The Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior
The Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior
The Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior
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These and other factors have been addressed from a variety of theoretical
perspectives (Baumeister & Rollings, 1976; Carr, 1977). An equally im-
portant but separate issue concerns the factors which maintain the self-
injury once it has emerged. Etiology and maintenance must be viewed
separately, as it appears that factors responsible for the onset of self-
injury may be quite different from those which subsequently maintain the
behavior. Research is critically needed on isolating and controlling the
causes of self-injury, both in order to prevent the problem from occurring
and to treat the behavior more effectively when it does appear. As re-
search proceeds, an immediate clinical recommendation is clear: Any
therapeutic intervention should explicitly include an attempt to analyze
the biological and environmental factors which caused, and particularly
which now maintain the self-injury, and arrange for an elimination or
alteration of those conditions.
Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of
Self-Injurious Behavior
Medical Approaches
As already noted, a variety of medical disorders are associated with
self-injurious behavior, for example the Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (Nyhan,
1976), Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (Bryson, Sakati, Nyhan, & Fish,
1971), and Otitis Media (DeLissovoy, 1963). Research on these and other
medical conditions holds promise in possible prevention and treatment
of self-injurious behavior which is correlated with these disorders and on
biological mechanisms which may underlie other instances of the behav-
ior (Cataldo & Harris, 1982). However, several points must be made
regarding the current capability of medical intervention to reduce self-
First, although a thorough medical examination is recommended to
identify, and if possible, to control biological factors associated with self-
injurious behavior, currently it is not possible to cure some of the con-
ditions, e.g., Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome, in an attempt to eliminate the cor-
related self-injury. When a cure is possible, e.g., with Otitis Media or
Contact Dermatitis, self-injury often continues, thus requiring additional
treatment (Carr & McDowell, 1980). In general, medical treatment may
not be sufficient.
Chemical intervention such as with carbidopa, hydroxytryptophan and
5-hydroxytryptophan shows promise in treating the self-injury of Lesch-
Nyhan clients (Mizuno & Yugari, 1974; Nyhan, 1976). In contrast, al-
though psychotropic drugs are widely used with developmentally disabled
persons, and anecdotal reports concerning their effects on self-injury
abound, few controlled pharmacological studies have demonstrated suc-
cess in selectively suppressing self-injurious behavior (Picker, Poling,
& Parker, 1979; Ross & McKay, 1979; Sprague & Baxley, 1978).
Finally, increasing evidence suggests that behavioral interventions are
effective in treating self-injury correlated with medical disorders, just as
with self-injury for which there is no known associated biological con-
I Time out is sometimes interpreted within a punishment paradigm, and the use of its
varying forms is commonlyregulated under rules governingthe use of punishment.
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