Custom As A Source of Law

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Custom as a Source of Law by

Sesa Gill at LexCliq


Custom is a significant wellspring of law and it is attractive to characterize

the equivalent. Custom has been characterized by different legal advisers

according to their idea, getting, theories, views and beliefs. According to

Salmond, “custom is the exemplification of those standards which have

complimented themselves to the national still, small voice as standards of

equity and open utility”.

Types of Custom
Customs can be mainly classified into two types which are as follows.

 Customs without Sanctions

These are those customs which are merely non- directory. They are
altogether seen because of the nearness of the general public beliefs which is
contrary to the views expressed by Austin in his positivist theory.

 Customs having Sanctions

These are the customs which have been implemented by the State. These
customs are upheld by authorization by the different courts in their
Further, these customs have been classified as follows.

Legal Customs

The legal customs are those whose legal authority is

absolutely unmistakeable . These customs work as the coupling rule of law.
They have been perceived by the courts and have turned into a piece of the
tradition that must be adhered to. They are upheld by the courts in their
judicial pronouncements.

Local Custom/ Particular Custom

A local custom is that which is practised in some characterized

locality, that is, to an area, town or then again a zone. Some of the time,
certain groups or families take their customs with them wherever they go.
They also are called local customs. Consequently, in India local customs
might be separated into two classes; Land local custom‘ and individual
local custom. These customs are law just for a specific locality, sects or

General Customs/Customs for all

A general custom is what wins all through the nation and comprises one of
the wellsprings of the rule that everyone must follow. As indicated
by Keeton, ‘a general custom should likewise fulfil certain conditions on the
off chance that it is to be a wellspring of law’. It must be sensible, pursued
and acknowledged as official and ought not to be in contravention with the
resolution law of the nation and must be in presence from the time

Conventional Customs

A conventional custom is likewise called “use”. It is a setup whose authority

is contingent on its acknowledgement and the organization in the
agreement between the gatherings bound by it. In basic words,
a conventional custom is a contingent and condition is that it will tie on the
parties just, on the off chance that it has been acknowledged and
consolidated by them in their agreement.

A conventional custom is authoritative on the parties not in light of any

legitimate specialist, but since of the way that it has been explicitly or
impliedly incorporated in an agreement between the parties so concerned. In
the case of Asarabulla v. Kiamtulla, the Privy Council ruled that where the
terms of the agreement are in contravention to the formed contract or
agreement enforceable by law then, the same shall not be enforced by the

Essentials of Valid Custom

The primary trial of a legitimate custom is that it must be prevalent
from time immemorial. It must be old or old and must not be of the
ongoing source. Manu stated, “Immemorial custom is supernatural law”.
Days of ancient times imply in the Civil law in the frameworks inferred
consequently and initially implied in England and additional time is so remote
that no living man can recollect it or give proof concerning it.

In England, a custom must be at the time of the rule of Richard I King of

England”. That is in England the time period for a valid custom is 1189,
for a custom to be viewed as substantial. The year 1189, was the main year
of the rule of Richard I. In any case, the English principle of ‘immemorial
inception‘ is not followed in India. In Gokul Chand v. Parvin Kumari, the
Supreme Court ruled and denied to measure the validity of Custom from
1189 AD but stated explicitly that it must be of ancient and historical times.

2. Reasonability/No Arbitrariness
The second significant legal trial of a legitimate custom is that it must
be reasonable. It must not be unreasonable. It must be helpful and
advantageous to the general public. On the off chance that any parties face
difficulties in a custom, the parties must fulfil and convince the court that
a particular custom is unreasonable. This means the weight of
evidence lies upon the individual who challenges the custom. To find out the
reasonableness of custom it must be followed back to the season of its
inception. The unreasonableness of custom must be great to the point that
its authorization results in more prominent damage than if there were no
custom by any means.

3. Continuance
A custom must be followed with consistency and in continuity from its
inception. If it is proved otherwise that there were a break and a pause by a
particular community in the following the custom in a court of law, then the
court may have the discretion to get the custom annulled. Therefore a
custom must be followed in consistency and continuity. In Hampton v.
Hono, it was ruled that if a custom is not practised for a significant
amount of time, then it would cease to exist as a valid custom.

The most important test of a valid and essential custom is that a particular
custom must be specific and less from ambiguity. If a particular custom is
ambiguous, vague and not understandable by the parties then the particular
custom will be declared as null and void by the court, the same was ruled by
Privy Council in Wilson vs. Wilson.

5. Not opposed to Public Policy

Another test for the legitimacy of custom is that it ought not to be
against public policy. This test might be incorporated into the trial of
reasonability, as it is extensive term and it might incorporate public policy
also. In Buldano vs Fasir, a custom, where a woman was allowed to
remarry again during the lifetime of her husband was held to null and void by
the court as it was against public policy.

6. Juridical Nature
A custom must be of a juridical nature. A custom must refer to legal
relations. A mere voluntary practice not conceived of as being based on any
rule of right or obligation does not amount to a legal custom.

7. No analogical deductions
Custom can’t be stretched out by analogy. It must be set up inductively,
not deductively and it can’t be built up by earlier techniques. It can’t
involve hypothesis yet should dependably involve reality. In like manner, one
custom can’t be inferred and deduced from another custom. Custom in
contravention to fundamental rights will be declared as null and void.

In the beginning periods of the general public, the customs were the most
significant, and in some cases, the sole wellspring of law. The customs lie in
the establishment of the entirely legitimate and lawful framework. They
appear with the presence of the general public. Custom is the continuous
practice with regards to the primitive society.

Custom is a standard or practice which is trailed by the general population

from time immemorial. Customs are supported and are fused and
exemplified in legitimate standards. The impact of custom can be followed in
any legitimate and legal framework. Custom is a valid and authoritative
source of law but the only condition is that it must be valid and a lawful

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