Analysis and Interpretation of Data Edited

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This presents the data gathered with analysis and interpretation. Data includes
the advantages and disadvantages of the new normal system of education on the
Academic Performance of working students. The researcher conducted a survey
questionnaire using google form. The respondent is the Tanauan Institute Senior High
school student. They are (8) total respondent; (2) HUMMS 11-F, (1) HUMMS 11-M, (2)
CCS 11-A, (1) CCS 12-C, and (2) STEM 11-A.

Question #1. What is your idea about the new education system?

8 Responses

 The digital and online learning of the new normal education system
 Its modular and online platform
 It was bad.
 The new normal education system is difficult
 It gives added pressure to students
 My idea about this new normal education in using internet which not all student
can afford to attend or take this year to learn because this kind of education is
not easy. Not all but mostly.
 It sucks.
 For me, the Educational system today has changed a lot compared to the
Educational system in previous years.


The idea of the respondent regarding to the new education system is the modular
or digital platform. The new learning is difficult and give pressured to them. Not all of
the students can’t afford to attend online classes. They have to provide internet and
gadget in order to attend in online classes. It’s not easy to adapt on the new learning
system specially with the first year of senior high school. It’s hard to communicate with
the person or classmate they don’t know. The respondent also said that new normal
education is really difficult for them but you don’t have a choice. They have to study in
order to get your graduate on time.

Related Literature

According to Ancheta (2020), Most countries all over the world are focused on
how to start the new school year within the ‘new normal’ of teaching and learning
without depriving the students of their right to quality education. The public and private
academic institutions in the Philippines are instructed by DepEd to come up with a
learning continuity plan (LCP) for school year 2020 - 2021. LCP is a package of
education intervention in response to the challenges in basic education brought by
Covid-19 pandemic. This strategic plan is designed to carry out the conduct of classes
amidst pandemic. It is a commitment of the government in protecting the health and
safety of learners, teachers, and school personnel under the health protocol of the
Department of Health (DOH) and the World Health Organization. This pandemic has
brought a dilemma to educational institutions especially when the government
announced and ordered not to open face to face classes for Academic Year 2020 -
2021 until the Covid-19 vaccine.


Question #2. Do you believe that the new education system provides the students an
opportunity to work and study at the same time? In what way?

8 responses

 Yes
 Yes, because you can do it at same time
 Yes, only if the student has an ability to handle those tasks simultaneously, that
neither of those two will be affected.
 No, because it's hard to study and at the same time is a working student.
 Yes, because we can manage our time.
 I think yes, because some of the schedule of student is have more vacant than to
have a class. So, I think they can manage their time easily in working or
 Maybe, because it's an online class now, you can still use some time for work.
just learn the time management.


Some respondents believe that the new education system helps them to provide
the opportunity to work and study at the same time. The student has the ability to
handle multiple tasks at once. The online class schedule has more vacant where they
can work at those times. Most respondents believe they can manage their time, but one
of them is contrary to the respondent's response. The respondent testified that she
could not work or study. Its hard to work and study at the same time because of a lot of
pressure. Based on the last responder, it is up to you to decide how you will manage
your time. You can work and study simultaneously if you like.

Related Literature

According to Erstad (2017) a benefit to taking online courses is that they offer
flexibility to the student. This is a great option for those who already have time
commitments with family and work. Online classes will mold with your schedule and
allow you to log into your online course at a time that works best for you, as opposed to
having to attend a lecture at a specific time. Most online courses will follow a weekly
format where students are expected to log in, read course materials, contribute to online
class discussions and complete assignments prior to the beginning of the next week.
You’ll still have plenty to do for each class but you’ll have more options for fitting this
work in around other commitments.


Question #3. How do you manage your time doing your responsibilities as student and
as an employee?
8 responses

 Yes, because by working and studying you can cover your education expenses.
 Time Management
 Accomplish the activities before its deadline.
 Schedules and set study times per week will help me to feel in control and
maximize my preparedness.
 I make to do list to organized my schedule.
 I will request to my boss if it's okay to do my own schedule because I’m a student
so that I can manage my time.
 Time management


The respondent manages his/her time by taking on both responsibilities at school

and in the workplace. Students develop a schedule; they will follow. First, the time
management where they will make their school activity as early as possible to respond
to the activity at the right time. Second, they also make a to-do list where they have a
checklist to know what activities are not done. This will be the best way to stay active.
Some of them will also ask a company if they can have their own schedule to fulfill their
responsibilities as students and employees. At last, to have a positive and motivating
life. The respondents are working hard to cover their education expenses.

Related Literature

According to Nasrullah and Khan (2015) time management scores of the

students show the way to score of academic achievement as concluded that students
who scored poor in academic achievement gained significantly lower in time
management. There found an association found between time management practices,
academic achievements and stress reduction as the research study demonstrated that
an association exists between anxiety lessening, practices of time management and
higher academic success. Moreover, there is an association between time management
abilities and educational outcomes. Giving time to studies outside the class or at home
have some positive impacts on the studies and spending more time working have some
negative impacts on the outputs of students.


Question #4. As a working student, what is the most challenging part of studying in the
new education system?

8 responses

 The late submission of activities to the teacher

 When I’m tired at work and exhausted
 Deadline of the requirements.
 The most challenging part is doing a lot of activities and makes me cramming
because of deadlines.
 Time Management
 Nothing because I can attend class even if I have a job because I requested the
manager if I can work on the schedule of the vacancy, I will work
 All of it
 Lack of time


The respondent also struggles with the new e-learning system while working.
Some of them made a late presentation due to a busy time frame. Also, when they are
tired and exhausted, they can’t think and formulate ideas to finish school works. The
respondent is in a hurry to meet the requirements. Some schedules in school are not
fixed. They have a surprise quiz or an emergency meeting that a student is unable to
attend. Managing time is really the hardest part of students. One respondent stated that
he can manage his time at school as well as at work.

Related Literature
As stated by Pollard, Williams and etc. (2013) The students reported that they
experienced some challenges or difficulties caused by working while studying. Those
who did not experience any difficulties were generally on courses with few contact
hours, or had work which was highly flexible. Respondents spoke of having difficulties
balancing their time between work and study, although nearly all prioritized study over
work wherever possible. This balancing act was particularly challenging at key pressure
points A second area of challenge or difficulty mentioned by a large number of
respondents was that of feeling tired. Feedback here ranged from respondents feeling
‘a bit tired at times’ up to being completely exhausted from working long hours or doing
night shifts during term times and missing lectures.

Question #5: Do you find it difficult to work and study at the same time? What are the
strategies you have employed to overcome or lessen those difficulties?

8 responses

 Yes, because between work and study I find it difficult to study well but I still
haven't given up because my family is always there to support me
 Sometimes when I’m loaded at school works. I manage my schedule at do my
works early as I can
 Yes, make a schedule to organized your time and also knowing what is your
priority on that time will help you to accomplish things easily.
 Yes
 Yes, it's difficult, I create a schedule so I can overcome the difficulties.
 Nope, it’s okay for me because as long as I can help may parent's I don’t feel
 Yes


The researcher asks respondents whether they find it difficult to work and study
at the same time and their strategies to address these challenges. Most respondents
responded that yes, it is difficult, but that does not mean they give up. The strategies
they have are to complete the school activity as soon as possible to concentrate on the
place of work. Positive thinking and motivating in life are strategies too. The respondent
also identifies their family as a source of inspiration. As long as they know they can help
their parents and study at the same time, they know it's all worth it. The respondent also
learns the value of life when starting to work. The importance of every peso in a money
is a matter.

Related Literature

According to the research

conducted by Watts and
Pickering (2000), while working
part-time and studying full-time
has a variety of positive
outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to
survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In
Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005)
study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time
employment was typically spent
on essential living
According to the research
conducted by Watts and
Pickering (2000), while working
part-time and studying full-time
has a variety of positive
outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to
survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In
Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005)
study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time
employment was typically spent
on essential living
According to the research
conducted by Watts and
Pickering (2000), while working
part-time and studying full-time
has a variety of positive
outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to
survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In
Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005)
study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time
employment was typically spent
on essential living
According to the research
conducted by Watts and
Pickering (2000), while working
part-time and studying full-time
has a variety of positive
outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to
survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In
Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005)
study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time
employment was typically spent
on essential living
According to the research
conducted by Watts and
Pickering (2000), while working
part-time and studying full-time
has a variety of positive
outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to
survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In
Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005)
study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time
employment was typically spent
on essential living
According to the research conducted by Watts and Pickering (2000), while
working part-time and studying full-time has a variety of positive outcomes, respondents
generally viewed part-time employment as a necessity to survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. In Manthei and Gilmore’s (2005) study, it is said that the
money earned from part-time employment was typically spent on essential living
expenses. The students try to balance their working hours and study times. How much
time the respondent spends for working, they try to manage their study as well even
though they cannot do it fully because they have to do other things. They try to manage
time efficiently by determining when the time they can study and when can work. The
motivation behind doing this is mainly due to financial support, self-development and
seeking real-world job experiences for their future


Question #6: Does your work affect your concentration on your studies? In what way?

8 Responses:

Yes, when I am tired, I cannot focus.

Yes, you will not focus to your studies because of work.

Yes, because sometimes i pass the activity overdue.

Yes, it gives added pressure.

Not also, because i have a lot of time to study. at the simple word i can manage time.

Not at all.

Yes, because sometimes I can no longer manage my time and I lose focus.


The researcher asks the respondents how their work affect their concentration in
their studies. Most of the respondents answer yes, because when they are tired in their
work they cannot focus on their studies, they also experienced passing their activities
not on time and also, they cannot manage time because of their work and lose
concentration in their studies. Some answer that their work cannot affect on their
studies because they can manage their time and activities in school. Time
management is important in planning and controlling how much time to spend on
specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a
shorter period, lowers stress, and leads to career success.

Related Literature

As reported by LookUpgrade (2018) student is a person who has work and at the same

time go to school as a student. Being a working student needs a lot of effort not only to

his work but also in their studies. A working student sometimes works in their school

and give them financial assistance if their academic or grades is in the middle and they

do not let their grades fall. Being a working student is very hard they need to give their
100 percent of attention when they are in school and give 100 percent of their strength

when they work. If we know that a working student finishes her or his school with the

help of themselves through work after school, they are admirable.



Question #7: How does being a working student affect your academic performance
during the new education system?  

8 Responses:

Yes, because it's so hard to work, that's why you're losing time to study.

Sometimes I pass my work late and I got deduction on it

It may affect my academic performance and learning negatively.

they affect the mental health because some students are lack of sleep by doing their

it gives added pressure to me.

Nothing, I enjoy both schooling and working.


It is hard to be a working student, but I don’t let that greatly affect my studies.


The respondents responded on how does being a working student affect their
academic performance during the new education system, and some answer yes,
because for them it is so hard to work and they lose time to study, it also affects their
academic performance and come up with losing their time to study. It gives added
pressure and affect the mental health of some student because they experience lack of
sleep. But some answer no, that they enjoy both schooling and working they did not let
their work greatly affect their studies.

Related Literature

Concerning academic outcomes, the Theory of Allocation of Time (Becker, 1965) points
to a negative effect on the academic performance of students who jointly work and
study, since working might affect the time dedicated to academic learning and activities
(Buscha et al., 2012, Dustmann and van Soest, 2007, Kalenkoski and Pabilonia,
2010).Being a student while holding a job is that they are often short on time and
commonly find themselves with limited time to study, sleep, and maintain healthy eating
habits. In a study conducted by Gorgulho, et al., one of the main complaints among
working students is that they find themselves without enough time to eat right
(Gorgulho, et al., 2012).


Question #8: What do you think are the advantages of the new education system on
the academic performance of working students?

8 Responses:

it helps us especially me, as a working student because I still help my family

Its privilege to work at same time and study.

There were no advantages of this new learning system. Unlike before students have a
certain time to learn and go to school.

the advantages is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their

hawak ng studyante ng oras nila.

ahmm easy to attend.

I think, we can learn how to manage our time because we need to study ang work at
the same time.


The researcher asks the respondents on what they think about the advantages of the
new education system on the academic performance of working students and some of
respondents said that some of the advantages of online learning is they can learn how
to manage their time, it also allows students to attend classes from any location of their
choice. They also said e, and it is easy to attend because if you have a good
connection, you can join easily. It is privilege for their work at the same time to their
study. One of the respondents said that there is no advantage in our new learning
system. Unlike before students have a certain time to learn and go to school.

Related Literature

One of the most oft-used terms after the pandemic is the term “new normal.” The new normal
in education is the increased use of online learning tools. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered
new ways of learning. In the study of Stephen Armstrong (2013) She said that students have the
chance to study in their own time and especially for free. Online learning is so effective because
students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for their

Question #9: What do you think are the disadvantages of the new education system
on the academic performance of working students?

8 Responses:

other students stop studying or drop out

The schedule of online class is not fix sometimes they are surprise exam and quiz.

Students will be confused about things than before. some students need to work, and
some have duties at their homes .so students will have a problem in terms of

it gives added pressure

Not all can afford


The disadvantage of new Educational system is maybe you can lose focus in studying
due to lack of sleep and tired work


There are many disadvantages of the new education system on the academic
performance of working students according to the respondents they said that students
will become confused about the things than before because now the students are
using a technology only just to attend classes unlike before that students have the
traditional class or what we called face-to-face classes and some of the students need
to work, and they have duties at home. Students will have a big problem in terms of
academic performance, not all students can afford the new normal and it give added
pressure for them. They can lose their focus in studying due to lack of sleep, and they
are tired because of their work and many students are stopped studying because of
the new normal system of education.

Related Literature

According to Priyanka Gautam (2020) As with most teaching methods, online learning
also has its own set of negatives. For many students, one of the biggest challenges of
online learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for long periods of time.
Sometimes students also develop bad posture and other physical problems due to
staying hunched in front of a screen. Without a consistent internet connection for
students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child. Many
parents are concerned about the health hazards of having their children spend so many
hours staring at a screen. This increase in screen time is one of the biggest concerns
and disadvantages of online learning.

Question #10: What are your suggestions/recommendations for teachers and school
administration to address the concerns and problems of working students during the
new education system?

8 Responses:

They understand every student especially like me working student even though we are
having a hard time, but we are still working on a way to fulfill our dreams

The teachers should have an extra concern with working students.

Face to face classes with safety regulations

have a consideration to the students.

magbigay ng considerations

I think my suggestion to all teacher's is to have long and long understanding in

passing activities or anything that student can pass on time. Don't stress students.

Maybe I can just say that there may be a lot of activities, but they just continue to
motivate the students to work hard, and they will still be inspired to finish schooling.


The suggestions or recommendations of the student for the teachers and school
administration is they should understand every student specially the working students
even though they are having a hard time. Teachers should have an extra concern with
working student, and they should give consideration to every working student. They
must have a long understanding in passing student’s activities, they need to continue
motivating working students to work hard and inspired them to finish the semester.
One of the respondents suggest the face-to-face classes with safety regulation.

Related Literature

According to Veronica hunt (2016) The strongest side of blended learning is an

opportunity to give personalized instruction to every student, which caters their needs.
Make sure that learners know what they are supposed to do at any time, virtual
teachers should have fewer possibilities to make sure that the working students
understand what they are supposed to do. Give students extra time to do their activities
and help them to understand their homework.


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