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In The Name of God

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“Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom…”
(Apocalypse 11:8)

The symbolic structure of 9/11 is built above the foundations of the destroyed physical
structures on the terrestrial plane. From the destroyed remains arises the numerology of
the attack dates, flight numbers, and numbers encoded in buildings such as the five-
sided Pentagon and the two towers of the World Trade Centre.

The conceptual structure that emerges is built around the pre-eminent sword verse of
the Qur’an. The 9:5 verse is invoked by the month of the date of the attack and the
target being a pentagon with this numerology expressed by the very name of the

“When the forbidden months are over, wherever you encounter the idolaters, kill them,
seize them, besiege them, wait for them at every lookout post; but if they repent,
maintain the prayer, and pay the merciful alms, let them go on their way for Allah is most
forgiving and merciful.”
All the attack planes, except one, had five hijackers so reinforcing this numerology. The
Qur’an refers to “messengers” or “angels” that deliver the warning or punishment from
Allah. Flight 93 had four hijackers but was originally intended, according to intelligence
agencies, to have had five.

The consistent emphasis on the numbers nine and five is far too evident to be
considered coincidental. This particular sword verse is so intrinsic to the concept of an
attack on the enemies of Islam that it should be considered the Rosetta Stone of the
symbolic codes that underlie 9/11.

Also unlikely to be coincidental is the number eleven which exists in the date of the
attack and is replicated in the flight number of the first plane to hit the World Trade
Centre and was piloted by the presumed ringleader of the overall attack. The eleventh
sura of the Qur’an deals largely with the warnings prophets have delivered to the
disbelievers. The sura has an extensive section on Sodom and Gomorrah.

“And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was anxious for them, feeling powerless to
protect them and said, ‘This is a truly terrible day!” 1

The scriptural story of the punishment inflicted on these cities is even more prominently
featured in the Qur’an than in the Bible. The burning brimstone (sulphur) that rains down
on the biblical cities is so redolent of 9/11 that the numerology contained in the number
eleven cannot be considered coincidental.

A biblical destruction is inflicted on the two towers and the two cities of New York and
Washington and their fate is therefore transposed from scripture and incorporated on
the physical plane. Even if the towers had not collapsed the burning debris that fell to
the ground would have been consistent with the scriptural destruction.
The four planes function as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Since antiquity the
numeral four has been associated with the four winds that originate from the four
cardinal points. Four planes containing, or meant to contain, five “messengers” or
“angels” are therefore the swords of the apocalyptic vision behind 9/11.

All this is reinforced by Flight 77 which struck the Pentagon. Sura 77 of the Qur’an is
entitled “(Winds) Sent Forth.” The sura focuses on the Day of Decision and encodes the
concept of 9/11.

“By the (winds) sent forth in swift succession, violently storming… when the stars are
dimmed and the sky is split, when the mountains are turned to dust and the messengers
given their appointed time - for what Day has all this been set? The Day of Decision.” 2

Flight 93 was downed but its direction was Washington and intelligence agencies
conjecture, supported by interrogation of suspects linked to the plot, that the target was
the Capitol building. The centre of this structure consists of an interior circular rotunda
from which circular base rises the great dome.

The dome dominates Washington and through this dominant position can be compared
to the Dome of the Rock which presides over Jerusalem from its exalted position on
Temple Mount. From here Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven.

Destruction of the dome of the Capitol would have opened a burning circular cauldron of
fire in the interior of the building. This act would have created Dante’s ninth circle of hell
on the terrestrial plane of Washington DC.

There is therefore a synthesis of three architectural forms, the two pillars of the World
Trade Centre, the five-sided Pentagon, and the circular centre of the domed Capitol. All
of these architectural forms are integrated via their numeric symbolism with the
numerology of the attack dates and the sura or verse numbers of the Qur’an.
Although the allusion to Dante and the creation of hell on earth is speculative it does
accord with the life history of Mohammad Atta, the lead hijacker on the mission, and
with the architectural history of the Twin Towers. Atta had written a doctoral thesis on the
conflict of western architectural styles and traditional Arab architecture. He would then
have known the architectural genesis of the Twin Towers which were the most famous
urban planning initiative at the time of their construction.

The concept behind the World Trade Centre was to create a twentieth century version of
the mercantile success of Renaissance Venice. A lattice of aluminium clad steel created
a contemporary Venetian facade that enveloped the exterior of the building. These
formed a series of archways that were based on the archways of Venetian palaces.Thus
Dante is invoked by the very structure and symbolism of the World Trade Centre.

Therefore the number nine can be related to Dante’s nine circles of hell as well as being
related to the 9:5 sword verse of the Qur’an. The dimensions of Dante’s hell were based
on the number eleven or multiples thereof. The symbolism of 9/11 recreates the
dimensions of Dante’s hell through this conceptual numerology.

The Twin Towers, like the two pylons and the pair of obelisks that stood at the entrance
to Egyptian temples, functioned as a gateway to the sacred space within. In the case of
New York this was the sacred space of mercantile capitalism symbolized by the
Venetian facade of the towers. These marked the conceptual gateway to Wall Street
which lies just beyond their footprint. Here lies the famous sculpture of the bull
symbolizing the animal spirits of a bull market.

Biblical myths of the Golden Calf are synonymous with the condemned practise of idol
worship. This worship was derived from the Egyptian cult of the Apis calf or bull.
Condemnation of the worship of the Golden Calf is common both to the Bible and the
Qur’an and is a theme that is consistently emphasisized by all three of the monotheistic
religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
“Moses said to his people, ‘My people, you have wronged yourselves by worshipping
the calf, so repent to your Maker and kill (the guilty among) you.” 3

Combining the dual symbolism of the two towers and Flight 93 leads to the
condemnation in Qur’an 2:93 of the disbelievers or idolaters who worship the Golden
Calf. “They said, ‘We hear and we disobey,’ and through their disbelief they were made
to drink (the love of) the calf deep into their hearts. Say, ‘How evil are the things your
belief commands you to do, if you really are believers!”

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre stood at the gateway to the temple of Wall
Street. The pairs of obelisks that stood at the gateways to Egyptian temples guarded
the liminal space between the sacred and the profane. The two pylons that stood behind
them symbolized resurrection as the sun rose between them.

The towers marked the boundary of the material plane and the entrance to the
extraterrestrial plane. “... and the sky is split, when the mountains are turned to dust and
the messengers given their appointed time…”4
“Allah’s Messenger said, ‘God has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and he
who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise.’ To count something means to
know it by heart.”5

The number nine has always been imbued with an occult symbolism being formed of
the Trinity multiplied by itself. Using the same concept of religious numerology,
multiplying 9 and 11 results in 99 and this clearly refers to the 99 names of Allah. To
claim that this is a coincidence would be to claim that the hijackers, or their mastermind,
had no agency in setting the date of the attack.

The number is particularly relevant because it confers on the hijackers immortality

simply by including the number 99 as a coded headline figure in the attack. The Qur’an
refers to the many names of Allah but does not specify the number. This number comes
from the hadith which make clear that invoking the 99 names confers entry to Paradise.

“Prophet Muhammad said, ‘Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred minus one, and
whoever knows them all will go to Paradise.” 6

Under the Pythagorean occult system the numbers 9 and 11 fall either side of the
perfect 10, the decad. These two numbers, 9 and 11, have therefore been associated
for millennia with the opposite of perfection or seen to contain an opposing occult
perfection of their own.

Thus the number 10 by containing the number 4 and its constituents became the
immortal Tetraktys that symbolized the spirit of the ultimate deity that infused the
universe and whose divine order could be glimpsed in this perfect formula.

“Ten is the very nature of number. All Greeks and all barbarians alike count to ten, and
having reached ten revert again to the unity. And again Pythagoras maintains, the
power of the number 10 lies in the number 4, the tetra. This is the reason: if one starts
at the unit (1) and adds the successive number up to four, one will make up the number
10 (1+2+3+4 = 10). And if one exceeds the tetrad, one will exceed 10 too…” 7

Occultists such Aleister Crowley maintained that the number eleven therefore accrued
an evil fascination by being the first number beyond the perfect Tetraktys and also the
first number containing two identical digits. The Pythagorean theorems were bound to
Roman numerals and the introduction of modern numbers added a new occult
dimension to the numbers 9 and 11.

Current number symbols seem to be eternal but were a relatively recent introduction to
western civilization. The development of symbolic numerals centred around the
introduction of the concept of zero. A place-value function was now to be inserted into
written numerals thus performing the symbolic function of the physical abacus.

This radical concept appears to have originated in India and was incorporated by the
Arab civilizations while Europe was languishing in the Dark Ages. The new numerals,
and the numeric concept of zero, spread from the Muslim area of Spain into Europe. It
is the concept of zero that became imbued with the concepts associated with the
supreme deity, symbolizing both nothingness and totality.
A religious dimension was therefore attached to the quality of zero. The English word
‘zero’ is derived from the Arabic ‘sifr’ which itself is the origin of the word ‘cipher’
(defined as a key to a code).

Fibonacci, who is credited with influencing the spread of the numeral symbols in early
thirteenth century Italy, stated that: “The nine Indian figures are: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. With
these nine figures and with the sign 0… any number may be written as is demonstrated

In this new numeric system the number nine and eleven were still placed either side of
the Pythagorean decad except that the number 10 now incorporated the concept of
zero. This enabled it to perform the function of a place-number and be transferred to a
new column, a function previously restricted to the abacus.

It was this zero that contained the concept of the infinite nothingness of the supreme
deity. In between 9 and 11 lies that zero. Hence in a bizarre twist of fate, or of occult
omnipotence, the site of the destroyed Twin Towers is called ‘Ground Zero.’

The number 99 also inevitably invokes Qur’an 99. The nuclear reference in this sura
explains the paranoia of western governments in the immediate aftermath of the attack
that would ultimately lead to the invasion of Iraq.

“When the earth is shaken violently in its (last) quaking, when the earth throws out its
burden, when man cries,’ What is happening to it?’ on that Day, it will tell all because
your Lord will inspire it. On that Day, people will come forward in separate groups to be
shown their deeds: whoever has done an atom’s-weight of good will see it, but whoever
has done an atom’s-weight of evil will see that.” 9

In a contemporary context this sura introduces into the mind the idea of splitting the
atom. The core of 9/11 is therefore embedded with a vision or warning of a nuclear
The entire concept of 9/11 is driven by a religious imperative that incorporates the
targets, the dates, flight numbers and all of these subsidiary codes are ultimately
encoded in the name of God. This name, composed of 99 names, is the cipher or
keystone, the Arabic ‘sifr’ of Ground Zero.

1. Q.11:77
2. Q. 77:1-14
3. Q. 2:54
4. Q. 77:9-11
5. Sahih Bukhari 9.93.489
6. Ibid. 50.894
7. Aetius 1.3.8
8. Fibonacci - Liber Abaci
9. Q. 99:1-8

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