Praj Industries Share Analysis
(Compiled By Ca Alok Jain After Refering
to Company Presentation, Annual Reports,
Con-call Transcripts and various News
Point. This is for Education Purpose Only)
. LCP-324.05 (18-08-2021)
52WH-407 (08-06-2021)
. B2WL-63.55(09-09-2020)
. EPS-6.19, PE-52.31, IPE-59.49,
BV-44.82, No of Shares-18.37 Cr,
FV-2, ROCE-15.25
. Shareholding-Promoters-32.85%,
FIl-13.12, DII-7.13, NII-46.90,
ResultsQ1FY22-Sale of 386 Cr Vs
567 Cr in Mar21 and 130 Cr in
June20. Net Profit of 22.20 Cr Vs
52.01 Cr in Mar21 and Loss of (10.50)
Cr in Mar20.
. Breakthrough Order From HPCL-
Praj Industries got breakthrough
order from HPCL in Q4 for setting up
CBG project of 6000 Cr which will
complete in 12 Month. Praj with10.
state-of-the-art RenGasTM
technology developed using
proprietary microbe to produce CBG
from rice straw. Project capacity
35,000 MT of rice straw as feedstock
to generate 5,250 MT of CBG
annually. In addition, the project will
also generate 23,000 MT high quality
solid biomanure and 35,000 MT of
liquid bio-manure for ferti-irrigation.
. Orders O/S and Cash Position As on
31St Mar21- Order of 1748 Cr. In
hand as on Mar21. Cash in hand of
476 crore.
. Market Share in ethanol Plant
Setup-Praj Industries have a market
share of more than 60% in ethanol
plant installing.
Big Growth Trigger-Govt has set a
target of 20% Blending of ethanol in
Petrol by 2025. This will lead in
adding 1,000 crore liter of capacity
into the system. 2/3 of this capacity
will come from starchy feedstocks,
and one-third will come from sugary
feedstocks.11. About Company-Bio-MobilityTM and
Bio-PrismTM are the mainstays of
Praj's contribution to the global
Bioeconomy. Company has pioneered
the Bio-mobilityTM platform that
envisages use renewable biological
resources to produce carbon-neutral
transportation fuels across all modes
of mobility i.e. Surface, Air and
Marine. Building on the success of
Bio-MobilityTM, Praj has embarked
on a path to unveiled basket of
technologies for production of
Renewable Chemicals & Materials
(RCM) its Bio-PrismTM portfolio.
Produced from bio-based feedstock,
RCM has the potential to replace
most chemicals and materials
currently sourced using fossil
resources. Company has partnered
with India's premier R&D institutions
such as ARAI, NCL and with
international organizations like DVO
(USA), Gevo (USA), Lygos Inc. (USA)
and Sekab (Sweden) to develop
sustainable solutions. Praj is setting12.
up India’s first batch of four
commercial scale 2G biorefinery,
first-of-its-kind integrated bioenergy
complex and first demonstration
facility for multi feedstock
compressed biogas system. The PHS
business is making strong inroads in
vaccines and injectables segments of
pharma industry through water and
process solutions.
Develop (Under Patenting)
innovative technology to produce
Bio-bitumen based on lignin-It
achieved yet another milestone by
developing innovative technology to
produce Bio-bitumen based on lignin.
The Netherlands-based Circular
Biobased Delta, one of Europe's
premier consortia to promote
bioeconomy, has approved Praj's Bio-
bitumen samples processed from
Purified Lignin, as a part of their
flagship CHAPLIN program. Lignin is
one of the co-products resulting
from the 2nd generation Ethanol
plants, paper making and also from13.
Compressed Bio-Gas plants. Bitumen
is a black viscous mixture of
hydrocarbons produced by
fractionation of crude oil and has
wide applications in road
construction and roofing as binder.
Praj has now developed a proprietary
process (under patenting) to convert
the crude lignin into Bio-bitumen
which has potential to replace this
fossil based bitumen and offer eco-
friendly green bitumen. The binding
and viscoelastic property of Bio-
bitumen makes it useful for
applications in asphalt. Under its
flagship program CHAPLIN, it aims at
stimulating the development and
commercialization of Bio-bitumen as
binder for use in asphalt so as to
improve the greening approach in
road construction while reducing CO2
IOCL Order of 226.90 Cr-On
01-01-2021-Praj Industries Ltd. has
received an Order for Rs. 226.90
crores from Indian Oil Corporation14.
Limited (IOCL), New Delhi, for
execution of Zero Liquid Discharge
System - “Water Treatment Package
and Waste Water Treatment Package
of Acrylic/Oxo-Alcohol Project at IOCL
Dumad, Gujarat”
MOU signed to deploy Praj's
proprietary CBG technology for 9
additional projects to be set up by
Leafiniti Bioenergy On 27-11-2020
MoU signed with Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas for setting
up of CBG Plants-on 20th November
2020 with the objective to facilitate
technological support to the entities
for setting-up and commissioning of
multiple number of eligible and
qualified CBG Plants and their
continuous operation for production
of CBG and Organic Compost Manure
under Sustainable Alternative
Towards Affordable Transportation
US returning to Paris agreement the
carbon intensity reduction programs
will come to the forefront and will17.
present a new business opportunity
for Praj Industries. United States
walking back into the Paris
Agreement is a big, big push, positive
push in that direction. Company is
seeing a lot of activity emerging out
of Canada where they have
announced a very ambitious ethanol
blending program
Company latest offering along with
Sekab is finding good traction in
forest residue to ethanol space,
especially in Nordic regions, and
inquiries are progressing very
constructively on this front.
Engineering and PHS business-The
Zero Liquid Discharge water
business, the IOCL project execution
has commenced. And company also
bagged some key orders during the
quarter and what was very
heartening for company is that many
of these contracts are repeat orders
from there marquee customers which
actually goes to prove that company19.
solutions are finding increasing
acceptance with the customers.
On PHS front-Company witnessing
an increased activity level in entire
complex injectable and vaccine
space. These are the two spaces
where company had positioned its
solution very strongly over a period of
time. They are now partnering in
supplying of critical equipment to
several leading players in the COVID
vaccine development program.
Three important new Areas
Company working_on-One is entire
microbiology-led additives,
performance enhancers. Second is
going to be the O&M services that it
will provide to its customers. Third it
has launched a very ambitious
program for digitalization, where they
will be able to bring a remote
performance monitoring and
enhancement system to its
customers, where it will be able to
look at different dimensions of plant
performance and will be able to pinpoint the exact fault to the company
and can do the timely correction. So,
there will be a whole host of services
that will emanate out of this.
Company planing to take these three
as a very focused business vertical
going forward.
and Export 28%)
. Bio Energy (Ethanol Plant) - 70% of
Total Revenue
. Engineering- 22% of Total Revenue
. HiPurity-8% of Total Revenue
Ethanol Plant Business
The Government has recently
announced advancing of EBP 2020
targets by five years from 2030 to
2025. This is expected to create a
demand of additional 1000 cr liters of
ethanol per annum.
. Ina significant move to encourage
ethanol production, the Government
further expanded the permissible
feedstock by adding starchyfeedstocks to the list in the form of
surplus grains.
. Arobust and remunerative ethanol
pricing model along with the interest
subvention scheme is building a
good momentum in creation of
ethanol production capacity across
the country. This policy will further
add to building up the opportunity for
distillery capacity expansion and
extended fuel usage across the
. Time to setup ethanol Plant-
Generally Company Takes 9 To 12
Month to setup ethanol Plant if
Environment Clearance is already
. Starchy feedstocks of Grains are
available through the FCI godowns
in the country. And this Grain based
ethanol manufacturing will help
establishing Ethanol Plant all over
India. The starchy feedstock will bring
in a whole new set of promoters for
the Ethanol project. These new
promoters could be OMCs, could beenergy focused developers, could be
renewable energy focused funds.
. Oil Companies have already come
up with a tender of 5 Yrs which gives
a definitive demand for ethanol and
will help in Increasing Ethanol Plants.
More and more sugar is now getting
diverted to production of ethanol, it is
also a very high value accretive
activity for the sugar mills.
. The grain-based plants or the
starchy feedstock-based plants are
not seasonal in Nature in
Comparison to sugar based ethanol
Plant. Company Has Been Building
starchy feedstock plants outside India
for many years. So they have
tremendous experience into building
of these plants. So that experience
will help it in building world-class
plants in India based on starchy
feedstock as well for Indian
customers. Inquiry have more than
doubled or even quadrupled on the
starchy feedstock side. In India
presently there is capacity of10.
350/400 Cr Litters based on Sugar
. Government approved 400-plus
applications for the interest
subvention for setting up of ethanol
Plant. Two- thirds of the capacity will
be built around starchy feedstocks
and one-third will be built around
sugary feedstock.
. Cellulosic feedstock based ethanol
Plant- Company is building 3 Plants
based on Cellulosic feedstock. RED II
program in Europe which is actually
focused on cellulosic feedstock.
Company Has Technology to Make
Plant for making ENA or Ethanol
No Change Required in Existing
Vehicle for using Blended Petrol-
Brazilian Authority have
demonstrated that they have gone up
to 27% blend with no change in the
Vehicle. And going forward
automobile manufacturer can tune
engine at E-20.13.
Setup- One estimate says
addressable opportunity would be
around Rs. 14,000 crore in Next 4-5
Years for all. Company has already
contracted to build 100 crore liters
capacity in the country.
Sugar companies are planning to
have a bolt-on module for using
starchy feedstock in the non-sugar
season, non-seasonal period.
Cost of starch-based plant will be
higher than for a sugary based plant.
Company bagged the prestigious
breakthrough order from HPCL
during the quarter for setting up the
CBG project at Badaun in Uttar
Pradesh. Prqj is offering its state-of-
the-art RenGas process to produce
CBG from rice straw using proprietary
microbes. The project has a capacity
to process 35,000 metric tonnes of
rice straw as feedstock and will
generate over 5,000 metric tonnes ofil
CBG annually. In addition, the project
will also generate 23,000 metric
tonnes of high-quality solid bio-
manure and over 35,000 metric
tonnes of liquid bio-manure for ferti-
. Also received a contract for setting
up a CBG project for a distillery spent
wash in Western India with the
capacity to produce 10 metric tonnes
of gas per day.
. Praj is very proud to have bagged
project for CBG development from
three independent and highest
potential feedstocks, namely, Press
Mud, Rice Straw and Distillery spent
. Company in final stages of
commissioning of India's first 200
TPD Press Mud cum Bagasse based
CBG project at our customer plants
based in Uttar Pradesh.
. The ecosystem for the CBG is
continuing to develop. And company
hope that over a period of time the
system will develop and become arobust system, just the way ethanol
system is over a period of time.
. There is a big movement right now
out of state of Punjab, where Punjab
Energy Development Authority has
already awarded several contracts
and tenders and licenses for rice
straw-based gas production.
. Big Demand will come from ESG
funds, renewable development
companies, individual entrepreneurs.
So, different dynamics for people who
will eventually sell the CBG, because
that obviously is a very different
ballgame, the CBG network and oil
marketing companies, retail outlets
and things like that.
. CBG is also finding a very big
traction now with the CGD
networkers as they are built over a
period of time. The city gas
distribution systems, so CBG chain on
the supply side, OMCs will have a big
role to play on the retail side, the CGD
network coming into play.Engineering Segment
1. RCM Opportunity- The first part of
the RCM is the core products that will
come out of cellulosic ethanol
system, the 2G plants that company
is commissioning. Company has
developed two very strong co-
products that could be of great use
for the country and for the industry
2. Bitumen Opportunity- Company has
developed a co-product called
bitumen. Bitumen is completely
imported today in India. But now
company developed a process that
can take the lignin and valorize to
produce the bitumen. And this will
becomes a very good source for
country to substitute an imported
product called bitumen.
3. Lignosulfonates Opportunity-
Company is also developing this new
Product. Today country is importing
this product. Lignosulfonate is a
material that is used for concrete
mixing, when you build concrete from
cement, this is the element thatactually holds the moisture and the
cement together. So, that allows the
bonding to take place between water
and cement in the different elements.
There is a co-product cycle of RCM
that will go out in the field and that
will help our customers, existing as
well as the new ones
. Zero Liquid Discharge business
systems business really beginning to
gain traction now because of strict
govt regulations. Corporates are
more conscious about not letting out
any effluent liquid out of their
where we have been focusing on
complex injectables as a space to
hone our offering over a period of
time. And with the advent of the
vaccine capacities in the country, and
we are part of many of those efforts
now. We are seeing a good traction
build on complex injectable space
and vaccine space and our play there
in as well.6. PHS Business-Brewery currently not
much can be said. Company have a
dominant position in the business, but
right now the business itself is not
moving because it is ad pandemic
impacted industry.
Opportunities in sustainable aviation
fuel or methanol as a fuel for coastal
with GEVO for Aviation Fuel- On
sustainable aviation fuel side, its
technology co-developing with GEVO with
a specific focus on the India market.
Company has understood the dynamics of
it and it is an alcohol-to-jet fuel, as it is
called ATJ. The alcohol-to-jet route will
play a very big role, because in India, the
route of alcohol-to-jet actually utilizes the
current infrastructure that we have so
strongly in place with our sugar mills, the
ethanol production plants that are set up
with them, the grain-based plants that we
come up, all of them will become the
feeder plants. So, it will be a different
molecule of alcohol that we produce inthese plants. And it is a two-stage
process, and then the refineries will refine
that alcohol to the aviation fuel step. So,
two stage process, but very, aligned to
what our current infrastructure is. And
company is developing this technology
with a view that its existing customers
should be able to accommodate with
minimal modifications and start producing
the required alcohol variant as and when
the opportunity opens up.
*Ca Alok Jain*
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