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Experiment # 3 &4 Solar Water Heating System: Page 1 of 6

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MEP3010-Heat Transfer Lab

Experiment # 3 &4

Motivation: Water heating is one of the simplest applications of solar energy. Hot water is
required for domestic activities as well as industrial activities. For household requirement, hot
water is used for taking bath, cleaning, utensils, washing cloths and floors etc. community-scale
solar water-heating systems are intended to make maximally efficient use of local resources.

Objective: Following objectives can be achieved using the solar energy demonstration system:
 Familiarization with the layout and function of a solar collector system
 Knowledge of heat transfer in solar collectors
 Setting up energy balances
 Determination of efficiency

1. To demonstrate a domestic solar water heating system using halogen lamp as a light
source and plotting the heating curve.
2. To investigate the influence of heat transfer medium flow rate on the efficiency of solar
water heating system.
3. To investigate the influence of the angle of incidence of the light on the overall efficiency
of the solar flat plate collector based water-heating system.

Apparatus: Solar water heating system consists of Flat plate collector, Hot water tank,
Halogen lamp, Flow meter, Luxmeter, Circulating pump, Temperature sensors, Air bleed hose,
Regulator valve for setting the volumetric flow rate, Filler/drain valve for hot water, Hot water
tank overflow connection, Control cabinet and stopwatch.

Theory: A solar water heater consists of a collector to collect solar energy and an insulated
storage tank to store hot water. The solar energy incident on the absorber panel coated with
selected coating transfers the heat to the riser pipes underneath the absorber panel. The water

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MEP3010-Heat Transfer Lab

passing through the riser gets heated up and is delivered the storage tank. The recirculation of the
same water through absorber panel in the collector raises the temperature. The total system with
solar collector, storage tank and pipelines is called solar hot water system. Broadly, the solar
water heating systems are of two categories. They are: closed loop system and open loop system.
In the first one, heat exchangers are installed to protect the system from freezing temperatures in
the cold regions. In the other type, either thermosyphon or forced circulation system, the water in
the system is open to the atmosphere at one point or other. The thermosyphon systems are simple
and relatively inexpensive. They are suitable for domestic and small institutional systems,
provided the water is treated and potable in quality. The forced circulation systems employ
electrical pumps to circulate the water through collectors and storage tanks. The choice of system
depends on heat requirement, weather conditions, heat transfer fluid quality, space availability,
annual solar radiation, etc. The solar hot water systems are economical, pollution free and easy
for operation in warm countries like ours.
A solar collector is required to absorb solar radiation and to transfer the absorbed energy
into a heat transfer fluid with a minimum of heat loss. In assessing the performance of a collector
it is therefore important both to determine its ability to absorb solar radiation and to characterise
its heat losses. The performance of solar heating systems depends largely on the performance of
the solar collectors employed.
Solar Energy Demonstration System is a fully functional model of a system for heating
domestic hot water by converting solar energy (radiation energy) into heat. An adjustable 1000W
high power lamp replaces the natural solar radiation. An insulated flat absorber absorbs the
radiation energy and provides for transfer to the heat transfer liquid (water). A circulating pump
provides circulation of the heat transfer liquid in the solar circuit. It pumps the heat transfer
liquid through a hot water tank where the heat is given off to the water in the tank via an
integrated heat exchanger. Additional heat can be dissipated using two hose connections for tap
water. The system is fitted with sensors to record temperatures, luminous intensity and
volumetric flow, and these measured values are displayed on the panel attached with the set up.
The solar energy demonstration system allows different angles of incidence and irradiances to be
investigated. To do this, the flat absorber can be adjusted to different angles and the lamp to
different positions.

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MEP3010-Heat Transfer Lab

System Diagram:

1. Lighting unit (Halogen lamp), 2. flat plate collector, 3. storage tank, 4 heater, 5 pump, T1
Outlet Temperature, T2 Inlet Temperature, T3 Tank Temperature, T4 atmospheric Temperature

Figure 1. System diagram of solar demonstration system

Experimental procedure:
1. Switch on the halogen lamp and circulating pump with the help of master switch
2. Set the volumetric flow rate for primary circuit at 5-8 (l/h).
3. Take measurement for T1, T2, T3, Vol. flow rate (l/h), E (W/m2) with respect to time.
4. Wait for the system to reach steady state. In steady state difference between the T1 and
T2 becomes constant.
5. As the collector surface can be tilted by a maximum of 60o. Fix the volumetric flow rate
during this experiment and is set to a value approx. (5 -7 l/hr).
6. Start the experiment at an angle of 0o.
7. Increase the angle to 60o in the defined increments.
8. Wait for steady state for each measurement.
9. Replace or refill the tank water if temp (T3) of the hot water tank reaches more than 50

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MEP3010-Heat Transfer Lab

Safety Precautions
1. Handle the equipment carefully.
2. Do not touch the halogen lamp with bare hands when it is hot.
3. Protect switch box and electrical parts from water.
4. Do not operate the lamp close to the collector (100 mm) for an extended period.
5. Do not operate the equipment at temperature of outlet higher than 55 deg.
6. Do not put the heliometers in direct radiation for a long time (not more than 20 min)
7. Operating range for flow rate of heat absorbing media more than 5- 8 l/hr
8. Check the hot water tank for sufficient water level.

Technical data:
1. Collector surface area: 320*340 mm2 = 0.1088 m2.
2. Slewing range = 0-600
3. Maximum flow rate for circulating pump: 5 – 8 l/hr
4. Temperature measurement sensor – PT100. (Measuring range 0 – 1000C)
5. Power of halogen reflector lamp = 1000W.
6. Specific heat capacity (Cp) = 4.2 kJ/kgK
7. Density of water= 1000 kg/ m3

Calculation: Collector Efficiency, η = PN / PS

where PN = Effective Power (W)
PS = Irradiance (W)
PS = AC * E
where AC = Collector Area
E = Radiation per unit area (W/m2)
The radiation per unit area (E) is measured using a heliometers/luxmeter in W/m2. The
heliometer only delivers the measured results for artificial light. When using the sunlight, the
value specified on display must be multiplied by the correction factor of 1.05.

Effective power (PN) is determined by the equation given below:

P𝑁 = ṁ ∗ C𝑃 ∗ (T2 – T$)

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where, ṁ = mass flow rate of the heat transfer medium

T1= Collector feed (inlet) temperature
T2= Collector outlet temperature
Cp= specific heat capacity of the heat transfer medium
Mass flow rate (ṁ) = density (ρ) * volume flow rate (V̇ )
= 1000 kg/m3 * V̇ l/hr
= 1000 kg/m3 * V̇ /1000 * m3/hr
= V̇ / 3600 * kg/m3 * m3/sec.
= V̇ /3600 kg/sec.

Experimental observations: The experimental observation of temperature of working fluid

at different locations is monitored after certain period of time when system has reached to steady
state. Average radiation intensity falling on the flat plate collector is calculated by taking average
of the readings taken by luxmeter at different locations of the collector.

Table 1. Heating of the hot water tank.

Time in Mass Luminous Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Thermal Collector
Seconds flow Intensity T1 in ˚C T2 in ˚C T3 in ˚C Difference energy Efficiency
(L/h) (W/𝒎𝟐) (T1-T2) in ˚C stored η = PN / PS
ṁ 𝒄𝒑ΔT

Table 2. Influence of the flow speed on collector efficiency.

Mass Luminous Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Thermal Collector

flow Intensity T1 in ˚C T2 in ˚C T3 in ˚C Difference energy Efficiency
(L/h) (W/𝒎𝟐) (T1-T2) in ˚C stored η = PN / PS
m𝒄𝒑 ΔT

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Table 3. The influence of the angle of incidence of the light on the efficiency and on the
temperature difference.

Angle ∅ Mass Luminous Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Thermal Collector

in ° flow Intensity T1 in ˚C T2 in ˚C T3 in ˚C Difference energy Efficiency
(L/h) (W/𝐦𝟐) (T1-T2) in ˚C stored η = PN / PS
m𝒄𝒑 ΔT

1. Plot and discuss the heating curve for the hot water tank.
2. Plot and discuss the variation of collector efficiency with the parameters like mass flow
rate of working fluid and angle of irradiation.
3. Perform statistical error analysis, and uncertainty analysis.

Conclusion: State conclusive remarks based on experimental observations.

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