Financial History and Analysis: Debt Schedule
Financial History and Analysis: Debt Schedule
Financial History and Analysis: Debt Schedule
A solid analysis of the past must precede any serious attempt to forecast the future.The
Financial History and Ratios spreadsheet allows you to put a great deal of financial infor-
mation from other statements on a single page for ease of comprehension and analysis.
Your financial information is presented in dollars and percentages. Key financial ratios are
calculated automatically.You may also enter industry average ratios for comparison.
For this section, please refer to the Financial History and Ratios Spreadsheet.
In the Appendix, put year-end balance sheets, operating statements, and business
income tax returns for the past 3 years, plus your most current balance sheet and operat-
ing statement.
Debt Schedule
This table gives in-depth information that the financial statements themselves do not
usually provide. Include a debt schedule in the following format for each note payable on
your most recent balance sheet.
Table 2: Debt Schedule Table
To Whom Payable Original Amt. Original Date Present Balance Rate of Interest
Maturity Date Monthly Payment Security Current/Past Due
Financial plan
The financial plan consists of a 12-month profit and loss projection, a four-year profit
and loss projection (optional), a cash flow projection, a projected balance sheet, and a
breakeven calculation. If you are planning a major expansion with heavy up-front and capi-
tal expenses, then also add the Startup Expenses and Capitalization template which may be
found in our accompanying Business Plan for Startup Businesses. It will help you budget
the one-time costs associated with expansion.
Explain the major assumptions used to estimate company income & expenses.Your
sales projection should come from the Annual Sales Forecast in the Marketing plan. Pay
special attention to areas where historical performance varies markedly from your projec-