Chapter 1 Study Guide Establishing A Framework For Business Communication
Chapter 1 Study Guide Establishing A Framework For Business Communication
Chapter 1 Study Guide Establishing A Framework For Business Communication
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Understanding what communication is and how it occurs is central to successful transactions in the
workplace. Business communication does not take place in a vacuum but is impacted by various
external forces, including legal and ethical constraints, diversity challenges, team environment, and
changing technology.
1. What are the three purposes for which people communicate? What percentage of a
manager’s time is spent communicating? Give examples of the types of communication
managers use.
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The three purposes of communication are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. Managers spend
approximately 60 to 80 percent of their time involved in some form of communication, including
attending meetings, writing reports, presenting information to groups, explaining and clarifying
procedures and work assignments, evaluating and counseling employees, and promoting company
products, services, and image. Communication activities in which managers are typically engaged
include attending meetings and writing reports related to strategic plans and company policy;
presenting information to large and small groups; explaining and clarifying management procedures
and work assignments; coordinating the work of various employees, departments, and other work
groups; evaluating and counseling employees; and promoting the company’s products/services and
2. Describe the elements of the Transactional Process Model of Communication, the various
parts and how interference or barriers impede communication. .
3. How is the formal flow of communication different from the informal flow of
The formal flow follows obvious organizational lines. The informal flow is sometimes referred to as
the grapevine because it does not follow predictable lines of flow.
Intrapersonal is the communication that occurs within a person as the person processes information;
interpersonal communication occurs between or among people.
The common causes of unethical behavior in the workplace are (a) excessive emphasis on profits, (b)
misplaced corporate loyalty, (c) obsession with personal advancement, (d) expectation of not getting
caught, (e) unethical tone set by top management, (f) uncertainty about whether an action is wrong,
and (g) unwillingness to take an ethical stand.
6. Describe several intercultural communication barriers and how they might be overcome.
Intercultural barriers include stereotypes, differences in the interpretation of time, differing personal
space requirements, body language, translation limitations, and lack of language training. Strategies
for overcoming these barriers include learning about the other person’s culture, having patience with
yourself and the other person, and getting help in the form of resources when needed.
7. What aspect of cultural diversity do you feel will impact you most in your career:
international, intercultural, intergenerational, or gender? Explain your answer, including
how you plan to deal with the challenge.
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Answers will vary, but student responses should focus on one of the three listed here, using concepts
from the chapter to defend their answers. For example, if intergenerational issues arise, students could
talk with relatives of the same generation as co-workers to obtain suggestions about how to
communicate more effectively.
8. Describe several ways that communication technology can assist individuals and
Communication technology can assist individuals and organizations in collecting and analyzing data,
shaping messages to be clearer and more effective, and communicating quickly and efficiently over
long distances.
9. What legal and ethical concerns are raised over the use of technology?
Concerns raised over the use of technology include information ownership issues, access to
information issues, and threats to privacy.
10. How does communication in work teams differ from that of traditional organizations?
Communication in work teams differs from that in traditional organizations in that communication
patterns are different; trust is a primary factor; open meetings are the norm; shared leadership exists;
and listening, problem solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation are important factors.
11. Why has communication been identified as perhaps the single most important aspect of team
Communication has been identified as perhaps the most important aspect of team work because open
lines of communication are essential to increasing interaction between employees and management as
well as horizontally among team members, with other teams, and with supervisors.
Downward communication flows from supervisor to employee, from policy makers to
operating personnel, or from top to bottom on the organization chart. A simple policy statement from
the top of the organization may grow into a formal plan for operation at lower levels. Teaching people
how to perform their specific tasks is an element of downward communication. Another element is
orienting employees to a company’s rules, practices, procedures, history, and goals. Employees also
learn about the quality of their job performance through downward communication.
Upward communication generally is feedback to downward communication. Accurate upward
communication keeps management informed about the feelings of lower-level employees, taps the expertise
of employees, helps management identify both difficult and potentially promotable employees, and
paves the way for even more effective downward communication.
Horizontal or lateral communication describes interactions between organizational units on
the same hierarchical level. Horizontal communication is the primary means of achieving coordination
in a functional organizational structure.
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Chapter 1—Establishing a Framework for Business Communication
1. People communicate to satisfy needs in both their work lives and private lives.
2. A major purpose in communication is to help people feel good about themselves and their friends,
groups, and organizations.
4. If the sender uses words the receiver does not understand, the receiver will have difficulty encoding
the message.
5. The sender’s primary objective is to decode the message so that the message received is as close as
possible to the message that is sent.
6. While the sender of a message is responsible for effective encoding and the receiver for effective
decoding, both have responsibility for addressing interferences.
8. The “grapevine” is a part of an organization’s formal communication network and should be used
9. In spite of its poor reputation, the grapevine is in reality no more or less accurate than other channels.
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10.Upward communication from lower organizational levels to management involves risk since it is
generally feedback to downward communication.
12. Stakeholders are those affected by decisions and can include people inside and outside the
13. While all actions that are ethical are legal, some actions that are legal may not be ethical.
14. Employees should set aside their own personal value systems when making ethical decisions for their
15. Though people around the world speak different languages, nonverbal communication, such as
gestures and facial expressions, generally has the same meanings to all cultures.
17. A limitation of language translation is that some words do not have an equivalent meaning in another
19. In successful teams, leadership is likely to be shared, which requires more direct and effective
communication within the organization.
20. Grouping employees into a team structure does not guarantee they will function as a team.
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1. Differences in education level, experience, and culture or distractions such as noise, uncomfortable
room temperature, and interruptions are examples of
a. feedback.
b. interference.
c. interception.
d. decoding.
2. Which of the following is an example of communication that typically comes through an informal
communication network?
a. organizational charts
b. job descriptions
c. online chats
d. procedure manuals
5. The ____ communication channel is created by management to control individual and group behavior
and to achieve the organization’s goals.
a. informal
b. formal
c. email
d. oral
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7. In downward communication management attempts to ____ activities within an organization while
with horizontal communication management hopes to ____ them.
a. control; coordinate
b. coordinate; contain
c. coordinate; control
d. conduct; control
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12.Which of the following is true of personal space requirements?
a. The study of space requirements is known as chronemics.
b. In the United States culture, very little personal space is expected or required as compared
to other cultures of the world.
c. Space operates as a language, just as time does.
d. All of the above statements are true.
17. In a distributed leadership team environment, the role of the leader is BEST described as
a. the leader remaining in the position until the team is dissolved.
b. any member of the team becoming the leader at various times.
c. a non-existent role.
d. the leader being dictatorial when needed.
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1. Explain the components of the communication process and why challenges can occur.
Four components are involved in the process:
1. Sender
2. Message
3. Receiver
4. Feedback
Breakdowns can occur at any stage of the process as limitations of the sender, receiver, or both cause
incomplete or faulty communication to occur. Barriers or interferences can also cause breakdowns.
2. Explain the challenges involved for both the sender and the receiver in the communication process.
People communicate to inform, persuade, or to entertain using a common system of symbols, signs,
and behavior. The sender selects and organizes a message in such a way that the message received is
as close as possible to the message sent. Knowing the receiver’s educational level, culture, and
experiences come into play when transmitting a message. The receiver is then involved in listening
carefully, without distractions, to interpret the message so that it has meaning to him or her. Both the
sender and the receiver have equal responsibility to be effective in encoding and decoding the
message. Communication is a complex process with interferences possibly emerging in any portion of
the communication encounter.
3. Illustrate and explain four ethical dimensions of business behavior; give two examples of behaviors
that fit each dimension.
Dimension 1 Behavior that is illegal and unethical
Dimension 2 Behavior that is illegal, yet ethical
Dimension 3 Behavior that is legal, yet unethical
Dimension 4 Behavior that is both legal and ethical
Student views as to what is ethical will vary. Examples can include situations similar to the following:
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Dimension 4 An employer firing an employee who is failing to do his/her job.
A manager who gives a pay raise to her most productive workers.
4. List six barriers to intercultural communication and provide an example of each barrier.
Six barriers to intercultural communication are:
Stereotypes: North Americans are sometimes viewed as overly friendly, blunt, and
Interpretation of time: Many Latin Americans believe that important things take more
time than unimportant things.
Personal space requirements: Arab business people stand very close to each other
compared to U.S. business people.
Body language: The symbol for "okay" in the U.S. means "zero" in France and a
vulgarity in Brazil.
Translation limitations: The Japanese concept of "indebtedness" has no direct English
Ethnocentrism: Many non-Hispanics do not learn to speak even a little Spanish in areas
of the U.S. with a high Hispanic population.
Teams make workers happier by empowering them to shape their own jobs. Teams increase efficiency
by eliminating layers of management, opening lines of communication and increasing interaction
between employees and management. Teams enable a company to draw on the skills and imagination
of the whole work force. Teams provide a level of expertise that is unavailable on the individual level.
Teams help companies deliver higher-quality products or services at faster speeds and lower costs.
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