Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: George Anoyatis, Raffaele Di Laora, Alessandro Mandolini, George Mylonakis
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: George Anoyatis, Raffaele Di Laora, Alessandro Mandolini, George Mylonakis
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: George Anoyatis, Raffaele Di Laora, Alessandro Mandolini, George Mylonakis
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
184 G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195
where l ¼ l(o) is the characteristic wavenumber governing the (ratio of pile head absolute displacement to free-field surface
attenuations of pile displacement with depth absolute displacement) under free-tip, hinged-tip and fixed-tip
conditions are, respectively
k þ ioco2 m~ p 1=4
l¼ ð14Þ
4Ep Ip q cosðqLÞ½coshðlLÞsinðlLÞcosðlLÞsinhðlLÞ q=l cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðqLÞ
Iu ¼ G 1
l sinð2lLÞ þsinhð2lLÞ
Note that even though l is complex-valued, for the sake of ð22Þ
simplicity no superscript ()* is used to distinguish it from its real
2 h i3
counterpart. q
2 cosðqLÞ 2ð11=GÞ l=q 2 cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞ þ sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞ
The general solution to the above equation is [10] Iu ¼ G41 5
l cosð2lLÞ þcoshð2lLÞ
wðz, oÞ ¼ ðA coslz þ B sinlzÞelz þ ðC coslz þ D sinlzÞelz þ Guf f ðz, oÞ
2 3
where A, B, C, D are integration constants dependent of the boundary cosðqLÞ cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞ þ coshðlLÞsinðlLÞ ð11=GÞ
6 7
conditions; G is a dimensionless response coefficient given by 6 þ q=l sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞsinðqLÞ 7
Iu ¼ G6
k þioc 4 sinð2lLÞ þ sinhð2lLÞ 5
G¼ 4
Ep Ip ðq4 þ 4l Þ
Note that for the limit case of an infinitely-long pile, all the
3.3. Pile–soil curvature ratio above relations converge to the simple solution of Flores-Berrones
and Whitman [10]
Enforcing the boundary conditions at the pile tip, the ratios of
Iu ¼ G ð25Þ
pile curvature at the pile head and the corresponding soil
curvature at the same elevation, CR0, for a fixed-head pile are a result which also holds for curvature ratios. Note that Eq. (22)
obtained as (Eq. (4)) has been presented (inadvertently referred to as curvature ratio
2 3 CR0) in Ref. [16].
cosðqLÞ½cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞ þcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞ
6 q 7 With reference to free-head piles, kinematic response coeffi-
6 þ sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞsinðqLÞ 7
6 l 7 cients for free-tip, hinged-tip and fixed-tip conditions are, respec-
CR0 ¼ G6
6 12 7
7 ð17Þ tively
6 sinð2lLÞ þsinhð2lLÞ 7
4 5
Iu ¼
3 sinðqLÞ½cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞ2l=qsinðlLÞsinhðlLÞcosðqLÞ
2 h 2 i3 G 1þ
cosðqLÞ cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞ2ð11=GÞ l=q sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞ l cosð2lLÞ þcoshð2lLÞ2
CR0 ¼ G412 5 ð26Þ
cosð2lLÞ þ coshð2lLÞ
ð18Þ 2
2 3
2ð11=GÞ lq cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞ cosðqLÞ
2 2 3 6 7
6 þ sinðlLÞ½coshðlLÞcosðqLÞcosðlLÞ 7
2ð11=GÞ l=q cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞ cosðqLÞ 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 þ2 l=q cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðqLÞ 7 6 q
2 þ sinhðlLÞ½cosðlLÞcosðqLÞcoshðlLÞ 7
6 7 6 7
CR0 ¼ G612 7 Iu ¼ G61þ 7
6 sinð2lLÞ þsinhð2lLÞ 7 6 l sinð2lLÞsinhð2lLÞ 7
4 5 6 7
6 7
6 7
4 5
corresponding to free-tip, hinged-tip and fixed-tip conditions, ð27Þ
respectively. Eq. (17) and (18) have first been reported in Ref. [16]. 2 2 3
For a fixed-tip pile, pile curvature at pile tip over soil curvature 4ð11=GÞ l=q cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞcosðqLÞ þ½coshð2lLÞcosð2lLÞ=2
6 7
6 q
2 2 l=q sinðqLÞ½cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞ þcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞ 7
at surface, CRL, for fixed- and free-head conditions is respectively 6
Iu ¼ G61þ
(Eq. (5)): 6 l cosð2lLÞ þ coshð2lLÞ þ 2 7
4 5
2 " #3
sinð2lLÞ þ sinhð2lLÞ
6 cosðqLÞ 2 7 ð28Þ
6 þ2 11=G l=q sinð2lLÞsinhð2lLÞ 7
4 5
2 l=q cosð2lLÞ þcoshð2lLÞ sinðqLÞ
sinð2lLÞ þsinhð2lLÞ
ð20Þ 3.5. Rotational kinematic response factor
" 2 #
cos ðqLÞ½2 þ cos ð2lLÞ þ cosh ð2lLÞþ 2ð11=GÞ l=q ½cos ð2lLÞcosh ð2lLÞ To quantify pile head rotation, a second interaction coefficient
þ 2ðl=qÞ½sin ð2lLÞsinh ð2lLÞsin ðqLÞ4cosðlLÞ coshðlLÞ can be defined as
2 þ cos ð2lLÞþ cosh ð2lLÞ
ð21Þ w0 ð0, oÞ
Iy ¼ ð29Þ
l uf f 0
where G is given by Eq. (16).
It should be noticed that the above definition is different from
3.4. Translational kinematic response factor the ordinary coefficient Ij (note the different subscript) in Eq. (3)
invariably employed in the literature [4,6,16], as in this way pile
For the aforementioned case of a fixed-head pile, correspond- head rotation depends solely on dimensionless frequency and
ing expressions for the kinematic response coefficient Iu in Eq. (2) Winkler parameter (o/lVs) and lL, respectively.
G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195 187
Expressions for Iy pertaining, respectively, to free-tip, hinged- Blaney et al. [8] and Syngros [39] for related problems. For the
tip and fixed-tip conditions are: problem at hand, only the first term of the series is relevant and,
" # thereby, solving a single FE configuration is sufficient for the
2cosðqLÞ½coshðlLÞsinðlLÞ þcosðlLÞsinhðlLÞsinð2lLÞsinhð2lLÞ
lateral response mode. Owing to this procedure, the original
2 þ2 q=l sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞsinðqLÞ
Iy ¼ G three-dimensional problem is conveniently reduced to a two
l cosð2lLÞ þcoshð2lLÞ2
dimensional one. The domain was discretized using 4-noded
axisymmetric elements; following a sensitivity analysis, the lateral
2 h 2 i3 dimension of the model was set equal to 200d, to ensure that soil
2cosðqLÞ 2ð11=GÞ l=q sinðlLÞsinhðlLÞcosðlLÞcoshðlLÞ
4 5 response close to the boundaries is not affected by outward-
2 þcosð2lLÞ þ coshð2lLÞ spreading waves emitted from the pile–soil interface. Likewise,
Iy ¼ G
l sinð2lLÞsinhð2lLÞ vertical displacements were restrained along the lateral boundary of
ð31Þ the mesh to simulate 1-dimensional conditions for S waves at large
distances from the pile. In addition, nodes at the base of the model
" 2 #
4ð11=GÞ l=q ½cosðlLÞsinhðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðlLÞcosðqLÞ were fully restrained to represent the rigid bedrock. Vertical size of
2 sinð2lLÞsinhð2lLÞ þ 4 l=q cosðlLÞcoshðlLÞsinðqLÞ the elements was kept constant, equal to d/4, which was found to be
Iy ¼ G sufficiently accurate and economical. The analyses were carried out in
l cosð2lLÞ þ coshð2lLÞ þ 2
the frequency domain [8,21,37], the load being applied in the form of
a harmonic lateral body force in each element.
Discussion of the above analytical developments is provided in
the remainder of the article. 4.1. Static response
Fig. 3. Variation of pile–soil curvature ratio at pile head under static conditions (o ¼ 0), as function of pile slenderness for selected values of Winkler stiffness parameter d.
(a) Ep/Es ¼ 1000, (b) Ep/Es ¼10000, (c) Ep/Es ¼ 1000 and (d) Ep/Es ¼ 10000.
188 G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195
Fig. 4. Variation of pile–soil curvature ratio at pile tip under static conditions (o ¼ 0), as function of pile slenderness for selected values of Winkler stiffness parameter d.
(a) Ep/Es ¼ 1000, (b) Ep/Es ¼10000, (c) Ep/Es ¼1000 and (d) Ep/Es ¼ 10000.
Fig. 6. Kinematic bending along an infinitely-long pile as a superposition of a kinematic and an external load on two piles of finite length (hatched areas denote bending
Fig. 7. Variation of static pile–soil curvature ratio with depth for free-tip piles, Fig. 8. Variation of static pile–soil curvature ratio with depth for hinged-tip piles,
for different geometric and material configurations. (a) fixed-head free-tip and for different geometric and material configurations. (a) fixed-head hinged-tip and
(b) free-head free-tip. (b) free-head hinged-tip.
190 G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195
substituting the expression for (1/R)c (see [42]), Eq. (34) duly
reduces to Eq. (17) for z¼0.
The above procedure can be extended to account for the more
general case of a restrained pile tip. This can be achieved by
introducing in Fig. 6b the pertinent restraining actions due to full
or partial fixity at the tip. To ensure equilibrium, the opposite
actions must be applied at pile tip in Fig. 6c. For hinged-tip
condition a horizontal force must be applied at the tip, whereas
for a fixed-tip both a force and a moment are required. Note that
because of the statically indeterminate nature of the problem in
Fig. 6b, the values of these actions are not known a priori.
An alternative interpretation of the trends observed in Fig. 5 is
possible by means of the aforementioned superposition approach.
Indeed, the complementary curvature at the pile head may
possess different signs depending on the value of lL. Specifically:
for a very short pile the complementary moment at the pile head
will be equal to soil curvature, thus leading to a zero overall
moment at the top. On the other hand, for an infinitely-long pile
curvature at the head will be equal to soil curvature, as the
external moment in Fig. 6c will not be transmitted to the pile top.
For short piles the moment transmitted to the head has the same
sign as the applied moment. This results in pile–soil curvature
ratios lower than unity. For longer piles, the complementary
moment becomes negative leading to a curvature ratio higher
than unity.
The profile of pile curvature with depth over soil curvature at
the surface, CRz, is presented in Figs. 7–9 for various head and tip
conditions and the values of lL shown at the inset of Fig. 5. For
fixed-head, free-tip conditions (Fig. 7a) the bending moment
along a short pile (lLo5.49, Fig. 5) attains its maximum value
at the top, decreasing monotonically with depth. For long piles
(lL45.49, Fig. 5) the maximum curvature ratio develops at depth
Fig. 9. Variation of static pile–soil curvature ratio with depth for fixed-tip piles,
and attains the value of 1.04. The depth zmax corresponding to
for different geometric and material configurations. (a) fixed-head fixed-tip and maximum curvature ratio may be related to lL by means of the
(b) free-head fixed-tip. aforementioned superposition scheme through the easy-to-derive
expressions valid for free-tip conditions
M3 depending on the conditions at the tip. A further increase in lL lzmax ¼ lL3:14, lL4 5:49 ð35Þ
causes pile curvature to drop and gradually converge to soil For free-head, free-tip piles (Fig. 7b) all curves are symmetrical.
curvature (B1,2, B3, T), as the pile becomes sufficiently flexible to Specifically, for 0o lLo2p (short piles) pile bending attains its peak
follow soil deformation, regardless of tip conditions. value at mid-depth. For lL42p (long piles) a maximum is observed
A better understanding of the above trends, which may explain at two symmetric distances lzmax ¼ p from the head and tip.
the counterintuitive values of curvature ratios larger than one, Pile–soil curvature ratio for hinged-tip piles is presented in
may be achieved through a simple mechanistic approach, which Fig. 8. The behaviour of fixed-head piles depicted in Fig. 8a is
interprets the curvature of a fixed-head pile of length L as the similar to the one shown in Fig. 7a: bending moment attains its
superposition of: (1) the curvature of an infinitely-long pile maximum at the top for short piles (lLo4.71, Fig. 5), whereas for
(CR ¼1 at any depth) and (2) a ‘‘complementary’’ curvature profile long piles (lL4 4.71, Fig. 5) maximum curvature ratio develops at
accounting for finite pile length and the specific boundary condi- depth and attains a constant value of 1.07. In the same fashion,
tion at the tip. As an example, for a fixed-head pile the expression depth zmax corresponding to the maximum curvature ratio is
for static pile–soil curvature ratio at any depth can be cast in the related to lL through the expression
ð1=RÞp ð1=RÞc lzmax ¼ lL2:4, lL4 4:71 ð36Þ
¼ 1 ð34Þ
ð1=RÞs ð1=RÞs
where 1 in the right side is the curvature ratio for an infinitely- The hinged-tip pile in Fig. 8b experiences a curvature pattern
long fixed-head pile in static regime [for which (1/R)p ¼(1/R)s], analogous to that in Fig. 7b. The maximum value of curvature
and (1/R)c is a ‘‘complementary’’ curvature at depth z as defined ratio is observed at z¼0.58L for 0 o lLo5.49 (short piles),
above. This interpretation is schematically shown in Fig. 6 for the whereas for higher values of lL a maximum is observed at the
case of a floating pile (free-tip condition): an infinitely-long pile depth given by Eq. (36).
embedded in homogeneous soil is conceptually separated from For fixed-tip piles, the maximum curvature is always observed at
the underlain material at depth z¼L (Fig. 6a), the curvature the tip and has the opposite sign to that at the top (Fig. 9). It is noted
pattern of the upper part of the pile in Fig. 6a is tantamount in passing that a quick estimate of the curvature ratio at the pile
to the superposition of the curvature along a free-tip pile of base can be obtained using the expression of Dobry and O’Rourke
length L (Fig. 6b) and the complementary curvature of the same [11] derived for an infinitely-long pile in two-layer soil, considering
pile subjected at its tip to an action Ep Ip(1/R)s (Fig. 6c), due an infinitely-stiff bottom layer. This leads to an overestimation of
to the ‘‘detached’’ lower part in Fig. 6a. For this particular case, curvature ratio at the pile tip by 2lL.
G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195 191
4.2. Dynamic response frequency a0 ¼ od/Vs for selected pile–soil configurations. Predic-
tions using the static value of l in Eq. (33) are compared to those
Employing the approximate relations for the distributed dashpot obtained from the complete formulation in Eq. (37) and to FE
coefficient along the pile c ¼ 6a0 rs V s d þ 2bs dEs =o derived using results. Different values for d are used for each case, based on an
planar wave-propagation analysis [34], the complex-valued wave- optimal selection according to Fig. 3. A convergence of all curves
number l can be related to its static counterpart through below cutoff frequency is observed. Beyond cutoff, however, the
8 1=4 static assumption leads to a better agreement with the more
> 1 p a20 rp rigorous FE results. This is probably due to the approximate
> þ i2 bs , a0 r acutof f
l < 8ð1 þ ns Þ d rs description of radiation damping employed in Eq. (37), which
¼ " !# 1=4
lstatic > 3=4 was based on inertial interaction considerations [34]. Nevertheless,
> p a20 rp 3a0 1
> 1
> þi þ 2bs , a0 4 acutof f even under a more realistic representation of geometric energy
: 8ð1þ ns Þ d rs 1 þ ns d
dissipation, the benefit stemming from the simplified approach
ð37Þ cannot be overstated. It is also worth noting that optimum d
exhibits only a weak dependence on frequency. Accordingly,
where l and lstatic are obtained from Eqs. (14) and (33), respectively,
optimum d for static analysis (Fig. 3) can be employed in the
and acutoff stands for a characteristic frequency (termed ‘‘cutoff
dynamic regime as well (Fig. 10).
frequency’’) below which no stress waves can be emitted from the
Additional comparisons of the proposed model against FE results
pile–soil interface to propagate horizontally in the soil medium and,
obtained as part of this study [37] and from the literature [6] are
thereby, no radiation damping is generated. The cutoff frequency is,
presented in Figs. 11 and 12 in terms of translational and rotational
accordingly, associated with a sudden increase in damping and
kinematic response factors Iu and If. It is evident that the predictions
coincides with the fundamental frequency of the soil layer in
of the model are in satisfactory agreement with the results of the
shearing and is expressed in dimensionless form as
more rigorous solutions for all configurations examined.
acutof f ¼ ðp=2ÞðH=dÞ1 ð38Þ In the remainder of the article, dynamic effects are discussed
in terms of pile curvature and kinematic response factors Iu and Iy.
Note that for the range of frequencies relevant to earthquake In light of the analytical developments in Eqs. (22)–(32), it can be
engineering, the term related to pile density in Eq. (37) may be readily recognized that the adoption of a0 (which is independent
neglected without significant error. of mechanical slenderness) as an independent frequency variable
In the same spirit as in static analysis, dynamic pile response would not allow (lL) to be the main parameter controlling the
can be described by a unique dimensionless parameter. This is response. It is observed that the excitation frequency appears in
achieved by using the static value of l in Eq. (33) in the dynamic the solutions only in dimensionless terms qH ( ¼ oH/Vs) and
regime. The validity of this approximation is explored in Fig. 10, q/l ( ¼ o/lVs), thereby, these frequency parameters can be used
in which pile–soil curvature ratio at the head is plotted against for expressing results in the dynamic regime.
Fig. 10. Variation of dynamic pile–soil curvature ratio at pile head with frequency for fixed-head free-tip piles, for different geometric and material configurations:
comparisons of rigorous elastodynamic FE results with Winkler solutions obtained using the optimum static d value in Fig. 3. bs ¼ 0.10. (a) L/d¼ 5, Ep/Es ¼1000, (b) L/d¼ 5,
Ep/Es ¼10000, (c) L/d ¼10, Ep/Es ¼ 1000 and (d) L/d¼ 10, Ep/Es ¼10000.
192 G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195
Fig. 11. Variation of kinematic response factor Iu for free-head free-tip piles:
comparisons of rigorous elastodynamic FE results with Winkler solutions obtained
using the optimum static d value in Fig. 3. bs ¼ 0.05 (a) Ep/Es=1000, (b) Ep/Es=10000. Fig. 12. Variation of kinematic response factor If for free-head free-tip piles:
comparisons of rigorous elastodynamic FE results with Winkler solutions obtained
using the optimum static d value in Fig. 3. bs ¼0.05 (a) Ep/Es=1000, (b) Ep/Es=10000.
Fig. 13. Variation of dynamic pile curvature ratio at pile head with frequency for
Fig. 14. Variation of kinematic response factor Iu with frequency for fixed-head
fixed-head piles under different tip conditions.
piles under different tip conditions.
interaction. Its performance, however, is related to the proper 3) Pile curvature may be decomposed into the sum of soil
selection of stiffness coefficient d which depends on a number of curvature and a complementary curvature that develops along
parameters such as pile slenderness, pile–soil stiffness ratio, the pile subjected to pertinent forces and moments at the two
boundary conditions, as well as on the parameter to be matched. ends. These forces depend on the specific boundary conditions
Nevertheless, it is observed (Fig. 3) that d attains higher values for and are responsible for the counterintuitive phenomenon of
small pile slenderness and large pile–soil stiffness ratios, and pile curvature higher than soil curvature for certain values of
appears to be independent of frequency (Figs. 3 and 10). pile slenderness.
2) In Winkler models, pile–soil kinematic interaction is governed 4) A new dimensionless frequency factor (o/lVs) was introduced
by a unique dimensionless parameter, lL (Eq. (33)), which can for normalizing response in the dynamic regime. It was shown
be interpreted as a ‘‘mechanical slenderness’’, encompassing that this allows long piles to exhibit the same response
key problem parameters namely pile slenderness, pile–soil regardless of actual length and pile–soil stiffness ratio. This
stiffness ratio and Winkler coefficient d. A unique parameter can be understood, since the dimensionless frequency is
(lL) governs the response at static conditions. The same expressed as ratio of characteristic pile wavelength (1/l) and
parameter controls the behaviour in the dynamic regime if soil wavelength (Vs/o) at a given frequency. As a follow up, a
pile inertia and radiation damping are neglected. This simpli- new kinematic response factor, Iy, was introduced to describe
fication allows a better understanding of the interaction pile head rotation (Eq. (29)). In this way, the interaction is
phenomenon and leads to a better agreement of the closed- function only of the aforementioned frequency factor and
form solutions with rigorous numerical results. mechanical slenderness.
194 G. Anoyatis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44 (2013) 183–195
Fig. 15. Variation of kinematic response factor Iu with frequency for free-head Fig. 16. Variation of kinematic response factor Iy with frequency for free-head
piles under different tip conditions. piles under different tip conditions.
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