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Proceedings Book
The International Summit
on Science Technology and Humanity
3 - 4 December 2019
Copyright©2019 ISETH
p-ISSN: 2477-3328
e-ISSN: 2615-1588
Proceedings Book of
International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH) 2019
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development
3 - 4 December 2019
ISETH2019 Secretariat
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p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development
International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588
One conference, ICB-Pharma has been successfully conducted on 16th to 17th of November 2019
and another one, MEST will be conducted in conjunction with The 6th International Conference
on Engineering, Technology, and Industrial Application (ICETIA 2019) on the 11th -12th December
This year summit ISETH2019 aims to provide a platform for researchers and academics to share
their research findings with others and meet lecturers and researchers from other institutions and to
strengthen the collaboration and networking amongst the participants.
I am delighted to learn that the keynote speakers, reviewers or technical experts and participants are
from many countries although the number is still limited.
I wish to acknowledge the dedication and contribution of all conference chairs and their organising
committee in bringing such a prestigious international conferences. The collaboration with many
reputable journals indexed by SCOPUS also bring an advantage for participants in publication.
I hope you enjoy with us. Thank you for your participation in ISETH2019 and hope will see you
again in ISETH 2020.
p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development
Table of Contents
International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588
p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development
International Conference of Islamic
and Indigenous Psychology
p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development
Aryo Bima Fathoni1 , Azti Verina2, Bilqisthi Rahmah3, Nida Paiqotul4, Zulmi Ramdani5,*
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Purpose: This research aims to explore and develop “Tabayyun” as a psychological concept that can be
used to measure and prepare students to be responsive and preventive of all forms of information that
come into their lives.
Methodology: This study uses a qualitative approach to thematic analysis methods. Data is collected
by distributing questionnaires, interviews and analysis of social media content. The questionnaire was
distributed via Google form consisting of 4 questions for 14 days to 31 students of UIN Sunan Gunung
Djati Bandung. Interview data collection was carried out for lecturers, police and religious teachers. In
the analysis of social media content, researchers analysed the content of 8 video lecturer on Youtube.
Results: Tabayyun is defined as “Behavior of checking, criticising, and clarifying information that is
not yet correct and not in a hurry to spread the information.” In this study also found four aspects
of Tabayyun; (1) Critical thinking, (2) self-control, (3) open-minded, and (4) information-seeking
Applications/Originality/Value: There is no previous research that explores the construct of Tabayyun
from a psychological perspective. It is very important considering this construct is an important aspect
of understanding the social psychological phenomena received by the subject in the era of globalisation.
This research can also be a comprehensive framework for understanding human behaviour in the
context of cyberpsychology.
Introduction Section
The media is everywhere in our daily lives. Video tapes that provide easy access to watching
movies, the development of the internet, social media and newspapers, as well as 24-hour news
and radio programs provide all-time coverage of current events. In many forms, the media has the
potential to educate, raise awareness, and shape public attitudes (Kinder, 1998). This shows a strong
influence on one’s beliefs, especially when the issues that are politicized are high and become the
main focus for someone (Bullock, Wyche, & Williams, 2001).
Modern times like today, to get information is no longer a difficult thing. Rapid technological
developments are supported by the birth of new inventions that make it easier for us to receive and
search for information (Borden, 2017; Ramdani, Widyastuti, & Ferdian, 2018; Sobol, Cleveland,
& Laroche, 2018)antecedents, and consequences of the GCC within the Netherlands, examining
how the interplay between the local and global cultures evolves. While we found evidence that the
Dutch are increasingly acculturating to the GCC, the global and local cultural forces seem to impact
consumption behaviors consistently over time: NEID positively associates with the consumption of
products traditionally bounded to local culture (e.g. local food and clothing. Current technological
developments also greatly affect the role of mass media, mass media freedom and the support
of these technologies can present two conditions, one side is easier access to information for the
community, but on the other hand is freedom that is not accompanied by responsibilities will lead
to freedom undirected. That is, changes that occur in the media will always be accompanied by
changes in the community (Habibie, 2018).
According to Giles & Shaw (2009) argues that any serious study of the psychology of media
influence must include a systematic analysis of media material. However, psychology did not have a
methodology for doing this that was context sensitive, relying on general methods such as content
or discourse analysis. Therefore, Media Framing Analysis (MFA) was developed, a formal procedure
for analyzing media texts (especially news). In the study, researchers revealed that the media has an
influence on readers and listeners, so an analysis of the content of the news must be done.
Usually, people get information sourced from the internet (social media), watching television
or listening to the radio. Information obtained from these sources is not all relevant (Park & Rim,
2019). There are still many people who question the truth of the information, but not a few also
people who directly believe the truth of the information (Park & Rim, 2019). The bad impact
when people believe in information that is not necessarily true will lead to false perceptions (Arif,
2016; Park & Rim, 2019). The impact will be increasingly detrimental to other communities,
especially for those who are laymen and who do not care about the truth of the information they
get. Uncertain news is known as hoax news (Visentin, Pizzi, & Pichierri, 2019; Zhang, Gupta,
Kauten, Deokar, & Qin, 2019)no marketing study to date has analyzed the effect of fake news
on consumers’ evaluations of a brand advertised on the same webpage. To fill this gap, this study
empirically investigated whether individuals’ perceptions of fake news transfer to an adjacent brand
advertisement. Specifically, we manipulated news truthfulness and source credibility, observing
the change in individuals’ responses while distinguishing between objective truthfulness and the
perceived credibility of the news. The results confirmed that the news’ objective truthfulness exerts
no direct effect on behavioral intentions toward the brand (i.e., intention to purchase, spread word-
of-mouth, or visit the brand’s store. Walidah (2017) says the hoax in the Cambridge Dictionary is
a plan to deceive a large group of people; can also be translated as a hoax.
Based on the latest data from the Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of
Indonesia (KOMINFO), 771 hoaxes have been identified from August 2018 to February 2019. In
August 2018, there were only 25 hoaxes identified by the AIS Team for the Content Control Sub
Directorate for Informatics Applications. September 2018, rose to 27 hoax content, while October
and November 2018 were respectively 53 and 63 hoaxes. December 2018, the number of hoaxes
continues to rise in the number 75 content. Increased hoax content in January and February 2019
(Rahman, 2019). From 175 hoax content verified by the AIS KOMINFO team, it doubled in
February to 353 hoax content. Of the 771 hoax content that has been verified and validated by the
AIS KOMINFO Team, as many as 181 hoax content related to political issues, both the hoaxes
that attacked the presidential and vice-presidential candidates participating in the 2019 election
and political parties. Following 126 health issues and 119 government issues. Furthermore, hoaxes
containing 110 slanders against individuals, related to crime 59, related to religious issues 59,
international issues 21, fraud and trafficking each of 19 content, and finally educational issues
totalling three content (Rahman, 2019)
In a study, psychologists agreed that hoax news could have a negative impact on mental health,
such as post-traumatic stress syndrome (de Calheiros Velozo & Stauder, 2018), which causes
anxiety, to violence. Not only that, psychologists believe, people who are exposed to hoax news can
also need therapy, because it is shrouded in anxiety, stress, and feeling lonely because of false news.
We must not underestimate the negative effects on our mental health because of exposure to hoax
news (Kelly, Zilanawala, Booker, & Sacker, 2018). The long-term effects of neglecting these adverse
effects are disturbing emotional situations and prolonged mood. People who do not have the desire
to confirm or find out the truth of the news source tend to show physical and mental symptoms
that are less healthy. Researchers found that people who do not like to look for the truth in the
news have a bad response to misleading information in stressful situations (Coyne, Rogers, Zurcher,
& Stockdale, 2019). As a result, stress appears, abnormal heart response and abnormal reading
behaviour. People who don’t want to find out the truth of a story will feel less confident and like
to think of themselves negatively. A person’s ability to judge the authenticity of a story can affect
his health, both physically and mentally (Coyne et al., 2019; Kelly et al., 2018). Previous research
conducted by Rahayu et al., (2019) stated that some students had shown their awareness of hoax
news, one of them is by making sure beforehand in a trusted source and not immediately spreading
the news before the truth is known. Zhong, Hu, Zheng, Ding, & Luo (2018) mention that nursing
students behave well in finding information. Rahadi (2017) mention that hoax recipients are quite
critical, and they usually check the veracity of the news.
The impact of the circulation of hoax news is very detrimental to the community (Aldwairi
& Alwahedi, 2018; Brigida & Pratt, 2017). Even in the hands of a group of people spreading
this hoax news into the business field. Another impact, so that the time the young generation is
consumed. It is evidenced by the existence of a study from Stanford University that shows that
teenagers or students assess the truth of the news from detailed content such as the number and
size of photos, length of articles and others. This study was conducted on 7,840 students from
various backgrounds which concluded that young people prioritise the content of articles rather
than news sources. Hoax news can also cause divisions, especially if the news is circulating about
SARA issues (Mahardikengrat, 2017). News hoaxes also often bring down the reputation of certain
parties. With the hoax news, certain parties who are injured will find it difficult to clarify, because
the issue of hoaxes is circulating more reliably. Hoax news makes facts unbelievable. The more
often the news of hoaxes is spread and viral, then the public perception will judge that the news
circulating is a hoax even though the news is true (Mahardikengrat, 2017). CNN Indonesia said the
increasingly widespread news of hoaxes in the community the psychological impact experienced by
the community would be more pronounced. Hoax news that is spread will cause fears and anxiety.
Although initially warned to be careful in receiving news, the reality creates the opposite feeling.
Another impact will cause trauma for those who hear or read the news directly on social media.
Lack of clarity about the truth of this news will cause excessive anxiety that makes people unable to
think clearly and be calm instead arises fear (Setyanti, 2016).
The initial survey that we conducted by distributing online questionnaires to 31 respondents
with the subject of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung students produced several conclusions,
namely some students who received hoaxes were ignorant, clarified, looked for trusted sources, and
criticised. All respondents’ answers are only focused on the answers in general. After our analysis, it
turns out that there is one concept in Islam that is already very familiar to the public. Many are even
mentioned in various media, but it has not been done much when receiving hoax news, namely
Tabayyun. Tabayyun is very closely related to how individuals behave when receiving hoax news.
In a previous study, it was mentioned that Tabayyun was important to minimise the existence
of negative prejudice towards the news. Tabayyun also teaches us to be wiser in using social media.
Ustadz Auni Mohamed thinks that a Tabayyun, in a nutshell, is asking for an explanation, or asking
for an announcement, asking for a view. Further, we interpret it as clarification, the information
that reaches us must be clear what the announcement is, according to the explanation or not.
In a study entitled Building an Ethical «GREAT» Generation Towards a Gold Indonesia, it is
stated that an «Ethical GREAT» generation is an intelligent generation in the face of information
exposure so as not to be dragged down by uncertain information flow whereas GREAT stands for
getting (received), Read (read) and Tabayyun (confirm). Islam has a guideline in communication
called ethics Islamic communication which upholds the values of truth and goodness (Wahyudi &
Kurniasih, 2019). Dr Harjani, Lc, MA explained that in general there are nine main principles in
Islamic communication to counter hoax news, first sincerely; both merit and sin; third honesty;
fourth said positively; fifth two ears one mouth; sixth supervision; seventh selectivity and validity;
the eight influence each other; and the ninth balance of news (Walidah, 2017).
Until now, there has been no measurement tool that has developed the concept of Tabayyun
scientifically. Some previous studies have only developed literature review research. In a study entitled
«Assessment of information quality as a form of Tabayyun attitude when receiving information on
social media and the internet» explains that in receiving information someone will make an assessment
of information, and that assessment is a form of Tabayyun attitude (Noor, 2018). In another study
entitled «Tabayyun in the Millennial Generation Era» examines the Tabayyun literature in the
Qur’an (Walidah, 2017). Although Tabayyun has not been extensively studied, research Efendi
(2019) mentioning Tabayyun is very important in Heuristika’s efforts in various aspects of life. A
successful tabayyun is a Tabayyun who can reveal facts that can guarantee their accuracy and clear
analysis. From this sentence implied the concept of finding out in advance the source of the truth
of news and do not immediately believe it let alone immediately disseminate it. The clear analysis
produces clear thoughts and will foster calm in behaviour, especially when receiving news that is not
yet clear. Before something is given to a third party, the Tabayyun approach focuses on its validity.
After ascertaining the validity status will only be given to others (Ramli, Zulkepli, Hamdan, &
Jaafar, 2018). From the results of this research, the research that discusses only about Tabayyun
relating to information and the meaning of Tabayyun in the Koran, although some studies have
touched on the concept of Tabayyun implicitly in the form of behaviour such as searching for news
sources and analyzing, but there is no concept Tabayyun in the concept of psychology specifically.
Therefore we are here trying to do research that aims to see the concept of Tabayyun in the concept
of psychology. Because Tabayyun cannot be measured scientifically, we try to measure Tabayyun
through its behavioural aspects.
This study uses a qualitative approach to thematic analysis methods. The thematic analysis
focuses on identifying themes and behaviour. This thematic analysis looks for a theme that emerges,
so it becomes important to describe the phenomenon (Ramdani, 2017). Thematic analysis is one
way to analyse data to identify patterns or find themes through data that has been collected by
researchers (Braun & Clarke, 2006). This method is very effective if a study intends to explore
in detail the qualitative data they have to find the interrelation of patterns in a phenomenon and
explain the extent to which a phenomenon occurs through the lens of researchers (Fereday & Muir-
Cochrane, 2006). (Holloway & Todres, 2003) said that thematic analysis is the basis or foundation
for the interests of analysing qualitative research. (Heriyanto, 2018)
Data is collected by distributing questionnaires, interviews and analysis of social media
content. The questionnaire was distributed via Google form consisting of 4 questions for 14 days
to 31 students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Interview data collection was carried out for
lecturers, police and religious teachers. In the analysis of social media content, researchers analysed
the content of 8 video lectures on Youtube. Next, the researcher reads the whole result of the data
retrieval by paying close attention and giving meaning to each data. Researchers need to understand
patterns or ideas from the data obtained to understand the contents of the data.
The next step is coding. Coding is the process of reviewing and testing existing raw data by
labelling (giving labels) in the form of words, phrases or sentences. Coding consists of three stages,
there are (1) open coding, where researchers begin to identify categories of themes that emerge, (2)
axial coding, where researchers try to see the relationships between categories with one another, and
(3) selective coding , where the researcher selects the basic categories, systematically linking them
with other categories and validating the relationship (Subandi, 2015). The next step, researchers
interpret the categories that have been made and build a theoretical concept of the categories related
to the theme under study. So that there is no subjectivity from the researcher, each researcher
interprets the data collected by other researchers. For the questionnaire data, the data are interpreted
simultaneously. For the interview data and content analysis, researcher 1 interpreting the results of
interviews and content analysis from researcher 2, researcher 3, and researcher 4. While the results
of the interview and content analysis of researcher one are interpreted by researcher 2, researcher
three and researcher 4.
The results will be presented here on the HK (hoax questionnaire), RK (response questionnaire),
CK (causes Questionnaire), Ch.K (characteristic questionnaire), HI (hoax interview), RI (response
interview), CI (causes interview), Ch.I (characteristic interview), T.MS (social media Tabayyun),
R.MS (social media response), C.MS (social media causes), and Ch.MS (characteristic social media).
In Table 1, there is a categorisation of subjects opinion about the definition of hoaxes. From
the results from the analysis and coding process, 15 categories of understanding about hoaxes have
been found.
In Table 2, there is a categorisation of subjects opinion about their experience dealing with
hoaxes. From the results from the analysis and coding process, 28 categories of understanding about
hoaxes have been found.
In Table 3, there is a categorization of subjects opinion about what makes people believe
hoaxes. From the results from the analysis and coding process, 39 categories of understanding about
hoaxes have been found.
In Table, there is a categorization of subjects opinion about the how-to counter hoaxes. From
the results from the analysis and coding process, 29 categories of understanding about hoaxes have
been found.
In Table 5 there is a categorization of subjects opinion about the definition of hoax, the cause
of people believe in the hoax, their experience encounter hoax, and what should people do when
encountering the hoax. From the results from analysis and coding process, eight categories of the
definition of hoax, nine categories the cause of people believe in the hoax, nine categories about
their experience encounter hoax, and 11 categories about what should people do when encountering
the hoax.
From the results from analysis and coding process, eight categories of the definition of hoax, two
categories the cause of people believe in the hoax, ten categories about their experience encounter
hoax, and five categories about what should people do when encountering the hoax
After carrying out the process of interpretation by doing some discussion, it has been found
the definition of Tabayyun as a psychological concept, aspects of Tabayyun, and the characteristics
of people who are doing Tabayyun. Based on the results of the analysis, Tabayyun is defined as: “The
behaviour of checking, criticizing, and clarifying information that has not valid and not rushes
to spread the information.’’ From the results of the coding process, we found that there are four
aspects to Tabayyun.
1) Critical Thinking
This aspect was lifted from the subject’s responses, like seeking justification, filtering
information, not easily believing, and sceptical.
... what I did the first time was to be sceptical of the information. Then look for additional
information that is supportive and valid both from the results of literacy and discussion
(Subject 18)
... usually, I get confused between believing or not believing, so I look for the truth (Subject 8)
2) Self-Control
This aspect is lifted from the subject’s responses, like not directly spreading information, being
careful, not being rash, and holding back information until it knows the truth.
….When receiving any news, especially on social media that is now very easy to get it, someone
immediately believes in the news without checking the truth of the news and immediately
spread it (Subject 4)
... look for the same news and look for the truth of the news that was informed, and don’t
immediately spread the news that he just got (Subject 1)
3) Open-Minded
This aspect is lifted from the subject’s response, like be open-minded, tolerate, and being wise
in receiving information.
…… yes, so the first is to read more, the second, you have to open yourself to different opinion
and perspective (Subject 3)
… you accept everything is certainly not wise, rejecting everything is also certainly not right
(Subject 17)
4) Information Seeking Behavior
This aspect is lifted from the subject’s responses, like clarification, find out, ask the experts, and
explore the information that has been received.
... look for the source first, where did the information first appear, what is the cause, you can
ask directly to the main source (Subject 27)
…… Trying to find the facts that happened, if you know the person directly asking for
clarification (Subject 30)
Also, we found several characteristics of people who bertabayyun: careful, always be careful
when getting information. Sceptic, not easy to believe in information that they get. Critical,
doing some analysis of the information. Objective, search for information based on facts and data.
Selective, trying to filter information. Conscientious, examine information carefully, whether the
news is true or false. Wise, not rush in spreading the information.
The development of mass media is now a supporter of the needs of community activities. In
the era of globalization, developing technology can make it easier for people to get information
practically and effectively by following the times. In theory, the mass media aims to convey
information correctly effectively and efficiently to every audience. The mass media and various
forms of media they use will affect the behavior or culture of a society (Habibie, 2018).
The use of social media as a means to disseminate information must be done wisely and
correctly and to guarantee the authenticity of the information disseminated. However, the ease of
communication offered by social media cannot guarantee that all news or information disseminated
is true. That is, it takes an action that must be done by someone in order to find or sort news that
is guaranteed truth. Based on this research, Tabayyun’s behavior can be done by someone to check
about the truth of information.
Based on the results of data analysis obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and social media,
there are some similar ideas in defining Tabayyun as a psychological concept. From some of these
ideas can be grouped into four categories that include the definition of Tabayyun. The first category
is that Tabayyun is interpreted as checking and criticising behaviour. In this theme expressed with
the word “checking and criticising the news”. This theme appears quite a lot, with a variety of
expressions. The psychological concept that is very close to this theme is the concept of critical
thinking. According to Scriven & Paul (1987) critical thinking, which is a disciplined process in
conceptualising, implementing, analysing, synthesising, or evaluating information collected from
observations, experiences, reflections, reasons, or communication as guidelines for trust and action
(Utami, Saputro, Masykuri, & Widoretno, 2017). Critical thinking can be seen from the response
of the subject, which is looking for justification, filtering information, not easy to believe, and
Furthermore, another theme that appears is ‘restraint’. Included here are ‘not spreading
information’, ‘being careful’, ‘not being rash’, and ‘holding back information until knowing the
truth’. That is, it shows that the Tabayyun is by a concept that has been widely studied in psychology,
namely self-control, which is part of the personality aspect. The definition of self-control that best
suits this Tabayyun is the ability to guide one’s behavior, the ability to suppress or block impulses
or impulsive behaviour (Chaplin, 2002). Another theme that can be used as a category in the
Tabayyun concept is not shutting down and being wise in receiving information. In the research,
it is expressed as ‘exploring deeper the truth of the news’, ‘reading from other sources’, and ‘wiser
in digesting any information received’. The concept of psychology that is close to not closing down
and being wise in receiving this information is open-minded. In the context of Tabayyun, one
needs to find solutions or answers, as well as information that can be used to evaluate each of these
possibilities (Barzilai & Chinn, 2018; Aditomo, 2019).
The final category is clarifying information or news. This category appears the most in this
research with various expressions that vary, including ‘clarification’, ‘find out’, ‘ask the expert’,
and ‘explore the information received’. Psychological concepts that are close to this category are
information-seeking behaviour. According to Wilson (2000) information-seeking behaviour is the
deliberate search for information as a consequence of the need to fulfil objectives (Zhong et al.,
2018). Wilson also explained about the information search model that, information users exist
because of information needs, so that the information search was carried out. Information can be
found in information systems and other sources. If the search is successful and satisfies the user,
the information will be passed on to others. This model shows that information-seeking behaviour
involves other people to exchange information, and that information is used for one’s own or
others’ interests. However, in the context of Tabayyun, if the information circulating turns out to
be wrong, then the action a person must take is to keep quiet and not spread it (Siregar, 2017).
Furthermore, this study obtained the results of the characteristics of married people who
emerged from the responses of the subjects. The first characteristic is alert. In this case, someone
who is married will always be careful when getting information. Second, namely sceptics, people
who have this character will not immediately be easy to believe in information that he might just
get. Through this character, people will seek the truth of information first before believing it. Third,
namely critical, through this character, a person is encouraged to analyze information, can try to
find the truth or error of information. Fourth is the objective; the objective person will always see
or look for information based on facts and data. The fifth is selective, that is someone tries to sort
and select information properly, meaning that not every information he gets is disseminated again.
Sixth, namely conscientious, conscientious people will examine information carefully, whether the
news is true or false. The last characteristic is wise; people with these characteristics will always
digest every information well.
As for the opposite, people who are lazy to do Tabayyun have subjective characteristics, namely
looking at information based on self-assessment (regardless of whether the news is true or not). The
second is indifferent; people who are lazy to do Tabayyun will only be silent without wanting to
know the truth of the contents of the news. The third is not careful (careless), people with these
characters are not careful in reading information, so it is possible for someone with this character
to disseminate information without knowing its contents are true or false. The last characteristic is
easy to believe, someone who is easy to believe certainly not important for him to re-examine the
information he got.
Based on the results of the analysis, tabayyun is defined as the behaviour of checking, criticising,
and clarifying information that has not valid and not rushes to spread the information. There are
four aspects of tabayyun, critical thinking, self-control, open-minded, and information-seeking
behaviour. Careful, always be careful when getting information. Sceptic, not easy to believe in
information that they get. Critical, doing some analysis of the information. Objective, search for
information based on facts and data. Selective, trying to filter information. Conscientious, examine
information carefully, whether the news is true or false. Wise, not rush in spreading the information
Thank you very much to the Faculty of Psychology of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
for allowing us to conduct this research. This research is a form of collaboration conducted by the
faculty academic community through collaboration between lecturers and students.
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