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Boomi Q&A Flashcards - Quizlet

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Boomi Q&A Study

Boomi Q&A
Terms in this set (55)

Conditions within a Business Functions

Rule reference inputs values. Profile Field

These inputs can derive from Static Values

all of the following except: (Document Logs)

You Create a process to read 6

files from 3 different Directories (2)

on your disk. You deploy this 1

process to 2 Atoms. What is the 3

minimum number of licenses


Which shape is used to change

Flow Control

data from one format to profile


to another?
Set Properties

TRUE/FALSE: Document False.

Properties are created via a
database connector.

Which shape provides a way Return Documents

for a process to track changes Data Process

made to a document and send (Find Changes)

the results down a particular Process Call

Boomi Q&A cached data in
You can retrieve All of the above

which of the following shapes? 2,3,&4

(Select all that apply) 1. Set (1,2, and 4)

Properties 2. Map 3. Data 2&4

Process 4. Load from Cache

TRUE/FALSE: When Invoking a true.

web service deployed to the
Atom Cloud , where the
username and token are
embedded in the URI string,
They must be Base64 encoded.

(Process Call)

The Return Documents shape

(Web service Call)

can be used to return

SaaS Operation

documents from a:

When creating a schedule for a 1

process, you want to configure 3

a Retry Schedule in case the (5)

initial process schedule fails. 10

What is the maximum number
of retries allowed when
confugring a Retry schedule?
Boomi Q&A Deploy Process to Environment, Configure Study

Environment Extensions, Enable Extensions and

Define Extensible Components within Process

Config. Enviro.Extensions, Enable Extensions and

Def. ExtensibleComponents w/n Process

When setting up Extensions,

which of the following

represents the basic 3-steps [1.)Enable extensions and Define Extensible

process? Components within Process, 2.) Deploy process to
Environment(s), 3.)Configure Environment

Enable Extensions and Define Extensible

Components w/n Process, Config. Enviro. Extensions,
Deploy Process to Enviro.

Which shape is used to build (Notify)

custom execution logs and/or Cleanse

send customized notification Return Documents

messages to your subscribed Message

Email Alerts or RSS Feed?

TRUE/FALSE: You can schedule False.

a deployed process to run
every 30 seconds?

TRUE/FALSE: Dynamic Process False.

Properties can be set in a
parent process and used within
a Process Call (Child Process),
but a Dynamic Document
Property cannot be set in a
parent process and used within
a child process.
Boomi Q&ACaching data
TRUE/FALSE: True. Study

improves process performance

compared to using a
Connector Call.


What environment

classification do you need to


have to use test licenses?


Which shape is used to get Store Doc. Cache

documents from a document Data Process

cache to be used in a process Add to Cache

or sub process? (Load from Cache)

Once a document cache is 1,2,&4

loaded, you can use the 1,2,&3

content (Select all that apply): 1. 1 Only

In the Current Process 2. In a (1,2,3,4)

subprocess 3. In a parent
process 4. In a sibling process
(i.e., both are subprocess of the
same parent process)

TRUE/FALSE: An Integration False.

contains a group of Decision
shapes with inputs from SQL
statements. The logic in the
Decision Shape can be
redesigned so that a single
Business Rules shape can be
used in their place.
Boomi Q&ASimilar to a
TRUE/FALSE: True. Study

Process Property, you can

persist a Dynamic Document
Property value and 'remember'
its value for future process

Open the Salesforce object xml response profile

and add the new custom field.

A user adds a custom field to a

Salesforce Object which Boomi

Add a new operation filter defining custom field in
has already integrated into a
the SOQL 'where' clause

MySQL database. The user

wants to map this new field to

(Use the Import Wizard to connect to the Salesforce
the database. What is the best
account and refresh the field set)

way to update the Salesforce

Operation to map the custom

Identify a Salesforce record having the custom field
populated and pull it in via Test Mode to refresh the
field set.

Mid-Execution Failover

License Court Concerns

What is the primary reason for

using a Molecule?
Increased Execution Performance

(High Availability.)

From where can you retrieve Dynamic Process Prop.

the error message in the Dynamic Doc. Prop.

"Catch" path for a document Source Profile Element Value

exception caught by a A base Document Property

Try/Catch shape?
Boomi Q&A (Only the Parent Process is deployed when moving

Parent/Child Processes into production)

The Parent Process halts its execution until the Child

A Parent Process utilizes the Process completes

Process Call shape to trigger a

Child Process. Which of the The Parent Process aborts whenever the Child
following is always true? Process results in error.

The Child Process must include at least one Return

Document shape.

In order to enable 'listening' on Acct>>Setup>>Features

a specific URI, you need to Deploy>>Attachments

configure the Atom's Shared Manage>>Process Reporting

Web Server Settings. Access to (Manage>>Atom Management)

these settings is found within:

You have set up alert (Notify.)

notifications for you account. Exception

Without using Mail Connector, Try/Catch

which shape(s) can generate an Message

email alert from the paltform?


What is the default port number


for most FTP server



TRUE/FALSE: If a default value False.

is set on a destination profile
element, it will always override
the source profile element
mapped to it.
Boomi Q&AWhen building a
TRUE/FALSE: False. Study

Start Shape FTP Connector,

both the Get and Send Actions
are available.

AtomSphere's built-in mapping (Boomi Suggest.)

engine that offers proposed Boomi Recommend

mapping based on commonly Boomi Request

used source and destination Boomi Map

fields is called ____________

When designing the flow for a (Message Shape.)

web service based process, it Set Properties Shape

makes sense to unit test the Map Shape

process with test data before Notify Shape

publishing the service. It is
often a best practice to assign a
NO DATA Start Shape and feed
the process sample data via

TRUE/FALSE: When using the False.

Create Component pane to
create a new process, the Start
Sahpe Dialoge appears. The
Start Shape must be a
Connector type.

When leveraging the Boomi (https://connect.boomi.com)

Atom Cloud for web services https://www.boomi.com

publishing, which of the https://ws.boomi.com

following represents the base https://webservice.boomi.com

URI to invoke the service?
Boomi Q&AThere can be
TRUE/FALSE: False. Study

multiple direct mappings from

different source fields to a
single destination fields.

TRUE/FALSE: To place your False.

scheduled process in
production, you must deploy
the process after rescheduling

TRUE/FALSE: The Return True.

Documents shape waits for all
documents to process down all
paths before executing
(returning documents)

TRUE/FALSE: When testing a False.

web service process, you can
leverage Test Mode to review
data and process results.

Allows you to catch errors on specific


Prevents process-level failures in the event that a

document fails so you can act upon in later in your
Which of the Following is not
Process flow

an advantage of using the

Try/Catch shape?
(Automatically notifies the users when errors are

Allow you to design advanced logging and

processing for failed documents.
Boomi Q&AA Business Rule's
TRUE/FALSE: True. Study

condition uses a profile input

consisting of a repeating
element. If one of those
elements fails the Business
Rule, the entire Document is

TRUE/FALSE: It is a best True.

practice with process
extensions to set the default
connection to use production

You want to configure a Parent (Connector)

Process to trigger a Child Data Passthrough

Process through a Process Call (No Data)

shape, and you do not want (Trading Partner)

documents to be passed to the
Child Process. How could the
Start Shape options be
configured for the Child
Process? Select all that apply.

Last Successful Run Date Boomi stored field

single, on the fly property that you create. To

Dynamic Process Property retrieve, you must remember its name and type into
field, function, or script.

Used when you have several actions that you want

to execute in a sequence.

Route Sends documents through matched criteria.

Boomi Q&A The modified date on source system is greater than

Delta Load the last successful run date on target system.

The modified date in source system = the first

Initial Load
successful run date in target system.

Atoms are lightweight run-time engines containing

Atom process configuration information which actually do
the work

Components are reusable and include APIs,

certificates, connections, connector operations,
cross-reference tables, document caches, maps,
map functions, processes, process properties,
process routes, profiles, queues, and trading

Connectors get data into and send data out of

processes. Abstract technical details of
communicating with various applications, data
sources and communication protocols.

A Document is a set of data that goes through a

Document process. Can be a single record, group of records,
and EDI transaction or an entire file.

Execution An execution is the result of running a process.

Maps allow data to be transformed from one format

to another. Specifically, from one Profile to another
Boomi Q&A Processes represent a single type of data to Study

integrate between two or more systems. They are

comprised of a series of steps (UI shapes) which
specify the business logic and transformation

Profiles define the structure or layout of the data to

be processed. They are used when reading from or
writing to a given format. Several Type are available:
Database, EDI, Flat File, XML, and JSON.

Process Shapes are the steps linked together to form

the business logic for a process.

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