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001 Practice Exam 2: TTH Classes Spring 2016 Remember: Bubble in All Bubblesheet Information!

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Practice Exam 2
TTh Classes · Spring 2016
REMEMBER: Bubble in ALL Bubblesheet information!
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F = 96,485 C/mol of e−1

1 Ampere = 1 C/s

Na = 6.022×1023
◦ = E◦ − E◦
Ecell cat an


Ecell = Ecell
◦ −
n · log Q

∆G◦ = −n · F · Ecell

Standand Potentials at 25◦ C E◦

F2 (g) + 2 e− ⇀↽ 2 F− (aq) +2.87 V
Au3+ (aq) + 3 e− ⇀↽ Au(s) +1.40 V
Cl2 (g) + 2 e ⇀

↽ 2 Cl− (aq) +1.36 V
Pt2+ (aq) + 2 e− ⇀↽ Pt(s) +1.20 V
Br2 (g) + 2 e− ⇀
↽ 2 Br− (aq) +1.08 V
Ag+ (aq) + e− ⇀ ↽ Ag(s) +0.80 V
Cu (aq) + 2 e− ⇀ ↽ Cu(s) +0.34 V
2 H (aq) + 2 e ⇀ −
↽ H2 (g) 0.000 V
Fe3+ (aq) + 3 e− ⇀↽ Fe(s) −0.040 V
Ni (aq) + 2 e ⇀ −
↽ Ni(s) −0.236 V
Cd (aq) + 2 e ⇀ −
↽ Cd(s) −0.40 V
Fe (aq) + 2 e ⇀ −
↽ Fe(s) −0.44 V
Cr (aq) + 3 e ⇀ −
↽ Cr(s) −0.74 V
Cr (aq) + 2 e ⇀ −
↽ Cr(s) −0.91 V
Al (aq) + 3 e ⇀ −
↽ Al(s) −1.66 V
Li (aq) + e ⇀−
↽ Li(s) −3.040 V
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 2
This print-out should have 25 questions. 2. Zn2+
Multiple-choice questions may continue on
the next column or page – find all choices 3. MnO2−
4 correct
before answering.
4. Fe3+
001 5.0 points
In the reaction 5. Br2
2 MnO− +
4 + 16 H + 10 I →

2 Mn2+ + 8 H2 O + 5 I2 Each value shown is a standard reduction
of permanganate anion with iodide in acidic potential value. It measures the relative ease
solution, what has been reduced and what is by which the given reduction process hap-
the change in oxidation number? pens. The more positive the number the more
likely the process. We are asked which is the
1. hydrogen, from +1 to 0 strongest OXIDIZING AGENT. An oxidizing
agent will itself be reduced. The species which
2. manganese, from +7 to +2 correct is most likely to be reduced of all listed is
MnO2− 4 since it is the species with the biggest
3. iodine, from −1 to 0
positive number. Note MnO2− 4 has Mn with
an oxidation state of 6+ to balance four -2 for
4. iodine, from −10 to −5
the O’s and the overall charge, and it is being
reduced to Mn2+ .
5. oxygen, from −1 to −2
Explanation: 004 5.0 points
Using the set of smallest whole number coef-
002 5.0 points ficients to balance the redox equation
Silver is plated on copper by immersing a
MnO− − −
4 + NO2 → MnO2 + NO3
piece of copper into a solution containing sil-
ver(I) ions. In the plating reaction, copper in basic solution, you get
1. is reduced and is the reducing agent. 1. 1 H2 O on the right.
2. is reduced and is the oxidizing agent. 2. 3 H2 O on the left.
3. is oxidized and is the reducing agent. 3. 3 OH− on the left.
4. 2 OH− on the right. correct
4. is oxidized and is the oxidizing agent.
Explanation: The oxidation number of N changes from
+3 to +5, so N is oxidized. The oxidation
003 5.0 points number of Mn changes from +7 to +4, so Mn
If the standard potentials for the cou- is reduced. We set up oxidation and reduction
ples Fe3+ | Fe2+ , MnO2− + 2+
4 , H | Mn , H2 O, half-reactions:
2+ 3+ 2+
Zn | Zn, V | V , and Br2 | Br are +0.77, Red: MnO− 4 → MnO2

+1.51, − 0.76, − 0.26, and +1.09 V, respec- Oxid: NO2 → NO−

tively, which is the strongest oxidizing agent? Mn and N atoms are balanced. Since this
is a basic solution, we use H2 O and OH− to
1. Mn2+ balance O and H atoms, adding the OH− to
the side needing oxygen:
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 3
Red: 2 H2 O + MnO− 4 → MnO2 + 4 OH
− The oxidation number of I changes from −1
Oxid: 2 OH− + NO− 2 → NO3 + H2 O

to 0, so I is oxidized. The oxidation num-
We balance the total charge in each half- ber of Mn changes from +7 to +4, so Mn is
reaction by adding electrons. In the preceding reduced. We set up oxidation and reduction
reduction reaction there is a total charge of half reactions:
−1 on the left and −4 on the right. Three Oxidation: I− → I2
electrons are added to the left: Reduction: MnO− 4 → MnO2
Red: 3 e− + 2 H2 O + MnO− 4 → Mn atoms are balanced. We need two I− ions
MnO2 + 4 OH− to balance I:
Oxid: 2 OH− + NO− 2 → NO3 + H2 O+2 e
− − Oxidation: 2 I− → I2
The number of electrons gained by Mn must In basic solution we use H2 O and OH− to
equal the number of electrons lost by N. We balance O and H atoms, adding the OH− to
multiply the reduction reaction by 2 and the the side needing oxygen:
oxidation reaction by 3 to balance the elec- Red: 2 H2 O + MnO− 4 → MnO2 + 4 OH

trons: Next we balance the total charge by adding

Red: 6 e− + 4 H2 O + 2 MnO− 4 →
electrons. In the reduction reaction thus far
2 MnO2 + 8 OH− there is a total charge of −1 on the left and
Oxid: 6 OH− + 3 NO− −4 on the right. Three electrons are added to
2 →
3 NO− the left:
3 + 3 H2 O + 6 e

Adding the half-reactions gives Oxid: 2 I− → I2 + 2 e−

4 H2 O + 2 MnO− − Red: 3 e− + 2 H2O + MnO− 4 →
4 + 6 OH + 3 NO2 →

2 MnO2 + 8 OH− + 3 NO− MnO2 + 4 OH−

3 + 3 H2 O
Canceling like terms given the overall bal- The number of electrons gained by Mn must
anced equation equal to the number of electrons lost by I.
H2 O + 2 MnO− − We multiply the oxidation reaction by 3 and
4 + 3 NO2 →
2 MnO2 + 2 OH− + 3 NO− the reduction reaction by 2 to balance the
005 5.0 points Oxid: 6 I− → 3 I2 + 6 e−
Balance the net ionic equation Red: 6 e− + 4 H2O + 2 MnO− 4 →
2 MnO2 + 8 OH−
4 + I → I2 + MnO2

Adding the half-reactions give the balanced
in basic solution. What is the sum of the co- equation
of the equation? 6 I− + 4 H2 O+2 MnO− 4 →

1. 14 3 I2 + 2 MnO2 + 8 OH−

2. 10
006 5.0 points
3. 8 Far a battery, the cathode is the (posi-
tive/negative) terminal and the electrons flow
4. 12 correct through the external circuit from (anode to
cathode/cathode to anode).
5. 16
1. negative, anode to cathode
6. 21
2. positive, cathode to anode
7. 9
Explanation: 3. negative, cathode to anode
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 4

4. positive, anode to cathode correct 1. The reaction in a voltaic cell is sponta-

neous; the one in an electrolytic cell is non-
spontaneous. correct
For a discharging battery, the cathode is
the positive terminal. The cathode always
2. Voltaic cells are used only in laboratories;
has an inward flow of electrons, because it is
electrolytic cells are used only in industrial
by definition the site of reduction.
007 5.0 points
3. The voltaic cell is a real reaction that is
used in everyday applications; the electrolytic
Voltmeter cell is a theoretical reaction that does not have
1.56 V any real-life applications.
e− e−
4. The electrolytic cell can be used as a
power supply; the voltaic cell must itself have
Zinc Silver
power supplied in order to function.
bridge 5. The reaction in a voltaic cell is exother-
to carry mic; the one in an electrolytic cell is endother-
1 M Zn2+ (aq) 1 M Ag+ (aq) Both types of cells are used in many appli-
In this electrochemical cell, what is the cations. A rechargable battery switches be-
cathode? tween being a voltaic cell (when being used)
to an electrochemical cell (when being dis-
1. the Ag+ (aq) ions in the 1 M solution charged) for example. Spontaneous reactions
(which are in voltaic cells) can be endo or
2. the Zn2+ (aq) ions in the 1 M solution exothermic.

3. the solid silver electrode correct 009 5.0 points

What is the cathode in
4. the solid zinc electrode
Ag(s) | Ag+ (aq) || Fe2+ (aq) | Fe(s)
Ag+ + e− → Ag Ered
◦ = +0.80

Fe2+ + 2 e− → Fe Ered
◦ = −0.44
Zn(s) + 2 Ag+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2 Ag(s)
and what type cell is it?
Reduction occurs at the cathode. In this
1. Ag(s); a battery
cell the reduction half reaction is

Ag+ (aq) + e− → Ag(s) . 2. Fe(s); a battery

Ag+ cations are attracted to the solid Ag 3. Not enough information is provided.
electrode where they are reduced to Ag(s).
4. Ag(s); an electrolytic cell
008 5.0 points
What is the primary difference between a 5. Fe(s); an electrolytic cell correct
voltaic and an electrolytic cell? Explanation:
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 5
The diagram A | B || C | D is read as follows:
A → B + n e− (oxidation) 2. −2.87 V correct
C + m e− → D (reduction)
Since reduction occurs at the cathode, the 3. 3.04 V
cathode is Fe(s).
To determine the cell type, calculate E ◦ cell: 4. 0 C

5. −3.04 V
2 Ag(s) → 2 Ag+ (aq) + 2 e−
◦ = −0.80 V
Using the fluorine electrode instead of the
Fe2+ + 2 e− → Fe hydrogen electrode, i.e., defining the fluorine
◦ = −0.44 V electrode as zero, would result in the standard
2 Ag(s) + Fe2+ → 2 Ag+ (aq) + Fe reduction potentials of all other half reactions
decreasing by 2.87 volts. The hydrogen elec-
◦ = −1.24 V
trode normally having a standard reduction
Since E ◦ cell is negative, the reaction is potential of 0 volts would then have −2.87
spontaneous; i.e., an electrolytic cell. volts instead.

010 5.0 points 012 5.0 points

Standard reduction potentials are established The standard potential of the Cu2+ | Cu elec-
by comparison to the potential of which half trode is +0.34 V and the standard potential
reaction? of the cell

1. Li+ + e− −→ Li Pb(s) | Pb2+ (aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)

is +0.47 V. What is the standard potential of

2. F2 + 2 e− −→ 2 F−
the Pb2+ | Pb electrode?
3. Na+ + e− −→ Na
1. +0.81 V
4. 2 H2 O + 2 e− −→ H2 + 2 OH−
2. − 0.13 V correct
5. 2 H+ + 2 e− −→ H2 correct
3. − 0.26 V
The hydrogen electrode is the standard ref- 4. +0.13 V
erence electrode
5. − 0.81V
011 5.0 points Explanation:
If the reduction of fluorine gas to fluoride ion E(cell) = E(cathode) - E(anode)
were used as the reference electrode for deter- +0.47V = +0.34V - (?V)
mining the standard reduction potentials of ? = -0.13V
half reactions

F2 (g) + 2 e− → 2 F− 013 5.0 points

The Nernst equation contains the reaction
2 H+ + 2 e− → H2 (g) quotient Q. For cells involving solids and
what would be the standard reduction poten- aqueous solutions, it is not necessary to in-
tial of the hydrogen electrode? clude the solids because

1. 2.87 V 1. solids are insoluble in water.

Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 6
0.0591 1
= 0.6 V − log
2. solids do not undergo oxidation. 2 (0.2 M) (0.7 M)2

= 0.549536 V.
3. solid concentrations (activities) are de-
fined as equal to 1. correct
015 5.0 points
4. solids participate but their concentrations A battery formed from the two half reactions
are negligible. Fe2+ −→ Fe E ◦ = −0.44 V
Cd −→ Cd E ◦ = −0.40 V
5. solids do not participate in the reac-
dies (reaches equilibrium). If [Fe2+ ] was
0.24 M in the dead battery, find [Cd2+ ] in
Explanation: the dead battery?.

014 5.0 points 1. 0.0.0005 M

What is the cell potential of the following cell?
Pt(s) | Br−(aq, 0.2 M) | Br2(ℓ) || 2. 5.4 M
Au+ (aq, 0.7 M) | Au(s)
Br2 + 2 e− → 2 Br− Ered
◦ = +1.09 V 3. 120.3 M
Au+ + e− → Au Ered
◦ = +1.69 V
4. 0.01 M correct
1. 0.55 V correct
◦ = +0.04 V
2. 0.48 V

3. 0.60 V 0.05916
Ecell = Ecell

− log Q
4. 0.65 V
0.05916 0.24
0 = 0.04 − log
5. 0.72 V 2 [Cd2+ ]
Explanation: log = 1.35
[Cd2+ ]
The reaction involving Br must be reversed
(cathode reaction) and the reaction involving = 101.35
Au must be doubled in order to balance the [Cd2+ ]
electrons: 0.24
[Cd2+ ] = 1.35 = 0.0107 M
2 Br− (aq) → Br2 (ℓ) + 2 e−
◦ = −1.09 V 016 5.0 points
2 Au+ (aq) + 2 e− → 2 Au(s) Sodium is produced by electrolysis of molten
sodium chloride. What are the products at
◦ = +1.69 V the anode and cathode, respectively?
2 Br− (aq) + 2 Au+ (aq) → Br2 (ℓ) + 2 Au(s)
Ecell = +0.60 V 1. Cl2 (g) and Na2 O(ℓ)
To correct for the non-standard concentra- 2. O2 (g) and Na(ℓ)
tion we use the Nernst equation:
  3. Na(ℓ) and O2 (g)
0.0591 1
E = E0 − log
n [Br ] [Au+ ]2
− 2 4. Cl2 (g) and Na(ℓ) correct
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 7

5. Cl− (aq) and Na2 O(ℓ) 3. 6.0 × 107 correct

4. 8.0 × 1017
017 5.0 points
5. 3.7 × 1016
The reaction
2 Ag+ (aq) + Fe(s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2 Ag(s)
019 5.0 points
taking place in a battery generates a current You are trying to build a battery, but all you
of 2 amp. How much Fe(s) is consumed in 1 have to work with are some beakers, some
hour? wire, a few pieces of Fe(s) and a solution of
Fe3+ . Is it possible to build a battery? If so,
1. 1.04 g how.
2. 4.16 g 1. Yes, it can be done by preparing two
identical half cells.
3. 8.32 g
2. Yes, it can be done by preparing two
4. 3.46 g half cells with very different concentrations of
Fe3+ . correct
5. 2.08 g correct
Explanation: 3. No, it is not possible.
i=2A t=1h
The half equation of interest is 4. Yes, it can be done by preparing two half
cells with very different masses of Fe.
Fe(s) → Fe2+ + 2 e− Explanation:
and the total charge is Concentration cells are a practical applica-
60 min 60 sec tion of the Nernst equation. By inspection,
q = (2 A) (1 h) = 7200 C .
1h 1 min the Nernst equation reveals that even a reac-
We can then convert this charge to num- tion for E ◦ is 0, can have a value of E that is
ber of electrons and finally the amount of Fe greater than zero (i.e. a battery), as long as Q
consumed: is less than one. This can be accomplished by
(7200 C) 196485
mol e− 1 mol Fe
C × 2 mol e−
having very different concentrations of Fe3+ ,
and the battery will run until they are (ap-
× 55.847 g Fe
1 mol Fe = 2.08374 g Fe proximately) equal in both half cells. Note
that with such a cell, which half acts as the
018 5.0 points anode or cathode depends on the concentra-
The standard potential of the cell tion gradient; the side with the higher Fe3+
Pb(s) | PbSO4 (s) | SO2−
4 (aq) ||
concentration will act as the cathode.
Pb2+ (aq) | Pb(s)
is +0.23 V at 25◦ C. Calculate the equilibrium 020 5.0 points
constant for the reaction of 1 M Pb2+ (aq) Which type of widely used battery is NOT
with 1 M SO2−4 (aq). rechargeable?

1. 7.7 × 103 1. alkaline correct

2. 1.7 × 10−8 2. lead-acid (storage batteries)

Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 8
or Fe. Mg is easier to oxidize (it has a more
3. nickel-cadmium (NiCad) positive oxidation E) than Pb and Fe, so it
makes a good sacrificial anode.
4. lithium-ion
Explanation: 023 5.0 points
Alkaline batteries were not designed to be A fuel cell is ? and the corresponding
rechargeable and do not do so efficiently, al- chemical reaction is ? .
though there are some websites that disagree.
1. a voltaic cell; a fusion reaction
021 5.0 points
2. an electrolytic cell; a combustion reac-
What condition must be met for a battery to
be rechargeable?
3. an electrolytic cell; a substitution reac-
1. The electrochemical reaction of the bat-
tery must be reversible. correct
4. a voltaic cell; a combustion reaction cor-
2. Either its anode or its cathode must gen-
erate a gas as a result of the electrochemical
5. a voltaic cell; an inihilation reaction
3. The battery must be open to the outside Explanation:
so that it can vent any internal pressure that
builds up from gases within it. 024 5.0 points
Which of the following is/are desirable when
4. It must generate electricity via an acid- scientists are developing new types of batter-
base reaction rather than via an oxidation ies?
reduction reaction. I) made from cheap, abundant materials
Explanation: II) have higher energy density
Definition III) are non-toxic and can be safely recycled

022 5.0 points 1. I only

The element Mg is used as a ? for un-
derground pipes by connecting a piece of Mg 2. III only
metal to the pipe with a wire. This method
works because Mg is ? . 3. II and III

1. sacrificial electrode; easy to oxidize cor- 4. II only

5. I and III
2. protective coating; chemically unreactive
6. I and II
3. sacrificial electrode; easy to reduce
7. I, II and III correct
4. protective coating; easy to oxidize
Scientists are continually working to de-
5. protective coating; easy to reduce
velop new battery technologies. The battery
Explanation: of the future will hopefully be made from
Metal underground pipes were made of Pb cheap, safe materials and will have higher en-
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 9
ergy density than the batteries of today.

025 5.0 points

A photovoltaic cell

1. uses electricity to emit light.

2. converts the energy of a photon into elec-

trical potential energy. correct

3. is prohibitively expensive to build and

will probably never be commercially available
to the general public.

4. is used to plate (deposit) inert metals like

gold and silver onto less expensive metals like
copper and zinc.

5. is responsible for the functioning of a lead

storage battery.
Definition: A photovoltaic cell converts
electromagnetic (light) energy into electrical
potential energy.

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