Lateral Load Distribution in Frame Structures
Lateral Load Distribution in Frame Structures
Lateral Load Distribution in Frame Structures
Lecturer Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University, Dhaka-1207 ,2Department of Civil Engineering, Ahsanullah
University of Science and Technology,Dhaka 1208.
Head of the Department, Department of Civil Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology,Dhaka 1208.
Abstract: This analysis aims to the lateral load analysis in frame structures with regular and vertical
irregularity. This study includes the modelling of regular and vertical irregular buildings having area of 45X70
ft2 and height of 66ft, 86ft and 106ft from ground having storey of 6, 8 and 10. The performance of these framed
buildings under lateral loads depend on the distribution of stiffness, strength, and mass in both the horizontal
and vertical planes of the buildings. The main aim of this work is comparative study of the stiffness of the
structure by considering the three models in Regular Structure and three models in Vertical irregular structure
with 6 storeys, 8 storeys and 10 storeys. All models are analyzed with earthquake and wind loadings for the
Zone II. Result found from the ETABS analysis that in irregular shaped building displacements are more than
that of regular shaped building. All building frames are modelled & analyzed in software ETABS 9.6.0. Various
seismic and wind responses like base shear, Bending moment, node displacement, etc. are obtained. The overall
performance of regular building is found better than irregular building. But circumstances sometimes may not
allow the use of regular buildings. In such cases the irregular components should be thoroughly analyzed and
Index Terms: Frame Structure, Vertical Regularity, Vertical Irregularity, High Rise RCC Building, Soft Storey.
S.Sabri (2002) carried out a relationship between displacement determined from the peak deformation
earthquake intensity and attenuation for Bangladesh of the nth-mode elastic SDF system. Combining these
and its surrounding area. The objective of this study peak modal responses by modal combination rule
was to find out re-estimate the earthquake intensity of leads to the MPA procedure. Thus the trend of
major historical earthquake of Bangladesh on EMS comparing computed hinge plastic rotations against
and develop a relationship between intensity - rotation limits established in FEMA-273 to judge
attenuation for Bangladesh and its surrounding area. structural performance should be replaced and
Performance evaluation should be based on story
drifts known to be closely related to damage and can
Sharfuddin (2004) conducted research work on
be estimated to a higher degree of accuracy by
Earthquake hazards analysis for Bangladesh. The
pushover analyses."
objective of the research work was to develop a
homogeneous and complete earthquake catalogue and
seismic hazard map. FEMA-368 (2009) define criteria for the design and
construction of new buildings, additions and
alterations to existing buildings to enable them to
Mohammad Yeasin (2008) conducted a research
resist the effects of earthquake ground motions. These
work on seismic performance assessments for
provisions provide minimum seismic design criteria
concrete frame structure. The objectives of the
of safety for structures by minimizing the earthquake
research were to develop a probabilistic hazard curve
related risk to life and improve the capability of
and make a contour map of PGA for Bangladesh. existing structures to function during and after design
earthquakes. Whereas, FEMA-369 (2001) provides
Rahman (2011) conducted a comparative study on general requirements, background information, and
construction cost for the same structural system in explanations for applying the analysis and design
three seismic zones in Bangladesh, considering criteria in the Provisions of FEMA-368.
different height with different response modification
Hasan (2012) presented a simple computer-based
push-over analysis technique for performance-based
"Habibullah and Pyle (2002) presented simple steps design of building frameworks subject to earthquake
for performing pushover analysis using SAP2000 loading. The technique was based on the conventional
software. The SAP2000 static pushover analysis displacement method of elastic analysis. Through the
capabilities, which are fully integrated into the use of a plasticity-factor that measured the degree of
program, allow quick and easy implementation of the plastification, the standard elastic and geometric
pushover procedures prescribed in the ATC-40 and stiffness matrices for frame elements (beams,
FEMA-273 documents for both two and three- columns, etc.) were progressively modified to
dimensional buildings. account for nonlinear elastic-plastic behavior under
constant gravity loads and incrementally increasing
lateral loads. The method accounted for first-order
Moghadam and Tso (2004) extended pushover elastic and second order geometric stiffness
analysis to cover plan eccentric buildings and took properties, and the influence that combined stresses
the three-dimensional torsional effect into account. have on plastic behavior.
Because of torsional deformation, floor displacements
of the building will consist of both translational and
rotational components. Torsional effect can be After designing and detailing the reinforced concrete
particularly damaging to elements located at or near frame structures, Korkmaz (2014) carried out a
the flexible edge of the building where the nonlinear pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic
translational and rotational components of the floor time history analysis for evaluating the structural
displacement are additive. In view of the damage seismic response for the acceptance of load
observed in many eccentric buildings in past distribution for inelastic behavior. It was assumed for
earthquakes. pushover analysis that seismic demands at the target
displacement are approximately maximum seismic
demands during the earthquake. First yielding and
Chopra (2008) stated in a PEER report that the shear failure of the columns was experienced at the
standard response spectrum analysis (RSA) for elastic larger story displacements and rectangular
buildings is reformulated as a Modal Pushover distribution always give the higher base shear weight
Analysis (MPA). The peak response of the elastic ratio compared to other load distributions for the
structure due to its nth vibration mode can be exactly corresponding story displacement. The pushover
determined by pushover analysis of the structure analyses results for rectangular load distribution
subjected to lateral forces distributed over the height estimated maximum seismic demands during the
of the building. The structure is pushed to the roof
given earthquakes were more reasonable than the load response of irregular buildings using ETABS
other load distributions. 9.6.0. The knowledge of various types of loads and
their worst combinations to which a structure may be
subjected during its life span is essential for safe
Menjivar and Pinho (2014) extended the pushover
design of structure. Forces acting on structures are
method to assess the performance of 3D irregular RC
called loads. Primary loads acting on the building
structures. The issues of diaphragm effects, loading
have been considered as dead load, live load and
profiles and incremental dynamic analysis were earthquake load. The dead load and live load has been
studied. The modeling based on Displacement Based applied in gravity direction and earthquake load has
and Force Based Pushover was compared.
been applied in lateral direction. Residential buildings
Conventional verses Adaptive Pushover results have
of 6 storey, 8 storey & 10 storey both regular and
been compared and werefound to be close.
irregular having base dimension of plan 70ft X 45ft
with typical floor height 10ft is considered for the
analysis. These buildings were designed in
compliance to the Bangladesh National Building
Code for Seismic Resistant Design of Buildings. The
buildings are assumed to be fixed at the base. The
sections of the structure are square and rectangular
and storey heights buildings are assumed to be
constant including the ground storey. The buildings
are modelled using ETABS v 9.6.0 software and six
different models with regular and irregularities were
studied. The typical plans are shown in figure
Fig 2.1: Plan Irregularities (BNBC 1993) respectively.
C1 15X12
C2 18X12
C3 15X15
C4 18X15
FB1 15X12
FB3 12X10
GB1 18X12
GB2 20X15
Ec= 57000fck0.5
30 29.38 29.6
8 Storied 253.38 285.72 20
10 Storied 308.58 331.57
4 6 8 10 12
200 193.55 buildings is more than that of regular buildings. So
150 regular buildings are better in performance in terms
100 of shear force.
0 4.3 Bending Moment of Base Column for Different
4 6 8 10 12 Storied Buildings
No of Storied Bending Moment
Fig. 4.1: Axial Force (Kip) of base column with (Kip-in)
different storied buildings
From figure 4.1 it is understood that axial force of Regular Irregular
column increases with no of storey for both regular
and irregular building. But axial force of irregular
buildings are more than that of regular buildings. So 6 Storied 1686.94 1697.51
Regular Irregular
8 Storied 2305.2 2309.25
30 24.4
10 Storied 2995.05 2998.43 20
18.04 19.41
10 16.79
Regular Irregular
4 6 8 10 12
4.4 Shear Force of Column Two Storeys Below 6 Storied 960.61 1121.69
The Top Level for Different Storied Buildings
No of Storied 8 Storied 1028.28 1213.37
Shear Force (Kip) 10 Storied 1104.78 1308.67
Regular Irregular
Regular Irregular
6 Storied 16.79 20.86 1000
1028.28 1104.78
8 Storied 18.04 22.61
4 6 8 10 12
10 Storied 19.41 24.4
Floor Regular Irregular
4.84 4.7
3.11 2.97
2 1.84 1.71
6 Storied 2.19 2.34
4 6 8 10 12
8 Storied 3.99 4.16
4 4.16 3.99 This analysis aims to the lateral load analysis in
3 frame structures with regular and vertical irregularity.
2.34 2.19 This study includes the modelling of regular and
vertical irregular buildings having area of 45X70 ft 2
1 and height of 66ft, 86ft and 106ft from ground having
0 storey of 6, 8 and 10. The performance of these
4 6 8 10 12 framed buildings under lateral loads depend on the
STOREYED BUILDING distribution of stiffness, strength, and mass in both
the horizontal and vertical planes of the buildings.
The main aim of this work is comparative study of
Figure 4.6: Displacement-x (in) vs. Storied the stiffness of the structure by considering the three
Building models in Regular Structure and three models in
Vertical irregular structure with 6 storeys, 8 storeys
and 10 storeys. All models are analyzed with
Displacement-y Top displacement(in) earthquake and wind loadings for the Zone II .Result
found from the ETABS analysis that in irregular
shaped building displacements are more than that of
Floor Regular Irregular regular shaped building. All building frames are
modelled & analyzed in software ETABS 9.6.0.
Various seismic and wind responses like base shear,
6 Storied 1.71 1.84 Bending moment, node displacement, etc. are
obtained. The overall performance of regular building
is found better than irregular building.
8 Storied 2.97 3.11