements
from the data population, thus providing only a partial set of data and
leading to false assumptions.
Intentional Deceit. An ethical issue, this occurs when data is knowingly
and purposely omitted that may have a detrimental effect on the metric
or metric owner.
Massaging the Numbers. Although not as severe as intentional deceit,
this category could also be unethical. It involves “massaging” the
measurements to provide the appearance of success or other than actual
results, leading the reviewer to believe the metric is more successful than
it actually may be.
Overgeneralization. This occurs when inferences are made concerning
a general data population that leads to poor conclusions; for example,
extrapolating limited experiences and evidence to broad generalizations.

Even with known maturity within the market place, the automation tools and
other standards, there are still organizations with weak metrics. In recent interviews,
CIOs acknowledged using weak metrics that could be improved. One CIO
acknowledged that a group did not know how to measure itself, the organization or
processes. The privacy metric owner must guard against general weaknesses
identified above, as well as others yet to be determined. Simply knowing that
metrics are not perfect and they need management are the first steps to proper life
cycle management.
1.3.3 SMART Methodology
With a full understanding of the intended audience, reporting resource and
attributes of an effective metric and how to limit improper metrics, the privacy
professional is now ready to start selecting appropriate metrics.
Six Sigma is a data-driven quality methodology first developed by Motorola in the
1980s.6 The SMART—specific/simple, manageable, actionable, relevant/results-
oriented, and timely—method was developed as part of Six Sigma as a tool for
defining goals. This framework can be applied successfully for determining the
proper metric. SMART includes:

Specific/simple. Clear definition and is actionable, relevant and trending

Manageable. Objective, independently verified, and obtainable
Actionable. Reveals potential problems that can be fixed and helps drive
Relevant/results-oriented. Ensures metrics are determined within
context of your organization
Timely. Trending allows tracking over time for comparisons

Metrics must be sustainable and improve the organization; thus these factors
also apply:

Goal: Clearly define (with boundaries) what the organization hopes to

Objective: Answer a specific question
Evidence of value: Prove value add
Level of effectiveness: Is data collection and reporting effective and
Regardless of the characteristics, all data reporting must be standardized and
agreed upon by all stakeholders. Adjustments should be made to ensure accurate,
complete and valid reporting each and every time, without confusion, mixed results
or errors. Not all data is useful for metrics; thus the privacy professional must verify
and validate any data collection efforts. The primary focus must be to maximize
usefulness of the metric rather than simple data collection. Benefits should
outweigh the costs of investing resources to maintain and maximize the benefits of
the metric collection. This will be further addressed in the metric selection process.
As a basic business practice in the selection of metrics, the privacy professional
should select three to five key privacy metrics that focus on the key organizational
objectives. They can then assist other functions with other metrics that may have
privacy implications.

Total number of metrics. Select three to five metrics to start with; refine
requirements for additional metrics later.

1.3.4 Metric Template

A standard format will provide the detail required to guide measures for
collection, analysis and reporting activities. The metrics template, provided in
Table 3.1, is an example of such a format, based on the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) “Performance Measurement Guide for
Information Security,” Special Publication (SP) 800-55, revision 1.7 This template
provides a suggested approach to metric development. Based on internal practices
and procedures, organizations may tailor their own performance measurement
templates by using a subset of these fields or adding more fields based on their
environment and requirements.
Table 3.1: Sample Metrics Template


Metric Name/ID States the unique identifier that uses an organization-specific naming
convention or can directly reference another source.
Goal Statement of the organization goal. When possible, include both the
enterprise-level goal and the specific information-security goal extracted
from agency documentation, or identify an information security program
goal that would contribute to the accomplishment of the selected strategic
Statement of measurement. Use a numeric statement that begins with
Measure “percentage,” “number,” “frequency,” “average” or a similar term. As an
example, If applicable, list the NIST SP 800-53 security control(s) being
measured. Security controls that provide supporting data should be stated in
Implementation Evidence. If the measure is applicable to a specific FIPS 199
impact level (high, moderate or low), state this level within the measure.
Type Statement of whether the measure is of implementation,
effectiveness/efficiency or impact.
Formula Calculation to be performed that results in a numeric expression of a
measure. The information gathered through listing implementation evidence
serves as an input into the formula for calculating the measure.
Target Threshold for a satisfactory rating for the measure, such as a milestone
completion or a statistical measure. Target can be expressed in percentages,
time, dollars or other appropriate units of measure. Target may be tied to a
required completion time frame. Select final and interim targets to enable
tracking of progress toward stated goal.
Implementation Implementation evidence is used to compute the measure, validate that the
Evidence activity is performed and identify probable causes of unsatisfactory results
for a specific measure.
For manual data collection, identify questions and data elements that would
provide the data inputs necessary to calculate the measure’s formula, qualify
the measure for acceptance, and validate provided information.
For each question or query, state the security control number, if possible.
(Example NIST SP 800-53 security control)
For automated data collection, identify data elements that would be required
for the formula, qualify the measure for acceptance, and validate the
information provided.
Frequency Indication of how often the data is collected and analyzed and how often the
data is reported. Select the frequency of data collection based on a rate of
change in a particular security control that is being evaluated. Select the
frequency of data reporting based on external reporting requirements and
internal customer preferences.
Responsible Indicate the following key stakeholders:
Parties Information Owner: Identify organizational component and individual who
owns required pieces of information
Information Collector: Identify the organizational component and individual
responsible for collecting the data. (Note: If possible, Information Collector
should be a different individual or even a representative of a different
organizational unit than the Information Owner, to avoid the possibility of
conflict of interest and ensure separation of duties. Smaller organizations will
need to determine whether it is feasible to separate these two
Information Customer: Identify the organizational component and individual
who will receive the data
Data Source Location of the data to be used in calculating the measure. Include
databases, tracking tools, organizations or specific roles within organizations
that can provide required information.
Reporting Indicates how the measure will be reported, such as a pie chart, line chart,
Format bar graph or other format. State the type of format or provide a sample.

Table 3.2 provides an example of using the metric template defined in Table 3.1.
Table 3.2: Metric Template Example: Awareness and Training Measure8


Measure ID Security Training Measure 1 (or a unique identifier to be filled out by the
Goal Strategic Goal: Ensure a high-quality work force supported by modern and
secure infrastructure and operational capabilities.
Privacy Goal: Ensure that organization personnel are adequately trained to
carry out their assigned information security-related duties and
Measure Percentage (%) of information system security personnel that have received
security training
(see NIST SP 800-53 Controls: AT-3: Security Training for definitions)
Measure Type Implementation

Formula (Number of personnel that have completed security training within the past
year/total number of information system security personnel) *100
Target This should be a high percentage defined by the organization

Implementation Are training records maintained? How many of those with significant privacy
Evidence responsibilities have received the required training?

Frequency Collection Frequency: Organization-defined (example: quarterly) Reporting

Frequency: Organization-defined (example: annually, monthly, weekly, etc)
Responsible Information Owner: Organization-defined (example: Training Manager)
Parties Information Collector: Organization-defined (example: Information System
Security Officer [ISSO], Training Manager, Privacy Officer)
Information Customer: Chief Information Officer (CIO), Information System
Security Officer (ISSO), Senior Agency Information Security Officer (SAISO)
(e.g., Chief Information Security Officer [CISO])
Data Source Training and awareness tracking records

Reporting Pie chart illustrating the percentage of personnel that have received training
Format versus those who have not received training. If performance is below target,
pie chart illustrating causes of performance falling short of targets
1.3.5 Other Network and Enterprise Metric Examples
Beyond those privacy metrics explained in the previous paragraphs, Table 3.3
provides other examples, to include IT Enterprise management, other incidents,
and security related metrics. This list is a shorten version of the metric table shown
in the MITRE paper Cyber Resiliency Metrics, Version 1.0, Rev. 1.9
Table 3.3: Other Metric Examples


Recovered Quality of Higher values are better. This metric assumes that (1) levels of
Data restored / data quality have been defined and (2) ways of evaluating data
recovered / quality have been established.
Data Lost Percentage of Lower values are better. This metric assumes a clear definition of
Percent data what it means for data to be lost, e.g., data has been corrupted
irrevocably lost or deleted and cannot be reliably reconstructed from backups or
other data stores.
Data Lost Number of Lower values are better.
Records records lost

Training Percentage of Higher values are better. This metric assumes that resilience-
information- aware security training (i.e., training that includes
system security responsibilities and processes for coordination as part of
and privacy security management/administration and security operations)
personnel that has been established. For an example of how to specify this
have received metric, see NIST SP 800-55, Measure 4: Awareness and Training.
Average Average length Lower values are better. This common security metric assumes a
Incident of time between consistent method for (1) defining what constitutes an incident
Time cyber and and (2) identifying when an incident occurs. It also assumes a
privacy time period during which incidents are observed (e.g., average
incidents length of time during the first calendar quarter; average length of
time from [specified date] to the present).
Incident Average length Lower values are better. This common security metric assumes a
Recovery of time to consistent method for identifying (1) when an incident begins
Time recover from and (2) when incident recovery is complete. It also assumes a
incidents time period during which incidents (and recovery from incidents)
are observed (e.g., average length of time during the first
calendar quarter; average length of time from [specified date] to
the present). For an example of how to specify this metric, see
CIS, Mean-Time to Incident Recovery.
Systems Percentage of Higher values are better. This metric assumes that systems have
Compliance systems in been identified and configuration requirements have been
compliance specified. For an example of how to specify this metric, see CIS,
with Percentage of Configuration Compliance.
Number of Percentage of Higher values are better. This metric assumes that (1) what
Privacy privacy constitutes an incident has been defined, (2) incident categories
Incidents incidents have been established, and (3) a required timeframe for incident
reported within reporting has been established. For an example of how to specify
required this metric, see NIST SP 800-55, Measure 10: Incident Response.
timeframe per
Average Average length Lower values are better. This common security metric assumes a
Time of time between consistent method for (1) defining what constitutes an incident
Between cyber and and (2) identifying when an incident occurs. It also assumes a
privacy time period during which incidents are observed (e.g., average
incidents length of time during the first calendar quarter; average length of
time from [specified date] to the present).
Average Average length Lower values are better. This metric assumes that (1) what
Time To of time for the constitutes an incident is defined, (2) the time when an incident
Recover organization to starts can be determined and (3) the time when recovery is
recover from complete can be determined. It also assumes a time period
damage caused during which incidents are observed (e.g., average length of time
by a privacy during the first calendar quarter; average length of time from
incident [specified date] to the present).
Percent Percentage of Higher values are better. This metric assumes that a set of critical
Plans Exist critical incident incident types have been defined.
types for which
responses exist
Time Length of time a Lower values are better. This metric assumes that (1) a definition
Mission mission is of what it means for a mission to be negatively affected has been
Impacted negatively established, (2) when a mission has been negatively affected can
affected after be determined and (3) when a mission is no longer negatively
an attack affected can be determined.

1.4 Step 4: Collect Systems/Application Collection

1.4 Step 4: Collect Systems/Application Collection
Generic data collection procedures establish:

How data is collected. Describe the origin, how obtained, unit of

measure, tool use, documentation, how informed if data changes.
When the data is collected. Indicate exactly when data is collected.
Who is responsible for collecting and recording the data. Describe
roles and responsibilities in writing and exact details to reduce confusion.
Where is the data stored. Document data storage to include forms,
documents, e-mail along with storage data to include database, tool, and
How to ensure data accuracy. Document the consistency checks that
verify the data is reasonable and accurate. Describe these procedures in

Reporting resources can be found with the technical and business characteristics
of an organization that include:

People relates to the intended audience as well as those that supply

information, including internal and external stakeholders. These could be
considered the same group defined as the intended audience for metrics
in Section 1.1; thus, there are primary, secondary and tertiary sources.
Examples include HR, legal, privacy office.
Processes are business characteristics that are nontechnical but easy
obtainable, relevant (e.g., add value) and measure improvements (e.g.,
benchmarks to target values).
Technology includes quantifiable, repeatable and comparable data
values. Examples include automated systems, information systems, etc.

The Software Productivity Center documents the following actions as being

required for successful data collection:10

Decide which data collection procedures are applicable

Create any forms that are required for the collection
Assign responsibility for metrics collection and ensure that the
responsibility is agreed upon and documented
Update any design or project documentation templates to include
sections for data that must be collected
Update the metrics documentation to include details on metrics
collection procedures for the metrics coordinator(s)
Optional: update any development process documentation to include
relevant data collection procedures. Indicate which tasks and activities
are affected

1.5 Step 5: Analyze the Data

Once step 3, “select privacy metrics,” and step 4, “collection points,” are
accomplished, the last step, step 5, “analyze the data,” will be accomplished using
the collected data to perform analysis and create the performance metric. This step
sometimes takes the most time of all five steps due the large amount of data
collected on automated IT systems; thus, the privacy professional should consider
use of automated tools or automated methods to gather, sort and report that data.
Data analysis can be done using automated software applications that perform
statistical and financial functions and can be found within sources that include:

Open source
Public domain
Commercial software

If advanced tools are not required, the privacy professional can always utilize
standard business-based computer tools that include Microsoft® Access or Excel, or
other products found on the Internet or within the organization. Selection and use
of any tool should always be based on organization requirements, budget or
direction. Once selected, the privacy professional can perform data analysis for
trending, return on investment, business resiliency and program maturity as
discussed in Chapter 1.
1.5.1 Trending
Trending, or trend analysis, is one of the easiest statistical methods used for
reporting data. Statistical methods are required to ensure that data are interpreted
correctly and that apparent relationships are meaningful and significant, not simply
chance occurrences.
Trending practices collect information and attempts to spot a pattern, or trend, in
the information as viewed over a period of time. There are many different
“statistical trending” methods, including:

Simple data patterns

Fitting a trend: least-squares
Trends in random data
Data as trend plus noise
Noisy time series
Goodness of fit (R-squared)

Although each of these are good examples of trending, for simplicity sake, without
going into a formal statistics explanations (e.g., mean, standard deviation, variance,
linear trend, sample, population, signal, and noise), the privacy professional should
only be concerned with the most basic trending example—that of looking for “data
patterns,” as the following examples:

Time series. Trends are viewed in an upwards or downward tendency.

Examples include number of privacy breaches over time.
Cyclical component. Weekly, monthly or yearly data describing any
regular fluctuations. Example: It is useful to measure the number of
privacy breaches in the month after you rollout your new data protection
training, and then every three months to see if the number steadily
increases as distance from training increases. The practical use of the
metric, and therefore the trending, is to help you to work out appropriate
training intervals.
Irregular component. This is the most difficult to detect; irregular
component, or noise, is what is left over when the other components of
the series (time and cyclical) have been accounted for. Examples include
the absence or indication of privacy breaches.
1.5.2 Privacy Program Return on Investment (ROI)
“ROI is an indicator used to measure the financial gain/loss (or “value”) of a
project in relation to its cost.”11 By calculating ROI, an organization can assess
whether the expense/investment is justified by the resulting savings/revenue. The
most basic form of ROI calculation is:
ROI = (Benefits - Costs)/Costs
That is, the financial benefit after an investment or improvement is made minus
the cost of the investment or improvement, calculated as a percentage of those
costs. ROI is typically related to “decreased production costs” and “increased profit
and revenue,” but those don’t apply to the privacy professional, at least not in this
section. Thus we will say privacy ROI defines metrics to measure the effectiveness
of investments to protect investments in:

Physical assets. This term relates to the protection of hardware, software

and data against physical threats, to reduce or prevent disruptions to
operations and services and loss of assets.
Personnel assets. Measures to reduce the likelihood and severity of
accidental and intentional alteration, destruction, misappropriation,
misuse, misconfiguration, unauthorized distribution and unavailability of
an organization’s logical and physical assets, as the result of action or
inaction by insiders and known outsiders, like business partners.
Information technology (IT) assets. Inherent technical features that
collectively protect the organizational infrastructure, achieving, and
sustaining, confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability.
Operational management assets. Implements standard operational
procedures that define the interaction between users, systems and system
resources. This ensures a known secure system state at all times and
prevents accidental or intentional theft, release, destruction, alteration,
misuse or sabotage of system resources.12

The ROI metric may not seem that important to the privacy professional, but it
will be a major indicator to stakeholders for measuring investment to privacy
protection and possibly further investments. These are sometimes defined by the
organization leadership but can come from any of the stakeholders or data owners.
Consideration should be given to ROI analysis as related to fixed or variable data.
This analysis should be a best attempt to perform an economical value risk
assessment to determine the probability of a loss and the probable economic
consequences. The goal is to maximize the benefits of investments that generally do
not generate revenue; rather, they prevent loss. This analysis thereby provides the
quantitative measurement for costs and benefits, strengths and weaknesses of the
organization’s privacy controls. This data can be fixed or variable. Fixed data is
always consistent, while variable data can be any inconsistent value that is positive,
negative or zero.
The first step is to identify and characterize the ROI metric to address the specific
risk that control or feature is supposed to mitigate. This first step will calculate the
ROI of the feature, function or control as related to the reason for implementing or
installing that solution.13
The second step is to define the value of an asset. Since this is often difficult, the
privacy professional must consider the value of an asset or information to the
organization. The privacy professional should also remember that the value of this
information or asset also changes over time and be prepared to adjust the ROI
metric as necessary. Peltier has identified several parameters to consider when
determining the value of information assets, to include:14

The cost of producing the information

The value of the information on the open market
The cost of reproducing the information if it is lost, damaged or
The benefit of the information in meeting the organization’s mission and
Repercussions to the organization if the information is not readily
available when needed
Advantages to a competitor if they can use, change or destroy the
The cost to the organization if the information were subject to
unauthorized release, destruction or alteration
The loss of public confidence in the organization if the information is not
handled correctly
The loss of credibility and embarrassment to the organization if the
security of the information is compromised

1.5.3 Business Resiliency Metrics

As IBM states, “Business resilience is the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to
business disruptions and to maintain continuous business operations, be a more
trusted partner, and enable growth. True business resilience starts with
understanding exactly what your business needs in order to survive unexpected
events and plan ahead for challenges that could come at any time. Whether an event
is IT related, business related, or a natural disaster, there will always be challenges
to overcome. Think of business resilience as your ticket to continued business
service and operational continuity—proper planning, readiness, and the ability to
respond quickly to any threat or opportunity.”15
Focusing solely on disasters will lead your organization to be defensive, but using
a proactive approach enables the organization to “respond to an unexpected event
more quickly and more cost-effectively. In addition to disaster situations, a strong
business resilience program can help your organization prepare for audits and
demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.”16
To the privacy professional, business resiliency is measured through metrics
associated with data privacy, system outages and other factors as defined by the
business case and organization objectives. If it exists, the organization’s business
continuity or disaster recovery office should be contacted to assist in the selection
and use of data for this metric type, as they are the experts in this data type and
organizational objectives.
1.5.4 Resource Utilization
The privacy professional or organization should include in the privacy budget the
costs to generate metrics. An example is provided by the International Association
of Privacy Professionals’ 2012 Privacy Professionals Role, Function and Salary Survey
data shown in the Figure 3.2. In 2012, the results of that survey found the most
time-consuming task identified was of a strategic nature, that of advising the
organization on privacy issues. Metric generation is listed under “monitoring and
measuring privacy compliance” with the result of nine percent of the privacy office
spent on metrics.
Figure 3.2: Resource Utilization

TIME ALLOCATION 2011 2012 2013

STRATEGIC 32% 31% -1%

Developing privacy strategy 8% 8% 0%

Analyzing privacy regulations 9% 8% 0%

Advising and consulting to the organization on privacy 15% 14% 0%

PROCESS 33% 32% -1%

Developing and performing privacy training and 8% 8% 0%


Monitoring and measuring privacy compliance and enforcement 9% 9% -1%

Responding to data incidents 8% 8% 0%

Reporting to management and privacy stakeholders 8% 7% -1%


Performing privacy risk assessments and data inventories 8% 8% 0%

Developing and implementing privacy policies and guidance 10% 10% 0%

Administration of privacy personnel and budget 5% 4% 0%


2. Summary
Metrics are used in this task to measure projects, track trends and reflect progress of
many activities. Knoernschild says it best when he states, “You can’t improve what
you don’t measure … metrics serve as key performance indicators that can be used
to set and attain [business] goals [and objectives].”17 As described in this
document, metrics need to be defined and agreed upon when retrofitting or at the
start of any project, thus during the initial proposal phase and throughout the
system life cycle. This provides the baseline measurement from the very beginning
of the project, not after the project is approved and launched, through final
implementation and use. Since program managers often change roles, providing the
metric from the start allows any new management to understand the definition and
intent of the metric as related to the core concepts of the project, thus achieving
transparency from start to end. “Done correctly, metric development can provide
key measures of IT [and privacy] efficiency, effectiveness, and value [to the
This section provides both generic and specific metric details as applied to IT, IT
security and privacy practices. Metric authors should consider the data presented in
this section and consider the following objectives and goals upon choosing metrics:

Must measure effectiveness and efficiency

Must measure and improve business value of IT
Increase project transparency and improve communication of IT relevant
material within business context
Ensure measurement is accurate, relevant and honest without intentional
or unintentional effort
Perform subjective evaluation of metrics throughout the metric life cycle
Reassess on a scheduled basis to ensure they do not become stale or
Consider using qualitative and quantitative measurements with goals on
metric maturity
Consider laws and regulations for metric development, tracking and
sharing with federal, state and local agencies
Consider privacy as a shared security responsibility to ensure full
coverage of all threats to the organization

Metrics must provide business value to the organization. As technology continues

to advance at unprecedented rates and society finds new and different ways of using
technology for data exchange and sharing, organizations, regardless of their location
or industry, can no longer afford to ignore the issues and demands of data privacy
and privacy practices. As Neuenschwander states, “Government regulations,
consumer backlash, and security risks demand that information technology (IT)
organizations place tighter controls on the personal information [PII] under their
custodial control, including information on employees, partners, and customers.”20
Performance measurement provide the metrics to measure the daily business
rhythms and provide the means to measure and grade how well an organization
accomplishes the security and privacy tasks related to compliance issues, business
value through ROI, meeting organizational objectives and goals and protecting all
IT and non-IT resources as a foundational element of the organization. Tracking
these benchmarks through metrics reflects that an organization is providing due
diligence within adequate data protection and the identification of any weaknesses
to reduce risk to the organization.
Privacy management in a wired world has become a complicated challenge for
making informed choices and decisions on applying privacy-enhancing technology,
process improvements and performance measurements. The privacy professional
must be prepared for these challenges and to both adapt to and help drive
innovation in the methods and best practices that track data privacy. Privacy
professionals play an important role in teaching privacy principles and helping
people make informed choices about sharing personal information, both within the
organization and as part of service offerings.
As described in the section, the performance measurement process uses metrics
to add, change or remove data points based on the ever-changing needs of the
organization and stakeholders and impacts of external functions, such as laws,
regulations and others. The Five-Step Metric Life Cycle provides the means to
assist the privacy professional with identifying, defining, selecting, collecting and
analyzing the appropriate metric data to satisfy the organization objectives and
goals. The privacy professional should consider use of the life cycle as a standard
practice to assist with metrics management and ensure sustainability.

1 Ian Glazer, Maturity and Metrics: A few thoughts from the IAPP’s Privacy Summit 2010,
2 Bob Blakley, 2010 Identity and Privacy Strategies Planning Guide: A Market in Transformation.
Burton Group, September 20, 2009.
3 Steve McConnell. Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art. Redmond, Wa.: Microsoft
Press, 2006.
4 Knoernschild, Kirk. Metrics: Improving IT Value, Justifying IT Investment. Burton Group. Feb 23,
2009. PDF.
6 iSixSigma, What is Six Sigma?
7 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 800-55, revision 1,
“Performance Measurement Guide for Information Security,” 32–33,
8 Id. at Appendix A, A-5–A-6.
9 The MITRE Corporation, Cyber Resiliency Metrics, Version 1.0, Rev. 1, April 2012,
10 Software Productivity Center Inc., 8-Steps Metric Program,
11 Chris Schweighardt, Calculating ROI to Realize Project Value, March 27, 2010,
12 Debra S. Herrmann, Complete Guide to Security and Privacy Metrics: Measuring Regulatory
Compliance, Operational Resilience and ROI, 10, 2007, Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis
Group, Boca Raton, FL.
13 Id.
14 Thomas R. Peltier, Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition, Auerbach Publications,
Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
15 IBM, Business Resilience: The Best Defense is a Good Offense: Develop a best practices strategy using
a tiered approach, 3, January 2009,
16 Id.
17 Knoernschild Metrics at 8.
18 Davic C. Krehnke, “Corporate Governance: Information Security Essentials,” Section 4. Sept
20, 2010. PDF.
19 Id.
20 Mike Neuenschwander, Online Privacy and Regulatory Compliance: Improving Protection of
Personal Information 1 (Sep. 15, 2004).


A s discussed in Section I, privacy program governance provides a structured

approach through two key high-level tasks and supporting subtasks.
This section addresses the privacy operational life cycle, using the details
of privacy program governance to implement the operations management aspects
of privacy through a four-phased privacy operational life cycle approach:


The privacy operational life cycle is focused on refining and improving privacy
processes, rather than a one-time effort. The privacy operational life cycle model
continuously monitors and improves the privacy program, with the added benefits
of a life cycle approach to measure (assess), improve (protect), evaluate (sustain)
and support (respond), and then start again. As with all life cycle models, there is no
particular entry point or exit point but instead a continuous cycle of improvement
events related to privacy program operational management.
Figure II.1: Privacy Operational Life Cycle
Once the privacy program governance model is established using the strategic management, privacy
strategy, and the structure of the privacy team, the privacy professional must then assess, protect,
sustain, and respond to data privacy and the many management aspects necessary to protect that
data. The assess phase of the model provides the framework for the privacy professional to evaluate
the current processes, procedures, management, and practices for privacy management in the
organization and apply best practices to them.


A ssess” is the first of four phases of the privacy operational life cycle that will
provide the steps, checklists and processes necessary to assess any gaps in a
privacy program as compared to industry best practices, corporate privacy
policies, applicable privacy laws and the privacy framework discussed in Section I of
this book. The privacy professional should note that although the assessing of a
privacy program is explained sequentially, in actual practice the elements may be
performed simultaneously or in separate components or tailored to organizational
requirements. For example, you may be assessing a program through measurement
and alignment of organization standards/guidelines and privacy management to
regulatory and legislative mandates or through industry best practices or a hybrid or
combination of both approaches.
There are currently many models and frameworks that allow measurement and
alignment of these activities to include privacy maturity models, such as the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Maturity Model, Generally Accepted
Privacy Principles (GAPP) framework, EU Regulators Codes of Practice and
Privacy by Design. Selection and use should be based on the privacy framework
found in Section I of this book.

1. Assessment Models
Using the privacy framework in the first section of this book, the privacy
professional should now understand frameworks and how to use them and their
information to establish all the privacy factors impacting the organization. Now the
privacy professional will need to map the established privacy requirements to the
various activities and processes that are associated with individual business
functions. It is important to note that in many organizations, these privacy
requirements already exist in the organization’s corporate standards and guidelines.
However, these requirements may require updating to aligned jurisdictional and
sectoral privacy laws. Maturity models are recognized methods by which
organizations can measure progress against established benchmarks and
The framework described in Section I is one example of a privacy framework. The
privacy professional could use this or several other privacy industry maturity
models, including the AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model (PMM) and the
Privacy by Design model. A maturity model provides a standardized reference for
companies to use in assessing the level of maturity of their privacy programs. Each
one is an excellent example of the methods and practices necessary to evaluate and
grade the corporate risk. Once applied, any of these models will highlight the risk
and lack of specific requirements or functions necessary for proper privacy program
The discussion that follows touches on representative areas within an
organization. It is not intended to be exhaustive. Your organization may have
different functions or areas that do not appear in this section, but you will find
examples of how you can look at your organization’s departments and functions as
they relate to your privacy framework.

Don’t use a sledge hammer to crack a walnut. The maturity models discussed
below are traditionally used by large multi-nationals and/or consultants engaged
by global organizations and may seem unwieldy to smaller organizations with less
privacy risk to manage. Remember, you do not need to follow any of the models
exclusively. You can use some of just one, or bits from several. Make sure that the
yardstick against which you are measuring your privacy program is fit for your
purpose—the outputs of your review need to be capable of being meaningfully
implemented within your organization. Privacy compliance is a journey; an
effective assessment will guide you in what “next steps” you should take.

1.1 The AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model

The AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model (PMM) is an example of a well-known
model used for over twenty years. It provides a very good and mature description of
maturity levels: “Models are a recognized means by which organizations can
measure their progress against established benchmarks.”1 Factors include:

Becoming compliant is a journey, and progress along the way strengthens

the organization, whether or not the organization has achieved all of the
In certain cases, such as security-focused maturity models, not every
organization or every security application needs to be at the maximum for
the organization to achieve an acceptable level of security
Creation of values or benefits may be possible if they achieve a higher
maturity level

Maturity models are a recognized means by which organizations can measure their
progress against established benchmarks. —AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity
The PMM uses five maturity levels:2

1. Ad hoc. Procedures or processes are generally informal, incomplete and

inconsistently applied
2. Repeatable. Procedures or processes exist; however, they are not fully
documented and do not cover all relevant aspects
3. Defined. Procedures and processes are fully documented and
implemented and cover all relevant aspects
4. Managed. Reviews are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the
controls in place
5. Optimized. Regular review and feedback are used to ensure continuous
improvement towards optimization of the given process

Getting started with either example of maturity model, or even creating one of
your own, can be done many ways. The AICPA/CICA PMM provides a structure
to assist and identify where to start and what to document, as well as key start-up
activities that include:3

Identifying a project sponsor (chief privacy officer or equivalent)

Appointing a project lead with sufficient privacy knowledge and authority
to manage the project and assess the findings
Forming an oversight committee that includes representatives from legal,
human resources, risk management, internal audit, information
technology and the privacy office
Considering whether the committee requires outside privacy expertise
Assembling a team to obtain and document information and perform the
initial assessment of the maturity level
Managing the project by providing status reports and the opportunity to
meet and assess overall progress
Providing a means to ensure that identifiable risk and compliance issues
are appropriately escalated
Ensuring the project sponsor and senior management are aware of all
Identifying the desired maturity level by principle and/or for the entire
organization for benchmarking purposes

These steps and many more can also be found in Chapter 2, Section 2.1, within
the business case development steps. Accomplishing the maturity of the program
provides the means to report the overall status for the return on investment (ROI)
to the organization, as well as benchmarks to determine next steps to achieve a
higher level of maturity. The privacy professional can use graphics, charts, written
reports and other tools to benchmark the current status, while using those same
tools to reflect improvements over time.
As the AICPA/CICA states, “In developing the PMM, it was recognized that each
organization’s personal information privacy practices may be at various levels,
whether due to legislative requirements, corporate policies or the status of the
organization’s privacy initiatives. It was also recognized that, based on an
organization’s approach to risk, not all privacy initiatives would need to reach the
highest level on the maturity model.”4
An initial assessment can identify strengths and reveal weaknesses and gaps in
your program. Areas needing attention might include deficiencies in technical
controls or lack of training for employees; perhaps privacy requirements have not
been fully integrated throughout all areas of the organization.
When a baseline assessment has been established, your organization can then
decide at which level of maturity it ultimately wants or needs to operate. Not all
organizations will need to operate at the highest level of maturity. Each
organization should be intentional, though, in its commitment to increasing the
maturity level of its privacy program.

1.2 Privacy by Design

Privacy by Design (PbD) is referenced in both Chapters 4 and 5 because the
concept can be used to assess and/or protect, based on the needs of the
organization. The privacy professional should assess the current organization
objectives and goals to use PbD appropriately. PbD is a term developed by Dr. Ann
Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada, in the 1990s.
PbD refers to the philosophy and approach of embedding privacy into the design of
technology, business practices and physical design. Nymity is an ambassador for
Privacy by Design focusing on business practices. Nymity created the privacy risk
optimization process (PROP) to help organizations implement the philosophies of
PbD into business practices.
The PbD framework dictates that privacy and data protection are embedded
throughout the entire life cycle of technologies, from the early design stage to their
deployment, use and ultimate disposal. The concept that organizations need to
build privacy directly into technology, systems and practices at the design phase,
thereby ensuring the existence of privacy from the outset, is the main principle.
1.2.1 Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada: Privacy by
“Privacy by Design (the Gold Standard for data protection), is the standard to be
adopted for Smart Grid implementation for data protection. Embracing a positive-
sum model whereby privacy and energy conservation may be achieved in unison is
key to ensuring consumer confidence in electricity providers, as Smart Grid
projects are initiated. Customer adoption and trust of Smart Grid energy savings
programs is an integral factor in the success of energy conservation.”5

Read more about Privacy by Design on the Commissioner’s website:

1.2.2 U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The FTC provides one example of a Privacy by Design implementation. “These
best practices [including Privacy by Design] can be useful to companies as they
develop and maintain processes and systems to operationalize privacy and data
security practices within their businesses.” … Privacy by Design’s baseline principle
is that] companies should promote consumer privacy throughout their
organizations and at every stage of the development of their products and services
to include:
A. The Substantive Principles: Companies should incorporate substantive
privacy protections into their practices, such as data security, reasonable
collection limits, sound retention and disposal practices, and data accuracy
B. Procedural Protections to Implement the Substantive Principles: Companies
should maintain comprehensive data management procedures throughout the
life cycle of their products and services” 6
There are a number of specific areas where policy makers have a role in assisting
with the implementation of the self-regulatory principles that make up the final
privacy framework. Areas where the FTC is active:

1. Do not track
2. Mobile
3. Data brokers
4. Large platform providers
5. Promoting enforceable self-regulatory codes

Read more about FTC and Privacy by Design:


1.2.3 IBM Corporation

The IBM Corporation provides another example of a Privacy by Design
implementation. For many organizations, Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) are
manual, time-consuming and labor-intensive projects. It can take a great deal of
time to generate the questions needed to identify privacy risk levels, conduct
interviews, and review the answers collected. Typically, a subject matter expert
must analyze the answers to determine the privacy risks and then summarize the
findings and recommendations. Some organizations have tried spreadsheet-based
PIAs and have discovered that generating usable enterprise-level management
reports is a daunting task. In practice, evaluating a single business process can
require several weeks—or, at times, months—to determine its privacy risk.
“PIAs are, nonetheless, a vital tool when practicing PbD, for when they are
properly implemented they provide important oversight to ensure privacy
compliance. To enable the proactive use of PIA’s throughout its global enterprise,
IBM developed, over five years ago, a web-based Privacy Self-Assessment Tool that
may be applied to any process or IT application within the organization.”7

Identify and articulate your organization’s aspirations. So, you’ve identified

which maturity model you are going to use (or part of one), but before you go any
further you need to articulate (in one sentence or less) what your organization’s
privacy aspirations are: best in world, best in class, compliance with law, etc. Only
when you can articulate where you want to be can a maturity model usefully
illustrate to you how long the journey to get there is going to be. Think carefully
about who in your organization needs to be consulted when articulating your
privacy aspirations. For the vast majority of subject matter experts, privacy
compliance is an overhead—a cost of doing business. Don’t feel that your
aspiration has to be “world class”; it is okay for your goal to be simply “to comply
with all applicable data privacy laws in the jurisdictions within which we operate.”
Don’t try and run before you can walk!

2. Assess Key Areas of Your Business

(Data, Systems and Process)
The functions of internal audit and risk management, information technology (IT),
information security and privacy office/team are closely related and, in many
companies, may form one team. A simple analogy may serve to describe this
relationship. If you were to picture an information network in terms of plumbing,
then IT would be directing attention to the pipes and how they fit together to allow
for the proper flow of water (i.e., personal information). Internal audit/risk and
information security, on the other hand, are more concerned with how securely the
water flows through the pipes. They ask questions, such as: How can that water
(data) be protected and who has access to it? Where does the water flow, which
pipes are being used, and which pipes are inadvertently being exposed to wrong
uses by wrong users (i.e., security breaches)?
A thorough privacy assessment approach should support these business areas.

Internal audit and risk management

Information technology: IT operations and development
Business continuity and disaster recovery planning
Information security
Security, emergency services and physical access
Incident response and breach notification
Human resources/ethics
Legal and contracts
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
Processors and third-party vendor assessment
Marketing/business development
Government relations/public policy
Finance/business controls

2.1 Internal Audit and Risk Management

Internal audit (IA) and risk management functions review and analyze the whole
organization—all departments, functions and operations. They are responsible for
discussing audit and risk with senior leaders, mid-level managers, first-level
managers and employees. Based on the industry, these roles take on different
meanings. Auditors and risk managers take on many roles and responsibilities based
on the industry and organization, to include finance, performance, quality, project,
operations and more. Their responsibilities include reviewing privacy assessment
results and the identification of privacy risk for the organization.
Internal auditors evaluate the organization’s risk management culture and identify
risk factors within all systems, processes and procedures. In addition to evaluating
control design and implementation to ensure proper risk management, internal
auditors test those controls to ensure the proper operation. Risk managers ensure
business and regulatory requirements through detailed market, credit, trade and
counterparty analysis that communicate risk and issues throughout the
The nature of IA and risk management is different from other groups that may
conduct internal risk assessments. Most IA departments report to an audit
committee that reports to the board, assuming a predominantly independent role
from the rest of the organization. While assessments come back with
recommendations about what should be fixed, audits come back with findings that
must be fixed. Since IA is independent of management in most cases (also a good
best practice to separate the roles and responsibilities), the audit committee can be
confident that internal audits are unbiased in the reporting of audit findings.
Internal audits, or self audits, within an organization signify a commitment by the
organization to be proactive in its approach to reducing corporate risk. This is
evidenced by several positive contributions, such as:

Focus on value-add activities beyond financial controls

Use enterprise risk management (ERM) processes making risk a priority
Hire auditors and risk managers with different skill sets (e.g. HR, IT, IA)
Identify risk factors proactively, before they become incidents
Ensure an independent perspective using audit committees and third
parties on the governance, risk management, and control processes
Identify and use best practices for recommendations to improve controls,
performance, and reporting throughout the entire organization

2.2 Information Technology: IT Operations and

IT operations and development is a crucial piece of an organization’s privacy
program. Here is where the IT team implements controls and technical solutions in
systems that include computers, networks and automated systems to provide a high
degree of security technical controls in order to sustain the privacy program
objectives and goals. It is important for IT operations and development to follow
the organization’s guidelines and incorporate privacy requirements from the outset.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution regarding technical controls—every
environment has its own specific needs, requirements and protections. Smaller
companies will not necessarily have the same kinds of security concerns that
confront larger companies, so this area needs proper research and evaluation. The
goal is always the same—to protect the data for every organization—so controls
should be implemented through refined engineering processes that are repeatable,
documented and measured.
Numerous technical controls, devices, systems and products exist throughout the
market today. The privacy professional should leverage internal offices, such as IT
or security, to assist in discussions, evaluations, requirements and use. A simple rule
to follow with any technical issue is to use an expert rather than attempt to become
an expert. Although privacy professionals may know and understand certain
technologies, they should always consult, document and collaborate on all things
IT and strengthen those ties to privacy.
2.2.1 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
Although not typically thought of as a part of audit or risk, business continuity and
disaster recovery planning (BCDR) are two complementary processes that prepare
an organization for crises and managing the business afterwards, thereby reducing
risk. As stated by an audit executive, “Internal audit’s job is to provoke [thinking
about] the unthinkable and ensure we have a plan.”9 The focus is to recover from a
disaster when disruptions of any size are encountered. The overall goal of any
BCDR plan is to maintain your organization’s operations by mitigating the effects
of disruptions. In other words, developing a good BCDR plan is practicing sound
risk management.
BCDR is sometimes considered a high-cost insurance policy that is never used;
thus the privacy professional should understand the key role played by this critical
function and how it impacts (both negatively and positively) the organization. As
the Info-Tech Research Group states, “When risk and business impact are
misinterpreted or miscommunicated [within the BCDR plan], many problems

Lack of unified incident response across the organization

Failure to achieve consensus on standardized recovery processes
Incomplete or nonexistent risk assessments, assumptions and objectives
Insufficient communication plans to coordinate recovery/continuity
Inability to recover data and applications”10

An effective BCDR ensures critical business functions continue; thus,

understanding which staff and systems are mandatory to continue as a business and
how to resume operations are necessary components. Recovery and restoration of
personal information must be handled appropriately during the recovery period.
The stressful conditions experienced during disaster recovery operations can cause
mistakes that result in data being exposed. It is essential, therefore, to have a plan in
place prior to a crisis to safeguard all personal information that ensures the
organization privacy objectives and goals. Info-Tech recommends the following
BCDR practices:11

Make BCDR clear to executives so they understand BCDR is more than

technology and must be properly budgeted and tested
Convince the business to get involved so they understand the cost of
downtime in lost business, customer relationships and customer service
Develop recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives and then
communicate those throughout the organization to stakeholders at all
levels to ensure collaboration, support and awareness
Use BCDR best practices; do not create the wheel, and eliminate rework
or duplicated work between IT, security and privacy

Because the BCDR plans include many components, the privacy professional
should focus on the privacy aspects to protect and manage data privacy throughout
BCDR planning, execution and reporting. As an example, during a pandemic,
Rachel Hayward states, “Privacy professionals need to work with the business
continuity planners and human resource departments to clarify any questions
regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal employee information
during the development of organizational [business continuity plans] that include
considerations … The challenge is to balance these needs with the needs of the
organization to plan for the potential of prolonged staff shortages caused by
employee illness, and, potentially, employees staying home from work to care for
loved ones … a single department within an organization may be severely affected
while other areas are less affected, or not affected at all.”12
The privacy professional should ask the following questions for BCDR:

Does our BCDR plan align with our organization’s privacy policies and
How will we protect personal information from loss and exposure before,
during and after an event?
Maintaining a backup system off-site?
Training for backup employees to handle various tasks in an
Are there business contingency plans in place that ensure data privacy?
Alternate locations for office operations with the same
Alternate means of communicating within the organization
and to outside contacts (e.g. supply chain networks,
customers) with the same level of privacy controls?

It is recommended the BCDR be assessed from a privacy perspective.

2.3 Information Security
Information security is a complex topic that includes technical and physical
controls that span the organization to form IT systems, building security, remote
users, vendors and third parties. As controls change all the time based on newer
releases of technology, software applications, upgrades, decommissions and
rotation in staff, control management should be an agenda item at many privacy
and security meetings to communicate, understand and provide proper
management practices, information and collaboration of that data. These controls
have to include the privacy requirements of the organization.

As privacy is concerned with an individual’s ability to control the use of personal

information, information security focuses on mechanisms for protection of
information and information systems.

At the high level, information security provides standards and guidelines for
applying management, technical and operational controls to reduce the probable
damage, loss, modification or unauthorized access to systems, facilities or data. This
includes having a strategy for document destruction, sanitization of hard drives and
portable drives, security of fax machines, imaging and copier machines. Many times
there is confusion between applying all three of these controls, and information
security is only considered within the technical controls of an enterprise, domain,
system, etc. The privacy professional should become an expert with all three as
related to the policies, standards and codes of conduct of the organization’s
management structure, objectives and goals.
At the highest levels, these three controls are secured through three common
information security principles from the 1960s, known as the C-I-A triad, or
information security triad:

Confidentiality. Prevention of unauthorized disclosure of information

Integrity. Ensure information is protected from unauthorized or
unintentional alteration, modification or deletion
Availability. Information is readily accessible to authorized users

Further advanced information security concepts developed years after the

principles from above were established include:
Accountability. Entity ownership is traceable
Assurance. All other four objectives are met

These practices apply high-level reasoning to risk management and define the
organization’s objectives and goals for data security. Since security practices are
based on geographical, legal, regulatory and other considerations, the privacy
professional should understand the organizational strategies to meet those and
determine stakeholders for communication, collaboration and information sharing.
Information security in general is a complex topic that may span the organization.
By becoming familiar with the stakeholders, the privacy professional will have open
channels of communication to and from those key players throughout the life cycle
management aspects.
It is important the security controls are an integral part of the privacy assessment
2.3.1 Security, Emergency Services and Physical Access
All security-related services should be aligned with the organization’s privacy
policies and procedures. Physical security measures implemented at each facility
should reflect the sensitivity of the information housed at that location. Procedures
should be in place to control access to the organization’s facilities and to prevent
unauthorized access to resources within those facilities.
Monitoring physical access to the organization’s facilities is a function of the
security department. Procedures should be in place to confirm that the data being
used to monitor access (e.g., surveillance videos, access logs, etc.) is handled, stored
and destroyed appropriately, in accordance with the entity’s privacy and security
requirements. The security department should also be aware of the organization’s
incident response protocol, as they may be required to notify or otherwise provide
evidence of potential breaches to the designated parties (e.g., privacy office,
incident response team, information security, etc.) and to help support
investigations regarding unauthorized access or compromise. It is also important
these services, wherever they collect personal information, also undergo a privacy

2.4 Human Resources/Ethics

Depending on the organization’s size, industry, geographical location and more,
HR and ethics management cross boundaries or are totally separate. Smaller
organizations might be forced to merge the offices, while larger organizations could
devote many more resources to these tasks.
2.4.1 Human Resources
Staff in the HR department looks at the personal information life cycle of specific
HR data to ensure that the handling of all information by HR personnel is in
compliance with the organization’s privacy policies and procedures.
The human resources function will include personal information in areas such as:

Talent acquisition and hiring

Performance management
Training and development
Compensation and benefits
Employee relations
Employee records
Succession planning

Multinational organizations are required to meet local regulations and the privacy
expectations of their employees in all countries in which they operate. Obligations
do not simply disappear because the office or employees are in another state,
country or continent. Specifically, cross-border data transfers should be monitored
to regulate the export of personal data to ensure regulatory compliance and data
privacy. The employment contract provides overall employee consent for certain
work-related activities. Some surveillance/monitoring in the workplace will require
additional privacy considerations.
Employee privacy considerations are other important activities for HR to review:

Investigations of fraud and criminal activities

Handling of organization trade secrets for the protection of that
Prevention of discrimination, sexual harassment and other human rights
Compliance with workplace safety
System integrity with compliance of security and privacy practices13
2.4.2 Ethics
Not all companies have a separate ethics office, but all companies need to have an
ethics function. This may be tied in with compliance or HR, but there needs to be
accountability for people doing the right thing within the organization.
There needs to be a trusted place in your organization where people can take their
complaints, concerns and possible whistle blowing when necessary. If an allegation
should arise, for example, concerning someone invading another individual’s
personal information, there needs to be a procedure for responding, resolving and
documenting the situation. Usually this is a function of the privacy office.
Ethics will often function in a manner similar to IA; that is, independent of the
normal chain of command and properly empowered and staffed to perform
necessary tasks. Ethics will usually report directly to the board, or as close to the
board as possible. This is necessary to guard the integrity of the ethics function,
protect the data and protect the organization from possible misconceptions of data
confidentially. If an allegation were to be made against the chief executive officer of
the corporation, for instance, you could not have your ethics department reporting
to the very person being investigated. By guarding the independent operations of
the ethics function, your organization sends a strong message about its
commitment to privacy protection.
Wherever the ethics function is located within your organization, you need to
make sure that you are addressing the issue of people doing the right thing with
other people’s personal information, investigating matters as they arise and
reporting those to proper stakeholders to protect the individuals and the

2.5 Legal and Compliance

As with many other categories, legal and contracts can overlap in layers or be two
distinct topics, depending on the organization’s size, geographical location and
other factors. These tasks may overlap within administrative, clerical and research

Legal, security, audit, risk and compliance may overlap or be separate based on the

2.5.1 Legal
“Privacy policies have become long legal documents that most attorneys, let alone
the average consumer, have difficulty understanding. They are meant to provide
notice to individuals about data collection, use and disclosure policies. However,
they are often complicated, long, and unintelligible and, as a result, rarely read by
the average consumer … Your organization’s privacy practices must align with its
privacy promises to minimize legal liability. You can do so by conducting factual
and legal due diligence. The factual due diligence allows you to determine what
information your organization uses. The legal due diligence allows you to
determine what laws govern the use of that information. You need to understand
both in order to competently draft a privacy policy that minimizes legal risk for your
organization.”14 The legal office is therefore the necessary owner of this task, to
perform legal liability activities in conducting the due diligence.
To perform this due diligence, a legal office, team or person with the legal roles,
responsibilities and empowerment must be appointed to act for the organization.
This role will then have the responsibility for ensuring that the organization is in
compliance with all legislative, regulatory and market requirements that are specific
to your industry. They should also understand local privacy obligations and
requirements that pertain to that organization in the countries from which the data
is collected. This includes, for example, registering and obtaining international
transfer approvals with data protection authorities (DPA) in those countries where
this is required.
Administrative, clerical and research duties may apply across the organization or
be delegated to a small group. Administrative duties may include legal advice,
translation of laws and regulations into plain language, lawsuits, and senior
leadership to the organization. Clerical duties include contracts (e.g., assisting the
contracts office, writing contracts, etc.), legal document management and possible
budget and expenditure assistance.
Research is another legal duty to ensure the organization is acting in accordance
with laws, regulations, industry, geographical location, etc. The privacy professional
should become familiar with the legal staff and how the organization performs the
legal duties, as well as how privacy is impacted, managed, addressed, and
considered or scrutinized by the legal team.
Legal should have controls, documentation management practices and tracking
mechanisms to identify, track and record all procurements, contacts, service-level
agreements and performance measurements for privacy management. Are there
established procedures in place, for instance, to review contracts with vendors who
handle personal data while representing your business? Is that data tracked and
reviewed on an ongoing basis? Do the organization customers have a need to
review this material for auditing or reporting purposes? The vendors must be held
to the same standards as employees, and all vendor functions must be aligned to the
privacy requirements you’ve established through your privacy framework.
An incident management and breach response team should include IT, security,
the privacy office, legal and HR as required. This team manages the breach
notification activities, as necessary, with guidance and leadership from the legal
office to ensure understanding of the regulatory aspects and internal control of the
information, the findings and the impacts that result. The legal office—as a privacy
management stakeholder—should be aware of the privacy governance in the
organization, roles and responsibilities, lines of communication, joint planning and
coordination of risk.
2.5.2 Compliance
Privacy compliance is no less complicated than the legal aspects. For example, in
the EU, the EU Data Protection Directive requires member states to adopt laws
that protect personal information, to disclose who is collecting the data and why,
and who will ultimately have access to it. The Directive also gives the person the
right to access the data and make corrections to it. Some multinational
organizations doing business between the EU and U.S. may use Safe Harbor, while
companies operating solely with the U.S. have federal, state and local regulations
and laws that are sectoral, based within finance, healthcare and other industries.
Compliance to the privacy standards and laws is challenging and not getting any
easier. As stated in Chapter 2, because penalties for violation of privacy laws and
regulations are increasing, the privacy professional must be prepared to address,
track and understand any penalty that could affect the organization.

Compliance to privacy standards and laws is challenging and not getting any easier,
regardless of geographic location, industry or organization size.

Compliance can exist within any of the core business functions: legal, security, IT,
audit or others. There are specific merits to the layering, overlapping or separation
of each as defined by the organization objectives or goals. Regardless, the roles and
responsibilities of each function must still be performed in one way or another to
ensure the success of the organization. Mark Ruppert states that the advantages and
disadvantages of combining these include:

Separation of legal, compliance, internal audit and security functions:

“collaboration is more challenging, but functional independence is
Combining legal, compliance, internal audit and security functions:
“collaboration is assured, but functional independence is more

He also highlighted the fact that twenty-two comparative compliance categories

exist within a generic organization to reflect the complexity in the compliance roles
and responsibilities that may include:16

Internal authority
Span of responsibility
Professional standards
High-level focus
Primary risk focus
Activity focus
Relationship management
Compliance plan
Information systems
Internal controls
And others that overlap from this list

Access to the organization, proper governance, lines of reporting and authority,

organization placement and organizational access impact all of these categories to
achieve effective privacy management and governance. The privacy professional
will need to define the roles and responsibilities of compliance for the organization
and document when, where and how privacy is managed within many of these
layers. The starting point to complete this task may be within several offices or
unique roles that depend greatly on the organizational structure and purpose. It
may be the legal office, internal audit, risk management or privacy office itself.
Because of the overlap for compliance, the privacy professional should be
prepared to track and investigate all possible roles and responsibilities within the
organization. Remember that each organization completes this role differently by
combining or separating them. The key will always be found in the organizational
governance structure, joint planning and coordination of risk management in the
organization. Risk is typically the driving factor for establishment of many offices,
including privacy, security, audit and compliance, so the starting point will be to
understand the organizational risk approach, the supporting offices and the
2.5.3 Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures contain many legal and compliance aspects,
with their own sets of concerns related to privacy. Mergers form one organization
from others, while acquisitions involve one organization buying one or many
others; divestitures remove one aspect of an organization for several motives, which
may include selling off part of the business not integral to the core.
An organization can be exposed to unnecessary corporate risk by acquiring
companies that may have different regulatory concerns than the current business
environment. Examples below illustrate the need to consider the variety of
regulatory considerations that may be involved in any of these actions, to include:
Acquiring an organization that is a U.S. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA)-covered entity if the parent organization is
Acquiring an organization that needs to meet PCI-compliant standards
or other regulatory compliance, such as Statement on Auditing
Standards, No. 70, Service Organizations (SAS 70) reporting
Acquiring an organization that has employees in countries with specific
privacy legislation; for example, PIPEDA, EU Data Protection Directive,
The acquisition of an organization with existing client agreements
requires a review by the new ownership in regards to the control,
movement and use of the data, including marketing
New resources, technologies and processes need to be assessed in order
to identify all actions that are required to bring them into alignment with
privacy and security policies before they are integrated into the existing
system Divestitures
With respect to both partial and total divestitures, the organization should
conduct a thorough assessment of the infrastructure of all, or any part of, the entity
being divested prior to the conclusion of the divestiture. These activities are
performed to confirm that no unauthorized sensitive information, including
personal information, remains on the organization’s infrastructure as part of the
divestiture, with the exception of any pre-approved proprietary data.
It is important to the organization to include a privacy checkpoint as part of the
merger, acquisition, and divestiture processes.

2.6 Processors and Third-Party Vendor Assessment

Processors, third-party vendors and business process outsourcers who are now a
part of the standardized business practice must also be part of the privacy
management program to remain vigilant about data protection. In the majority of
the legislations, accountability remains with the organization; therefore, privacy
controls that determine how data is to be protected and handled must exist in the
contracts with the processors and third-party vendors. Compliance factors, the
ever-changing landscape of privacy and security regulations, multinational
considerations, geographical location and other factors relevant to storing,
processing, and transmitting privacy data must maintained.
Organizations should carefully vet vendors prior to selection and continue to
monitor and audit them through the life of the contract to ensure proper privacy
and security risk management practices. Contract language should be written to call
out privacy protections and regulatory requirements within the statement of work
and then mapped to service-level agreements to ensure there are no questions
about the data privacy responsibilities, breach response, incident response, media
press releases on breaches, possible fines, and other considerations, as if the vendor
were part of the organization. Privacy/security questionnaires, privacy impact
assessments and other checklists can be used to assess the vendor risk and should
include consideration for the vendor’s privacy and information security policies,
access controls, where the personal information will be held and who has access to
it. Results may indicate improvement areas that may be fixed or identify higher-
level risk that may limit the ability of that vendor to properly perform privacy
Once risk is determined, the organization best practices may also be leveraged to
assist a vendor too small in size or with other limited resources by offering security
engineering, risk management, training through awareness and education, auditing
and others.
The vendor contract should include specific information about what services the
vendor will be providing and what the vendor’s responsibilities are. The following
list gives a few examples of the kind of information you may want to consider

Specifying the type of personal information the vendor will have access to
at remote locations
How the vendor plans to protect personal information
The vendor’s responsibilities in the event of a data breach
How the data will be disposed of when the contract is terminated
Limitations on the use of data that ensure that it only be used for
specified purposes
Rights of audit and investigation
Liability for data breach
The purpose of the vendor contract is to make certain that all vendors are in
compliance with the requirements of your organization’s privacy program.

2.7 Marketing/Business Development

Aligning marketing/business development means that any activities where
information is collected and shared as a function of marketing must conform to
regulatory privacy practices.

2.8 Finance/Business Controls

Finance is linked to many of the other organizational functions discussed in this
chapter. Finance will typically control the money and budget of an organization,
including employee payroll, investments, expenditures and many other sensitive
key business indicators that may or may not be within the scope of privacy.
Financial functions should align with requirements in the privacy framework and
legal, security, risk and many other governance factors of the organization. Internal
lines of communication and control are necessary to establish and observe privacy
practices to ensure organizational objectives and goals.
Finance must have some effective means to track any changes to regulatory
requirements and to update finance employees’ awareness of those changes. All
financial functions must handle financial information that aligns with current
regulatory requirements) and the overall privacy program.
Examples of financial functions include:

Accounts receivable
Accounts payable

Don’t be reluctant to phone a friend. Conducting a gap analysis using some or

all of someone else’s maturity model is not necessarily an intuitive activity.
Professionals usually study and pass exams in their chosen subject fields—it takes
time to become proficient. If you’ve never conducted a review before, ask relevant
and experienced colleagues for help and advice. The IA function may have
templates you can adapt and use. You may be lucky, and they may offer to partner
with you in conducting the assessment. Use the internal resources and skills
available to you; they know your business best. You don’t necessarily have to hire
expensive internal consultants.

All processes in the above functions should undergo a privacy assessment if/when
personal information is handled.

3. Summary
Assessment of your organization’s privacy program is one stage of the privacy
operational life cycle. There are a variety of models and frameworks—including
maturity models—that provide guidelines for measuring and aligning privacy
activities. These models can be used in whole or in part to help your organization
conduct an effective assessment.

1 AICPA/CICA, Privacy Maturity Model, March 2011,
2 Id. at 2.
3 Id. at 3.
4 Id. at 2.
5 Information and Privacy Commissioner, Executive Summary,
6 Federal Trade Commission, Protecting Consumer Data in an Era of Rapid Change:
Recommendations for Businesses and Policy Makers, p.iii, p. vii, March 2012,
7 Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada, Privacy by Design: From Policy to
Practice, September 2001,
8 Counterparty: commonly used in the financial services industry to describe a legal entity,
unincorporated entity or collection of entities to which an exposure to financial risk might exist.
9 Ernst & Young, Executive Summary: Internal Audits Evolving Role: A Proactive Catalyst of Business
Improvement (2011),
10 Ross Armstrong, Info-Tech Research Group, “Draw the line between DRP and Business
Continuity,” (April 22, 2008),
11 Id.
12 Rachel Hayward. “Privacy and pandemic planning: a few prudent considerations for
organizations,” January 1, 2010,
13 International Chamber of Commerce. Employee privacy, data protection and human resources,
14 Mehmet Menur, Sarah Branam and Matt Mrkobrad. Best practices in drafting plain-language and
layered privacy policies, September 01, 2012,
15 Mark Ruppert. Contrasting Roles and Responsibilites—Corporate Compliance and Internal Audit,
25 (2006). Associate of Healthcare Internal Auditors. New Perspectives.
16 Id.


P rotect” is the second of four phases of the privacy operational life cycle. It
provides the data life cycle, information security practices and Privacy by
Design principles to “protect” personal information. Although technical,
containing information security, information assurance or cyber security practices,
this chapter provides a generic, high-level overview for the privacy professional. The
protect phase of the privacy operational life cycle embeds privacy principles and
information security management practices within the organization to address,
define, and establish privacy practices.
For any organization, domestic and global privacy management is further
complemented through each of the operational life cycle phases related to
jurisdiction, compliance and laws. Understanding and analyzing each of these
phases as they relate to an organization provides the privacy professional a greater
understanding of how to protect personal information.

Privacy cuts across the entire organization, from HR, legal and other supporting
functions to businesses and procurement. Therefore, do not forget to take into
account laws and regulations applying to other areas (such as labor or
telecommunications law), as these may well interact with privacy laws.

1. Data Life Cycle Management (DLM)

Data life cycle management (DLM), also known as information life cycle
management (ILM) or data governance, is a policy-based approach to managing
the flow of information through a life cycle from creation to final disposition. DLM
provides a holistic approach to the processes, roles, controls and measures
necessary to organize and maintain data.
DLM can also be considered a mitigation that is aimed at lowering the risk of data
breaches by reducing the volume and type of data stored. A well-written and well-
planned DLM strategy provides data-handling policy reviews for types of data,
processing activities, storage, sharing and data destruction, as well as setting forth
employee roles and responsibilities for each stage of the process.1

1.1 The Need for DLM

DLM has become increasingly more complex. For example, compliance
requirements for U.S., EU and Japanese laws change and complicate business
record retention and auditing requirements. U.S. laws, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act (SOX), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and
the Internal Revenue Code, along with the EU laws through the 8th Company Law
Directive on Statutory Audit (Directive 2006/43/EC) (E-SOX) and Japan’s
Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (J-SOX), all establish data retention and
reporting requirements. Each set of requirements further complicates compliance
efforts because they are not products but comprehensive approaches to managing
an organization’s data that involve polices, roles, responsibilities, procedures and
best practices, in conjunction with applications and other security and technical

In large organizations, the DLM allows for identification and timely address of
possible issues stemming from conflict of laws and differences in compliance with
local legislation. Indeed, one of the challenges for a good DLM is the ability to
recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.

The need for DLM has also grown out of organizations’ desire to “cull” the
volume and type of information stored or kept. Unlike the old days, when the filing
cabinets would overflow and provide an obvious visual cue—drawers that won’t
close or paper falling on the floors—there is no visual electronic indicator or natural
physical limitation to file storage in the new digital age. Electronic storage is simple
and cheap. Warehouses full of documents can now be stored on computers no
bigger than a desktop personal computer or a removable drive. As a result, rather
than manage paper files, we have become a society of hoarders—keeping
everything digital.

1.2 Data Life Cycle Management Principles

The potential liability can be mitigated by creating data life cycle management
policies and procedures to limit data collection. Saving too much data or too little
data can have consequences for the organization; thus, DLM practices will define
those based on the needs of the organization.
“Information governance is the specification of decision rights and an
accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the valuation,
creation, storage, use, archival and deletion of information. It includes the
processes, roles, standards and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of
information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals.”2
Governance (of anything) consists of several elements, the most fundamental of
which are decision rights and accountability. In the area of information governance,
for example, one might question who decides how long a particular data set is kept.
Decisions can be made by individuals or groups. Once those decisions are made—
for example, in the context of an e-mail retention policy—we can then ask, “Who is
held accountable for enforcing the decision?” Sometimes it’s easy. As in the e-mail
example, if a organization and its IT department decide to retain e-mail on the
Exchange server for only 90 days, individual users have little recourse; messages
more than 90 days old can be automatically deleted. The IT organization can be
held accountable for enforcing the policy.
Governance also consists of processes and standards (how this will be managed)
and roles (who will manage). A goal of an effective governance strategy is to ensure
that information assets adequately support business objectives. First, a decision
must be made as to what information assets are worth the investment, from a
governance perspective. Too much time and effort are wasted on creating and
maintaining information that is of little to no value to the business, such as
duplicate copies of files, old and outdated information and so on.
As James Short states, “The main drivers of ILM [and DLM] are: enterprise data
growth; growth in unstructured data; limitations in relational database
management system performance; information access and security concerns; lack
of effective methods for classifying data; and difficulty in assessing productivity of
systems, applications and databases. The main benefits cited of ILM [and DLM]
are increased control over data, regulatory compliance (thereby minimizing
business risk), and reduced costs (by eliminating redundancies in data storage).”3
The 11-element DLM model is based on George L. Paul and Robert F. Copple’s
seven basic principles of electronic data life cycle policy:4

1. Enterprise Objectives. To reduce the “save everything” plan, the

organization must first understand the “objectives” in maintaining its
electronic records. Data have many different degrees of importance and
sensitivity; thus, information must be categorized by order of
magnitude in the organization. “Accordingly, the first job is to
prioritize. What is critical for the business? Devise information life cycle
management with such critical records in mind.”5
2. Minimalism. Discard all data unless a good business (or legal) reason
exists to maintain that data. Review the data collected and the
regulatory constraints. Preserve data only if relevant to “ongoing or
foreseeable litigation, now known as the Zubulake standard. The overall
goal is to comply with law and to achieve business objectives, but not to
save data that is not required by law or for business purposes.”6
3. Simplicity of Procedure and Effective Training. Ensure that the
approach to process, data life cycle and policy development delivers
requirements, controls and guidance that are clear and easy to
implement and follow. Not all privacy professionals are lawyers or
involved in legal standards. Policy documents, training materials, etc.,
should be easy to read and understand, relevant to the intended
audience and provide points of contact for questions. “As with all things
corporate, there is a strong tendency for policy initiatives to become
increasingly intricate to the point of dysfunction (only interpretable by
those with graduate degrees in operations research). Once the policy
becomes too complex, it is virtually guaranteed that employees will
simply ignore it.”7
4. Adequacy of Infrastructure. The organization systems must be able to
support the task and requirements, from a technical standpoint. “It is,
indeed, often astounding how ‘out-of-scale’ an organization’s
infrastructure is to accomplish appropriate data management. Here, as
elsewhere, teamwork between higher management and IS workers is
critical. Hardware is seldom the problem. The problem is the software
and human systems infrastructure relating to information security;
access control; authenticity; retrievability and auditability.”8
5. Information Security. This is an essential piece of DLM. Cross-
functional efforts that include Information Security personnel during
the development, implementation and maintenance of a DLM
framework or strategy will not only ensure the implementation of
appropriate technical controls necessary to protect organization
information assets but will also provide additional depth and awareness
across various parts of the organization.
6. Authenticity and Accuracy of One’s Own Records. “Give thought to
how one might prove the authenticity of one’s own records if they are
ever challenged in court, an administrative proceeding, or an audit. This
suggests the need for proactive procedures. Authenticity, which has
been stretched to the breaking point by the new information paradigm,
should no longer be taken for granted.”9
7. Retrievability. “[O]ne of the hallmarks of the metamorphosis from a
document/record/file keeping culture to a culture of data multiplying
on a shared networked, edited by many and stored on scalable media” is
the ability to quickly index, search and retrieve data.10 Designing this
capability into the DLM framework from the start can enable effortless
accessibility and retrievability. If using a database, discuss the plans with
a database architect. Engaging multiple subject matter experts early in
the planning and design phases in, for example, the areas of engineering
services and database architecture, will provide a broader perspective
and lead to more useful, thorough implementation of the data life cycle
management framework. “Law firms, strange to say, are in the vanguard
of businesses in this respect. Their handling of huge numbers of
different types of electronic files for many different customers has led to
databases that facilitate filing by subject matter, with automatic
indexing, and easy retrievability. This ‘subject matter centered’ database
control of data has yet to make it into the mainstream of businesses’
data storage … Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish.”11
8. Distribution Controls. Data can now be transmitted within seconds
around the globe. “Once the digital genie is out of the electronic bottle,
no amount of wishing can contain it. Every day there are new examples
of this phenomenon.”12 Business data can be controlled with access
controls; however, there are always the issues of insider threats,
employee errors and mishaps unrelated to any pre-planned activity. E-
mail mistakes, lost backup tapes, and files stored in an unprotected file
share by mistake may all lead to the same unfortunate outcome:
possible disaster. “One solution is to employ one of the available
software solutions that encrypt the data and allow the sender to specify
the degree of republication rights granted to the recipient.
Sophisticated companies are beginning to utilize these types of
solutions as part of their overall data management strategy.”13
9. Auditability. “Unless the Data Life Cycle Management system can pass
an audit, an organization is put in an unfortunate situation indeed.
Along these lines, all companies should seriously consider the use of
‘hashing,’ ‘digital signatures,’ and logging of network events to provide a
framework of ‘testability’ for the information flowing in their ecosystem
at any point in time.”14
10. Consistency of Policies. Data retention policies within the DLM
framework should be consistently implemented; otherwise, it may
appear the organization may have the intention of wrongdoing.
Multinational and multi-sector organizations have an additional
challenge to ensure polices are as consistent and uniform for the
organization between locations, yet meet local laws, regulations and
industry guidance. Different parts of the business may have different
data retention polices; thus, the organization should document and
review as necessary. Inconsistency between these should be explained
fully to ensure there are no gaps or misunderstandings. Consistent
execution of the DLM plan in all circumstances reflects better on the
organization and will not draw questions of wrongdoing. “If there are
dates or milestones for data review and disposal, they should be
adhered to” without question or waivers.15
11. Enforcement. This must also be simple, consistent and accurate
throughout the DLM framework, ensuring the organization complies
with internally dictated policies and practices. Consistent enforcement
also may motivate employees to do the right thing, as they will always
know the consequences of noncompliance.16

Establishing and maintaining the DLM framework is not a one-time process but
should become part of an organization’s ecosystem for proper electronic records
management. “The advent of electronic data storage and digital communications
has provided business, consumers, and the public with untold benefits, including
access to vast amounts of information and incredible speed in analysis and
distribution. Implementing and maintaining a data life cycle management system is
a small, but necessary, price to pay for continuing to be a player in the
marketplace.”17 Addressing the DLM through implementation of these 11
fundamental principles will allow for the proper management of:

Records retention
Data privacy
Data security
Data breach
Data transfer
Lawful access
Internal investigations

2. Information Security Practices

Information security and privacy practices exist within a mutual space of data
protection. Security aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
data as stored, transmitted and used, while privacy addresses the rights of
individuals to control how and to what extent information about them—their
personal information—is collected and further processed. The paradox created by
the intersection of security measures and the concept of civil privacy liberties, or
privacy “rights,” results in various concerns, depending on an individual’s view or
personal beliefs. Within the United States, specifically, following the September 11,
2001 terrorist attack, public insecurity and fear led to the prioritization of security
over the protection of individual privacy. Many people, however, still expect and
require that their privacy interests, or perceived privacy rights, will be protected.
This paradox can frustrate the privacy professional, who must rationalize civil
liberties and privacy rights with the demands of laws, regulations and industries for
both privacy and security. Since these terms are rarely defined and often confused
when used, the privacy professional must understand each concept individually and
their interactions and intersections.
Information security is built upon risk management practices to provide:

Identification of risk
Selection and implementation of measures to mitigate risks
Tracking and evaluation of risk to validate the first two parts

Regardless of industry, government affiliation or geographic location, risk factors

are the driving force behind all information security matters. Because of the
uncertainty of future risk losses, perfect security implies zero loss, which is infinitely
expensive and thus almost impossible to achieve. Enterprises, systems, applications
and other technologies will always have security risk; but the existence of risk does
not necessarily imply they are not secure. Instead, risk is identified, controls are
selected and implemented, and risk is tracked based on pre-defined severity
categories. For example:

U.S. financial laws, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), HIPAA and
the Internal Revenue Code, along with the EU laws through the 8th
Company Law Directive on Statutory Audit (Directive 2006/43/EC)
(E-SOX) and Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (J-SOX),
demand risk management practices.
The U.S. government calls this “Security Engineering through
Information Assurance Management,” which includes intrusion
detection, incident response, engineering, certification and accreditation,
etc., via a risk management framework as directed by the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA), the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), HIPAA and others.
International standards applying similar risk management principles
through such principles as the ISO/IEC 27000 series provide best-
practice recommendations on information security management, risks
and controls within the context of an overall information security
management system (ISMS), similar in design to management systems
for quality assurance (the ISO 9000 series) and environmental protection
(the ISO 14000 series).18 This includes:
ISO/IEC 27000. Information security management systems
—Overview and vocabulary
ISO/IEC 27001. Information security management systems
ISO/IEC 27002. Code of practice for information security
ISO/IEC 27003. Information security management system
implementation guidance
ISO/IEC 27004. Information security management—
ISO/IEC 27005. Information security risk management
ISO/IEC 27006. Requirements for bodies providing audit
and certification of information security management systems
ISO/IEC 27010. Information technology, security
techniques, information security management for inter-sector
and inter-organizational communications
ISO/IEC 27011. Information security management
guidelines for telecommunications organizations based on
ISO/IEC 27002
ISO/IEC 27031. Guidelines for information and
communications technology readiness for business continuity
ISO/IEC 27033-1. Network security overview and concepts
ISO/IEC 27035. Information security incident management
ISO 27799. Information security management in health using
ISO/IEC 27002
Once the risk management framework is determined, information
security provides management, technical and operational controls to
reduce probable damage, loss, modification or unauthorized data access.
Confusion may exist as to the distinction between technical,
management and operational controls. Often, security controls are
perceived as only technical in nature, applied within the enterprise,
domain, system, etc. The privacy professional should become familiar
with all three as related to the policies, standards and laws of the
organization’s management structure, governance, objectives and goals.

As mentioned in Chapter 4, these three types of controls are viewed through three
common information security principles from the 1960s, known as the C-I-A triad,
or information security triad:

Confidentiality. Prevention of unauthorized disclosure of information

Integrity. Ensures information is protected from unauthorized or
unintentional alteration, modification or deletion
Availability. Information is readily accessible to authorized users

Additional advanced concepts not used all the time include:

Accountability. Entity ownership is traceable

Assurance. All other four objectives are met

These principles apply high-level reasoning to risk management and define the
objectives and goals necessary to data security. Practically every information
security standard today is premised on these core principles in standards
development efforts. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and
Accreditation Process (DIACAP), and Director of Central Intelligence Directive
(DCID) models, for example, go as far as using these core concepts to develop,
review, rate risk and monitor systems to apply the right management, technical and
operational controls.
In comparing and contrasting privacy to security, security does not distinguish
data from data that identifies an individual by default. Instead, security provides
controls for risk management, including policies, procedures, guidelines and best
practices that are typically aligned to technical, management or operational aspects.
Although there are many types of security controls, there are actually only two
forms of privacy controls:

Negative controls. Enable privacy but constrain business (win/lose).

Positive controls. Enable privacy and business practices (win/win).
These minimize or eliminate threats and vulnerabilities and take
advantage of opportunities to leverage data for the realization of business

It may be challenging for the privacy professional to fully understand the concept
of security (protecting data) without protecting the identity or privacy rights of
individual. The privacy professional should also be aware that IT security may
always have privileged control of data and systems, considered a natural occurrence
where individuals submit to security authority. In contrast, privacy operates within
the boundaries of security. Thus, security does not always need privacy, but privacy
always needs security.

“Security and privacy are not opposite ends of a seesaw; you don’t have to accept
less of one to get more of the other … There is no security without privacy. And
liberty requires both security and privacy. The famous quote attributed to
Benjamin Franklin reads: ‘Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a
little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’”
—Bruce Schneier19

Information security presented in a generic fashion addresses information security

concerns using best practices from both the public and privacy sectors to include:
Three high-level security roles:

Executive. Typically the chief information officer, Information security

officer or other organization compliance officer
Functional. Encompasses many operational responsibilities of security
to include: security engineer, security operations and maintenance
engineers, security professionals, and digital forensics professionals
Corollary. These people support the security function to include:
physical security, privacy professional, supply chain, and others

Fourteen generic information security practice competency areas created by the

US-CERT IT Security Essential Body of Knowledge (EBK) include: 20

Data Security. Refers to application of the principles, policies and

procedures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability
and privacy of data in all forms of media (electronic and hardcopy). Key
terms and concepts found in this competency include:
Access control
Antivirus software
Data classification
Digital signatures
Discretionary access control
Electronic commerce
Firewall configuration
Identity data and access management
Identity management
Information classification
Least privilege
Mandatory access control
Personally identifiable information
Privilege levels
Public key infrastructure
Role-based access control
Rule-based access control
Secure data handling
Security clearance
Sensitive information
Sensitivity determination
Sensitivity of data
System of record
User privileges
User provisioning
Digital Forensics. Refers to the knowledge and understanding of
digital investigation and analysis techniques used for acquiring,
validating and analyzing electronic data to reconstruct events
related to security incidents. Such activities require building a
digital knowledge base. The investigative process is composed of
four phases: prepare, acquire, analyze and report. Key terms and
concepts found in this competency include:
Anti-forensic techniques
Bit-stream copy/image
Chain of custody
Computer forensics
Cyber laws/guidelines/policies
Digital forensic systems
Disk file system
Duplicate image
Evidence archival
Forensic analysis
Forensic labs
Integrity of evidence
Network forensics
Network monitoring
Persistent data
Portable media forensics
Security incident
Enterprise Continuity. Refers to application of the principles, policies
and procedures used to ensure that an enterprise continues to perform
essential business functions after the occurrence of a wide range of
potential catastrophic events. Key terms and concepts found in this
competency include:
Alternate facility
Backup strategy
Business continuity plan
Business impact analysis
Business recovery plan
Crisis communication
Cyber incident response
Delegation of authority
Disaster recovery
Essential functions
Information technology contingency plan
Interoperable communications
Mission assurance
Occupant emergency plan
Order of succession
Risk mitigation
Standard operating procedures
Test, training and exercise
Threat environment
Vital records and databases
Incident Management. Refers to knowledge and understanding of the
process to prepare and prevent, detect, contain, eradicate and recover,
and the ability to apply lessons learned from incidents impacting the
mission of an organization. Key terms and concepts found in this
competency include:
Computer security
Escalation procedures
Incident handling
Incident records
Incident response
Information assurance posture
Information security policy
Information stakeholder
Information system
Personally identifiable information
Reconstitution of system
Risk assessment
Risk management
Security alerts
Security incident
System compromise
Threat motivation
Unauthorized access
IT Security Training and Awareness. Refers to the principles, practices
and methods required to raise employee awareness about basic
information security and train individuals with information security roles
to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. Key terms and concepts
found in this competency include:
Computer-based training (CBT)
End user security training
Instructional systems design (ISD)
Instructor-led training (ILT)
IT security awareness program
IT security training program
Learning management system (LMS)
Learning objectives
Needs assessment
Role-based training
Web-based training (WBT)
IT Systems Operations and Maintenance. Refers to the ongoing
application of principles, policies and procedures to maintain, monitor,
control and protect IT infrastructure and the information residing on it
during the operations phase of an IT system or application in production.
Individuals with this role perform a variety of data collection, analysis,
reporting and briefing activities associated with security operations and
maintenance to ensure that the organizational security policies are
followed as intended. Key terms and concepts found in this competency
Access control
Antivirus software
Configuration management
Insider threat
Intrusion detection system
Intrusion prevention system
Patch management
Penetration testing
Security data analysis
Security measures
Security reporting
System hardening
System logs
System monitoring
Threat analysis
Threat monitoring
Vulnerability analysis
Network and Telecommunications Security. Refers to application of
the principles, policies and procedures involved in ensuring the security
of basic network and telecommunications services and data and in
maintaining the hardware layer on which it resides. Examples of these
practices include perimeter defense strategies, defense-in-depth
strategies, and data encryption techniques. Key terms and concepts
found in this competency include:
Access control
Communications security (COMSEC)
Emission security
Encryption technologies (e.g., secure sockets layer [SSL],
transport layer security [TLS])
Intrusion detection system
Intrusion prevention systems
Load balancers
Network architecture
Networking models and protocols (i.e., open systems
interconnection (OSI) or TCP/IP)
Network segmentation (e.g., virtual local area network [V-LAN],
demilitarized zone [DMZ])
Penetration testing
Security trust
Telecommunications technology (e.g., private branch exchange
[PBX] and voice over Internet protocol [VoIP])
Transmission security
Virtual private network (VPN)
Web services security
Wired and wireless networks
Personnel Security. Refers to methods and controls used to ensure that
an organization’s selection and application of human resources (both
employee and contractor) are controlled to promote security. Personnel
security controls are used to prevent and detect employee-caused
security breaches, such as theft, fraud, misuse of information and
noncompliance. These controls include organization/functional design
elements, such as separation of duties, job rotation and classification. Key
terms and concepts found in this competency include:
Background checks/background investigation
Digital identity
Human resources
Insider threat
Job rotation
Nondisclosure agreement
Position sensitivity
Security breach
Security clearance
Separation of duties
Social engineering
Special background investigation (SBI)
Suitability determination
Physical and Environmental Security. Refers to methods and controls
used to proactively protect an organization from natural or manmade
threats to physical facilities and buildings, as well as to the physical
locations where IT equipment is located or work is performed (e.g.,
computer rooms, work locations). Physical and environmental security
protects an organization’s personnel, electronic equipment and
data/information. Key terms and concepts found in this competency
Access cards
Access control
Asset disposal
Environmental threat
Identification and authentication
Manmade threat
Natural threat
Perimeter defense
Risk management
Threat and vulnerability
Video surveillance
Procurement. Refers to the application of principles, policies and
procedures required to plan, apply and evaluate the purchase of IT
products or services—including “risk-based” pre-solicitation, solicitation,
source selection, award, monitoring, disposal and other post-award
activities. Procurement activities may consist of the development of
procurement and contract administration documents that include, but
are not limited to, procurement plans, estimates, requests for
information, requests for quotes, requests for proposals, statements of
work, contracts, cost-benefit analyses, evaluation factors for award,
source selection plans, incentive plans, service level agreements (SLA),
justifications required by policies or procedures and contract
administration plans. Key terms and concepts found in this competency
Acceptable risk
Acquisition life cycle
Business impact analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
Regulatory compliance
Request for information
Request for proposal (RFP)
Risk analysis
Risk-based decision
Risk mitigation
Security requirements
Service level agreement (SLA)
Statement of objectives (SOO)
Statement of work (SOW)
Total cost of ownership (TCO)
Regulatory and Standards Compliance. Refers to the application of the
principles, policies and procedures that enable an enterprise to meet
applicable information security laws, regulations, standards and policies
to satisfy statutory requirements, perform industry-wide best practices
and achieve information security program goals. Key terms and concepts
found in this competency include:
Privacy principles/fair information practices
Security program
Standards (e.g., ISO 27000 series, Federal Information Processing
Standards [FIPS])
Security Risk Management. Refers to the policies, processes,
procedures and technologies used by an organization to create a balanced
approach to identifying and assessing risks to information assets,
personnel, facilities and equipment, and to manage mitigation strategies
that achieve the security needed at an affordable cost. Key terms and
concepts found in this competency include:
Acceptable risk
Annual loss expectancy
Annual rate of occurrence
Asset valuation
Business impact analysis
Likelihood determination
Residual risk
Risk analysis
Risk level
Risk management
Risk mitigation
Risk treatment
Security controls
Security measures
Single loss expectancy
Threat and vulnerability assessment
Threat modeling
Types of risk
Strategic Security Management. Refers to the principles, practices and
methods involved in making managerial decisions and actions that
determine the long-term performance of an organization. Strategic
security management requires the practice of external business analyses,
such as customer analyses, competitor analyses, market analyses and
industry environmental analyses. It also requires the performance of
internal business analyses that address financial performance,
performance measurement, quality assurance, risk management and
organizational capabilities/constraints. The goal of these analyses is to
ensure that an organization’s IT security principles, practices and system
design are in line with its mission statement. Key terms and concepts
found in this competency include:
Acquisition management
Budgeting process and financial management
Built-in security
Capital planning
Enterprise architecture
Enterprise security
Performance management
Strategic planning
Strategic resource and investment management
System and Application Security. Refers to the principles, policies and
procedures pertaining to integrating information security into an IT
system or application during the system development life cycle (SDLC)
prior to the operations and maintenance phase. This approach ensures
that the operation of IT systems and software does not present undue
risk to the enterprise and its information assets. Supporting activities
include risk assessment; risk mitigation; security control selection;
implementation and evaluation; and software security standards
compliance. Key terms and concepts found in this competency include:
Application controls
Baseline security
Configuration management
Patch management
Process maturity
Risk assessment
Risk mitigation
Secure coding
Secure coding principles
Secure coding tools
Secure system design
Security change management
Security requirements analysis
Security specifications
Security testing and evaluation
Security vulnerability analysis
Software assurance
System development life cycle
System engineering
Technical security controls

The privacy professional should consult (early and often) the appropriate internal
security resources to further understand and refine the use of these principles and
concepts within the high-level strategy of the organization.

3. Privacy by Design
Privacy by Design (PbD) is discussed in both the Assess and Protect chapters of this
book because the concept can be used in either or both based on the needs of the
organization. The privacy professional should assess the organization’s current and
future objectives and goals in order to implement PbD appropriately.
The PbD framework dictates that privacy and data protection are embedded
throughout the entire life cycle of technologies, from the early design stage through
deployment, use and ultimate disposal or disposition. The foundational concept is
that organizations need to build privacy directly into technology, systems and
practices at the design phase, thereby ensuring the existence of privacy and
appropriate controls from the outset. Originating in the mid-1990s and developed
by the information and privacy commissioner of Ontario, the framework has gained
recognition around the globe, including from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission
and the European Commission.
Privacy by Design consists of seven foundational principles:

1. Proactive, not Reactive; Preventative, not Remedial. Privacy by

Design anticipates and prevents privacy invasive events before they
happen, rather than waiting for privacy risks to materialize.
2. Privacy as the Default Setting. No action is required by individuals to
maintain their privacy; it is built into the system by default. This concept
has been introduced in the European Commission’s draft regulation to
reform data protection.
3. Privacy Embedded into Design. Privacy is an essential component of
the core functionality being designed and delivered. The FTC has
adopted this principle in its proposed consumer privacy framework,
calling for companies to promote consumer privacy throughout the
organization and at every stage of product development.
4. Full Functionality—Positive-Sum, not Zero-Sum. Privacy by Design
seeks to accommodate all legitimate interests and objectives, rather than
making unnecessary trade-offs.
5. End-to-End Security—Full Life Cycle Protection. Strong security
measures are essential to privacy, from start to finish of the life cycle of
data. This is another principle the FTC has adopted in its proposed
consumer privacy framework.
6. Visibility and Transparency. Component parts and operations remain
visible and transparent, to both users and providers alike. Visibility and
transparency are essential to establishing accountability and trust.
7. Respect for User Privacy. Above all, Privacy by Design requires keeping
the interests of the individual uppermost by offering such measures as
strong privacy defaults, appropriate notice, and empowering user-friendly
When followed, the principles of PbD ensure that an organization establishes a
culture of privacy as realized through the privacy framework, mission statement,
training and awareness. The organization, having implemented a tactical strategy to
reduce privacy associated risks, may then be viewed favorably by its peer industry
partners and consumers.
Figure 5.1: The Foundational Principles of Privacy by Design (after Cavoukian)

The PbD paradigm ensures that privacy and security controls are aligned with an
organization’s tolerance for risk and its compliance with regulations and
commitment to building a sustainable privacy-minded culture. Notably, though,
the paradigm is not a formal security/privacy engineering process (i.e., a system
development life cycle (SDLC)). The qualities of the paradigm include:
Being Proactive. By default, privacy controls are part of the system
engineering requirements. They are tested for effectiveness and monitored
continuously. Privacy controls are embedded into systems and applications
and are audited for regulatory compliance and evaluated when new threats to
information systems are discovered.
Respect for Users. Privacy and security controls co-exist transparently to a
user. They do not diminish the necessary authorizations to access data. The
protection of organizational information assets is enabled without unnecessary

Privacy has historically been viewed as an impediment to innovation and progress,

but that’s so yesterday and so ineffective as a business model. Without user trust,
technologies can’t move forward.22
—Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian, PhD, who has
been encouraging organizations since the 1990s to embrace the concept of Privacy
by Design.23

4. Conduct Analysis and Assessments

To finish this chapter and to reduce confusion between Assess and Protect, we must
now review conducting analyses and assessments. As with information security,
analyses and assessments are essential elements of managing privacy-related risks.
The privacy professional will determine where and when analyses and assessments
should be completed as mandated by industry, organization policy or compliance
to laws and regulations. Sometimes the need to perform such assessments arises
from a data breach or other event and is a reactive risk management tool. Other
times, the organization may need to assess privacy risks as a part of determining the
feasibility of a business strategy or overall organizational goal—a more proactive
approach. One tool used to determine whether a PIA should be conducted is called
a privacy threshold analysis (PTA). There are several PTA models that can help an
organization determine whether their system(s) requires a PIA to be performed.24
Analysis and assessments are the tools that facilitate implementation of PbD,
allowing the privacy professional the mechanisms necessary to carry out the tasks of
applying the PbD framework. Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), risk assessments
and security assessments further assist in facilitating the Protect phase.

4.1 PIAs and Risk Assessment

The PIA itself is a methodology, or process, for assessing the privacy-related risks
associated with business activities that involve processing of personal data: for
example, projects, initiatives, systems, business processes, services, products, etc. As
a form of risk assessment, the PIA assesses existing controls and also suggests or
provides remedial actions or mitigations necessary to avoid or reduce/minimize
those risks. To be an effective tool, the PIA should be accomplished early and upon
changes to the methods in which data is handled (e.g., change in use of data or
deviation from the original purpose for collection), types or extent of data handled
(e.g., if sensitive data becomes part of the activity), or access (e.g., access by third
parties, etc.). In some regions, PIAs are based on legal requirements
(law/regulation), such as in the UK, Canada, etc. These risk assessments may also
be performed pursuant to sector-specific regulations or requirements, in, for
example, the healthcare context or banking/finance industries. Some regions, such
as Australia, even call out the PIA as a fundamental component, noting that, “PIA
information feeds into broader project risk management processes.”25
Recent recommendations seen in the proposed European Data Protection
Regulation includes use of a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) within the
EU—similar to the PIA. This process, if implemented as recommended in the
Proposed Regulation, would ensure “a conscious and systematic effort is made to
assess privacy risks to individuals in the collection, use and disclosure of their
personal data. DPIAs help identify privacy risks, foresee problems and bring
forward solutions.”26
The rationale for the recommendation is that “the introduction of DPIAs can
contribute to improving transparency for individuals, as data controllers will be
better informed about the risks connected to their data processing, and to the
security of the processing of personal data, as data controllers and processors can
better avoid privacy risks related to some types of processing and take mitigating
measures for residual risks. This effect is further strengthened by application of the
principles of privacy by design and data minimization.”27
Roger Clarke of the Australian IA Guide says the PIA is a “systematic process that
identifies and evaluates, from the perspectives of all stakeholders, the potential
effects on privacy of a project, initiative or proposed system or scheme, and
includes a search for ways to avoid or mitigate negative privacy impacts.”28
The Hong Kong Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data defines PIA as
“a systematic process that evaluates proposed initiatives or strategic options in
terms of their impact upon privacy. To be effective a PIA needs to be an integral
part of the project planning process rather than an afterthought. The purpose of
this assessment is two-fold[:]

To identify the potential effects that a project or proposal may have upon
personal data privacy; e.g., the introduction of a multi-purpose smart
Secondary, to examine how any detrimental effects upon privacy might
be mitigated.”29

Canada’s PIA Guidelines define the PIA as “a process to determine the impacts of
a proposal on individuals’ privacy and ways to mitigate or avoid any adverse
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines the PIA as “an
analysis of how information is handled: (i) to ensure handling conforms to
applicable legal, regulatory, and policy requirements regarding privacy, (ii) to
determine the risks and effects of collecting, maintaining and disseminating
information in identifiable form in an electronic information system, and (iii) to
examine and evaluate protections and alternative processes for handling
information to mitigate potential privacy risks.”31

There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-
range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.32
—John F. Kennedy

Regardless of the geographical location or the requirements based in law,

regulation or guideline, it can be said the PIA is a risk management tool used to
identify and reduce the privacy/data protection risks to individuals and to
organizations, aimed at ensuring a more holistic risk management strategy. Details
of PIAs, how they are used, and formats, methodologies and processes around the
assessments will vary depending on industry, private- or public-sector orientation,
the geographical location or regional requirements and sensitivity or type of data.
The privacy professional should identify the appropriate methodology and
approaches, based on these various factors, and tailor the model to the specific
needs of the organization.

5. Summary
The protect phase of the privacy operational life cycle embeds privacy principles
into information security management practices within the organization to address,
define, and establish privacy practices. One of the ways it achieves this is through
the use of data life cycle management or data governance to manage the flow of
information throughout this life cycle.

1 Rohan Massey, “What does it take to avoid costly data breach mistakes?” The Privacy Advisor,
International Association of Privacy Professionals, Sept 1 2012,
2 Debra Logan, What is Information Governance? And Why is it So Hard? Gartner, January 11,
3 James E. Short, Information Lifecycle Management Concepts, Practices, and Value, 3 (University of
California, San Diego August 2007).
4 George L. Paul & Robert F. Copple, Data Life Cycle Management, March 26, 2008.
5 Id.
6 Id.
7 Id.
8 Id.
9 Id.
10 Id.
11 Id.
12 Id.
13 Id.
14 Id.
15 Id.
16 Id.
17 Id.
18 International Organization for Standards URL:
19 Bruce Schneier, Wired Magazine, “What Our Top Spy Doesn’t Get: Security and Privacy
Aren’t Opposites,” January 24, 2008,
20 US-CERT, “IT Security Essential body of Knowledge (EBK),”
21 Privacy by Design; The 7 Foundational Principles,
22 Forbes, “Why ‘Privacy by Design’ Is the New Corporate Hotness,” July 28, 2011,
24 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security provides an example of a privacy threshold
analysis template,
25 Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Privacy Impact Assessment Guide, 7 (2006),
26 European Commission, Commission Staff Working Paper Impact Assessment, 3 (2012)
27 Id. at 68.
28 Roger Clarke, An Evaluation of Privacy Impact Assessment Guidance Documents, International
Data Privacy Law 1, 2, 111–120, March 2011.
29 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Information Book, 8.3.
30 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines: A Framework to
Manage Privacy Risks, Ottawa, Aug. 31, 2002.
31 OMB Memorandum M-03-22, OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-
Government Act of 2002 (Sep. 26, 2003).


S ustain” is the third of four phases of the privacy operational life cycle that
provides privacy management through the monitoring, auditing and
communication aspects of the management framework. This chapter
identifies gaps, verifies, documents and communicates the organization privacy
management practices and principles for internal and external stakeholders.
1. Monitor
This section refers to ongoing monitoring of the organization to control, manage
and report risk associated with privacy management practices. Monitoring
throughout several functions in the organization, to include audit, risk and security
practices, ensures “business as usual” for identification, mitigation and reporting of
risk in variation or gaps in operations to meet regulatory, industry and business
Monitoring should be continuous and based on the organization’s risk goals
through defined roles and responsibilities that may include privacy, audit, risk and
security roles. Typical outcomes to practical and consistent monitoring programs
include organizational:


Monitoring privacy management over time and through consistent practices and
reporting ensures privacy program open points are tracked, completed and locked
down. Ensuring business as usual and closing identified gaps will assure privacy
management and privacy protections. The privacy professional responsible for
privacy and data protection should establish or identify the business-as-usual
rhythms of the organization to understand how monitoring practices are used and
maintained for privacy management and to validate that programs are being
implemented in a manner consistent with the organization’s privacy policies and

1.1 Monitor Compliance with Established Privacy

As discussed in Chapter 2, the privacy framework establishes the organizational
privacy elements necessary to ensure compliance with established privacy policies,
laws, regulations and industry practices. The privacy professional should review
existing policies, processes and controls that make up the privacy program to
identify gaps or opportunities for effective internal and external monitoring.
Considerations as addressed in Chapter 2 include:

Organizational privacy office guidance. If developed, offers the best

starting point.
Review the definition of privacy to the organization. As related to
your program, organization, or industry. Use all available resources to
determine a correct and appropriate definition of privacy for the
Laws and regulations. Provide the mandatory government policy and
guidance based on the organizations geographical location and industry.
Well-known examples in the United States include the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act (GLBA) and the Privacy Act of 1974. Global laws include: the
Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the European Union (EU) Data
Protection Directive, which is implemented in national EU laws, such as
the United Kingdom (UK) Data Protection Act 1998.
Technical controls. Provide the means to automate monitoring by
providing the assurances to achieve physical, data security and other goals.
External privacy organizations. Provide industry guidance when none
exists or provide guidance to strengthen current practices beyond legal or
compliance factors. Some, such as the Center for Democracy and
Technology, serve as a civil liberties group with expertise in law,
technology and policy.2
Industry frameworks. Provide taxonomies or privacy categorization
guidelines that are non-law or regulation-based. Examples include the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines
itself as a non-governmental organization that has the ability to set
standards that often become law, and the American Institute of CPAs and
the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (AICPA/CICA)
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP).3
Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). Function beyond technical
controls and could be considered the next level of technology innovation
for privacy protection. They define privacy technology standards
developed solely to be used for the transmission, storage and use of
privacy data. Examples include Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)4
and Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language 1.2 (EPAL).5
Information technology cutting edge or innovation solutions.
Involve the use of newer or unregulated technology, such as social
networking and the Internet web cookie policy, for eGov 2.0.6
Education and awareness. Provide methods to inform the employee of
the important aspects of privacy and basic protections a non-privacy
professional should know.

Technical capabilities should be considered a major factor to monitoring, as they

reduce the effort and manpower necessary to gather, track, analyze and document
the many transitions occurring daily on information systems. These automate many
tasks that otherwise could take hours or days to complete and provide repetitive
and consistent processes each and every time, bringing consistency and
transparency to work methods.
Without a formal process to monitor and enforce privacy requirements, the
organization cannot be reasonably assured that personal information is handled
appropriately and aligned to the organization or compliance expectations or policy
requirements. According to the GAPP, the monitoring and enforcement privacy
principle is defined as “[t]he entity monitors compliance with its privacy policies
and procedures and has procedures to address privacy related complaints and
disputes.”7 Thus, the department that is responsible for monitoring compliance
should also have authority to enforce compliance and work with stakeholders to
ensure privacy and that all related findings, complaints or disputes are resolved
quickly and correctly.

1.2 Monitor Regulatory and Legislative Changes

Depending on the size of the organization, industry or market affiliations, privacy,
legal or other offices may have the roles and responsibilities for ensuring that the
organization complies with all legislative, regulatory and market requirements.
Given that laws, regulations and requirements are constantly changing and
evolving, there is an ongoing need to monitor these changes; update organization
policies and procedures in order to reflect these changes; and to maintain
compliance within the privacy program. The organizational defined roles and
responsibilities will determine who owns these tasks, when reviews must be
completed and how those facts will be communicated to the organization.
An organization should have an established procedure to track and document all
regulatory and legislative changes that are relevant to the industry. Based on the size
of the organization or industry, there are several methods available for this,
including internal and external methods. One way to stay abreast of changes is to
subscribe to various alerts and updates, such as Privacy Tracker, the IAPP’s
legislative tracking service, along with the IAPP’s free daily e-newsletter, The Daily
Dashboard.8 Another method includes using external vendors, which can also be
found on the IAPP website.
The organization roles and responsibilities should define methods to disseminate
identified regulatory and legislative changes throughout the organization and to the
primary stakeholders. The speed and accuracy in delivery of this material maybe
critical depending on the change; thus, a well-defined delivery process and
communication plan should be established and updated frequently to protect the
organization and communicate that change.

1.3 Compliance and Risk Monitoring

Privacy compliance and risk monitoring review the collection, use and retention of
personal information throughout the organization information life cycle (also
known as data life cycle plan). This ensures necessary polices and controls are in
place for privacy management and compliance.
Organizations can establish what level of compliance and risk monitoring is
needed for privacy management based upon the sensitivity of the information
collected, compliance factors and the type of industry that the organization
operates within. Monitoring should be done to ensure that the organization is
actually doing what they say they are doing—and what they are supposed to be
doing. Monitoring is essential to:

Detect and correct violations

Support enforcement actions
Evaluate progress

The following list is representative of the approaches to compliance monitoring

that can be used in an organization:
Audit management (internal and external)
Security and systems management
Risk management

1.4 Environment Monitoring

For a long time, organizations lacked technology that could help them carry out
monitoring activities efficiently. Now, however, monitoring is becoming a more
common business practice throughout industry. This can be seen throughout
activities like information life cycle management through:

Data life cycle protection9 (DLP) that comprises the operational,

technical and physical controls to protect the organizations data10
Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) initiatives is an
umbrella term for the organization approach across the three areas to
avoid conflicts, wasteful overlaps and gaps11
Monitoring collaborative technologies, such as SharePoint, eRooms and
network folders
Monitoring all systems, applications and databases for use patterns

The acronym DLP, data loss prevention, is really just a subset of a broader issue
better described as “data life cycle protection.” The latter is the real issue.

Some organizations have implemented monitoring policies and procedures that

focus on external attacks using information security, such as the use of intrusion
detection/prevention, firewalls and other technologies that are beyond privacy
management but provide basic controls to protect the overall system and data
privacy. These monitoring activities have focused almost exclusively on external
threats, but today, internal monitoring is becoming as important as external
monitoring and advanced risk management practices.
Organizations are thereby expanding monitoring focus to include threats posed
by internal vulnerabilities. These threats or vulnerabilities include:

Physical monitoring of building access, visitors and data center activity.

Data access and authentication.
Lack of awareness/lack of training, so that people do not know how they
are to handle personal information. For example, they may send personal
information unencrypted or don’t properly protect the information.
Insider threat as identified by Hanley: “A malicious insider is a current or
former employee, contractor, or other business partner who has or had
authorized access to an organization’s network, system or data and
intentionally exceeded or misused that access in a manner that negatively
affected the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the organization’s
information or information systems.”12 These include:
“Low-tech” attacks, such as modifying or stealing confidential
or sensitive information for personal gain
Theft of trade secrets or customer information to be used for
business advantage or to give to a foreign government or
Technically sophisticated crimes that sabotage the
organization’s data, systems or network13

Beyond the standard security monitoring practices, the organization should

consider an array of different approaches for continuously monitoring key aspects
of its privacy program, including:

Ensure program goals for confidential protection of personal information

are achieved
Determine if policies, procedures and programs are being followed
(protect the investment)
Minimize consequences of privacy failures through early detection and
Provide feedback necessary for privacy program improvement
Demonstrate to the workforce and the community at large the
organizational commitment to privacy management

Monitoring can be done with systems, databases, representative activities, e-mail,

desktop security, business area compliance requirements (e.g., conducting self-
assessments, implementing monitoring controls), an exception process if a policy
cannot be complied with, etc. Other areas that can and should be monitored

Outsourcing of operations to vendors (e.g. subcontractors, third parties,

etc.) who will be handling the organization’s personal data. The vendors
should be monitored as established in the contract agreement, in
addition to vendors’ protection procedures.
Companies that outsource information to a cloud computing provider
need procedures for monitoring that includes protections for:
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Platform as a service (PaaS)
Software as a service (SaaS)
Storage as a service (STaaS)
Security as a service (SECaaS)
Monitoring would include appropriate privacy and security
requirements, as well as the cloud provider’s performance, to assure
compliance to contract specifications, laws and policies.
Security monitoring for mobile devices, such as BlackBerries, iPhones
and iPads to confirm that personal information contained within those
devices is adequately protected.

Monitoring takes many forms, including:

Active scanning tools. DLP network, storage, scans and privacy tools
can be used to identify security and privacy risks to personal information.
They can also be used to monitor for compliance with internal policies
and procedures. For example, DLP scan results show that files containing
personal information exist within public folders on the network and
compliance issues exist with respect to the organization’s policies, such as
the minimum necessary access policy and storage and retention of
personal information policy/procedures. They can also block e-mail or
file transfers based on the data category and definitions.
Audit activities. Include internal and external reviews of people,
processes, technology, financial and many other aspects of the business
functions. This aspect will be further reviewed in the Section 2 of this
chapter, titled “Audit.”
Breach monitoring, detection and notification. Driven by the laws
and regulations of countries, states or provinces, breach management
practices are more important than ever before. Some of these best
practices include:
Providing transparency to maintain good relationships with
customers and regulators
Educating employees is critical to success
Knowing that old data is dangerous data—make sure you need
to keep it
Avoiding collecting more data than needed
Being aware of social engineering tools that are being used
creatively to gain access to personal information
Monitoring, enforcing and updating social media policies
regularly without encroaching on employee rights
Avoiding access to trade secrets and other confidential
information that puts organizations at risk
Encrypting is expected by customers and regulators.14
Complaints monitoring. Although often part of country’s privacy laws
and good practices, all privacy programs, regardless of the industry or
compliance factors, should contain compliance monitoring. A formal
complaint-monitoring process will formally track, report, document and
provide resolutions of customer, consumer, patient, employee, vendor
and other complaints. This protects the organization legally and provides
repeatable processes and tracking mechanisms to ensure transparency
and accountability.
Data retention/records management strategies. Data should be
retained only for the length of time that there is a business need for it.
Indefinite storage leads to indefinite waste and costs. Records
management and data retention should meet legal and business needs for
privacy, security and data archiving. Generic examples of improper data
retention or records management policies may include:
Excessive collection
Incomplete information
Damaged data
Outdated information
Inadequate access controls
Excessive sharing
Incorrect processing
Inadequate use
Undue disclosure15
Dashboards. Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools provide an
automated means for organizations to identify, document and manage
their existing risks and controls. GRC tools also provide a mechanism
through which compliance audit and risk assessment issues/findings can
be tracked, and corrective action plans can be managed accordingly.
Control-based monitoring. Assessing the design and operational
effectiveness of controls.
HR practices—Employee/visitor entrance and exit strategies. Hiring
and termination practices of the organization to control activity and
monitor data and building access and use include security passes, system
access, data access, visitor access to all organization resources and others.
Monitoring external conditions. This approach monitors for risks that
exist as a result of changes in the environment or changes to the industry.
Monitoring internal conditions. This refers to monitoring as a result of
internal changes within an organization, such as mergers, acquisitions
and divestitures.
Regulation-based monitoring. This approach monitors the
organization for compliance to various regulations and requirements.

2. Audit
With the proliferation of the Internet and advancements in technology that have
enabled data collection, use, disclosure, retention and destruction, implementing
good audit practices ensures consistency, effectiveness and sustainment of
organization privacy practices.16 Audits are typically associated with the accounting
or financial business functions of an organization, but in recent years have also
become part of the broader business scope through risk management activities.
Performed under different roles and business functions, audits perform “self-
checks” and appraisals to detect irregularities by identifying risk and reducing
potential threats to the organization. Based on the industry, regulatory compliance
and other factors, audits are conducted by in-house (internal) functions, external
third parties, government agencies, data privacy commissioners and others.
The Data Protection Act of 1998 defines audits as:
A systematic and independent examination to determine whether activities
involving the processing of personal data are carried out in accordance with an
organisation’s data protection policies and procedures.17
Audit sustains the organization through monitoring and measuring privacy
practices to laws, regulations, industry practices and other practices. The purpose of
a privacy audit is to determine the degree to which systems, operations, processes
and people comply with privacy policies and practices, answering the question, “Do
the privacy operations do what they were designed to do, and are data privacy
controls correctly managed?” The value of a privacy audit includes:

Measure privacy effectiveness

Demonstrate compliance
Increase the level of data protection awareness
Reveal gaps
Provide a basis for privacy remediation and improvement plans18

Audits are an ongoing process of evaluating the effectiveness of controls

throughout the organization’s operations, systems and processes. They are
concerned with improving compliance across the organization, rather than
investigating violations or determining penalties. As such, audits can be used to
identify risk through vulnerabilities and weaknesses (findings) and provide
opportunities for improvements to strengthen the organization.
The role of the auditor based on the Data Protection Audit Manual includes:19

Checking compliance status

Assessing staff awareness
Assessing organization privacy practices
Identifying noncompliance and compliance
Provide recommendations for corrective action

An audit may be conducted on a regularly scheduled basis (e.g., quarterly or bi-

annually), ad hoc, or as requested to meet regulatory requirements, industry
standards, or internal business objectives to measure your organization’s ongoing
privacy development and management against performance standards, laws or
other directives. There may also be other reasons to perform audits, such as after a
security or privacy incident has occurred or business function deterioration, based
on several factors that include:

Unclear, dated or changing polices

Normal change management activities, such as system updates and
User errors or accidents
Hackers or security events
Providing employees with insufficient training or use of the system
Changes in the business, such as new categories of customers or
Triggered events, such as VIP request, government request or media

Other nondeterioration factors that may drive the need for an audit include:

Indications of an insider threat

Staffing, cutbacks and changes to priorities
New subcontractors or third parties
Unusual changes, such as higher numbers of privacy breaches, complaints
or incidents
New portfolio or industry base

The scope of the privacy audit is important to determine the types of personnel
who handle personal information, to include:

Third parties

Audit stakeholders, roles and responsibilities should be defined before the audit to
determine ownership, need-to-know results of the findings and who is empowering
the auditor to perform the tasks. The auditor must have full authority to perform
the auditing duties; otherwise, the tasks and actions may be challenged and delay
the work. These stakeholders include:

Executive leadership, including the chief executive officer, chief

information officer and chief information security officer
Functional duties, such as privacy and/or security officers
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
Government inspector general (IG)

The high-level five-phase audit approach includes the items shown in the figure
below: 20
Figure 6.1: Audit Life Cycle
These steps include:

Audit Planning
Risk assessment
Select auditor
Pre-audit questionnaire
Preparatory meeting/visit
Audit Preparation
Confirm schedule
Confirm and prepare checklists
Sampling criteria
Audit plan
Conduct Audit
Audit execution
Noncompliance records and categories (major/minor)
Audit report
Closing meeting
Confirm scope

2.1 Align Privacy Operations to an Internal and External

Compliance Audit Program
Compliance audits take many forms and typically examine an organizations
procedures, polices, systems, records, management practices, operational aspects
and others factors to meet internal and external compliance that focus on:

Compliance to legislation
Compliance to data protection standards or industry guidelines
Gaps and weaknesses
Remedial action
Positive and negative findings

The three types of audit categories include:

First party/internal audits. The organization performs these with

Second-party audits. Typically used in the EU but not the U.S.; include
supplier audits for existing suppliers or subcontractors
Third-party/external audits. Independent outside sources, such as data
protection commissioner, government officials, or independent external
assessment by subcontractors. These may align to ISO 19011 provisional
standards through joint auditing of environmental management (ISO
14001) and quality management (ISO 9001) systems, or NIST SP 800-
53 Rev 4, Appendix J.

Aligning the privacy program so that it functions and works well with both the
internal and external compliance audits ensures efficient and effective privacy
management that is communicated and updated. The privacy program must align
with the internal compliance audit to prove the organization is self-regulating and
to ensure the organization is doing what it claims.
2.1.1 First Party/Internal Audit
As was discussed in Chapter 4, an internal audit (IA) function may be enabled to
perform auditing on the whole organization—all departments, functions and
operations within the organization—or separate functions based on audit
objectives and directives. Manpower, costs and limited resources will drive the need
to determine the “best fit” and the more important business functions to review.
Compliance factors will also play a role, as mandated by those regulations or
directed by government offices/data protection standards.
As a management tool, internal audits are a form of self-evaluation in which the
organization takes responsibility for monitoring and reviewing itself to assure
continuous compliance, proactive privacy management and use of best practices
throughout the organization. Internal auditors sustain the privacy program’s
“business as usual” by ensuring open points (e.g. actions, tasks and milestones) are
tracked, completed and locked down. In a general sense, they may also evaluate the
organization’s risk management culture and identify privacy risk factors within
systems, processes and procedures. Additional tasks include evaluating control
design and implementation to ensure proper risk management; internal auditors
test the operation of those controls to ensure the proper operation of those
As discussed in the other sections and chapters and to repeat and reconfirm those
topics, IA departments may report to an audit committee based on the
organizational structure or may stand alone or within other offices, such as legal.
Some, all or none may report to the board of directors, senior leadership, or some
form of upper management. Based on the organization, the auditing staff may have
a level of independence from the rest of the organization without disruption or
pressure to present facts other than the truth. As such, the nature of IA maybe
different from other groups, in that it may conduct internal risk assessments with
more concern to represent the truth, rather than meeting management direction or
management tailoring of audit results.
Audit programs evaluate a variety of systems, operations and procedures within
the organization. An internal auditor may develop an audit work plan that will:

Identify the areas to be audited

Notify those offices of the plans
Perform the meetings and reviews
Provide all communications
Draft reports and presentations
Lead all management communications
Close all audit matters
Formalize reports and final meetings
Perform follow-ups

The organization will need to decide on the types and frequency of audits, which
may be driven by many sources, such as multinational or local laws, industry best
practices or board of director guidance. Each organization is different; thus, each
will have many factors that impact this decision.
2.1.2 Second-Party Audit
Second-party audits are typically used in the EU but not the U.S. As stated in the
Data Protection Audit Manual, “They are commonly known as Supplier Audits
because they are used where an organisation has to assure itself of the ability of a
potential or existing supplier or subcontractor to meet the requirements … there is
a tendency for organisations to outsource more and more of their data processing
activities. Therefore Supplier Audits are becoming increasingly important as part of
the process for making the initial selection of a data processor, and then for
monitoring their ongoing performance.”21
2.1.3 Third-Party/External Audit
When deemed beneficial or necessary through regulatory compliance, an
independent external assessment could be necessary through subcontract to a third
party, such as auditing firms. There are times when regulators or other people or
entities will seek assurances beyond those provided by an internal audit. An
example includes an organization who reports its financials publicly; for example,
the internal audit department may perform audits to evaluate the organization’s
compliance with the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70); Statement
on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16, Reporting on Controls
at a Service Organization; or even direction from the International Auditing and
Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). Internal audit findings may support the claim
that the organization is in compliance with these standards. However, an external
auditor will verify and provide data to prove the organization is compliant with
those results.
Advantages of using external auditors include:

Identifying weaknesses of internal controls

Lending credibility to internal audit program
Providing a level of unbiased, expert recommendations

Disadvantages of using external auditors include:

Time or schedule
Learning curve about the organization

External audits may provide an extra measure of credibility to internal audits. It’s
one thing for an organization to state that it has a strong privacy protection
program. However, when an independent authority reinforces that self-evaluation
with the findings from an impartial audit of that organization, there is increased
confidence that the organization’s practices are an accurate reflection of its claims.
2.1.4 Self-Certification Frameworks
Self-certification is a form of internal audit that does not exempt an organization
from fulfilling obligations under applicable laws or regulations. Instead, self-
certification provides the relevant facts, data, documentation and standards
necessary to reflect consistent, standardized and valid privacy management that
aligns to a particular privacy standard, guideline or policy. As an example, a well-
known self-certification program is the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework, which
assures EU organizations that U.S.-based businesses provide “adequate” privacy
protection, as defined by the EU Directive.
Failure to comply with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework requirements may
remove all organization entitlements to benefit from the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor.
Persistent “failure to comply” occurs when an organization refuses to comply with a
final determination by any self-regulatory or government body or when such a body
determines that an organization frequently fails to comply with the requirements to
the point where its claim to comply is no longer credible.

2.2 Audit Compliance with Privacy Policies and

“Business as usual” dictates departments and functions in the organization align to
the organization’s privacy requirements to protect data privacy as foundational
business objectives and goals. Audits evaluate the organization to verify and prove
that the organization is in compliance with the stated privacy policies and standards
and to provide corrective action as necessary when gaps are found.
The audit measures how closely the organization’s practices align with its legal
obligations and stated practices and may rely on subjective information, such as
employee interviews/questionnaires and complaints received, or objective
standards, such as information system logs or training and awareness attendance
and test scores. The results of the assessment or audit are documented for
management sign-off and analyzed to develop recommendations for improvement
and a remediation plan. Resolution of the issues and vulnerabilities noted are then
monitored to ensure appropriate corrective action is taken on a timely basis. While
assessments and audits may be conducted on a regular or scheduled basis, they may
also arise ad hoc as the result of a privacy or security event or due to a request from
an enforcement authority.
These are very basic, generic rules that auditors may use and the privacy
professional can follow to ensure a complete and accurate privacy audit.

2.3 Audit Information Access, Modification and

People in the organization handle personal information every day. There must be
controls in place to protect that data and ways to track the data through its life
cycle. As mentioned in Chapter 5, the organization should implement data life cycle
management (DLM) practices, also known as information life cycle management
(ILM), or data governance. This provides a policy-based approach to managing the
flow of information through the life cycle from creation to deletion. It provides a
holistic approach to the processes, roles, controls and measures necessary to
organize and maintain data.
An auditor will want to know if the organization’s DLM/ILM practices align with
its privacy policies and requirements. Auditors may ask questions such as, “Who
can access personal information? How is that information modified, or protected,
while it is being used?”
An auditor will want answers to such questions as:

Do information access, modification and disclosure accounting align with

the organization’s policies and requirements?
Is there personal information that is known to be incorrect and needs to
be modified?
How is inaccurate information identified, and what procedures are in
place to correct the information?
What safeguards are in place to protect data from unauthorized changes?
In other words, how is unauthorized access denied while allowing
authorized access to the same data?

An audit will also look at processes in the organization to determine what controls
exist to account for when, where and how this data is disclosed. This includes the
way information is shared when outsourcing different functions to third parties.
What controls protect this information?
Auditors looking at an organization’s disclosure of data may want to know:

Who has access to the data?

Is data disclosed legitimately or illegitimately?
Where does the data go?
Are there clearly defined reporting methods for data disclosure?

2.4 Audit Findings and Communication with

After the organization has been audited, the auditors will prepare formal reports
detailing the findings. If done correctly, the organization will gain valuable insight
into the privacy operations, including:

A formal record of what was audited and when

Areas that comply and those that do not comply
Details to support the findings
Suggested corrective action, with possible target dates22

Noncompliant records discovered should be documented with sufficient detail to

clearly identify facts and evidence to include:


Specific report formats will vary, based on organization requirements, auditing

methodologies, privacy framework and others.
The audit findings must be communicated to the affiliated stakeholders in the
organization: all groups that are associated with that particular audit, like process
owners, privacy office staff, data owners or other management. The stakeholders
will then take into consideration such items as the following:

Audit findings
Risk level/degree of compliance
Accountability for correction (action plan)
Costs associated with the mitigation of the findings
Approval of remediation process or justification for disapproval of
proposed changes

Communication of the audit findings and reports is discussed next.

3. Communicate
Communication is one of the most effective tools an organization has for
strengthening and sustaining the operational life cycle of its privacy program.
Privacy information is dynamic and constantly changing. This means that for
privacy policies and procedures to remain effective, organizations must continually
communicate expectations and policy requirements to its representatives—
including contractors and vendors—through training and awareness campaigns.
Improvements to the privacy program will also depend on the organization
providing ongoing communication, guidance and awareness to its representatives
regarding proper handling and safeguarding of all privacy data. All available means
should be used to take the message to everyone who handles personal information
on behalf of the organization. A good question to ask regularly is: How are we
effectively communicating the expectations of our privacy program to the
workforce—everyone who is using the data?
Each organization has need of a communications strategy for creating awareness
of its privacy program and a specific, targeted training program for all employees. A
goal of this communications strategy is to educate and make privacy program
advocates of every representative of the organization. One of the best ways to
accomplish this goal is by employing a variety of methods to communicate the
The privacy office is responsible for updating employees’ knowledge when
changes occur. Creating a strategic activities plan for the year is a good way to
provide for regular updates. Some groups specifically build into their plan a
designated amount of privacy communications to the workforce for the year so that
they are continually refreshing people’s knowledge. For example, “Every quarter we
will have a targeted e-mail campaign that will go out to instruct employees on how
to do x, y, z.”

3.1 Create Awareness of Your Organization’s Privacy

Program Internally and Externally
An older meaning of the term awareness is to be vigilant or watchful. This fits well
with the goal of awareness as it relates to communicating the various components
of an organization’s privacy program: creating a vigilant or watchful attitude toward
the protection of privacy data. Everyone who handles privacy information needs to
be alert to the constant need to protect data. No one is immune to the kinds of daily
pressures and deadlines that can distract attention from the big picture. This reality
underscores the need for organizations to put reminders in front of its workforce to
keep attention focused on proper handling and safeguarding of privacy information.
Training and awareness—with the intention of changing bad behaviors and
reinforcing good behaviors—is integral to the success of the privacy program.
Many organizations have a learning and development group that manages activities
related to employee training. This function enables policies and procedures to be
translated into teachable content and can help contextualize privacy principles into
tangible operations and processes. In smaller organizations, these responsibilities
may fall upon the privacy function. Whatever the size of the organization you work
for, the privacy team will always need to approve the training output that has been
3.1.1 Internally
How does an organization build an awareness program internally? A good place to
start is through inter-departmental cooperation to work toward the shared goal of
privacy protection. For example, you may want to work with information security
and tie your awareness program in with their awareness program. You may also
look at including your organization’s ethics and integrity department, as well as HR,
to plan effective means for these departments to share their awareness programs
and experience. Discuss ways that these groups can work together to get that
message out to the workforce, creating an even greater awareness of your privacy
Another benefit of this approach to building an organization’s awareness program
could be that through the process of looking at the various awareness programs in
place throughout the organization, you have opportunity to assess existing
programs. This can reveal both strengths and weaknesses in individual programs,
which itself is a positive result, contributing to an overall strengthening of all
internal awareness programs.
3.1.2 Externally
Creating awareness of your privacy program externally has different requirements
than those for building an internal awareness program. When promoting awareness
externally, you don’t have the same resources or controls in place that exist
internally. External awareness is more directed toward building confidence through
brand marketing. This occurs, for example, when your organization makes
statements such as, “We respect your personal information, and we take X steps to
make sure that your information is secure with us.”
External awareness is directed toward building consumer confidence in your
brand by creating awareness of your corporation’s commitment to security or to
fulfill a legal requirement. Does your organization have a reputation for integrity
when it comes to handling personal information? This is the arena in which you
create external awareness for your privacy programs.
An example of creating external awareness is found in the growing cloud
computing industry. Many corporations are now exclusively, or at least heavily,
involved in providing infrastructure, platform and software services for individuals
and businesses. The marketing of cloud services is built upon the consumers’
perception of the ability of the host organization to protect their personal
information. And much of that information is personal information that other
organizations are transferring to an external site for storage. The most successful
cloud-hosting organizations are those that inspire confidence in their ability to
provide security for the personal data that consumers entrust to them.

3.2 Ensure Policy Flexibility in Order to Incorporate

Legislative/Regulatory/Market Requirements
Any changes to privacy policies likewise create a need for communication and
awareness among all employees. The privacy office or other designated party has
responsibility for updating employees’ awareness of any changes that have been
made to the privacy program. An organization’s privacy policies must use language
that allows for any changes in legislative, regulatory or market requirements,
changes in technology and so forth to be incorporated into those policies.
The policy language describing policy requirements should not be so specific that
it would leave out certain groups or that the requirements wouldn’t apply to certain
functions or departments. The point here is that the policy has to be flexible enough
to allow you to account for any changes and be able to communicate those changes
to the employees.
Flexibility includes the idea that you have to tailor your program to meet your
organization’s specific requirements. Legislative, regulatory and market
requirements are not the same for everyone. Each organization must learn what
requirements apply to their programs and develop effective methods for staying
alert for any changes to those requirements.
As an example, the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA,
enacted over a decade ago, requires organizations to obtain parental consent before
collecting any personal information about a child under the age of 13. Recent
revisions expand the definition of “personal information” to include a child’s
location, along with any personal data collected through the use of cookies for the
purposes of targeted advertising. It also covers facial recognition technology.
Websites that collect a child’s information would be required to ensure that they
can protect it, hold onto it “for only as long as is reasonably necessary” and then
delete the information safely.23
Awareness regarding these requirements includes being aware of any changes to
legislative, regulatory or market requirements as they arise and being able to
incorporate those changes into your program’s policies and practices. You will also
need effective means of making your workforce aware of these updates and any
adjustments that might be required of them as a result of those changes.
Again, a part of ensuring policy flexibility includes knowing what local and
national laws, regulations and market requirements apply in order to determine
what you will need to incorporate into that awareness. The type of organization you
are determines what requirements apply to you and what you will need to build into
your awareness program.

3.3 Identify, Catalog and Maintain Documents Requiring

Updates as Privacy Requirements Change
There are two primary types of documents that an organization needs to maintain
for the purpose of communicating about privacy practices: policies and notices.

A privacy policy is generally an internal document that is addressed to

employees. Policies clearly state how personal information is going to be
handled. These documents serve as a vehicle for training staff, providing
assurance that all employees understand their responsibility for personal
information protection. There may be a variety of policies that detail how
the organization will handle certain kinds of personal information,
depending upon the purpose for which the information was collected.
These policies must be clearly communicated to employees, so that
information is not inadvertently used for unauthorized purposes.
A notice is generally an external communication of the privacy policies to
the customers about how their personal data is being handled. Notices
are particularly important, because this is one means used by your
organization to ingrain organizational accountability externally.
Typically, notices are posted on the organization website.

Every organization is held accountable for what it says it will do and will not do
with personal information. The FCC can take action against any organization in the
U.S. that engages in deceptive practices, such as saying that someone’s personal
information is going to be used one way and then actually using it for other
purposes that were not explicitly stated. In the UK, data controllers must notify the
ICO of their processing activities. It would be an offense to process information in
ways not included in the notification. Spain, Germany and France (and most of the
EU) have similar requirements. Attention to details when it comes to policies and
notices, then, is an essential aspect of sustaining your privacy program.
An organization needs to have specific, clearly defined means to identify, catalog
and maintain documents requiring updates as privacy requirements change. The
privacy office or other responsible party (e.g., legal) should have some procedure
for cataloging and tracking the documents that reference privacy policy
requirements and guidelines. This should be done to ensure that if any policy
changes occur, all materials and resources that reference the policies can be
appropriately updated to reflect those changes.
When policies are updated as a result of changing privacy requirements, those
updates must be effectively communicated to everyone in the organization who
needs to be informed. There must be a way to track policy changes and to ensure
that all employees understand the changes and are in compliance. This need for
accountability regarding policy changes might be addressed, for instance, through
organization training documents.
The ability to manage changes and to maintain the program’s viability in the
process of changing is central to the ongoing effort to sustain a privacy program.
Reasons for updating and changing the privacy policies and requirements for the
privacy program include:

Identifying opportunities for continuous improvement

The changing regulatory environment
Responding to changes in the business environment
The development of new products and services

3.4 Targeted Employee, Management and Contractor

An organization needs to identify who will be required to take privacy training (e.g.,
employees, contractors, other third parties). By default, the training should include
anyone who handles (collects, stores, uses) personal information on behalf of the
organization. An organization that is proactive in its training programs will be in a
stronger position to sustain its privacy program than one that is not as rigorous in
its approach to training. To put it in other terms, the benefits of achieving a
sustainable privacy program more than justify the various costs associated with
developing a strong, proactive training program within an organization.
Targeted training implies that there may be a variety of training programs,
depending on the department within the organization, the type of information that
is being handled, how that information is processed and who handles it, such as
marketing or HR. Responsibility for the training may also vary according to the
nature of the work and its location within the organization.
All call center agents, as well as a new hire who is working in a call center, would
require training in handling personal information given over the telephone and how
to protect and secure that information (e.g., clean desk procedures). This training
might be done through the privacy office or HR or by the head of the call center
Information security might conduct an assessment and/or provide training for a
vendor who is building a computer program, writing code, and so forth for your
organization. A vendor who is performing an HR resource, such as talent
acquisition for the organization, would most likely be trained by HR or the ethics
and integrity department. The training and who handles it would depend on what
the vendor is doing for you. Training content should always be approved by a
privacy professional, usually part of the privacy team—unless HR has its own
dedicated privacy manager.
Training programs dealing with privacy policies should be based on clear policies
and standards and have ongoing mechanisms and processes to educate and guide
employees in implementation. Everyone who handles personal information needs
to be trained in privacy policies and how to deploy them within their area to ensure
compliance with all policy requirements. This applies to employees, management,
contractors and other entities with which your organization might share personal
“Operational privacy practices” (e.g., standard operating instructions) refers to
training related to specific operations, functions and activities that involve handling
personal information. Certain groups require training on how to handle personal
information that is specific to their group (e.g., customer service calls, collecting
patient information). This is known as “function-specific” or “targeted” training.
Examples of operational privacy practices or procedures include:

Data collection, usage, retention and disposal

The protection and handling of data
Encrypting electronic data while in transit (e.g., e-mail)
Security for stored physical data (locking it up)
Access control—who has access to specific privacy information and how
is access controlled?
Reporting incidents
Key contacts or points of contact
Function-, process- and department-specific handling procedures (e.g.,
collecting personal information as part of the marketing process)

After deciding who will be required to take the privacy training, it is necessary to
identify the delivery method for the training. Various delivery options are available,
such as online web-based tools and classroom-based training. Choice of delivery
method may depend on available resources, the nature of the training, adult
learning theory considerations and the locations and schedules of the participants.
The important consideration is to choose a training method that will best achieve
the desired results.
Another aspect of any training program is the frequency of the training of
individuals. Some programs will only require a single training session (e.g., training
that is conducted for employees when they are first hired). Other programs may
require refresher training schedules that are specific to the training needs
(quarterly, yearly or when changes occur). Whoever is responsible for developing
and implementing training programs must be aware of any changes that are made
to existing policies and regulations when they occur. Privacy training content is
based in large part on policy and organizational requirements. When policies
change, the training content must be updated to reflect those changes.
The department or other party responsible for the privacy training should make
certain that some form of monitoring is in place to track compliance with the
training requirement and its completion. In other words, there must be some way
to ensure that everyone who is required to take the training actually takes and
completes the training. Someone needs to watch the list to check on compliance
and to record the results of the training. You should consider consequential actions
that might be taken when compliance is not achieved.
4. Summary
The sustain phase of the privacy operational life cycle provides privacy
management through the monitoring, auditing and communication. Monitoring
identifies any gaps in an organization’s privacy program; auditing ensures
consistency, effectiveness and sustainment of the organization’s privacy practices;
and communication creates awareness of the privacy program internally and
externally, ensuring flexibility to respond to legislative and industry changes.

1 “Business as usual,” interview November 15, 2012, Mr. Simon McDougall.
2 Center for Democracy and Technology,
3 American Institute of CPAs, Privacy Maturity Model, March 2011,
4 Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P),
5 EPAL 1.2, IBM Research Report RZ 3485 (#93951) 03/03/2003,
6 Center for Democracy & Technology,
7 American Institute of CPAs, Privacy Maturity Model, March 2011,
8 The Daily Dashboard: IAPP website,
9 DLP comprises the operational, technical, and physical controls to protect the organizations
11 OCEG, GRC Capability Model™, GRC Technology Solutions Guide v. 2.1,
12 Michael Hanley, Tyler Dean, Will Schroeder, Matt Houy, Randall F. Trzeciak and Joji
Montelibano. An Analysis of Technical Observations in Insider Theft of Intellectual Property Cases.
Carnegie Mellon. February 2011. PDF.
13 Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore, Randall Trzeciak and Timothy J. Shimeall. Common Sense
Guide to Prevention and Detection of Insider Threats, 3rd Edition—Version 3.1. Software
Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009. PDF.
14 “Data Breach Response: A Year in Review”: Posted by Theodore J. Kobus III on December 27,
2011. Data Privacy Monitor. BakerHostetler.
15 Ulrich Hahn, Ken Askelson and Robert Stiles. “Global Technology Audit Guide: Managing
and Auditing Privacy Risks.” Institute of Internal Auditors. June 2006,
(pg. 4).
16 Hahn, et al. Global Technology Audit Guide at 12-16.
17 UK Information Commissioner’s Office, Data Protection Audit Manual, 4.3, June 2001,
18 Bruce J. Bakis. “Mitre: How to conduct a privacy audit,” June 6, 2007. Presentation for the 2007
New York State Cyber Security Conference,
19 UK Information Commissioner’s Office, Data Protection Audit Manual, 4.3, June 2001,
20 Id. at 3.2.
21 Id. at 1.5.
22 Id. at 3.25.
23 Somini Sengupta,”Update Urged on Children’s Online Privacy” (New York Times, September
15, 2011),
23 Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social
Technologies (Forrester Research, Inc. 2008).


R espond” is the fourth of four phases of the privacy operational life cycle. It
includes the respond principles of information requests, legal compliance,
incident-response planning and incident handling. The “respond” phase
of the privacy operational life cycle aims to reduce organizational risk and bolster
compliance to regulations.
Every corporation needs to be prepared to respond to its customers, partners,
vendors, employees, regulators, shareholders or other legal entities. The requests
can take a broad form, from simple questions over requests for data corrections to
more in-depth legal disclosures about individuals. No matter the type of request,
you need to be prepared to properly receive, assess and respond to them.

It is important to note that although several countries, such as Japan, South Korea,
Germany, Spain and Norway, have breach notification laws, breach notification
actions in the U.S. are numerous. In the EU, there are pending changes in the
proposed Data Protection Regulation.

1. Information Requests
Organizations may receive a variety of information requests, such as:

Complaints, issues, concerns from individuals

Requests for information; e.g., for a copy of the public register of
applications (German Federal Data Protection Act)
Corrections of inaccurate data
Clarifications on privacy matters
Subject access requests (UK Data Protection Act and similar
international laws)

1.1 Handling Procedures

Designing effective processes and procedures to handle privacy questions and
complaints can be more complicated than one might initially contemplate.
Organizations must balance the need to create processes and a structure that
centralizes control with the need to delegate responsibility. Further, some privacy
incidents do not fit neatly into the privacy-incident reporting framework—nor can
they necessarily be adequately managed exclusively through privacy-incident
reporting mechanisms. Some privacy incidents are so serious in nature that they
require the involvement of stakeholders who do not typically get involved with
privacy incidents, such as marketing, product development, general counsel, the
chief risk officer and even the chief executive officer.
In managing privacy questions that may arise, it makes sense to leverage the
privacy governance structure that you have instituted at a geographic and functional
level to serve as the first level of response for commonly asked questions respecting
privacy and security. Training and communications should instruct employees to
initially reach out with privacy questions to these individuals. If “first-tier” privacy
resources do not have the answers or do not feel equipped to adequately respond to
the issues presented, then the privacy team or the chief privacy officer should be
consulted. These first-tier responders should be strongly supported by the privacy
team and the chief privacy officer with information material, FAQs and direct
personal interaction. The channels of communication for asking and answering
questions should not be too strict or formal. As long as local privacy resources and
the privacy team are communicating with one another to ensure consistency,
coverage and timely responsiveness, there are benefits to not being too structured.
It is preferable to encourage personnel to come forward with questions.
While it is important to educate and empower these other resources to assist in
the management of privacy questions, it is also important that they understand the
limits of the privacy advice that they can dispense. They should focus on answering
questions on established processes and procedures in areas where they have
received specific directions—or areas that are materially analogous to the
foregoing. Over time, this body of privacy knowledge will expand for the individuals
and the enterprise. However, when first-tier responders do not have the answers,
they must promptly involve the privacy team. It is important for the privacy team to
have insight into the types and quantities of inquiries so any corrections can be
made, gaps filled and issues addressed.
Complaint handling requires more formality than just responding to questions
and inquiries. There needs to be a centralized intake process by which complaints
are routed to the privacy team as quickly as possible. An escalation process should
also be developed to ensure the proper handling of sensitive issues, including the
possible engagement of key executives if the situation warrants. These processes
will need to be constructed to handle complaints from customers, employees,
business partners and regulators. As well, it is important to create and document
procedures that track the intake, the management, and the resolution of the
complaint. Many regulations—from EU data protection regulations to U.S. HIPAA
to those of Canada, Mexico or Australia—give data subjects the right to register a
complaint with the processor of their data, so implementing a meaningful
procedure to substantiate compliance with this requirement is imperative.
Additionally, the privacy officer and the procedure should be nimble enough to
recognize when additional stakeholders might be required to address a complaint,
such as the head of marketing, human resources (HR), the chief ethics officer, the
chief risk officer, the chief security officer, the general counsel or someone else.

Privacy complaints (expressions of dissatisfaction) and the exercise of privacy rights

(such as access requests) can be difficult to differentiate between in practice. If your
organization has different teams or procedures for responding to complaints versus
the exercise of privacy rights, there must be integration and/or flexibility to easily
transition a customer or employee communication between the teams.

Occasionally, the reporting or the complaint process respecting data privacy may
intersect with an ethics reporting and complaint process. An incident may involve
the use or misuse of personal information that may also qualify as an ethics
complaint. Imagine a situation where the supervisor of an employee in the
accounting department is using the personal information of customers or
employees to engage in identity theft. The subordinate may be afraid to lodge a
complaint or make a report for fear of reprisal. When ethics and compliance
training is delivered to the employee population, employees should be encouraged
to report these types of situations through the privacy reporting channel—but to
the extent that the complaint clearly involves disreputable behavior, reporting
through a compliance hotline might also be appropriate. Two important points to
note—first, those individuals who manage the compliance hotline must be trained
to recognize a data privacy issue and to immediately connect with the chief privacy
officer and their team (or other privacy executive owner) and compliance hotlines.
These types of hotlines typically permit anonymous reporting and must also
undertake additional compliance efforts to ensure that they meet the requirements
of applicable data-protection laws.

1.2 Access
You should develop a process so that individuals internal to your organization and
individuals or entities external to your organization may reach you easily. You
should have multiple methods and formats available, such as:

Dedicated phone numbers (both direct and toll-free)

Dedicated and monitored e-mail address (or multiple addresses)
Internet or Intranet contact forms on the organization’s homepage
Postal mail box for correspondence
Physical address

These resource accounts should be utilized within your internal and external
communication plans. This will help make it easier for people to contact your
office. The resource accounts may also be included within your incident-response
breach notification letters or communications.

You should develop a written procedure for responding to access requests. This
procedure will ensure not only that adequate verification takes place before access to
data is provided but also that your organization is consistent in its reasoning for
providing or denying access.

1.3 Redress
The definitions of redress from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: a) To set right:
remedy; b) To remove the cause of a grievance or complaint.
Both definitions are at the heart of the intent behind offering redress to
individuals contacting the privacy organization. The organization should strive to
remove a grievance or to set the situation right by doing the right thing for the
The form of redress that is offered to the complainant should be clearly defined in
your complaint response process and documented for resolution.

1.4 Correction
Depending on your industry, it is quite possible that you may collect personal
information from varying sources and that the information needs to be able to be
updated or corrected. A simple example would be a customer list when the
customer has recently moved; their new contact information needs to be updated.
This type of correction seems quite simple, yet it is important that you establish
clear channels for this type of correction to be communicated.
Another form of correction could be when someone’s identifying tax number is
incorrect and could have consequences for the individual(s) associated with the
number. Again, there needs to be a clearly communicated and documented process
to allow the individual(s) to correct the misrepresentation.
1.5 Data Integrity
Data integrity issues are often the result of either human failure or systemic error.
1.5.1 Human Failure
An example of human failure regarding data integrity might be when a customer
service agent is entering data for a medical benefit claim and inadvertently submits
the claim under a different person’s name (John J. Smith instead of John M. Smith).
These types of human failures occur frequently. A process to resolve and handle
these types of data integrity issues must be created and implemented to successfully
navigate the issue. A strong training and awareness program is also critical to
educate employees on the importance of proper handling and accurate handling of
personal information.
1.5.2 Systemic Error
An example of systemic error might be when a payroll system is processing year-
end tax reports and the data fields from one system do not properly align with the
data fields of the reporting system. If the data fields are off by even one count, the
data will be incorrect for all the subsequent records. In a case like this, it is possible
that wage information will be associated with the wrong person. The restoration for
such types of failures can often cost companies large amounts in fines and
resolution costs.

2. Legal Compliance
2.1 Preventing Harm
The fundamental principle that should govern a privacy incident is to allow an
affected person the opportunity to protect themselves from identity theft or other
harm. This harm may demonstrate itself not only through identity theft but also
through financial loss, reputation damage or embarrassment. Though the
likelihood of an identity theft or other harm occurring from a particular specific loss
or exposure of personal information is nearly impossible to predict, the principle of
preventing harm drives privacy legislation globally. The likelihood of harm from a
particular incident is low because statistics support the unfortunate certainty that
most citizens are at risk for identity theft from several different vectors in the
natural course of living their lives—meaning several probable exposures of their
personal information. As a side note, there is a growing trend for criminals to target
minors for identity theft, which in many cases is not discovered until the young
person attends university, takes out a loan or opens a credit card.

The primary focus when managing any privacy incident is always harm prevention
and/or minimization.

In the private sector, liability clauses in contracts with data processors are
paramount. In the EU, the default is well established that the data controller retains
legal liability for any harm associated with the collected data. This default
responsibility is only slightly less clear in the United States. In the U.S. and some
other jurisdictions, it is perfectly possible to make the processor liable for
remediation costs of events caused by their negligence if it is clearly stated in
In the public sector, even with the proper implementation and monitoring of
privacy and security controls, it is impossible to prevent all risks associated with
government operations. It is inevitable that federal or other government
organizations will experience privacy incidents, either internally or with an
organization supporting the public sector (contractor) that serves as a data
processor. Though a contractor may feel badly about a breach of data under their
responsibility, the public entity remains the data controller or data owner and is
required to make any necessary notifications. In extraordinary circumstances or
under contractual requirements, a contractor may make notification to an affected
person. For reasons stated below, this is not the best practical choice when viewed
through the lens of the affected individuals. Unless stated in the language of the
contract, in the event of a breach, the contractor should not pay for credit
protection or monitoring, data-breach analysis, fraud resolution services (including
writing dispute letters or initiating fraud alerts and credit freezes to assist affected
individuals to bring matters to resolution), identity theft insurance or necessary
legal expenses affected individuals may incur to repair falsified or damaged credit
records, histories or financial affairs.

It is best practice to have the notice of a breach issued to the affected individuals by
the organization that these individuals are likely to recognize from a prior or
current relationship.
Companies that do business with the public sector should avoid allowing the
contractual burden of making notifications to shift from the government agency to
the contractor. We note that the government customer is the owner of the data and
ultimately responsible, regardless of the contract language. In some instances it may
be appropriate for a notice to come from a contractor that operates a system of
records on the government’s behalf. However, in cases when a contractor provides
such notice, notification procedures should be contractually established before the
contractor begins operating the system. More importantly, from affected
individuals’ perspective, the best practice is to have the notice issued by the
organization those individuals are likely to recognize from a prior or current
relationship. This is also a good practice for private sector incidents in any
Contract language between a contractor and a government agency may require
contractor payment of a set amount of liquidated damages per affected individual to
cover customer expenses. Costs for credit monitoring and associated average costs
per record range between $35 and $200 per affected individual.1 Once agreed upon
in the contract, the amount per affected individual does not vary. The contractor
does not have any responsibility to ensure the customer uses the money for the
stated or implied reasons for payment following a breach. Best practice is that the
contractor should not put itself in the position of actually providing credit
protection or any related services. The contractor shall agree to essentially pay a
“fine” in the form of agreed-upon liquidated damages per affected person. A
contractor may choose to voluntarily exceed the amount of the liquidated damages
payment for customer relations purposes but is certainly not required if limitations
are clearly written into the contract. Deviation from the contractual agreement may
create a bad precedent between the contractor and the government at large. The
best advice is to negotiate the contract on the front end with appropriate standard
limitations of liability clauses. These clauses limit the contractor’s financial liability
to a certain maximum total dollar amount or an exclusive remedy for the actual
direct customer damages, capped at the contract value for the services provided or
some lesser amount. Organizations should evaluate the level of insurance they carry
regarding these types of matters.
The U.S. federal government has policies and procedures that govern how
agencies must handle a public sector breach situation. However, the government
requirements are not as rigid as many U.S. state laws. In many cyber incidents,
notifications and other breach-related services by the government agency may be
unnecessary. Guidance by the federal government cautions against making
notifications when a breach poses little or no risk of harm and could create
unnecessary concern and confusion. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Memorandum M-07-16, “Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of
Personally Identifiable Information” outlines the government’s procedures for
determining whether notification is required. First, the organization should assess
the likely risk of harm caused by the breach and then assess the level of risk. OMB
M-07-16 provides guidance on the five factors that should be considered:

1. The nature of the data elements breached

2. The number of individuals affected
3. The likelihood that the information is accessible and usable
4. The likelihood the breach may lead to harm
5. The organization’s ability to mitigate the risk of harm2

Stated again, federal government guidance states that when a breach poses little or
no risk of harm, notification could create unnecessary concern and confusion.

Notification of a data breach to individuals is not always desirable. Where there is

no legal obligation to notify, consider whether notification will assist in preventing
or limiting harm—or whether it could simply result in unnecessary distress.

In the U.S., state privacy breach laws are used in most breach matters in the
private sector, regardless of jurisdiction, if citizens of a particular state are affected.
The impacted jurisdiction of the affected persons is likely the domicile of the
affected person, but there are exceptions. In today’s world, this is especially
problematic for any organization that has employees or personal information for
persons who may reside in a variety of states. Reporting requirements to state
attorneys general or other government agencies are also different and inconsistently
enforced. A robust and capable privacy office can only properly manage a
multijurisdictional incident through proper understanding of relevant state privacy
law requirements and attention to details regarding each affected person.

2.2 Accountability
A comprehensive privacy management program includes the concept of
accountability and provides an effective way for organizations to satisfy regulators
and assure themselves that they are compliant. Such a program helps foster a
culture of privacy throughout an organization. Privacy accountability in an
organization may be demonstrated through implementing appropriate privacy
controls, demonstrating effective compliance using these controls, and
documenting risk mitigation. An organization may demonstrate accountability
through validation by an external regulator, third-party or internal self-attestation
audit activity.3

Developing a robust privacy risk management program—and ensuring that

employees are aware of and understand their obligations under that program—will
naturally foster a culture of privacy throughout your organization and allow you to
demonstrate accountability when so called upon.

Accountability during a cyber incident (also known as “security” or “information

security” incident) is different than general demonstration of the maturity of an
organization’s privacy program. There appears to be a wide variance between the
number of known and likely cyber incidents and the number of public disclosures.
Accordingly, it may be said that many organizations are not held accountable for
their actions during a cyber incident and make a conscience choice not to make the
required notifications required by state privacy laws. Based upon the number of
privacy enforcement actions and fines levied by state authorities, it appears that
organizations are rarely held accountable for not taking proper actions during a
cyber incident. Organizations may not make required notifications out of fear of
reputational damage or significant financial risk in the form of lawsuits brought by
affected individuals or third parties. In the U.S., though many organizations fail to
comply with state privacy law requirements, very few are held accountable.
Reputational liability is difficult to quantify. However, what about the fear of tort
liability in the form of a negligence lawsuit? Aside from contractual liability, there is
a risk that a party may sue an organization in tort, alleging they provided negligent
cyber security protection and, as a result, damage was suffered. Potential damages
include identity theft, financial damages arising from misuse of a credit or debit
card, or reputational harm and emotional distress arising from a release of financial,
medical or other confidential or personal information. Though many privacy
professionals and practitioners are not attorneys, a basic understanding of the
current legal landscape of privacy liability is worth knowing. As discussed below, the
risk of tort liability does not appear significant and, in any event, is likely mitigated
to a significant degree by the organization’s insurance coverage.
Generally, to establish tort liability, a third-party plaintiff must show that the
organization owed to him or her duty of care. In the data processing context, such a
duty of care may derive from a purported obligation to prevent unauthorized access
to or use of the data or financial assets of those with whom the customer has
business relationships that are in the possession of the organization. In the cyber
security services context, such a duty of care may derive from a purported
obligation to provide services that will detect or prevent unauthorized access to or
use of the data or financial assets of those with whom the customer has business
relationships that are in the possession of the organization. However, data
processing services are a service provided to the customer. Any benefit to a
customer of the service is incidental and outside the foundation of the duty of care.
An organization’s cyber security services are designed to provide customers with
the ability to detect and mitigate cyber threats to their systems and networks on an
enterprise-wide basis. For the most part, services are not designed to protect
specific customer or third-party data that may reside on or use those systems or
networks, although protection of that data is incidental to or an indirect result of
the services. In that regard, an organization’s cyber security services are roughly
analogous to the services provided by an alarm organization that contracts with a
merchant to provide fire or security protection. In cases when the alarm or the
premise monitoring fails and customers, employees or tenants of the merchant are
injured by a theft, a violent crime or a fire, the courts have consistently held that,
absent fraud or misrepresentation, the alarm organization has no legal duty in tort
for personal injury or property damage suffered by third parties in connection with
the alarm or monitoring failure.
Even if a duty of care is found to exist, a plaintiff must show that an organization
failed to meet an applicable standard of care in protecting the data as a data
processor or in providing cyber security services. The standard of care will vary with
the circumstances, whether derived from industry custom, usage or another source,
but it is important to remain mindful that an organization’s duty under negligence
law is not perfection, only reasonableness. Thus, an organization’s services need not
be error-free, nor are they expected to detect or mitigate every conceivable threat;
their services need only meet the standard of care of a reasonable data processor or
cyber security vendor under the circumstances.
Another major stumbling block for a plaintiff is the requirement to show that the
organization’s services were the proximate cause of his or her damages. In the cyber
context, there are generally multiple factors involved with and causing a system or
network breach, which may make it problematic for a plaintiff to establish a
causation link between the breach and any acts or omissions on the part of an
organization in delivering services. Aside from an error or deficiency by an
organization (that typically leads to the greatest fines in the EU), a breach will
typically involve:

A third-party hacker or cyber criminal who intentionally exploits

vulnerabilities of the customer system
Customer failure to properly operate, use or secure its system
Lost or stolen computer equipment (e.g., laptops, external drives, etc.)
Misconduct of customer employees

In the case of cyber security being provided for a customer, exploitation of a pre-
existing customer system vulnerability not disclosed or reasonably apparent that
may result in the breach or otherwise interfere with an organization’s ability to
perform is an additional cause for a breach or damage to data. Although the
existence of intervening or superseding hacking activity resulting in a customer
system or network breach is reasonably foreseeable in the context of providing
cyber security services, courts will typically require a showing of some affirmative
action on the organization’s part that creates or facilitates the opportunity for the
hacking activity.
Under the current frameworks regarding accountability, accountability to a
regulator usually occurs following a significant event that is poorly handled. The
investigation by regulators will be in the form of “who knew what and when”—and
a demonstration that the organization takes privacy seriously. Major components of
that demonstration are the existence of a privacy awareness program, dedicated
privacy team, breach protocols, and appropriate command media-enforcing
regulatory requirements.

2.3 Monitoring and Enforcement

An organization should monitor compliance with its privacy policies and
procedures and ensure there are proper procedures to address not only cyber
security incidents but privacy-related inquiries, complaints and disputes.
Organizations should fully document compliance with relevant privacy policies.
Individuals within the organization should be aware of how to contact the privacy
office with inquiries, complaints and disputes. Posting a dedicated telephone
number and e-mail address linked directly to a responsible privacy staff member is
advised. A protocol for investigating a concern and the ability to document the
concern and its resolution is also advised. Monitoring controls over personal
information through evaluating compliance with privacy policies and procedures is
a component of a broader requirement to comply with applicable laws, regulations
and other contractual agreements. A comprehensive compliance program will
provide sufficient documentation and timely remedial action plans, as well as
possible disciplinary action. Analysis of such monitoring controls over personal
information is a useful tool for management.

Over time, monitoring and reporting on privacy compliance allows your

organization to identify systemic issues and prevent compliance gaps from becoming

3. Incident Planning
3.1 Understanding Key Roles and Responsibilities
This section focuses on the core elements of incident-response planning, incident
detection, incident handling and consumer notification. Additionally, heavy
emphasis is placed on a U.S. perspective to responding to data breaches, since the
United Sates has some of the world’s most strict and financially consequential
breach notification requirements. The section begins by identifying the roles and
responsibilities your previously identified stakeholders may play during a breach.
3.1.1 Know Your Roster of Stakeholders
Effective incident response requires systematic, well-conceived planning before a
breach occurs. An incident-response plan’s success ultimately depends on how
efficiently stakeholders and constituent teams execute assigned tasks as a crisis
The potential size and scope of breach-related consequences can’t be understated.
At issue are current and future revenue streams, brand equity and marketplace
reputation. Other risks resulting from bad publicity include “lost opportunity”
costs, such as high churn and diminished rates of new customer acquisitions.
These high stakes demand the inclusion and expertise of stakeholders from a wide
range of job functions and disciplines. As stated earlier, the most common locations
of personal or sensitive information within an organization are:

IT or IS
Human resources
CRM systems of customer care and sales departments
Audit and compliance
Shareholder management

Reasons for including stakeholders from these functions in incident-response

planning are obvious. However, involvement of other senior leaders in formulating
and executing a plan that minimizes a breach’s financial and operational impact is
also essential. Doing so will ultimately result in a stronger, more richly
multidisciplinary plan that enables breached companies to effectively restore
security, preserve the evidence and protect their brand.
Examples include:

Legal and compliance (in-house and outside counsel)

Business development
Communications and public relations (PR)
Union leadership
President, chief executive officer
Board of directors

3.1.2 Information Security (IS) Role in Incident-Response Planning
The technical expertise and authority IS team members bring to monitoring
access, inventory, storage and destruction of data make them essential contributors
in any incident-response plan.
Knowledge of enterprise-wide configurations, networking and protocols, and
security measures give IS a broad enough perspective of the organization’s
electronic assets to help them identify vulnerabilities before criminals (a.k.a. “bad
actors”) exploit them. As part of the incident-response planning process, the IS
group will provide guidance regarding the detection, isolation, removal and
preservation of affected systems. Role during a Data Breach
Given the incidence and potential severity of external attacks, it is almost certain
that the IS group will be engaged to address data compromises. As head of the
team, the executive in charge will focus the group’s expertise on facilitating and
supporting forensic investigations, including evidence preservation. Additionally, IS
will likely be tasked with overseeing the deletion of embedded malware and hacker
tools and correcting vulnerabilities that may have precipitated the breach. Larger
companies may establish a computer emergency response team (CERT) to
promptly address security issues.
However, while internal IT resources may have the experience and equipment to
investigate incidents, it is often more advantageous to bring in outside experts to
identify the cause and scope of the breach and the type and location of
compromised data.
3.1.3 Legal Role in Incident-Response Planning
When developing an incident-response plan, companies should always seek the
advice of competent counsel experienced in the field of data-breach response. If it’s
uncertain whether legal departments possess the requisite knowledge to fully
address breach- and compliance-related issues, an assessment, overseen by the
senior legal stakeholder, should be undertaken.
Legal stakeholders are central to incident-response planning because they, more
than any other executives, understand the legal precedents and requirements for
handling data and reporting a breach. Their guidance helps companies limit the
liability and economic consequences of a breach, including avoidance of litigation
and fines. In addition, most data-breach legislation requires intensive legal
knowledge to implement a proper procedure.
During incident-response planning, organization attorneys may negotiate any
requirements that the organization wishes to impose upon its business partners.
Conversely, the organization may also use attorneys to help determine what it is
willing to do in the event data belonging to a client is compromised. Role during a Data Breach
One of legal’s primary roles after a breach is advising corporate privacy and
executive teams on response notification requirements: in particular, who should be
notified, how and when. Such groups typically include:

Affected individuals
The media
Law enforcement
Internal teams (e.g. public relations or corporate communications teams)
Government agencies
Card issuers and other third parties

Legal stakeholders may also recommend forensically sound evidence collection

and preservation practices and engage (or prepare statements for) state attorneys
general, the Federal Trade Commission and other regulators. Stakeholders’
knowledge of laws and legal precedents helps teams more effectively direct and
manage the numerous interrelated elements of incident investigation and response.
In the European Union, there may be requirements that data controllers notify
regulators. You may want to make sure this is a person involved with breach
Drafting and reviewing contracts is another vital area in which legal stakeholders
should be involved. If data belongs to a client, they can interpret contractual
notification requirements and reporting and remediation obligations. Should the
organization become the target of post-breach litigation, the legal stakeholder may
also guide or prepare the defense.
3.1.4 Human Resources (HR) Role in Incident-Response Planning
Given the extensive amount of personal information that typical human resources
departments have on hand, it is highly advisable to include HR team members
when discussing incident-response planning. HR staff may also be included because
of their unique perspective regarding employees or for notification of current or
past employees.
During incident-response planning, the HR stakeholders will normally address
topics such as employee data-handling, security awareness training and/or incident
recognition and response. Role during a Data Breach
In the aftermath of a breach, the HR stakeholder may serve as the organization’s
informational conduit, working closely with PR or corporate communications to
inform and update employees about the incident. During the breach, employees
may become concerned about the effects an event might have on their
employment, organization stock or strategic business relationships. Therefore, HR
might work with internal or external resources to address and allay such concerns.
If an incident affects employee records, the HR team might also help investigators
determine the location, type and amount of compromised data. If the breach is
traced to an organization employee, HR would be expected to collaborate with the
individual’s manager to document the individual’s actions and determine the
appropriate consequences.
3.1.5 Marketing Role in Incident-Response Planning
The typical marketing department has spent years, even decades, gathering,
slicing, dicing and warehousing vast amounts of customer data, much of it personal
information, individually or in the aggregate (name, address, date of birth, social
security number, driver’s license number, etc.). Through segmentation and analysis
of such data, they gain the necessary insight to be both the “voice of the brand” to
external audiences and “voice of the customer” to engineering, research and
development, and other internal teams.
However, being stewards of such a rich data storehouse also increases marketing’s
vulnerability to hacking and unintentional breaches. This exposure, combined with
the team’s access to campaign and customer relationship management (CRM)
databases, more than qualify marketing decision makers for a role in incident-
response planning. Role during a Data Breach
Marketers are expert communicators, especially skilled at researching and crafting
highly targeted, consumer-driven messaging. Marketing can work with
management and PR teams to establish and maintain a positive, consistent
message, during both the crisis and the post-breach notification.
Direct mail expertise may also prove beneficial in supporting the data-breach
response. Depending on organization size, marketing may control the physical
infrastructure to help launch and manage a high-volume e-mail or letter notification
outreach. Gaining internal agreement on the post-breach allocation of marketing
resources is an essential element in breach-response planning.
3.1.6 Business Development (BD) Role in Incident-Response Planning
The business development stakeholder, often aided by a dedicated account
support team, monitors and manages vital business relationships. Companies with a
certain level of value or prestige receive regular, personalized attention aimed at
building trust, nurturing loyalty and sustaining the bond over time.
Stakeholders in this position gain firsthand knowledge into handling and keeping
the account, including corporate culture, organization strengths and weaknesses,
decision makers’ personalities and management styles. These insights can prove
invaluable in incident-response planning, which is why BD stakeholders should
have a seat at the table when the planning process begins. Role during a Data Breach
In the hands of a skilled sales or BD executive, high-value relationships can
flourish for many years. Because of their unique association with customers and the
bond of trust built carefully over time, BD decision makers are often asked to notify
key accounts when their data has been breached. Receiving unfavorable news from
a trusted friend and partner may lessen the impact and mitigate any potential
backlash, such as a loss of confidence or flight to a competitor.
After obtaining the facts from IT, legal, PR or other internal teams, the BD
stakeholder should contact the account and carefully explain what happened.
Accuracy and transparency are essential. The stakeholder should stick to the known
facts and under no circumstances speculate about or downplay any aspect of the
Whenever possible, updates or special instructions regarding the breach should be
promptly delivered by the stakeholder in charge of the account. This will provide
reassurances that someone with executive authority is proactively engaged in
safeguarding the account’s interests and security.
3.1.7 Communications and PR Role in Incident-Response Planning
Public relations and communications stakeholders are usually senior, media-savvy
professionals who are highly adept at media relations and crisis management. They
serve as stewards of public image and reputation, overseeing the development of
strategic and tactical programs aimed at informing and influencing audiences. Role during a Data Breach
When a data breach occurs and response teams are thrust into the fray
(depending on severity), PR and communications stakeholders quickly assume
positions on the front lines, preparing for the response to potential media inquiries
and coordinating internal and external status updates.
Among their chief roles is to oversee the preparation and dissemination of breach-
related press releases, interviews, videos and social media content. As the crisis
develops, they also work to ensure message accuracy and consistency and to
minimize leaks of false or inaccurate information.
During and after a breach, PR and communications teams closely monitor online
and offline coverage, analyzing what’s being said and to what degree negative
publicity is shaping public opinion. Resulting analysis and recommendations are
shared among key stakeholders and used to adapt or refine public relations
3.1.8 Union Leadership Role in Incident-Response Planning
Though their numbers have declined since the 1980s, unionized workers still
comprise a sizable percentage of the American workforce. According to the Bureau
of Labor Statistics, the number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions
stood at 14.8 million, or 11.8 percent, in 2011.4 The AFL-CIO, the U.S.’s most
prominent and well-known union, is actually a labor federation, consisting of more
than 12 million members of 56 different unionized entities.5
As with all employees, data belonging to union workers is stored on organization
servers and, like any data, is vulnerable to breach by accidental or unauthorized
access. If their employer reports a data breach, union members will naturally look to
stewards or other union leaders for information and guidance.
These individuals represent union interests and are authorized to act and speak on
members’ behalf—both to internal groups and to the media at large. For these
reasons, any organization whose workers are unionized should consider including a
senior union stakeholder in data-breach planning and response. Role during a Data Breach
In preparation for a breach, union stakeholders should identify appropriate
contacts within the organization and become familiar with its overall breach-
response plan. Specifically, they should know the roles, responsibilities and
sequence of events to be taken by other non-union stakeholders and response
After a breach occurs, the primary roles for the union stakeholder are
communication and coordination. Working with IT, HR or PR executives, the
union steward may oversee the use of electronic communication channels, such as
social media or union intranet or website, to provide members with timely updates
and instructions. If member directories and databases are supplied ahead of time,
marketing and call center teams can notify or update members directly through
mail, e-mail or phone calls.
3.1.9 Finance Role in Incident-Response Planning
In their response-planning capacity, the main role of finance stakeholders is to
calculate and manage the bottom-line impact of breach containment and
correction. Once the potential costs of responding to a breach are computed, it is
up to finance to allocate the necessary reserves to fund resolution and recovery. The
chief financial officer (CFO) should also champion more cost-effective measures
that might help mitigate the risk of having a breach in the first place. To further aid
in containing costs, finance executives or organizations procurement can help
negotiate agreements with new or returning data-breach resolution providers. Role during a Data Breach
During a data breach, finance stakeholders apply their knowledge of the
organization’s financial commitments, obligations and cash position to recommend
budget parameters for responding to the event.
In companies where incident response is an unbudgeted expense, the finance
team is often tasked with being both proactive and creative in securing the
resources necessary to fund resolution and notification. This sum can range from
several thousand to several million dollars.
Before or after a breach, finance executives may work with insurance carriers to
negotiate insurance policy updates, including improvements to the general
commercial liability (GCL) policy and the addition of “cyber” insurance coverage.
Cyber insurance is a relatively new form of protection that fills gaps typically not
covered by the GCL plan. Organizations seeking first-party cyber insurance
coverage have a surprisingly diverse range of choices, including protection against
losses stemming from data destruction and theft, extortion and hacking, and
revenue lost from network intrusion or interruption.
Notification expenses, such as printing, mailing, credit monitoring and call center
support, may be included in a policy, along with third-party cyber liability coverage
for vendors and partners. The CFO or other finance stakeholder can offer
invaluable assistance in assessing the necessity and costs of updating insurance
3.1.10 President, CEO Role in Incident-Response Planning
Executives lead; employees and stakeholders follow. In central business functions,
the president/CEO’s attitude and behavior set the tone for the entire organization.
This is especially true with policies and practices surrounding data security.
Through actions taken (or not), and training funded (or not), employees can
easily discern the value their leaders truly place on preventing breaches. Once data
is compromised and the shortcomings of an organization’s security practices
become public, it is the top executive who will ultimately bear the blame. Though
there are many strategic and financial reasons for including this individual in
incident-response planning, this personal accountability may be the most
compelling. Role during a Data Breach
One of the first and arguably most critical steps taken by the top executive is
promptly allocating the funds and manpower needed to resolve the breach. Having
resources readily available helps teams quickly contain and manage the threat and
lessen its overall impact.
In the period immediately after a breach, PR or communications teams will
handle most of the media interaction. At some point, however, top executives could
be called upon to publicly comment on the breach’s cause or status. As with any
organization attempting to manage a crisis, accuracy, authenticity and transparency
are absolutely essential. Regular status updates from IT and legal, and coaching
support from PR/communications, can prepare the president/CEO for scrutiny
from a potentially hostile media corps.
When addressing the public, executives would do well to follow messaging
recommendations set forth by the communications team. This helps ensure
message consistency and reduces the risks of speaking in error or going off topic.
The CEO, supported by the privacy team, might also be well advised to get in
contact with the responsible data-protection authorities or regulators to discuss the
incident and assure them that the breach is being handled from the top
With personal information exposed, peoples’ lives and even livelihoods are at risk.
Therefore, language and tone used to address the public should always be chosen
with great care. The sensitivity with which an organization responds to a breach and
executives’ actions during the event will affect how quickly the organization’s brand
trust and customer relations are restored afterward.
3.1.11 Customer Care Role in Incident-Response Planning
The head of the customer care operation must contend with issues such as high
employee turnover and access to large amounts of potentially sensitive CRM data.
These factors make customer care teams susceptible to various forms of attacks
from intruders looking to access personal information.
Social engineering is an increasingly prevalent threat that can surface in a call
center, as criminals call repeatedly to probe and test how security procedures are
applied and how often they are enforced. In a recent survey of information
technology professionals, more than 43 percent said they had been targeted by
social engineering schemes in the past two years. And 60 percent reported that new
employees are the most susceptible to attacks, according to a survey of 853 IT
Aside from deploying the necessary technology as a first line of defense, employee
training and awareness of these schemes can help to reduce the potential instances
of an attack.
Conversely, when trained to recognize unusual employee or caller behaviors or to
notice trends in certain types of calls, customer care teams can actually help deter
criminal activity and prevent potential breaches. One central planning issue usually
driven by the customer service executive is equipping and preparing call center staff,
should they be enlisted for response support. Role during a Data Breach
As part of their normal duties, customer care reps are trained to remain calm when
confronted and to diffuse potentially volatile encounters before they escalate. Such
training, along with experience working and delivering scripted messages in a
pressure-filled environment, can enable deployment of these team members to
effectively handle breach-related call traffic.
Using internal resources in this manner, however, could potentially degrade
service quality for other incoming service calls. So the prospect of leveraging
existing resources to minimize breach-response expenditures may only be attractive
for certain organizations.
In companies where using in-house employees to answer breach-related calls is
not an option, the executive of customer service should consider hiring experienced
outsourcers to handle call overflow, or perhaps manage the entire initiative.

3.2 Integrating Incident Response into the Business

Continuity Plan
To help operations run smoothly in a time of crisis, many companies depend on a
business continuity plan (BCP). The plan is typically drafted and maintained by
key stakeholders, spelling out departmental responsibilities and actions teams must
take before, during and after an event. Situations covered in a BCP often include
fire, flood, natural disasters (tornadoes and hurricanes), and terrorist attack.
To ensure proper execution of the BCP, all planning and response teams should
know which stakeholder is responsible for overseeing the plan and who, within their
specific job function, will lead them during an event. Knowledge of the plan, and
preparation for executing it, can mean the difference between a successful response
and a failed one, especially during the first 24 hours.
In terms of overall organizational impact, a serious or protracted data breach can
rival big disasters. Like a fire, tornado or terrorist attack, a breach can strike
unexpectedly at any time and leave in its wake damages of immeasurable cost and
consequence. As with other calamitous events, cleaning up a “digital disaster” can
take weeks, months or longer; in the aftermath, victims’ lives may be changed
In a 2011 survey of more than 400 IT executives in four major metropolitan areas,
85 percent said their companies had a business continuity plan in place. 7 One-fifth
(19 percent) indicated that natural disasters, security and terrorist threats had made
business continuity planning a much higher priority in recent years.
Considering a breach’s potential repercussions and the benefits than can result
from informed and thoughtful preparation, it’s imperative that companies integrate
breach-response planning into their broader business continuity plan.
3.2.1 Tabletop Exercises
Once breach preparedness is integrated into the BCP, incident-response training
will likely be required. This training may take many forms, including workshops,
seminars and online videos, but often includes “tabletop” exercises, a strategic
mainstay of corporate trainers and business continuity planners.
A tabletop exercise is a structured readiness-testing activity that simulates an
emergency situation (such as a data breach) in an informal, stress-free setting.
Participants, usually key stakeholders, decision makers and their alternates, gather
around a table to discuss roles, responsibilities and procedures in the context of an
emergency scenario.
The focus is on training and familiarization with established policies and plans.
Most exercises last between two and four hours and should be conducted at least
semi-annually—more often if resources and personnel are available.
3.2.2 Updating the Plan
Soon after concluding the exercise, results should be summarized, recorded and
distributed to all participants. Perhaps most importantly, fresh or actionable
insights gained from the exercise should be added to the business continuity plan.
It’s imperative to keep the BCP current. There is little strategic, practical or
economic value to a plan that is painstakingly developed but seldom tested or
improved. Those responsible should always ensure the plan includes the most up-
to-date timeline, action steps, policies and procedures, and current emergency
contact information (vital but often overlooked) for all plan participants. All those
involved should be notified of any changes or updates to the plan.
3.2.3 Budgeting for Training and Response
Breach-preparedness training, especially in a large organization, represents a
significant investment. Creating an environment that ingrains data security into the
corporate culture and prepares teams to respond effectively requires an
organization-wide commitment backed by the resources to see it through.
In most cases, the long-term financial and operational benefits of teaching
employees to prevent, detect, report and resolve data breaches far outweigh the
costs. The strategic upside of investing in breach preparedness includes:

Exposing critical gaps in applications, procedures and plans in a pre-

incident phase
Greater overall security for customers, partners and employees
Reduced financial liability and regulatory exposure
Lower breach-related costs, including legal counsel and consumer
Preservation of brand reputation and integrity in the marketplace

Though organization leaders often agree about the value of breach awareness and
training, there is rarely consensus about who should foot the bill. Many businesses
utilize a shared-cost arrangement that equitably splits training costs among
participating stakeholder groups, such as IT, finance and human resources.
Negotiations between them can include everything from funding levels and
oversight to allocation of unused funds.
However costs are divided, companies should ensure that adequate funding is
available to support business continuity and breach-preparedness training. To
facilitate the negotiation, parties should focus on quantifying benefits, ROI and
savings, rather than the bottom-line expense to any individual group.
3.2.4 Breach-Response Best Practice
Allocating funds for breach response is just as important as training, perhaps even
more so. Typical costs incurred in responding to a breach include threat isolation;
forensic investigation; engaging legal counsel; PR communications and media
outreach; reporting and notification (including printing, postage and call center);
and many other resolution-related expenditures.
Without a breach-response budget in place, companies may be forced to
redistribute funds from other critical projects or initiatives. Having to openly
debate the merits and value of one department’s initiatives over another’s may lead
to tension between groups and ultimately delay or detract from optimal breach

3.3 Incident Detection

3.3.1 Privacy Definitions
Before we delve into privacy-incident detection and the security obligations
shared among organization’s varied departments, some basic definitions are in
order. Generally speaking, a privacy incident may be described as any potential or
actual compromise of personal information in a form that facilitates intentional or
unintentional access by unauthorized third parties.

“Incident” and ”breach” are often used interchangeably and may refer to a
suspected or a confirmed compromise of personal information.

3.3.2 How Breaches Occur

A 2012 study from the Ponemon Institute of 584 IT professionals whose
organizations had been recently breached revealed that insiders and third parties,
not hackers, are most often the cause.8 It is interesting to note, however, that some
of the most infamous breaches have been done by hackers. Forty-four percent of
respondents admitted to being unable to determine the breach’s root cause, but for
those that could, it was most often a negligent insider (34 percent). Other root
causes of breach cited in the study include:

Outsourcing data to a third party (19 percent)

Malicious insider (16 percent)
Systems glitch (11 percent)
Cyber attack (7 percent)
Failure to shred confidential documents (6 percent)

Employee error or negligence is one of the biggest causes of privacy breaches.

Ongoing training and awareness-raising around information security policies and
practices is therefore essential in reducing the risk of a privacy breach at your

3.3.3 Encountering a Breach

From their first day at an organization, new employees should be taught and
encouraged to assume a “privacy first” mindset. When they observe that leaders and
fellow associates are genuinely committed to data security and privacy protection,
new hires are more likely to respect and comply with established reporting and
data-handling policies.
Initial security indoctrination and training should also teach employees to
recognize vulnerabilities and to capture (and report) basic information when
encountering a potential or actual breach. Employees must understand when and
how to report suspicious incidents to their supervisor, who, in turn, should know
how to properly escalate the incident to internal authorities, such as the privacy
3.3.4 Reporting Worksheets
To emphasize employees’ personal responsibilities when encountering a breach,
policies and procedures should be a regular component of security training and
refreshers. The following provides a foundation for developing your own incident-
reporting or privacy training worksheets. These are merely suggestions and not
intended to be a comprehensive list. All breach planning and preparedness
resources should be reviewed and approved by internal or external legal counsel or
by an expert privacy team.

Facts as they are known

Name and contact information of person discovering the incident

Date and time the incident was discovered or brought to your attention
Incident date, time and location
Type of data suspected to be involved
Internal organization or employee data
Client or customer data
Third-party partner or vendor data

Employee’s description of what occurred

Briefly describe how you first discovered the incident or breach.

Does the incident involve paper records, electronic information or both?
What type of records or media do you believe were involved?
Paper: letter, office correspondence, corporate document, fax or
copies thereof (copy machine)
Electronic: data file or record, e-mail, device (laptop, desktop or
pad-style computer, hard drives in other electronic equipment;
e.g., copy machines)
Media: external hard drive, flash/thumb drive, USB key
Do you know if the device or information was password-
Do you know if the device or information was encrypted?
Do you believe personally identifiable information like Social Security
numbers, account information, user names or passwords were exposed?
Can you estimate how many records were involved?
To the best of your knowledge, has the incident been contained? (That is,
has the data leak or loss stopped or is there still potential for additional
data to be lost?)

3.3.5 Notification Requirements and Guidelines

Escalation refers to the internal process of employees alerting supervisors about a
security-related incident, who in turn reports the details to a pre-defined list of
experts—typically the privacy office, which will then engage IT, IS, facilities or HR.
Notification is the process of informing affected individuals that their personal data
has been breached.

During the management of a privacy incident, it is imperative that all internal

communications are “locked down” so that inaccurate or incomplete details
regarding the incident are not sent around your organization. The incident-
response team should be responsible for all internal communications regarding the
incident; these communications should only be cascaded to staff on a need-to-know

It’s important to remember that not all breaches require notification. There are
various types of notification requirements to regulators and affected individuals. If
data was encrypted or an unauthorized individual accidentally accessed but didn’t
misuse the data, potential harm and risk can be minimal and companies may not
need to notify (based on applicable laws). It is important to note that notification
may be required even without harm to an individual. Assuming notification is
required; businesses in the United Sates generally have 60 days to notify affected
individuals. This may not be true in other countries, where newly developing
regulations may have different notification requirements. The draft of the EU Data
Protection Regulation in Article 31 only allows 24 hours for a notice to the data-
protection authorities.9 Wherever the affected individual resides, the countdown
starts the moment a breach is discovered. Depending on a wide range of statutes,
regulations and circumstances, the notification window may be even smaller.
Certain state laws and federal regulations shrink the timeline to 45, 30 or even 5
days, so once a breach is confirmed, time is of the essence. Organization privacy
professionals and those charged with incident-response planning and notification
should be intimately familiar with the prevailing notification requirements and

Incident-response teams should always confirm requirements with legal counsel

experienced in data privacy litigation prior to initiating or forgoing any notification

Because of the potential consequences to the organization and to those whose

data has been exposed, organizations must quickly initiate the notification process.
This includes verifying addresses; writing, printing and mailing notification letters;
setting up a call center and arranging support services for affected individuals, such
as identity theft protection.
In the U.S., some states mandate that notification letters contain specific verbiage
or content, such as toll-free numbers and addresses for the three major credit
bureaus, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and a state’s attorney general.
Multiple state laws may apply to one breach, and notification may be delayed if law
enforcement believes it would interfere with an ongoing investigation.
The notification deadline weighs heavily, in addition to the public scrutiny and
already stressful ordeal of a data breach. Mishandling notifications can lead to
severe consequences, including fines and other unbudgeted expenses. For extra
support, some companies enlist the services of third-party breach-resolution
provider to assist with notification, call handling and credit-monitoring offers.
Lining up providers in advance can reduce response times and related costs.

3.4 Security Is a Shared Responsibility

Within any organization, data is viewed and handled by any number of individuals
and groups and is often stored in several disparate locations—even across multiple
states or continents. The potential for compromising sensitive data exists
throughout every business of every size in every industry.
Regardless of organization size, however, all employees have a vested interest in
being vigilant about safeguarding data. The cost of recovering from a single breach
could potentially cripple an organization or business unit and render it unable to
operate or fully employ its workforce. Therefore, teamwork, characterized by
regular, open sharing of insights and information, is essential in detecting potential
vulnerabilities that can lead to an incident or breach.
For example, whenever IT conducts security training, instructors may keep logs to
record who has attended and who has not. IT may then share this information with
HR to help ensure that every employee receives the instruction required by
organization policies.

The potential for compromising sensitive data exists throughout every business of
every size in every industry.

Another example of cooperation between departments is how IT and HR might

work together following detection of a virus or other cyber security threat.
Typically, IT would detect the intrusion and prepare very specific containment
instructions for all employees. They could autonomously issue these instructions or
work with HR or communications to assure distribution to the complete employee
base via all available channels.
3.4.1 Physical Security
In many organizations, the level of technical integration between IT and facilities
is so deep and so extensive that regular contact through established lines of
communication is essential to maintaining security.
But as technology advances, the lines of responsibility can begin to blur.
Computers and systems managed by IT, for example, directly control doors,
electromechanical locks, remote cameras and other access-limiting security
measures maintained by facilities staff. This close association points out the need
for ongoing collaboration if the safety and integrity of physical and digital assets are
to be maintained.
3.4.2 Human Resources
Hiring, transfers, promotions or other changes in employment status may require
revisions to an individual’s data access privileges. When such changes are needed,
HR, IT and facilities should follow established policies for monitoring and
managing data access.
Another occasion requiring group coordination is employee layoffs or
terminations. These are unfortunate but not uncommon events that can affect
thousands of individuals or just a handful. In either case, the resulting threat to data
security can take many forms, for which HR and other teams must prepare.
Disgruntled or resentful employees, for example, may try to exact revenge for the
dismissal by stealing or destroying sensitive information. Others may attempt to
obtain organization secrets or intellectual property to sell to or gain favor with key
competitors. Before employees are terminated, HR must inform IT and facilities so
that physical and electronic access for those departing may be turned off
immediately after, or in some cases even simultaneous with, the announcement.
Phones, equipment and other employee devices must also be wiped of login and
password credentials.

Every organization must ensure that it has a procedure for retrieving portable
storage devices or media from departing employees.

3.4.3 Third Parties

Sensitive data is seldom handled or processed in a single location. In today’s
global economy, huge volumes of personal information for which companies are
directly responsible reside in systems and facilities managed by outside vendors,
partners and contractors. These groups should always be accounted for in incident
detection and planning.
To protect themselves and their customers, companies must have provisions in
place that hold all third parties accountable for their data-handling practices. One
method of enforcing security and accountability is through binding contractual
obligations and reporting requirements.
For example, companies should make standard a clause requiring third parties to
notify them within a certain timeframe when servers, websites or other business-
critical systems are taken offline. It goes without saying that companies should
always require third parties to promptly communicate any breach of data, so that
contingencies can be made to mitigate resulting threats.
Conversely, it’s vital for companies who work with third parties to remember that
such communication flows both ways. If the organization’s network is hit with a
virus or comes under a cyber attack or there are changes to call center procedures or
employee data-handling policies, the organization has an obligation to notify its
partners immediately.

3.5 Tools of Prevention

To those on the front lines, prevention and detection bear many similarities to
defending an occupied fortress. They must protect sensitive information against
treachery and attacks that could come at any time.
Often, these challenges come from inside—new, careless or inattentive
employees. Other times, cyber criminals, determined and well-armed, attempt
entry by brute force or clever deception. Regardless of how they originate, if the
fortress is to remain secure, threats must be detected and eliminated before it’s too
Today, there are numerous weapons in a security team’s arsenal of prevention.
Some techniques are familiar but still quite effective, while others are emerging and
showing tremendous promise. Below is a list of a few of the techniques currently
being deployed by many organizations. The successful privacy professional will be
mindful of the need to understand these measures and their intended applications
and to be purposeful about keeping up with them as security technology advances.

4. Incident Handling
4.1 Pre-Notification Process
Once breach investigators conclude that an actual compromise of sensitive
information has occurred, the pre-notification process is triggered. Steps taken may
vary depending on several factors, but the purpose is to confirm that the event does
indeed constitute a “reportable” breach.
4.1.1 Forensic Firms and Legal Counsel
Professional forensic firms prepare themselves to deploy at a moment’s notice.
Once on the scene, investigators work closely with the organization’s IT group to
isolate compromised systems, contain the damage, preserve electronic evidence,
establish a chain of custody and document any actions taken.
Depending on the type of evidence uncovered, the affected organization may
need to confer with outside counsel regarding their legal obligations. Breach
definition and applicable reporting requirements usually depend on a variety of
state and federal laws and international regulations, as well as the compromised
organization’s industry. Healthcare, for example, is subject to a different set of
regulations than non-healthcare businesses. With so many variables influencing the
“notify/don’t notify” decision, advice from an experienced breach or privacy
attorney can prove invaluable in meeting legal obligations and mitigating
unnecessary costs.
As the forensic and legal analysis concludes, the decision whether to notify
affected parties must be made. If notification is indicated, the incident-response
plan must be activated and “go-live” preparations quickly initiated. While the
organization’s focus shifts to executing the incident-response plan, it is also
important to continue addressing the cause of the breach.
Whether through employee training, replacing equipment, installing new
software, adding staff, creating a new oversight position or replacing the responsible
vendor, some action must be taken, and quickly. The situation that led to the
breach should not be allowed to continue unchecked, or the entire costly exercise
may be repeated unnecessarily.

4.2 Elements of the Privacy-Incident Response Plan

Immediately following the decision to notify affected parties, tactical portions of the
incident-response plan begin to unfold. Generally, most well-conceived plans will
account for and/or include the following elements:
4.2.1 Key Stakeholders
An incident-response plan cannot be executed without the direct involvement of
the key stakeholders responsible for its design and implementation, as previously
addressed in this book. Ideally, this group of executives/managers will represent
departments that have been (or may be) affected by the breach and the subsequent
response and recovery effort.
4.2.2 Execution Timeline
The incident-response plan is incomplete without a timeline to guide the
execution and administration of breach-resolution activities. Close coordination
among internal and external stakeholders will help ensure that all plan elements are
executed in the proper sequence.
4.2.3 Progress Reporting
Keeping the response team on track and interested parties informed will depend
on the quality and frequency of progress status reports. For complex or large-scale
events, reporting on the number of letters mailed, calls received, credit-monitoring
enrollments, etc., plays a pivotal role in distilling the chaotic reporting flow into a
clearer, more manageable stream. Different types of reports will likely be needed to
be given to different stakeholders, based on the need to know.
4.2.4 Response Evaluation and Modifications
Incident response can be tested with a variety of scenarios. But even a well-written
plan can falter when the theory behind it collides with realities on the ground. As
teaching tools, real-life breaches are far superior to hypothetical scenarios, so
lessons learned from all incidents must afterward be captured, recorded and
incorporated into the plan.

4.3 Developing an Incident-Response Plan

4.3.1 Team Leader
The most important person in an incident-response plan is the team leader. This
individual will have ultimate responsibility over the initiative’s success and will most
certainly be called upon to make difficult and far-reaching (perhaps even career-
making or career-breaking) decisions. Given this magnitude of responsibility, the
team leader should be carefully chosen and uniquely qualified for the challenge.
Ideally, the person will be a high-ranking and/or well-respected executive invested
with the direct authority to make critical business decisions. The leader should
possess in-depth knowledge of the organization and have the skills to remain
composed and professional under pressure. A proven record of effective crisis
management is ideal.
Once appointed, the team leader will begin executing tasks outlined in the
incident-response plan. Initially, these will include contacting and activating
response team members and their alternates and holding a kickoff meeting to
present the team with the facts and circumstances as they are known. The team
leader may also conduct daily meetings to gather and analyze status reports and
provide guidance, as needed.
The team leader may also choose to provide senior executives with an overview of
the event and of the team’s expected course of action. Convening with individual
stakeholders to discuss lawsuits, media inquiries, regulatory concerns and other
pressing developments is another of the team leader’s tasks.
During the breach, team leaders will also:

Keep individual response-team members on track to meet their

performance objectives and timelines
Track budget adherence for all response activities
Contact outside incident-response resources to confirm engagement and
monitor performance
Prepare a final analysis of the response effort and lead the post-event
evaluation process

4.3.2 Response Team Members

The response team should include employees from all departments that are or
may be involved with or informed about the incident. In the initial stages of
response, it is better to over-communicate than to neglect departments that should
have been involved. As a rule, the following stakeholders should always be
integrated into the response team. IT and IS
During a breach, the chief technology officer (CTO), or similar high-ranking
executive, typically represents the technology and/or information security
departments. The CTO’s role may include recommending outside forensic experts
to help ascertain the incident’s cause, size and scope. The CTO may also oversee
evidence preservation, taking affected systems offline and correcting vulnerabilities
that facilitated the incident.
To support other groups with their breach-response efforts, the technology team
may also:

Provide a secure transmission method for data files intended for the print
vendor or incident call center
Identify the location of potentially compromised data (test, development
and production environments)
Determine the number of records potentially affected and the types of
personal information they contain
Clean up mailing lists to help facilitate the printing process
Sort through data to identify populations requiring special handling
(minors, expatriates, deceased, etc.)
Monitor systems for additional attacks
Fix the gaps in the IT systems, if applicable Legal
Whether through its general counsel, chief privacy officer (CPO) or chief
compliance officer (CCO), an organization affected by a breach must seek
competent legal counsel to ensure proper adherence to their legal obligations.
Many times, outside attorneys are best positioned to advise on breach-related
matters. In addition to confirming the need to contact victims, counsel may also
deem it necessary for the organization to:

Notify regulators and law enforcement

Respond to media inquiries
Alert credit card issuers and credit reporting agencies
Negotiate contracts with breach-related providers
Review existing contracts to clearly understand the organization’s
commitments to clients, as well the obligations of providers toward the
Help manage breach investigation and evidence preservation
Review all communications for possible legal liability Human Resources (HR)

Whether breaches affect employees’ data or not, the chief human resources officer
(CHRO) or vice president of human resources must guide the HR team’s response
activities. Concerns over the organization’s solvency or stock value can make it
necessary to inform employees of the incident and steps being taken to resolve it. In
addition, employees might be contacted in regards to the incident by affected
persons, the media or other parties.
If employee data is compromised, the CHRO’s role will become more prominent,
including directing the HR team in identifying the cause and scope and overseeing
communications between management and staff. If the breach is attributed to an
employee, the HR group will take one or more of the following actions: provide
training, make procedural changes, administer the appropriate corrective action, or
terminate the individual. If criminal behavior is discovered, the legal department
and/or law enforcement officials may become involved.
During and after a breach, the HR team may be called upon to perform a variety
of other corrective or educational tasks, such as:

Facilitating employee interviews with internal and external investigators

Identifying individuals who are in need of training
Holding daily meetings to summarize breach updates and create
appropriate communications for employees
Escalating concerns to the appropriate department heads Finance
The chief financial officer (CFO) or the chief financial and operating officer
(CFOO) will be responsible for guiding the organization’s post-breach financial
decisions. Since breaches tend to be unplanned, unbudgeted events, the CFO
should work closely with senior management to allocate and acquire the funds
necessary to fully recover from the event.
The CFO may help negotiate with outside providers to obtain favorable pricing
and terms of service. The finance team may also collaborate with the legal group to
create cost/benefit models that identify the most practical or economical
Tasks commonly undertaken by the finance team during a breach include:

Setting aside and managing appropriate reserves to pay for rapidly

mounting expenses
Working with vendors to extend payment terms and secure potential
Promptly paying invoices for breach-related activities
Meeting daily with the response team leader to track incident expenses
Requesting ongoing reports from breach providers to manage and track
call center, printing and credit-monitoring costs Marketing and PR
The chief marketing officer (CMO) is the person best qualified to help mitigate
brand/reputational damage that can follow a data breach. By collaborating with the
public relations team or crisis management firm, the CMO can oversee content
development for press releases, blog and website updates, and victim notification
letters. Monitoring and responding to media coverage and arranging spokesperson
interviews will also fall to members of the CMO’s team.
Since the marketing department may already have the expertise and infrastructure
in place to support large-scale mailings, the CMO could divert resources necessary
to facilitate the notification process. In support of the effort, the team may also:

Suggest direct marketing best practices to maximize notification letter

open rates
Perform address/database hygiene to improve breach notification
delivery and response rates
Analyze media coverage and report relevant developments to the
response team
Draft scripts for the incident-response call center
Develop customer retention and win-back campaigns to minimize churn
and encourage loyalty Customer Care

In the aftermath of a breach, customer service can recommend ways of using
internal sources to serve the needs of breach victims and identify an appropriate
outsourced partner. This stakeholder is also likely to work with others to coordinate
the release of breach-related communications with call center readiness and
Given the customer service training and experience of most call center teams,
using existing staffing and assets to address breach-related inquiries may be a viable
time- and cost-saving option for some companies. If an outsourced provider is
retained to answer incoming calls, the customer service executive can play a crucial
role in determining acceptable service levels, reporting duties and necessary service-
rep training. Outside Resources
In addition to support of internal functional leaders, a successful response may
depend heavily on the aid of outside specialists retained to manage notification, call
center and breach-remediation activities. It is a best practice to negotiate
agreements with experienced breach-response providers prior to having to respond
to an incident. Print Vendors
A reputable print provider, for example, can be invaluable in leveraging its
equipment and assets to produce, stuff, mail and track large volumes of letters. The
print vendor may also guide the breach-response team leader and appropriate
support staff through the notification effort’s many technical details. Important but
less obvious support activities, such as gathering logos, sample signatures, letter
copy and address files, must also be completed as production and delivery deadlines
approach. Call Center
Once notification letters are delivered, recipients will begin calling and e-mailing
the organization to inquire about the event and its impact on their lives. In
situations where projected call volume is large enough for call center outsourcing, it
is crucial that the team leader fully understand the vendor’s overall capabilities. As
soon as possible, agreements should be reached and the timeline set for training and
assigning agents, call-routing programming, message recording, service level
agreements (SLAs) and call center reporting. Remediation Providers
Depending on the nature of the information compromised, breached
organizations may choose to engage remediation providers to reduce consumers’
risk of fraud or identity theft. This may include a third-party credit-activity
monitoring service. The service should be offered free to the consumer and include,
at minimum: daily monitoring and alerts of activity from all three national credit
bureaus; identity theft insurance and fraud resolution services. In some cases,
supplemental services, such as Internet scanning (for compromised information),
may also be deployed to help protect consumers.

4.4 Execution Timeline

No strategy is bulletproof, and no timeline perfect. But the crucial execution phase
of the incident-response plan is particularly susceptible to setbacks if realistic,
properly sequenced timelines are not observed.
Because of organizations’ vastly differing cultural, political and regulatory
considerations, it is usually not practical to prescribe a rigid, one-size-fits-all breach-
event timeline. There is value, however, in including some or all of the following
communication tactics when formulating a breach response.
4.4.1 Internal Announcements
Attempting to keep employees from learning of a data loss is neither prudent nor
possible. On the contrary, transparency is paramount to maintaining integrity and
credibility. When a breach occurs, all employees should receive properly worded
communications about the event, along with specific guidelines and prohibitions
about externally disseminating information. Internal breach announcements should
be timed so as to not conflict with other organization initiatives. To minimize the
chance of leaks, these announcements should also be delivered about the same time
as external statements.
A breach may affect an organization’s real or perceived financial viability, so the
HR team should prepare to address a range of employee concerns. If an event has
occurred but does not affect employees directly, these activities may help
supplement the internal announcement process:

Creation, approval and posting of employee-only FAQs

Response training for HR personnel and call center staff
Creation, approval and distribution of explanatory letter, e-mail or
intranet communications.

4.4.2 External Announcements

The creation and release of external communications should be closely
coordinated with the call center. In addition to notification letters and press
releases, other external strategies and tactics may be deployed to announce and
manage breach communications. Among the most important of these is engaging a
professional crisis management or communications firm (if none are available
internally) and designating a senior, media-trained executive as organization
Talking points should also be developed as quickly as possible, so the
spokesperson may confidently address the media. For consistency, foundational
message points can be used to create content for press releases, intranets,
organization website and call center incident-handling FAQs. A dedicated toll-free
number should be secured and routed to the correct call center to properly handle
incoming calls.
Other considerations for preparing external announcements include:

Call center FAQ review and training

Staffing-level assessment to ensure adequate coverage
Closely timing external and internal releases

4.4.3 Regulator Notifications

Legal counsel should provide guidance on which state, federal or international
regulatory agencies require notification in the event of a data breach. In many
instances in the U.S., it is appropriate to contact the state attorney general and, in
some cases, the FTC. In the healthcare industry, Department of Health and Human
Services may need to be notified as well. Notification to these agencies would be
determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the size and scope of the data
breach; seek a legal professional with data-breach experience for guidance.
4.4.4 Letter Drops
Letters and e-mails are the most common forms of breach notification. As
organizations decide to notify, the need to meet specific deadlines in accordance
with applicable laws while working within the constraints of complex production
and delivery processes can be unwieldy and difficult to reconcile.
Unlike outputting documents from a PC, industrial-level printing requires a great
deal of preparation and quality control. Verifying mailing file completeness, format
consistency, and age of mailing list data can add days to the production timeline.
Moreover, changing content during production or delivering assets (logos,
signatures, copy) after specified deadlines can unnecessarily delay notification and
burn precious days in an already accelerated schedule.
Here are some time-proven methods for ensuring a more efficient process:

If appropriate, establish a secure data-transfer channel

Create letter copy and put it into Microsoft Word format (or other
preferred format)
Obtain any necessary content approvals from the compliance and/or
legal team
Send usable data files to the print shop, including a properly formatted
logo and electronic signature
Supply a return address for undeliverable mail
Review final letter layout for a legible, aesthetically pleasing appearance

When planning letter drops, remember that a data breach may also involve
criminal activity and, therefore, law enforcement personnel. If officials determine
that the notification will impede their investigation or threaten national security,
delays can be expected.
4.4.5 Call Center Launches
Call centers normally in place have the infrastructure, policies and procedures
needed to seamlessly switch from providing general customer service to answering
breach-related calls. For a switch to be successful, proper preparation for every call
center component is required. Adequately staffing the incident-response team is
one particularly critical consideration.
To increase headcount, temp agencies or outsourcers may be retained. After that
come drafting phone scripts (sometimes in multiple languages), call-handling
training and recording a message for the call tree. A dedicated toll-free number
should be assigned and a call escalation process identified. Other preparations may

Creating, approving and uploading e-mail templates

Training quality assurance team on the details of the initiative
Pulling and analyzing reports
Monitoring call levels to determine staffing needs

4.4.6 Remediation Offers

Besides trying to protect incident victims’ identities, companies tend to offer
remediation services to soften the blow of a breach. If a remediation offer is made,
the organization should facilitate the dialog between the parties involved, which
typically include the credit-monitoring provider, letter print shop and call center.
As a best practice, the notification letter should feature a full description of the
remediation product, enrollment instructions, and a customer service phone
number or e-mail address. An activation code, by which the recipient may redeem
the remediation product, should also be included. To assure close collaboration
between the three groups, the following steps are highly recommended.
Remediation Organization

Create one activation code per affected person for inclusion in

notification letters.
Provide a full product description to the printer and the call center
vendor, along with a toll-free number and an enrollment website URL.
Launch and test the website for enrolments.
Ramp up and train internal call center staff to enable phone enrollments
and answering product questions.
Approve the final letter copy as it pertains to the accuracy of the offer

Print Shop

Obtain product description and activation codes from remediation firm.

Merge product copy and activation codes into notification letters.
Print and mail letters, according to agreed-upon standards and timelines.

Call Center

Receive product description and, as appropriate, train internal staff on

basic product questions.
Determine and institute call transfer procedures between the vendor call
center, remediation firm and affected organization.

4.5 Progress Reporting

During the breach response, the team leader is responsible for keeping all aspects of
the initiative on track. If the leader is to accurately assess progress and identify
potential trouble spots, functional leaders must provide timely, detailed reports at
pre-determined intervals.
These intervals can vary greatly, depending on a breach’s size and complexity.
They should always be customized to each individual event. Similarly, the dynamics
of the incident may influence how activities come into and out of different
reporting timeframes. The appropriate authorities should be updated, as required
by law; legal counsel can help decide how frequently these updates should be
issued. Common reporting intervals include:
Hourly updates are rare but still occasionally requested. In the period
immediately following victim notification, for example, critical call center
metrics may be reported hourly. Factors such as the number of calls received,
average talk time and abandonment rates should be closely monitored to help
adjust staffing levels. Long wait times, which can irritate and anger already
confused or highly emotional callers, should be avoided.
Incident-response team meetings should be held daily, for at least a few weeks
after an event. Groups should be updated about the day’s challenges, status of
targeted milestones and any subsequent or emerging objectives.
During the active notification period, mail drops should be reviewed at least
daily to ensure alignment with approved delivery deadlines. Additionally,
mailing and call center activities should be closely coordinated to ensure
response staffing levels are optimal. In situations where victims receive credit-
activity monitoring or other remediation, it may be beneficial to track
enrollments and customer escalations daily for at least the first few weeks.
In the first days or weeks (depending on the severity of the incident), senior
management should be briefed on the developments on a daily basis.
Often, the public relations group will track daily breach-related news
coverage to confirm that the organization’s event narrative is being interpreted
as intended. To mitigate public backlash, clarifying responses to inaccuracies
or negative press should be prepared and practiced in advance.
Investors and other external stakeholders will naturally want to keep abreast of
all breach-related developments. If the organization is publicly traded, senior
management should be updated at least weekly for the first few months after
breach notification.
Regular reviews should be scheduled to update functional leaders, senior
managers and other key stakeholders about the status and impact of the
incident-response effort. A breach’s effects on employee productivity and
morale should not be underestimated, so keeping workers informed about
how the incident is being handled is always a top priority.

4.6 Response Evaluation and Modifications

Once the initial chaos of a breach has subsided, the affected organization should
carefully evaluate its incident-response plan. Even the most well thought-out
responses can benefit from the lessons learned after a “live” event.
Among the most beneficial questions to answer about the response are:

Which parts of the process clearly worked as intended?

Which worked only after some modification?
Which did not work at all?
What did the team do exceptionally well? What didn’t go well?
Were any unforeseen complications encountered? How could they have
been avoided?
How well was the team prepared for the unexpected?
How realistic were the plan’s response timelines?
What was the difference between actual and budgeted costs?
Was the team sufficiently staffed?
Were all relevant parties part of the team?
What could be learned and what be improved for the next potential

4.6.1 Calculating the Costs

While many breach-related costs can be identified and tallied using actual
invoices, others are less apparent. Lost business opportunities and damage to brand
equity are examples that may impact the bottom line for years following a breach.
Table 7.1 includes typical categories of breach-related expenses in cases where costs
can be traced to specific activities.
Table 7.1: Breach-Related Expenses

Crisis Experts to help the organization craft and deliver cohesive,

Management/Public properly timed and customer-friendly communications about the
Relations incident.

Forensic Investigators Specialists to confirm, contain and eliminate the cause of the
breach and also determine the size, scale and type of records

Victim Notification Creation and delivery of letters, e-mails, web pages and other
methods/channels to notify affected individuals about the

Call Center Support Staffing, training and supporting the customer care team
responsible for handling calls and e-mails related to the incident
and its aftermath.

Outside Counsel Legal review of the organization’s contractual and regulatory

obligations after a breach. May include defense costs if litigation

Equipment Equipment changes, system upgrades and physical security

Replacement and improvements to mitigate the current breach and prevent future
Security Enhancements incidents.

Lost Revenue and Stock Reductions in stock price, lost customers and other revenue
Value decreases directly related to the loss.

Insurance Retention (deductible) payments and fee increases associated

with the breach.

Remediation Offers Providing breach victims with services, such as credit monitoring,
fraud resolution and identity theft insurance.

Punitive Costs Fines, lawsuits and other penalties stemming from negligence in
preventing or improperly responding to the breach.

Customer Retention Marketing campaigns designed to prevent customer attrition and

win back lost business following an incident.

Employee Training Educational activities intended to improve upon previous

programs that facilitated the compromise.

Card Replacement In incidents when credit card numbers have been compromised,
the affected organization may have to absorb the cost of issuing
new cards.
Victim Damages Costs related to correcting damages incurred by breach victims.

Opportunity Costs Lost productivity and revenues, as employees suspend regularly

assigned tasks to assist with breach response.

4.6.2 Cyber Liability Insurance

Insurance may be a viable funding source for helping to offset breach-response
and recovery costs. While traditional policies may provide a certain level of
protection, they do not normally cover expenses resulting from a data compromise.
To reduce exposure, risk managers must work closely with insurance carriers and
finance stakeholders to select the right type and level of coverage prior to an
incident. A relatively new type of coverage called cyber liability insurance may cover
many breach-related expenses, including:

Forensic investigations
Outside counsel fees
Crisis management services
Public relations experts
Breach notification
Call center costs
Credit monitoring
Fraud resolution services

5. Summary
The respond phase of the privacy operational life cycle provides guidance for
managing information requests, meeting legal compliance, planning for incident
response, and handling privacy incidents. An organization needs to be prepared to
respond to its internal and external stakeholders—including regulators. The
privacy professional and related team members need to be prepared to respond
appropriately to each incoming request to reduce organizational risk and bolster
compliance to regulations.

1 Ponemon Institute Research Report, “2011 Cost of Data Breach Study, United States:
Benchmark Research Conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC” Report: March 2012.
2 OMB Memorandum M-07-16, “Safeguarding against and Responding to the Breach of
Personally Identifiable Information” (May 22, 2007).
3 Canadian Privacy Commission, Getting Accountability Right with a Privacy Management
4 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, (2011).
6 Checkpoint Software Technologies, The Risk of Social Engineering on Information Security: A
Survey of IT Professionals, September 2011.
7 2011 AT&T Business Continuity Study.
8 Ponemon Institute, Aftermath of a Data Breach, (2012).
9 European Commission, Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
29, January 25, 2012.
Index of Searchable Terms

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
active scanning tools
AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) framework
AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model (PMM)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
APEC Privacy Framework
assessment models
AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model (PMM)
Privacy by Design (PbD)
assess phase
assessment models
finance and business controls
human resources (HR) and ethics
information security
key areas assessment
legal and compliance
marketing and business development
PIAs in
processors and third-party vendors
compliance with privacy policies and standards
data access, modification, and disclosure
findings and stakeholder communication
five-phase approach
reasons for
role of auditor
self-certification frameworks
Supplier Audits
Australian Bankers Association
Australian Information Privacy Principles
Australian Privacy Act of 1988
authenticity of records
awareness, internal and external
awareness and education
baseline development for privacy requirements
BCDR (business continuity and disaster recovery planning)
BCP (business continuity plan)
Better Business Bureau Online
breaches. See also incident planning and response
causes of
expenses from
notification of
preparing for (see breach preparedness training)
reporting worksheets
responding to (see breach response timeline)
breach preparedness training
breach response timeline
call center launches
external announcements
internal announcements
letter drops
regulatory notifications
remediation offers
British Standards BS7799
Bureau of Competition
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Bureau of Economics
business and finance controls
business case assessment
defining privacy for organization
education and awareness
industry frameworks
laws and regulations
privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs)
privacy innovation
privacy office or team
privacy organizations
program assurance and audits
technical and physical controls
ten foundational elements
business continuity and disaster recovery planning (BCDR)
business continuity plan (BCP)
business development (BD) stakeholders
business resiliency metrics
call centers
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. See CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered
Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) principles
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Privacy Code
Cavoukian, Ann
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
centralized governance
chief marketing officer (CMO)
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
C-I-A triad
CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants)
AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model (PMM)
communications and PR
communications group
communication strategies
changing privacy requirements
creating program awareness
ensuring policy flexibility
management of documents requiring changes
operational privacy practices/procedures
targeted training
complaint handling
complaint monitoring
compliance, legal. See legal compliance
compliance audits. See audits
compliance challenges
compliance monitoring. See also monitoring
compliance office/responsibilities0
consistency of policies
control-based monitoring
COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act)
Copple, Robert F.
covered entities
CSA (Canadian Standards Association) Privacy Code
customer care department
cyber incident accountability
cyber liability insurance
Daily Dashboard (IAPP)
data analysis
business resiliency
resource utilization
ROI (return on investment)
data breaches. See breaches; incident planning and response
data collection
data governance
data-governance strategy development
data inventories
data life cycle management (DLM)
data life cycle protection (DLP)
Data Protection Authorities
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
data quality
data retention/records management strategies
data security, defining
data sources
data storage. See data life cycle management (DLM)
decentralized governance
designated point of contact
digital forensics
distribution controls
DLM (data life cycle management)
DLP (data life cycle protection)
DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment)
education and awareness
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
emergency services
employee training. See also breach preparedness training
enterprise continuity
enterprise objectives
Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (EPAL)
environment monitoring
EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
ethics office/responsibilities
European Union (EU)
Data Protection Authorities
Data Protection Directive
second-party audits (Supplier Audits)
executive privacy team
Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 1.0
external awareness programs
external monitoring
external privacy organizations
external third-party privacy support
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
finance and business controls
finance stakeholders
first-party/internal audits (IA)
Five-Step Metric Life Cycle. See metrics
flexibility of privacy policies
forensic and legal counsel
framework development
business case assessment (see also business case assessment)
communication process and documentation
gap analysis
process template
review process and monitoring
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
gap analysis
GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
Global Internet Liberty Campaign
global privacy strategies
governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools
governance models
governance strategies
governance structure of privacy programs
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
handling of complaints and information requests
harm prevention/minimization
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)
HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act
Hong Kong Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD)
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
human resources (HR)
hybrid governance
IBM Corporation
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
IFEA (Internet Free Expression Alliance)
ILM (information life cycle management)
incident, defining
incident detection
causes of breaches and reporting
notification requirements and guidelines
incident handling
incident response plan
prenotification process
incident management
incident management and breach response team
incident planning and response. See also incident response plan
business continuity plan (BCP)
business development (BD) role in
communications and PR role in
customer care role in
cyber liability insurance
execution timeline
finance role in
human resources (HR) role in
incident detection
incident handling
information security (IS) role in
interdepartmental cooperation
key roles and responsibilities
legal stakeholder role in
marketing role in
physical security
president, CEO role in
progress reporting
response evaluation and modification
stakeholders and roles
third-parties and security
tools of prevention
union role in
incident response plan
response team members
team leader
individual participation
industry frameworks
Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada
information governance
information life cycle management (ILM)
information requests
data integrity
handling procedures
organization accessibility
information security (IS)
generic competency areas
high-level security roles
privacy vs. security
risk management and
information security management system (ISMS)
information security triad
information technology. See IT (information technology)
infrastructure adequacy
internal audits (IA)
internal awareness programs
internal interfacing process
internal monitoring
internal partnerships
internal policy compliance
internal threats/vulnerabilities
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA) framework
Internet Free Expression Alliance (IFEA)
Internet Privacy Coalition (IPC)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ISO 17799
ISO/IEC 27001
ISTPA (International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance) framework
IT (information technology)
cutting-edge or innovation solutions
operations and development
Security Training and Awareness
Systems Operations and Maintenance
key areas assessment2
Internal audit (IA) and risk management
IT operations and development
key functions
laws and regulations. See also legal compliance; regulations
in business case assessment
in compliance monitoring
legal compliance
harm prevention/minimization
monitoring and enforcement
legal counsel
legal office/responsibilities
legal stakeholders
legislative change monitoring
letter drops
Liberty (National Council for Civil Liberties)
Liberty Alliance Project
local governance
mandatory government policy
marketing and business development
marketing and PR
marketing department
maturity models. See also assessment models
metric audience, defined
metric owner
business resiliency metrics
data analysis
data collection
defining data sources
goals and objectives summary
identifying intended audience for
performance measurement with metrics selection
selection of
SMART methodology
templates and examples
metrics life cycle, defining
metric taxonomies
mission statement. See vision and mission statement creation
monitoring. See also compliance monitoring
compliance and risk monitoring
for compliance with established privacy policies
for compliance with regulatory and legislative changes
data life cycle protection (DLP)
and enforcement
environment monitoring
forms of
internal and external
National Council for Civil Liberties (Liberty)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Network and Telecommunications Security
non-compliance penalties
non-public information (NPI)
notices vs. policies
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Privacy Guidelines
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (Ireland)
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), Hong Kong
Online Privacy Alliance (OPA)
operational privacy practices/procedures
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Privacy Guidelines
organizational structures
organization privacy office guidance
outside resources
oversight agencies and authorities
P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences)
Paul, George L.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
PbD (Privacy by Design)
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
penalties for non-compliance
performance measurement
personal data. See personal information (PI)
personal information (PI)
access by individuals
handling and compliance
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) principles
personnel security
PETs (privacy-enhancing technologies)
physical access monitoring
physical and environmental security
physical controls
physical security
PIAs. See Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)
PIPEDA (Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) principles
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)
PMM (AICPA/CICA Privacy Maturity Model)
policy enforcement
policy updates
PRC (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse)
pre-notification process
primary audience
print shop
print vendors
vs. security
Privacy Act of 1974
privacy and audit management
privacy aspirations
privacy assessments
Privacy by Design (PbD)
privacy champion
Privacy Commissioner of Canada
privacy committee/council
privacy domains
privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs)
privacy-governing laws
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
privacy innovation
Privacy International
privacy metrics. See metrics
privacy office or team
privacy operational life cycle
“assess” phase (see also assess phase)
“protect” phase (see also protect phase)
“respond” phase (see also respond phase)
“sustain” phase (see also sustain phase)
privacy organizations
privacy policies vs. notices
privacy program frameworks. See also framework development
privacy program scope
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC)
privacy strategy development
data-governance strategy for personal information
key functions leveraging
stakeholder/internal partnership identification
stakeholder privacy workshop
privacy team structuring
governance models
organizational structures
privacy threshold analysis (PTA)
Privacy Tracker (IAPP)
privacy vision and mission statement. See vision and mission statement creation
processor assessment
program sponsor
program training and awareness
progress reporting
protected health information (PHI)
protect phase
analyses and assessments
data life cycle management (DLM)
information security
PIAs in
Privacy by Design (PbD)
PTA (privacy threshold analysis)
purpose specification
rationalizing requirements
regulation-based monitoring
non-compliance penalties
privacy-governing laws
scope of authority
self-regulatory privacy standards
third-party external privacy resources
regulatory and standards compliance
regulatory change monitoring
regulatory compliance challenges
regulatory notifications
reputational liability
resource utilization
respond phase
compliance monitoring and enforcement
incident planning
information requests
legal compliance
response evaluation and modification
response team
call center
customer care
human resources (HR)
IT and IS
legal counsel
marketing and PR
outside resources
print vendors
remediation providers
return on investment (ROI)
review process and monitoring
risk assessments
risk management
ROI (return on investment)
Safe Harbor Framework
secondary audience
second-party audits
security, vs. privacy
security risk management
security safeguards
security services/department
self-certification frameworks
self-regulatory privacy standards
September 11, 2001 terrorist attack
simplicity of procedures
Six Sigma methodology
SMART methodology
social engineering schemes
Software Productivity Center
audit reporting to
framework communication to
privacy workshops for
types of
standard of care
storage of data. See data life cycle management (DLM)
strategic management
privacy strategy development
privacy team structuring
privacy vision and mission statement–10 (see also vision and mission statement creation)
strategic security management
Supplier Audits
sustain phase
system and application security
tabletop exercises
targeted training
technical controls
technical security controls
tertiary audience
third-party external audits
third-party external privacy resources
tort liability
breach preparedness training
training effectiveness
union stakeholders
US-CERT IT Security Essential Body of Knowledge (EBK)
use limitation
U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA)
vendor assessment
vision and mission statement creation
compliance challenges
defining program scope
objectives development
personal information handling and compliance
written policy
XACML (Extensible Access Control Markup Language) 1.0
About the Authors

Executive Editor

Russell R. Densmore, CIPP/US, CIPP/IT

Russell R. Densmore is the deputy chief privacy officer for Lockheed Martin
Corporation. Densmore helped pioneer the corporate-wide privacy team at
Lockheed Martin and has been instrumental in developing and implementing
privacy practices and training across multiple business areas and functions.
Densmore has been involved in information technology engineering, information
security, law enforcement and physical security for over 30 years. He has specialized
in computer forensics, enterprise network security, investigations, and civil and
criminal prosecutions and has been recognized by the U.S. Attorney General and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation for support against cyber criminals.
Densmore received his BS in computer information systems from Regis
University and is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional
(CISSP®) and Certified Forensic Analyst (CFA).

Lockheed Martin is a premier systems integrator and global security company

principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration
and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. With
growth markets in defense, homeland security and systems/government
information technology, Lockheed Martin delivers innovative technologies that
help customers address complex challenges of strategic and national importance.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin employs 120,000 people
worldwide. Lockheed Martin is led by Marillyn A. Hewson, Chief Executive Officer
and President. Lockheed Martin’s operating units are organized into five broad
business areas with diverse lines of business: Aeronautics, Missiles and Fire
Control, Mission Systems and Training, Space Systems and Information Systems
and Global Solutions.
Distinguished by a passion for innovation and excellence in performance,
Lockheed Martin has earned a reputation as the partner of choice, supplier of
choice and employer of choice in the global marketplace. Governments worldwide
are involved in meeting vital strategic goals to defend the peace, make their borders
and homeland secure, or manage large information technology infrastructure
projects. Lockheed Martin has more than 300 alliances, joint ventures and other
partnerships in 75 countries.
The men and women of Lockheed Martin are committed to the highest standards
of ethical business conduct and creating a sustainable future. Lockheed Martin also
supports Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education with
initiatives such as Engineers in the Classroom and mentoring.


James M. Byrne, CIPP/US, CIPP/G, CIPP/IT

James M. Byrne is chief privacy officer and associate general counsel for Lockheed
Martin Corporation. As the corporation’s CPO, Byrne oversees all activities related
to the development, implementation, maintenance and adherence to the
organization’s policies and procedures covering the privacy of employee and
program data in compliance with federal, state, local and international privacy laws,
regulations and program requirements. He is also responsible as an associate
general counsel for enterprise records management and electronic discovery and
previously managed a domestic and international ethics and business conduct
program for the company.
Before joining Lockheed Martin, Byrne was a career senior executive service
official with over 20 years of professional experience in the military and federal
government, including several years as a U.S. Department of Justice international
narcotics prosecutor and deployed U.S. Marine Corps infantry officer. Prior to
leaving the government Byrne served as the deputy special counsel with the Office
of the U.S. Special Counsel. He also served overseas with the Office of the Special
Inspector General for Iraq reconstruction. Soon after the invasion of Iraq in 2003,
Byrne returned to active duty for 18 months with the Marine Corps in support of
the Global War on Terrorism. Byrne serves on the Board of Directors for the IAPP
and in May 2012 was appointed by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security to serve on the Data Protection and Integrity Advisory Board.
He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Stetson University College of Law.
Elisa Choi, CIPP/IT
Elisa Choi is a manager within Ernst & Young’s Privacy Advisory Services practice
through which she serves the firm’s leading global and domestic clients. Choi is
responsible for providing clients with an array of privacy and data protection-
related services including the development of corporate privacy governance and
compliance functions, creation of privacy policies and procedures, enterprise
privacy assessments and privacy incident management and triage support. She has
also worked with a number of companies in the areas of HIPAA Privacy and
Security, U.S. Department of Commerce Safe Harbor Privacy Program
certification/recertification and compliance with the EU Data Protection Directive.
In addition to her involvement in the privacy arena, Choi’s experience in the
advisory space includes IT compliance audits under the Sarbanes-Oxley 404
framework, system implementation reviews around technical infrastructure and
business processes and security compliance audit evaluations. Choi has worked
with numerous U.S. and global Fortune 500 businesses and has gained experience
in the pharmaceutical, health services, consumer and commercial electronics, retail
manufacturing and sales, aerospace and defense and financial services industries.
In addition to Choi’s client serving responsibilities, she is actively involved in
Ernst & Young’s thought leadership. She has been an active contributor in the
ongoing development of the firm’s global privacy methodology, which focuses on
incorporating industry-leading practices while delivering consistent, high-quality
privacy solutions to clients.
Choi earned bachelor of business administration (BBA) and master of science in
information systems technology (MS-IST) degrees from The George Washington
University in Washington, DC. She is an active member of the IAPP and several
other professional organizations including the Information Systems Audit and
Control Association (ISACA).
Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services.
Worldwide, our 167,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering
commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients
and our wider communities achieve their potential.
Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst &
Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young
Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to
clients. For more information about our organization, please visit
Ozzie Fonseca, CIPP/US
Ozzie Fonseca is a senior director for Experian’s Data Breach Resolution Group
and has been involved in the identity protection arena for nearly a decade. Fonseca
is a frequent speaker on data breach preparedness and incident response, and he is a
regular blogger for
In his role at Experian, Fonseca has helped thousands of organizations of every
size, and virtually in every industry, respond to data compromises affecting from
hundreds to millions of victims. During his tenure in the privacy industry, Fonseca
has earned a strong reputation as a trusted advisor and a key asset when addressing
data breaches. He consistently brings to the table his extensive practical experience
in handling large scale breach notifications, setting up incident response call centers
and providing best-in-class identity protection and fraud resolution services.
Fonseca has also served on the IAPP’s Educational Advisory Board.
Before his involvement in the world of privacy, Fonseca spent most of his career
as an educator in the auto insurance, telecom and credit industries responsible for
developing training programs across the corporate spectrum.
Fonseca holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration.

Experian® is a leader in the data breach resolution industry and one of the first
companies to develop services that address this critical issue. Experian has a long-
standing history of providing swift and effective data breach resolution for
thousands of organizations, having serviced millions of affected consumers.
Experian Data Breach Resolution services enable organizations to plan for and
successfully respond to data breaches. Learn more at
Edward P. Yakabovicz, CIPP/IT
As a principal engineer for the Center for Cyber Security Innovation at Lockheed
Martin Corporation, Edward P. Yakabovicz has over 30 years of business
experience architecting security designs for worldwide global networks and
implementing highly detailed security solutions for the top five financial
corporations, the U.S. government, local U.S. state governments and Lockheed
Martin global customers.
As a subject matter expert in cybersecurity and privacy, Yakabovicz has managed
and consulted on computer network defense, computer incident response, security
architectures, certification and accreditation, and information technology systems
Yakabovicz holds a master’s degree in information assurance from Norwich
University in Vermont and is currently a PhD student in information assurance at
Capitol College in Maryland. He also holds several certifications, including the
(ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®).
Yakabovicz dedicates his work in this book to his family, Lockheed Martin
colleagues, and all the people around the globe that provide friendship, mentoring,
support and guidance for this effort and the advancement to privacy and security
Amy E. Yates, CIPP/US
Amy E. Yates is the chief privacy officer of Avanade Inc., a provider of business
technology solutions and managed services. Yates served as the acting privacy
officer of Andersen in 2001, and went on to become the first chief privacy officer of
Hewitt Associates (now Aon Hewitt) until 2007. She has also delivered data
protection and security services as a member of several global consulting and law
firms. Yates served on the IAPP Board of Directors and is a frequent speaker on
privacy and data protection issues.
Yates graduated from Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service with an
emphasis on Chinese and Asian Studies, thereafter attending Taiwan Political
University for two years. She received her law degree from Northwestern
University School of Law.

Avanade provides business technology solutions and managed services that

connect insight, innovation and expertise in Microsoft technologies to help
customers realize results. Our people have helped thousands of organizations in all
industries improve business agility, employee productivity, and customer loyalty.
Avanade combines the collective business, technical and industry expertise of its
worldwide network of experts with the rigor of an industrialized delivery model to
provide high quality solutions using proven and emerging technologies with flexible
deployment models—on premises, cloud-based or outsourced. Avanade, which is
majority owned by Accenture, was founded in 2000 by Accenture LLP and
Microsoft Corporation and has 17,000 professionals in more than 20 countries.
Additional information can be found at

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