Martha Rogers

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Martha Rogers

“Science of Unitary Human Beings”

● Describes life processes in human beings

a. Wholeness
b. Openness
c. Unidirectionality
d. Pattern and organization – theme/model seen for recurring events
e. Sentience
f. Thought

● Human beings are dynamic energy fields (activities or operations) integral with environmental fields.

Energy fields--- "as the fundamental unit of the living and the non-living.
Field is a unifying concept.
Energy – activities or operations that signify the dynamic nature of the field. A field is in continuous motion and is infinite"

A. Human energy field
B. Environmental field
== identified by patterns and characterized by a universe of open systems

1. Energy fields
2. A universe of open system
3. Pattern
4. Dimentionalities


Unitary Human Being (person)

● The person is an open system in continuous process with the open system that is the environment (integrality)
● A unitary human being is an "irreducible (NOTHING LESS, CANT BE DECREASED OR SIMPLIFIED), indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field (nonlinear,
nonspatial, nontemporal reality underlying the realm of everyday experience likesupernatural experiences such as spiritual events, astral projection, d, take place)
identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole and which cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts" and "a unified whole
having its own distinctive characteristics which cannot be perceived by looking at , describing, or summarizing the parts".
● The people have the capacity to participate knowingly and probabilistically in the process of change.

● The environment is an "irreducible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field"
● The energy field coexist and are integral. Manifestation emerges from this field and is perceived.

● Rogers defined health as an expression of the life process; they are the "characteristics and behavior emerging out of the mutual, simultaneous interaction
of the human and environmental fields"
● Health and illness are the part of the sane continuum.
● The multiple events taking place along life's axis denote the extent to which man is achieving his maximum health potential and very in their expressions from
greatest health to those conditions which are incompatible with the maintaining life process
● The concept Nursing encompasses two dimensions
● Independent science of nursing
An organized body of knowledge which is specific to nursing is arrived at by scientific research and logical analysis
● Art of nursing practice
The creative use of science for the betterment of the human
The creative use of its knowledge is the art of its practice
Rogers’ nursing theory
● Nursing is both a science and art. The uniqueness of nursing, like that of any other science, lies in the phenomenon central to its focus.
● Nurses long established concern with the people and the world they live is in a natural forerunner of an organized abstract system encompassing people and
the environments.
● The irreducible nature of individuals is different from the sum of the parts.
● The integralness of people and the environment that coordinate with a multidimensional universe of open systems points to a new paradigm : the identity of
nursing as a science.
● The purpose of nurses is to promote health and well-being for all persons wherever they are.

A. Energy Field
● Energy-“the potential for process, movement, and change”
● The energy field is the conceptual boundary of all that is.
● The energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living and the non-living. This energy field provides a way to perceive people and their environment as irreducible
● The energy field continuously varies in intensity, density and extent.
B. Openness
● The human field and environmental field are constantly exchanging energy. There are no boundaries or barriers to inhibit energy flow between fields.
● The human beings openly participate in energy transformation with the environment creating mutual change.
C. Pattern
● Is defined as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field perceived as a single wave. She calls it as an “abstraction” that gives identity to the field.
● Patterning: dynamic or active process of the life of the human being that is accessible to the senses
● Pattern manifestations include a person’s experiences, perceptions and physical, mental, social, and spiritual data.
D. Pandimensionality
● A nonlinear domain without spatial or temporal attributes
● The parameters in language that human use to describe events are arbitrary.
● The present is relative, there is no temporal ordering of lives.
E. Homeodynamic principles
● The principle of homeodynamics apostulate the way of perceiving unitary human beings
3 Principles:
1. Resonancy
✔ “an ordered arrangement of rhythms characterizing both human field and the environmental field that undergoes continuous dynamic metamorphosis in the
human-environment process”
2. Helicy
✔ Describes the unpredictable but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy field as evidenced by nonrepeating rhythmicities
✔ The life process evolves in sequential stages along a curve that has the same general shape.
✔ The principle of helicy postulates an ordering of the human’s evolutionary emergence
3. Integrality
✔ Encompasses the mutual, continuous relationship of the human energy field and the environment energy field
✔ Change occurs by continuous repatterning of the human and environmental fields by resonance waves.
✔ The fields are one and integrated but unique to each other.

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