Eee4024 Computer-Architecture-And-Organization TH 1.0 37 Eee4024

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EEE4024 Computer Architecture & Organization L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3

Pre-requisite EEE3002 Syllabus version

Anti-requisite v. 1.0

Course Objectives:

1. To gain an understanding of computer data representation and manipulation.

2. To understand the basic organization for data storage and access across various media.
Expected Course Outcome:

On the completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Interpret the data flow between various modules of the computer and data representation in
various formats.
2. Analyze the performance of processor and their interconnections.
3. Perform the various arithmetic tasks and familiarize the various multiplication algorithms.
4. Acquaint the knowledge about floating point and decimal arithmetic’s.
5. Design the various register transfer functions and program in various CPU organizations.
6. Realize the various mapping techniques and familiarize the various data transfer mechanism.
7. Describe the functionality of parallel and vector processing and its issues.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2,11,17

Module:1 Fundamental Concepts 4 Hours

Introduction- Generation of Computer, Computer families and developments, Functional units, Basic
operational concepts, Data Representation-Fixed point and Floating point numbers.

Module:2 Introduction to computer architecture 5 Hours

CPU organization by Vou-Newmann model, CPU transistor count-Moore’s law, Performance

analysis of CPU, Typical Mother board, interconnection of components.

Module:3 Computer Arithmetic 7 Hours

Fixed-Point Arithmetic, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Combinational and

Sequential ALUs, Carry look ahead adder, Robertson algorithm, booth's algorithm, Modified booth's

Module:4 Floating point and Decimal Arithmetic 3 Hours

Floating Point Arithmetic, Decimal Arithmetic unit-Decimal Arithmetic operations.

Module:5 Introduction to CPU Design 9 Hours

Function of CPU, Register Classification and organization, ALU and control unit, instruction set with
examples, addressing modes, stack organization, Register Transfer, Bus and memory transfers, Input
- Output and Interrupt. Micro programmed control CPU design.

Module:6 Memory System Design and I/O Organization 7 Hours

Basic concepts semiconductors, RAM memories, Read-only memories- Cache memory and related
mapping- Virtual memories. Introduction to buses and connecting I/O devices to CPU and
memory-Programmed controlled I/O transfer- Interrupt controlled I/O transfer-DMA Controller.

Module:7 Pipeline and Vector Processing 8 Hours

Introduction to pipelining and pipeline hazards-design issues of pipeline architecture-Instruction level

parallelism and advanced issues-parallel processing concepts-Vector Processing, Array Processors,

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 Hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 Hours

Text Book(s)

1. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture", Prentice Hall, Tenth

Edition, 2016.

2. Car Hamacher, ZvonksVranesic, SafeaZaky, "Computer Organization", McGraw Hill,

Fifth Edition, 2011.

Reference Books

1. David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative

Approach", Elsevier, Fifth Edition, 2012.

Mode of valuation: CAT I & II – 30%, DA I & II – 20%, Quiz – 10%, FAT – 40%

Mode of assessment:

Recommended by Board of Studies 29/05/2015

Approved by Academic Council 37th AC Date 16/06/2015

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