RPT Chem Form 4 2020 (DLP)

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1.1 Development of Pupils are able to: Note:
chemistry and its 1.1.1 State the meaning of ▪ Various types of commonly used chemicals in food, medicine,
importance in daily life chemistry. agriculture and industry.
1.1.2 State examples of chemicals ▪ Example of careers and the uses of chemical technology in fields like
commonly use in daily life. cosmetology, pharmacology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and
1.1.3 Generate ideas on the green technology.
development of chemistry
and the contributions of Suggested activities:
1 chemical technology to ▪ Narrate the meaning of chemistry based on pupils’
4 – 5 Jan mankind understanding.
2020 1.1.4 State examples of careers ▪ Gather and interpret data on the origin of the word chemistry
related to chemistry. and its meaning.
▪ Gather information and make poster / multimedia presentation /
exhibitions on the contribution of chemists, development of
chemical technology and careers in the field of chemistry as well as
chemicals in daily life.
▪ Carry out role playing activities about careers in the latest field of
1.2 Scientific Pupils are able to: Note:
investigation in 1.2.1 Design an experiment to test ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge in scientific methods in Form 1.
2 chemistry a hypothesis. ▪ Analysing findings and presenting data in a suitable form need to Compulsory
6 – 12 1.2.2 Investigate the effect of be emphasised. experiment -
Jan 2020 temperature on the solubility ▪ Science process skills must be strengthen. 1.2.2
of salt in water using a
suitable scientific method. (C)

Chemistry_smkacs 1
1.3 Application, Pupils are able to: Note:
management 1.3.1 Describe the types and ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge in rules and safety measures in
and handling of function of personal the laboratory in Form 1.
apparatus and protective equipment and ▪ Type of protective and safety equipment like gloves, laboratory
materials safety in the laboratory. coat and shoes, eye washer, face mask, safety goggles, hand
1.3.2 Demonstrate methods of washer, fume chamber, safe shower, fire extinguisher and others.
handling and managing ▪ Accidents involving chemical spillage and mercury poisoning
apparatus and chemical should be highlighted.
2 substances ▪ Mercury poisoning – its symptoms and its treatments.
6 – 12 1.3.3 Communicate about Suggested activities:
Jan 2020 emergency management
▪ Carry out an activity on how to use and handle apparatus and
procedure in laboratory.
materials correctly for examples when carrying out distillation,
titration, filtration, collection of gases, testing of gases, electrolysis,
heating of solids and weighing of solids.
▪ Discussion on methods of storage and disposal of waste products
(chemicals, glass, rubber), chemical with pH < 5 and pH > 9,
organic solvents, hydrocarbons (grease, oil, oil paint), hydrogen
peroxide, heavy metals, toxic volatile and reactive substances.
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about chemistry, scientific investigation, usage, management and handling of apparatus and materials.
Understand and explain the importance of chemistry, scientific investigation, usage, management and handling of apparatus and
Apply knowledge and skills about chemistry, scientific investigations, usage, management and handling of apparatus and materials and
to carry out simple tasks contextually.
Analyse information knowledge about chemistry, scientific investigation, usage, management and handling of apparatus and materials in
the context of problem solving regarding the importance of chemicals around us.
Evaluate to make judgement about chemistry, scientific investigation, usage, management and handling of apparatus and materials in
the context of problem solving and decision-making in carrying out a task.

Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about chemistry, scientific investigation, management and handling of apparatus and
6 materials in the context of problem solving and decision-making when carrying out an
activity/ task in new situations creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the social values/ economic/ cultural aspects.

Chemistry_smkacs 2
2.1 Basic concepts of Pupils are able to: Note:
matter 2.1.1 Describe matter briefly. ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge in the Particle Theory of Matter and
2.1.2 Explain the changes in the Kinetic Theory of Matter in Form 1.
states of matter. ▪ Explain matter and the changes that take place in terms of kinetic
2.1.3 Determine the melting and energy, arrangement of particles and the forces of attraction
3 freezing points of between particles when there is a change in state of matter.
naphthalene.(C) ▪ State the type of particles found in matter.
13 – 19
Jan 2020 Suggested activities:
Carry out an activity to determine the melting and freezing points of Compulsory
naphtalene. Pupils should be able to: experiment -
(i) Plot heating and cooling curves 2.1.3
(ii) Determine the melting and freezing points
(iii) Interpret the heating and cooling curves
2.2 The historical Pupils are able to: Note:
development of 2.2.1 State the subatomic particles ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge in subatomic particles such as
the atomic model in various atoms of elements. proton, electron and neutron in Form 1.
2.2.2 Compare and contrast the
4 relative mass and charges of Suggested activities:
protons, electrons and ▪ Watch a video clip on subatomic particles. CUTI
20 – 22 neutrons. ▪ Gather information and conduct simulation/ story telling/ acting/ TAHUN
Jan 2020 2.2.3 Sequence the atomic presenting or show understanding of an article on models of the BAHARU
structure models based on atomic structure. CINA
Atomic Models of Dalton,
(23 – 26 Jan
Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr
and Chadwick.
5 2.3 Structure of the Pupils are able to: Note:
27 – 31 atom 2.3.1 Define proton A
▪ Writing of standard representation of an atom in the form Z X is
Jan 2020 number and nucleon emphasized. CUTI GANTI
number. DAN CUTI
▪ Comparison of the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an
2.3.2 Determine the PERISTIWA
atom including its common ions.
nucleon number, (27 – 28 Jan
proton number and 2020)
Chemistry_smkacs 3
number of electrons Suggested Activites:
in an atom. ▪ Carry out a group activity to determine the number of neutrons,
2.3.3 Write the standard protons and electrons from its proton numbers and the nucleon
representation of an numbers and vice versa.
atom. ▪ Example of the atomic structure and electron arrangement
2.3.4 Construct the atomic of carbon.
structure of an its
atom and electron

Electron arrangement Atomic structure

Suggested activities:
▪ Use a model or simulation to illustrate the atomic structure
showing the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and the
electrons in the orbits.
▪ Carry out an activity to write the electron arrangement and draw the
atomic structure of the first 20 elements in The Periodic Table of
Elements to show the position of the subatomic particles.
2.4 Isotopes and its Pupils are able to: Note:
uses 2.4.1 Deduce the meaning of ▪ The natural abundance of isotope is the percentage of isotopes in a
isotopes. sample of an element.
2.4.2 Calculate the relative atomic ▪ Examples: Chlorine gas has two isotopes 35 Cl and 37 Cl and have
mass of isotopes. a natural abundance of 75% and 25% respectively.
2.4.3 Justify the uses of isotopes in 35 35
Cl can be represented as 17 Cl or Cl-35
various fields.
6 ▪ The formula for calculating relative atomic mass from the natural
3 – 7 Feb abundance of an elements containing isotopes:
2020 (% isotope x mass of isotope)
▪ Uses of isotopes in medicine, agriculture, nuclear, archeology,
industry and engineering to show their benefits.
Suggested activities:
▪ Carry out a forum or debate on issues regarding isotopes.
▪ Gathering information on isotopes and its uses through multimedia.
Chemistry_smkacs 4
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about matter and the atomic structure.
2 Understand and explain matter and the atomic structure.
3 Apply knowledge and skills about matter and the atomic structure and carry out simple tasks contextually.
4 Analyse information about matter and atomic structure in context problem solving.
5 Evaluate to make judgement about matter and atomic structure in context problem solving and decision-making to carry out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about matter and atomic structure in context problem solving and decision-making when
6 carrying out an activity/ task in new situations creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the social/ economic/ cultural
3.1 Relative atomic Pupils are able to: Note:
mass and 3.1.1 Conceptualise the meaning of ▪ The relative formula mass is introduced as the relative mass of an
relative relative atomic mass and ionic compound.
7 molecular mass relative molecular mass based Suggested activities:
10 – 14 on the carbon-12 scale. ▪ Discuss why carbon-12 is used as a standard to determine the relative
Feb 2020 3.1.2 Calculate relative molecular atomic mass and the relative molecular mass.
mass and relative formula ▪ Watch a video clip or carry out an activity on relative mass.
mass. ▪ Calculate the relative masses of atoms or compounds through a
7 3.2 Mole concept Pupils are able to: Note:
10 – 14 3.2.1 Define mole. ▪ The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit of amount of substance. 1 mole
Feb 2020 3.2.2 Interrelate the Avogadro contains exactly 6.02214076 x 1023 elementary entities. This number
constant, N A , the number
is the fixed numerical value of the Avogadro constant, N A when
of particles and the number of
moles. expressed in mol-1, and is called Avogadro number.
3.2.3 State the meaning of molar ▪ Avogadro constant is also known as the Avogadro number.
mass. ▪ STP: Abbreviation for standard temperature and pressure (0C and 1
3.2.4 Interrelate the molar mass, ATM)
mass and the number of
3.2.5 State the meaning of molar
Chemistry_smkacs 5
volume. Suggested activities:
3.2.6 Interrelate the molar volume, ▪ Draw a chart showing the relationship between the number of
volume of gas and the particles, the number of moles, mass of the substance and the
number of moles. volume of gas at STP and room conditions.
3.2.7 Solve numerical problems ▪ Carry out activities to solve numerical problems involving number of
involving the number of particles, number of moles, the mass of the substance and the
particles, number of moles, volume of gas at STP or room conditions.
mass of the substance and
volume of gases.
3.3 Chemical Pupils are able to: Note:
formulae 3.3.1 State the meaning of chemical ▪ Writing the states of matter of substances in a chemical
formula, empirical formula equation is encouraged.
and molecular formula. ▪ Constructing chemical formulae of compounds and naming them
3.3.2 Determine the empirical according to IUPAC nomenclature.
formula of magnesium oxide ▪ IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Compulsory
(MgO) through an activity(C). ▪ Differences between empirical formula and molecular formula should
17 – 21 experiment
3.3.3 Determine the empirical be emphasised.
Feb 2020 ˗ 3.3.2
formula of copper(II) oxide Suggested activities: ˗ 3.3.3
(CuO) through an activity(C).
▪ Collect and interpret data regarding chemical formulae, empirical
3.3.4 Solve numerical problems
formulae and molecular formulae.
involving empirical formula
▪ Use computer simulation or video clips to show how to determine the
and molecular formula.
empirical formula of copper(II) oxide using combustion tube.
3.3.5 Construct chemical formulae
of compounds.
3.4 Chemical Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
equations ▪ Carry out activities to construct balanced chemical equations for the Cuti
3.4.1 Write balanced chemical
equations. following reactions: Peristiwa –
9 1 Mac 2020
3.4.2 Interpret chemical equations i) Decomposition of copper(II) carbonate (CuCO3).
24 – 28
quantitatively and ii) Formation of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).
Feb 2020 Ujian
qualitatively. iii) Precipitation of lead(II) iodide (PbI2). Bulanan –
3.4.3 Solve numerical problems ▪ Interpret the chemical equations above quantitatively and 5 – 9 Mac
using stoichiometry. qualitatively. 2020


Chemistry_smkacs 6
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about the mole concept, chemical formulae and equations
2 Understand and explain the mole concept, chemical formulae and equations.
3 Apply knowledge and skills about the mole concept, chemical formulae and equations and to carry out simple tasks contextually.
4 Analyse information about mole, chemical formulae and equations in context problem solving.
Evaluate to make judgement about the mole, chemical formulae and equations in context problem solving and decision-making to carry
out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about the mole concept, chemical formulae and equations in the context problem solving
6 and decision-making when carrying out an activity/ task in a new situation creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the
social/ economic/ cultural aspects.
4.1 Development of Pupils are able to: Note:
Periodic Table of 4.1.1 Describe the historical ▪ Scientists involved in the historical development of the Periodic Table
Elements development of the Periodic of Elements are Lavoisier, Dobereiner, Newlands, Meyer, Mendeleev
Table of Elements. and Moseley.
4.1.2 Deduce the basic principle of Note:
arrangement of elements in ▪ The latest developments on the Periodic Table of Elements are
10 the Periodic Table. explored.
2 – 6 Mac
Suggested activities:
▪ Prepare a chart/ multimedia presentation on the historical
development of the Periodic Table of Elements based on the increase
in proton number.
▪ Discuss the importance of the classification of elements based on
prepared stimulant.
▪ Examples of stimuli are charts, tables, diagrams, comics and articles.

4.2 The arrangement Pupils are able to: Note:

of elements in 4.2.1 Describe briefly the modern ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge on how to identify the position of
the modern Periodic Table of Elements. metals, non-metals and noble gases in The Periodic Table of Elements
Periodic Table of 4.2.2 Generalise the relationship in Form 1.
Elements between the proton number ▪ The arrangement of elements in the Periodic Table of Elements is
and the position of elements viewed from the following aspects:

Chemistry_smkacs 7
in the modern Periodic Table (i) Groups and Periods
of Elements. (ii) proton numbers
(iii) electron arrangements
▪ The number of valence electrons from the proton number of an
element is used to determine the position of the element in the
Periodic Table of Elements.
Suggested activities:
▪ Carry out an activity to predict the Group and the Period of an
element based on its electron arrangement.
10 & 11
5 – 9 Mac Ujian Bulanan (5 – 9 Mac 2020)
4.3 Elements in Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
Group 18 4.3.1 Relate the inert nature of ▪ Carry out an activity to relate the inert nature of Group 18 elements
Group 18 to its stability. to their stability based on duplet and octet electron arrangement.
11 4.3.2 Generalise the changes in
9 – 13 physical properties of ▪ Watch a video showing uses of Group 18 in daily life
Mac 2020 elements when going down ▪ Build a model to compare changes in physical properties when going
Group 18. down Group 18.
4.3.3 Describe briefly the uses of
Group 18 elements in daily
CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL 1 (14 Mac – 22 Mac 2020)
12 4.4 Elements in Pupils are able to: Note: Cuti Ganti
24 – 27 Group 1 4.4.1 Generalise the physical ▪ Group 1 elements used in experiments are lithium, sodium and Israk &
Mac 2020 changes of elements when potassium only. Mikraj
going down Group 1. ▪ It is suggested that experiment 4.4.2 (i) is carried out as a teacher – 23 Mac ‘20
4.4.2 Investigate through demonstration because the reaction between Group 1 elements and
experiment the chemical water is highly reactive. Compulsory
properties of Group 1 ▪ The changes in reactivity of elements going down Group 1 can be ˗ 4.4.2
elements with(C): summarised from observations in experiment (i), (ii) and (iii).
(i) water
(ii) oxygen gas
(iii) chlorine
4.4.3 Generalise the changes in the
reactivity of elements when
going down Group 1
Chemistry_smkacs 8
4.4.4 Reason out the physical and
chemical properties of the
other elements in Group 1.
4.5 Elements in Pupils are able to: Suggested activities: CUTI
Group 17 4.5.1 Generalise the changes in PERISTIWA -
the physical properties of ▪ Watch a video showing the reaction of chlorine, bromine and GOOD
elements when going down iodine with: FRIDAY
Group 17. (i) Water – 10 Apr ‘20
13 4.5.2 Summarise the chemical (ii) Metals like iron
30 Mac – properties of Group 17 (iii) Alkalis like sodium hydroxide
3 Apr elements.
2020 4.5.3 Generalise the changes in ▪ Watch a video showing safety measures when handling elements
the reactivity of elements of Group 17.
when going down Group 17.
4.5.4 Predict the physical and
chemical properties of the
other elements in Group 17.
4.6 Elements in Pupils are able to: Note:
Period 3 4.6.1 Describe the trends in ▪ The trend in physical properties of elements in Period 3 from the
physical properties of following aspects:
elements across Period 3. (i) Atomic size
13 4.6.2 Conduct an experiment to (ii) Electronegativity Compulsory
30 Mac – observe changes in the (iii) Physical state experiment
3 Apr properties of the oxides of ▪ Semi-metals are also known as metalloids - 4.2.2
2020 elements across Period 3 (C). Suggested activities:
4.6.3 Describe briefly the uses of ▪ Discuss in groups and predict the changes in properties of elements
semi-metals. in Period 2. Gather information and discuss the uses of semi-metals
like silicon and germanium in the microelectronic industry.
14 4.7 Transition Pupils are able to: Note:
6 – 10 Apr elements 4.7.1 Determine the position of ▪ Special characteristics of transition elements are act as a catalyst,
2020 transition elements in the have more than one oxidation number, have the ability to form
Periodic Table of Elements. coloured compounds and complex ions.
4.7.2 Explain the special ▪ Chemical equations are not required.
characteristics of a few Suggested activities:
transition elements with ▪ Carry out a PBL activity (problem solving) related to the special
examples. characteristics of transition elements.
Chemistry_smkacs 9
4.7.3 List the uses of transition ▪ Prepare a scrap book/ brochure/ foldable/ poster to state the uses
elements in industry. of some transition elements in industry.
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about the Periodic Table of Elements.
2 Understand and explain the Periodic Table of Elements.
3 Apply knowledge and skills about Periodic Table of Elements and its concept to carry out simple tasks contextually.
4 Analyse information about Periodic Table of Elements in context problem solving contextually.
5 Evaluate to make judgement about Periodic Table of Elements in context problem solving and decision-making to carry out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about Periodic Table of Elements in context of problem solving and decision-making when
6 carrying out an activity/ task in new situation in a creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the social/ economic/ cultural
5.1 Basic formation of Pupils are able to: Note:
compounds 5.1.1 Explain the basic formation ▪ The following need to be emphasised:
of compounds. i) the relationship between the duplet or octet electron
arrangement as in the Group 18 elements stability.
ii) prerequisite for the formation of chemical bonds.
iii) examples of chemical bonds like ionic and covalent bonds.
6 – 10 Apr
▪ The basic formation of chemical bonds in a compound is either
through the transfer or sharing of electrons.
Suggested activities:
▪ Act out, make a simulation or a video clip on the formation of
chemical compounds through the transfer or sharing of electrons to
achieve a stable octet or duplet electron arrangement.

Chemistry_smkacs 10
5.2 Ionic bond Pupils are able to: Note:
5.2.1 Explain with examples the ▪ The following need to be emphasised:
formation of an ionic bond. i) Write a half-equation to explain the formation of positive ions
from metal atoms and negative ions from non-metal atoms.
ii) Electron arrangement for the ions formed.
15 iii) Illustrate the electron arrangement to show the transfer of
13 – 17 electrons for the formation of ionic bonds for several ionic
Apr 2020 compounds.
Suggested activities:
▪ Carry out an activity to explain the formation of ionic bonds in
magnesium oxide (MgO), sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium
oxide (Na2O).
5.3 Covalent bond Pupils are able to: Note:
5.3.1 Explain with examples the ▪ To show the formation of covalent bonds using the electron
formation of a covalent arrangement diagram and the Lewis structure.
bond. Suggested activities:
15 5.3.2 Compare ionic and ▪ Build a model or carry out a simulation to illustrate and describe
13 – 17 covalent bonds. the formation of:
Apr 2020
i) single bond in hydrogen gas (H2) and hydrogen chloride (HCl)),
ii) double bond in oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and
iii) triple bond in nitrogen (N2).

5.4 Hydrogen bond Pupils are able to: Note:

5.4.1 Explain with examples the ▪ The hydrogen bond is an interaction or a force of attraction between
formation of a hydrogen the hydrogen atom and an atom with high electronegativity like N, O
bond. and F.
5.4.2 Explain the effect of the Suggested activities:
16 hydrogen bond on the ▪ Discuss the hydrogen bonding in HF, NH 3 and H2O.
20 – 24 physical properties of ▪ Explain with examples the role of hydrogen bond in daily life.
Apr 2020 substances. i) Moistened hair sticks together due to the hydrogen bonds.
ii) Papers can be separated from sticking together by using
wet fingertips.
▪ Discuss the solubility in water and the boiling points of covalent
compounds like NH3, HCl and C2H5OH.

Chemistry_smkacs 11
5.5 Dative bond Pupils are able to: Note:
5.5.1 Explain with examples the ▪ Dative or coordinate bond is a type of covalent bond which both
formation of a dative bond. electrons are provided by one of the atoms.
20 – 24
Suggested activities:
Apr 2020
▪ Discuss the formation of the dative bond in ammonium ion, NH 4+and a
hydroxonium ion, H3O+
5.6 Metallic bond Pupils are able to: Note:
5.6.1 Explain the formation of a ▪ The valence electrons of metal atoms are delocalised to form a sea
metallic bond. of electrons.
5.6.2 Reason out the electrical ▪ The electrostatic
16 conductivity of metal. ▪ forces between the sea of electrons and the positively charge metal
20 – 24 ions form the metallic bond.
Apr 2020 ▪ Metals can conduct electricity because electrons in the sea of
electrons are free and carry charges.
Suggested activities:
▪ Use thinking tools to compare and contrast all the learned bond
formation with examples.
5.7 Ionic and Pupils are able to: Note:
covalent 5.7.1 Compare the properties of ▪ The differences in properties of covalent and ionic compounds in
compounds ionic and covalent terms of: Cuti Hari
compounds through i) electrical conductivity Pekerja
experiment(C). ii) solubility in water and organic solvents - 1 May ‘20
5.7.2 Explain with examples the iii) melting and boiling points.
uses of ionic and covalent ▪ Introduce simple and giant molecular structures as well as to compare Compulsory
compounds in daily life. their melting and boiling points. experiment
27 – 30 Suggested activities: - 5.7.1
Apr 2020 ▪ Explain the existence of Van der Waals force and relate it to the
physical properties of substances like melting and boiling points as
well as volatility quoting examples.
▪ To carry out a problem-solving project regarding the use of ionic and
covalent compounds in the industrial, agricultural, medical and
domestic sectors.


Chemistry_smkacs 12
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about chemical bonds.
2 Understand and explain chemical bonds.
3 Apply knowledge and skills about chemical bonds and its concept to carry out simple tasks contextually.
4 Analyse information about chemical bonds in context problem solving.
5 Evaluate to make judgement about chemical bonds in context problem solving and decision-making to carry out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about chemical bonds in context problem solving and decision- making when carrying out
an activity/ task in a new situation creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to social/ economic/ cultural aspect.
18, 19 &
4 – 20 Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun
CUTI PERAYAAN (21-22 Mei 2020)


6.1 Role of water in Pupils are able to: Note:
showing acidic and 6.1.1 Define acids and alkalis. ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge in acids and alkaline in Form 2.
alkaline properties 6.1.2 State the meaning of basicity Suggested activities: Compulsory
21 of an acid. ▪ Define an acid based on the Arrhenius theory. experiment
8 – 12 Jun 6.1.3 Investigate the role of water ▪ Explain the uses of acidic and alkaline substances in daily life with - 6.1.3
2020 in showing acidic and examples.
alkaline properties through ▪ Describe the role of water in showing acidic and alkaline properties.
experiment (C)
6.2 pH value Pupils are able to: Note:
6.2.1 State the meaning of pH and ▪ Emphasize the relationship of pH value with acidity and alkalinity.
22 its uses.
pH value of acids is pH = - log [H+] experiment
15 – 19 6.2.2 Calculate pH values of acids - 6.2.3
Jun 2020 and alkalis. pH value of alkalis is pOH = - log [OH-]
6.2.3 Investigate the relationship pH + pOH =14

Chemistry_smkacs 13
between pH value and the Suggested activities:
concentration of hydrogen ▪ Carry out an activity to determine the pH values of various substances
and hydroxide ions through used in daily life like soap, carbonated drinks, coffee, lime juice and so
experiment(C) on.

6.3 Strength of acids Pupils are able to: Note:

and alkalis 6.3.1 Define strong acid, weak ▪ The formation of hydroxonium or hydronium ions is connected
acid, strong alkali and weak with the existence of the dative bond.
23 alkali. ▪ Dissociation is also known as ionisation.
22 – 26 6.3.2 Explain the strength of an Suggested activities:
Jun 2020 acid and an alkali based on ▪ Carry out a simulation to explain the strength of an acid and alkali
its degree of dissociation in based on its degree of dissociation.
6.4 Chemical Pupils are able to:
properties of 6.4.1 Formulate the chemical
acids and alkalis properties of acids by carrying
out the following reactions(C):
i) Acids and bases
ii) Acids and reactive metals
23 experiment
iii) Acid and metal carbonates
22 – 26 - 6.4.1
6.4.2 Formulate the chemical - 6.4.2
Jun 2020
properties of alkalis by
carrying out the following
i) Alkalis and acids
ii) Alkalis and metal ions
iii) Alkali and ammonium salts

Chemistry_smkacs 14
6.5 Concentration Pupils are able to: Note:
of aqueous 6.5.1 State the meaning of ▪ The meaning of concentration and molarity is emphasised.
solutions concentration of solutions.
▪ Unit for concentration of solution is g dm-3 and mol dm-3.
24 6.5.2 Solve numerical problems
29 Jun – involving concentration of ▪ Conversion of unit of concentration of solution from mol dm -3
3 July solutions. to g dm-3 and vice versa.
2020 ▪ The relationship between number of moles with molarity and
volume of solution is emphasised.

6.6 Standard Pupils are able to: Note:

solution 6.6.1 State the meaning of ▪ A standard solution can be prepared from a solid substance or by
standard solution. dilution of an aqueous solution.
6.6.2 Describe and carry out the
preparation of a standard Suggested activities:
24 Compulsory
29 Jun –
solution(C): ▪ Prepare a standard solution using solid sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) experiment
i) from a solid substance or oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O). - 6.6.2
3 July
ii) through dilution of an ▪ Preparing a standard solution using the dilution method.
aqueous solution.
6.6.3 Solve numerical problems
involving preparation of
standard solutions and
6.7 Neutralisation Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
6.7.1 State the meaning of ▪ Write a chemical and ionic equation for neutralisation reaction
neutralisation. discussed.
6.7.2 Determine the ▪ Carry out a PBL activity to solve infertile soil from a farm land Compulsory
25 concentration of an through the use of fertiliser. experiment
6 – 10
July 2020
unknown solution through ▪ Gather information about various fertilisers. For example producing - 6.7.2
titration method(C). urea through the reaction between ammonia and carbon dioxide.
6.7.3 Solve numerical problems ▪ Determine the quality of various types of ammonium fertilisers
involving neutralisation. available based on their percentage of nitrogen.

Chemistry_smkacs 15
6.8 Salts, Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
crystals and 6.8.1 State the meaning of salt. ▪ Gather and interpret information about naturally occuring salts.
their uses in 6.8.2 Characterise the physical ▪ Carry out an activity to grow crystal.
daily life properties of salt crystals. ▪ Prepare a multimedia presentation on the uses of a variety of
6.8.3 Give examples of salt and its salts in agriculture, medicine, preparation of food and
26 uses in daily life. preservation.
13 – 17 ▪ Debate on the effects of salt on health.
July 2020

6.9 Preparation of Pupils are able to: Note:

salts 6.9.1 Test the solubility of salt in ▪ Soluble salt can be prepare through following reactions: Compulsory
water and classify them into (i) Acids and alkalis experiment
soluble and insoluble salts (ii) Acids and metal oxides - 6.9.1
- 6.9.2
through experiment(C). (iii) Acids with reactive metals
- 6.9.3
6.9.2 Describe the preparation of a (iv) Acids with metal carbonates - 6.9.4
27 soluble salt through Suggested activities:
20 – 24 activity(C). ▪ Carry out an activity to purify a soluble salt using the recrystallisation
July 2020 6.9.3 Describe the preparation of method.
an insoluble salt through ▪ Prepare an insoluble salt using the double decomposition reaction.
activity(C). ▪ Carry out an activity to construct an ionic equation for the formation
6.9.4 Construct an ionic equation of an insoluble salt using the continuous variation method.
using the continuous
variation method through


28 6.10 Effect of heat on Pupils are able to: Suggested activities: Compulsory
3 – 7 Aug salts 6.10.1 Describe tests to identify ▪ Carry out tests to identify the following gases: experiment
2020 gases. i) oxygen (O2) - 6.10.2
6.10.2 Investigate the effect of heat ii) hydrogen (H2)
on salts through iii) carbon dioxide (CO2)

Chemistry_smkacs 16
experiment(C). iv) ammonia (NH3)
v) chlorine (Cl2)
vi) hydrogen chloride (HCl)
vii) sulphur dioxide (SO2)
▪ Carry out activities to:
i) Construct a chemical equation for the effect of heat on salt.
ii) Study the effect of heat on carbonate and nitrate salts.
iii) Observe the colour change and the gas produced when salts
are heated.
iv) Determine the salt based on the colour of the residue and the
type of gas produced.
6.11 Qualitative Pupils are able to: Note:
analysis 6.11.1 Identify the anion and ▪ Qualitative analysis based on the sequence of the following tests:
cation present in a salt i) Observe the colour
through experiment(C). ii) Solubility in water Compulsory
6.11.2 Describe the confirmatory experiment
iii) Test for gases
- 6.11.1
tests to identify cations and iv) Observe the effect of heat on the salt
anions. v) Test with sodium hydroxide and ammonia solution.

29 Suggested activities:
10 – 14 ▪ Carry out tests to confirm the presence of carbonate, sulphate,
Aug 2020 chloride and nitrate ions in an aqueous solution.
▪ Carry out tests to identify the presence of Cu 2+, Mg2+, Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+,
Pb2+, Zn2+, NH4+ and Ca2+ ions in an aqueous solution using sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) and ammonia solution (NH 3).
▪ Carry out tests to confirm the presence of Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+ and NH4+
ions in an aqueous solution.
▪ Plan and carry out tests to identify the cations and anions present in
an unknown salt.

1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about acids, bases and salts.

Chemistry_smkacs 17
2 Understand and explain acids, bases and salts.

3 Apply knowledge and basic skills about about acids, bases and salts, able to explain their concept contextually to carry out simple tasks.

4 Analyse information about acids, bases and salts in context problem solving.

5 Evaluate to make judgement about acids, bases and salts in context of problem solving and decision-making to carry out a task.

Invent by applying knowledge and skills about acids, bases and salts in context problem solving and decision- making when carrying out
an activity/ task in a new situation creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the social/ economic/ cultural aspects.
7.1 Determination of Pupils are able to: Note:
rate of reaction 7.1.1 Classify fast and slow ▪ Examples of fast reactions are combustion, explosion etc. Cuti Awal
reactions that occur in daily ▪ Examples of slow reactions are corrosion, photosynthesis etc. Muharram
life. ▪ Observable and measurable changes like increase in volume of gas, - 20 Ogos ‘20
7.1.2 Explain the meaning of the decrease in the mass of reactants and formation of precipitate to
rate of reaction. determine the rate of reaction is emphasised.
7.1.3 Identify changes which can be ▪ For activity 7.1.4, the rate of reaction is determined using the data Compulsory
observed and measured obtained from experiment 7.1.3. experiment
30 during chemical reactions Suggested activities: - 7.1.3
through activity(C).
17 –21 ▪ Carry out an experiment to determine the rate of reaction of the
Aug 2020 7.1.4 Determine the
i) average rate of reaction
i) zinc and acids
ii) potassium iodide and lead (II) nitrate solution
ii)instantaneous rate of
▪ Discuss to identify the changes that can be observed and
measured on the reactants or products and to determine the
rate of reaction.
▪ Carry out numerical problem solving activities on rate of
reactions including drawing a graph to calculate the average and
instantaneous rate of reactions.
31 & 32 7.2 Factors that Pupils are able to: Notes: Cuti Hari
24 Aug – affect the rate of 7.2.1 Investigate factors affecting ▪ Factors affecting rate of reactions are: Kebangsaan

Chemistry_smkacs 18
reaction the rate of reactions through i) size of reactants,
experiment, based on(C): ii) concentration, - 31 Ogos ‘20
i)size of reactants, iii) temperature, and
ii) concentration, iv) use of catalyst, and
iii) temperature, and v) pressure Compulsory
iv) use of catalyst. Suggested activities: experiment
- 7.2.1
▪ Computer simulations / video presentation / multimedia to
4 Sept investigate pressure factor that affects the rate of reaction.
2020 ▪ The reactions suggested to investigate the factors affecting rate of
reactions are:
i) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) with hydrochloric acid (HCl)
ii) Sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) with sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
iii) Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence
of catalyst.
▪ Discuss how to solve problems related to rate of reaction and to
determine the variable in a particular reaction.
7.3 Application Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
rate of 7.3.1 Describe with examples the ▪ Solve problems in a variety of activities in daily life through acting,
reaction in application of rate of field trips or camping.
daily life. reaction in daily life. ▪ Discuss the application of rate of reaction in the following daily
7 – 11
i) Burning of coal
Sept 2020
ii) Storage of food in a refrigerator
iii) Using pressure cooker to cook
iv) Production of ammonia, sulphuric acid and nitric acid in

Chemistry_smkacs 19
7.4 Collision theory Pupils are able to: Note:
7.4.1 Describe the collision theory. ▪ Pupils have prior knowledge on the Kinetic Theory of Matter in Form 1.
7.4.2 Explain activation energy ▪ The relationship between the collision theory and the kinetic
using examples. theory of matter is discussed from the aspect of energy transfer.
33 ▪ The following must be emphasised:
7 – 11 i) Change in particle energy
Sept 2020 ii) Movements and collisions of particles
iii) Effective collisions
iv) Activation energy
v) Frequency of collisions
vi) Frequency of effective collisions.
7.4.3 Interpret an energy profile ▪ Introduction to the energy profile diagram for an exothermic
diagram for an exothermic reaction and an endothermic reaction as well as determine the
and an endothermic activation energy from the diagram. Exothermic and endothermic
reaction. reactions will be emphasised in Thermochemistry in Form 5.

Suggested activities:
33 ▪ View computer simulations / video presentation / multimedia to
7 – 11 show
Sept 2020 i) movements and collisions between particles in the reactions and
ii) movements and collisions of particles in reactions affected by
temperature, size of reactants, pressure, concentration and
▪ Discuss to explain effect of temperature, size of reactants, pressure,
concentration and catalyst in a reaction based on collision theory.
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about rate of reaction.
2 Understand and explain rate of reaction.
3 Apply knowledge and basic skills about the rate of reaction, to explain its concept and carry out simple tasks.
4 Analyse information about the rate of reaction in context problem solving.
5 Evaluate to make judgement about rate of reaction in context problem solving and decision-making to carry out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about rate of reaction in context problem solving and decision- making when carrying out an
activity/ task in a new situation in a creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to social/ economic/ cultural aspects.

Chemistry_smkacs 20
LEARNING AREA 8.0: Manufactured Substances in Industry
8.1 Alloys Pupils are able to: Note: Cuti Hari
8.1.1 Describe alloys with ▪ The strength and hardness of alloys is based on the arrangement Malaysia
examples. of particles. - 16 Sept ‘20
8.1.2 Compare the properties of an ▪ Superconductors are which can conduct electricity or transport
34 alloy with its pure metal electrons from one atom to the other with no resistance
14– 18 through experiment(C). Suggested activities: Compulsory
Sept 2020 8.1.3 Interrelate the uses of alloys ▪ Build an alloys model by using balls/ spheres (inter- group experiment
based on their composition competition). - 8.1.2
and properties. ▪ Design a multimedia presentation or poster to relate the properties
of alloys and its qualities using examples in daily life.
8.2 Glass Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
35 8.2.1 Describe with examples the ▪ Gather information and design a multimedia presentation on the
21– 25 type of glass, their types of glass, their composition, properties and uses.
Sept 2020 composition, properties and
8.3 Ceramics Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
8.3.1 Describe with examples of ▪ Classify ceramics into traditional and advanced ceramics.
35 ceramics, their compositions, ▪ Gather information and design a multimedia presentation about the
21– 25 properties and uses. classification, properties and the uses of ceramics.
Sept 2020 8.3.2 Identifying the uses of ▪ Identifying and explain the purpose of ceramics in building.
ceramics in daily life.
8.4 Composite Pupils are able to: Suggested activities:
materials and 8.4.1 State the meaning and ▪ Gather information and design multimedia presentation about the
their properties of composite properties, examples and comparison of composite materials with
36 importance materials. their constituent materials.
28 Sept – 8.4.2 Describe with examples the ▪ Create an object made of composite material using various
2 Oct uses of composite materials. substances such as egg trays, cotton wool, plastic or paper, example
2020 8.4.3 Compare and contrast the wire-reinforced paper mache. This object should combine at least
properties of a composite two constituent materials like metals, glass, ceramics, alloys and
material with its constituent others.

Chemistry_smkacs 21
PERFORMANCE STANDARD : Manufactured Substances in Industry
1 Recall knowledge and basic skills about manufactured substances in industry.
2 Understand and explain manufactured substances in industry.
3 Apply knowledge and skills about manufactured substances in industry, able to explain its concepts to carry out simple tasks contextually .
4 Analyse information about manufactured substances in industry in context problem solving.
5 Evaluate to make judgement about manufactured substances in industry in context problem solving to carry out a task.
Invent by applying the knowledge and skills about manufactured substances in industry in context problem solving and decision-making
6 when carrying out an activity/ task in a new situation creatively and innovatively; giving due consideration to the social/ economic/ cultural
37- 39 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun (5 – 23 Oct 2020)



1 Mengingat kembali pengetahuan dan kemahiran asas mengenai .........................................

2 Memahami ............................................................................ serta dapat menjelaskan kefahaman tersebut.

Chemistry_smkacs 22
3 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan mengenai ............................................. untuk menerangkan kejadian atau fenomena alam dan dapat melaksanakan
tugasan mudah.

4 Menganalisis pengetahuan mengenai ........................................ dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah mengenai kejadian atau fenomena alam.

5 Menilai pengetahuan mengenai ................................................ dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan untuk melaksanakan
satu tugasan.

6 Merekacipta menggunakan pengetahuan mengenai ................................................... dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan
atau dalam melaksanakan aktiviti/ tugasan dalam situasi baharu secara kreatifdan inovatif dengan mengambil kira nilai sosial/ ekonomi/ budaya

Senarai Penyiasatan Saintifik / Eksperimen WAJIB bagi KSSM Kimia Tingkatan 4


Chemistry_smkacs 23
1.0 Pengenalan kepada 1.2.2 Mengeksperimen kesan suhu terhadap keterlarutan garam dalam air dengan menggunakan
Kimia kaedah saintifik.
2.0 Jirim dan Struktur 2.1.3 Menentukan takat lebur dan takat beku naftalena.
3 3.0 Konsep Mol, Formula 3.3.2 Menentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida (MgO) melalui aktiviti.
4 dan Persamaan Kimia 3.3.3 Menentukan formula empirik kuprum(II) oksida (CuO) melalui aktiviti.
4.4.2 Mengkaji sifat kimia unsur Kumpulan 1 dengan menjalankan eksperimen tindak balas antara:
(i) Unsur Kumpulan 1 dan air
5 4.0 Jadual Berkala Unsur
(ii) Unsur Kumpulan 1 dan gas oksigen
(iii) Unsur Kumpulan 1 dan klorin.
6 4.6.2 Mengeksperimen untuk melihat perubahan sifat kimia oksida unsur apabila merentasi Kala 3.
7 5.0 Ikatan Kimia 5.7.1 Mengeksperimen untuk mengkaji perbezaan sifat sebatian kovalen dan sebatian ion.
8 6.1.3 Mengeksperimen untuk mengkaji peranan air dalam menunjukkan sifat asid dan alkali.
6.2.3 Mengeksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan nilai pH dengan kepekatan ion hidrogen dan
kepekatan ion hidroksida.
6.4.1 Merumuskan sifat kimia asid dengan menjalankan eksperimen tindak balas antara:
(i) Asid dan bes
(ii) Asid dan logam reaktif
(iii) Asid dan karbonat logam.
6.4.2 Merumuskan sifat kimia alkali dengan menjalankan eksperimen tindak balas antara:
(i) Alkali dan asid
(ii) Alkali dan ion logam
(iii) Alkali dan garam ammonium.
6.0 Asid, Bes dan Garam
6.6.2 Menghuraikan penyediaan larutan piawai dengan menjalankan aktiviti penyediaan larutan
(i) daripada bahan pepejal
(ii) melalui pencairan larutan akueus.
13 6.7.2 Menentukan kepekatan larutan yang tidak diketahui dengan menjalankan aktiviti pentitratan.
6.9.1 Mengeksperimen untuk menguji keterlarutan garam dalam air dan mengelaskannya kepada
garam terlarutkan atau garam tak terlarutkan.
15 6.9.2 Menghuraikan penyediaan garam terlarutkan berdasarkan aktiviti yang dijalankan.
16 6.9.3 Menghuraikan penyediaan garam tak terlarutkan berdasarkan aktiviti yang dijalankan.
17 6.9.4 Mengeksperimen untuk membina persamaan ion melalui kaedah perubahan berterusan.
18 6.10.2 Mengeksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan haba ke atas garam.
19 6.11.1 Mengeksperimen untuk mengenal pasti kation dan anion yang hadir dalam garam.
7.0 Kadar tindak balas 7.1.3 Mengenal pasti perubahan yang berlaku dalam tindak balas yang boleh diperhatikan dan diukur
melalui aktiviti tindak balas:
Chemistry_smkacs 24
(i) zink dan asid
(ii) larutan kalium iodida dan larutan plumbum(II) nitrat
7.2.1 Mengeksperimen untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas:
(i) saiz bahan tindak balas
21 (ii) kepekatan
(iii) suhu
(iv) kehadiran mangkin.
8.0 Bahan Buatan dalam 8.1.2 Mengeksperimen untuk membandingkan sifat aloi dengan logam tulennya.

Chemistry_smkacs 25

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