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Servo Scales: Gert Baars (The Netherlands)

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Servo Scales

1 2
7806 +9V...+15V
C2 C3


220k 100n 100n
U1 Servo
U2 3 7

470k M1 P1
R5 5k
100uA FS
+6V R2 1N4148 R6 P2


b M1 100R

PWM Servo
090086 - 12

sponds to the desired position (U2 = U1). The scales can also generate a voltage out-
+6V As can be seen from Figure 1, all you need put if you measure the voltage across a sense
for a scales based on a servo motor is a resistor in series with the ground lead of the
square-wave oscillator that supplies a sig- servo (Figure 1c). Due to the quiescent cur-
Servo nal at a constant frequency of around 50 Hz rent consumption of the servo motor with no
U(m) = U0 + K.m
with a fixed duty cycle of approximately load, this voltage is not zero with no weight
10%. This defines a fixed setting for the posi- on the scales, but it is low compared with the
tion of the motor axle. If a mechanical force value with a certain amount of weight. Natu-
090086 - 11 tries to rotate the motor axle in this situa- rally, this offset can be compensated by using
tion, the servo control loop adjusts the drive an instrumentation amplifier. This increases
signal to the motor to counteract the rota- the accuracy, and you could even consider
tional force. The motor thus has to supply equipping the scales with a digital readout.
Gert Baars (The Netherlands)
an opposing force, and that costs power,
With a bit of adeptness, you can build an with the result that the current through the Figure 2 shows a simple finished version with
electronic scales based on a servo motor. motor increases. With a type RS-2 servo, a PWM oscillator and analogue readout. The
Depending on the type of servo you use, it this current can rise to as much as 1 A, while two potentiometers can be used to adjust the
can measure weights of up to around five kil- the quiescent current is no more than a few offset and weighing range. The length of the
ograms (11 lbs) with reasonable accuracy. dozen milliampères. If you attach an arm to scale arm multiplies the torsion on the servo
the motor axle and fit it with a weighing pan, motor due to the weight. Doubling the arm
If you examine the operating principle of a and then connect an ammeter in the servo length reduces the weighing range by half
servo motor in more detail (Figure 1a), you supply line, you have a sort of simple elec- and thus doubles the accuracy, but it also
can see that in simple terms, it consists of tronic scales. The scales can be calibrated increases the zero offset due to the weight of
a control loop that uses a potentiometer to using a reference weight, with the length of the arm. In practice, an arm length of around
convert the motor position to a voltage that the arm set to produce a certain amount of 10 cm proved to be a good compromise.
is compared to the voltage from a PWM con- current with a certain weight, such as 0.5 A (090086-I)
verter. Based in this information, the motor is with 1 kg. Two kilograms would then draw
rotated so that its measured position corre- 1 A, and so on.

 elektor - 7-8/2009

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