Fs 2 Ep 1

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FS2 – Learning Episode I: Principles Of Learning

Blogasiaph April 7, 2019  0

What did the Resource Teacher do which

applies/ contradicts the learning principle?
Principle of
Learning Non-
Application  of
the Principle
of the Principle

1. Effective Teacher presents

learning begins via projector Other cooperating
with the setting about her teacher did not specify
of clear and high intended learning his learning outcomes in
expectations outcome the beginning of the
and learning regarding the class.
outcomes. topics

The teacher let

the student to
from the class
discussion and Other cooperating
2. Learning is an engage in teacher treat the
active process. educational students as an empty
learning vessels waiting to be
activities. filled up.


3. Learning is the The teacher gives Other teacher don’t let

discovery of an opportunity to their students discuss in
personal the students to front of the class because
meaning and create and share students ideas was not fit
relevance of their ideas to the lesson sometimes.
ideas. regarding the
topic and discuss
it in front of the

The teacher gives

a group task
activity where
the students are
assigned to
interpret the
poem by
4. Learning is a brainstorming
cooperative and ideas together Some of the teacher gives
a collaborative with their peer this task and sometimes
process. groups and they don’t because of the
Learning is debrief their final students ideas sometimes
enhanced in an thoughts. The was not the same and
atmosphere of students are may cause of argument
cooperation and happily to ask sometimes.
collaboration. something to
clarify, cooperate
each other,
sharing of ideas,
discussing, and
meaning to
comprehend the

1. Which principle/s of learning was most applied?

As I observed, one of the teachers promote active learning “learning is a cooperative and collaborative
process” where a student centered approach in which the responsibility for learning is placed upon the
student, often working in collaboration with classmates. She is the facilitators rather than one way
providers of information. The presentation of facts, so often introduced through straight lecture, is
deemphasized in favor of class discussion, problem solving, cooperative learning, and writing exercises
(graded and ungraded). One of the teachers that I did indeed observe somehow implements these
principles. I could say not all but most of them. This can be signifies how her learners reacts from the way
she teach, and the way learner’s enjoy her class. For the learners, skills and abilities are not one day
growth; it is a step by step process.
2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principles not very much
applied? Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied.

The learning principle that was applied least from all the principles is the, “Learning is the discovery of
personal meaning and relevance of ideas”. In this situation, Most of the time the teacher used up by
explaining and sharing thoughts regarding the topic. Mostly of the class was being done by the teacher
herself. This situations somehow contrast to a teacher who mostly facilitates with the learning for the
students and they, the students, are the one who gives some ideas about a certain topic.

3. How did the application of these learning principles affect learning?

The applications are generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning
process. In short, it requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are
doing. While this definition could include traditional activities such as homework, in practice, active
learning refers to activities that are introduced into the classroom. The core elements of these learning
principles are student activity and engagement in the learning process. Active learning is often contrasted
to the traditional lecture where students passively receive information from the instructor. Interacting with
content through active learning has some compelling advantages over ‘delivery mode’ lectures. It helps to
maintain student concentration and deepens learning towards the higher-level skills like critical thinking. It
also helps to engage students who might otherwise struggle. This does not mean doing away with spoken
lectures, rather it means integrating different ways of engaging with the material at regular intervals
throughout the lecture.

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

In this way, if these principles are neglected the learning. When these principles are neglected the
learning process may not be effective. If the students are not ready for learning or lack the motivation to
learn they may not absorb the knowledge imparted. They may have little interest in learning. If the
students do not recall and practice the new concepts they have learned they may not retain what they
have learnt. If the students do not feel satisfied or do not have a pleasant learning experience they may
not make any efforts in that direction.

5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not always

Yes! I greed. Effective teacher must have an instructional methods have repeatedly been found inferior to
instruction that involves active learning, in which students solve problems, answer questions, formulate
questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class.
My Reflections
Surprisingly, educators’ use of the term “active learning” has relied more on native understanding than a
common definition. Consequently, many faculty assert that all learning is inherently active and that
students are therefore actively involved while listening to formal presentations in the classroom. Students
must do more than just listen: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. Most
important, to be actively involved, students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation. Within this context, it is proposed that strategies promoting active learning be
defined as instructional activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are
Practices worth adopting “Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process”. Learning is teaching
students with the things they aren’t well aware off and making the students interpret of the things they did
understand from the lessons. One teacher was very effective in implementing these principles as a whole
since you can distinguish how she conducts her class. She can create a perfect classroom where it
makes conducive for learning and offers effective learning. As an observer and as a person, you can
sense in a certain situation about things that seems wrong. Active learning can take many forms and be
executed in any discipline. Commonly, students will engage in small or large activities centered on writing,
talking, problem solving, or reflecting.
Practices to avoid and improve on “Treat the students as an empty vessels”. The learning’s goal is to give
the children what they need, and make them realize things that they could not gain outside the class with
guidance of a teacher. The teacher must not feel the students that they are the one who always the
resource of information. The learning’s goal is to give the children what they need, and make them realize
things that they could not gain outside the class with guidance of a teacher. We are leaving now in a
computer world, meaning we are now leaving in advance society. As a teacher we must avoid this kind of
treat to the students because students sometimes are more advance on learning base on what kind of
society we are leaving now. We to be reasonable sometimes and understand that they have a restored
knowledge on their own.
Principles of Learning in My Own Words.

1. Learning is teaching students with the things aligned to learning outcomes.

2. Learning is exploring and thinking out of the box teaching the students beyond our understanding
where they may able to use and expose it to the real life situations.
3. Learning is not to treat the students as an empty vessels waiting to be filled up which it must
exchange or sharing of ideas, thoughts that can be used for effective learnings.
4. Learnings is a process of practice where there is a reflections and learnings to improve on
teaching from the drop of failures and mistakes in preparing and delivering the lessons.
5. Learning is interaction where it deals the students to engage active participation during the class
discussion to inculcate critical and thinking skills.
6. Learnings must aligned to the needs and interest of the students which brings the students to be
more focus and engage in education learning activities.
7. Learning is focusing to the positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement to students
which motivates the students to work hard and study more to become successful someday.
8. A student must engage through collaboration or team work by interacting other students sharing
of ideas and brainstorming of thoughts without any conflict of it.
9. Learnings must focus to students where the teachers must focus to continually improve their
strategy when it comes to teaching to cater all different learning styles and diversities.
10. Learnings must integrate different type of teaching approach that motivates the students to
develop high order critical thinking skills.
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Learner As Proof Of The Application Of The Principle Of Learning

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FS 2 – Learning Episode 8 Lesson Development – OBTL And Comptency Based – Standards

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FS2 – Learning Episode 7 Guiding Principles In The Selection And Use Of Teaching Methods

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