DC Final
DC Final
DC Final
a) Analog circuits
b) Digital circuits
c) Amplifiers
d) A/D converters
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Answer: b
Explanation: The main advantage of digital communication is that the signals can be
reproduced easily. Thus digital circuits are called as regenerative repeaters.
10. In flat top sampling scheme, ______ is kept constant after sampling.
a) Amplitude
b) Phase
c) Frequency
d) Time period
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Answer: a
Explanation: In flat top sampling scheme, the amplitude is kept constant after sampling.
11. Loop filter is a ______ used to reduce noise.
a) Low pass filter
b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band reject filter
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Answer: a
Explanation: Loop filter is a low pass filter used to reduce noise.
1. A stationary stochastic process has
a) Finite energy signal
b) Infinite zero signal
c) Zero energy signal
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A stationary stochastic process is an infinite energy signal and hence its
fourier transform does not exist.
6. A rectangular pulse of duration T is applied to a matched filter. The output of the filter is a
a) Rectangular pulse of duration T
b) Rectangular pulse of duration 2T
c) Triangular pulse
d) Sine function
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output of the matched filter when a rectangular pulse of duration T is
applied is a triangular pulse.
7. The line code has a zero dc component for pulse transmission of random binary data is
a) NRZ
b) RZ
c) Alternate mark inversion
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The line code has a zero dc component for pulse transmission of random
binary data is alternate mark inversion.
8. The auto-correlation of white noise is
a) A delta function
b) A constant
c) Gaussian
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The auto-correlation of white noise is a delta function.
9. Ionospheric communication can take place in
a) High frequency band
b) Very high frequency band
c) Ultra high frequency band
d) Super high frequency band
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ionospheric communication takes place in high frequency band.
10. Satellite communication takes place in
a) Ultra high frequency band
b) Super high frequency band
c) Ultra & Super high frequency band
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Satellite communication takes place in ultra high and super high frequency
10. Multiplication of input signal with pulse train is done in ________ sampling.
a) Impulse sampling
b) Natural sampling
c) Flat top sampling
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer…………B
1. The main sources of corruption are
a) Sampling and quantizing effects
b) Channel effects
c) Sampling, quantizing and channel effects
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The analog signal obtained from sampling quantization and transmitted pulses
will have corruption from several sources in which the two main sources are quantizing and
sampling effect and channel effect.
1. The signals which are obtained by encoding each quantized signal into a digital word is
called as
a) PAM signal
b) PCM signal
c) FM signal
d) Sampling and quantization
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pulse code modulation is the name for the class of signals which are obtained
by encoding the quantized signals into a digital word.
6. Choosing a discrete value that is near but not exactly at the analog signal level leads to
a) PCM error
b) Quantization error
c) PAM error
d) Sampling error
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Answer: b
Explanation: One of the limitations of PCM is quantization error which occurs when we
choose a discrete value at some near by value and not at the analog signal level.
7. In PCM the samples are dependent on ________
a) Time
b) Frequency
c) Quanization leavel
d) Interval between quantization level
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Answer: a
Explanation: The samples depend on time,an accurate clock is required for accurate
8. DPCM encodes the PCM values based on
a) Quantization level
b) Difference between the current and predicted value
c) Interval between levels
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Differential PCM encodes the PCM value based on the difference between the
previous sample and the present sample value.
9. Delta modulation uses _____ bits per sample.
a) One
b) Two
c) Four
d) Eight
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Answer: a
Explanation: Delta modulation is used for analog to digital conversion and vice versa. It is a
simple form of DPCM. Its uses 1 bit per sample. It also depends on the difference between
the current and previous sample values.
10. Which type of quantization is most preferable for audio signals for a human ear?
a) Uniform quantization
b) Non uniform quantization
c) Uniform & Non uniform quantization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The human ear is sensitive to quantization error in small values so non
uniform quantization is more preferable than uniform quantization.
1. Which waveforms are also called as line codes?
a) PCM
b) PAM
c) FM
d) AM
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Answer: a
Explanation: When pulse modulation is applied to binary symbol we obtain pulse code
modulated waveforms. These waveforms are also called as line codes.
2. When pulse code modulation is applied to non binary symbols we obtain waveform called
a) PCM
b) PAM
c) M-ary
d) line codes
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Answer: c
Explanation: When pulse code modulation is applied to binary symbols we get PCM
waveforms and when it is applied to non binary symbols we obtain M-ary waveforms.
3. Examples of PCM waveforms are
a) Non return to zero
b) Phase encoded
c) Multilevel binary
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the examples or classification of pulse code modulated signals are
non return to zero, return to zero, phase encoded, multilevel binary etc.
4. Which type is used and preferred in digital logic circuits?
a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-S
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: NRZ-L is extensively used in digital logic circuits. In this method, logic 1 is
represented by one voltage level and logic 0 is represented by another voltage level.
5. Which method is called as differential encoding?
a) NRZ-L
b) NRZ-M
c) NRZ-S
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In NRZ-M, logic 1 is represented by a change in voltage level and logic 0 is
represented by no change in level. This is called as differential encoding.
10. In which waveform logic 1 is represented by half bit wide pulse and logic 0 is
represented by absence of pulse?
a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: a
Explanation: In unipolar RZ waveform, logic 1 is represented by half bit wide pulse and logic
0 is represented by the absence of a pulse.
11. In which waveform logic 1 and logic 0 are represented by opposite one half bit wide
a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: b
Explanation: In bipolar return to zero waveform ones and zeroes are represented by
opposite level pulses one half bit wide pulses.
12. In which waveform logic 1 is represented by equal amplitude alternating pulses?
a) Unipolar RZ
b) Bipolar RZ
d) Manchester coding
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Answer: c
Explanation: In RZ-AMI logic 1 is represented by equal amplitude alternating pulses and
logic 0 is represented by the absence of a pulse.
1. Application of phase encoded binary signals are
a) Optical communication
b) Magnetic recording
c) Satellite telemetry
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the fields where phase encoded waveforms is being used are optical
communication, magnetic tape recording, satellite telemetry etc.
2. In which waveform one is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned during the first
half and zero is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned in the second half?
a) Bi-p-L
b) Bi-p-M
c) Bi-p-S
d) Delay modulation
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Answer: a
Explanation: In bi-phase-level one is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned during
the first half and zero is represented by half bit wide pulse positioned in the second half.
3. Which binary waveform uses three levels?
a) Bipolar RZ
c) Bipolar RZ & RZ-AMI
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: In PCM waveforms signals generally use two levels. But few signals use three
levels such as bipolar RZ, RZ-AMI, dicode, duobinary etc.
4. Which waveform type has the feature of clocking?
a) Manchester coding
b) Bbi-p-M
c) Delay modulation
d) NRZ-L
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Answer: a
Explanation: In manchester coding transition occurs in the middle of every bit interval.
Thus it has a feature of clocking.
5. Which waveform has the feature of error detection?
a) NRZ-L
c) Manchester coding
d) Duobinary
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Answer: d
Explanation: Duobinary scheme does error detection without introducing any additional
error bits into the data sequence.
1. The method in which small amount of controlled ISI is introduced into the data stream
rather than trying to eliminate it completely is called as
a) Correlative coding
b) Duobinary signalling
c) Partial response signalling
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The interference at the detector can be cancelled out using these methods in
which some controlled amount of ISI is introduced into the data stream.
2. From digital filter we will get the output pulse as the _______ of the current and the
previous pulse.
a) Summation
b) Difference
c) Product
d) Ratio
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Answer: a
Explanation: The digital filter incorporates one digit delay and thus it adds the incoming
pulse with the value of the previous pulse.
3. In duobinary signalling method, for M-ary transmission, the number of output obtained is
a) 2M
b) 2M+1
c) 2M-1
d) M2
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Answer: c
Explanation: In duobinary coding, the number of output obtained for M-ary transmission is
4. The method using which the error propagation in dubinary signalling can be avoided is
a) Filtering
b) Precoding
c) Postcoding
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In duobinary signalling method if one error occurs it repeats everywhere
through out the next steps. To avoid this precoding method can be used.
5. In precoding technique, the binary sequence is _____ with the previous precoded bit.
a) And-ed
b) Or-ed
c) EXOR-ed
d) Added
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Answer: c
Explanation: To avoid error propogation precoding method is used. In this each bit is
encoded individually without having any effect due to its prior bit or decisions.
2. Auto-correlation function is a
a) Even function
b) Odd function
c) Even & Odd function
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Auto-correlation function is an even function of time.
3. Shot noise occurs in
a) Transistors
b) Valves
c) Transistors & Valves
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shot noise occurs in both valves and transistors.
4. Source coding reduces
a) Redundancy
b) Average bit rate
c) Redundancy & Average bit rate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Source coding reduces both average bit rate and reduces redundancy.
5. Delay element in delta modulation acts as
a) First order predictor
b) Second order predictor
c) Third order predictor
d) Fourth order predictor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Delay element act as first order predictor.
6. The filter which is used to recover the pulse with less ISI is called as
a) Matched filter
b) Correlator
c) Matched filter & Correlator
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The optimum filter used to recover the pulse with best possible signal to noise ratio
and less or no ISI is called as correlator or matched filter.
7. The composite equalizing filter is the combination of
a) Receiving and equalizing filter
b) Transmitting and equalizing filter
c) Amplifier and equalizing filter
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The functions of both receiving and equalizing filter can be performed by only the
equalizing filter alone. Thus equalizing filter is the combination of equalizing and receiving filter.
8. The sample from the demodulation process consists of sample which is _______ to energy of
the received symbol and _____ to noise.
a) Directly and inversely proportional
b) Inversely and directly proportional
c) Both directly proportional
d) Both inversely proportional
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Answer: a
Explanation: The output symbol of the sampler consists of sample which is directly proportional
to the energy of the received signal and inversely proportional to the noise.
9. The average noise power of white noise is
a) 0
b) Infinity
c) 1
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: White noise is a idealized process with two sided spectral density equal to constant
N0/2 and frequencies varying from minus infinity to plus infinity. Thus the average noise power is
2. If each pulse of the sequence to be detected is in _____ shape, the pulse can be detected
without ISI.
a) Sine
b) Cosine
c) Sinc
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The sinc shaped pulse is the ideal nyquist pulse. If each pulse in the sequence to be
detected is in sinc shape the pulses can be detected without ISI.
3. What is symbol rate packing?
a) Maximum possible symbol transmission rate
b) Maximum possible symbol receiving rate
c) Maximum bandwidth
d) Maximum ISI value allowed
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Answer: a
Explanation: A system with bandwidth Rs/2 can support a maximum transmission rate of Rs
without ISI. Thus for ideal Nyquist filtering the maximum possible symbol transmission rate is
called as symbol rate packing and it is equal to 2 symbols/s/Hz.
4. A nyquist pulse is the one which can be represented by _____ shaped pulse multiplied by
another time function.
a) Sine
b) Cosine
c) Sinc
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: A nyquist filter is one whose frequency transfer function can be represented by a
rectangular function convolved with any real even symmetric frequency function and a nyquist
pulse is one whose shape can be represented by sinc function multiplied by another time function.
5. Examples of nyquist filters are
a) Root raised cosine filter
b) Raised cosine filter
c) Root raised & Raised cosine filter
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The most popular among the class of nyquist filters are raised cosine and root raised
cosine filter.
6. The minimum nyquist bandwidth for the rectangular spectrum in raised cosine filter is
a) 2T
b) 1/2T
c) T2
d) 2/T
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Answer: b
Explanation: For raised cosine spectrum the minimum nyquist bandwidth is equal to 1/2T.
7. Roll off factor is the fraction of
a) Excess bandwidth and absolute bandwidth
b) Excess bandwidth and minimum nyquist bandwidth
c) Absolute bandwidth and minimum nyquist bandwidth
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The roll off factor is defined by a fraction of excess bandwidth and the minimum
nyquist bandwith. It ranges from 0 to 1.
8. Which value of r (roll off factor) is considered as Nyquist minimum bandwidth case?
a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinity
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the roll off factor of 0 an ideal rectangular nyquist pulse is obtained. This is
called as nyquist minimum bandwidth case.
9. A pulse shaping filter should satisfy two requirements. They are
a) Should be realizable
b) Should have proper roll off factor
c) Should be realizable & have proper roll off factor
d) None of the mentioned
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2. According to the rule of minimizing the error probabilities, the hypothesis should be like if the
priori probabilities are ________ than the ratio of likelihoods.
a) Lesser
b) Greater
c) Equal
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The rule of minimizing the error probabilities show that the hypothesis should be like
if the ratio of likelihoods should be greater than the priori probabilities.
3. The detector that minimizes the error probability is called as
a) Maximum likelihood detector
b) Minimum likelihood detector
c) Maximum & Minimum likelihood detector
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the signals that are equally likely, the detector used to minimize the error
probability is called as maximum likelihood detector.
4. For a M-ary signal or symbol the number of likelihood functions are
a) M
b) M+1
c) M-1
d) 2M
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a M-ary signal there will be M likelihood functions representing M signal classes
to which a received signal might belong.
5. An error in binary decision making occurs when the channel noise is
a) Greater than the optimum threshold level
b) Lesser than the optimum threshold level
c) Greater or Lesser than the optimum threshold level
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: An error will occur when s1(t) or s2(t) is sent and if the channel noise is greater or
lesser than the optimum threshold level.
10. Range of time difference of the zero crossing gives the value of
a) Width
b) Distortion
c) Timing jitter
d) Noise margin
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Answer: c
Explanation: The time difference of the zero crossing in the eye pattern gives the value of timing
1. The range of amplitude difference gives the value of
a) Width
b) Distortion
c) Timing jitter
d) Noise margin
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the eye pattern, the amplitude difference gives the value of distortion caused by
2. As the eye opens, ISI _______
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the eye closes, ISI increases and as the eye opens ISI decreases.
3. Pseudo noise signal has _______ and _______ SNR for the same peak transmitted power.
a) Larger, smaller
b) Smaller, larger
c) Larger, larger
d) Smaller, smaller
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Answer: c
Explanation: A training pulse is applied to the equalizer and corresponding impulse response is
observed. Pseudo noise is preferred as the training pulse as it has larger SNR value and larger
average power value.
4. The index value n, in transversal filter can be used as.
a) Time offset
b) Filter coefficient identifier
c) Time offset & Filter coefficient identifier
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The index n can be used as both time offset and the filter coefficient identifier, which
is the address in the filter.
5. The over-determined set of equations can be solved using
a) Zero forcing
b) Minimum mean square error
c) Zero forcing & Minimum mean square error
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The matrix x in transversal equalizer if non square with dimensions 4N+1 and 2N+1.
Such equations are called as over-determined set. This can be solved by two methods called as
zero forcing method and minimum mean square error method.
6. If the filter’s tap weight remains fixed during transmission of data, then the equalization is called
a) Preset equalization
b) Adaptive equalization
c) Fixed equalization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the weight remains fixed during transmission of data then the equalization is called
as preset equalization. It is a simple method which consists of setting the tap weight according to
some average knowledge of the channel.
7. Equalization method which is done by tracking a slowly time varying channel response is
a) Preset equalization
b) Adaptive equalization
c) Variable equalization
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: This method is implemented to perform tap weight adjustment periodically or
continually. Equalization is done by tracking a slowly varying channel response.
8. Preamble is used for
a) Detect start of transmission
b) To set automatic gain control
c) To align internal clocks
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The receiver uses preamble for detecting the start of transmission, to set automatic
gain control, and to align internal clocks and local oscillator with the received signal.
9. The disadvantage of preset equalizer is that
a) It doesnot requires initial training pulse
b) Time varying channel degrades the performance of the system
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The disadvantage of preset equalization is that it requires an initial training period
that must be invoked at the start of any new transmission. Also time varying channel can degrade
system performance due to ISI, since the tap weights are fixed.
10. For AWGN, the noise variance is
a) N0
b) N0/2
c) 2N0
d) N0/4
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Answer: b
Explanation: The noise variance out of the correlator for AWGN is N0/2.
6. The FSK signal which has a gentle shift from one frequency level to another is called as
a) Differential PSK
b) Continuous PSK
c) Differential & Continuous PSK
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In general FSK the signal change from one frequency to another will be abrupt but in
continuous FSK the signal change from one frequency to another will be gentle and gradual.
7. Which modulation scheme is also called as on-off keying method?
a) ASK
b) FSK
c) PSK
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Answer: a
Explanation: In ASK modulation scheme the signal attains either maximum amplitude or zero
point. Thus it is also called as on-off keying.
8. In amplitude phase keying each phase vector is separated by
a) 90
b) 0
c) 45
d) 180
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Answer: c
Explanation: The combination of ASK and PSK is called as APK. In APK each vector is separated
by 45.
9. The term heterodyning refers to
a) Frequency conversion
b) Frequency mixing
c) Frequency conversion & mixing
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The term heterodyning means frequency conversion and frequency mixing that
yields a spectral shift in the signal.
10. The transformation of the waveform into a single point in signal space is called as
a) Vector point
b) Predetection point
c) Preamplification point
d) Transformation point
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Answer: b
Explanation: The first step of the detection process is to reduce waveform into a single or group of
random variable. This first step in the transformation of waveform into a point in signal space.
This point is called as predetection
1. The correlating detector is also known as
a) Maximum likelihood detector
b) Minimum likelihood detector
c) Maximum & Minimum likelihood detector
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coherent detector considers phase as the most important parameter. This coherent
detector is also known as maximum likelihood detector.
2. M-ary signalling produces _______ error performance with orthogonal signalling and _______
error performance with multiple phase signalling.
a) Degraded, improved
b) Improved, degraded
c) Improved, improved
d) Degraded, degraded
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Answer: b
Explanation: In M-ary signalling as k increases, the curve moves towards the degraded error
performance. It produces improved error performance in case of orthogonal signalling and
degraded error performance in case of multiple phase signalling.
3. Which is more vulnerable to noise?
a) 2-ary system
b) 4-ary system
c) Binary system
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The minimum energy noise vector for 4-ary system is smaller than 2-ary system. So
4-ary system is more vulnerable to noise.
4. In which system, bit stream is portioned into even and odd stream?
b) MSK
d) FSK
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Answer: c
Explanation: In QPSK bit stream is portioned into even and odd stream, I and Q bit streams. Each
new stream modulates as orthogonal component at half bit rate.
5. The error performance of MPSK ______ as M or k increases.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Stays constant
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The error performance of MPSK degrades as M or k increases.
6. In MPSK adding new signals _______ make it vulnerable to noise and in MFSK _______ make it
a) Does, does not
b) Does not, does
c) Does, does
d) Does not, does not
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Answer: a
Explanation: In MPSK adding new signals that is on crowding the signals it makes it vulnerable to
noise where as in MFSK it does not.
7. In orthogonal signalling with symbols containing more number of bits we need ____ power.
a) More
b) Less
c) Double
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In orthogonal signalling with symbols having more number of bits need more power
but requirement per bit is reduced.
8. For FSK signalling, WT is equal to
a) 0
b) 1
c) 0.737
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: For FSK signalling the detection bandwidth is typically equal to symbol rate 1/T that
is WT is nearly equal to 1.
9. Energy per symbol Es is given as
a) Es=Eb(log2M)
b) Es=Eb/(log2M)
c) Es=2Eb(log2M)
d) Es=Eb/2(log2M)
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Answer: a
Explanation: In M-ary PSK signalling, the energy per symbol is given as Es=Eb(log2M).
10. The relation between the probability of bit error and probability of symbol error in M-ary
orthogonal signalling is
a) M/M-1
b) 2M/M-1
c) (M/2)/M-1
d) M/M+1
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Answer: c
Explanation: The relationship between the probability of bit error and probability of symbol error is
(M/2)/M-1 in M-ary orthogonal signalling.
11. As limit of k increases, the ratio of PB/PE becomes
a) 1:2
b) 2:1
c) 1:3
d) 3:1
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the limit of k increases, the ratio of PB/PE becomes 1:2.
1. Noise figure measures the
a) Power degradation
b) Noise degradation
c) SNR degradation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Noise figure relates the SNR of the input to SNR of the output. It measures the SNR
degradation caused by the network.
16. The orbital period of communication satellites is _______ as that of earth’s rotational period.
a) Same
b) Greater
c) Lesser
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The communication satellite is in circular orbit and has orbital period same as that of
the earth’s rotational period.
1. Flat top sampling of low pass signals
a) Gives rise to aperture effect
b) Implies over sampling
c) Leads to aliasing
d) Introduces delay distortion
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flat top sampling of low pass signals gives rise to aperture effect.
11. Which are the design options for anti jam communicator?
a) Time diversity
b) Frequency diversity
c) Special discrimination
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The design options for anti-jam communicator are time diversity, frequency diversity
and special discrimination.
12. The ratio (J/S)reqd gives the measure of
a) Vulnerability to interference
b) Invulnerability to interference
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio (J/S)reqd gives the measure of how invulnerable the system is to
13. The system should have
a) Larger (J/S)reqd
b) Greater system’s noise rejection capability
c) Larger (J/S)reqd & Greater system’s noise rejection capability
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The system will be efficient if it has greater (J/S)reqd and larger system’s noise
rejection capability.
14. The broadband jammer jams the entire
a) W
b) Wss
c) W & Wss
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The broadband jammer or wide-band jammer is the one which jams the entire Wss
with its fixed power.
15. To increase error probability, the processing gain should be
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Exponentially increased
d) Exponentially decreased
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a system, to increase the error probability the processing gain should be
1. DS/BPSK includes
a) Despreading
b) Demodulation
c) Despreading & Demodulation
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: DS/BPSK is a two step precess which includes despreading and demodulation.
6. Which modulation scheme is preferred for direct sequence spread spectrum process?
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both the modulation scheme BPSK and QPSK can be used for direct sequence
spread spectrum process.
7. The frequency hopping system uses ______ modulation scheme.
a) FSK
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Answer: c
Explanation: The frequency hopping spread spectrum system uses M-ary frequency shift keying
modulation scheme.
8. The minimum spacing between consecutive hop positions gives the
a) Minimum number of chips necessary
b) Maximum number of chips necessary
c) Chip rate
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The minimum spacing between consecutive hop positions given the minimum
number of chips necessary in the frequency word.
9. Which system allows larger processing gain?
a) Direct sequence
b) Frequency hopping
c) Direct sequence & Frequency hopping
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Frequency hopping spread spectrum system allows greater processing gain than
direct sequence spread spectrum technique.
10. In which technique is phase coherence hard to maintain?
a) Direct sequence
b) Frequency hopping
c) Direct sequence & Frequency hopping
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In frequency hopping spread spectrum phase coherence is hard to maintain from
hop to hop.
2. Tracking maintains the possible waveform ______ alignment using a feedback loop.
a) Fine
b) Coarse
c) Fine & Coarse
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tracking continuously maintains the best possible waveform fine alignment by
means of a feedback loop.
3. Acquisition can be of ______ type.
a) Coherent
b) Non coherent
c) Coherent & Non coherent
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Acquisition can be categorized as two types coherent and non coherent.
4. Uncertainty in the distance between transmitter and receiver translates into uncertainty in
a) Frequency
b) Propagation delay
c) Efficiency
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: uncertainty in the distance between the transmitter and the receiver translates into
uncertainty in the propagation delay.
6. The transmitter of frequency hopping system is fed with encoding scheme such as
a) Frequency shift keying
b) Binary phase shift keying
c) Frequency & Binary phase shift keying
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: For transmission, the binary data is fed into modulator using modulation scheme
such as frequency shift keying or binary phase shift keying.
7. Which filter is used to get the final FHSS signal?
a) Low pass filter
b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter
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Answer: c
Explanation: Band pass filter is used to block difference frequency and allow the sum frequency to
yield final FHSS signal.
8. In CDMA the incoming signal is _____ with the spreading code.
a) Added
b) Multiplied
c) XOR-ed
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In CDMA, the incoming signal is multiplied with the spreading code.
9. The original bandwidth of the unspread signal in spread spectrum is ____ to data rate.
a) Proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Not related
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In spread spectrum, the original bandwidth of the unspread signal is proportional to
the data rate.
2) The process of converting the analog sample into discrete form is called
a. Modulation
b. Multiplexing
c. Quantization
d. Sampling
ANSWER:(c) Quantization
17) The factors that cause quantizing error in delta modulation are
a. Slope overload distortion
b. Granular noise
c. White noise
d. Both a and b are correct
ANSWER:(d) Both a and b are correct
20) The digital modulation technique in which the step size is varied
according to the variation in the slope of the input is called
a. Delta modulation
b. PCM
c. Adaptive delta modulation
d. PAM
ANSWER: (c) Adaptive delta modulation
21) The digital modulation scheme in which the step size is not fixed is
a. Delta modulation
b. Adaptive delta modulation
d. PCM
ANSWER:(b) Adaptive delta modulation
89) The time interval over which the received signal may be sampled
without error may be explained by
a. Width of eye opening of eye pattern
b. Rate of closure of eye of eye pattern
c. Height of the eye opening of eye pattern
d. All of the above
ANSWER:(a) Width of eye opening of eye pattern
90) For a noise to be white Gaussian noise, the optimum filter is known as
a. Low pass filter
b. Base band filter
c. Matched filter
d. Bessel filter
ANSWER:(c) Matched filter
99) The difficulty in achieving the Nyquist criterion for system design is
a. There are abrupt transitions obtained at edges of the bands
b. Bandwidth criterion is not easily achieved
c. Filters are not available
d. None of the above
ANSWER: (a) There are abrupt transitions obtained at edges of the bands
106) In On-Off keying, the carrier signal is transmitted with signal value
‘1’ and ‘0’ indicates
a. No carrier
b. Half the carrier amplitude
c. Amplitude of modulating signal
d. None of the above
ANSWER: (a) No carrier
112) The BPSK signal has +V volts and -V volts respectively to represent
a. 1 and 0 logic levels
b. 11 and 00 logic levels
c. 10 and 01 logic levels
d. 00 and 11 logic levels
ANSWER: (a) 1 and 0 logic levels
116) The frequency shifts in the BFSK usually lies in the range
a. 50 to 1000 Hz
b. 100 to 2000 Hz
c. 200 to 500 Hz
d. 500 to 10 Hz
ANSWER: (a) 50 to 1000 Hz
123) In MSK, the difference between the higher and lower frequency is
a. Same as the bit rate
b. Half of the bit rate
c. Twice of the bit rate
d. Four time the bit rate
ANSWER: (b) Half of the bit rate
124) The technique that may be used to reduce the side band power is
a. MSK
c. Gaussian minimum shift keying
ANSWER: (c) Gaussian minimum shift keying
Blake: MCQ in Digital Communications
This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Chapter 7: Digital Communications from the
book Electronic Communication Systems by Roy Blake
. If you are looking for a reviewer in Communications Engineering this will definitely
help. I can assure you that this will be a great help in reviewing the book in preparation
for your Board Exam. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the
chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.
See also: MCQ in Electronic Communication Systems by George Kennedy
a. ASCII code
b. Baudot code
c. Morse code
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Answer: Option C
a. an amplifier
b. a filter
c. a regenerative repeater
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Answer: Option C
a. Time-Division Multiplexing
b. Time-Domain Multiplexing
c. Ten-Digital Manchester
d. Ten Dual-Manchester
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Answer: Option A
4. Hartley’s Law is:
a. I = ktB
b. C = 2B log2M
c. C = B log2(1 + S/N)
d. SR = 2fmax
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Answer: Option A
a. I = ktB
b. C = 2Blog2M
d. SR = 2fmax
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Answer: Option B
a. I = ktB
b. C = 2Blog2M
d. SR = 2fmax
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Answer: Option C
a. I = ktB
b. C = 2Blog2M
c. C = Blog 2(1 + S/N)
d. SR = 2fmax
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Answer: Option D
a. a sample-and-hold circuit
d. an analog-to-digital converter
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Answer: Option A
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Answer: Option D
a. noise
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Answer: Option C
a. a sample alias
b. PAM
c. PCM
d. PDM
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Answer: Option B
a. PDM
b. PWM
c. PPM
d. PPS
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Answer: Option D
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Answer: Option C
b. the maximum rate of conversion to the minimum rate of conversion
c. the maximum bits per sample to the minimum bits per sample
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Answer: Option A
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Answer: Option C
b. the A Law
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Answer: Option D
b. the A Law
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Answer: Option B
a. Coder-Decoder
b. Coded-Carrier
c. Code-Compression
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Answer: Option A
a. 4-bit numbers
b. 8-bit numbers
c. 12-bit numbers
d. 16-bit numbers
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Answer: Option B
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Answer: Option D
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Answer: Option B
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Answer: Option B
a. AMI
b. Manchester
c. unipolar NRZ
d. bipolar RZ
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Answer: Option C
a. is a biphase code
d. all of the above
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Answer: Option D
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
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Answer: Option A
a. detect errors
b. carry signaling
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Answer: Option C
a. detect errors
b. carry signaling
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Answer: Option B
28. The number of bits per sample in DS-1 is:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
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Answer: Option D
a. 8 k
b. 56 k
c. 64 k
d. 1.544 x 106
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Answer: Option A
a. 1.544 Mb/s
b. 64 kb/s
c. 56 kb/s
d. 8 kb/s
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Answer: Option B
a. 1.544 MB/s
b. 64 kb/s
c. 56 kb/s
d. 8 kb/s
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Answer: Option A
a. Manchester coding
c. NRZ coding
d. pulse-width coding
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Answer: Option B
a. 6
b. 12
c. 24
d. 48
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Answer: Option B
a. twisted-pair wire
b. coaxial cable
c. fiber-optic cable
d. microwave
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Answer: Option A
a. on-hook/off-hook condition
b. busy signal
c. ringing
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Answer: Option D
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Answer: Option B
37. Compared to standard PCM systems, the quality of the output of a vocoder is:
a. much better
b. somewhat better
d. not as good
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Answer: Option D
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Answer: improved / better
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Answer: modulated
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Answer: digitized
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Answer: decreases / get worse
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Answer: binary
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Answer: regenerative
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Answer: correct
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Answer: error / noise
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Answer: Time
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Answer: limited
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Answer: Hartley’s
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Answer: Shannon-Hartley
13. The ____________________ limit gives the maximum rate of data transmission
for a given bandwidth and a given signal-to-noise ratio.
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Answer: Shannon
14. ____________________ sampling is done without a sample-and-hold circuit.
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Answer: Natural
15. The ____________________ Rate is the minimum sampling rate for converting
analog signals to digital format.
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Answer: Nyquist
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Answer: Foldover
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Answer: Aliasing
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Answer: amplitude
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Answer: Pulse-code
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Answer: Quantizing
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Answer: Companding
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Answer: µ / mu
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Answer: A
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Answer: codec
25. In a PCM system, the samples of the analog signal are first converted to
____________________ bits before being compressed to 8 bits.
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Answer: 12
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Answer: higher
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Answer: Granular
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Answer: slope
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Answer: step
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Answer: half
32. Unipolar NRZ is not practical because most channels do not have
____________________ continuity.
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Answer: DC
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Answer: polarity
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Answer: zeros
35. Manchester code has a level ____________________ in the center of each bit
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Answer: transition
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Answer: timing
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Answer: 24
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Answer: framing
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Answer: 8000
40. Data is carried over a T-1 line at a rate of ____________________ bits per
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Answer: 1.544 x 106
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Answer: superframe
42. From a group of twelve frames, signaling bits are “stolen” from every
____________________ frame.
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Answer: sixth
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Answer: Lossless
1. Use Hartley’s Law to find how much time it would take to send 100,000 bits over a
channel with a bandwidth of 2,000 hertz and a channel constant of k = 10.
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Answer: 5 seconds
2. Use the Shannon-Hartley theorem to find the bandwidth required to send 12,000 bits
per second if the number of levels transmitted is 8.
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Answer: 2000 hertz
3. What is the Shannon Limit of a channel that has a bandwidth of 4000 hertz and a
signal-to-noise ratio of 15?
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Answer: 16 kbps
4. What is the minimum required number of samples per second to digitize an analog
signal with frequency components ranging from 300 hertz to 3300 hertz?
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Answer: 6600 samples/second
5. What is the approximate dynamic range, in dB, of a linear PCM system that uses 12
bits per sample?
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Answer: 74 dB
6. What is the approximate data rate for a system using 8 bits per sample and running at
8000 samples per second?
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Answer: 64 kbps
7. If bits were “stolen” from every DS-1 frame, what would the useable data-rate be for
each channel in the frame?
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Answer: 56 kbps
8. Assuming maximum input and output voltages of 1 volt, what is the output voltage of
a µ-law compressor if the input voltage is 0.388 volt?
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Answer: 0.833 volt