Australian Storiesof Social Enterprise FINAL
Australian Storiesof Social Enterprise FINAL
Australian Storiesof Social Enterprise FINAL
of Social
Cheryl Kernot
and Joanne McNeill
First Edition The authors would like to acknowledge the participation of all
© Copyright The University of New South Wales 2011 the interviewees. We understand that every time we ask these
busy people to participate in sector development activities we
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced take them away from running their enterprises. Their efforts are
without permission from the publishers or their agents. central to growing this emerging sector and we honour those
Published by The University of New South Wales efforts as they undertake the challenges of their respective
Sydney, NSW, 2052 social enterprises.
Design, layout and printing by Breakout Design Print Web We would also like to acknowledge the support of our
respective employers. This includes the patience our colleagues
and team mates have afforded us while we have juggled our
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry )53-"13$:$&$.$53;'<8$3'-)"=5#.'$3'%1'5/.513$"1'">'"6)'#")5')"&53'
Authors: Cheryl Kernot and Joanne McNeill %1?'@5'2)5%.&A'%--)5#$%.5'.85'.$*5'.8%.'8%3':551'5/.51?5?'."'
Title: Australian Social Enterprises: us to make it happen.
Stories of Challenge A special acknowledgement goes to Ananya Nandakumar
ISBN: 978-0-9808764-1-3 at CSI who has been an invaluable support in transcribing,
Subjects: Social business enterprise,
Social entrepreneurship, Social business,
Social responsibility, Public/social/
private partnership, Grameen family of
Corporate social responsibility, Corporate
The project has sought to provide a vehicle for Australian social "! How do you approach staffing?
enterprise practitioners to tell their stories. We felt that there "! How have governance arrangements influenced
@%3'%'155?'>")'.85'&5%)1$12'%1?'$13$28.3'">'.8535'5/-5)$51#5?' direction and development?
and emerging leaders to be shared.
"! Does your founder continue to be involved?
As such, the stories presented provide a snapshot of the
interviewees’ perspectives on their own and their organisations’ "! Have you handled succession issues to date,
5/-5)$51#53;'<85' -)"=5#.' $3' 1".' %#%?5*$#' %1?' ?"53' 1".' 355B' or are you thinking about this?
to provide a representative sample, or to evaluate the social "! How does your mission affect how you manage the
enterprises themselves or the model more generally. ")2%1$3%.$"1'G'?"'.85'5/.5)1%&'4%&653'.)%13&%.5'
to your internal practices in any way?
,.' ?"53' 355B' ."' "-51' 6-' ?$3#633$"1' $1' .85'C63.)%&$%1' #"1.5/.+'
through showcasing a wide variety of social enterprises. "! Has/will any of your work contribute to
A diversity of legal structures, trading sectors, social/ ‘growing the commons’ – assist others working
514$)"1*51.%&D'#6&.6)%&'*$33$"13+'3$053+'3.%253'">'?545&"-*51.' to achieve similar goals?
and locations were sought. "! Have you/do you plan to use any social impact
<8$).AE(45'>%#5E."E>%#5'$1.5)4$5@3'@$.8'.8$).AE.8)55'")2%1$3%.$"13' %33533*51.'-)"#53353'G'@8%.'8%3':551'A"6)'5/-5)$51#5'
were conducted between September 2009 and February 2010, of this to date?
mostly at the social enterprise location. The interviews ranged "! What have been/will be the critical success factors for
from one to three hours in length, were audio recorded and in your social enterprise?
several cases more than one interviewee participated. "! If you started again, what would you differently?
A semi-structured interview format and conversational style "! What has kept you going – who or what has been
were used, with interviews structured around a core set of helpful to you?
Interviewees were provided the opportunity to review the draft
"! What was the original vision for the social enterprise? 3.")$53'%1?'.85$)'#"**51.3'8%45':551'$1#")-")%.5?'$1."'.85'(1%&'
"! What is the vision now – versions.
how has this changed, what influenced this?
The stories are presented thematically to seek to illuminate
"! What role have partnerships played? shared learning pertinent to a sector.
"! F8%.'8%3':551'A"6)'5/-5)$51#5'%)"61?'>61?$12'%1?'
investment, during start up and/or growth phases?
FOOD: Eaglehawk Recycle Shop VIC 141
Charcoal Lane VIC 7 Outlook Environmental Services VIC 149
Food Connect Qld/National 13 Penny Farthings Pushbike Parking Qld 157
Mars Hill Cafe NSW 19 Reverse Garbage Cooperative VIC 163
H6I""0'7)$.)5%1'J53.%6)%1.'K'9%.5)$12' Qld 27 Soft Landing NSW 171
Sorghum Sisters VIC 31
Cleanable Property Services VIC 183
ARTS, MEDIA AND DESIGN: Dress for Success Sydney
Abbotsford Convent VIC 49 (formerly Suited for Work) NSW 187
Biddy Bags Qld 61 MultiLink Interpreting Services Qld 193
The Big Issue in Australia VIC/National 65 Nundah Community
Gideon Shoes NSW/National 71 Enterprise Cooperative Qld 201
Goolarri Media Enterprises WA/NT 77 Property Plus Group NSW 209
Human Ventures (formerly Speak Out) Qld 83 Spectrum Employment
VibeWire Youth Inc. NSW 89 Services Cooperative NSW 217
Urban Renewal Landscape
ADVOCACY: K'9"13.)6#.$"1' VIC 223
Break Out Design Print Web NSW 95 youthinc SA 233
Our Community VIC/National 101
Shared Learning and Authors’ Observations 241
Featured Social Enterprises’ Websites 257
,1>"/#8%125' VIC/Timor Leste 109
Message Stick Group National 117 Useful Links 260
Work Ventures Ltd. C115/'LM'' '
ITeC Repair Centre (SIRC) NSW 123 The challenges and opportunities of different
cool nrg International 135 legal structures for social enterprises 264
About the sponsoring organisations and authors 267
Charcoal Lane
With 14/20 in The Age Good Food Guide in a 150 year old
bluestone building, Charcoal Lane is a modern Australian
restaurant serving contemporary Australian cuisine infused
@$.8' 1%.$45' \%4"6)3+' 5*-&"A$12' %1?' .)%$1$12' ?$3%?4%1.%25?'
indigenous and non-indigenous young people (www. Located in fashionable Gertrude
established by Mission Australia as a social enterprise that also
acts as a transitional labour market program, creating training
and employment pathways for disadvantaged youth in a
commercial hospitality environment. Named after an important
meeting place for Melbourne’s Aboriginal community in the
past, Charcoal Lane also aims to positively promote Victorian
C:")$2$1%&' #6&.6)5' .8)"628' 8%)1533$12' 1%.$45' \%4"6)3' %1?'
contemporary art work, such as photography from Wayne
Quillam, Aboriginal artist of the year.
6 7
The restaurant and training program began in 2006, when three year establishment period, while AAV also assisted in
Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (AAV) and the Victorian Aboriginal .85' 53.%:&$38*51.' 3.%25' :A' #"1.)$:6.$12' ."' (.E"6.' #"3.3;'[$#B$'
Health Service (VAHS) offered a tender to establish a hospitality emphasises that the partnership with AAV, VAHS and the wider
outlet at the Gertrude Street site, which lay derelict for fourteen Victorian government is crucial to Charcoal Lane.
years. Mission Australia applied, with the idea of developing a Throughout the establishment process, Charcoal Lane had both
low key café and to provide training upstairs. Vicki Maughan, a Business Advisory Group and an Aboriginal Advisory Group.
H$33$"1'C63.)%&$%I3'9"**61$.A'!5)4$#53'H%1%25)+'5/-&%$13'.8%.' Regular reports are also sent to the VAHS through attendance
this concept evolved during the site redevelopment process. %.'.85$)'*"1.8&A'Q"%)?'*55.$123;'[$#B$'5/-&%$13'.8%.'.8$3'&$%$3"1'
F$.8'251.)$(#%.$"1'">'.85'3.)55.+'$1#&6?$12'%).'2%&&5)$53'%1?'8$28' and reporting is now undertaken by one of the young people
-)"(&5')53.%6)%1.3'"-51$12'6-'$1'.85'%)5%+'%3'@5&&'%3'.85'8$3.")$#+' involved in the training, as it provides an opportunity to work
bluestone shell, an opportunity emerged to do something more @$.8'.85$)'7&?5)3;'Y$451'.85'3$.5I3'3$21$(#%1#5'."'.85'C:")$2$1%&'
substantial than a café. As the program’s Business Advisory community, Mission Australia worked closely with the VAHS
Group recommended, a more substantial venture was also Board to ensure what they were doing was appropriate. As
needed if the business was going to be sustainable and create [$#B$'5/-&%$13+'.85'Q"%)?I3'$1-6.'8%3':551'#)6#$%&'$1'38%-$12'
3$21$(#%1.'5*-&"A*51.'"--").61$.$53;' .85')53.%6)%1.I3'$?51.$.A;'O[CZ!'?$?1I.'@%1.'$.'."':5'2$**$#BA+'
C>.5)' $.3' ()3.' A5%)' ">' .)%?$12+' .85' 3"'.85'C:")$2$1%&'.85*53'%)5'36:.&5'$1'.85'(.'"6.'%1?'.85'>""?;'
restaurant is generating $1m in ,.I3'%'_6%&$.A'5/-5)$51#5'@$.8'2""?'>""?P;'
revenue and commercially breaking F$.8'%'()3.'#&%33')5-6.%.$"1'$1'8"3-$.%&$.A'.)%$1$12+'.85'F$&&$%*'
5451;',.'$3'5/-5#.5?'.8%.'%>.5)'.85'$1$.$%&' Angliss Institute has been responsible for training, given that
three year establishment period, the .85'#5).$(#%.5'.85A'-)"4$?5'8%3'3"*5'3.%1?$12'$1'.85'8"3-$.%&$.A'
restaurant and catering business will industry. William Angliss provides two or three chef trainers
:5' %:&5' ."' 2515)%.5' .85' 15.' -)"(.' ."' at a time, as part of their Steppers program which does not,
enable and support the integrated however, cover all costs. Part of the program funding for
training program, which includes trainees has come from corporate partners but the largest
personal and group support, life and contributions have come from Mission Australia. Charcoal Lane
employability skills development, also works with a range of referral agencies, with the Accor
3.)6#.6)5?' @")B' 5/-5)$51#5' %1?' Group, the Retailers Association and Spotless all core partners
%##)5?$.5?' 95).$(#%.5' ,,,' $1' 8"3-$.%&$.A' >)"*' F$&&$%*' C12&$33' for employment placements for trainees coming through the
Institute, with the aim of enabling a successful transition to -)"2)%*' %.' 98%)#"%&' ^%15;' [$#B$' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' @8$&5' .8535'
sustainable mainstream employment. organisations ‘recognise that it won’t be like taking on a regular
Charcoal Lane works closely with both the VAHS and AAV. employee’, they see working with Charcoal Lane as a good
Belonging to the Victorian Government through AAV, the way to contribute to initiatives such as Closing the Gap and
Charcoal Lane building is leased to VAHS, who have in to contribute to their CSR programs. Charcoal Lane is keen to
turn sublet to Mission Australia. The business has not been develop these partnerships further, delivering cultural training
required to pay VAHS the full market rate of rent during its to staff and moving beyond CSR alone.
18 19
to a wide cross section of the community, particularly the Mars Hill has purposefully never publicised that it is a
diverse communities of Western Sydney. Through this the volunteer run organisation and has a careful philosophy of not
concept and the cafe have evolved and developed. Kevin says stigmatising people and not being badged as providing a social
the emphasis has now shifted to being more about running an 35)4$#5;' d"15.85&533+' >")' .8"35' 5/-5)$51#$12' $33653' $1' .85$)'
ethical business and meeting the needs within the community. lives, having a place where they can come to work and focus
Mars Hill is still connected to and supported by the founding "1'-)"?6#.$45'%1?'-"3$.$45'5/-5)$51#53'$3'8625&A'4%&6%:&5;'
body but an acknowledgement of broader perspectives, C1".85)' #")5' -8$&"3"-8A' $3' )5\5#.5?' $1' 8"@' 35)4$#5' $1' .85'
*6&.$-&5' :5&$5>' 3.)6#.6)53' %1?' ?$45)35' &$>5' 5/-5)$51#53' $3' %.' #%>5' $3' ")2%1$35?;' c54$1' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' #"61.5)' 35)4$#5' "1&A'
the core of what they do now. He adds that whilst this shift is provided as it is important that all staff have time to have
has challenged the relationship with the founding body, it still conversations with people visiting the cafe, and aren’t caught
)5#"21$353' .8%.' .85)5' $3' %' :515(.' ."' :5$12' $1' .85' #"**61$.A+' up in just waiting on tables. As the enterprise matures it is
to providing a space that’s engaging, providing a space for considering whether and how to provide some formal training
*63$#$%13'%1?'-"5.3'%1?'%'3-%#5'>")'%).$3.3'."'5/8$:$.;']")'*%1A' and support for volunteers in performing this role.
regular customers Mars Hill has become their second lounge
room, a neutral space where they can connect with others in Similarly, in the early days Lisa was the volunteer cook but
their community. There is an understanding that the values they quickly recognised that this took her away from spending
and intention behind the original concept are still there, and .$*5'@$.8'-5"-&5;'Q5#%635'$.'$3'*6#8'*")5'?$>(#6&.'."'%..)%#.'%'
that moving away from an overt faith focus has opened up this volunteer to this type of role, an agreement was reached with
5/-5)$51#5'."'%':)"%?5)'%6?$51#5; the founding organisation to provide short term funding to
take on a part-time cook as a paid position. This role has been
Mars Hill is run primarily by volunteers with around twenty #"45)5?':A'.)%?$12')545165'3$1#5'.85'%2)55*51.'(1$385?+'%1?'
involved at any one time. Kevin estimates that around two ".85)'.8%1'c54$1I3')"&5'R@8$#8'8%3':551'5/.5)1%&&A'>61?5?'."'
hundred people have been involved in this capacity over the date) the cook has been the only paid staff member.
past eight or nine years. Each volunteer commits to a minimum
of one shift per week, and if they are asked to come in for an However, some of this is set to change as in 2009 Mars Hill
additional shift because they are needed, they are paid for the was successful in being awarded a Commonwealth Jobs Fund
5/.)%'@")B'ROa)"-5)&A+'3%A3'c54$1+'O%3'%1'5.8$#%&':63$1533'@$.8' grant of $368 000 over two years. This is providing funding
.%/'(&5'16*:5)3'5.#'G'61&$B5'*%1A'$1'.85'8"3-$.%&$.A'$1?63.)APU;' to employ some core positions that will assist with securing
The volunteers are recruited through word of mouth and are Mars Hill’s longer term sustainability. An Arts, Music and
usually already coming to Mars Hill for events and informal Jobs Fund Coordinator will focus on developing the events
activities before committing to a volunteer role. The approach and entertainment activities so they begin to generate some
$3'."'-6)-"35>6&&A'*$/'6-'.85'.A-53'">'-5"-&5'@8"'%)5')"3.5)5?' revenue. Mars Hill is positioned at the high quality end of the
to work together. Some work full – time and volunteer in their #">>55' 5/-5)$51#5' %1?' .%B53' 2)5%.' -)$?5' $1' $.3' "@1' e6*-$12'
3-%)5' .$*5+' ".85)3' %)5' 615*-&"A5?+' 2)%--&$12' @$.8' #"*-&5/' Lama blend of ethical coffee, in the quality of its coffee
$33653'$1'.85$)'&$453'%1?'$1'155?'">'36--").;'c54$1'5/-&%$13'.8%.' products and in Kevin’s role as a national barista championships
this approach changes people’s opinions and beliefs about judge. A new Head Barista position will formalise the training
others who may be different from themselves. program and create the necessary linkages with a Registered
24 25
opportunities to refugee women from Eritrea and neighbouring and large covered its own operating costs, though it continues
countries. The vast majority of these women have limited to receive funding for training through various channels.
&%126%25' 3B$&&3+' ?"' 1".' @")B' %1?' &%#B' #"1(?51#5;' <8535' H6I""0'8%3':551'8%)?'8$.':A'.85')5#51.'5#"1"*$#'?"@1.6)1;'
factors, coupled with family commitments, restrict their ability !%:%'5/-&%$13'.8%.'-5"-&5'3-51?'&533'*"15A':6.'*")5'.$*5'%.'.85'
to obtain full time employment in the mainstream workforce. restaurant- and she still has to pay her workers. The restaurant is
Saba advises that a catalyst for the social enterprise idea was a located downstairs without a street front and Saba feels this has
program run by the Brisbane City Council which funded planning #"*-"61?5?'.85')5#51.'?$>(#6&.$53'%1?'$3'&""B$12'>")'%1".85)'
>")'*$#)"E(1%1#5'-)"=5#.3;'X.85)'5%)&A'>61?$12'$1#&6?5?M'%'jk' location to open a second restaurant. She admits that initially
TTT'2)%1.'>)"*'.85'Y%*:&$12'9"**61$.A'Q515(.']61?+'%'jS' the focus was on the cooking and she didn’t realise what all
000 grant from Foresters Community Finance, a $1000 loan the other aspects of running a business would involve. Had she
from Foresters, and an $8 000 grant from Moorooka Council. In realised how hard it was going to be, she might not have had
STTk+'H6I""0'-%).15)5?'@$.8'!-$)%&'9"**61$.A'Z6:'."'%--&A' the courage to do it, but at the time, she thought it was worth
for a Federal Government grant; after a two year process, they having a go. At this stage, the business would probably fold if
received $125 000 to assist with establishment. After a year of Saba were to leave. The issue of succession will be discussed
)611$12'%3'%'>""?'3.%&&+'H6I""0'@%3'2)%1.5?'%'>6).85)'jSS'TTT' %.'.85'15/.'CYH+'."'&""B'%.'@8"'*$28.':5'%:&5'."'.%B5'6-'.85'
:A'Q)$3:%15'9$.A'9"61#$&'."'5/.51?'.85':63$1533;',1'STTl+'%'jSi' main coordinating role. Saba hopes to ‘transition’ someone to
TTT'2)%1.'>)"*'.85'Y%*:&$12'9"**61$.A'Q515(.']61?'>61?5?' take over from her, so she can scale back her involvement with
.85'-6)#8%35'">'%'4%1;'QA'.8$3'-"$1.'H6I""0'8%?'%&3"'2515)%.5?' H6I""0;'!%:%'@"6&?'%&3"'&$B5'."'355')526&%)'.)%$1$12'3533$"13+'
%'jLk'TTT'-)"(.'%1?+'%3'%')536&.+'.85A'@5)5'%:&5'."'-6)#8%35' similar to the initial government-funded program, introduced.
catering equipment and pay Saba a wage. Saba asserts that ‘if F$.8' 36#8' %' .)%$1$12' %))%125*51.+' H6I""0' @"6&?' :5#"*5'
you come with a clear idea and commitment, there is support’ %' 3.5--$12' 3."15' >")' @"*51' .8%.' @"6&?' %33$3.' .85*' ."' (1?'
%1?'.8%.'*%B$12'3-5#$(#')5_653.3'$3'*")5'36##533>6&'.8%1'=63.' permanent jobs in the wider community. :@
asking for assistance in general. Update: Front of house basic training is now being delivered
a%).15)38$-3'8%45'-&%A5?'%'-$4".%&')"&5'$1'H6I""0I3'?545&"-*51.+' @))A24$&'$%&!..>$@0"2)$!$*)@$0)!3$10).$"%$5)"*($%'/(0&$&'$-22$
particularly in relation to training. With the help of the Qld the currently vacant position. Saba is taking steps to hand over
m5-%).*51.' ">' 7?6#%.$"1' K' <)%$1$12+' H6I""0' @%3' %:&5' ."' the management of Mu’ooz to a small degree. Despite having
provide four months of training for twenty two women; training gained valuable experience, Saba is clear that the complex role
which the women received free of charge and for which they she has been performing requires more than one person to be
@5)5'%&3"'-%$?;'!%:%'5/-&%$13'.8%.'.8$3'.)%$1$12'@%3'#)6#$%&+'%3' sustainable. She feels that a small team assisted by a mentor
the women were unskilled, and being paid acted as a major would be a good structure for Mu’ooz, moving forward.
incentive for them to get involved and to stay committed. Further Website: 8..-MDD@@@;*6""0;#"*;%6D
Social Ventures Australia. Spiral Community Hub continues
to play a major supportive role, helping with administration,
36 37
5/.513$45')535%)#8'"1'3"#$%&'51.5)-)$35'%1?'61?5).""B'%'3.6?A' The vision behind STREAT has grown a lot over the past
tour of seven countries, visiting social enterprises and building four years, partly due to the partnerships the enterprise has
on what she had learnt in Vietnam. Following this research, developed. Having mapped out the three core areas of the
%##")?$12'."'J5:5##%+'O545)A.8$12'54"&45?'3"'_6$#B&AP; business, STREAT set about determining what they could do
Along the way, there have been some fundamental shifts in themselves within these areas and what they could partner
STREAT’s structure and outlook. While the enterprise has always on. STREAT’s partners are all philosophically aligned with
been about creating training and employment opportunities for .85' 51.5)-)$35N' >")' 5/%*-&5+' !<JEAT is partnered with the
young people, Rebecca soon realised that STREAT didn’t have AFL’s Ladder Program, the AFL’s start-up youth homelessness
to be restricted to an intermediate labour market model and program sharing similar objectives to STREAT. Partnerships
that ‘the end point didn’t have to be young people in jobs in have been crucial to the social support aspect of STREAT’s
hospitality’. She saw the potential for STREAT to scale, creating :63$1533M'O.85'A"612'-5"-&5'#"*5'@$.8')5%&&A'#"*-&5/'$33653+'
more small enterprises and jobs, and, over time, moving to a and if you don’t support these, you won’t get the training and
partnership or equity share model, where the young people 5*-&"A*51.'"6.#"*53P;',1$.$%&&A+'!<JEAT intended to provide
would own and manage their own enterprise. Another big case management itself, employing a clinical psychologist and
shift has been what the social enterprise looks like. While the youth workers. Case management is now provided through a
original business plan assumed that the business would set up partnership with Melbourne Citymission (MCM), which has an
a cafe, from which food carts would run, a decision was made integrated unit within STREAT. The partnership was a ‘natural
to start with the carts alone, avoiding the high overheads a (.I+'3%A3'J5:5##%+'3$1#5'.85'H9H'@5)5'.8$1B$12'%:"6.'A"6.8'
cafe would incur. The economical nature of STREAT’s street- homelessness issues in the same way as STREAT were. MCM
based and mobile concept was important, given that the has also become STREAT’s sole referral agency for young
:63$1533'8%3'5/.)%'3"#$%&'36--").'#"3.3'."'*55.;'F8$&5'C63.)%&$%' people, simplifying the youth employee selection process and
may lack the huge street economy present in many Asian also providing a safety net if employees drop out of STREAT.
countries, Rebecca says that a number of people in the public Other service providers don’t always take (young people) back,
sector are increasingly looking at how to use socially inclusive but MCM will keeps working with them. The co-location of
public spaces to increase economic participation. One of the MCM staff with STREAT has also increased the potential for the
advantages of being a start up business, she believes, is the organisations to develop other joint programs. The outcome
%:$&$.A'."':5'\5/$:&5'%1?'."'35$05'"--").61$.$53'%3'.85A'%)$35;' for disadvantaged young people was therefore seen as better if
In January 2011 STREAT reached the milestone of 30,000 STREAT partnered with MCM, rather than working with several
customers. referral agencies. Hospitality training has also been provided
46 47
In 1975 the Sisters sold the site to the State Government,
recognising that a social isolation model was not the best
way to rehabilitate women. The State Government gifted it to
the La Trobe and Lincoln Universities for twenty years, but it
was eventually returned as the costs of operating the heritage
site were prohibitive. It was at this stage that the story of the
current Abbotsford Convent social enterprise began. When the
State Government advertised that the site would be sold to a
group of developers (or ‘destructors’, as Maggie calls them)
who planned to build multi-storey apartments on the site, a
group of local community members conceived and offered an
alternative solution.
The Abbotsford Convent Coalition (ACC) fought against the
development plans for seven years, through numerous court
proceedings and challenges. The members went to their
networks and developed partnerships to secure professional
5/-5).$35+' >)"*' &%@A5)3' %1?' )5%&' 53.%.5' %251.3' @8"' -)"4$?5?'
major pro bono support, and a huge community campaign was
mobilised. The vision for the site evolved from heritage-based
arts and tourism precincts that had been visited in Europe and
elsewhere. After a massive effort by the ACC and its supporters,
twelve months the ACF had to close the site to the public in
by 2001 the project had secured in-principle support from the
order to focus on these major works. Maggie reports that at
State Government. The Abbotsford Convent Foundation (ACF)
the end of this stage the site was a ghost town, the gates were
was established as the legal entity to manage the project, and
in 2004 the title for the land was formally transferred in what is
the space.
asset transfer cases. In 2005 the northern part of the site was Today the vision is to be a unique arts, cultural and learning
added to the original title, to be retained in public ownership. precinct and to be a community resource, an incubator for
The site is Crown Land and ACF now leases and manages it on creativity and the sharing of ideas, and a place of enjoyment.
a perpetual basis. The Abbotsford Convent site has twelve thousand visitors per
week and is open seven days a week. Maggie reports that
With the transfer, the State Government committed $4 million
development is years ahead of the plan and that it’s still growing
in seed-funding and the City of Yarra added a further $1 million.
These funds were primarily allocated to getting the buildings
ended up another gated apartment community covered in car
and grounds into a state where they could be used, as some
parks’. As activity builds, security is becoming more of an issue,
with some incidents of vandalism, but the ACF is committed to
Jockel noted the isolation of many older women, stemming
from their lack of involvement in the economic and social life
of the community. Recognising that the elderly have much to
contribute, Samantha launched Biddy Bags in 2007, with an
aim to value the skills and abilities of the ageing population
and to give them a continued valued role in society. Biddy
Bags focuses on economic participation, the sharing of skills
and intergenerational contact, with women working on a paid
casual basis to make bags and to conduct workshops.
Biddy Bags is a Company Limited by Guarantee, with a
small board comprising Samantha, her sister and a friend. In
practice, however, Samantha makes the decisions regarding
the enterprise. While this structure works fairly well for Biddy
Q%23+' %3' $.' $3' #6))51.&A' 3*%&&+' !%*%1.8%' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' 3.%).$12'
the absence of a suitable company structure. Given the current
58 59
need to register the company name in each state, Samantha While Biddy Bags had the right company structure and was
suggests that there is a need for a new structure for social theoretically an ideal candidate for grants, Samantha, being
enterprise that isn’t as complicated but which still ensures A"612'%1?'61B1"@1+'>"61?'$.'?$>(#6&.'."'":.%$1'>61?$12;'!85'
transparency and accountability. secured a $5000 grant from the regional arts development
Q$??A'Q%23'#6))51.&A'5*-&"A3'3$/'-%$?'3.%>>'%1?'.@"'4"&61.55)3;' fund and $1000 from a community fund for materials. Yet
The ladies are employed on a product by product basis and are .8535' %*"61.3' @5)5' 1".' 36>(#$51.' ."' #"45)' .85' 3.%).E6-' #"3.3'
paid for each product made, in addition to receiving over half so the bulk of her start up funding came from a $10 000 grant
">' .85' -)"(.' ">' 5%#8' -)"?6#.' %#.6%&&A' 3"&?;' !%*%1.8%' 85)35&>' >)"*'%'n1$.$12'986)#8'H$33$"1']61?;'!%*%1.8%'5/-&%$13'.8%.'
works part time for no wage. One of the key hallmarks of the while she had been reluctant to rely on this option, given her
product is that the traditional knitting and sewing skills of the close connection to the church community and the funding
ladies have been adapted to modern designs, that are attractive committee (her husband being a Minister), there were few
to a much broader audience. ".85)'%451653'">'>61?$12'%4%$&%:&5;'<85'2)%1.'@%3'3-5#$(#%&&A'
Samantha has had several business ideas in the past but her and this, in addition to Human Ventures’ support, meant that
#"1#5-.'>")'Q$??A'Q%23'@%3'.85'()3.'."'2%)15)'51"628'36--").' when Biddy Bags launched, it had a fully operational website
to encourage her to pursue it. The difference that even a small and two hundred bags in stock.
amount of money (e.g. $25-$300 per week) could make to a lady
"1'%'-513$"1'@%3'54$?51.+'%3'@%3'.85'3"#$%&':515(.'.8%.'#"6&?' With very few social enterprises focusing on the social
)536&.'%1?'.85'3B$&&3'385'#"6&?'38%)5'.8)"628'@")B38"-3;'C.'()3.' inclusion and meaningful engagement of older people,
Samantha had imagined that the women would get together to there has been a high level of interest in Biddy Bags’ work.
knit products but soon found that many of the women preferred Products that people can relate to, strong support networks and
to work alone and saw interaction with younger people through consistently good publicity have been crucial to Biddy Bag’s
.85'@")B38"-3'%3'*")5':515(#$%&;'Q$??A'Q%23'$3'1"@'-%$?'."' ongoing success. Adopting the structure of a social enterprise
#"1?6#.' @")B38"-3' %1?' .85' -)"?6#.3' 8%45' %&3"' ?$45)3$(5?N' has also meant that funding bodies don’t drive Biddy Bags
nevertheless, the vision behind the company is very much as it direction and that Samantha can continue to make decisions
was at the start. 85)35&>;' C##6*6&%.$12' -)"(.' %&*"3.' >)"*' .85' "135.+' Q$??A'
Bags has covered its costs with around $25 000 in grants and
Z%4$12' &$..&5' :63$1533' 5/-5)$51#5+' !%*%1.8%' 36##533>6&&A' the rest through its own revenue. Project based commissions
applied for the Young Artists Mentoring Program with Youth from art galleries in NSW and Brisbane to produce items that
Arts Qld. She obtained a one year mentorship, with Aleem Ali #"*-&5*51.'5/8$:$.$"13'8%45'%&3"':551'%'3"6)#5'">')545165;'
from Speak Out (now Human Ventures) as her mentor. Human While no formal assessment of social impact has been
Ventures has since been a major partner, contributing around 61?5).%B51+' !%*%1.8%' %335).3' .8%.' 385' #%1' 355' .85' (1%1#$%&'
$10 000 in pro bono input, including the design of Biddy Bags’ impact Biddy Bags has had whenever one of the elderly women
website; and with Aleem personally supporting Samantha in is able to afford something she couldn’t have prior to earning an
technical areas and in establishing networks. Youth Arts Qld income through the enterprise. Similarly, she believes that the
8%3'%&3"'-&%A5?'%'3$21$(#%1.')"&5'$1'-)"4$?$12'!%*%1.8%'@$.8' workshops Biddy Bags conduct have created a positive social
useful contacts. impact by encouraging intergenerational contact and building
a sense of community.
60 Australian Stories of Social Enterprise 61
Samantha says that if Biddy Bags wanted to grow, it would
)5_6$)5' %' 3$21$(#%1.' 2)%1.' %1?' #8%1253' $1' *%1%25*51.' ."'
produce more stock and to employ more staff. But she says
for Biddy Bags to go as the production process is so unique.
engagement with the ladies and the quality of the product if
they were trying to produce at a large scale. Samantha suggests
that sometimes the work of an individual person can’t be
replicated and scaled and that this is an issue that needs to be
The Big Issue in Australia .85'*%2%0$15'>")'jS;kT'5%#8'%1?'.851'%..5*-.'."'35&&'>")'jk;<85'
<85'Q$2',3365'!.)55.'H%2%0$15'71.5)-)$35'-)"4$?53'"--").61$.$53' 861?)5?3' %1?' 2515)%.$12' %' 3$05%:&5' $1#"*5' $1' .85' -)"#533;'
for disadvantaged people to improve their circumstances by C##")?$12'."'*%2%0$15'5?$.")'C&%1'C..@""?+'8"@545)+'35&&$12'
35&&$12'<85'Q$2',3365'*%2%0$15;'<85'-6:&$#%.$"1'%1?'3%&5'">'.85' <85'Q$2' ,3365' *%2%0$15' )5-)5351.3' *")5' .8%1' =63.' *"15A' >")'
*%2%0$15'$3'"1&A'"15'">'<85'Q$2',3365'C63.)%&$%I3'%#.$4$.$53':6.' the vendors. It also provides them with a sense of purpose
remains the largest source of income for the organisation. and, given that they are interacting with the community and
<85'Q$2',3365'@%3'()3.'&%61#85?'$1'.85'nc'%3'%'*%2%0$15'$1' working instead of begging, it raises vendors’ self esteem. The
1991. A response to the growing number of homeless people Big Issue also employs vendor support staff, to ensure that
$1' ^"1?"1+' <85' Q$2' ,3365' *%2%0$15' -)5351.5?' 35&&$12' .85' vendors are not competing at the same locations and also to
*%2%0$15'%3'%'&52$.$*%.5'%&.5)1%.$45'."':522$12M'O>)"*'4$#.$*' assist with problems in relation to health and housing. Alan says
."' 451?")P' $1' .85' @")?3' ">' .85' >"61?5)+' e"81' Q$)?;' ])"*' .85' that vendors don’t often move on to better employment, given
*%2%0$15'2)5@'%'@$?5)'")2%1$3%.$"1'.8%.'1"@'%&3"'.%)25.3'.85' .8%.'.85'3%*5'$33653'.8%.'8%45'&5?'.85*'."'35&&'.85'*%2%0$15'
61?5)&A$12' #%6353' ">' 8"*5&5331533' %1?' 36--").3' *%2%0$15' prevent them from entering mainstream employment. One of
451?")3' $1' 8"63$12+' 85%&.8' %1?' (1%1#$%&' *%..5)3;' ,1' LVVl+' .85'*%$1'%?4%1.%253'">'35&&$12'<85'Q$2',3365'*%2%0$15'$3'.8%.'
this model was brought to Australia, with Graeme Wise and vendors can work their own hours. Many long term vendors
The Body Shop key drivers in the establishment of The Big have accepted that this system works for them and don’t seek
Issue Australia. In its early days, The Big Issue Australia was employment elsewhere.
essentially an off-shoot of the Body Shop and continues to While the wider organisation has received several government
have only limited contact with the original UK organisation. 2)%1.3+' <85' Q$2' ,3365' *%2%0$15' 8%3' :A' %1?' &%)25' :551' 35&>E
C.'()3.+'<85'Q$2',3365'RC63.)%&$%U'*%2%0$15'@%3'-6:&$385?'"1'%' sustaining. The Body Shop has remained a crucial partner. Alan
3*%&&'3#%&5'%1?'3"&?'"1&A'$1'H5&:"6)15;',.'8%3'3$1#5'5/-%1?5?' %?*$.3'.8%.'>")'%'&"12'.$*5+'.85'*%2%0$15'@"6&?'8%45'>"&?5?'
:6.'.85'4$3$"1'%1?'5.8"3':58$1?'.85'*%2%0$15'8%45')5*%$15?' if The Body Shop had backed out. To reduce its vulnerability,
consistent: publishing a product that is attractive to customers .85' *%2%0$15' 8%3' *%?5' %' #"1#5).5?' 5>>").' ."' :)$12' $1' *")5'
but which also assists the people who are selling it. partners and supporters over the last decade. Advertising
d".'%&&'*%2%0$15'451?")3'%)5'8"*5&533+'.8"628'.85'4%3.'*%=")$.A' revenue is another source of income, though Alan says that
are unemployed or unable to hold down steady employment. nurturing lasting partnerships is favoured over the constant
<85' Q$2' ,3365' 8%3' 1"' b#85#B' &$3.' ">' #)$.5)$%I' >")' $.3' *%2%0$15' pursuit of advertising. The advertisements that do appear in the
vendors and it is understood that if someone approaches the *%2%0$15'4%)A+'@$.8'3"*5'#"*-%1$53'-%A$12')526&%)'-)$#53'>")'
*%2%0$15'%3B$12'>")'36--").+'.85A'636%&&A'155?'$.;'[51?")3'-%A' advertising space while other like-minded social organisations
>")'#"-$53'">'.85'*%2%0$15'6-'>)"1.+'.8"628'.85)5'$3'%'#&"35&A' %)5'">.51'2$451'3-%#5'%.')5?6#5?')%.53'")'>")'>)55;'^%)25'()*3'
policed system which occasionally allows for small amounts of such as Freehills, Origin Energy and Corrs Chambers have all
#)5?$.;'<85'Q$2',3365I3'">(#53'%1?'"6.&5.3'36#8'%3'<85'Q"?A'!8"-' )5#51.&A'%?45).$35?'$1'.85'*%2%0$15+'@$.8'C&%1':5&$54$12'.85A'
serve as collection points, where vendors purchase copies of -%).&A' ?"' $.' ."' 36--").' .85' *%2%0$15' %1?' %&3"' :5#%635' .85A'
A"612' -5"-&5' >)"*' !"6.8' F53.' !A?15A;' H%..' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' shoe production. Matt suggests that at present other businesses
.85' :%&%1#5' :5.@551' 5/-5).' 3.%>>' %1?' .85' -%.8@%A3' -"3$.$"13' are ‘just scratching the surface’ with little accreditation in
@$&&' :5' #%)5>6&&A' *"1$.")5?' "45)' .85' ()3.' A5%)' ."' 5136)5' .85' place and that Gideon Shoes presents a unique opportunity
51.5)-)$35' ?545&"-3' %' *"?5&' .8%.' #%1' *55.' :".8' $.3' (1%1#$%&' to highlight the issues and present a sustainable business
and social targets. approach to doing things differently. Through a social marketing
Matt is also developing an approach that will create interesting and entrepreneur driven approach he plans to drive greater
and empowering opportunities for the young people. He awareness of the power of consumer choices and make these
5/-&%$13' .8%.' %' 38"5' $3' 3"*5.8$12' .8%.' .85A' $1.)$13$#%&&A' choices transparent in the market place.
understand – it’s something everyone needs and, especially for The Ted Noffs Foundation board has shown a high degree
young people, is a symbol of identity. However, the vision is of risk tolerance and innovation in how it has responded to
not to just teach them how to sell shoes to a distributor. Social the opportunity presented by Gideon Shoes. Non-traditional
marketing will be central to the approach and will allow Gideon decision making can be seen in the approval to buy-out the
!8"53' ."' 5/.51?' .85' 5*-&"A*51.' %1?' .)%$1$12' 5/-5)$51#5' enterprise, in supporting the Jobs Fund application and in
beyond just sales to marketing, media, promotions etc. ‘The accepting that, like most start-up businesses, it may be up to
aim is not to teach young people how to be employees, but (45'A5%)3':5>")5'Y$?5"1'!8"53')5.6)13'%1A'36)-&63'%1?':52$13'
how to be entrepreneurs’ says Matt. With this in mind the core #"1.)$:6.$12'."'.85'!.)55.'n1$;'C3'@$.8'*"3.'1"1-)"(.'51.$.$53+'
team will be made up of trainers who work with the young capital is utilised in program delivery, rather than accumulated
people to develop relevant skills and attitudes. This approach is as a commercial business would do, and therefore there will
likely to mean that each young person stays with Gideon Shoes be limited reserves to draw on during the establishment phase.
for longer than they might in a more traditional intermediate And as Matt is quick to point out ‘it costs money to make
labour market (ILM) model. money’. This is a challenging scenario for anyone governing
In addition to the employment and training objectives Matt is $1'.85'1"1-)"(.'35#.");'Q".8'Y$?5"1'!8"53'%1?'.85'!.)55.'n1$'
#&5%)' .8%.' %' #")5' -)$")$.A' >")' .85' ()3.' A5%)' $3' 35#6)$12' .85' b1"' generate positive public and media interest in the work of the
sweatshop’ supply chain for the shoes. Before the Ted Noffs Ted Noffs Foundation and the willingness of the board to ‘give
Foundation purchased the business the shoes were made in some rope’ can be attributed in some part to this.
Vietnam. Now they are Australian made. But part of the social The support of the board has been critical to Gideon Shoes
purpose of Gideon Shoes is to drive the no sweatshop agenda progressing as far as it has. However, the skills required to
further. Whilst they are beginning to receive a lot of attention govern a social enterprise are different from those needed
and kudos, Matt understands that ‘ethical’ can be a grey area $1' %' >"61?%.$"1' ")' .)%?$.$"1%&' 1"1-)"(.' 35..$12;' H%..' 8%3'
and that in the longer term it will be critical for Gideon Shoes received considerable advice and pro bono support from some
."')5%&&A'>"#63'$1'"1+'%1?'#"1.$16%&&A')5(15+'@8%.'.8$3'*5%13' 3$21$(#%1.':63$1533'-5"-&5'."'?%.5'%1?'@$&&':5'53.%:&$38$12'%'
.8)"628'?545&"-$12'%1?':51#8*%)B$12'%2%$13.'3-5#$(#'#)$.5)$%;' Steering Committee for Gideon Shoes in the near future. Matt
Z5'>55&3'.85)5'$3'%'&".'">')""*'>")'$*-)"45*51.+'>")'5/%*-&5' considers support from the CEO of Mounties, Greg Pickering,
eventually manufacturing from recycled materials, and projects Phillip Adams AO, and the owner of Street Press Australia Craig
that it will take around ten years to fully benchmark ethical Treweek as instrumental to Gideon Shoes’ success to date. In
Goolarri Media Enterprises
80 81
would be a viable business enterprise and where the greatest required in an emerging organisation; in other instances, there
155?+' $1' )5&%.$"1' ."' .85$)' 3"#$%&' *$33$"1+' 5/$3.5?;'<85' )536&.3' was something of a disconnect between some board members
of this research showed that traditional ‘crisis’ youth services, and the day-to-day operational aspects of Speak Out. The
providing housing, food and clothing, were struggling to recent re-branding and re-positioning of Speak Out as Human
transition disadvantaged young people into the mainstream Ventures have also led to further changes in the board. While
sectors of education, training and employment. Speak Out Aleem acknowledges there is still a level of development to
consequently decided to position itself in the area between the occur, in terms of bringing new board members up to speed,
crisis service providers and the mainstream. this poses much less of a challenge than in the past, given that
Aleem, now the CEO, admits that going into the high knowledge Human Ventures is now well established.
and skills driven industry of multimedia was a risky decision, Brisbane City Council (BCC) played a key support role in
given that many of the young people Speak Out was working Human Ventures’ development, granting them a low cost
with had only completed up to years nine or ten. Initially, Speak lease for premises in central Brisbane, which the organisation
Out was working predominantly with young men, many of #"1.$1653'."'635'%3'$.3'85%?'">(#5;'Q99'8%3'%&3"':551'%'*%=")'
@8"*'8%?':551'$14"&45?'@$.8'=6451$&5'=63.$#5'>")'2)%>(.$')5&%.5?' client from the beginning, which has made approaching other
">>51#53;'F8$&5'.8$3'2)"6-'@%31I.'3-5#$(#%&&A'.%)25.5?+'A"6.8' large organisations, such as the Port of Brisbane, a much easier
justice services in Queensland picked up on the advertising task for Human Ventures. The Queensland State government
#%*-%$21' >")' !-5%B' X6.I3' ()3.' $1.%B5' %1?' 3%@' .85' -".51.$%&+' is another ongoing supporter, providing $15 000 to conduct
referring ten young men to the organisation. These men clearly initial market research, as well as grant funding for training
had an interest in creative pursuits; what was needed was an programs. A three year funding plan was negotiated with the
opportunity to channel this interest. This led to the creation 3.%.5' 2"45)1*51.+' %1' %2)55*51.' @8$#8' 2%45' .85' \5?2&$12'
of Orbit, Speak Out’s creative industry- focussed employment organisation stability but, with its limited duration, also ensured
and training program, which took on board twenty three young that it would not become dependent on grants for its survival.
people. Eleven of these participants were then selected to Funding from the Foundation for Young Australians, the Qld
participate in a twelve month full-time traineeship. Department of Employment, Arts Qld and from the Westpac
When Speak Out re-formed in 2001 as a Company Limited Foundation all assisted with further establishing the enterprise.
:A'Y6%)%1.55'$1'f65513&%1?+'"1&A'C&5/'H#m"1%&?'#"1.$165?' F$.8' $.3' STTWDTV' 15.' %116%&' .)%?$12' -)"(.' ">' %--)"/$*%.5&A'
>)"*'.85'-)54$"63':"%)?;'C&5/'8%3'3$1#5'3.5--5?'?"@1'>)"*'.85' $99 000, Human Ventures’ trading income currently comprises
:"%)?+'@8$#8'1"@'#"*-)$353'(45'-5"-&5+'$1#&6?$12'C&55*;',1' 36% of gross annual income.
addition to this, the board has a couple of ‘critical friends’; that Human Ventures has gone through several stages in its
$3+'-5"-&5'61?5)'1"'&52%&'":&$2%.$"1':6.'@$.8'3-5#$(#'3B$&&3'@8"' ?545&"-*51.'%3'%1'")2%1$3%.$"1;'C&55*'5/-&%$13'.8%.'$1'!-5%B'
-)"4$?5'%?4$#5'."'.85':"%)?;'^52%&+'(1%1#5+'*%)B5.$12'%1?'aJ' Out’s early days, potential clients were not sure whether it
advice are provided by these ‘friends’, who may become board was a graphic design agency with a social mission or a youth
members in the future. Aleem says the board has been a real service organisation engaging in some amateur graphic design.
journey, with its composition having changed several times over To address this, key areas of the organisation were re-branded,
the years. In some situations, board members had the requisite with the social justice arm named the Speak Out Foundation,
skills on paper but did not fully grasp how much work was the design studio enterprise named Speak Out Creative and a
82 Australian Stories of Social Enterprise 83
design studio doing paid Community Cultural Development As part of the commitment to community cultural development,
work named Speak Out Connect. However, they soon realised both Human Ventures, as well as Aleem on a personal level,
that by creating the Foundation, they had marginalised the provide mentoring and support to a number of organisations.
#")5')5%3"1'>")'.85'")2%1$3%.$"1I3'5/$3.51#5M'$.3'3"#$%&'*$33$"1;' <8$3'$3'?"15'5$.85)'-)"':"1"'")'%.'#"3.'$>'.85)5'%)5'3$21$(#%1.'
From then on, the different aspects of the organisation were #"3.3'$14"&45?;'d".%:&5'5/%*-&53'">'")2%1$3%.$"13'.8%.'Z6*%1'
treated as departments under the one Speak Out brand which, Ventures has assisted around design and brand development
in 2009, became Human Ventures. include Biddy Bags and Black Star Coffee. As an organisation,
The switch from Speak Out to Human Ventures occurred largely Human Ventures is trying to focus increasingly on creative
due to a perceived need within Speak Out to rejuvenate and re- industries enterprise development, as well as on Business
$1451.'.85'")2%1$3%.$"1;'C&55*'5/-&%$13'.8%.'.85A'@5)5'(1?$12' Babes, an enterprise supporting young mothers to start micro-
.8%.'8%4$12'%1'5/#&63$45'>"#63'"1'A"612'-5"-&5'@%3'%#.6%&&A' enterprises.
marginalising young people and that there was a need to To measure the social impact of its work, Human Ventures
engage young people more broadly. The original constitution, recently underwent a Social Return on Investment evaluation,
inherited from 1995, was becoming increasingly irrelevant delivered by Social Ventures Australia. While he found it
and, having adopted the focused principles of the youth sector, useful on some levels, Aleem says that it was far too resource
Speak Out was being restricted as an organisation. By rewriting intensive and that if Social Ventures Australia had not paid
the constitution, which contained new cross cultural and inter for it they wouldn’t have continued with the process. The
generational foci, Aleem says that the organisation was also \5/$:&5' -)"#533' ">' 54%&6%.$"1' ?$?' %&&"@' .85*' ."' #8%125' .85'
able to be clear about what it was offering and to present measurements to suit their organisation but this didn’t give
itself as a fully integrated social enterprise. He believes that them a benchmarked value which they could compare or
the new Human Ventures brand has given the organisation #"**61$#%.5'>")'5/.5)1%&'-6)-"353;'C&55*'1".53'.8%.'%1".85)'
more credibility with corporate customers by eliminating ?$>(#6&.A'@$.8'.85'!"#$%&'J5.6)1'"1',1453.*51.'*"?5&'@%3'.8%.'
the confusion about whether they are ‘just another youth it doesn’t differentiate between the government as a funder and
organisation’ or a truly professional creative services provider. as a purchaser; although it was able to accommodate the fact
Human Ventures currently employ twelve staff and eight that Human Ventures has legitimate government clients who
volunteers. Previously employee numbers have been as high are not funders. Despite the limitations Aleem advises that the
%3' (>.A' R$1#&6?$12' ">' .)%$1553U' :6.' C&55*' :5&$5453' .8%.' 2"$12' 54%&6%.$"1'-)"#533'@%3':515(#$%&'%3'$.'*%?5'.85'3.%>>'%1?':"%)?'
>")@%)?+'.@5&45'."'3$/.551'3.%>>'*5*:5)3'@$&&':5#"*5'.85'1")*;' more aware about how they communicate Human Ventures’
C'(1%1#5'*%1%25)'@$.8'5/-5)$51#5'$1'.85'#")-")%.5'35#.")'@%3' value to stakeholders.
recently brought on board and has enhanced the sustainability The evolution to the Human Ventures model has been
">' .85' ")2%1$3%.$"1' :A' 5136)$12' .8%.' (1%1#$%&' 3A3.5*3' %1?' %' 3$21$(#%1.' #"1.)$:6.$12' >%#.")' $1' C&55*I3' #"1.$16$12'
processes develop alongside the operations. Volunteers are involvement. Discussions around succession have been taking
also taken on by Human Ventures, mostly for their professional place for several years and Aleem believes that the systems are
3B$&&3+'@8$&5'(1%&'A5%)'61$45)3$.A'3.6?51.3'%&3"'#"*-&5.5'>")*%&' now in place as well as a strong enough reputation to continue
placements. to succeed without him. But while he admits to having thought
86 87
of Vibewire’s youth media arm, allowing the organisation to operate as an incorporated association, but prefers to operate as
)5#)6$.'%'.5%*'">'3$/.A'A"612'-5"-&5'>")'.@"'@55B3;'H%)A'%1?' %'-)"(.E>")E-6)-"35'")2%1$3%.$"1'.8%1'%3'%'.)%?$.$"1%&'1"1-)"(.;'
Annie admit that SBS took a big risk in taking on Vibewire’s Structural change has also involved a shift from being entirely
largely unskilled team but it also made economic sense for youth run, and taking on very little advice from other parties, to
them to work with Vibewire instead of a mainstream supplier: a much more diverse board and advisory network. Annie feels
‘they got a lot more for their money’, Mary asserts. that Vibewire has learnt from past mistakes, where a youth-led
However, working as SBS’ ground media team for WYD took board and poor succession planning left the organisation on
its toll on Vibewire, with all other programs effectively being the verge of collapse. By focusing on restructuring the core of
shut down for the duration of the contract. While SBS wanted .85':63$1533'%1?'&""B$12'>")'3-5#$(#'3B$&&'35.3'."'*%B5'6-'.85'
to continue working with Vibewire after WYD, a decision board, she hopes to make Vibewire a long term sustainable
was made not to pursue it at that point. The Vibewire board organisation that is not dependent on any one individual.
acknowledged that major structural changes were required Vibewire is also focusing more on its social enterprise model
before the organisation would be in a position to handle a long- through revenue generation, with trading income constituting
term sustainable partnership. Rather than seeing it as a missed around 40% of gross annual income in 2009. Such a focus
opportunity, Mary says that turning down the opportunity to was necessary because of the lack of any other regular income
continue working with SBS was ‘better than taking it on and not sources, with private donations and media contracts coming in
doing it well’ as this approach has protected the organisation’s only sporadically.
reputation for the future. Amidst all the structural changes, however, Vibewire has
Shortly prior to the WYD contract with SBS, Vibewire’s founder retained its core mission of providing a platform for youth
and CEO, Tom Dawkins, left the organisation. His departure 5/-)533$"1+':6.':5#%635'.85A'?"'1".')5_6$)5'A"612'-5"-&5'."'
had a major impact, given that most of Vibewire’s work had 8%45' %1A' 5/-5)$51#5+' .85A' %)5' .85)5>")5' #"13.%1.&A' 35%)#8$12'
revolved around his passion and vision. ‘A lot of Vibewire for innovative ways to balance development opportunities
was bound up in the charisma of the individual leader’, Annie for young people with the delivery of quality products and
advises. While Annie and Mary had both been working in services. To avoid duplication and to potentially build a youth
Vibewire alongside Dawkins, they had little knowledge of media support framework across Australia, the organisation is
the whole-of-business operations, which were later found to looking at possible collaborations with other peak youth bodies,
be lacking sound and sustainable structures and management including the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYACC).
processes. These factors, coupled with dramatic changes in the While the social impact of Vibewire’s work has not previously
online landscape since Vibewire’s establishment, quickly set been measured, it is being considered. Important for Vibewire’s
the organisation almost back to where it had started. Board is determining what they are measuring and whether
C11$5' .""B' "1' .85' &5%?5)38$-' ?6)$12' .85' ?$>(#6&.' .)%13$.$"1%&' such measurement will be useful for the organisation, in terms
period, following the resignation of Dawkins’ immediate of the time and resources required. Annie was also hesitant to
replacement. Mary joined her as Co-Director in 2009. Under assess the impact of Vibewire’s work in terms of the ‘categories
their charge, sweeping changes have been implemented to ">' A"612' -5"-&5I' %>>5#.5?;' !85' >55&3' .8%.' :A' b:"/$12' -5"-&5I'
Vibewire’s structure and operations. Vibewire continues to into categories of ‘indigenous, disadvantaged or disabled’, this
92 93
half-way house. After Breakout withdrew from the funded half-
way house it established as a new un-funded association, and
over time transitioned into a workers co-op. The establishment
of this structure was supported by a state government scheme,
though the conditions they placed on the co-op were not
conducive to the independence the workers had hoped for.
Breakout eventually bought out the capital provided under
the scheme, to pursue a more independent path. The original
structure has changed to that of a Proprietary Limited Company,
with Breakout’s advocacy arm, Justice Action, embedded within
Q)5%B"6.' %3' %1' 61$1#")-")%.5?' ")2%1$3%.$"1;' Q)5..' 5/-&%$13'
that the relationship between Breakout and Justice Action has
always been the focus of marketing strategies. Breakout also
shares equipment and staff with and spends the bulk of its
Breakout received $108 000 in seed funding in 1984, for its
government led to confrontations with funding authorities and a)"2)%*;'Q)5..'5/-&%$13'.8%.'@8$&5'.85)5'@%3'%'&".'">'36--").'."'
.85')$3B'.8%.'>61?$12'@"6&?':5'?$3#"1.$165?;'Q)5..'5/-&%$13'.8%.' $1$.$%.5'%1'5/E-)$3"15)'5*-&"A*51.'-)"=5#.+'85'B15@'.8%.'36#8'
to pursue justice advocacy, it was critical that an autonomous funding could only be a one-off given Breakout’s desire for
revenue stream was established. In 1982, he set up an arts and complete independence. The state government scheme which
craft shop, funded through a one-off Federal Government grant initially supported Breakout invested capital in the workers
%$*5?'%.'#)5%.$12'5*-&"A*51.'>")'5/E">>51?5)3'.8%.'@%3'."':5' co-op model; when Breakout moved from this structure, it
an employment generating enterprise. He admits that there bought out this capital using funds personally invested by
was a limited market for this, with the enterprise eventually Brett. Brett continues to invest personal money in Breakout
diversifying by obtaining commercial cleaning contracts (including $200 000 from the proceeds from his house sale);
and purchasing printing presses. With the printing business $1$.$%&' ?$>(#6&.$53' $1' :"))"@$12' .8)"628' *%$13.)5%*' #8%115&3'
proving to be the most successful venture, the group decided aside, he also sees investing his money to build Breakout as
."'5/-%1?'$.;'Z5'5/-&%$13'.8%.'@8$&5'.85'-6)-"35'">'Q)5%B"6.' a more useful application of his funds than putting them in a
is its politics, he always recognised that the business had to bank. Breakout’s current annual turnover is between $1.5 and
#"*5' ()3.' ".85)@$35' .85' ")2%1$3%.$"1' @"6&?' 1".' :5' %:&5' ."' $2 million.
independently fund its advocacy work. There has, therefore, Breakout has constantly adapted the services it provides to
been a consistently strong emphasis on creating a sustainable meet the changing demands of the market. In recent years,
and disciplined business from the beginning. there has been a shift from printing to digital media work and,
Initially Breakout was an association within the structure of the @$.8$1' .85' -)$1.$12' :63$1533+' >)"*' :""B3' ."' *%2%0$153;' X45)'
106 107
‘And no sooner had you found appropriate accommodation for self-sustaining, generating funds to pay for its operations and
someone, than someone else was on the doorstep and you’d its future maintenance and upgrade. In 1996, HBBN separated
have to go through the whole process again’. When a friend from the Inner Urban Regional Housing Council and changed
suggested he develop a computer database to list vacancies, its name to the Victorian Housing and Youth Information
Andrew immediately saw the possibility of ‘using technology 7/#8%125' R,1>"/#8%125U;' ,1>"/#8%125' :52%1' ."' %#.' %3' %1' ,!a'
for social justice’. for community sector organisations, providing them with
internet access, developing and maintaining their websites and
At the time, Andrew was working for the Inner Urban Regional
setting up State-wide intranets connecting community service
Housing Council, which applied for and received a small
providers. The business employed four workers through the
$2500 grant from the Victorian Government to undertake a
Federal Government’s Jobskills program and trained young
feasibility study. Computer consultants advised Andrew and his
people from inner city refuges in internet use.
colleagues that they would need between $250 000 and $300
000 to get the project off the ground, an inconceivable amount X45)'.85'15/.'?5#%?5+',1>"/#8%125'#"1.$165?'."'2)"@'%1?':A'
at the time. As a result, rather than undertaking a feasibility 2010, the enterprise was a social sector business registered as
study which was ‘likely to gather dust on a shelf’, they decided ,1>"/#8%125'C63.)%&$%' ^.?' @$.8' .%/E5/5*-.' 3.%.63;' ,.' 5*-&"A3'
to use the grant money to start building the database. With seventy people, with operations throughout Australia and in
two donated computers and purchased modems, Andrew and .85'C3$%Ea%#$(#;'
his colleagues created the Housing Bulletin Board Network The original Bulletin Board continues to operate online under
(HBBN) over eight months. While the Bulletin Board was basic .85' 1%*5' !5)4$#5' !55B5)' %1?' $3' C63.)%&$%I3' *"3.' 5/.513$45'
by today’s standards, its potential soon became apparent. community services directory, with information on over two
X>.51'.85'()3.'-").'">'#%&&'$1'.85'35%)#8'>")'%4%$&%:&5':5?3'>")' 861?)5?'%1?'(>.A'.8"63%1?'35)4$#53;']"#6335?'"1':)$12$12'635)3'
homeless youth, the Victorian Police was an early adopter of targeted information with minimal effort, it can be searched
the electronic database. :A' B5A@")?+' 25"2)%-8$#' )52$"1+' 3-5#$(#' 36:6):' &"#%.$"1+'
C1?)5@' %1?' 8$3' #"&&5%2653' 3""1' )5%&$35?' .8%.' 5/.51?$12' .85' practitioner name, service name or service focus and is
database to other service areas would make it an even more available in print and on CD-ROM as well as online. One of the
635>6&' )53"6)#5;' F$.8' *%1A' 8"*5&533' -5"-&5' 5/-5)$51#$12' services on offer is to partner with community and government
multiple problems requiring simultaneous attention, agencies to help them develop their own databases, or to tailor
employment, counselling and mediation, drug and alcohol and Service Seekers’ interface and content to suit their individual
education services were added to the database. By the end of ")2%1$3%.$"1I3' 155?3;' <8$3' $3' $1' B55-$12' @$.8' ,1>"/#8%125I3'
1995 over seven hundred people were registered service users, creed that social justice is enhanced by using technology to
the database contained information on over twelve thousand better allocate scarce resources, by ensuring organisations
services and the Housing Bulletin Board Network (HBBN) had co-operate with each other and work is not duplicated, for
nine staff. 5/%*-&5;
ZQQd' #"1.$165?' ."' 54"&45' %1?' 5/-%1?' $.3' 35)4$#53' %1?' X15'">',1>"/#8%125I3':53.'B1"@1'$1$.$%.$453'$3'Y)551'a9+'@8$#8'
activities, moving onto the Internet in 1995. Around cleans and upgrades computers donated by over one hundred
this time emerged the principle of the facility becoming %1?' (>.A' 2"45)1*51.' %1?' #")-")%.5' ")2%1$3%.$"13+' $13.%&&3'
<"' 5136)5' %' 363.%$1%:&5' >6.6)5+' ,1>"/#8%125' 8%3' >"#635?' With the board overseeing management decisions and
"1' >"6)' %)5%3M' 2"45)1%1#5+' 86*%1' )53"6)#53+' %' ?$45)3$(5?' responsibility for day to day operations devolved to a general
revenue stream, and a succession plan. As the organisation manager as part of deliberate succession planning, Andrew
grew, Andrew began to see that ‘if it was going to become was increasingly able to focus on projects such as the Digital
seriously viable in its own right, it needed a committee or Inclusion Initiative and ‘Info Timor’. The latter has been set up
board of directors with skills in areas we didn’t have – we were :A',1>"/#8%125'%3'%'363.%$1%:&5',9<'3"#$%&'51.5)-)$35'>"&&"@$12'
just community workers and social activists’. From 2000 he the Green PC model, to be run by Timorese staff.
35.' %:"6.' (1?$12' -5"-&5' @8"' #"6&?' :)$12' &52%&+' *%)B5.$12+' With the support of the Victorian Government, in 2006
:63$1533'*%1%25*51.'%1?',<'5/-5).$35'>")'%':"%)?'">'?$)5#.")3' ,1>"/#8%125'#)5%.5?'%1'"--").61$.A'>")'3$/'<$*")535'3.6?51.3'
."' #"$1#$?5' @$.8' ,1>"/#8%125I3' )52$3.)%.$"1' %3' %' #"*-%1A' $1' ."'3.6?A'$1'H5&:"6)15'%1?'."':5'.)%$15?'%.'95).$(#%.5'^545&',,,'
2001. in Information Technology. Learning how to build computers
The board, which meets monthly, focuses on issues of and networks, the students also observed how Green PC was
operational purpose, including setting and monitoring the run, in order to replicate the model as a social enterprise in
organisation’s strategic direction, priorities and values. It Timor Leste. Info Timor now runs fully functioning computer
%&3"'?5(153'.85'1%.6)5'">'.85')5&%.$"138$-':5.@551'$.35&>'%1?' upgrading workshops similar to Green PC as well as ten
.85' 5/5#6.$45' ?$)5#.")+' $1#&6?$12' 35..$12' .85' :"61?%)$53' "1' computer training centres across the country. Its aims are
.85' 5/5#6.$45' ?$)5#.")I3' )5*$.' %1?' 5136)$12' b.8%.' 1"E"15' 8%3' 3$*$&%)' ."' .8"35' ">' ,1>"/#8%125M' ."' %??)533' .85' &"@' 1%.$"1%&'
unfettered powers of decision-making’. An independent board level of technological infrastructure and skilled IT staff and
means that Andrew’s vision is no longer accepted without eventually address further issues such as unemployment and
challenge. the digital divide. While Info Timor is ‘run by East Timorese
132 133
")2%1$3%.$"1I3'%335.3'%1?'.85':"%)?'@"6&?':5'61?5)'%'(?6#$%)A' light globes. Family and personal connections have, however,
duty to prevent such risks from being taken. The boards of kept cool nrg in Australia to date. It was through these personal
commercial companies owe a similar duty to shareholders not networks, and Nic’s own investment, that cool nrg sourced its
."' *%B5' ?5#$3$"13' .8%.' #"6&?' %?45)35&A' $*-%#.' "1' (1%1#$%&' start up funding and investment. ‘When people are investing
returns, even if there is a good social outcome. According to 3$21$(#%1.'%*"61.3'">'*"15A+'.85A'@$&&'*"3.&A'$1453.'()3.&A'$1'
d$#+'.8535'(1%1#$%&'%1?'3"#$%&'#"13$?5)%.$"13'#%1':5':%&%1#5?' the person, then the idea, then the level of return’, Nic suggests.
in the cool nrg structure. Z%4$12' 8%?' 2""?' 5/-5)$51#53' $1453.$12' $1' d$#I3' -)54$"63'
As a small organisation, the bulk of cool nrg’s projects are initiatives, several friends and contacts were willing to invest
undertaken through partnerships. It delivers projects on a mass $1' .85' :63$1533;' 9""&' 1)2' -)"45?' ."' :5' %' (1%1#$%&&A' 3"61?'
scale by working with governments, local businesses and other investment, with investors getting their money back within a
&"#%&'-%).15)3;'O<85'Y)5%.'Q)$.$38'^$28.'!@$.#8P+'.85'&%)253.'545)' year, as well as receiving a share in the company. Furthermore,
515)2A'5>(#$51#A'-)"2)%*'$1'.85'@")&?+'@%3'?5&$45)5?':A'#""&' earlier investors were interested in social investment in broad
nrg in 2008 through such a partnership. The distribution of 4.5 terms and were happy to help achieve the company’s social
million energy-saving light bulbs on a single day was carried "6.#"*5':515(.3;'
out by Britain’s large supermarket and newspaper chains for Social investment has also been the driver of cool nrg’s
no cost: Cool nrg itself had only three people working on the ^60' [5)?5+' %1' 515)2A' 5>(#$51.' &$28.$12' -)"=5#.' $1' H5/$#";'
-)"2)%*' "45)' 3$/' *"1.83;'<85' 36##533' ">' .85' Q)$.$38' -)"=5#.' Operating under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism,
@%3' %&3"' %..)$:6.%:&5' ."' .85' 97X' ">' !#"..$38' K' !6.85)&%1?' ^60'[5)?5'$3':5$12'?5&$45)5?'"1'.85'2)"61?':A'H5/$#"I3'.@"'
Electric, who backed cool nrg from the beginning. For Nic, largest hardware chains. Previously, the high cost of electricity
this willingness to take a risk was a big move for a commercial had meant that the poorest sections of the population required
company and it is this kind of ‘spiritedness’ that has been vital assistance in the form of government subsidies. Through the
to cool nrg’s growth. Outside of project delivery, Nic advises 3@$.#8'."'515)2A'5>(#$51.'2&":53+'.85'H5/$#%1'2"45)1*51.'@$&&'
that cool nrg generally steers clear of networks and groups. save $200million per annum in subsidised electricity it will no
The company is, however, starting to help other groups by longer have to provide. To put this into perspective, the whole
leveraging its own resources and investment networks for like- ?545&"-*51.' :6?25.' >)"*' .85' n!C' ."' H5/$#"' $1' STTW' @%3'
minded activities. Nic also speaks regularly at events about the $30 million. Nic advises that Cool nrg ‘won’t make anything
4%&65'">'515)2A'5>(#$51#A'%1?'#%):"1'.)%?$12'%1?'8"@'.8535' #"**5)#$%&&A' "6.' ">' .85' ()3.' -)"=5#.' $1' H5/$#"I' %1?' .8%.' $.'
link to poverty reduction. won’t recoup its investment into developing new technology,
Given that Australia has been slow to develop an agreed model but that the project is seen as a long term investment in the
for carbon trading, Nic admits that the company ‘would be >6.6)5'">'515)2A'5>(#$51#A;'
:5..5)'-&%#5?'$1'76)"-5I;'Z5'#"6&?'1".'(1?'%':%1B'")':"?A'$1' <85'#"*-%1A'#6))51.&A'5*-&"A3'[email protected](45'3.%>>'*5*:5)3+'@8"'
Australia ‘that understood what cool nrg was doing and that #"*5'>)"*'%'*$/'">'1"1-)"(.+'-)$4%.5'35#.")'%1?'2"45)1*51.'
wanted to get involved’. As a result, the company had to go backgrounds. Staff are often over-skilled for where they start in
off- shore. A business was set up in the UK and an initial loan the company, with the recruitment emphasis more on looking
obtained from a Dutch bank, with a Dutch company supplying >")'#6&.6)5'(.')%.85)'.8%1'"1'3B$&&3;'C##")?$12'."'d$#+'.85'$1.5)1%&'
Eaglehawk Recycle Shop
138 139
As a vocational training provider in the early 1990s FEO $.'45)A'?$>(#6&.'."'%#8$545'363.%$1%:$&$.A;'bF8%.'".85)':63$1533'
recognised that the fundamental issue was that there weren’t @"6&?'8%45'%&&'$.3'-)"(.3')5*"45?'545)A'.$*5'$.'?$?'@5&&rI'85'
jobs available for those coming out of training programs. At the asks. However, as a social enterprise, neither is it paid out to
time unemployment was around 20% in Eaglehawk, a suburb the staff. All surplus goes back into the enterprise to improve or
of Bendigo in regional Victoria. An opportunity emerged when 2)"@'.85'"-5)%.$"13'G'>")'5/%*-&5+'%'35#"1?'8%1?'>")B&$>.'8%3'
the City of Greater Bendigo announced it would need to invest been purchased and a truck, and the number of positions has
$5 million in the establishment of a new garbage tip, as the old been increased over time. ERS makes a contribution to FEO for
one was nearly full. the administrative services it receives, such as accounting, but
a5.5)' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' ]7X' -%$?' %' 3.%>>' *5*:5)' >)"*' J54"&45' .8$3'$3'%'(/5?'-%A*51.'>")'35)4$#53')51?5)5?;'
recycling enterprise in Canberra to spend a week with them on This approach is central to the wider adult learning model also,
the ‘tip face’. The following eight months were spent preparing as it builds ownership into the enterprise and has developed a
a basic feasibility study for the social enterprise concept. This strong culture of accountability amongst the staff. FEO and ERS
convinced the Council the enterprise could be sustainable and also have a core value that centres on resourcefulness and Peter
$.'36:35_651.&A'%--)"45?'%##533'."'@%3.5'2"$12'$1."'&%1?'(&&' 362253.3'.8%.'.85)5'8%3':551'%'#&"35'(.':5.@551'.8$3+'.85'.A-5'
and provided a small piece of land inside the site on which of enterprise (recycling) and the participants – who through
to operate. Peter advises it was important that this was all the being long term unemployed were used to being resourceful.
Council had to commit at that stage, otherwise it may not have This resourcefulness value can be clearly seen in the progress
progressed further. of the early years. An old shed was purchased from the Water
FEO placed an advertisement in the local paper and ten Authority and paid off over two years. Small grants were
participants were selected from those who attended an sought from a range of sources, including environmentally
$1>")*%.$"1' 3533$"1' %:"6.' .85' -)"=5#.;' <8535' @5)5' ">(#$%&&A' focused grant funds, to purchase items of equipment as they
-%).$#$-%.$12'$1'%'.)%$1$12'#"6)35'>")'.85'()3.'3$/'*"1.83+'%1?' were required. Peter’s dedication to building ownership and
)5.%$15?' .85$)' @5&>%)5' :515(.3;'<8$3' *5%1.' .85A' @5)51I.' -%$?' commitment is clear, including through limiting the FEO CEO’s
%1A.8$12'5/.)%'3"'.85A'8%?'."':5'B551;']7XI3'%--)"%#8'$3':%35?' salary to twice that of the lowest paid worker.
on an adult learning model, so it’s all about giving people X1'.85'()3.'?%A'.85'.51'")$2$1%&'7J!'3.%>>'@51.'."'.85'.$-'>%#5'
#8"$#53' a5.5)' 5/-&%$13;' ])"*' .85' :52$11$12' .85' %))%125*51.' picked up ten items, brought them back to the site and started to
was time-limited and it was agreed that wages would be .%&B'%:"6.'@8%.'.85A'#"6&?'?"'@$.8'.85*;'a5.5)'5/-&%$13'.8%.'$>'
-%$?' %>.5)' .85' ()3.' 3$/' *"1.83;' b`"6' #%1I.' 61?5)53.$*%.5' 8"@' FEO had tried to put them in a room to write a business plan at
important this wage free period was to getting the enterprise up that stage it would never have worked. But through the weekly
%1?')611$12I+'85')5\5#.3+'%1?'@$.8$1'3$/'*"1.83'(45'-%).$#$-%1.3' Wednesday morning meetings they gradually established a way
were employed full time. of working together, and developed the systems and processes
FEO believes that those who put in the effort should reap the needed to run the enterprise. ERS now employs twenty-two
reward and consequently any surplus generated by ERS is not staff and has ten regular volunteers. The constitution states that
transferred to FEO. Peter also notes that models that require people who are unemployed will be given preference when
social enterprises to return surplus to a parent organisation make recruiting new staff. And whilst Peter advises this isn’t always
Peter notes that an early decision to focus on being ‘collectors In addition to the major partnership with the local Council,
and sellers’ has been critical to this. He says it’s easy to get side Peter advises that a range of other local organisations have been
tracked into taking on various ‘value-add’ activities. But there’s $*-").%1.' #"1.)$:6.")3' ."' .85' 36##533' ">' 7J!;' ]")' 5/%*-&5+' %'
no money in these as the labour costs are too high, and also local business provided the bins and trucks for metal recycling
the customers are usually the type of people who want to do at a slightly reduced price. This meant ERS didn’t have to
this themselves anyway. Now they focus on getting the items in $1453.' $1' 5/-513$45' $1>)%3.)6#.6)5' ."' 53.%:&$38' .8$3' 3$?5' ">' .85'
and out the door as quickly as possible. operations, and it is now the biggest supplier of scrap metal in
Bendigo. The same partner has been in place for many years,
Peter is clear that ERS would not have been possible without but Peter advises that at one stage ERS wasn’t happy with the
the support of the Council, which has provided access to the price being offered and went out to tender. Another company
tip and a site for operations. However, at the start some Council won the contract for two years. The original partner won it back
staff strongly opposed the project as they had previously been later, but this showed them ‘we were a serious business’.
taking useable items from the tip and selling them privately.
]")' .85' ()3.' .@"' A5%)3' 7J!' -%$?' .85*' LTh' ">' 2)"33' .%B$123' In pursuit of its employment goals FEO also established and
."' #"*-513%.5' >")' .8$3+' %' 8625' "45)85%?' >")' .85' \5?2&$12' manages the Eaglehawk Enterprise Park, a small business
enterprise, but without this arrangement the goods would incubator enterprise. This is located on a former tip site
have been damaged and become unviable. After two years which was Crown land which was bought with a grant from
a receiving point was established and this was the trigger for the Commonwealth government. The title was created in the
.%#B&$12'.85'$3365;'F851'7J!'()3.'%?4$35?'$.'@"6&?'1"'&"125)' City of Greater Bendigo’s name and it owns the land and the
pay the overhead cost ‘black bans’ were threatened and things buildings with FEO renting the whole site for $1 per annum.
2".' 85%.5?+' :6.' 6&.$*%.5&A' @5)5' )53"&45?;' a5.5)' )5\5#.3' .8%.' Fifteen warehouses were originally built on the site and the
maybe they should have challenged the arrangement earlier rental income from these returned to FEO. A further seven
but says that could have jeopardised the whole project, and have recently been completed, using the income from the
$1'.85'51?'.85A'@5)5'%:&5'."'?5*"13.)%.5'.85':515(.3':5>")5' rent. Tenants take a three year ‘establishment period’ lease,
8%4$12'."'.%B5'"1'.8$3'#"*-&5/'$3365;' which keeps the new businesses cycling through. Peter advises
that a lot of successful local businesses have established
After fourteen years the City of Greater Bendigo was clearly there and occupancy rates are high with a waiting list. These
355$12' .85' :515(.3' %3' $.' ?5#$?5?' ."' :6$&?' %' *$&&$"1' ?"&&%)'
146 147
perceptions of disability and other forms of disadvantage. Tony in the commercial sector often take a much more specialised
reiterates that at the core of Outlook’s approach is a belief that approach.
everyone has something to offer and shouldn’t be subject to X6.&""BI3' ()3.' @%3.5E)5&%.5?' 3"#$%&' 51.5)-)$35' %#.$4$.A' @%3'
charity: ‘an empowerment model not a custodial approach’. established in 1992 outside a Council tip. The potential was
With strong links in the Victorian disability sector both Tony and demonstrated through this and Outlook negotiated with the
C115' ?)%@' "1' *6&.$E>%#5.5?' %1?' -)%#.$#%&' 5/-5)$51#5' @851' Council to fund about $120 000 worth of infrastructure to
they say that the public sector has yet to demonstrate a clear establish it properly. Tony notes that these days funding the
understanding of integration models. They suggest that these infrastructure is included in tender processes as Councils
models are being promoted through high level strategic plans, $1#)5%3$12&A' *"45' ."' 5/.5)1%&$35' .85' )$3B' %1?' )53-"13$:$&$.A;'
such as the Victorian State Plan, without fully comprehending Outlook’s contracts are won through commercial tender
.85' #"3.3' %1?' $*-%#.3' ">' $*-&5*51.%.$"1;' ]")' 5/%*-&5+' .85' processes and as there’s a requirement that the contractor will
funding available for support workers dictates a 1:6 ratio, but an $1453.' $1' .85' $1>)%3.)6#.6)5' .8535' %)5' 636%&&A' %)"61?' (>.551'
integrated approach requires much higher supervision levels as A5%)3I'?6)%.$"1;'C3'%'3"#$%&'51.5)-)$35'.8%.')5$1453.3'$.3'-)"(.3'
.85'@")B'514$)"1*51.'$3'1".'#"1.)"&&5?'."'.85'5/.51.'$.'@"6&?' $1."'#"**61$.A'"6.#"*53'X6.&""B'">.51'3.)622&53'."'(1?'.85'
:5'$1'%'b385&.5)5?I'3#51%)$";'a6:&$#'35#.")'">(#5)3'%&3"')526&%)&A' capital needed. In addition to the costs involved in setting
ask to see the ‘area where the disadvantaged people work’. The 6-' %' 3$.5+' @%3.5' .)%13>5)' %&3"' )5&$53' "1' &%)25' %1?' 5/-513$45'
point of the model is that they are integrated around the sites so equipment, which depreciates quickly.
.85)5'$31I.'%'3-5#$(#'%)5%+'%1?'@8$&5'.8535'">(#5)3'61?5)3.%1?' C115' 5/-&%$13' .8%.' .85' @%3.5' .)%13>5)' $1?63.)A' 8%3' *"45?'
this in theory it seems they haven’t fully comprehended how away from being handled solely by engineers, and that with
it translates on the ground. Tony says that whilst government more staff with broad environmental training now involved
has documents specifying integration models and an interest there is growing interest in the social outcomes Outlook
in promoting these, it is really being left up to organisations can deliver. This has opened up a number of joint and sub-
like Outlook to test and demonstrate how they actually work in tender opportunities as partner organisations are increasingly
practice, and that there is little support for this role. recognising the value a social enterprise adds to their tender
<"?%A' X6.&""B' "-5)%.53' (45' @%3.5' )5#"45)A' 3$.53+' )5#A#&5?' response. And some contracts have been won as a result of
goods shops and a nursery. It employs one hundred and seventy Outlook’s social outcomes, Tony reports.
3.%>>+' >").A' )526&%)' 4"&61.55)3' %1?' $1' STTWDTV' (1%1#$%&' A5%)' X6.&""B'@%3'.85'()3.'")2%1$3%.$"1'$1'C63.)%&$%'."'61?5).%B5'%'
?5&$45)5?'jliW'TTT'.)%?$12'-)"(.'>)"*'%'jLT*'.6)1"45);'!$1#5' Social Return on Investment (SROI) style assessment in 2005.
1995 it has paid award wages, including for low productivity Funded by Social Firms Australia and conducted by Social
workers, an approach that most working in the high needs Ventures Australia it found a favourable return through creating
employment sector don’t match even today. Anne chuckles =":3+' )5?6#$12' @5&>%)5' -%A*51.3+' )%$3$12' %??$.$"1%&' .%/+'
when she says they also grapple with hugely diverse operations )5?6#$12'@%3.5'."'&%1?(&&'%1?'-)"4$?$12'&"@'#"3.3'2""?3'."'.85'
across three different industries – ‘everything from incontinence community. Anne notes that it was a bit of a turning point for
aids to running waste transfer stations’. This kind of diversity is X6.&""B'%3'$.'#"1()*5?'@8%.'.85A'B15@'.85A'@5)5'?"$12+'%1?'
common in social enterprises, whereas businesses operating -)"4$?5?'%'&545&'">'_6%1.$(#%.$"1'>")'.8$3;'<85A'8%45'3$1#5'-6.'
m6)$12' %' A5%)' $1' ])%1#5' (1$38$12' 8$3' :63$1533' ?52)55+' a511A'
Farthings Director Mark Rossiter developed a passion for
the climate and the urban sprawl of our cities create barriers
to people using cycling as a form of transport. He started to
with the Green Pod. In 2007, with his old school friend and new
business partner Tim Ceolin, Mark established Penny Farthings
Push Bike Parking with a social and environmental purpose
of making sustainable transport, through cycling, easier. This
154 155
such as improved health, reduced emissions and reduced income. Coming from regional Australia, both Mark and Tim
.)%>(#'#"1253.$"1;' 8%45' @$.15335?' ()3.E8%1?' .85' :%))$5)3' >%#5?' :A' ,1?$251"63'
Mark reports that they are receiving very positive responses C63.)%&$%13+' 36#8' %3' )5?6#5?' &$>5' 5/-5#.%1#A;' 7451.6%&&A' .85A'
to the Pod and that the focus at present is on converting plan to integrate Indigenous employment opportunities into
.85' 5/#$.5*51.' ."' 3%&53;' a511A' ]%).8$123I' :63$1533' -&%1' 8%3' the enterprise and hope they may be able to employ around
$?51.$(5?' 61$45)3$.$53+' #$.A' 9"61#$&3+' &%)25' 5*-&"A5)3' %1?' 50% Indigenous staff in the longer term. Because the work will
public transport providers – in that order – as its target markets. be technically focused there will be opportunities to link this to
n1$45)3$.$53'@5)5'.%)25.5?'()3.'%3'.85)5'%)5'"1&A'.8$).AE1$15'$1' training pathways also.
Australia, they have large purchasing budgets relative to the As it grows, Penny Farthings will also establish a more
number of decision-makers involved and cycling is popular on comprehensive structure to ensure a level of separation
#%*-6353;' a511A' ]%).8$123' %&3"' 3-5#$(#%&&A' .%)25.3' >%#$&$.$53' between governance and operations. Advice and input has
managers, architects and others on the design end as the Pods been sought from a range of individuals and organisations to
are designed into spaces (either pre-build or retrospectively). date and several people have been acting in informal mentoring
This approach has made the most of a limited marketing budget capacities. Mark suggests that continuing in this vein with
and sales have started. an Advisory Board approach will probably suit them best. A
Penny Farthings has also developed a key relationship with 16*:5)' ">' -5"-&5' 8%45' 5/-)5335?' $1.5)53.' $1' .%B$12' 6-' .8535'
Queensland Rail. From the concept stage, staff have shown roles when the enterprise is ready to enter this phase.
interest and have been providing input on how the Pods could During the establishment phase a production process that has
:5'*"?$(5?'."'(.'@$.8')%$&'>%#$&$.$53'-&%11$12;'9A#&$12'$1#)5%353' kept overheads as low as possible has been implemented.
the catchment area for railway stations and also reduces the Outsourcing means they pay a little more to produce each Pod,
amount of parking needed. Heavy rail infrastructure is very :6.' 8%451I.' 8%?' ."' $1453.' $1' 5/-513$45' $1>)%3.)6#.6)5;' m53$21'
5/-513$45'%1?'3"'.85)5'$3'$1.5)53.'$1'8"@'#A#&$12'#%1'#"1.)$:6.5' and marketing are done in-house and production is handled by
to increasing its viability as a form of transport. a team based at Logan Village in Brisbane. By sticking to their
Developing a system to track the use of the Green Pods is core capabilities they have been able to stretch their budget
%1".85)' @%A' ">' *%/$*$3$12' $1.5)53.' >)"*' -".51.$%&' #63."*5)3' %1?+'$*-").%1.&A+'.85$)'#%38'\"@;
as it facilitates impact reporting. A counter type system is being Being a design and manufacturing based enterprise, access to
integrated so users can enter details of where they live, allowing start-up capital was critical and Mark laughs when he says their
calculation of distance travelled and emission reductions as a initial funds were raised through ‘friends, family and fools’.
result. Ways for the purchaser to recover some costs are also X1#5'$1."'.85'-)".".A-$12'-8%35'.8$3'8%?'."':5'5/.51?5?'%1?'
:5$12'5/-&")5?;'<8535'*$28.'$1#&6?5'%?45).$3$12'3-%#5'"1'.85' both Mark and Tim successfully applied for Micro Enterprise
outside, or a ‘gym membership’ style system that allows users loans through the National Australia Bank (NAB). Both partners
to purchase a swipe card with a number of uses on it. were granted separate personal loans, meaning they both have
At the time of interview Penny Farthings employed Mark ‘skin in the game’, which Mark says has helped the relationship
and Tim, and they were drawing a very minimal wage with develop productively. The NAB scheme allows entrepreneurs
Tim also doing some other part-time work to supplement his ."'.%B5'"1'-5)3"1%&'?5:.'>")':63$1533'5/-51353'">'%)"61?'jST'
160 161
work, and to embody the principles of democracy and equity in @8$#8' %.' .85' .$*5' ">' $1.5)4$5@' @%3' %--)"/$*%.5&A' jST;kT'
the workplace. The two organisations are co-located and support per hour. At that time Reverse Garbage was paying $17.37
for Friends of the Earth (such as subsiding rent) is enshrined in per hour and Bill reported that wages had not needed to be
Reverse Garbage’s constitution. As a non-trading cooperative, adjusted downwards for the previous four years, and that it was
surplus cannot be distributed to members but is either reinvested looking positive to continue moving towards the cap. Capping
in the enterprise or donated to Friends of the Earth. the wages is part of the philosophy of the enterprise as it seeks
Reverse Garbage’s constitution states that its operational costs to reduce consumption.
(for wages, rent etc) must be funded through its own revenue The worker run cooperative currently employs eleven staff and
streams. Grant funding can only be used for one-off events, two volunteers. Bill describes working at Reverse Garbage as a
such as the purchase of a van to enable educational workshops life-style choice, not just a job, and that whilst those involved
to be run at schools. The start up costs for the enterprise #&5%)&A' 355' .85' :515(.3' .8%.' $.I3' b1".' >")' 545)A"15I;' J545)35'
R5/#&6?$12'@%253U'@5)5'>%$)&A'&"@'%3'*%1A'">'.85'"-5)%.$"1%&' Garbage is worker-run and Bill says this is one of the main
items (e.g. desks, computers) were sourced through donations attractions for those who have worked there for a while. The
and as the primary business activity was the collection and sale organisational model closely involves workers in decision-
of waste materials, retail stock did not have to be purchased. making and managing the organisation that they in turn work
The majority of the additional funds required were for rent >");'<85)5'$3'1"'"45)%&&'*%1%25)'%1?'1"'5/.5)1%&'Q"%)?'m$)5#.")3;'
and here Reverse Garbage was fortunate in that the owner of The constitution requires workers to apply for membership
.85' :6$&?$12' 2515)"63&A' -)"4$?5?' .85' ()3.' .8)55' *"1.83' )51.' once they have completed a minimum employment period and
free. A small grant was used to purchase an old postal truck for number of hours. Once membership is successfully obtained,
collection of the waste and the remaining start-up capital came workers automatically qualify for Directorship. Consequently,
from personal loans from the founding members. the Board consists of the people who do the day-to-day
Bill Ennals, one of the current (though not Founding) Members work and this engenders a deep sense of stewardship, and
and Directors advises that over the past twelve years Reverse indeed, affection for the workplace. Similarly, the risks and
Garbage has been heavily subsidised by the low wages drawn responsibilities of running the enterprise are shared evenly
by the members and the large amount of volunteer labour between the workers and high levels of camaraderie and
they have also contributed. The original directors/members workplace morale result.
were participants in the Commonwealth’s New Enterprise Within this approach, investment in members and relationships
Incentive Scheme (NEIS) and as such were eligible to retain internally is obviously critical to the functioning of the enterprise.
:515(.' -%A*51.3' >")' .85' ()3.' A5%)' @8$&5' .85' 51.5)-)$35' @%3' X45)'.$*5'.85'-)"#53353'%1?'3A3.5*3'>")'.8$3'8%45':551')5(15?;'
established. Along with the personal loans to Reverse Garbage A consensus decision-making model is used. Decisions are
.85A'-)"4$?5?'3$21$(#%1.'b3@5%.'5_6$.AI'.8)"628'@")B$12'&"12' based on compromises so all can move forward together, and
%1?'61-%$?'8"6)3;'m6)$12'-5)$"?3'@851'#%38'\"@'@%3'&$*$.5?+' though there is a fallback voting mechanism should consensus
-%).$#6&%)&A' $1' .85' ()3.' (45' A5%)3+' .85A' %&3"' -%$?' .85*35&453' be blocked, this has only occurred once in the past nine-and-a-
very low wages. Under the constitution, wages are capped at half years. Bill notes that this can act as a ‘handbrake’ at times,
a wage rate equivalent to $17.50 in 2000 (adjusted by CPI), slowing down responsiveness, but over time as the directors
184 185
Given the nature of the services they provide, Dress for Success which will prepare them for job interviews. In addition to
think of everything they do as a partnership. There is heavy #&".8$12+'#&$51.3'@$&&'%&3"'8%45'%##533'."'#"1(?51#5':6$&?$12'
reliance on individuals and companies alike for clothing initiatives which will allow them to remain employed and assist
donations, as well as for volunteers. Interest from Cisco has .85*' $1' :5#"*$12' 35&>E36>(#$51.;'C' )5#51.' 2)%1.' 8%3' 51%:&5?'
opened the door to discussions with other corporations, such as Dress for Success to also hire a coordinator to oversee the
,QH'%1?'9&%A."1'n.0+')52%)?$12'4"&61.55)'-%#B%253+'@85)5:A' development of a mentoring program, which will draw on its
3.%>>'>)"*'.8535'()*3'@"6&?'4"&61.55)'@$.8'm)533'>")'!6##533;' corporate network. The program is set to launch in September
Elsewhere, Dress for Success is looking to build on their 2010.
5/$3.$12'&$1B3'@$.8'5*-&"A*51.')5>5))%&'%251#$53+'36#8'%3'H%/' H52%1' %?4$353' .8%.' m)533' >")' !6##533' %&3"' @")B3' 5/.513$45&A'
Employment. The common vision shared by such agencies and with Corrective Services NSW, often assisting recently released
Dress for Success has made the development of partnerships female inmates. Having received a grant from the Minister for
in this area a priority. Dress for Success is for now focusing Women, in April 2010 Dress for Success will launch a mobile
"1'#&".8$12'%1?'2515)%&'#"1(?51#5':6$&?$12'$1'%1'%..5*-.'1".' service for women in the Silverwater correctional facility. The
to encroach on these agencies’ employment-related activities service is designed to bring clothing to women who are ill-
(e.g. interview skills, writing resumes). equipped to re-enter the community, appear before a court and
H52%1'5/-&%$13'.8%.'@8$&5'.85'51.5)-)$35'@%3'$1$.$%&&A':%35?'"1' to look for employment. In addition, Dress for Success has also
the Fitted for Work model and began its work in the Melbourne been given funding by Corrective Services to offer a Personal
2)"6-I3' ">(#53+' 36:35_651.' ?545&"-*51.3' &5?' ."' .85' !A?15A' Presentation Program to selected clients; a program which will
2)"6-' 53.%:&$38$12' %1' $1?5-51?51.' 35)4$#5;' <85' ?$>(#6&.$53' consist of modules designed to enhance women’s self-esteem
$1' (1?$12' -)5*$353' %1?' 3.")%25' >%#$&$.$53' $1' !A?15A' %1?' %1?'#"1(?51#5;'
establishing a management structure were compounded by the In its early days, Dress for Success received $5000 from a
>%#.'.8%.'*"3.'">'.85'>"61?5)3'8%?'1"'-)$")'5/-5)$51#5'$1'35..$12' supporter, money which, along with other donations, was used
up a charity. Currently housed at the back of the Smith Family to pay for storage space, association costs and other general
Store in Burwood, Dress for Success is no longer linked with 5/-51353'$1#6))5?'$1'35..$12'6-;',1'%??$.$"1+'%)"61?'jST'TTT'
Fitted for Work Melbourne (though it maintains links with the has been raised through fundraising dinners, events which are
newer Dress for Success Brisbane group). Whilst independently subsidised by Accor Hotels. The hotel chain is also about to
responsible for its own fundraising and management, Dress for take over all of Dress for Success’ telecommunications costs.
15.@")B;'<8$3'%>(&$%.$"1':)$123'@$.8'$.'.85'%?4%1.%25'">'8%4$12' In relation to management, Dress for Success has had to deal
.85':%#B$12'">'%'*6#8'&%)25)'51.$.A'%1?'5/%*-&53'."'>"&&"@'$1' with several issues, with Megan admitting that the group is
carrying out their activities, working as what Megan describes looking for a better model for social enterprise. Currently, the
as a ‘social franchise’. management committee is heavily involved in the operational
running of Dress for Success rather than focusing on strategy.
Women from diverse groups, including those from job training The recent establishment of sub-committees has gone some
programs, homeless shelters and immigration services, can way to addressing this. Comprising eight members, the
come to Dress for Success for clothing as well as styling advice committee is still looking to bring on board someone with
MultiLink Interpreting Services
190 191
$1.5)-)5.5)3' @")B$12' $1' 5$28.A' (45' &%126%253' %)5' %4%$&%:&5' <85'#"1.)%#.3'@5)5'@"1':A'%'[$#.")$%1':%35?'>")E-)"(.':63$1533'
through MultiLink’s services. which undercut all the local suppliers. Peter describes this
A key factor in this rapid growth was the early establishment organisation as a ‘very hungry competitor’ that appears to work
of a relationship with the local district of Qld Health. It was "1' .$28.' *%)2$13' %1?' 355*3' -)5-%)5?' ."' %:3"):' 3$21$(#%1.'
355B$12' ."' $*-)"45' $.3' 35)4$#53' ."' 96&.6)%&&A' K' ^$126$3.$#%&&A' &"3353'$1'.85'()3.'>5@'A5%)3'@8$&5'$.'53.%:&$3853'$1'%'15@'%)5%;'
Diverse (CALD) communities and recognised that purchasing MultiLink also approached the new supplier to discuss possible
interpreter services from MultiLink delivered the additional subcontracting opportunities and had on offer its substantial
:515(.'">'&$1B$12'$1."'$.3'5/.513$45'#"**61$.A'15.@")B3;'F$.8$1' local track record and networks, but was advised that the new
twelve to eighteen months Multilink was able to increase the 36--&$5)' 3%@' 1"' :63$1533' 35135' $1' ?"$12' .8$3;' a5.5)' 5/-&%$13'
local district’s use of interpreter services by 300%. This was that, aside from losing the contracts, a key concern is that this
achieved through providing free training to Qld Health staff business appears to pay its interpreters the same rate whether
and through the fee based interpreter service. .85A' %)5' _6%&$(5?' ")' 1".+' @8$#8' @$&&' $*-%#.' .85' _6%&$.A' ">'
service provision to highly vulnerable groups. It also acts as a
During this time Qld Health became 90% of the business and disincentive for the interpreters to become accredited, which is
when the central Department made the decision to change one of the key development opportunities that MultiLink aims
contracting processes across the State MultiLink was hit hard. to achieve for its client base.
consistency in interpreting services across the State became The contract has been awarded for three years and will
.85'()3.'-)$")$.A;'Z5'1".53'.8%.'H6&.$^$1B'36--").3'.8$3'%--)"%#8' be reviewed at the end of this time, but Peter believes it
in principal, but that the decision to take this further to a single will be an almost impossible challenge to recapture even a
36--&$5)'*"?5&'$3'1".'3"*5.8$12'.85A':5&$545':515(.3'#&$51.3;' small percentage of the business MultiLink had previously.
f&?'$3'%'45)A'&%)25'%1?'4%)$5?'3.%.5'%1?'$.'$3'?$>(#6&.'."'?5&$45)' In particular he notes that the new provider has integrated a
a quality service into regional areas from Brisbane. number of its systems with Qld Health’s systems and it will
This decision was made in 2007 and came into practice the future.
during 2008. MultiLink tendered for the new contracts but was
unsuccessful as it was only seeking to deliver services in its Peter is clear that they have learnt many lessons from this
local area. They also worked with Disability Services Qld on 5/-5)$51#5+' *"3.' 1".%:&A' b1".' ."' -6.' %&&' A"6)' 5223' $1' "15'
a capacity building model, which would have seen MultiLink :%3B5.I' %1?' ."' %&@%A3' :5' *"1$.")$12' .85' @$?5)' #"1.5/.+' 1".'
working with local organisations in regional areas (eg. the just the local area. When social enterprises are competing with
Migrant Resource Centre in Cairns) to support the development mainstream businesses it is also important that they are not to
of local service provision, utilising the processes and systems be lulled into a false sense of security because a better quality
developed by MultiLink. Whilst the feedback from Disability or more embedded social outcome is achieved.
Services Qld was positive around the capacity building model MultiLink has not rested licking its wounds, however, and it
this was also ultimately unsuccessful as the Department was $3' -)"%#.$45&A' 355B$12' "6.' ".85)' #"1.)%#.3;' a5.5)' 5/-&%$13' .85'
not prepared to invest in the establishment time needed to Qld Government has recently committed to its departments
operationalise this approach. -)"4$?$12' $1.5)-)5.%.$"1' 35)4$#53' %1?' $1' (1?$12' :6?25.3' ."'
214 215
programs. These programs made Spectrum different from other common in organisations with an ILM focus, but in Spectrum’s
labour hire businesses and were the vehicle for delivering on case the pre-employment programs were resourced through a
its social purpose, but they cost a lot to maintain. Aside from *$/.6)5'">'$1.5)1%&'%1?'5/.5)1%&'>61?$12;
the initial modest investment from the founding partners for Through statistics it generated from data captured in simple
fourteen years Spectrum funded its own operations, growth spreadsheets Spectrum was able to demonstrate to its public
%1?' ?$45)3$(#%.$"1' %33$3.$12' "45)' 3$/' 861?)5?' ?$3%?4%1.%25?' and private sector clients that its model transitioned people
people into employment in its last eight years of operation. from training into employment, either in its own businesses
Mark advises that a major factor contributing to the folding of ")'5/.5)1%&&A;',.'%&3"'#"&&5#.5?'%'&".'">'#%35'3.6?A'$1>")*%.$"1+'
!-5#.)6*'@%3'.85'2&":%&'(1%1#$%&'#)$3$3;'^%:"6)'8$)5'*%)B5.3' which brought to life the stories of individual participants. Mark
%)5'"15'">'.85'()3.'."'36>>5)'$1'%'?"@1.6)1'%1?'@$.8'3"'*6#8'">' advises that they had begun looking at different methods to
$.3'"-5)%.$"13'?5-51?51.'"1'.85'-)"(.%:$&$.A'">'.8$3':63$1533'61$.' aggregate the data, but hadn’t made any decisions on this. He
Spectrum was in a vulnerable position and ultimately couldn’t notes that they were interested from a practical perspective, they
sustain its operations. Other commercial labour hire businesses needed the data to be able to demonstrate why it was important
@5)5'%&3"'3$21$(#%1.&A'%>>5#.5?'?6)$12'.8$3'-5)$"?'%1?'3"*5'?$?' that clients be ‘a bit kinder on the pricing’ in recognition of the
close, but because they didn’t have the additional overheads additional social impact Spectrum’s model delivered and the
that Spectrum carried they generally weren’t as badly affected. additional overheads required. Mark notes that data collection
Compounding the high overheads issues, as with many %1?' 3"#$%&' $*-%#.' %33533*51.' $3' %' ?$>(#6&.' %)5%' >")' 3"#$%&'
social enterprises, Spectrum was severely under-capitalised. enterprises, as they usually have limited resources available to
n&.$*%.5&A'$.'?$?1I.'8%45'.85'(1%1#$%&')535)453'%1'")2%1$3%.$"1' allocate to these tasks. He suggests that the development of
">' $.3' 3$05' 155?5?' ."' -)".5#.' $.35&>' ?6)$12' ?"@1' .$*53;' C3' %' an open-source template for data collection would be a huge
3"#$%&' 51.5)-)$35+' .85' 1"1-)"(.' *"?5&' *5%1.' $.' %&3"' #"6&?1I.' contribution to the sector.
do what its competitors could do: generate additional capital Spectrum’s relationships with its clients were always on a
through shareholding and loans. Mark is clear that if Spectrum commercial basis and it delivered contracts for a number of
8%?' 8%?' %##533' ."' 36>(#$51.' )535)453' %1?D")' :)$?2$12' #%-$.%&' government and corporate clients. Mark advises that for the
through this critical period it would still be operational today. majority of the commercial clients Spectrum’s social enterprise
The pre-employment training model developed by Spectrum focus wasn’t a factor in awarding contracts. A major client
>")' $.3' a)"-5).A' %1?' ^%1?3#%-$12' :63$153353' 8%3' $1\651#5?' was Housing NSW (the State department), which contracted
the development of the Australian intermediate labour the delivery of services on various social housing estates. For
market social enterprise sector (ILM – also known as social it the social enterprise element was a deciding factor and a
employment, pathways or transitional labour market models). number of contracts included social clauses detailing numbers
a%).$#$-%1.3' ?"' 3$/' @55B3' 61-%$?' @")B+' ?6)$12' @8$#8' .$*5' >")'5*-&"A*51.'">'3"#$%&'8"63$12'.51%1.3'>)"*'3-5#$(#'53.%.53;'
they are trained in a range of ‘soft’ employability skills as Spectrum had two points of contact in the department in
determined by their individual needs. Usually only those who these cases, through the regular contracts unit and with the
are committed and motivated make it through this stage, so it tenant participation team, and therefore different contract
acts as a screening process also. Similar models are now quite management and client relationship approaches were needed
230 231
has permeated the company’s culture. Fred recognised that business is ideal for the intermediate labour market model that
CRG’s own operations, as well as the hundreds of tenant and A"6.8$1#'8%3'%?"-.5?;'<85'-"33$:$&$.A'">':6A$12'$1."'%1'5/$3.$12'
thousands of supplier relationships it had access to, provided a franchise, to avoid much of the start-up risks and lag time, is
unique opportunity to develop a more embedded approach to being considered. Fred notes that management positions will
their community support activities. 155?'."':5'(&&5?':A'-5"-&5'@$.8':63$1533'3B$&&3'@8"'8%45'%1'
Through youthinc the full resources and business acumen $1.5)53.'$1'A"612'-5"-&5'%1?'.85'@")B;'Z5'3.)53353'.8%.'OA"6'
of CRG are being leveraged towards social outcomes. The #%1I.' 8%45' 3"#$%&' @")B5)3' )611$12' :%B5)$53P;' 9JY' "-5)%.53'
%--)"%#8' ?$>>5)3' >)"*' ".85)' %--)"%#853+' >")' 5/%*-&5' .8"35' under the ‘Adelaide’s Finest Supermarkets’ brand and youthinc
adopted by family foundations, in that it is seeking to align is also looking at developing a branded line of products for this.
the core business of CRG with the social enterprise activities it The social enterprise activities would focus on the processing
will support. Fred is quick to point out that it is very early days and packaging of imported products (such as olives and coffee)
and that much of the vision is still in the planning phase. The for distribution into the supermarket chain. The capital costs for
model will see the establishment of viable social enterprises establishment of these enterprises will be high but with CRG’s
that will provide employment and training opportunities to operations, plus one hundred and twenty four independent
disadvantaged young people and be sustainable through earned supermarkets in South Australia operating under the Foodland
)545165;'73351.$%&&A'$.'$3'%:"6.'8%)1533$12'.85'5/$3.$12':63$1533' brand, there is a guaranteed distribution chain to get the
-)"#53353+' )53"6)#53' 15.@")B3' %1?' 5/-5)$51#5' %1?' ?$)5#.$12' products to market.
these towards enterprises that are focused on delivering social Youthinc is a separate legal entity but CRG meets all its
outcomes. coordination costs, including Fred’s salary and administration.
])5?' $3' #&5%)' .8%.' 8%4$12' .85' .$*5' %1?' 3-%#5' ."' >6&&A' 5/-&")5' `"6.8$1#'$3'%&3"'-8A3$#%&&A'5*:5??5?'@$.8$1'9JYI3'">(#53'%1?'
the planning phase has been critical to developing a vision this has facilitated cross-fertilisation and learning opportunities,
with such strong potential. However he notes that even mature adding up to a lot of volunteer time from CRG staff, during the
businesses like CRG don’t have perfect operations and are course of regular daily operations. It usually takes considerable
#"1.$16"63&A'$*-)"4$12+'%1?'362253.3'.8%.'OA"6'?"1I.'8%45'."' time to develop relationships with business partners, but the
do everything at once and if you wait to get everything perfect youthinc model has circumvented this process. Fred notes the
A"6'@"1I.'25.'3.%).5?P; -)"/$*$.A'%1?'>%*$&$%)$.A'8%45'%&3"'%33$3.5?'@$.8'*"4$12'@8%.'
was a fairly traditional ‘charity ethos’ to an enterprise focus.
Once fully operational youthinc’s social support model will
demonstrate how corporate social responsibility programs The Board has been kept deliberately small so it can make
and the community engagement programs of businesses can ?5#$3$"13' _6$#B&A;' <85' .)%?$.$"1%&' 1"1-)"(.' %--)"%#8' ">'
be fully leveraged and integrated with the core operational large boards with many stakeholder representatives and
focus. The social enterprises will be aligned to CRG’s subcommittees wasn’t adopted as it was felt that, at least in
operations through the supply chain network. One of the the early stages, this could hamper responsiveness. Fred notes
()3.' #"1#5-.3' ."' :5' .53.5?' $3' -%#B%25?' >""?' -)"?6#.3' @8$#8' that as youthinc becomes more established and grows it may
would be distributed straight into the supermarkets with a need a more diverse governance structure so this may change
preferred supplier arrangement. This type of labour intensive over time. At present, input from a range of stakeholders is
Founders and Succession Plans
Founders of social enterprises are usually too busy to consider
even the medium term future and are often too emotionally
involved to envision a future without them! Many founders
%1?' .8"35' @8"' 36##55?5?' .85*' )5\5#.5?' .8%.' $.' @%3' 45)A'
important to have succession plans in place from early on as
the departure of a founder or key staff member, from what is
usually a small team, can set the enterprise back and create
problems, including involuntary organisational restructuring
(Property Plus, Vibewire). Over-reliance on the founder can
#%635' :6)1E"6.M' .85' >"61?5)3' ">' :".8' H6I""0' %1?' m)533' >")'
Success have said that their businesses would probably fold at
this stage if they were to leave.
There is huge potential for leaders and managers in the social
enterprise sector to suffer burn-out. Competing priorities,
commitment required take their toll on even the most passionate.
Urban Renewal stresses that no commercial business would
go through the establishment agonies a social enterprise has
to navigate. Mars Hill Cafe says, for their husband and wife
.5%*+' $.' 8%3' :551' $*-").%1.' .8%.' .85' b#)%0A' 8"6)3' %1?' 8$28'
commitment’ don’t impact on the families of those involved.
Otherwise all of the social good achieved through the cafe is
undone in the home’.
The current Managing Director of Goolarri Media believes that
an organisation’s leader shouldn’t stay more than ten years.
238 Australian Stories of Social Enterprise 239
In keeping with this philosophy he is preparing to transition becomes vulnerable and unable to sustain its operations
out of the role and will ‘go sideways’ into other projects and during a downturn, as Spectrum Employment Services Co-
take on a Director role with their structural partner Broome op discovered during the Global Financial Crisis. The ability
Aboriginal Media Association. To facilitate this, he is currently to retain operating reserves and/or access to sources of
*51.")$12' .85' 98$5>' 7/5#6.$45' X>(#5)' ."' .%B5' "1' *%1%2$12' bridging capital can be critical to social enterprises achieving
Goolarri in the near future. sustainability.
By contrast, Our Community’s decision to operate from day
one within a commercial structure has forced the team to
Mission Conflict stay absolutely focused on the core purpose and to develop
Often competing issues arise between the social enterprise’s innovative services and programs.
business operations and its social purpose. Cleanable initially Message Stick has also placed a strong emphasis on its belief
had only clients as staff members and this was a huge drain that to achieve its longer term social purpose, it is critical that
"1')53"6)#53;']")'.85'()3.'.@5&45'*"1.83+'1"'36-5)4$3")3'@5)5' they deliver on the short term goal of establishing a successful
hired and Peter the CEO managed everything, a set up which business. Also crucial to this has been the willingness of their
very soon proved to be unsustainable when he found himself corporate customers to rethink their relationship: moving away
constantly changing between being a business manager and a from being ‘a good cause’ within a Corporate Social Responsibility
social worker. Both Urban Renewal and Outlook Environmental framework to becoming relevant as a ‘good supplier.’
Services saw similar tensions arising between their business
understand the commercial aspect of their organisations. Preparation for Start up
In the case of Human Ventures, there was public confusion as A slow start up and careful preparation and research has been
to whether they were a graphic design agency or youth service #)6#$%&'."'.85'36##533'">'*%1A'$1'.8$3'3%*-&5;'F851'36>(#$51.'
organisation. time is dedicated to developing strategies to address problems,
A common issue reported by those managing social enterprises it often prevents replication of what is already being done which
.8%.'3$.'@$.8$1'.85'3.)6#.6)5'">'%'&%)25'1"1-)"(.'$3'.85'*$3*%.#8' $1' .6)1' *%/$*$353' .85' $*-%#.' ">' &$*$.5?' )53"6)#53' R!<JEAT,
with the organisational systems. A social enterprise is a business Food Connect, Nundah Community Coop, youthinc).
%1?'155?3'."':5'\5/$:&5'%1?')53-"13$45'$1'.85'*%)B5.'-&%#5;'<8$3' Human Ventures conducted market research to determine
means it needs to be able to make decisions quickly. Property what would be a viable business enterprise and where the
a&63')5-").3'.8%.'%&&'5/-51?$.6)5'?5#$3$"13'"45)'jkTTT'8%?'."' 2)5%.53.' 155?' 5/$3.5?+' $1' )5&%.$"1' ."' .85$)' 3"#$%&' *$33$"1;'
2"'.8)"628'.85'!%&4%.$"1'C)*A'85%?'">(#5'%1?'#"6&?'.%B5'6-' The results of this research showed that traditional ‘crisis’
."' .8)55' *"1.83' >")' %--)"4%&;'<8$3' 3$21$(#%1.&A' $*-%#.5?' "1' youth services, providing housing, food and clothing, were
its ability to compete with mainstream businesses. Similarly, struggling to transition disadvantaged young people into the
reconciling the idea of having $400 000 in reserves when mainstream sectors of education, training and employment.
there were people in need was very challenging for the charity. Human Ventures consequently decided to position themselves
`5.' @$.8"6.' %##533' ."' 36>(#$51.' )535)453+' %' 3"#$%&' 51.5)-)$35' between the crisis service providers and the mainstream.