001 Practice Exam 2: TTH Classes Spring 2016 Remember: Bubble in All Bubblesheet Information!
001 Practice Exam 2: TTH Classes Spring 2016 Remember: Bubble in All Bubblesheet Information!
001 Practice Exam 2: TTH Classes Spring 2016 Remember: Bubble in All Bubblesheet Information!
Practice Exam 2
TTh Classes · Spring 2016
REMEMBER: Bubble in ALL Bubblesheet information!
This includes your first and last name, your UTEID, and your version number.
Please refer to the back of the bubble sheet for more info.
1 Ampere = 1 C/s
Na = 6.022×1023
◦ = E◦ − E◦
Ecell cat an
Ecell = Ecell
◦ −
n · log Q
∆G◦ = −n · F · Ecell
1. 14 3 I2 + 2 MnO2 + 8 OH−
2. 10
006 5.0 points
3. 8 Far a battery, the cathode is the (posi-
tive/negative) terminal and the electrons flow
4. 12 correct through the external circuit from (anode to
cathode/cathode to anode).
5. 16
1. negative, anode to cathode
6. 21
2. positive, cathode to anode
7. 9
Explanation: 3. negative, cathode to anode
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 4
Fe2+ + 2 e− → Fe Ered
◦ = −0.44
Zn(s) + 2 Ag+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2 Ag(s)
and what type cell is it?
Reduction occurs at the cathode. In this
1. Ag(s); a battery
cell the reduction half reaction is
Ag+ cations are attracted to the solid Ag 3. Not enough information is provided.
electrode where they are reduced to Ag(s).
4. Ag(s); an electrolytic cell
008 5.0 points
What is the primary difference between a 5. Fe(s); an electrolytic cell correct
voltaic and an electrolytic cell? Explanation:
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 5
The diagram A | B || C | D is read as follows:
A → B + n e− (oxidation) 2. −2.87 V correct
C + m e− → D (reduction)
Since reduction occurs at the cathode, the 3. 3.04 V
cathode is Fe(s).
To determine the cell type, calculate E ◦ cell: 4. 0 C
5. −3.04 V
2 Ag(s) → 2 Ag+ (aq) + 2 e−
◦ = −0.80 V
Using the fluorine electrode instead of the
Fe2+ + 2 e− → Fe hydrogen electrode, i.e., defining the fluorine
◦ = −0.44 V electrode as zero, would result in the standard
2 Ag(s) + Fe2+ → 2 Ag+ (aq) + Fe reduction potentials of all other half reactions
decreasing by 2.87 volts. The hydrogen elec-
◦ = −1.24 V
trode normally having a standard reduction
Since E ◦ cell is negative, the reaction is potential of 0 volts would then have −2.87
spontaneous; i.e., an electrolytic cell. volts instead.
= 0.549536 V.
3. solid concentrations (activities) are de-
fined as equal to 1. correct
015 5.0 points
4. solids participate but their concentrations A battery formed from the two half reactions
are negligible. Fe2+ −→ Fe E ◦ = −0.44 V
Cd −→ Cd E ◦ = −0.40 V
5. solids do not participate in the reac-
dies (reaches equilibrium). If [Fe2+ ] was
0.24 M in the dead battery, find [Cd2+ ] in
Explanation: the dead battery?.
3. 0.60 V 0.05916
Ecell = Ecell
− log Q
4. 0.65 V
0.05916 0.24
0 = 0.04 − log
5. 0.72 V 2 [Cd2+ ]
Explanation: log = 1.35
[Cd2+ ]
The reaction involving Br must be reversed
(cathode reaction) and the reaction involving = 101.35
Au must be doubled in order to balance the [Cd2+ ]
electrons: 0.24
[Cd2+ ] = 1.35 = 0.0107 M
2 Br− (aq) → Br2 (ℓ) + 2 e−
◦ = −1.09 V 016 5.0 points
2 Au+ (aq) + 2 e− → 2 Au(s) Sodium is produced by electrolysis of molten
sodium chloride. What are the products at
◦ = +1.69 V the anode and cathode, respectively?
2 Br− (aq) + 2 Au+ (aq) → Br2 (ℓ) + 2 Au(s)
Ecell = +0.60 V 1. Cl2 (g) and Na2 O(ℓ)
To correct for the non-standard concentra- 2. O2 (g) and Na(ℓ)
tion we use the Nernst equation:
3. Na(ℓ) and O2 (g)
0.0591 1
E = E0 − log
n [Br ] [Au+ ]2
− 2 4. Cl2 (g) and Na(ℓ) correct
Version 001 – Model Exam 3 - Spring 2016 – chemistry – (78712) 7