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Capital IQ Transaction Screening Report > transfd

All Transactions Announced Date CIQ Transaction ID Target/Issuer Exchange:Ticker

12/23/2019 IQTR649259958 Baiyang Investment Group, Inc. (SZSE:002696) SZSE:002696
01/15/2016 IQTR322238078 Vistar Amar Limited (BSE:538565) BSE:538565
11/06/2014 IQTR276275224 Maniker F & G Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A195500) KOSDAQ:A195500
02/06/2013 IQTR228174290 RR Metalmakers India Limited (BSE:531667) BSE:531667
07/16/2010 IQTR109548043 Sajo Oyang Corporation (KOSE:A006090) KOSE:A006090
Headquarters - Country/Region [Target/Issuer] Transaction Types Transaction Status Buyers/Investors
China Merger/Acquisition Closed Qingdao Conson Capital Investment Co., Ltd.
India Merger/Acquisition Closed -
South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710)
India Merger/Acquisition Closed -
South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE:A003960)
ction Value (USDmm, Historical rate) Sellers Percent Sought (%) Short Business Description [Target/Issuer]
140.8 - 29.9 Baiyang Investment Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, o
0.199 - 35.0 Vistar Amar Limited produces and trades in fish and fish related
47.27 Maniker.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A027740) 100.0 Maniker F&G Co., Ltd. produces, processes, and sells frozen, chi
0.025 - 26.39 RR Metalmakers India Limited engages in the trading of spices, c
47.92 - 100.0 Sajo Oyang Corporation engages in food, deep-sea fishing, and r
Transaction Comments Deal Resolution Implied Enterprise Value/EBITDA (x) P/BV [Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer]
Qingdao Marine Innovation Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. andQingdao
New Kinetic
Co., Ltd.
Marine Newboth
Conson Capital
Fund (Limited
1.22Co., Ltd. sign
Raviraj Ramesh Panjri, Dharmika Ramesh Panjri, Ramesh Babulal Raviraj
Ram Babulal
Panjri, Panjri
and Ramesh
Rajesh Babulal
Panjri, Ramesh
Panjri (acquirers)
Babulal Panjri,
made anRam
to acquire
stake Panjri
in Shubhra
the acquisitio
FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710) acquired Maniker F&GFarmStory
Co. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710) completed the acquisit 12.64 1.35
Virat Sevantilal Shah, Alok Virat Shah and Rajan Sevantilal ShahVirat
into three
Virat Shah
and RajantoSevantilal
acquire anShadditional 26.39% stake in Shree Surgovind
0.099 Tradelink Ltd. from Govindbhai Patel,4.25 Somabhai V
Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE: A003960) acquired Nambu HamSajodaerim
Co., Corporation (KOSE: A003960) completed the acquisi 2.37 0.531
ore Extra [Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer] Setting] [Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer] Geographic Locations [Target/Issuer] Industry Classifications [Target/Issuer]
91.1 0.941 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets (Prim Animal Feed (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Fish Produ
10.2 0.523 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets (Prima Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Prima
17.6 1.05 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets (Pri Chicken (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food Products
20.2 0.469 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets (Prima Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary
5.57 0.384 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets (Prim Consumer Staples (Primary); Fish Products (Primary); Food Pr
mplied Enterprise Value/Revenues (x) rise Value ($USDmm, Historical rate) mm, Historical rate) [Target/Issuer]ouncement) ($USDmm, Historical rate)
1.24 539.89 2.9 428.25
5.74 0.568 0.272 0.101
0.68 46.81 2.83 70.85
0.005 0.094 0.206 16.83
0.38 39.44 16.0 107.17
Capital IQ Transaction Screening Report > transfd

All Transactions Announced Date CIQ Transaction ID Target/Issuer Exchange:Ticker

07/06/2021 IQTR1674865411 Goal Forward Holdings Limited (SEHK:1854) SEHK:1854

07/14/2020 IQTR682145792 HB Global Limited (KLSE:HBGLOB) KLSE:HBGLOB

12/23/2019 IQTR649259958 Baiyang Investment Group, Inc. (SZSE:002696) SZSE:002696
11/08/2019 IQTR643864243 Shandong Delisi Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002330) SZSE:002330

02/14/2019 IQTR602438814 Hokuryo Co., Ltd. (TSE:1384) TSE:1384

04/26/2018 IQTR560525752 Tegel Group Holdings Limited -
03/17/2016 IQTR328607719 Aayush Food and Herbs Limited (BSE:539528) BSE:539528
02/18/2016 IQTR326007329 Pervasive Commodities Limited (BSE:517172) BSE:517172
01/15/2016 IQTR322238078 Vistar Amar Limited (BSE:538565) BSE:538565

12/15/2015 IQTR320277501 Cuu Long Seaproducts Joint Stock Company -

12/11/2015 IQTR319751537 Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities Limited (BSE:543253) BSE:543253
08/13/2015 IQTR309223983 Cooks Global Foods Limited (NZSE:CGF) NZSE:CGF

11/06/2014 IQTR276275224 Maniker F & G Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A195500) KOSDAQ:A195500

12/05/2013 IQTR252559234 Kansal Fibres Limited (BSE:531205) BSE:531205

05/14/2013 IQTR240471058 Tinna Trade Limited (BSE:541741) BSE:541741

04/09/2013 IQTR235514769 Liberto, Inc. -

02/06/2013 IQTR228174290 RR Metalmakers India Limited (BSE:531667) BSE:531667
01/01/2013 IQTR225723457 Bangkok Ranch Public Company Limited (SET:BR) SET:BR

07/16/2010 IQTR109548043 Sajo Oyang Corporation (KOSE:A006090) KOSE:A006090

04/12/2010 IQTR108514642 Hyundai Food System., Ltd. -

08/28/2008 IQTR138810312 Guangdong Jialong Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002495) SZSE:002495

05/02/2008 IQTR44542909 Ozone World Limited (BSE:539291) BSE:539291

10/28/2004 IQTR23517744 Haitai Confectionery&Foods Co.,ltd. (KOSE:A101530) KOSE:A101530

09/08/2003 IQTR217366735 Haixin Foods Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002702) SZSE:002702

06/21/2001 IQTR1216699 Haitai Confectionery&Foods Co.,ltd. (KOSE:A101530) KOSE:A101530

05/10/2001 IQTR13757355 San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. (PSE:FB) PSE:FB
Headquarters - Country/Region [Target/Issuer] Transaction Types Transaction Status Buyers/Investors
Hong Kong Merger/Acquisition Closed -

Malaysia Merger/Acquisition Closed -

China Merger/Acquisition Closed Qingdao Conson Capital Investment Co., Ltd.
China Merger/Acquisition Cancelled Xinjiang Zhongtai (Group) Co.,Ltd

Japan Merger/Acquisition Closed Yoneyama Fudosan Co., Ltd.

New Zealand Merger/Acquisition Closed Bounty Fresh Food, Inc.
India Merger/Acquisition Closed -
India Merger/Acquisition Closed Enigma Merchants LLP
India Merger/Acquisition Closed -

Vietnam Merger/Acquisition Closed Vinh Hoan Corporation (HOSE:VHC)

India Merger/Acquisition Closed CX Partners; Gateway Partners Limited
New Zealand Merger/Acquisition Closed Jiajiayue Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603708)

South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710)

India Merger/Acquisition Closed Laxmi Edifice Pvt. Ltd.

India Merger/Acquisition Closed Tinna Rubber and Infrastructure Limited (BSE:530475)

Philippines Merger/Acquisition Closed 4Cable TV International, Inc. (OTCPK:CATV)

India Merger/Acquisition Closed -
Thailand Merger/Acquisition Closed -

South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE:A003960)

South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed Hyundai Green Food Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005440)

China Merger/Acquisition Closed -

India Merger/Acquisition Closed -

South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed CROWNHAITAI Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005740); The

Military Mutual Aid Association Co., Ltd.; KB Investment Co.,
Ltd.; KTB Investment & Securities Co.,Ltd., Prior to change in
line of business

China Merger/Acquisition Closed -

South Korea Merger/Acquisition Closed CVC Capital Partners Limited; Affinity Equity Partners; Unitas
Capital Pte. Ltd.

Philippines Merger/Acquisition Closed San Miguel Corporation (PSE:SMC)

Total Transaction Value (USDmm,
Historical rate) Sellers Percent Sought (%) Short Business Description [Target/Issuer]
10.04 - 41.27 Goal Forward Holdings Limited, an investment holding
company, sources, processes, and supplies food ingredients to
food service operators in Hong Kong.

0.702 - 32.05 HB Global Limited, an investment holding company, engages

in producing, processing, and packaging of various types of
foods in Malaysia and internationally.
140.8 - 29.9 Baiyang Investment Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries,
operates in the aquaculture industry in China.
142.13 Zhucheng Tongluren Investment Co., Ltd. 29.0 Shandong Delisi Food Co., Ltd. engages in live pigs
slaughtering business in China.

- - 42.05 Hokuryo Co., Ltd., a livestock company, engages in the

production and sale of eggs, processed eggs, and meat
products in Japan.
411.71 First Sentier Investors (Australia) IM Ltd; Perpetual 100.0 Tegel Group Holdings Limited, through its subsidiaries,
Investments Management Limited; Commonwealth Bank of produces poultry products such as chicken, meal maker
Australia, Investment Arm; Claris Investments Pte. Ltd; smoked chicken, meal maker sliced roast chicken, and
Investment Services Group Limited Kebabs.
0.199 Surya Medi-tech Ltd.; Vertex Drugs Pvt Ltd 30.82 Aayush Food and Herbs Limited engages in the wholesale of
rice, cereals, and pulses.
0.023 - 26.0 Pervasive Commodities Limited engages in the wholesale of
agricultural raw materials.
0.199 - 35.0 Vistar Amar Limited produces and trades in fish and fish
related products in India and internationally.

- - 32.72 Cuu Long Seaproducts Joint Stock Company, doing business

as Cuulong Seapro, processes and exports frozen sea
67.06 MOPE Investment Advisors Private Limited 46.75 Mrs.
4.48 DSL Management Limited 40.3 Cooks Global Foods Limited, together with its subsidiaries,
operates in the food and beverage industry.

47.27 Maniker.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A027740) 100.0 Maniker F&G Co., Ltd. produces, processes, and sells frozen,
chilled, and retorted food products.

0.021 - 25.93 Kansal Fibres Limited engages in the trading, export, and
import of agricultural products in India.
- Viterra Asia Pte Ltd. 60.0 Tinna Trade Limited trades in agricultural commodities and
allied products in India.

- - 100.0 As of September 30, 2013, Liberto, Inc. was acquired by

4Cable TV, Inc., in a reverse merger transaction.
0.025 - 26.39 RR Metalmakers India Limited engages in the trading of
spices, cereals, and other specialty commodities in India and
186.0 Navis Capital Partners; Nordian Capital Partners 80.0 Bangkok Ranch Public Company Limited produces and
supplies duck meat products in Thailand and internationally.

47.92 - 100.0 Sajo Oyang Corporation engages in food, deep-sea fishing,

and rental businesses in South Korea and internationally.

2,724.8 - 100.0 Hyundai Food System.

6.06 - 63.67 Guangdong Jialong Food Co., Ltd. engages in the research,
development, production, and sale of food products in China.

0.041 - 42.64 Ozone World Limited engages in the wholesale and trading of
agricultural raw materials in India.

484.49 CVC Capital Partners Limited; Affinity Equity Partners; Unitas 100.0 Haitai Confectionery&Foods Co.,ltd. produces and sells snack
Capital Pte. Ltd. food products in Northeast Asia.

0.217 - 80.0 Haixin Foods Co., Ltd. engages in the research, development,
and manufacture of frozen minced-fish products in China.
318.5 Haitai Confectionery Co., Ltd. 100.0 Haitai Confectionery&Foods Co.,ltd. produces and sells snack
food products in Northeast Asia.

154.12 Ayala Corporation (PSE:AC) 93.98 San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. provides food products
and services to household, institutional, and food service
Transaction Comments Deal Resolution Implied Enterprise Value/EBITDA (x) P/BV [Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer]
Zhong Xueyong, Hooy Kok Wai and Lau Yau Chuen Louis Zhong Xueyong, Hooy Kok Wai and Lau Yau Chuen Louis - 2.04
entered into the Share Purchase Agreement to acquire a completed the acquisition of a 41.27% stake in Goal Forward
41.27% stake in Goal Forward Holdings Limited (SEHK:1854) Holdings Limited (SEHK:1854) from Liu Chi Ching on August
from Liu Chi Ching for HKD 78 million on June 29, 2021. As a 16, 2021. All the conditions precedent to the share transfer
part of transaction, buyers will pay HKD 0.15 per share in cash completion and the subscription completion were fulfilled.
for the acquisition of 520 million shares of Goal Forward
Holdings. Out of total consideration, HKD 15 million will be paid
within three (3) Business Days of signing of the Share
Purchase Agreement, HKD 10 million will be paid within three
(3) Business Days after Goal Forward Holdings Limited has
submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange a draft circular in
relation to the Subscription for pre-vetting, HKD 20 million will
be paid within three (3) Business Days after Liu Chi Ching
notifies buyers of the Stock Exchange’s confirmation of no
further comments on the draft circular to be issued by Goal
Forward Holdings Limited and remaining HKD 33 million will be
paid upon the Share Transfer Completion. In a related
transaction, Zhong Xueyong, Hooy Kok Wai and Lau Yau
Chuen entered into the Subscription Agreement to subscribe
for 252 million shares of Goal Forward Holdings Limited at a
consideration of HKD 37.8 million, being HKD 0.15 per
Subscription Share, in cash. Upon completion of both the
transaction, buyers will hold 772 million shares representing
approximately 51.06% of the issued share capital of Goal
Forward Holdings Limited. Subject to Completion, buyers will
pursuant to the Takeovers Code, make the Offer, which would
be at that time an unconditional mandatory cash offer, to the of
Goal Forward Holdings Limited to acquire all the Shares other
than those already held or agreed to be acquired by
buyers/offerors at a price of HKD 0.15 per share in cash.
Buyers will finance the consideration payable under the
transactions by unsecured shareholder’s loans from Zhong
Xueyong and Hooy Kok Wai. Buyers intends to continue the
principal business of Goal Forward Holdings Limited and has
no intention to dispose of the Company’s businesses
immediately after completion of the Offer. Board of Goal
Forward Holdings Limited is currently made up of two
executive Directors, being Liu Chi Ching and Wu Shuk Kwan, a
non-executive Director, being Wong Chung Yeung and three
independent non-executive Directors, being Li On Lei, Ng Ki
Man and Lo Siu Kit. Pursuant to transactions completion, Liu
Chi Ching will procure all existing Directors (except Liu Chi
Ching) to give notice to resign from their positions as Directors.
Buyers intends to nominate new director(s) to the Board.
Buyers intends to maintain the listing of the Shares of Goal
Forward Holdings Limited on the Stock Exchange.
Keh Chuan Seng acquired 32.1% stake in HB Global Limited Keh Chuan Seng completed the acquisition of 32.1% stake in 17.9 0.709
(KLSE:HBGLOB) from Shen Hengbao for MYR 3 million on HB Global Limited (KLSE:HBGLOB) from Shen Hengbao on
July 13, 2020. As part of the acquisition, Keh Chuan Seng will July 13, 2020.
acquire 150 million shares of HB Global Limited for MYR 2 per
Qingdao Marine Innovation Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. Qingdao Marine Innovation Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. 17.5 1.22
and Qingdao Marine New Kinetic Energy Industry Investment and Qingdao Marine New Kinetic Energy Industry Investment
Fund (Limited Partnership), both managed by Qingdao Conson Fund (Limited Partnership), both managed by Qingdao Conson
Capital Investment Co., Ltd. signed an equity transfer Capital Investment Co., Ltd. completed the acquisition of
framework agreement to acquire 29.9% stake in Baiyang 29.9% stake in Baiyang Investment Group, Inc.
Investment Group, Inc. (SZSE:002696) from Sun Zhongyi and (SZSE:002696) from Sun Zhongyi and Cai Jing on May 29,
Cai Jing on December 23, 2019. Qingdao Marine Innovation 2020.
Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Marine New
Kinetic Energy Industry Investment Fund (Limited Partnership),
managed by Qingdao Conson Capital Investment Co., Ltd.
signed share transfer agreement to acquire 29.9% stake in
Baiyang Investment Group, Inc. from Sun Zhongyi and Cai
Jing for approximately CNY 990 million on March 24, 2020.
Under the terms, Qingdao Marine Innovation Industry will
acquire 58.9 million shares and Qingdao Marine New Kinetic
Energy will acquire 45.6 million shares at a price of CNY 9.45
per share. Currently, Sun Zhongyi holds a 38.18% stake and
Cai Jing holds 8.5% stake. Post acquisition, Sun Zhongyi will
hold 11.91% stake and Cai Jing will hold 4.87% stake in
Baiyang Investment. The share transfer is subject to approval
of the anti-monopoly bureau on the undertaking of
concentration declaration, the compliance confirmation of the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and due diligence. As of March 4,
2020, Qingdao Conson Capital Investment Co., Ltd. held its
shareholders’ meeting and approved the acquisition and held
its directorate meeting and approved the acquisition. As of
March 20, 2020, the acquisition obtained the approval from the
State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of Qingdao City. As of May 15, 2020, the
purchase price has been transferred to the buyers but transfer
registration procedures are yet to be completed.
Xinjiang Zhongtai (Group) Co.,Ltd entered into a transfer Xinjiang Zhongtai (Group) Co.,Ltd cancelled the transfer 61.4 1.92
framework agreement to acquire 29% stake in Shandong Delisi framework agreement to acquire 29% stake in Shandong Delisi
Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002330) from Zhucheng Tongluren Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002330) from Zhucheng Tongluren
Investment Co., Ltd. for approximately CNY 990 million on Investment Co., Ltd. on July 10, 2020. A document issued by
November 8, 2019. Under the terms of the transaction, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Xinjiang Zhongtai will acquire 145.58 million shares at CNY Commission of the State Council (SASAC) of Xinjiang
6.83 per share. On December 15, 2019, the supplement to the Autonomous Region, the share transfer was not approved by
framework agreement was signed. As per the agreement, the the SASAC of Xinjiang Autonomous Region.
CNY 400 million share transfer security paid by Xinjiang
Zhongtai will be automatically be converted into the first share
transfer payment. Within 10 working days of the completion of
the renewal of the Directors, supervisors and senior
management personnel of the company in accordance with the
supplementary agreement and the completion of the
registration of industrial and commercial changes, Xinjiang
Zhongtai shall transfer the second share transfer of CNY 250
million and pay to Zhucheng Tongluren's designated bank
account. The remaining single share transfer payment shall be
paid by Xinjiang Zhongtai to the bank account designated by
Zhucheng Tongluren within 10 working days from the date on
which delis and its subsidiaries complete the property right
certificate or have completed the specification. The transaction
is subject to due diligence.

Yoneyama Fudosan Co., Ltd entered into an agreement to Yoneyama Fudosan Co., Ltd completed the acquisition of - 0.672
acquire 42.05% stake in Hokuryo Co., Ltd. (TSE:1384) from 42.05% stake in Hokuryo Co., Ltd. (TSE:1384) from Keiko
Keiko Yoneyama and Sadako Yoneyama on February 14, Yoneyama and Sadako Yoneyama on February 14, 2019.
2019. Under the terms, Yoneyama Fudosan acquires 3.6
million shares of Hokuryo Co., Ltd. The transaction is expected
to be completed by February 14, 2019.
Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. made an offer to acquire Tegel Group Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. completed the acquisition of Tegel 8.07 -
Holdings Limited (NZSE:TGH) from Claris Investments Pte. Group Holdings Limited (NZSE:TGH) from Claris Investments
Ltd., Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Investment Arm, Pte. Ltd., Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Investment Arm,
Colonial First State Asset Management (Australia) Limited, Colonial First State Asset Management (Australia) Limited,
Investment Services Group Limited, Perpetual Investments Investment Services Group Limited, Perpetual Investments
Management Limited and other shareholders for approximately Management Limited and other shareholders on September
NZD 440 million on April 25, 2018. Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. will 27, 2018. Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. held a total of 342.88 million
acquire 355.9 million shares at NZD 1.23 per share and 0.89 ordinary shares of Tegel Group Holdings and will compulsorily
million performance rights at NZD 0.043 per right payable in acquire all the remaining ordinary shares.
cash. The consideration for shares is subject to adjustment.
The consideration will be paid no later than seven days after
the later of the date on which offer becomes unconditional or
the date on which Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. receives
acceptance of the offer. An offer will be made on any date
between May 11, 2018 and May 28, 2018. Prior to the
transaction, Claris Investments Pte. Ltd. held 160.16 million
shares amounting to 45% stake in Tegel Group Holdings
Limited. Claris Investments Pte. Ltd. has entered into a lock up
agreement to sell the shares under the offer.

Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. will seek appropriate representation

on the Board of Tegel Group Holdings Limited after the close
of the offer. The offer is conditional on no material counter
party refusing under contractual obligation to approve the
change in control of Tegel Group Holdings Limited which would
arise on any successful completion of the offer. The
transaction is subject to Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. receiving
acceptances under the offer that would, when taken together
with any shares already held or controlled by Bounty Fresh
Food, Inc., confer on Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. more than 50%
of the voting rights in Tegel Group Holdings Limited, necessary
regulatory approvals and approval of Overseas Investment
Office. As of September 24, 2018 Overseas Investment Office
approve the transaction and offer declared unconditional. If
Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. becomes entitled to invoke the
compulsory acquisition provisions of the takeover code, it
intends to compulsorily acquire all of the outstanding Shares
and performance rights and apply for Tegel Group Holdings
Limited to be de-listed from the New Zealand Stock Exchange
Main Board. As of July 13, 2018, minimum tender condition
has been achieved. The Board of Tegel Group Holdings
Limited has formed an independent sub-committee of the
Board comprising David Jackson as well as the other
independent Directors to respond to Bounty Fresh Food, Inc.’s
offer. As on June 7, 2018, Bounty Fresh Food, Inc.has
received acceptance of offer for 46.12% shares. As on June
Pallavi Mittal entered into two share purchase agreements to Pallavi Mittal completed acquisition of 30.82% stake in Aayush - -
acquire 30.82% stake in Aayush Food and Herbs Limited Food and Herbs Limited (BSE:539528) from Surya Medi-tech
(BSE:539528) from Surya Medi-tech Ltd. and Vertex Drugs Pvt Ltd. and Vertex Drugs Pvt Ltd on September 7, 2016.
Ltd for INR 13.25 million on March 17, 2016. The mode of
payment is cash. As part of the deal, Pallavi Mittal will be
acquiring 0.5 million shares each from Surya Medi-tech Ltd.
and Vertex Drugs Pvt Ltd for INR 13.25 per share. This offer
has triggered another offer to acquire additional 0.8437 million
shares at INR 13.25 each. As of August 25, 2016, SEBI has
restrained to buy, sell or deal in the securities of in Aayush
Food and Herbs hence the transaction cannot be completed till
the restrain order is removed by SEBI. As of September 14,
2016, Pallavi Mittal acquired 0.514 million shares of Aayush
Food and Herbs. Surya Medi-tech Ltd. is not in a position to
fulfill obligation under the agreement as SEBI has restrained it
to buy, sell and deal in security. Acquirer is taking necessary
steps to execute agreement with Surya Medi-Tech Limited.
Enigma Merchants LLP made an offer to acquire additional Enigma Merchants LLP completed the acquisition of additional - -
26% stake in Pervasive Commodities Limited (BSE:517172) 26% stake in Pervasive Commodities Limited (BSE:517172) on
for INR 0.25 million on February 18, 2016. The transaction was September 23, 2016.
triggered by the agreement between Enigma Merchants and
Nita J. Mehta under which Enigma Merchants agreed to
acquire 0.72% stake in Pervasive Commodities. Under the
terms of the offer, Enigma Merchants will acquire 0.02 million
shares at INR 10 per share. Enigma Merchants LLP made an
offer to acquire additional 26% stake in Pervasive
Commodities Limited (BSE:517172) for INR 1.5 million on
February 18, 2016. Under the revised terms of the offer,
Enigma Merchants will acquire 0.02 million shares at INR 62
per share. Pursuant to the transaction, Enigma Merchants will
hold 50.5% stake in Pervasive Commodities. The offer will be
financed through the internal resources of Enigma Merchants.
The offer is subject to statutory approvals. In the event of over-
subscription to the Offer, the acceptance will be on a
proportionate basis. The offer is not subject to any minimum
level of acceptance. The offer will run through April 21, 2016 till
May 04, 2016. As of August 1, 2016, Enigma Merchants LLP
acquired 26445 shares from promoters. As of August 17, 2016,
the date of commencement of tendering period has been
revised to August 25, 2016 and the date of expiry of tendering
period has been revised to September 8, 2016. Kantiji Thakor
and Pankaj Jadav will be appointed on the Board of Pervasive
subsequent to the completion of the offer. As of August 23,
2016, the IDC board issued a favorable opinion on the offer. As
of August 24, 2016, the tender offer is open for acceptance.

Ruchika Sharma and Manoj Kumar of Corporate Professionals

Capital Private Limited acted as financial advisor for Enigma
Merchants. Malay Bhow of Sunflower Broking private Limited
aced as the broker on the offer. Jagdish Patel of Accurate
Securities and Registry Private Limited acted as registrar in the
transaction. Jignesh Domadiya of Jignesh Domadiya & Co
acted as the accountant to Enigma Merchants LLP.
Raviraj Ramesh Panjri, Dharmika Ramesh Panjri, Ramesh Raviraj Ramesh Panjri, Dharmika Ramesh Panjri, Ramesh 68.51 3.17
Babulal Panjri, Ram Babulal Panjri and Rajesh Babulal Panjri Babulal Panjri, Ram Babulal Panjri and Rajesh Babulal Panjri
(acquirers) made an offer to acquire additional 35% stake in (acquirers) completed the acquisition of an additional 35%
Shubhra Leasing Finance And Investment Company Limited stake in Shubhra Leasing Finance And Investment Company
(BSE:538565) for INR 13.4 million in cash on January 15, Limited (BSE:538565) on May 3, 2016.
2016. In related transaction, Raviraj Ramesh Panjri, Dharmika
Ramesh Panjri, Ramesh Babulal Panjri, Ram Babulal Panjri
and Rajesh Babulal Panjri entered into a share purchase
agreement to acquire 7.19% stake in Shubhra Leasing Finance
And Investment Company Limited for INR 2.3 million. Under
the offer, Raviraj Ramesh Panjri, Dharmika Ramesh Panjri,
Ramesh Babulal Panjri, Ram Babulal Panjri and Rajesh
Babulal Panjri will acquire 1.12 million shares at the rate of INR
12 per share. The offer will commence on March 11, 2016 and
will close on March 28, 2016. Rbp Holdings Private Limited has
sufficient funds to fund the transaction.

As of March 28, 2016, Ramesh Babulal Panjri and Ram

Babulal Panjri have been nominated for the Board of Directors
if Shubhra Leasing on behalf of acquirers the offer period has
been changed and the offer will open on April 5, 2016 to April
22, 2016. The cash consideration has already been transferred
to escrow account with IndusInd bank. The committee of
Independent Directors recommended the transaction is fair.

Kunjal anjaria of Sparkle Securities Solutions Private Limited

acted as broker for the acquirers. Manish Gaur of Mark
Corporate Advisors Private Limited acted as financial advisor,
V.R. Renuka & Co. acted as accountant and Purva Sharegistry
(India) Pvt. Ltd. acted as registrar for Raviraj Ramesh Panjri,
Dharmika Ramesh Panjri, Ramesh Babulal Panjri, Ram
Babulal Panjri and Rajesh Babulal Panjri. Indusind bank acted
as an escrow agent in the transaction. Purva Sharegistry acted
as registrar to the offer.

Vinh Hoan Corporation (HOSE:VHC) agreed to acquire Vinh Hoan Corporation (HOSE:VHC) completed the acquisition - -
32.72% stake in Cuu Long Seaproducts Joint Stock Company of additional 32.7% stake in Cuu Long Seaproducts Joint Stock
on December 15, 2015. Company on February 3, 2016.
A group of investors led by CX Partners and Gateway Partners A group of investors led by CX Partners and Gateway Partners - 5.37
Limited acquired 46.75% stake in Mrs. Bector's Food Limited completed the acquisition of 46.75% stake in Mrs.
Specialties, Ltd. from Motilal Oswal Private Equity Advisors Bector's Food Specialties, Ltd. from Motilal Oswal Private
Private Limited, promoters of Mrs. Bector's Food Specialties, Equity Advisors Private Limited, promoters of Mrs. Bector's
Ltd including Anoop Bector and his family members on the Food Specialties, Ltd and others on December 4, 2015.
transaction and others for INR 4.5 billion on December 4,
2015. Post transaction, Motilal Oswal Private Equity Advisors
Private Limited ceased to have any stake in Mrs. Bector's Food
Specialties, Ltd. o3 Capital acted as financial advisor and
Raghubir Menon, Gaurav Dayal and Aritra Roy of Shardul
Amarchand Mangaldas & Co acted as legal advisor to Mrs.
Bectors Food Specialities and the promoters. Rachna Jain,
Nakul Batra and Rahul Chaddah of Desai & Diwanji acted as
legal advisor to Bector family and Motilal Oswal Private Equity
Advisors. o3 Capital acted as financial advisor for Motilal
Oswal Private Equity. Ankit Majmudar, Yamini Dwarakanath
and Jagriti Mohata of Platinum Partners acted as legal advisor
for CX Partners. Sachin Mehta, Vinit Nalavadi and Avantika
Gupta of AZB & Partners acted as legal advisors to Gateway.
Shandong Jiajiayue Group Co. Ltd. along with Keith Jackson, Shandong Jiajiayue Group Co. Ltd. along with Keith Jackson, - NM
Executive Chairman of Cooks Global Foods Limited entered Executive Chairman of Cooks Global Foods Limited completed
into a share sale agreement to acquire 40.3% in Cooks Global the acquisition of 40.3% in Cooks Global Foods Limited
Foods Limited (NZSE:CGF) from DSL Management Limited for (NZSE:CGF) from DSL Management Limited on January 19,
NZD 6.8 million on August 13, 2015. Under the terms of the 2016.
transaction, 136.3 million shares will be acquired at NZD 0.05
per share. In a related transaction, Shandong Jiajiayue Group
Co. Ltd. also agreed to subscribe to 70.3 million shares of
Cooks Global at NZD 0.128 per share. Pursuant to the
transaction, Jiajiayue Group will be able to nominate one
Director on the board. The deal is subject to approval from
New Zealand Stock Exchange, escrow arrangements,
shareholders of Cooks Global Foods Limited and signing of
formal documents. Upon signing of documents, the deal is also
subject to obtaining financing and Shandong Jiajiayue gaining
Overseas Investment Commission approval.

As on October 29, 2015, DSL has agreed to extend the

condition date for the sale of shares until December 21, 2015.
Cooks Global has received verbal confirmation from the
Overseas Investment Office that Jiajiayue has received
ministerial approval. As of October 29, 2015, Cooks Global has
confirmed that conditional commitments for the supplementary
NZD 4.5 million in new equity have been secured. Link Market
Services Limited acted as share registrar for Cooks Global
Foods Limited. Simmons Corporate Finance Limited acted as
financial advisor for Cooks Global Foods Limited.

FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710) acquired Maniker FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710) completed the 12.64 1.35
F&G Co. Ltd. from Maniker Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A027740) for acquisition of Maniker F&G Co. Ltd. from Maniker Co., Ltd.
KRW 25 billion on November 6, 2014. For the period ending (KOSE:A027740) on November 6, 2014.
December 2013, Maniker F&G Co. Ltd. reported total assets of
58.36 billion, total liabilities of KRW 32.63 billion and total
stakeholders equity of KRW 25.7 billion. As per the terms of
the transaction, FarmStory acquired 0.72 million shares of
Maniker F&G.

Laxmi Edifice Pvt Ltd entered into a share purchase agreement Laxmi Edifice Pvt Ltd completed the acquisition of 25.93% - NM
to acquire 25.93% stake in Kansal Fibres Limited stake in Kansal Fibres Limited (BSE:531205) from Rakesh
(BSE:531205) from Rakesh Kansal, Aruna Kansal and Ratan Kansal, Aruna Kansal and Ratan Kansal on February 11, 2014.
Kansal for INR 1.3 million on December 5, 2013. Under the
share purchase agreement, Laxmi Edifice will acquire 1.5
million shares at INR 0.85 per share. Rakesh Kansal sold
17.95% stake, Aruna Kansal sold 6.29% stake and Ratan
Goyal sold 1.69%. In a related deal, Laxmi Edifice Pvt Ltd
made a tender offer to acquire 26% stake in Kansal Fibres.
Tinna Rubber & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:530475) acquired Tinna Rubber & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:530475) - 0.506
the remaining 60% stake in Tinna Viterra Trade Pvt Ltd from completed the acquisition of the remaining 60% stake in Tinna
Viterra Asia Pte Ltd. on May 9, 2013. S&R Associates acted as Viterra Trade Pvt Ltd from Viterra Asia Pte Ltd. on May 9,
legal advisor for Glencore International, parent of Viterra Asia. 2013.
Taj Capital acted as financial advisor for Tinna Rubber &
Infrastructure Limited.
4Cable TV Inc. entered into share exchange agreement to 4Cable TV Inc. completed the acquisition of Liberto, Inc. - -
acquire Liberto, Inc. (OTCPK:LBRT) in a reverse merger (OTCPK:LBRT) in a reverse merger transaction on September
transaction on April 4, 2013. As per the agreement, Liberto, 30, 2013. 4Cable TV was the acquirer for both legal and
Inc. will issue 20.9 million shares of its common stock to the accounting purposes.
selling shareholders in exchange for 100% of the issued and
outstanding capital stock of 4Cable TV. 4Cable TV will become
the Liberto, Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, and the Liberto,
Inc. will acquire the business and operations of 4Cable TV.
Post acquisition, Steven K. Richey will be appointed as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Liberto, Inc., George
Schnellman will be appointed as Chief Financial Officer of
Liberto, Inc., Susan Richey will be appointed as secretary of
Liberto, Inc. and Andrew Staniak will be appointed as Vice
President of Liberto, Inc. Rosielyn S. Baclig, President, Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and member of Board
of Directors of Liberto, Inc. and Edmundo O. Carreos,
secretary and as a member of the Board of Directors of
Liberto, Inc. has been submitted the resignation effective April
4, 2013. Steven K. Richey, Susan Richey and Andrew Staniak
are each selling shareholders and it is expected that each will
be a beneficial holder of shares through their interests in
4Cable TV. The deal is subject to approvals of government,
lockup agreement, third party, due diligence investigation. The
deal has been approved by the Board of Directors of Liberto
and 4Cable TV, shareholders of Liberto, Inc. As of May 6,
2013, Financial Industry Regulatory approve the name change
of Liberto to 4Cable TV. Marc C. Lee of Greenberg Traurig,
LLP acted as the legal advisor for Liberto, Inc.
Virat Sevantilal Shah, Alok Virat Shah and Rajan Sevantilal Virat Sevantilal Shah, Alok Virat Shah and Rajan Sevantilal 0.099 4.25
Shah entered into three share purchase agreements to acquire Shah completed the acquisition of an additional 26.39% stake
an additional 26.39% stake in Shree Surgovind Tradelink Ltd. in Shree Surgovind Tradelink Ltd. from Govindbhai Patel,
from Govindbhai Patel, Somabhai Virdas Patel, Rajesh S Somabhai Virdas Patel, Rajesh S Shah, Nila R Shah, Nimeet
Shah, Nila R Shah, Nimeet R Shah, Uday Pravinchandra R Shah, Uday Pravinchandra Shah, Shilpa Uday Shah and
Shah, Shilpa Uday Shah and Nilam Jitendtra Shah for INR 1.3 Nilam Jitendtra Shah on April 29, 2013.
million in cash on February 5, 2013. INR 1.3 million shall be
deposited as interest free earnest money or deposit which
would be finally adjusted against the purchase consideration.
As of the transaction date, Virat Sevantilal Shah holds 5.78%
stake, Alok Virat Shah holds 7.01% stake and Rajan Sevantilal
Shah holds 7.53% stake in Shree Surgovind Tradelink Ltd.
Under the terms of the share purchase agreement, Virat
Sevantilal Shah, Alok Virat Shah and Rajan Sevantilal Shah
will acquire 1.3 million shares of Surgovind Tradelink Ltd. for
INR 1 per share. In a related transaction, Virat Sevantilal Shah,
Alok Virat Shah and Rajan Sevantilal Shah made an offer to
acquire an additional 26% stake in Shree Surgovind Tradelink
Ltd. for INR 9.1 million in cash on February 6, 2013.

Pusuant to the transactions, Virat Sevantilal, Alok Virat and

Rajan Sevantilal intend to make changes in the Board of
Directors of Shree Surgovind Tradelink Ltd. The completion of
the transaction shall take place within 15 working days from
the date of post offer public announcement issued by manager
to the offer.
A consortium of investors led by Founders of Bangkok Ranch A consortium led by Founders of Bangkok Ranch Public Co.Ltd - 0.689
Public Co.Ltd including the management, Joseph including the management, Joseph Suchaovanich and Gertjan
Suchaovanich and Gertjan Tomassen, acquired 80% stake in Tomassen, completed the acquisition of 80% stake in Bangkok
Bangkok Ranch Public Co. Ltd. from Navis Capital Partners Ranch Public Co. Ltd. from Navis Capital Partners and Rabo
and Rabo Capital in a management buyout for THB 5.7 billion Capital in a management buyout on January 1, 2013.
on January 1, 2013. Navis Capital sold 60% stake and Rabo
Capital sold 20% stake held in Bangkok Ranch. The sale did
not include China-based duck genetics business Cherry Valley
Farms. The subsidiary Duck to Holdings is also involved in this
deal. The transaction was partially funded by Siam
Commercial Bank and Bangkok Bank of THB 4.1 billion. As a
result of the divestments, Navis and Rabo netted
approximately 1.81 times the initial investment. Lauren Goble
of Ryan Financial Communications acted as PR advisor for
Navis. Simon Makinson, Arkrapol Pichedvanichok, Sarah
Canning-Jones, Chris Burkett, Sarayut Jitprasertngam, Suthida
Chettasiripong and Pannalin Jantadee of Allen & Overy LLP
acted as legal advisors for Navis Capital Partners. Pakdee
Paknara and Passawan Navanithikul of Weerawong,
Chinnavat & Peangpanor acted as legal advisors for Joseph
Hsu and Gertjan Tomassen. Siam Commercial Bank acted as
financial advisor in the transaction.

Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE: A003960) acquired Nambu Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE: A003960) completed the 2.37 0.531
Ham Co., Ltd. for KRW 10.9 billion in cash on July 15, 2010. acquisition of Nambu Ham Co., Ltd. on July 15, 2010.
Under the terms of the contract signed on July 15, 2010,
Sajodaerim acquired approximately 0.36 shares of Nambu
Ham. Nambu Ham recorded total assets of KRW 37.58 billion,
total liabilities of KRW 25.99 billion, total shareholders’ equity
of KRW 11.59 billion, shareholders equity of KRW 1.79 billion,
sales of KRW 45.8 billion and net loss of KRW 2.88 billion for
the year 2009. On July 15, 2010, the Board of Sajodaerim
resolved the transaction.

Hyundai H&S Co Ltd (KOSE: A005440) signed a statutory Hyundai H&S Co Ltd (KOSE: A005440) completed the 124.22 -
merger agreement to acquire Hyundai Food System., Ltd. acquisition of Hyundai Food System., Ltd. (KOSE: A114410)
(KOSE: A114410) for KRW 80 billion on April 12, 2010. on July 1, 2010.
Hyundai H&S will survive in the merger, while Hyundai Food
System will dissolve with the merger. The exchange ratio of
Hyundai H&S and Hyundai Food System is 1: 1.9461817 and
33.37 million common shares will be issued with the merger.
The deal is expected to be completed on July 1, 2010.
Lin Pingtao, Lin Changhao and Lin Changqing agreed to Lin Pingtao, Lin Changhao and Lin Changqing completed the - 2.0
acquire 63.67% stake in Guangdong Jialong Food Co., Ltd. for acquisition of 63.67% stake in Guangdong Jialong Food Co.,
CNY 41.4 million on August 28, 2008. Lin Pingtao, Lin Ltd. on August 30, 2008.
Changhao and Lin Changqing signed equity transfer
agreement to acquire 63.67% stake in Guangdong Jialong
Food Co., Ltd. on August 30, 2008. Lin Pingtao will acquire
33.85% stake i.e. 22 million shares at the price of CNY 1 per
share, Lin Changhao will acquire 16.79% stake i.e. 10.91
million shares at the price of CNY 1 per share and Lin
Changqing will acquire 13.03% stake i.e. 8.47 million shares at
the price of CNY 1 per share. The transaction was approved by
the shareholders of Guangdong Jialong Food on August 28,

Jayesh Patel, Pranay Patel, Deepak Patel, Prakash Patel and Jayesh Patel, Pranay Patel, Deepak Patel, Prakash Patel and - 0.456
Sandip Patel (acquirers) entered into a share purchase Sandip Patel completed the acquisition of a 42.64% stake in
agreement to acquire a 42.64% stake in Anand Lease and Anand Lease and Finance Ltd. from Anand Modi and others in
Finance Ltd. from Anand Modi and others in the promoter the promoter group on July 16, 2008.
group on May 2, 2008 for INR 1.67 million. The acquirers will
acquire approximately 1.67 million shares of Anand Lease and
Finance Ltd. at a purchase price of INR 1 per share.

A consortium of The Military Mutual Aid Association Co., Ltd., A consortium of The Military Mutual Aid Association Co., Ltd., - 0.884
KTB Network, Kookmin Venture Capital Co., Ltd, led by Crown KTB Network, Kookmin Venture Capital Co., Ltd, led by Crown
Confectionery Co. signed a formal contract to acquire Haitai Confectionery Co. completed the acquisition of Haitai
Confectionery & Foods Co. from UBS Capital Asia Pacific, Confectionery & Foods Co. from UBS Capital Asia Pacific,
CVC Capital Partners Ltd. and J.P. Morgan Partners Asia for CVC Capital Partners Ltd. and J.P. Morgan Partners Asia for
approximately KRW 650 billion on October 28, 2004. The approximately KRW 550 billion on January 12, 2005.
consortium agreed to buy all shares of Haitai Confectionery &
Foods Co. with the price expected to be between KRW 550
billion and KRW 650 billion. The transaction will be funded
from the funding supplied by Woori Bank and Hana Bank. The
transaction is subject to due diligence. Roger Denny, Daniel
Hounslow and Andrew Whan of Clifford Chance acted as legal
advisors and Morgan Stanley acted as financial advisor to UBS
Capital Asia Pacific, CVC Capital Partners Ltd. and J.P.
Morgan Partners Asia.

Teng Yongxiong and Teng Yongwei signed the share transfer Teng Yongxiong and Teng Yongwei completed the acquisition - 3.36
agreement to acquire an additional 80% stake in Fujian of an additional 80% stake in Fujian Tengxin Foods Co., Ltd.
Tengxin Foods Co., Ltd. from Teng Guokeng for CNY 1.8 from Teng Guokeng on September 19, 2003.
million on September 8, 2003. Teng Yongxiong will acquire
shared worth CNY 1 million and Teng Yongwei will acquire
shares worth CNY 0.8 million. Shareholders of Fujian Tengxin
Foods Co., Ltd. approved the transaction on September 8,
CVC Asia Pacific Limited, JPMorgan Partners Asia Limited and CVC Asia Pacific Limited, JPMorgan Partners Asia Limited and - 0.884
UBS Capital Asia Pacific Limited signed signed a UBS Capital Asia Pacific Limited completed the acquisition of
memorandum of understanding to acquire confectionery confectionery business from Haitai Confectionery Co. Ltd. on
business from Haitai Confectionery Co. Ltd. on June 21, 2001. September 28, 2001.
A contract will be signed toward the end of July 2001.

On July 18, 2001, CVC Asia Pacific Limited, JPMorgan

Partners Asia Limited and UBS Capital Asia Pacific Limited
signed signed a contract to acquire confectionery business
from Haitai Confectionery Co. Ltd. for KRW 415 billion. The
transaction is expected to close before December 2001. The
consortium obtained a seven-year KRW 314 billion loan to
finance part of the deal, with JP Morgan and Chohung Bank
underwriting the loan. J P Morgan Securities Inc. advised the
buyers on the deal. ABN AMRO Holding N.V. acted as
financial advisor for Haitai Confectionery and Foods Co. Ltd. in
the transaction.

San Miguel Corp. (PSE:SMC) signed a share purchase San Miguel Corp. (PSE:SMC) completed the acquisition of - 5.18
agreement to acquire 93.98% stake in Pure Foods Corp. from 93.98% stake in Pure Foods Corp. from Ayala Corp. (PSE:AC)
Ayala Corp. (PSE:AC) for PHP 7.8 billion on May 10, 2001. on May 23, 2001.
San Miguel intends to make a tender offer for the remaining
6%. Eduardo M. Cojuangco Jr. has been elected as Chairman
of Pure Foods. Elected to the Purefoods Board are Cojuangco,
SMC Vice-Chairman Ramon Ang, Director Francisco C.
Eizmendi Jr., SMC Chief Finance Officer and Treasurer
Ferdinand K. Constantino, SMC Vice-President for corporate
planning and development Ma. Belen C. Buensuceso, San
Miguel Food Group President Arnaldo L. Africa, La Tondena
President Enrique A. Gomez Jr., SMC Vice-President for
corporate technical affairs Lubin B. Nepomuceno and
Purefoods-Hormel President Francisco S. Alejo III.
P/LTM Diluted EPS Before Extra TEV/LTM Total Revenues [My
[Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer] Setting] [Latest] (x) [Target/Issuer] Geographic Locations [Target/Issuer] Industry Classifications [Target/Issuer]
NM 2.12 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Hong Kong (Primary); New Territories (Primary) (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary); Groceries
and Related Product Distribution (Primary); Air Freight and
Logistics; Air Freight and Logistics; Industrials; Real Estate;
Real Estate; Real Estate Management and Development; Real
Estate Operating Companies; Transportation

NM 3.14 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Coffee And Tea (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); Malaysia (Primary); South-East Asia (Primary); Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Wilayah Persekutuan (Primary) Frozen Foods (Primary); Frozen Vegetables (Primary);
Livestock And Animal Specialties (Primary); Meats, Meat
Processing And Meat Related Products (Primary); Packaged
Foods and Meats (Primary); Prepared and Preserved Foods
(Primary); Snack Food (Primary); Tea (Primary)
91.1 0.941 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Animal Feed (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Fish
(Primary); China (Primary); Far East (Primary); Guangxi Products (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food, Beverage
Zhuang Province (Primary) and Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary); Frozen
Seafood (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary);
Seafood Products (Primary); Seafood, Seafood Processing
and Seafood Products (Primary); Agricultural Services; Animal
Services; Commercial and Professional Services; Commercial
Services and Supplies; Environmental and Facilities Services;
Food and Staples Retailing; Food and Staples Retailing; Food
Distribution; Food Distributors; Health Care; Industrials;
Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products;
Pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceuticals,
Biotechnology and Life Sciences
64.1 0.914 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Animal Feed (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); China (Primary); Far East (Primary); Shandong Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Province (Primary) Meat Processing (Primary); Meat Products (Primary); Meat
Slaughtering (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing And Meat
Related Products (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats
(Primary); Processed Cold Cuts (Primary); Biological Products;
Biotechnology; Biotechnology; Health Care; Pharmaceuticals,
Biotechnology and Life Sciences

11.3 0.535 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Chicken (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Dairy
(Primary); Hokkaido (Primary); Japan (Primary) Products (Primary); Dairy Products and Eggs (Primary); Eggs
and Egg Products (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food,
Beverage and Tobacco (Primary); Meat Processing (Primary);
Meat Products (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing And Meat
Related Products (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats
(Primary); Sausage and Hot Dogs (Primary)
- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Chicken (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); New Zealand (Primary) Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Meat Processing (Primary); Meat Products (Primary); Meats,
Meat Processing And Meat Related Products (Primary);
Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary); Poultry And Poultry
Products (Primary); Sausage and Hot Dogs (Primary); Turkey
- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Delhi (Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub- (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Continent (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary)
- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Gujarat (Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub- (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Continent (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary)
10.2 0.523 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub-Continent (Primary); (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Maharashtra (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary); Groceries
and Related Product Distribution (Primary); Fish Products;
Food Products; Food, Beverage and Tobacco; Packaged
Foods and Meats; Seafood Products; Seafood, Seafood
Processing and Seafood Products

- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food,
(Primary); South-East Asia (Primary); Vietnam (Primary) Beverage and Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary);
Frozen Seafood (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats
32.8 2.62 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Biscuits (Primary); Bread and Bakery Products (Primary);
(Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub-Continent (Primary); Bread, Biscuits and Cookies (Primary); Cakes, Pies and
Uttar Pradesh (Primary) Pastries (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Cookies
(Primary); Cookies And Cracker (Primary); Crackers (Primary);
Food Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco
(Primary); Fresh Bread (Primary); Frozen Bakery Products
(Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary); Packaged Foods and
Meats (Primary)
NM 25.8 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Beverage Distribution (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary);
(Primary); New Zealand (Primary) Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food and Staples
Retailing (Primary); Food Distribution (Primary); Food
Distributors (Primary); Non-Alcoholic Beverage Distribution
(Primary); Beverage Retail; Diversified Financial Services;
Diversified Financials; Financials; Food Retail; Investment
Services and Holding Companies; Multi-Sector Holdings;
Patent Owners and Lessors

17.6 1.05 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Chicken (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); Gyeonggi-do (Primary); Korea, South (Primary) Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Frozen Foods (Primary); Meat Products (Primary); Meats,
Meat Processing And Meat Related Products (Primary);
Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary)

13.1 11.6 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Gujarat (Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub- (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Continent (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary)
NM 0.16 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Delhi (Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub- (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Continent (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary); Capital
Goods; Chemical Distribution; Industrials; Trading Companies
and Distributors; Trading Companies and Distributors

- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food,
(Primary); Philippines (Primary); South-East Asia (Primary); Beverage and Tobacco (Primary); Meat Products (Primary);
Nevada; Reno Area; Southwest; United States and Canada; Meats, Meat Processing And Meat Related Products (Primary);
United States of America Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary)
20.2 0.469 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub-Continent (Primary); (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Maharashtra (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary); Groceries
and Related Product Distribution (Primary); Capital Goods;
Health Care; Health Care Distributors; Health Care Equipment
and Services; Health Care Providers and Services; Industrials;
Materials; Materials; Metals and Mining; Pharmaceutical
Product Distribution; Steel; Steel Nails, Spikes, And Wire; Steel
Pipe And Tubes; Steel Wire Drawing, Nails and Spikes; Steel
Works, Blast Furnaces, And Finishing Mills; Trading
Companies and Distributors; Trading Companies and
NM 1.29 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Animal Feed (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); South-East Asia (Primary); Thailand (Primary) Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Frozen Foods (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing And Meat
Related Products (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats
(Primary); Poultry And Poultry Products (Primary); Poultry
Processing (Primary); Poultry Slaughtering (Primary); Food
and Staples Retailing; Food and Staples Retailing; Food
Distribution; Food Distributors

5.57 0.384 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Fish Products (Primary); Food
(Primary); Korea, South (Primary) Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Meat Products (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing And Meat
Related Products (Primary); Packaged Food Mixes (Primary);
Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary); Prepared and
Preserved Foods (Primary); Sausage and Hot Dogs (Primary);
Seafood Products (Primary); Seafood, Seafood Processing
and Seafood Products (Primary); Specialty Meat Products
(Primary); Nonresidential Building Operators and Lessors;
Office Building Operators and Lessors; Real Estate; Real
Estate; Real Estate Management and Development; Real
Estate Operating Companies; Real Estate Operators And

- - Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food,
(Primary); Korea, South (Primary) Beverage and Tobacco (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing
And Meat Related Products (Primary); Packaged Foods and
Meats (Primary); Seafood, Seafood Processing and Seafood
Products (Primary); Agricultural Products; Air Freight and
Logistics; Air Freight and Logistics; Fruits, Vegetables, and
Nuts; Industrials; Real Estate; Real Estate; Real Estate
Development; Real Estate Management and Development;
Transportation; Vegetables
59.7 6.96 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Chicken (Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Food
(Primary); China (Primary); Far East (Primary); Guangdong Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and Tobacco (Primary);
Province (Primary) Meats, Meat Processing And Meat Related Products (Primary);
Packaged Foods and Meats (Primary); Prepared and
Preserved Foods (Primary); Sauces And Salad Dressings
(Primary); Seasonings and Preservatives (Primary)

6.24 3.51 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing
(Primary); Gujarat (Primary); India (Primary); Indian Sub- (Primary); Food and Staples Retailing (Primary); Food
Continent (Primary) Distribution (Primary); Food Distributors (Primary)

21.4 0.775 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Biscuits (Primary); Bread and Bakery Products (Primary);
(Primary); Korea, South (Primary) Bread, Biscuits and Cookies (Primary); Candy (Primary);
Chewing Gum (Primary); Confectionery Products (Primary);
Consumer Staples (Primary); Desserts and Dessert Toppings
(Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and
Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary); Ice Cream,
Flavored Ices and Frozen Desserts (Primary); Packaged
Foods and Meats (Primary); Prepared and Preserved Foods
(Primary); Snack Food (Primary)

NM 1.61 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Consumer Staples (Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food,
(Primary); China (Primary); Far East (Primary); Fujian Beverage and Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary);
Province (Primary) Frozen Seafood (Primary); Packaged Foods and Meats
21.4 0.775 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Developed Markets Biscuits (Primary); Bread and Bakery Products (Primary);
(Primary); Korea, South (Primary) Bread, Biscuits and Cookies (Primary); Candy (Primary);
Chewing Gum (Primary); Confectionery Products (Primary);
Consumer Staples (Primary); Desserts and Dessert Toppings
(Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and
Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary); Ice Cream,
Flavored Ices and Frozen Desserts (Primary); Packaged
Foods and Meats (Primary); Prepared and Preserved Foods
(Primary); Snack Food (Primary)

23.2 2.39 Asia / Pacific (Primary); Asia / Pacific Emerging Markets Animal Feed (Primary); Beef Cattle (Primary); Bread and
(Primary); Philippines (Primary); South-East Asia (Primary) Bakery Products (Primary); Butter and Margarine (Primary);
Cheese (Primary); Coffee (Primary); Coffee And Tea
(Primary); Consumer Staples (Primary); Dairy Products
(Primary); Dairy Products and Eggs (Primary); Desserts and
Dessert Toppings (Primary); Edible Oils (Primary); Flour
(Primary); Food Products (Primary); Food, Beverage and
Tobacco (Primary); Frozen Foods (Primary); Grain Mill
Products (Primary); Hogs (Primary); Ice Cream, Flavored Ices
and Frozen Desserts (Primary); Livestock And Animal
Specialties (Primary); Meat Processing (Primary); Meat
Products (Primary); Meats, Meat Processing And Meat Related
Products (Primary); Milk (Primary); Packaged Foods and
Meats (Primary); Poultry And Poultry Products (Primary);
Poultry Processing (Primary); Prepared and Preserved Foods
(Primary); Prepared Desserts (Primary); Prepared Flour Mixes
And Dough (Primary); Preserves, Jams and Jellies (Primary);
Preserves, Jams, Jellies and Nut Spreads (Primary);
Processed Cold Cuts (Primary); Sauces And Salad Dressings
(Primary); Sausage and Hot Dogs (Primary); Seasonings and
Preservatives (Primary); Snack Food (Primary); Specialty Meat
Products (Primary); Beer, Ale and Malt Beverages; Beverages;
Brewers; Distillers and Vintners; Food and Staples Retailing;
Food and Staples Retailing; Food Distribution; Food
Distributors; Food Retail; Groceries and Related Product
Distribution; Spirits and Liquors; Wine
Target/Issuer LTM Financials - Total
Implied Enterprise Value/Revenues Implied Enterprise Value ($USDmm, Net Income [LTM] ($USDmm, Revenue (at Announcement)
(x) Historical rate) Historical rate) [Target/Issuer] ($USDmm, Historical rate)
1.75 24.07 (1.06) 13.72

1.03 17.57 (2.4) 16.98

1.24 539.89 2.9 428.25
1.59 502.5 6.41 309.37

- - 5.08 150.3
0.929 405.11 - 451.32
- 0.645 - -
- 0.088 - -
5.74 0.568 0.272 0.101

- - - -
- 143.45 9.39 -
2.55 15.56 (1.78) 6.3

0.68 46.81 2.83 70.85

- 0.126 0.063 -
- - (0.224) -

- - - -
0.005 0.094 0.206 16.83
- 232.5 (0.464) -

0.38 39.44 16.0 107.17

8.3 2,649.18 - 314.46

- 9.52 6.27 -

- 0.097 0.062 -

- 484.49 21.6 -

- 0.271 0.682 -
- 318.5 21.6 -

- 163.99 411.2 -
Screening Aggregates
Transaction Screening Aggregates
Number of Transactions by Status Number of Transactions by Type
Announced: 0 Private Placement 0
Closed/Effective/Expired: 25 Merger/Acquisition 26
Cancelled/Withdrawn/Suspended: 1 Public Offering 0
Other Bankruptcy Status: 0 Spin-Off/Split-Off 0
Other Investor Activism Status: 0 Bankruptcy 0
Total Number of Transactions: 26 Buyback 0
Shelf Registration 0
Investor Activism 0
Number of Transactions by Sector Number of Transactions by Region
Energy 0 Europe 0
Real Estate 0 Asia / Pacific 26
Materials 0 Africa / Middle East 0
Industrials 0 United States and Canada 0
Consumer Discretionary 0 Latin America and Caribbean 0
Consumer Staples 26
Health Care 0
Financials 0
Information Technology 0
Communication Services 0
Utilities 0
Most Active Buyers/Investors by Number of Transactions Most Active Buyers/Investors by Total Transaction Size
Company Name Number Of Transactions Company Name Total Transaction Size ($mm)
4Cable TV International, Inc. (OTCPK:CATV) 1 Hyundai Green Food Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005440) 2,723.51
Affinity Equity Partners 1 KTB Investment & Securities Co.,Ltd., Prior to change in line of 484.51
Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. 1 The Military Mutual Aid Association Co., Ltd. 484.51
CROWNHAITAI Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005740) 1 CROWNHAITAI Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005740) 484.51
CVC Capital Partners Limited 1 KB Investment Co., Ltd. 484.51
CX Partners 1 Bounty Fresh Food, Inc. 411.71
Enigma Merchants LLP 1 Affinity Equity Partners 318.31
FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710) 1 CVC Capital Partners Limited 318.31
Gateway Partners Limited 1 Unitas Capital Pte. Ltd. 318.31
Hyundai Green Food Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005440) 1 San Miguel Corporation (PSE:SMC) 154.11
Merger & Acquisition Statistics
Valuation Summary Number of Deals by Transaction Ranges
Total Deal Value($mm): 4,746.8 Greater than $1 billion 1
Average Deal Value: 215.76 $500 - $999.9mm 0
Average TEV/Revenue: 2.2 $100 - $499.9mm 7
Average TEV/EBITDA: 34.75 Less than $100mm 14
Average Day Prior Premium(%): 95.78 Undisclosed 4
Average Week Prior Premium(%): 105.7
Average Month Prior Premium(%): ( 12.11)

Canceled transactions may be included in these statistics.

Capital IQ Transaction Screening Report > transfd
Screening Criteria
1) Industry Classifications (Target/Issuer): Food Distribution (Primary) OR Groceries and Related Product Distribution (Primary) OR Meat Markets and Butchers (Primary) OR Meats, Meat Processing And Meat Related
2) First Trade Date (Primary Listing) (Target/Issuer): [1/1/2010-8/29/2021]
3) Geographic Locations (Target/Issuer): Asia / Pacific (Primary)
4) Percent Sought (%): is greater than 25
ng And Meat Related Products (Primary) OR Frozen Foods (Primary)
2021F 2022F
IMF 4,3% 6.3

ADB 5.8 7

Government  5.4 percent to 6.1
WB 4.8 6.5 to 7 percent
HSBC 6.1 6.8
VDSC 4 6.5



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