Aust Methyl Bromide Fumigation
Aust Methyl Bromide Fumigation
Aust Methyl Bromide Fumigation
Version 2.0
Methyl bromide fumigation methodology, July 2018, version 2.0
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Cataloguing data
This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as: Department of Agriculture and Water
Resources 2018, Methyl bromide fumigation methodology, Canberra, July. CC BY 4.0.
The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has exercised due
care and skill in preparing and compiling the information and data in this publication. Notwithstanding, the
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, its employees and advisers disclaim all liability, including liability for
negligence and for any loss, damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any person as a result of accessing, using or
relying on any of the information or data in this publication to the maximum extent permitted by law.
This methodology sets out the minimum requirements for treatment providers performing
methyl bromide fumigations on commodities and/or associated packaging suited to such
treatments for Quarantine and Pre-shipment (QPS) purposes. This methodology is the basis for
compliance auditing of treatment providers to monitor their performance of effective
QPS treatments with methyl bromide.
Importing countries have the right to impose more stringent treatment conditions to address
their individual biosecurity risks. In such cases, those additional conditions take precedence
over the requirements of this methodology and must be complied with to the satisfaction of the
relevant authority of the importing country.
Countries receiving treatment certification through this system expect the treatment has been
undertaken in accordance with this methodology. Treatment providers found to be wilfully and
consistently not complying with the requirements of this methodology and/or other specified
treatment conditions will have their registration status changed to ‘unacceptable’ until they can
demonstrate satisfactory compliance.
Methyl bromide is listed as a category 1 ozone depleting substance under the Montreal Protocol
1992. Performing methyl bromide fumigations in accordance with these requirements will
reduce the use of methyl bromide by minimising the need for re-treatment of consignments due
to ineffective fumigations caused by poor fumigation practices.
This document applies to commercial and government treatment providers performing QPS
methyl bromide fumigation treatments for countries that have adopted a specific methyl
bromide treatment schedule.
This document is not intended to specifically cover the performance of methyl bromide
fumigation treatments under ISPM 15. However, the basic principles, requirements and
recommendations described in this document and the associated guideline are still generally
Even though the basic principles and requirements would be relevant this document is not
intended to specifically cover fumigations of vessels (whether it is the vessel itself or its cargo)
silos or other storage facilities, buildings or other fumigations that are not done in the types of
enclosure described herein and not related to import or export.
This document should be read in conjunction with the Guide to performing QPS fumigations with
methyl bromide, which provides information on how to meet these requirements in commonly
encountered situations.
Purpose ...............................................................................................................................................................iii
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................iii
How to use this document ............................................................................................................................ iv
1 Prior to fumigation ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Target of the fumigation .........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Consignment suitability ..........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Free airspace................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Timber thickness and spacing ..............................................................................................................1
1.5 Impervious wrappings, coatings and surfaces ..............................................................................1
1.6 Impervious wrapping perforation requirements .........................................................................2
1.7 Site suitability ..............................................................................................................................................2
2 Safety............................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Risk assessment..........................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Risk area ........................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE)...............................................................................................3
3 Fumigation enclosures .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Gas-tightness ...............................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Sheeted enclosures....................................................................................................................................4
3.3 Un-sheeted shipping containers ..........................................................................................................4
3.4 Fumigation chambers ..............................................................................................................................5
3.5 Pressure testing ..........................................................................................................................................5
4 Preparing the fumigation enclosure ................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Concentration sampling tubes..............................................................................................................5
4.2 Concentration sampling tube placement—non-perishable commodities .........................5
4.3 Concentration sampling tube placement—perishable commodities ...................................7
4.4 Temperature probes for perishable commodities .......................................................................7
4.5 Fumigant supply pipes.............................................................................................................................8
4.6 Fans..................................................................................................................................................................8
5 Calculating the dose................................................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Dose rate ........................................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Dose rate compensation for temperatures below 21 °C............................................................8
5.3 Temperature ................................................................................................................................................8
5.4 Dose calculation..........................................................................................................................................9
5.5 Enclosure volume ......................................................................................................................................9
Table 1 Time of concentration readings after release and initial concentration dose rate
percentage required ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 1 Concentration sampling tube positions within a single enclosure .............................................6
Figure 2 Concentration sampling tube positions within two containers under a single enclosure 6
Figure 3 Concentration sampling tube positions within three containers under a single enclosure
Figure 4 Methyl bromide minimum concentration requirement and top-up calculation guide.... 13
1 Prior to fumigation
1.1 Target of the fumigation
1.1.1 The fumigator must know what the target of the fumigation is.
1.1.2 The target of the fumigation must be recorded on the fumigation documentation.
1.2.2 If the consignment does not conform to the suitability requirements remedial action must be
taken or an alternative acceptable treatment method used.
1.3.2 There must be sufficient free airspace to permit the positioning of sampling tubes in
appropriate locations within the enclosure. See 4.1 Concentration sampling tubes
1.3.3 Some treatments may specify a maximum load factor in the enclosure. The volume of
commodity must not exceed the specified load factor as a proportion of the enclosure volume and
must be stacked so there is sufficient separation between items to allow the fumigant to circulate
freely and penetrate easily into boxes, bags or other types of packaging.
1.3.4 For perishable commodities, the following free air space requirements apply unless otherwise
stated in the treatment schedule being applied:
1.4.2 Timber and timber product fumigations must be conducted before any surface coating are
applied, unless all parts of the timber or timber product have at least one uncoated surface and a
maximum thickness of 100 mm from the uncoated surface.
1.4.3 Where timber is the target of the fumigation it must be separated by a minimum of 5 mm of
airspace every 200 mm. This separation can be horizontal or vertical.
1.5.2 Impervious wrappings must be removed, opened or slashed prior to fumigation in such a way to
allow methyl bromide to come into contact with and, if needed, penetrate into the target of the
1.5.3 Requirement 1.5.2 is not necessary if the wrapping complies with 1.6 Impervious wrapping
perforation requirements.
1.5.4 Where the target of fumigation is a perishable commodity, all packaging material must also be
1.5.5 Due to the short exposure periods for many perishable commodities, all packaging must be
opened or otherwise arranged as follows to allow the fumigant to readily circulate around and into the
target of the fumigation:
Products that are tightly packed into cartons in plastic sleeves (e.g. Cut flowers) must be
loosened within boxes to ensure adequate gas penetration during fumigation.
Polythene type liners or non-perforated liners must be opened at the top.
If open ends of plastic sleeves are packed together in the middle of the carton, the cartons
must be re-packed with the open ends be placed towards the sides of the cartons.
Cartons without ventilation holes or with flowers in plastic sleeves obscuring the holes
must be stacked with the tops open or with holes punctured in the sides.
1.6.2 The wrapping must be in a single layer so the perforations are not blocked by the wrapping
overlapping itself.
2 Safety
2.1 Risk assessment
2.1.1 Before commencing any fumigation a risk assessment must be carried out to determine if any
hazards are present and evaluate the potential consequences to:
fumigation personnel
people in the vicinity
occupants of surrounding buildings.
2.1.2 Appropriate control measures must be in place to address the hazards identified.
2.1.3 The risks must be reviewed as needed to respond to changing circumstances and the control
measures must be adjusted accordingly.
2.1.4 The designated fumigator-in-charge is responsible for the safe conduct of the fumigation.
2.2.2 The risk area must be demarcated by a physical barrier for the duration of the fumigation.
2.2.3 The size of the risk area should be set according to the risk but must not be less than:
A risk area must still be established according to requirement 2.2.3 and personal protective equipment
must be worn while injecting the fumigant into the chamber to protect the fumigator and others
against accidental exposure to the fumigant from a failure in the supply system.
2.2.5 Warning signs must be placed around the enclosure. They must:
2.2.7 Anyone entering the risk area while it is in force must be wearing appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times.
2.3.2 Respiratory protection must be worn at all times when inside the buffer zone during
ventilation. See 9 Ventilating the enclosure.
3 Fumigation enclosures
3.1 Gas-tightness
3.1.1 All fumigation enclosures must be sufficiently gas-tight to retain the fumigant for the duration
of the exposure period and maintain the concentrations at or above the requirements.
impervious to methyl bromide or covered with a gas-proof sheet if the surface is not
free of debris that might prevent a gas-tight seal or damage the sheet
free of cracks and drains or other openings that will permit excessive leakage.
3.2.2 The fumigation sheets must be impervious to methyl bromide. They must be able to retain the
required concentration for the duration of the fumigation without needing to add additional methyl
bromide due to permeation through the sheet.
3.2.3 A gas-tight seal must be created between the fumigation surface and the sheet.
3.2.4 If one or more shipping container is fumigated in a sheeted enclosure at least one door of each
container must be open during the fumigation.
check the container for any visible holes or damage that would make it unsuitable
seal the air vents from the outside
install sampling tubes—see 4.1 Concentration sampling tubes
install a fan—if there is insufficient space the container must be fumigated as a sheeted
arrange the tubes and leads so they exit the container where the doors meet at the base of
the container
create a barrier to reduce air flow under the container.
3.3.2 The methyl bromide must be applied through the door seals and the supply pipe must be
removed after the process is complete. This is easiest to do through the door seals where they meet at
the top of the container.
3.3.3 Where a false door is fitted to create a gas tight seal, the supply pipe, sampling tubes and
power leads must pass through the false door.
3.3.4 Where an un-sheeted shipping container fumigation is conducted on a skeletal trailer, leak
checks must be conducted on the underside of the container. A barrier to reduce airflow under the
container is not required.
3.3.5 Shipping containers under gas must not be moved until they have been ventilated.
3.3.6 If the target of the fumigation includes the exterior of the container, for example Giant African
Snail treatments, the container(s) must be enclosed under gas-proof sheets.
3.5.2 The pressure test must be performed with the enclosure set up ready for fumigation. Sampling
tubes, supply pipes and electrical leads must be in place during the pressure test as they would be for a
4.1.3 The diameter of the sampling tubes must fit the inlet of the concentration measuring
4.2.2 Enclosures larger in volume than 30 m³ must have at least three samplings tubes. The
sampling tubes must be positioned to check that even distribution of the fumigant has been achieved
(Figure 1). The tubes must be placed as close as practicable to:
4.2.3 If a consignment consists of more than one un-sheeted container then each container is a
separate fumigation and needs to have a minimum of three sampling tubes in each container.
4.2.4 Two containers under a gas-tight sheet is a single enclosure and must have at least three
sampling tubes placed as close as practicable to (Figure 2):
4.2.5 Three or more containers under a gas-proof sheet is a single enclosure and must have at least
one sampling tube placed as close as practicable to the top of the commodity in the middle of
each container (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Concentration sampling tube positions within three containers under a single enclosure
Four containers in one enclosure must have at least four sampling tubes, five containers, five sampling
tubes and so on.
4.3.2 For cut flowers, this is within a sleeve or bunch in the centre of a carton. For other produce,
this is in the centre of the carton.
4.3.3 Where cartons are stacked in the enclosure, sampling tubes must be placed inside cartons
located in the following positions:
For fruit and vegetables, the pulp temperature must be measured by inserting temperature
probes into the centre of a piece, or pieces, of fruit or vegetable in the middle of a carton,
ensuring that the whole temperature probe is covered.
For cut flowers, leaf or stem material, temperate probes must be placed within the bunch in
the middle of a carton.
4.4.2 At least three temperature readings must be taken from different cartons in different locations
and, if applicable, different varieties within the consignment.
4.4.3 The temperature probes must be maintained to an accuracy of at least plus or minus (+/-) 1 °C.
4.5.2 For fumigations under sheets the supply pipes must be left in position for the duration of the
exposure period.
4.5.3 The supply pipes must be sealed once the fumigant has been applied.
4.6 Fans
4.6.1 Enclosures must have at least one fan for each 100 m³ of volume or part thereof.
4.6.2 Multiple containers fumigated in a single enclosure must have at least one fan to be placed in
each container.
5.2.2 In the absence of any other specific schedule set by the relevant authority the following
compensation must be made: For each 5 °C, or part thereof, the temperature is expected to fall below
21 °C add 8 g/m³ to the prescribed dose rate.
5.3 Temperature
5.3.1 The temperature of the consignment must be equal to or above the minimum allowable
temperature before any fumigant can be applied.
5.3.3 Unless stated otherwise in a specific treatment schedule, fumigation of perishables is not
permitted if the commodity temperature is below 10 °C.
5.3.5 Where the enclosure is subject to the ambient temperature of the surrounding environment,
the fumigator must check what the forecast minimum temperature will be during the exposure period
for the location closest to the fumigation site and adjust the dose rate accordingly.
5.3.6 The forecast minimum temperature used and the source of the information must be recorded.
5.3.7 Fumigation is not permitted if the temperature of the enclosure and consignment is expected
to fall below any specified minimum temperature during the exposure unless the temperature can be
raised to and maintained at or above the allowed minimum temperature by using heaters or moving
the consignment inside a structure where the temperature can be adequately controlled.
5.3.8 Where the fumigation is performed in a controlled temperature environment, the temperature
within the enclosure must be monitored and recorded. Temperature recording instruments must be
placed as far away as practicable from the heat source.
5.5.2 For fixed sized enclosures such as chambers and un-sheeted containers the internal volume
must be used.
5.6 Chloropicrin
5.6.1 When methyl bromide is mixed with chloropicrin, compensation must be made to the dose to
ensure that full amount of methyl bromide required is applied to the enclosure.
5.7 Rounding
5.7.1 Once the dose has been calculated, the amount must be rounded up to next increment that can
be accurately measured by the equipment used to dispense the dose. If the methyl bromide is supplied
in cans then the dose must be rounded up to the next full can.
5.7.2 The dose must not be rounded up until all other calculations have been completed.
6.1.2 The heat source for the vaporiser must be capable of heating the water in the vaporiser to at
least 65 °C and maintaining the temperature at or above this while the methyl bromide is being
applied to the enclosure.
6.1.3 If the temperature of the water falls below 65 °C, the rate of methyl bromide release must be
slowed or stopped until the water temperature is heated back above 65 °C.
6.1.4 The time methyl bromide injection was completed must be recorded.
6.1.5 The connections in the supply system must be secure and free from leaks.
6.2.2 The leak detection equipment must be sensitive enough to reliably detect methyl bromide
concentrations down to 20 ppm.
6.2.3 The leak detection equipment must be maintained and electronic equipment calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
6.2.4 During the injection of the dose the supply system must be checked for leaks. If a leak is
detected the problem must be rectified before continuing to inject the dose.
6.2.5 The fumigation enclosure must be checked for leaks. If leaks are detected they must be
6.3.2 The fans must be turned off before taking concentration readings.
7.1.2 The concentration measuring instruments must be calibrated and/or serviced according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
7.1.3 The fumigator must have a copy of the user’s manual for the particular instrument they use
and must operate the equipment in accordance with the manual.
7.1.4 The instrument must be fitted with any moisture, carbon dioxide or other filters as specified by
the manufacturer to suit the circumstances of the fumigation.
Additional readings can be taken at any time during the exposure period to check the concentrations
are equal to or above the levels required for an effective treatment. See 8. Topping-up to compensate
for low concentrations for details on topping-up the concentration levels.
7.2.2 Fumigations with exposure periods longer than 24 hours require concentration readings to be
taken at least every 24 hours in addition to the start and end point readings.
7.3.3 If the result of this calculation is more than 15%, equilibrium has not been achieved and the
fans must be turned on again to further circulate the fumigant. Additional readings must then be taken
until equilibrium has been achieved or the concentration falls below the standard concentration. Once
initial equilibrium has been achieved it is not required at any other time.
7.3.5 The concentration readings must all be at or above the standard concentration (Table 1) or as
specified in a treatment schedule.
Table 1 Time of concentration readings after release and percentage of initial concentration
dose rate required
Time after fumigant release Per cent of initial dose rate concentration
15 to 30 minutes 85% or more
30 minutes to 1 hour 75% or more
More than 1 hour 70% or more
Note: See Appendix 4 Methyl bromide monitoring table for the standard concentrations required for a range of initial dose rates at
specified time increments.
7.3.6 If additional fumigant needs to be added before start point has been reached, the amount must
be calculated by subtracting the lowest concentration reading from the initial dose rate and
multiplying that by the volume of the enclosure.
7.3.7 If more fumigant is added to the enclosure before start time is achieved, the time the injection
of additional fumigant is completed becomes the new injection completion time for determining the
required start time concentration.
7.3.8 All initial concentration readings and the time they were taken must be recorded. This includes
any readings taken prior to achieving start point.
7.4.2 The concentration of fumigant must not fall below the levels specified in Appendix 5:
Concentrations for dose rates and times, or Appendix 6 where a treatment schedule requires a
minimum gas retention of 80%.
Note: Fumigations for ISPM 15 require a minimum gas retention of 50% of the initial dose rate at the
end of 24 hours.
7.5.2 After the specified exposure period has elapsed concentration readings from all sampling
tubes must be taken. The readings and the time they were taken must be recorded on the Record of
7.5.3 The final concentration readings must all be at or above the standard concentration for the
required exposure period. If any of the readings are below the standard concentration, the fumigation
has failed unless the option of end point top-up is permitted.
8.1.2 The top-up amount must be applied to the enclosure in the same way as the original dose, that
Figure 4 Methyl bromide minimum concentration requirement and top-up calculation guide
A Standard concentration. B Minimum concentration to allow top-up. C Maximum top-up concentration. See Appendix 4: Methyl
bromide monitoring table. Note: (C – lowest concentration reading) x enclosure volume = top-up amount.
the lowest concentration reading is below the minimum concentration to allow top-up
the lowest concentration reading is above the maximum top-up concentration
the fumigation exposure period is less than 12 hours
it will result in exposure to excessive concentrations of methyl bromide that will adversely
affect that commodity.
8.3.2 Where the concentration readings at any of the sampling tubes, at any time, is below the
minimum concentration to allow top-up, the fumigation has failed and topping-up is not permitted.
8.4.3 If a top-up is required during the second half of the exposure period it is indicative of excessive
leakage rather than sorption by the commodity so the enclosure must be re-checked for leaks.
8.5.2 If a top-up is done at the end of the normal exposure period, the fumigation must be extended
for at least another four hours to allow time for the extra fumigant to take effect.
8.5.3 Only one extension of the exposure period is allowed. If, at the end of the extended period, the
lowest reading is below the standard concentration as specified for the original exposure period, the
fumigation has failed.
9.1.2 The equipment used for measuring TLV–TWA must be fit for purpose and capable of
accurately measuring the actual concentration, not just the presence, of methyl bromide in the range of
1 to 20 ppm.
9.1.3 If stain tubes are used, they must be used in conjunction with the sampling pump specified by
the manufacturer.
9.1.4 If electronic instruments are used they must be calibrated and serviced in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
9.2.2 An assessment of the risks must be done to manage the ventilation process so that unprotected
personnel in the vicinity are not exposed to unsafe levels of fumigant. The assessment must take into
9.2.4 If the consignment is fumigated in the shipping container(s) that will be used to transport the
goods, then each container must be checked individually to verify gas clearance below TLV–TWA.
The fumigant concentrations have been verified to the TLV–TWA or below.
9.3.2 The TLV–TWA readings and the time they were taken must be recorded.
10 Documentation
10.1 Record of Fumigation
10.1.1 The fumigator must record sufficient information to demonstrate that the fumigation complied
with these requirements.
job identification
client or customer name
start date of the fumigation
location—the site address where the fumigation was performed
a description of the consignment
the target of the fumigation—why is the fumigation being performed
consignment identification—container number(s), bill of lading or other means to clearly
identify the consignment
a declaration that the consignment is suitable for fumigation with the requirements set out
at in section 1 Prior to Fumigation.
type of enclosure
enclosure volume
chamber load factor—expressed as % of chamber volume—this is only for perishables
the specified dose rate and exposure period
the forecast minimum temperature and any adjustment made for temperatures below
21 °C (and commodity temperature readings for perishables)
the dose—amount of fumigant to be used and the actual dose used
the time the injection of the dose into the enclosure was completed
the concentration readings from each sampling tube and the time they were taken
the TLV–TWA readings and the time they were taken
the name and signature of the fumigator-in-charge.
Note: See Appendix 1: Example record of fumigation for an example Record of Fumigation.
10.1.3 The Record of Fumigation must be completed on the fumigation site as the tasks are performed
and copies must be maintained for audit purposes for a minimum of two years.
10.1.4 Recording of false or misleading information is not permitted under any circumstances.
10.2.2 All sections of the fumigation certificate are mandatory and must be filled out correctly to
ensure the certificate can be accepted.
10.2.4 The fumigation certificate travels with the consignment to state that it has been effectively
treated for QPS purposes.
Term Definition
Ambient temperature The air temperature of the surrounding area where the fumigation will be conducted.
Buffer zone The area around the enclosure, outside of which, the concentration levels of methyl
bromide should not exceed the TLV–TWA during ventilation.
Chloropicrin A strong-smelling chemical commonly added to the odourless methyl bromide to indicate
the presence of gas.
Commodity The item or goods that are being exported or imported.
Concentration The amount of fumigant present at a certain point in the fumigation enclosure, usually
expressed as grams per cubic metre (g/m³).
Consignment Refers collectively to the commodity, any packing materials used and the mode of
transport such as a shipping container.
Dosage The cumulative concentration of fumigant in the enclosure over the exposure period.
Also referred to as the Concentration by Time Product (CT Product) normally expressed
as gram hours per cubic metre.
Dose The amount of fumigant applied to a fumigation enclosure.
Dose rate The prescribed concentration of fumigant to be used per unit of volume and the exposure
Enclosure Any gas-tight space intended to contain sufficient concentrations of fumigant for a period
of time. Common examples of fumigation enclosures used for QPS fumigations are sealed
shipping containers, gas-proof sheets sealed to an impervious floor and purpose-built
Equilibrium An even distribution of fumigant throughout the enclosure.
Exposure period The amount of time, in one continuous block, that the consignment must be exposed to
sufficient concentration levels of fumigant to be lethal to the targeted pests.
Free air space Empty space in the enclosure between, above or around a commodity.
Fumigant A chemical, which at a particular temperature and pressure can exist in a gaseous state in
sufficient concentration and for sufficient time to be lethal to insects and other pests
Fumigation sheets A sheet (or tarpaulin) that is made of material impervious to the fumigant used to create
a temporary fumigation enclosure.
ISPM15 International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 – Regulation of wood
packaging material in International trade
Load factor Specifies the maximum volume of space that the commodity can occupy in the enclosure
to achieve rapid fumigation circulation. Normally expressed as a percentage (for
example, maximum load factor of 50%).
Maximum top-up The concentration used to calculate the amount of fumigant to be added to the enclosure
concentration when topping-up.
Minimum top-up The absolute minimum concentration below which levels fumigant concentration must
concentration not fall at any time during the exposure period.
Pascal (Pa) The standard international unit for pressure. Standard atmospheric pressure is
101.325 kPa.
Perishable commodities Commodities such as, cut flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables and nursery stock that will
deteriorate rapidly if not stored or transported under suitable conditions.
Permeability The rate at which a substance (such as methyl bromide) passes through a material (such
as a fumigation sheet).
Pest Any animal, plant or other organism that may pose a threat to the community or the
natural environment.
Term Definition
Quarantine pest A pest of potential economic and/or environmental importance to an area where it is not
yet present, or is present but not widely distributed and is being officially controlled.
Quarantine and Pre- 1) ‘Quarantine applications’, with respect to methyl bromide, are treatments to prevent
shipment (QPS) the introduction, establishment and/or spread of quarantine pests (including diseases),
or to ensure their official control, where:
a) Official control is that performed by, or authorised by, a national plant, animal or
environmental protection or health authority.
b) Quarantine pests are pests of potential importance to the areas endangered thereby
and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being officially
2) ‘Pre-shipment applications’ are those non–quarantine applications applied within 21
days prior to export to meet the official requirements of the importing country or existing
official requirements of the exporting country.
This definition is based on the Montreal Protocol which is seeking to phase-out methyl
bromide for non-QPS uses by 2015.
Record of fumigation A document that records the relevant information to demonstrate the fumigation
complied with requirements.
Relevant authority The government department, ministry or agency responsible for animal and plant
biosecurity in the importing or exporting country.
Risk area The area around the enclosure to which access is restricted to personnel wearing
personal protective equipment.
Sampling tube A small diameter tube used to draw a sample of gas/air mixture from within a fumigation
enclosure to measure the fumigant concentration.
Sheet fumigation A process of creating a gas-tight enclosure by covering/enclosing the commodities to be
fumigated under a gas-proof sheet.
Shipping container Standardised transportation units that can be moved from one mode of transport to
another without needing to unload the contents.
Sorption/sorptive A physical and chemical process by which one substance becomes attached to another.
De-sorption is the reversal of this process.
Standard concentration The fumigant concentration below which the fumigation will not be effective unless
additional fumigation is added to the enclosure to compensate.
Target of the fumigation The target of the fumigation may be the commodity, packaging material or both.
Treatment Application of a set of specified requirements intended to kill pests and diseases that may
be associated with a consignment.
Threshold limit value— TLV–TWA is the maximum concentration of fumigant that a person can be repeatedly
time-weighted average exposed to in the workplace without harmful effects. This figure is based on an 8-hour
(TLV–TWA) day, 40-hour working week.