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Summery of The Quran 5

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[‫]سورة الفاتحة‬

ِ ‫ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬٢ ‫ين‬

‫يم‬ َ ‫ ۡٱل َحمۡ ُد هَّلِل ِ َر ِّب ۡٱل ٰ َعلَ ِم‬١ ‫يم‬
ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬
َ‫ٱلص ٰ َرط‬
ِّ ‫ٱه ِدنَا‬ ۡ ٥ ُ‫ إِيَّا َك نَ ۡعبُ ُد َوإِيَّا َك نَ ۡستَ ِعين‬٤ ‫ِّين‬ ِ ‫ ٰ َملِ ِك يَ ۡو ِم ٱلد‬٣
‫ب َعلَ ۡي ِهمۡ َواَل‬
ِ ‫ضو‬ ُ ‫ين أَ ۡن َعمۡ تَ َعلَ ۡي ِهمۡ َغ ۡي ِر ۡٱل َم ۡغ‬ ِ ٦ ‫ۡٱل ُم ۡستَقِي َم‬
َ ‫ص ٰ َرطَ ٱلَّ ِذ‬
٧ ‫ين‬ َ ِّ‫ضٓال‬ َّ ‫ٱل‬

Surah Al-Fatihah is the summary of the whole Qur'an and the whole

Qur'an is the tafsir of this Surah Al-Fatihah. Its name is Mother of the

Qur'an, Seven oft repeated ayahs, opening of the Qur'an, the greatest

Surah of the Qur'an.

I am starting with the name of Allah who is exceedingly

caring and always loving as I am seeking His blessings to

complete this work and His blessings because of this work.
1. All kinds of1 Honest2 praise and gratitude3 which is timeless4 and

independent5 from anyone is for Allah the one and only deity6
to whom everyone finds relief the one who is worshiped and

obeyed and who people desperately turn to who is the Master7,

the nurturer, the dominator of all nations8 of any creation that

ever exists.

2. Praise is for Allah who is exceedingly caring9 His care is

always there for all of creation and if you don’t show disrespect to

His care then He will be always loving10 to you, His blessings

will be always upon you.

Because of the “‫”ال‬
“‫ ”مدح‬is a type of praise which could be true or false;
“‫ ”ثنا ومدح‬means Praise and “‫ ”شكر‬means Gratitude but “‫ ”حمد‬combines Praise and Gratitude;
Verbs are limited with time but Nouns are timeless
Verbs depend on Doer but Nouns are independent;
The word “‫ ”هللا‬is either an universal name of Allah or it is an unique combination of “‫اله‬+‫”ال‬
And I am His slave; I am not buying guidance from Him that the Guidance has to be on my taste. Rather He is my
Master, He is commanding me what should I do and what I should not do.
Allah is not for just old times nor He is just for Arabs rather He is the master of all times and all nations.
Love of a mother for her baby inside the womb is a sign from Allah that how much He love and care us.
For those who try their best to obey His commands to please Him; they will enjoy this love of Allah for eternity.
‫ الرحمان‬is for all creation in this world and ‫ الرحيم‬is specially for people in the Jannah
3. But if you show disrespect to His mercy then know that He is the

sovereign1 of the day2 of reckoning3 when you will be

recompense with just.

4. Ya Allah, Ya Rab-Al-‘alamin, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Malik

yawm-ad- deen Only to You we altogether submit ourselves

and worship and Only to You we seek help as we are


5. You are our Master and we are Your slaves Guide us to the

one straight path which is upright directly to You against the

gravity of harmful worldly temptations.

6. Path of those who have knowledge about You and they do as

Your guidance upon whom You have blessed and now

they are calm and relaxed, neither they are in fear nor they are in


7. Not the path of those who have knowledge about You but they
ignored Your guidance and misguide others from Your guidance

The king, the authority, the dominator, the just
Only He own the Time no one else
As you sow, so you reap
who incur anger upon them and not the path of

those who ignored to use their intellect and blindly follow

misguidance and assume that they are on the right path who

have gone astray and it is not You rather they chose

destruction upon them.
[‫]سورة الناس‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

ِ ‫س ۡٱل َخنَّا‬
٤‫س‬ ِ ‫ش ِّر ۡٱل َو ۡس َوا‬
َ ‫ ِمن‬٣ ‫س‬ ِ ‫ إِلَ ِه ٱلنَّا‬٢ ‫س‬ ِ ‫ َملِ ِك ٱلنَّا‬١ ‫س‬ ُ ‫قُلۡ أَع‬
ِ ‫ُوذ بِ َر ِّب ٱلنَّا‬
٦‫س‬ ِ ‫ ِم َن ۡٱل ِجنَّ ِة َوٱلنَّا‬٥ ‫س‬ ِ ‫صدُو ِر ٱلنَّا‬ ُ ‫س فِي‬ ُ ‫ٱلَّ ِذي يُ َو ۡس ِو‬

1. Say! out loud, express your weakness to Allah, don’t be arrogant

or hopeless or shy to ask Allah, don’t afraid because what you are

saying is not from you it is from Allah and Allah is commanding

you to say, obey His command, let the people know that I

submissively seek or hold a close, safe, immediate refuge to

the Master, the Nurturer of mankind as mankind are

forgetful, we forget the covenant that we took with our Master,

forget that we are slave of Allah, forget that Allah raised us above

other non-social animals, forget that we have an enemy and Allah

is the best protection from that enemy, forget that Allah nurtures

us and He is the best nurturer.

2. I seek refuge to the King the Justice who has the ultimate

authority over everything who is the King of mankind and we

forget that too.

3. I seek refuge to the ultimate God to whom all should turn

and worship Him alone who is the God of mankind that they
forget and make a false god beside Him or proclaim themselves a


4. I seek refuge to the Nurturer, Justice and Ultimate God of

mankind. Against the harm of the evil whisperer who

whispers continuously, from his whisper or any harm that he can

do to me, who is a deceiver who give me evil whisper to forget

about Allah and when I remember Allah he retreat and come again

later to deceive me, he whisper and deceive and as soon as I realize

he went back as if these were my own thoughts.

5. That one who whispers and will whisper as long as I live

he whisper on the chest of people and try to enter into

their hearts and try to mess up their faith in Allah and make them

forget who Allah is.

6. I seek refuge from him if he comes to me as a Jinn whom I

cannot see, who is more harmful for me or he comes to me as a

human being who I can see and who is deceived by that evil
[‫]سورة الفلق‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

َ َ‫ق إِ َذا َوق‬
‫ب‬ ِ ‫ َو ِمن ش َِّر َغ‬٢ ‫ق‬
ٍ ‫اس‬ َ َ‫ش ِّر َما َخل‬ َ ‫ ِمن‬١ ‫ق‬ ِ َ‫قُلۡ أَعُو ُذ بِ َر ِّب ٱلفَل‬
٥ ‫س َد‬ ِ ‫ َو ِمن ش َِّر َح‬٤ ‫ت فِي ۡٱل ُعقَ ِد‬
َ ‫اس ٍد إِ َذا َح‬ ِ َ‫ش ِّر ٱلنَّفَّث‬
َ ‫ َو ِمن‬٣

1. Say! out loud, express your weakness to Allah, don’t be arrogant

or hopeless or shy to ask Allah, don’t afraid because what you are

saying is not from you it is from Allah and Allah is commanding

you to say, obey His command, let the people know that I

submissively seek or hold tightly a close, safe and immediate

refuge out of fear of something which is unseen; to the

Master of daybreak possessor of guidance who will tear all

misguidance and evil, nurturer of creation1 and justice of hell2.

2. Against the potential harm of that which He created

nothing can harm me if I seek Allah’s protection as Allah created
Because every creation comes into the existence after tearing something up.
As the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that “‫ ”فلق‬is a chamber in the Hell which is so dangerous that even the Hell
seek refuge from that.
all of them Allah is the most powerful over His creation and if

Allah let anything from His creation to harm me then He is my

nurturer, He is the one who will judge between me and that, He is

the one who is our God.

3. Against the harm of dark night when evils come out I

seek refuge when it becomes so dark that everything

becomes invisible.

4. I seek refuge Against the harm of those who blow

with spit on knots

5. Against the harm of envier who wishes my loss; hate me

for no good reason; laugh at my hardship I seek refuge when he

[‫]سورة اإلخالص‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

ۡ‫ َولَم‬٣ ‫ لَمۡ يَلِ ۡد َولَمۡ يُولَ ۡد‬٢ ‫ص َم ُد‬ َّ ‫ ٱهَّلل ُ ٱل‬١ ‫قُلۡ ُه َو ٱهَّلل ُ أَ َح ٌد‬
٤ ‫يَ ُكن لَّهۥُ ُكفُ ًوا أَ َح ۢ ُد‬

1. Say! out loud, express your weakness to Allah, don’t be arrogant

or hopeless or shy to ask Allah, don’t afraid because what you are

saying is not from you it is from Allah, you don’t have any option

you cannot compromise with this, there is no better way, and Allah

is commanding you to say, obey His command, let the people know

that He is Allah who is Unique, there is no one like Him.

2. Say that Allah is The Independent, Self-Sufficient He

doesn’t need any one in any matter rather all big and small matter,

person, incident is dependent on His mercy, on His command, on

Him and Him alone. So you should not place anyone between you

and Allah because Allah is enough for you.

3. He begot no one because having offspring is a weakness and

He is free from any flaw and nor was He begotten there is

no one superior to Him everyone is under His feet.

4. And for Him there is not even a single one who

is equal or comparable.
[‫]سورة المسد‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

٢‫ب‬ َ ‫ َمٓا أَ ۡغنَ ٰى َع ۡنهُ َمالُ ۥهُ َو َما َك‬١ ‫ب‬
َ ‫س‬ َّ َ‫ب َوت‬ ٖ ‫تَبَّ ۡت يَ َدٓا أَبِي لَ َه‬
‫ فِي ِجي ِد َها‬٤ ‫ب‬ ِ َ‫ َوٱمۡ َرأَتُهۥُ َح َّمالَةَ ۡٱل َحط‬٣ ‫ب‬ ٖ ‫ات لَ َه‬َ ‫صلَ ٰى نَ ٗارا َذ‬ ۡ َ‫سي‬ َ
َ ‫ل ِّمن َّم‬ٞ ‫َح ۡب‬
٥‫س ِد‬

1. Because of his animosity against the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and Islam Abu

Lahab’s hands his power his possession his strength has

already gone towards destruction and already ruined and he

be ruined too in this life and in the next life.

2. No, not at all, neither his ample wealth is not going to

benefit him at all nor whatever he gained his honor

his children nothing will benefit him at all in this life and in next

3. Soon in the next life he will enter into fire to burn

himself as he is the possessor, owner of that flickering blazing

fire as he was known in this life to the people.

4. And his wife too is going to enter in it because of her

animosity against the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and Islam and her job will be to

carry useless dry firewood like the slave girls do even worst

5. And she will carry those firewood with a harsh palm fiber

rope around her deer alike neck

[‫]سورة النصر‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

‫ين ٱهَّلل ِ أَ ۡف َو ٗاجا‬
ِ ‫ون فِي ِد‬ َ ُ‫اس يَ ۡد ُخل‬ َ َّ‫ َو َرأَ ۡيتَ ٱلن‬١ ‫ص ُر ٱهَّلل ِ َو ۡٱلفَ ۡت ُح‬
ۡ َ‫إِ َذا َجٓا َء ن‬
َ ‫ٱست َۡغفِ ۡر ۚهُ إِنَّهۥُ َك‬
٣ ‫ان تَ َّوا ۢبَا‬ َ َ‫ ف‬٢
ۡ ‫سبِّ ۡح بِ َحمۡ ِد َربِّ َك َو‬
1. When the Ultimate Help of Allah and clear Victory

will arrive after some difficulty and sacrifice

2. The beloved Messenger You will see some of Your success in

this world with Your eyes people some of them will be the best

of best and some of them will be the worst of worst will enter

into the Religion of Allah1 in multitudes they will

accept in groups and leave in groups.

3. So, declare the perfection with absolute praise of

your Master and seek forgiveness which will cover

This religion is not some philosophical idea of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬rather it is the way of life that Allah
chose over the mankind. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬born like a human and He ‫ ﷺ‬will die like a
human but Allah didn’t born nor He is going to die.
your sins to Him. No doubt about it, don’t lose hope He

always accepts repentance.

[‫]سورة الكافرون‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

َ ‫ َوٓاَل أَنتُمۡ ٰ َعبِد‬٢ ‫ُون‬
٣ ‫ُون َمٓا أَ ۡعبُ ُد‬ َ ‫قُلۡ ٰيَٓأَيُّ َها ۡٱل ٰ َكفِ ُر‬
َ ‫ ٓاَل أَ ۡعبُ ُد َما ت َۡعبُد‬١ ‫ون‬
َ ‫ َوٓاَل أَنتُمۡ ٰ َعبِد‬٤ ۡ‫د َّما َعبَدتُّم‬ٞ ِ‫َوٓاَل أَنَ ۠ا َعاب‬
‫ لَ ُكمۡ ِدينُ ُكمۡ َولِ َي‬٥ ‫ُون َمٓا أَ ۡعبُ ُد‬
٦ ‫ين‬ ِ ‫ِد‬

1. Say! out loud, express your weakness to Allah, don’t be arrogant

or hopeless or shy to ask Allah, don’t afraid because what you are

saying is not from you it is from Allah and Allah is commanding

you to say, obey His command, let the people know that this is the

Deen of Allah and there is no compromise respond as Allah wants

you to respond O Disbelievers! This is no general rather

specific1, they are at the point of no return2 and Allah knows what

is in their hearts; they denied every signs of Allah, Tawheed,

Risalah, Judgment day, blessings that comes through Ibrahim they

Because it has ‫ ال‬on it
Noun (stronger) form is used instead of verb (weaker); ‫ – الذين كفروا‬leaves a door open for them but here these
specific people’s fate are sealed
are ungrateful to that so no soft approach to them be harsh to

these certain people there is no room for compromise; Only the

wrath of Allah upon them.

2. It is a strong commitment that I do not worship1 nor I

will2 do ever what you worship4 your false gods or


desires. But there is a hope that in future you might reject what

you worship.

3. Nor you are worshipers in the past5 you never worship

or enslave yourself of what6 I worship. What I worship,

don’t think that you ever were the worshippers of that in past you

already made your mind. Although you too believe in Allah but you

never ever worship Allah (as your worships were showoff) or

enslave yourselves to Allah (as you were rude to orphan, never

Worship of Allah has 5 condition in its definition according to Ibn Taymiyyah
1. Obedience only to Allah
2. Love Allah more than anything else
3. Only rely upon Allah’s decisions
4. Sincerely worship Allah
5. Sign in the terms of slavery to Allah
Present tense also refers to future; it is a verb so it is weak but when a verb gets negate then it become strong
something that is guaranteed, for sure that it is not going to happen.
Who involves identity and what involves quality; when it use for their false gods and desires - what a pathetic
falsehood they worship! It also involves the quality of worshiping- How showoff your worship is!
Verb is used which is weak- may be in future they will not do what they do now
It is a noun shows that they never did this in past. It also shows that this decision of theirs become permanent
doesn’t matter how much you try they are not going to budge.
What an amazing God I worship – How sincere the Prophet ‫’ﷺ‬s worship is!
feed the needy what was their food, you were tight-fisted to the

people and now you are offering me money).

4. Nor I am a worshipper nor I ever was a worshipper or

enslave myself even before prophet-hood of what you

worshipped your false gods and desires

5. Understand it properly Nor you are or ever were

worshippers of what I worship or even the way I


6. As after all these years you didn’t accept my da'wah so now Only

for you is your religion your Judgment your payment

as you deserve and only for me is my religion my

Judgment my payment a I deserve there is no exchange, I am

leaving your way of life as I never follow that and I am going with

my way of life as I always follow that. You keep doing what you do

and I will keep doing what I do and we’ll see who comes out on

the top.
[‫]سورة الكوثر‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

٣ ‫ إِنَّ شَانِئَ َك ُه َو ٱأۡل َ ۡبتَ ُر‬٢ ‫ص ِّل لِ َربِّ َك َو ۡٱن َح ۡر‬ َ َ‫ ف‬١ ‫إِنَّٓا أَ ۡعطَ ۡي ٰنَ َك ۡٱل َك ۡوثَ َر‬
1. No doubt about it that We and only We have already1

for sure2 completely3 granted You Al-Kawthar the

abundant good4 more than Your expectation5, the river6 in Jannah

which is the source of a pond on Judgment day as we are so

pleased with your sincere obedience7

As past tense is used
Past tense as certainty
I gave (completely), I am giving (I didn’t finished yet)
‫ – كثير‬a lot of good or bad things but ‫ – كوثر‬only a lots of good things
‫ اجر‬or ‫ جذ‬payment according to work; ‫ – عط‬gifts more than expectation
The equivalent of that river in this world is Kaba’; Allah gave the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the custodianship of
kaba’ and your worst enemy will be cut off from the custodianship of the kaba’; every masjid is like a river where
musalli get bathed five times a day and every masjid is towards the kaba’ as if every river is flowing towards one
big river; each time you pray towards that Kawthar is like you are drinking from the river in Jannah; pearls around
the Kawthar in Jannah is like the stones in the kaba’ what people collect to through. And this surah was revealed
when the kaba’ was in the hand of mushrik
‫ – عاط‬gifts as someone is pleased on your ‫ – طاع‬obedience
2. So as a gratefulness to Allah Pray sincerely only to Your

Master and Sacrifice8 big animals and give them charity

sincerely only for the sake of Your Master as these two acts are

the legacy of Your Father Ibrahim ‫ ;ﷺ‬Allah gives you gifts beyond

priceless but he put a price on that which is Prayer and Sacrifice of

animal and money

3. No doubt about it that Your worst enemies who hates

You with severe enmity what is hidden inside their heart is more

extreme than what they do, they2 are cut off3 from any
kinds of good deeds as a result good rewards; there will be no one

who will keep their name; you don’t have to worry about the

enemies of Allah they will be discontinue rather you have to focus

on the prayer and sacrifice of animals and money

Cut the throat of the animals as Ibrahim ‫ ﷺ‬used to do; aqiqah is a Sunnah when a baby born but in
this case a baby died but Allah is commanding His prophet to sacrifice big and give charity as a celebration what
Allah has give the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
Allah even here separate the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬from the word Abtar by using ‫ هو‬in between as if saying that
You enemy only he is cut off. You are not among those whose names are cut off as every muslim child born by
listening azan, people name their kids with the name of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬His kids, His spouses, His
companions, not a single second pass by that somewhere in the world azan is heard and answered, people
mentioned your name in salah
Cut of the tail of an animal as a sign of humiliation; it is a noun which is permanent for them and it has already
[‫]سورة الماعون‬

ِ ‫ِب ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

‫ َواَل‬٢ ‫ فَ ٰ َذلِ َك ٱلَّ ِذي يَ ُد ُّع ۡٱليَتِي َم‬١ ‫ِّين‬ ِ ‫ب ِبٱلد‬ َ ‫أَ َر َء ۡي‬
ُ ‫ت ٱلَّ ِذي يُ َك ِّذ‬
ۡ‫ين ُهم‬ َ ‫ ٱلَّ ِذ‬٤ ‫ين‬َ ِّ‫صل‬ َ ‫ل لِّ ۡل ُم‬ٞ ‫ فَ َو ۡي‬٣ ‫ين‬ ِ ‫ض َعلَ ٰى طَ َع ِام ۡٱل ِم ۡس ِك‬ ُّ ‫يَ ُح‬
‫ون‬َ ‫ َويَمۡ نَ ُع‬٦ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ين ُهمۡ يُ َرٓا ُء‬ َ ‫ ٱلَّ ِذ‬٥ ‫ون‬ َ ‫سا ُه‬ َ ۡ‫صاَل تِ ِهم‬ َ ‫َعن‬
٧ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ۡٱل َما ُع‬

1. Have you1 seen2 i.e. identified or recognized the

characteristic of the one3 who lies4 against the

recompense5? They assume that there will be no

Allah is honoring the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬by directly talking to him; and Allah is ignoring those people
Because these people stop to see; they become blind to these matters but you have intellect you can see these
injustice to the society and religion
“‫ ”من‬is general whoever but “‫ ”الذي‬is specific, the only enemy of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬mentioned specificly
in th Qur'an is Abu Lahab and he was the treasurer of mekkah, he misuse his power and as he was also a custodian
of Makkah he has to pray but Allah leave that open as through this Allah is pointing at every single corrupted
َ‫ َك َّذب‬He lied against something knowing that it is true. By using the present tense, Allah is showing us that this

person persists in lying against the religion. He hears more aayaat - they make sense to him - but he continues to
lie against them so he can continue his own sinful ways.
‫ الدين‬its specific meaning is the religion of Islam, the religion of our father Ibrahim ‫ ﷺ‬the religion
followed by the Prophet ‫( ﷺ‬Surah Kafirun:6), the religion of Allah i.e. only preferred religion by Allah
(Surah Nasr:2)
In general meaning i.e. before Islam people used to say ُ‫ َكمَا َتدِينُ ُتدَ ان‬as you sow so you reap so here it could be
mean Judgment day or they way to deal with people.
A name of this surah is Ad-Deen given by the companion of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as this clears what Deen
Payback on the Judgment day
Dealing with orphan
consequences of their evil acts, they don’t care about religion of

Allah, they want to live as they wish, they deal without any


2. That is the one1 who2 pushed away3 or they made

a society system where the orphan4 are pushed away, this is

how he lies against the religion and doesn’t care what will be the

consequences of this act, he denies the love and mercy Allah placed

in his heart (his Fitrah), crimes against Allah will most likely bring

crimes against the creation too

Dealing with the right of poor

Dealing with the prayer
Dealing with people in regard to charity
That person is so disgusting that even Allah is showing distancing Himself from that person and it is a humiliation
and a payback for that person (‫ هذا‬is near, ‫ ذلك‬is far)
Most of the time he is the relative or the neighbor of that orphan. And the Qurayesh were the people who didn’t
give inheritance to the woman and the children and if they came to ask for their right they get pushed by that evil
َّ ‫ َد‬push someone far away, without expecting that they will push you back, push someone violently with animosity
and intimidation.
Our Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was also an orphan. So treating an orphan is like treating the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
And this should be both muslims and for non-muslim
3. And He does not encourage1 others on feeding2

the poor3 because if he himself doesn’t do this, so it will expose

their corruption. Leaders should be at the forefront of feeding the

poor, serving the public, and helping the weak. But instead, these

leaders are wasting the money they are entrusted with to the other

rich men in society, whereas this money is public money. Thus

showing their corruption and lack of responsibility in their role as


4. And as an effect of their deeds they are already in the worst kind

of indescribable4 destruction especially for those who5

always6 pray as If you have bad behavior with the creation, then

“‫ ”حض‬Encourage people to move forward, on something good. “‫ ”حث‬means encourage too but former one is
heavier. He has this status in society but he doesn’t do. He makes a society system where everyone is thinking about
only for himself and no one has encourage to stand with the needy. Both ayah 2,3 are strong criticism from Allah
against their political corruption
This food is the right of those poor people; the food - which the corrupt leaders are keeping for themselves - is
really the food which belongs to the orphan and the poor; this person does not even do a good favor of feeding,
rather - he doesn't even give the food which belongs to the poor - to them.
He's not even standing up for the rights of the one who has the right to it.
Forget many poor people; he doesn't even encourage the feeding of one poor person (‫ مسكين‬sing.). Another reason
for these singulars (instead of plurals) is because it makes the criminal remember the particular poor orphan and
poor person they treated badly.
‫ – سكن‬they stuck in their hardship; unless someone help them they cannot come out of their situation
The tanween is used,
Some say that these are the leaders of the Qurayesh who pray their idols and show others that they are doing
this as their father Ibrahim used to do, they are the custodian of the kaba’ so they only pray to show people and
some say that these are the hypocrites in Madinah
Noun form shows that they are consistent in their show off prayer
it's only natural your heart will not be strong in worship and

prayer to Allah, so be careful from this kind of pray

5. Those who in regard1 to their prayers2 are

always heedless3

6. Those who pray they4 do this as a showoff others that

how near they are to Allah how pious they are and they get respect

by their people but in reality they are empty inside.

7. And they refuse to show small kindness

something small and insignificant, they are so stingy that even

when someone ask some small favor they reject to do so, a loss of

it would not harm them (like 2.5% of their wealth as Zakah)

Allah uses “‫ ”عن‬about; not “‫ ”في‬in, this is a mercy from Allah because we all are more or less heedless in our
Allah mentioned the word prayer twice for emphasis on this matter
“‫“ ساهون‬- to forget something out of neglectfulness because something - of a greater thought to you - was on
your mind. This is first time when noun is used instead of verb to describe their qualities, which means that there is
not a single time that they pray with attention.
You pray some time and other times you don't,
- you don't fulfill the prerequisites/conditions of the Salah,
- you pray like a bird picking up pebbles off the ground (i.e. Pecking on the ground and getting back up
quickly from Sajdah),
- You wait till the end of the finish of Salah; delay the time of the prayer (i.e. you want it to end quick).
Falling into any of these makes you of the Saahoown.
This word “‫ ”هم‬is extra but the reasons are –to show anger, - to specify those kind of people from the righteous
[‫]سورة قريش‬

ِ ‫بِس ِْم هَّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر‬

‫َّح ِيم‬
)٢( ‫ْف‬ ِ ‫صي‬ َّ ‫) إِياَل فِ ِه ْم ِرحْ لَةَ ال ِّشتَا ِء َوال‬١( ‫ش‬ٍ ‫ف قُ َر ْي‬ِ ‫إِل ِ ياَل‬
ٍ ‫ُوع َوآ َمنَهُ ْم ِم ْن َخ ْو‬
)٤( ‫ف‬ ٍ ‫ط َع َمهُ ْم ِم ْن ج‬ ْ َ‫) الَّ ِذي أ‬٣( ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ َربَّ هَ َذا ْالبَ ْي‬g‫فَ ْليَ ْعبُ ُدوا‬

1. Protection from the army of Elephant was a great grace for1 the

convenience2 of the Qurayesh by softening their

hearts and feel them secure.

2. Convenience3 in their journey4 in winter to the

south yemen and summer to the north syria so that they

remain accustomed to their trade journeys

After every ayah of Surah Fil this surah can be used without losing the meaning
Ulfa - to have a soft heart and make feelings of affection towards someone; Eelaaf - to make love happen
immediately. Be accustomed with something; by the mercy of Allah suddenly the Qurayesh become successfully
did treaties with other nation; the only tribe which were the custodian of the K'aba when the attack happen were
Qurayesh so the hearts of all arabs become soft towards them
4 sons of abd almanaf who were known as ashabel al-elaf as Hashim (one of the 4) decided to do business and
went to make some treaty with other nations which gave Makkah an economic stability
Allah repeated the word Elaaf to emphasis i.e. Allah is angry upon them so He used His favors twice so that they
think about that and be grateful to Allah. Allah is the one who favors them not their idols. the first one was general
but this one is specific; if other blessings of Allah didn’t soften your hearts at least this one should;
Rihla – journey with a lot of baggage/goods to sell so they make a lot of money but yet no one would rob them. It
is singular where it should have dual. But the way they travel from one place to another it like one journey in a
3. So after getting this big favor from Allah they should

worship and enslave themselves not to this house rather to

the Master, the protector, the owner of this house as

what blessings they are enjoying are because of this house which

foundation was raised by their father Ibrahim ‫ﷺ‬

4. He the one Who fed them from1 severe hunger as

before this idea to travel twice in a year they were in severe hunger

as the land of Makkah is barren, and made them safe

from severe fear when the army of Elephant attacked them

and the Qurayesh don’t have any army; as it was a Du'a of Ibrahim

‫ ﷺ‬for their peace and prosperity and the Du'a is

answered and Ibrahim ‫’ﷺ‬s Du'a for a the Messenger

‫ ﷺ‬will also be answered.

Not “‫ ”علي‬against but “‫ ”مِن‬from – Allah kept hunger and fear far away from them
[‫]سورة الفيل‬

ِ ‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح‬

‫يم‬ ْ ِ‫ب‬
ِ ِ‫ب ا ْلف‬
)١( ‫يل‬ ِ ‫ص َحا‬ ْ َ ‫ف فَ َع َل َر ُّب َك بِأ‬ َ ‫أَلَ ْم تَ َر َك ْي‬
)٣( ‫س َل َعلَ ْي ِه ْم طَ ْي ًرا أَبَابِي َل‬
َ ‫) َوأَ ْر‬٢( ‫يل‬ ْ ‫أَلَ ْم يَ ْج َع ْل َك ْي َد ُه ْم فِي ت‬
ٍ ِ‫َضل‬
)٥( ‫ول‬ٍ ‫ف َمأْ ُك‬ ٍ ‫ص‬ْ ‫) فَ َج َعلَ ُه ْم َك َع‬٤( ‫يل‬
ٍ ‫س ِّج‬
ِ ْ‫ت َْر ِمي ِه ْم بِ ِح َجا َر ٍة ِمن‬

1. Beloved Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬have you not seen1,

heard a lot of times and become amazed that how2 your3

Master, protector without any effort or difficulty4 dealt

The Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬didn’t see it but other Qurayesh elder saw it and they know how amazing it was
and what a great blessing it was for them. And at that time they leave all the idols in K'aba and left to the
mountains and seek protection from Allah; and after Allah protected them they used to pride a lot and marked it
as a very important incident in their history; how can Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬tell that accurately
Seeing, visualizing instead of knowing is more graphical and effective
As the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬was also engage with some business trip which was facilitated because of this
event happen before his birth, So Allah is saying to him to realize that how he also witnessed the effect of that
event. He met and merry Khadija RA, Allah make him rich from poor by this (surah Duha).

Not what happened to them but how it happened to them (more detailed way); how this impossible happened
Allah is talking with the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and ignoring the disbeliever; on the other hand by not
mentioning the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬name the believer can easily connect with the conversation with Allah.
See how your Master save the house and You are his best slave will He not protect you too? Just like Allah destroy
the enemies of the house your enemy will also be destroyed (Surah al-Kawthar and Masad) and as Allah gave the
Qurayesh higher status over the arab; people will come to you too in multitudes (Nasr)
“‫ ”عمل‬is to do something with some effort but “‫ ”فعل‬to do something without any effort
with the companions1 of Elephant?2 And you will
see this happen over and over again3

2. Did He not4 make5 their deceiving plots6 go

into great waste7?

3. And He sent upon them birds8 in flocks9 upon10

flocks upon flocks!
In a companionship the lesser one in power are considered as a companion of the higher one. The companions of
the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬- so the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬is higher so he is not a companion in that
The companions of elephant – the elephant is higher than those people and those people were lower than
animals; as the animals were doing as their master’s command risking their own life but those people were against
their Master. And also those elephant refuse to do so but those people force them to go on
Through the question statement Allah wants the disbeliever to think about its answer and Allah who did that with
the army of Elephant if these Qurayesh go against Allah what will happen to them
Allah is informing the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬that Allah is the guardian and protector of K'aba so whoever He
wills He will give the custodian of K'aba. It is in His hand
“‫ ”تر‬is ‫ مضارع‬and “‫ ”لم‬gives it a past meaning; this happened in past and will happen within the lifetime of the
Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and it will happen in future too; the oppressors who think that they are above the law
will be punished in this life and in the next life too.
Second time “‫ ”الم‬to emphasis the statement
Present tense shows the continuity – people will make plot but Allah will make their plot in great waste;
“‫ ”جعل‬to take something and transform it into something else
So Allah let them make their plan, prepare for it, train for it, March forward in their armies for it, then fully execute
it, and then suddenly - Allah transformed it into waste. Like dog thinking he is free to rebel. As he runs really fast,
when he reaches the end- he gets yanked, and chokes - that pain is much worse for him.
Qaid – an attempt to harm someone secretly. Abraha called people to have war of faiths, but the real plot was for
economic benefits. The Qurayesh is not really shocked that all the gods are not real and that there is One God.
They are inside fearful that if people find out about this One God - they will desert the idol worship, and Qurayesh
will lose out financially in selling idols.
They built church which was waste, try to destroy K'aba which was waste; their plan backfire and benefited the
Tanween at the end and making it Mansub creates a shock, terror and exclamation
This is how Allah did it - Multiple groups of different kinds of birds; These birds came from the direction of Yemen
from where Abraha came; each bird carried 3 stones; when one stones hit someone’s head it come out from the
other side, burn the skin and creates infection

“‫ ”علي‬shows the superiority, the domination- Allah showing His domination over them; Allah sent punishment
upon (‫ )علي‬them but He sent the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬to (‫ )الي‬the Qurayesh; both are mercy from Allah upon
4. Striking1 them continuously with a specific target with

stones of hard clay2

5. So he made3 them weak, defenseless like4 an empty

field5 of stalks eaten up6

Tarmee – a present tense is used to describe a past event which shows that it happened continuously – it means
to throw from distance with a specific target
Sange Gil (Sijjeel in arabic) in Farsi refers to pebbles which form on the ground when it rains, the sand clogs up
like mud. Then it is baked with the extreme heat of the sun.
“‫ ”جعل‬to transform something into something else; Allah has made this strong army into like totally weak and
dead empty corn stalks.
It is for our imagination
‘asf – a wind which blows leaves and straws in the air
When cattle eat food, and when it eats a big piece, some part of it comes out of its mouth and flies into the air.
The remains is called 'Asf al Ma’kool. Or something which is supposed to be eaten up, defenseless, like a grass is
defenseless when a cow is going to eat it. and the rhyme ends here which shows that the narrative also end here.
Now in the next surah Allah is going to explain that how it benefitted Arabs.
[‫]سورة الهمزة‬

ِ ‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح‬

‫يم‬ ْ ِ‫ب‬
ُ‫ب أَنَّ َمالَه‬
ُ ‫س‬َ ‫) يَ ْح‬٢( }ُ‫) الَّ ِذي َج َم َع َمااًل َو َع َّد َده‬١( ‫َو ْي ٌل ِل ُك ِّل ُه َم َز ٍة لُ َم َز ٍة‬
‫) نَا ُر‬٥( ُ‫) َو َما أَ ْد َرا َك َما ا ْل ُحطَ َمة‬٤( ‫) َكاَّل لَيُ ْنبَ َذنَّ فِي ا ْل ُحطَ َم ِة‬٣( ُ‫أَ ْخلَ َده‬
)٨( ٌ‫ص َدة‬ َ ‫) إِنَّ َها َعلَ ْي ِه ْم ُم ْؤ‬٧( ‫) الَّتِي تَطَّلِ ُع َعلَى اأْل َ ْفئِ َد ِة‬٦( ُ‫هَّللا ِ ا ْل ُموقَ َدة‬
)٩( ‫فِي َع َم ٍد ُم َم َّد َد ٍ}ة‬

1. Worst kind of indescribable1 destruction to every


scorner3 insults someone behind their backs; do foul gesture

and facial expression and mocker4 who mock someone in

front of his face, harm physically. Destruction for them because the

bullied person face a self destruction and as he is weak Allah is

The tanween is used,
The word is used when someone is extremely frustrated at someone else.
Wayli hasra = Irrevocable regret, So the people who fit the character of being cursed, they will have a regret on the
Day of Judgment, but they cannot return back to mend their errors.
According to Ahaadith wayl is a part of Hell, it is so fearful that even it asks Allah to destroy itself and Allah will put
Haamiz and laamiz in that part of the hell.
Why Allah is so angry?
As the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said that a believer, his money, his blood is more sacred to Allah than the
sanctity of K’aba and we should not think anything but good about him.
To prove the innocence of Aisha RA, Allah sent down Qur'an (which is the greater form of revelation)
To sanctify the K’aba Allah shows the Messenger a dream (which is a lesser form of revelation)
in Ma’un the one who lie against Deen is the one who are bad with people
The taa marbutah at the end shows that these people do this act a lot;
Hamaza – to poke someone with a sharp object
To continuously persist in finding a fault in someone, and then to accuse, expose and humiliate someone.
cursing them on his behalf, even a person who acts like a religious

genius can bully others and fall into one of these categories. So we

should not fall into any of these categories.

2. The one who1 gathered2 wealth3 and count4 it

again and again and make sure that other people count it too.

3. He assumes and calculates5 that his wealth6 will

make him immortal7

This is another group of people who also deserve wayl, as every people criticize a stingy person for his character,
so the stingy person also backbite, insults and bully his criticizer so that they cannot criticize him
Past tense is used to show that he spent his whole life to just gathering wealth (takathur) as a result waste his
valuable time (‘asr)
Another way to read this is Jamma’ which means that they collected these money by any means
Singular is used instead of plural (amwal) – to belittle their wealth; how less their wealth; what a great amount of
wealth they missed (Jannah) while running after this small amount and how temporary it was
The tanween at the end shows that it is not rightfully his money
So when they spent money they feel less in count, it also mean they preserve or prepare it for the catastrophes in
the future which shows their lack of trust in Allah as a result it will not benefit them at all
Hasaba – also used for calculation
In the previous ayah tanween at the end shows that the wealth was not rightfully his wealth, but in this ayah
Allah says that he assumes that this wealth is rightfully his wealth
People have a long term future dream plan to live so they save money and due to his attachment to the wealth
he wants to live forever; some donates some of their corrupted money so that at least their name live forever
They ignored the eternal life in Jannah and ran after this temporary life
This ayah is connected with surah Takathur
It is in past tense which shows that he assumes his wealth already gave him an endless life.
4. No! for sure what they assume is not true, rather he will

surely be thrown1 deep2 into the crusher3 which

crush worthless things as they used to show their false worth.

5. And what will give you the slightest clue of

what al hutama is? You will never4 know what al hutama

really is?

6. The fire of Allah5 which is incomparable and unimaginable

with any other fire kindled, made to blaze by Allah and it

remains endlessly6 that way without any change to it, so imagine

how badly it has been kindled.

Nabadha - throw something away that has no value to you whatsoever. Allah will humiliate them as they used to
humiliate people; they used to humiliate people because of his money but on that day Allah will throw him like a
worthless things with his money (according to another recital – la yunbadhaana) and the people who helped him
(another recital - yunbadhUna)
“‫ ”في‬is used
Hutamah – when plants die and become crusty so when you touch or step on it, it crumbles
Hutamah – crushes the bones and eat the flesh until it reaches to the heart
Hutamah – to twists and bend things out of shape; as they wanted to bend others character
The intention of humazah was to break someone by abusing and oppressing them
Backbiting is worst than eating the flesh of one’s own dead brother; and hutamah will eat your flesh
For humazah and lumazah Allah mentioned hutamah twice and described it
The word maa implying the negative
Like Deen – ul – Allah (Nasr)
Noun has been used instead of verb
7. Which rises1 step by step higher and higher continuously

over hearts2 as their crime humaza and lumaza is in their evil

corrupted hearts. So the hutama (will eat away the flesh, crush the

bones and take the body out of shape to reach the heart), and the

fire will climb up to the heart.

8. Indeed! It closes3 in super tightly only/especially4 on

them as they made other people’s world tight, those people have
no place to go.

9. In towering columns which is stretched to far extreme –

as far as the stretch can go so they can’t cross it over

A mountain climber is called an itatala'a because he climbs step by step higher and higher continuously up the
Fu’ad – literally a piece of flesh surrounded by fire; figuratively a heart surrounded by emotions; in this ayah the
heart is literally surrounded by fire
moosada = high wall so the animals dont escape. Eesaad is also a lid or top you place on top of a pan to keep it
secure and the heat does not escape out of. Mutbaqa is also a lid on a hot pot but mutbaqa doesn’t have door on it
but moosada has door on it; by using moosada Allah is paying them back both physically and mentally as there is a
door but they can’t reach to that
Muta’alliq muqaddam -
[‫]سورة العصر‬

ِ ‫بِس ِْم هَّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر‬

‫َّح ِيم‬
َ ‫) إِاَّل الَّ ِذ‬٢( ‫ْر‬
ِ ‫ين آ َمنُوا َو َع ِملُوا الصَّالِ َحا‬
‫ت‬ ٍ ‫ان لَفِي ُخس‬ َ ‫) إِ َّن اإْل ِ ْن َس‬١( ‫َو ْال َعصْ ِر‬
)٣( ‫صب ِْر‬ َّ ‫اص ْوا بِال‬ َ ‫ق َوتَ َو‬ِّ ‫اص ْوا بِ ْال َح‬
َ ‫َوتَ َو‬

1. By1 the declining day, the flight of time2 reflect on the flow of

Swear represents something which is
1. Sacred
2. Powerful
3. Awe inspiring/ Magnificent
4. Worth attention and think about
5. A proof - especially when others are not believing you;
6. Allah’s anger upon those who are not believing
7. the gist of the statement what is going to comming

We should not criticize time because Allah is the controller of time; ‘Asr – time that is running out, the last prayer
of the day, time when a traveler/ merchant do hurry because the dark night is near
‘Asr - something powerful that cannot be stop and when it pass by it destroy everything - tornado/time; mu'sir -
when the clouds are squeech and rain drips ; when a fruit is squeeched and the fruit is lossing it's juice; when a
father protect his kids from harm by holding it tight - positive perspective - right use of time will protect us from
being losers ; time that already lost and you can't do anything about it but you have a little time to change your
situation so it creates an urgency
2. No doubt about it that1 Time is a proof2 that each and every

single human being3 is emerge/drowning4 in and leading

towards5 indescribable6 loss7

3. Except8 for those who believed9 feel safe, tranquil

through the belief in Allah even in hardship, first they do a few10

In Takathur signifies that don’t be doubtful about the danger; people mentioned in Humazah assumes their
money will give them eternal life, they doubt about the end of time
In Takathur people ran after worthless things and lost valuable time because they think these worthless things
will give them eternal time, they will not lost in time (Humazah)
This warning is for Believer and Disbeliever both; Insaan – people who forget
An-Naas – all mankind (not much fear maybe someone else is in loss)
Al-Insaan – each and every single human being (very fearful as it is for each individual)
Each time Allah mentioned the word Insaan in the Qur’an it has something to do with failure, humiliation or loss
People are leading towards astray by two things according to Ibn tayymiah
1. Shubuhaat – doubts – tawasaw bil haqq get rid of doubts
2. Shahawaat – temptations – tawaswa bil sabr get rid of temptations
Jumlatun Ismiyyah – more emphasis than verb sentence as it is a matter of fact
Khasun – noun form (permanent and powerful than verb form)
Historical places and monuments are the proves they Allah destroy them or make that crowd empty through time
Khurun - deception - people run after things which decieve them which make them lost; lossing something little by
little; oppurtunity that you loss and now you can't do anything but regret about your lost oppurtunity ; those who
are in loss will go alone and those who believe will live together
Means the majorities are in loss but there is a special minority; these people are always swimming upstream and
others are flowing downstream and saying that it is very easy. This exception also gives us hope as there are
chance to change ourselves and to overcome the loss.
when one of these upstream swimmer exhaust another one has to help him and when he will feel exhaust another
one have to help him
next Ayah is the minimal criteria which will help you to avoid loss

Past tense – not those who is alive with imaan but the one who pass away with imaan and only Allah knows
about that; we can’t judge them
Taa marbutah – many good deeds; taa – a few good deeds
good1 deeds with good intention2, and then they urge3

counsel, encourage one another to the truth4, and

urge counsel encourage one another to


Sulah - things that fix them, reform them change them
‘aml – action with good intention
Tawasaw – emotional encouragement; wasiyat – when you are dying so you don’t have much time, you leave
behind good things for your loved ones so that they can get benefit from that and you too after your death;
they encourage/counsel one anothers, concern for one anothers, they work togather to avoid loss serious advice,
their advices are about reality, it is undeniable truth, and it has a purpose,
Sabr is mentioned after Haq; when you have no power you should patient and continue counseling others and get
counsel from others with Haq; when you have power and you chose to be patient you should continue counseling
others and get counsel from others with Haq; something which is tough and bitter and intense is known as sabr;
tough and intense situation which makes you tough; you face the reality and remember your purpose
[‫]سورة التكاثر‬

ِ ‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح‬

‫يم‬ ْ ِ‫ب‬
‫) ثُ َّم‬٣( ‫ون‬ َ ‫ف تَ ْعلَ ُم‬َ ‫س ْو‬ َ ‫) َكاَّل‬٢( ‫) َحتَّى ُز ْرتُ ُم ا ْل َمقَابِ َر‬١( ‫أَ ْل َها ُك ُم التَّ َكاثُ ُر‬
‫) لَتَ َر ُونَّ ا ْل َج ِحي َم‬٥( ‫ين‬ ِ ِ‫ون ِع ْل َم ا ْليَق‬َ ‫) َكاَّل لَ ْو تَ ْعلَ ُم‬٤( ‫ون‬ َ ‫ف تَ ْعلَ ُم‬ َ ‫س ْو‬ َ ‫َكاَّل‬
)٨( ‫يم‬ ِ ‫سأَلُنَّ يَ ْو َمئِ ٍذ َع ِن النَّ ِع‬ْ ُ‫) ثُ َّم لَت‬٧( ‫ين‬ ِ ِ‫) ثُ َّم لَتَ َر ُونَّ َها َع ْي َن ا ْليَق‬٦(

1. Striving for more1 and more already distracted2 you

deluded you from a much more important thing

competing with others in getting a lot
Taking pride in the fact that you have a lot
Alha – Lahwan – Ilha means entertainments; that which keeps you busy and distracts you from what
you should really be doing; you are wasting your time on something which is less important, when you
could be doing something a lot more important.
Distract you from what (‫ – )عن‬Allah let it open for you to figure it out –form of eloquence; limited time;
distracted from Allah, truth, Judgment day
Past tense is used – look at those who passed before you
2. And you will not stop doing so until you meet, hug, visit
the graves prepared for you, visit for a little time1 because
then Allah will resurrect you

3. No, not at all! What your are assuming is not going to happen
what you are earning is not going to benefit you, very soon2
You will come to know3when you go inside the grave
4. No, not at all! What your are assuming is not going to happen
what you are earning is not going to benefit you, then a little bit

later4 you will come to know when you will be


This people think that their money will give them eternal life and they will mixed with the grave so no
consequences for their deeds – Allah is saying that you are just going to meet the grave for a little time then Allah
will raise you again and you will wish that you were dust as you assumed
The Qurayesh used to visit graveyard to count which tribe has more warriors who died for that tribe. That is how
far their wants for more take them
A solution is to visits graves and ponder upon the graves.
( َ‫ – )س‬soon; (‫ – )سوف‬very soon
This one might be about their grave
(‫ – )ثم‬it adds a heaviness/emphasis (tafkheem) to the first ayah as the repetition do; it also means after some/long
5. No not at all! If only1 you knew for certain2 you will
be absolutely convinced

6. most definitely3 You will see Hellfire4, staring of a

hunting hell which has layers of fire

7. More and more You will see it with the eye of

certainty as you closed your ‘Ilm-al-Yaqeen; you used to say
you will not believe it until you see it

8. Then be aware because On that Day, you will definitely5

be asked, interrogated thoroughly about your continuous
pleasures, blessings, and luxuries that you enjoyed. The more
you have the more you will be asked

(‫ – )لو‬expresses regret
Death is something that both Believer and Disbeliever are certain about
3 levels of Yaqeen
1. Ilm-Al-Yaqeen – certainty based on knowledge – seeing smoke signifies fire even if you didn’t see it
2. ‘Ayn-al-Yaqeen – certainty based on seeing – seeing the fire
3. ‘Haq-al-Yaqeen – certainty based on experiencing - feel the heat or burn in the fire
The Qur'an in 1 and 3 but the Disbelievers wants 2
An animal can be convinced with Ayn al Yaqeen [knowledge of Vision], but you were created of a higher level - you
should be convinced by Ilm al yaqeen [Certainty of Knowledge] because of the high Intellect ('aql) Allah has given
3 emphasis – la and two noon’s
Jaheem - Juhm - the stare of a lion when he is about to pounce on his prey. The stare makes the animal
petrified/horrified - so it can't move.
Allah is angry upon these people – 3 emphasis – la and two noon’s
As the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said ” There is none who is questioned/taken to account on Resurrection Day
except [he] is destroyed.”
‫]سورة القارعة[‬

‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِ‬

‫يم‬ ‫بِ ْ‬
‫ا ْلقَا ِر َعةُ (‪َ )١‬ما ا ْلقَا ِر َعةُ (‪َ )٢‬و َما أَ ْد َرا َك َما ا ْلقَا ِر َعةُ (‪ )٣‬يَ ْو َم‬
‫ون ا ْل ِجبَا ُل َكا ْل ِع ْه ِن‬
‫ث (‪َ )٤‬وتَ ُك ُ‬ ‫ش ا ْل َم ْبثُو ِ‬
‫اس َكا ْلفَ َرا ِ‬
‫ون النَّ ُ‬
‫يَ ُك ُ‬
‫ش ٍة‬‫ش (‪ )٥‬فَأ َ َّما َمنْ ثَقُلَتْ َم َوا ِزينُهُ (‪ )٦‬فَ ُه َو فِي ِعي َ‬ ‫ا ْل َم ْنفُو ِ‬
‫اضيَ ٍة (‪َ )٧‬وأَ َّما َمنْ َخفَّتْ َم َوا ِزينُهُ (‪ )٨‬فَأ ُ ُّمهُ َها ِويَةٌ (‪َ )٩‬و َما‬ ‫َر ِ‬
‫أَ ْد َرا َك َما ِهيَ ْه (‪ )١٠‬نَا ٌر َحا ِميَةٌ (‪)١١‬‬
1. The Crashing Blow1! The Harsh sound when things
collide which make people scared

2. What is the Crashing Blow2?

3. What will explain to you what the Crashing
Blow is?3 if Allah didn’t not give you that information through
a messenger

4. Be aware because On a Day when all people4 will be

like scattered5 moths;6 little tiny bugs going around in
different directions and running towards fire.

Qara'a - when two things hit each other violently and make a disturbing noise. If it does not
make you scared or startled - it is not a Qari'ah; a tough situation when a loud noise has taken
your peace away.
It is like that night visitor who you didn't expect to come, and when he (Qari'ah – the one who knocks which makes
you scared) comes upon you suddenly - you will wake up from your sleep in a shocked and startled state.
Allah coins terms (Valorisation) for the arabs. This shows that He has power over the language.
So He makes a word from the arabic language have one meaning, and then He gives it an even deeper meaning
after that through the Qur'an.
There will be 3 blows on horn/trumpet
1. Nafkhat faz’ – terror on the earth and the Believer will be taken away and only the Disbelievers will live
2. Nufikha fa sa’iqa – everything on the earth will die
3. Nufikha fi-soor – everyone will be brought back to the life
wa ma adraaka.. (what WOULD inform you..) - Allah will tell us.
wa ma yudreeka.. (what WILL inform you..) is mentioned - Allah does not tell us.
'Adiyat – before a raid how would you know what is going to happen unless a warner doesn’t come to you and you
believe his message.
Naas – collectively ; Insaan – singularity
It also means division – so then after - they will be divided into two groups; a successful group and a losing group.
people are compared to these moths, because when they fly - they don't move in the same direction (unlike birds
which fly together in the same direction as a flock).
5. and the huge mountains1 will become unstable and weak
like tufts2 of wool
6. the one whose good deeds are heavy3 on the
7. he is already living in a pleasant5 luxurious life6
8.and the one whose good deeds are light7 on
the scales

In this world there are two ways to value something – based on what other people say have value (paper money,
honor in society) or based on other materials (gold) – on the Judgment day people will lose their weight and
become scattered moths and the material mountain will lose its stability and weight and become like wools
This fits into the theme of Al Qari'ah - when things strike/slam against each other.
So the Mountains move on this Day and collide with each other - causing them to be like mixed wools of different
(mountain) colours.
In the old times - people would beat/strike wool aggressively (like a Qari'ah) to flatten it out for clothing.
This could also be the result of Zilzal.
In the previous ayah mountains will become light and some people’s deeds will become heavy; in Zilzal they will
see their deed even if it is an atom to huge mountains of deeds but on the scales those mountains will weighed
based on intension and those atom will weighed heavy and those mountains could weighed like atom.
Plural of either meezan – scales or mawzoon (ism maf’ool) – what is going to be weighed
Radiyaan - a human life which is always satisfied, pleased and full of pleasure and joy. Life full of luxury is not
necessary a peaceful life
'aysh - have a life with no worry of food or shelter. A life with luxury
(the ayah stops, so you pause and think deeply about such a person).
9. his mother is the Bottomless Pit1 who will hug him
tightly and not let him go as he falls deep in it

10. What will explain to you what she is2?

11. A blazing fire3.

hawiyah - huwwa - to fall into a steep Canion. I.e. A predator bird like a hawk - dives at full speed to catch its prey
at the bottom of a valley.
This diving is faster than just falling, because it uses its muscle and wing strength (other than
just gravity) - to dive to the bottom.
Arabic idiom
huwat ummuhu - his mother fell off a cliff and dived into a deep cannion (and died). That's how
depressed this person looks.
Allah twisted the idiom and gave it a deeper meaning
Ummuhu hawiyah; His mother is the deep cannion in hell. A child runs towards his mother.
A mother wraps herself around her child, to protect it, and she doesn't let it go. And when the
mother is carrying the baby in pregnancy, the baby is protected inside of her and it cannot
come out of her.
The person is trapped in this mother of a hell, who holds him tightly, who does not let him
escape her grip.
hiyyaH (the H at the end is for at-Tahweel - to magnify and to scare an audience) - the H at the
end makes you 'breathe' the word heavily from your chest when reciting it.
hamiyah- intense, very, very hot and enflamed and it is the explanation of hawiyah; An
adjective of fire, coming from himma - intensity of flame and fire.
A fire that prevents any good comes to you
A fire that demolish any valuable thing and that thing loses its value and weight
‫]سورة العاديات[‬

‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِ‬

‫يم‬ ‫بِ ْ‬
‫ص ْب ًحا (‪ )٣‬فَأَثَ ْر َن بِ ِه‬
‫ت ُ‬ ‫يرا ِ‬ ‫ت قَد ًْحا (‪ )٢‬فَا ْل ُم ِغ َ‬ ‫ض ْب ًحا (‪ )١‬فَا ْل ُمو ِريَا ِ‬ ‫ت َ‬ ‫َوا ْل َعا ِديَا ِ‬
‫ان لِ َربِّ ِه لَ َكنُو ٌد (‪َ )٦‬وإِنَّهُ َعلَى َذلِكَ‬ ‫س َ‬ ‫س ْط َن بِ ِه َج ْم ًعا (‪  )٥‬إِنَّ اإْل ِ ْن َ‬ ‫نَ ْق ًعا (‪ )٤‬فَ َو َ‬
‫ش ِدي ٌد (‪)٨‬أَفَاَل يَ ْعلَ ُم إِ َذا بُ ْعثِ َر َما فِي ا ْلقُبُو ِر (‪)٩‬‬ ‫ش ِهي ٌد (‪َ )٧‬وإِنَّهُ لِ ُح ِّب ا ْل َخ ْي ِر لَ َ‬ ‫لَ َ‬
‫الصدُو ِر (‪ )١٠‬إِنَّ َربَّ ُه ْم بِ ِه ْم يَ ْو َمئِ ٍذ لَ َخبِي ٌر (‪)١١‬‬ ‫ص َل َما فِي ُّ‬ ‫َو ُح ِّ‬
1. Allah is swearing By1 the few charging steeds/warhorses2
that pant3 but ran super fast with animosity against the
enemy.4 And these are the proves that human being is ungrateful to
his Master.

2. They ran so fast that Strike5 sparks with their hooves6

which left burn marks on the rock

3. And the raiders who bravely make dawn7 raids8,

coming from sunrising side and can easily be seen but they fear

Swear for
1. Serious statement
2. Anger
3. Grab attention
4. Using something as a proof for the latter statement (in this case the ungratefulness of human being)
Ism fa’il - finally getting to do what it was made to do. These horses are designed to be used in battle.
Dhabhan – Ha sound at the end shows panting in its aggression towards enemy. This word usually used to use for
wolf. These horses are running like wolves runs towards its prey.
Deep breath
when an arrow leave the bow and make a fast sound – they run/ breath fast like a fast arrow
(‫ – )عدو‬enemy and (‫ – )عاديات‬to have animosity; this is a Jam’u qilla less than 10 horses is racing in a group pack.
This is the First brave wave of an army.
Female warhorses as these were preferred by the Arabs because they are quicker and more agile
Every hoof strike is violent and loud; like every incident on Judgment day will creat Qari'ah.
This war horse has metal hoofs which strike against rocks, causing sparks to fly - in effect they're almost leaving a
trail of fire behind them as they speed ahead!
Idiom- Qadhun la euri – spark that couldn’t turn into flame; two people met but nothing happen between them
Allah is reverseing it and said muriyati qadha – sparks almost turn into fire and they left burn marks on the rock
subh - you want the enemy to know your presence by coming in the morning. Just like the wolf doesn’t fear to
hunt his prey in the open.
These horses are coming from where the sun rises which side is more visible
They are coming down so they can easily being seen but they are not hesitating rather they speed up
Morning is time for divine Judgment day all over the Qur'an and they will be held in the morning
They have reached right on top of the enemy, ready to pounce and attack. it literally depicts the image of the
rider of the horse, as well as the horse - literally hovering over the enemy i.e. He has a spear in his hand - pointing
it down at the enemy. Also implies to attack an enemy, rob them secretly, or pillage and kill.
4. Quickly those trained horses raised1 a cloud2 of dust3 and
that cloud cover everything even in the morning time when dust
are wet

5. and directly penetrate into the midst of the gatherings

of the enemy altogether4,
6.Certainly Man particularly to his Lord is
extremely ungrateful5 to the favors that Allah bestowed
upon them, and they are useless, good for nothing opposite of these
horses, rather man cut himself from Allah.

Transition from nouns to verb implying actions have intensified
Noun – event that take some time to happen
Verb – event that happen quickly
fa atharNA (Noon an-niswa) - FEMININE plural - they, the horses (aadiyAAT) cause – Athar (to rise).
The word bihi could refer either the place is becomes covered with dust and nothing could be seen or the dust
itself- although it is the early morning time and the dust are wet but the battle is so intense that even those wet
dust are flying
Naq'a = when something moves fast and a trail of dust is left behind in the air.
Naq' = to elevate your voice. This is linguistically connected because when dust is everywhere and you can't be
seen, you raise your voice so you're presence is shown.
When the enemy saw them coming they become prepared and these fierce fighters uses their horses to create a
cloud of dust and they stayed together and directly penetrate in to the middle of the enemy (wasatna)
These horses would be the first to get hurt in battle by spears, yet it is still stay loyal by staying firm in battle for
its master, without running away - even till death.
The listener just a few seconds ago was imagining himself riding the war horse and how loyal she was to him. Then
suddenly he is given a wakeup call - YOU are the slave, and you have a Master, to whom you are not loyal to at all.
Kanood - similar to Kafoor - ungrateful to the favours. It also means to separate, disassociate. I.e. The human
disassociates himself from his Master. The horse did not.
The Kanood character mentions the problems in his life but is never thankful or mentioning of favours.
Al-ardul kanood – a land which doesn’t produce anything
When it comes to the matter of god human becomes of no use
You cut yourself from Allah; Allah become missing from your life for some time again and again
7. and He is witness1 to this again and again and again;
man is the biggest proof against himself

8. Definitely, He is truly excessive in his love2 of

good amount of wealth3 (brands).

9. Does he not know that when the resurrected body, the

secretes whatever is inside the graves will be
burst forth4, as Allah will sent His angels to bring those
criminals to the justice

10. when the secrets, love (greed) for wealth/honor or

whatever is inside the hearts5 will be

Shaahid - ism faa'il - happening at one time.
Shaheed - witnessing all the time. Man is a witness that he is ungrateful to Allah all the time. So man is the biggest
proof against himself. This is why human body parts will witness on the Judgment day against him. Shadeed -
ashadda - to tie a rope. I.e. Tied strongly to something. Man is in strongly tied in his pursuit of wealth.
1 - you think its good for you. 2 - you do whatever you can to get it.
al Khayr is referring to wealth, but it really means 'good'. So his love of 'good [things]' is truly intense. This surah
depicts their greed for good quality (like those horses) and Surah Takathur depicts their greed for quantity
(katheer). Khayr is not used for money until it is a lot of money. You always run after better goods.
Bu'thira - ba'thara - when you pull something out i.e. out of a box which contained a lot of other things too. When
the bandits and robbers and murderers and war criminals kill someone - they cover them in the earth so they are
hidden from the public or passersby or human rights groups. So Allah is saying that everything and everyone in
the graves will be taken out (in court) on that Day, all will be revealed.
Bu’thira – raiders (angels/Judgment day) will be raid; they will bring them out from the grave at the time of wake
up (Subh), there will be dust (Naq’an) everywhere
As the raiders raid that village they will dug to find out the treasure they did bu’thira but they don’t know
where to find out but Allah knows (khabeer) very well where they were graved.
‘adi who go out on king’s command to capture criminal and bring him to the justice. On Judgment day the angels
will go out to buthira pick up the criminals and bring them to the justice. And Allah is khabeer about them.
hussila - tahseel - peel something to reveal whats inside ie. a Banana peel removed to get the banana fruit. what
is on the outside will be peeled away to show the inside of the hearts.
uncovered, peeled away on that Day, what is on outside will

be peeled on to show secrets of inside the heart.

11. Be aware as for sure on that day their Lord

especially1 in regards to them all is fully aware?
As they believe that no one is aware of their crime outside and

The chest where the love (greed/secrect crime) reside so when their chest will be open the love for wealth will
come out this is the treasure of their chest – no secret wil stay secret on that day
Bihim muqaddam
[‫]سورة الزلزلة‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

‫سنُ َما‬ َ ٰ ‫ َوقَا َل ٱإۡل ِ ن‬٢ ‫ض أَ ۡثقَالَ َها‬ُ ‫ت ٱأۡل َ ۡر‬ ِ ‫ َوأَ ۡخ َر َج‬١ ‫ض ِز ۡل َزالَ َها‬ ُ ‫ت ٱأۡل َ ۡر‬ ِ َ‫إِ َذا ُز ۡل ِزل‬
ُ َّ‫ص ُد ُر ٱلن‬
‫اس‬ ۡ َ‫ يَ ۡو َمئِ ٖذ ي‬٥ ‫ بِأَنَّ َربَّكَ أَ ۡو َح ٰى لَ َها‬٤ ‫ار َها‬ َ َ‫ِّث أَ ۡخب‬
ُ ‫ يَ ۡو َمئِ ٖذ تُ َحد‬٣ ‫لَ َها‬
‫ َو َمن يَ ۡع َملۡ ِم ۡثقَا َل‬٧ ُ‫ فَ َمن يَ ۡع َملۡ ِم ۡثقَا َل َذ َّر ٍة َخ ۡي ٗرا يَ َر ۥه‬٦ ۡ‫أَ ۡشت َٗاتا لِّيُ َر ۡو ْا أَ ۡع ٰ َملَ ُهم‬
٨ ُ‫ش ٗ ّرا يَ َر ۥه‬ َ ‫َذ َّر ٖة‬

1. When for sure it will happen that1 the whole earth is easily
being shaken2 violently Objects are continuously3 falling and

slipping due to instability4 in its5 last hard-quaking6no

shaking after it as its purpose is complete.

By saying idhaa ( ‫) إِ َذا‬, Allah has made Judgement Day a reality because He is saying 'When it happens (for sure in
the future)'.
He didn't mention Himself shaking the earth. WhenPassive tense is used in arabic, it implies that its easy to do
that without much effort from the doer. "it will get done" implies its easy to do. Wheras "i will do it" implies 'it will
take me some effort'.
Zalzalah – taqrar in tounge so taqrar in meaning – i.e. something is happening continuously
Four root letter Zalzalah comes from 3 root letter (‫ )زلل‬zalla – to slip and Zalzalah – earthquake; the earth will
shake and pause then shake and pause and shake again like the language suggested
ZulZilaTil-ardu ZilZalaha
The'ha' ( ‫ ) هَا‬at the end of zilzalaha [meaning 'her'] refers the whole issue back to the Earth which we find our
safety and refuge in. By referring to the earthquake as a specific one that shakes her violently [the earth], its
uncomparable to any other earthquake ever before it. the'ha' (her) implies that this Earth was made with that
exact job in mind, for the purpose of; shaking violently when Allah gave it permission to do so in preparation for a
Judgment Day.
This conclusion is based on the rule of Maf'ul Mutlaq: ie. Darabtahu Darban is a phrase meaning "i hit him",
literally it would be translated as "i hit him with a hit" = I hit him really really hard. This is maf'ul mutlaq. This is the
technique used in this verse; Idhaa zulzilatil 'ardu zilzalaha [When the earth shakes with its heavy shaking]. An
INCREDIBLE Earthquake (more than a normal one).
2. when the earth throws out its burdens1 its
treasures, its secrets that were hidden inside it for thousands of
years, it will come out and the earth will be released

3. when man2who forget every reminder about this day will cry
out, ‘What is wrong with it?’;
4. be aware because on that Day3, it will inform4 its
news5 about its past; what happened on it, what happened with

When you Travel and you carry things = thiql. The Thiql (burden) you carry, you drop and release it after your
journey is complete. The Earth is also on a journey, and near its end it will drop and release its burden [iThQaLaha].
The earth will throw out it’s treasure hidden inside for which humans did tremendous struggle but on that day
everyone will know that it’s useless and only pleasure comes from Allah.
Insan comes from Nasiya, which means to be forgetful. Thats why Man will be so shocked this day, that he will
forget all the reminders he recieved in this life about such a day and still ask what is wrong with her? This question
will raise when the earth is shaking or when the earth realesed its burden
This is a phrase used as a warning, showing Allah's anger at the rejectors.
tu HaDiThu - from hadatha = to make someone aware of something. HaDooTh - to make something come into
existance which wasnt there before. HaDaTha/HaDeeTh = to say something new which the people havn't heard
before. It can also mean to re-say something which the people forgot. Or to say something in full detail with the
assumption that the hearer is not aware of such information. The Earth on this day will tuHaDiThu (inform and also
remind the forgetful in full detail) akhbaraha (its news[about the deeds the people did in this life]). The
information it gives us will shock us, as if we are hearing such information for the first time. This is why the word
"Hadeeth" is used in preference to other words.
Naba' = something you could never have known without someone telling you. This is why Allah's Prophets are
called Nabi (plural: Anbiyaa). They tell info. like what will happen on Judgment Day in detail, and we could not
know of this information alone.
- Naba' can be news of either past, present or future.
- Something you CAN'T expect. (ie. In Surah Naba' [78:17-40]; trumpet blown causing total destruction, the skies
[sama'] open up like doors,

Khabr = news you could figure out yourself.

- Khabr can only be used for the present or the past, but not the future.
- something you CAN expect. (ie. earthquakes, the records which show details of our own actions and deeds
So Khabr is more accurate and relevant than Naba'.
The irony is that tuHaDiThu is for something new to us, and khabr is for past/present tense. So humans are being
informed about their own past, with a new shocking statement which ironically surprises them (when it really
shouldnt since its their own past history!).
it, what is the purpose of its creation - in full details which man
have forgot.

5. because Ya Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬your1 Lord has inspired2

for3 it gave it permission to do so.
6. Be aware because On that Day, people will come
back4 after spend some time on earth and in grave, they will
come forward in different groups5 to be6 shown
their deeds7 that they did with certain intentions

2nd person is used shows Taqreeb - closeness of Allah to His Messenger, showing that His Messenger is safe on
that Day from all these calamities because his Master is the owner of that disastrous day.
Everything in the surah before was 3rd person (tab'eed - a distanced perspective) to show
that He is angry with the disbelievers, so He hasnt spoken to them directly.
wahy - eeyha = to hint something at someone secretly. The hinter and the one being hinted at - both know
exactly what is being meant when wahy is being used.
Wahy – refers to wisdom/knowledge which is inspired
Ilham – refers to action which is inspired
Hamazat and waswasa are the insipiration/suggestion/whisper of Shaytaan
Awha LA HA [inspired for her.] Not; (Awha ilayha [inspired to her]):
which signifies that Allah has given the Earth permission to speak FOR herself, because the Earth had always
wanted to complain due to the oppression done on it for so long, and now - on this Day - she has been given the
permission to do so. The Earth has always wanted to quake, to speak, to complain, and after such long patience
has been given permission from Allah to do so.
yaSDuR - SiDR [meaning 'chest'] - Saadir = one who moves on i.e. 'to move onwards' i.e. someone who left home,
got water from a well (ie. did only a little) and moved on to come back home straightaway. Simply; someone who
leaves home and soon comes back. Someone who goes from one place to another and soon goes back again. (the
same way the Saadir returns back home after his little exit, and the Saadir human leaves the world he did his deeds
in - to the temporary grave - returning back to the Earth on Judgment Day once again.]
Ashtata- shatta = if something is one piece, and it becomes broken into different pieces. In this surah, Allah
mentions that on that Day, mankind will be divided into groups [ashtata] - fulfilliling what was mentioned of
mankind being split up in this world too, based on your beliefs, as well as your good etc. in Bayyinah (worst and
best of the mankind)
Li = [in this context it implies; So] (hafdh 'ajl - gives purpose) [But really Li should be translated as 'for'].
Fi'l = an action you do, even without thinking about it. Ie. Breathing. Seeing, hearing, blinking etc.
'Aml = an action you do with intent/with conscience. Ie. Your intended actions/deeds; Eating, Seeing with focused
intent, hearing with focused intent, reading etc.
7. In conclusion whoever, anyone who has done even an
atom’s1-weight2 of good3 will see4 it, and this is a
mercy for him.

8. And whoever, anyone who has done an atom’s-

weight of evil5 will see it, and this is the justice for him

Dharra - smallest thing imaginable. To the arabs, the smallest thing imaginable was the ant's egg, and they called
it dharra. We might describe dharra as an atom or speck in the English language. Dharra - the light dust you see
floating in the air when the sun is shining – through the window - on a sunny day. Each of these dust particles is a
dharra. This signifies the smallest and most lightest imaginable thing being a dharra of good or evil which will be
seen on that Day. The smaller something is, the lighter it is in weight, and the smallest speck may seem worthless,
but on that Day there will be full justice on big and the smallest of matters.
It is used to measure something against another. I.e. weights on one side of a scale to measure against other
products i.e. rice, sugar etc. The weights are miThQaaL, but the word is used to describe the concept of 'weighing
one thing against another', more than the actual weight itself.
From the Sarf [Linguistic Morphology] point of view, Mithqaal is an Ism Aala [= Physical Tool].
Any word in arabic which starts with a Mi and has a an Alif (an 'aa' sound) within it, it is a physical Tool that people
use. Ie. Mithqaal (measuring weight),Mathaqeel [plural for mithqal]. Miftaah (key). Meezaan (weighing scale) etc.
Khayr in Arabic means a good, which does not even require explanation to attest to its goodness. It is known to
be good in of itself without explanation.
Ru'ya - something seen literally and figuratively.
Sharran in arabic means an evil which doesnt even require explanation to attest to its evil. It is known to be evil in
of itself without explanation, even the criminal will know that he is doing an evil [Sharr] himself without anyone
telling him that what he is doing is evil. Sharr - sharaara = spark of fire - something universally accepted as evil due
to its harm.
‫]سورة البينة[‬

‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح ِ‬

‫ين َحتَّ ٰى ت َۡأتِيَ ُه ُم‬ ‫ين ُمنفَ ِّك َ‬ ‫ب َو ۡٱل ُم ۡش ِر ِك َ‬ ‫ين َكفَ ُرو ْا ِم ۡن أَ ۡه ِل ۡٱل ِك ٰتَ ِ‬ ‫لَمۡ يَ ُك ِن ٱلَّ ِذ َ‬
‫ص ُح ٗفا ُّمطَ َّه َر ٗ}ة ‪ ٢‬فِي َها ُكتُ ‪ٞ‬ب قَيِّ َم ‪ٞ‬ة ‪َ ٣‬و َما‬ ‫ول ِّم َن ٱهَّلل ِ يَ ۡتلُو ْا ُ‬ ‫س ‪ٞ‬‬ ‫ۡٱلبَيِّنَةُ ‪َ ١‬ر ُ‬
‫ب إِاَّل ِم ۢن بَ ۡع ِد َما َجٓا َء ۡت ُه ُم ۡٱلبَيِّنَةُ ‪َ ٤‬و َمٓا أُ ِم ُر ٓو ْا إِاَّل‬ ‫ين أُوتُو ْا ۡٱل ِك ٰتَ َ‬ ‫تَفَ َّر َ‬
‫ق ٱلَّ ِذ َ‬
‫صلَ ٰوةَ َويُ ۡؤتُو ْا ٱل َّز َك ٰو ۚةَ‬ ‫ِّين ُحنَفَٓا َء َويُقِي ُمو ْا ٱل َّ‬ ‫ين لَهُ ٱلد َ‬ ‫ص َ‬ ‫لِيَ ۡعبُدُو ْا ٱهَّلل َ ُم ۡخلِ ِ‬
‫ين فِي‬ ‫ب َو ۡٱل ُم ۡش ِر ِك َ‬ ‫ين َكفَ ُرو ْا ِم ۡن أَ ۡه ِل ۡٱل ِك ٰتَ ِ‬ ‫َو ٰ َذلِ َك ِدينُ ۡٱلقَيِّ َم ِة ‪ ٥‬إِنَّ ٱلَّ ِذ َ‬
‫ين َءا َمنُو ْا‬ ‫ين فِي َه ۚٓا أُ ْو ٰلَئِ َك هُمۡ ش َُّر ۡٱلبَ ِريَّ ِة ‪ ٦‬إِنَّ ٱلَّ ِذ َ‬ ‫نَا ِر َج َهنَّ َم ٰ َخلِ ِد َ‬
‫ٰ‬ ‫ٓ‬
‫ت أُ ْو ٰلَئِ َك هُمۡ َخ ۡي ُر ۡٱلبَ ِريَّ ِة ‪َ 1٧‬ج َزٓا ُؤهُمۡ ِعندَ َربِّ ِهمۡ َجنَّتُ‬ ‫صلِ ٰ َح ِ‬‫َو َع ِملُو ْا ٱل ٰ َّ‬
‫ض َي ٱهَّلل ُ َع ۡن ُهمۡ‬ ‫ين فِي َهٓا أَبَدٗ ۖا َّر ِ‬ ‫َع ۡد ٖن ت َۡج ِري ِمن ت َۡحتِ َها ٱأۡل َ ۡن ٰ َه ُر ٰ َخلِ ِد َ‬
‫ش َي َربَّ ۥهُ ‪٨‬‬ ‫ضو ْا َع ۡن ۚهُ َذلِ َك لِ َم ۡن َخ ِ‬ ‫َو َر ُ‬
‫‪Surah Zalzalah has opposite sequence Khayr first and then Sharr‬‬
1. Those who bury the truth inside the heart i.e. disbelieve1
among the People of the Book2 and the
idolaters3 were not about to change their
ways4 until they were sent clear evidence5
which clearly separate truth from false

kafara ‫ َك َفر‬- bury seed in dark/underground.
They mentioned first because they have more knowledge about revelation. Their honor that they earned from
the knowledge of scriptures will dissapeare if they accept this and they have to listen what the Messenger
‫ ﷺ‬will command
The hinder for the musrikun to accept Islam was their culture. They were not ready to leave the way of their
father which gave them honor
Munfakkena- to stop doing somehting
1 - Cut ones-self off a way.
2 - Discontinue doing something.
Before Islam, in mekkah followers of different religion used to live together, everyone was minding their own
business and religion for them was a showoff which tied them with certain tribe or country. But when Islam came
it demolished all the tribal connection with religion and religion become something which tie humanity. Believer
and Disbeliever started to separate from one another and people within the jews and Christian and polytheist are
divided into two groups those who follow Islam and those who disbelieve Islam. They accused the Messenger
‫ ﷺ‬that he separated people from their tribe, families and this surah is a confirmation that this
separation has to be because Allah sent down powerful clear eveidence with a powerful Messenger
‫ ﷺ‬so Islam is separeated from other religion and some of the people of the book and polytheist
change their way when they get Bayyinah and a lot of them didn’t. being a muslim is the first identity and other
things are secondary.
Bayyinah - baana - yabeenu - to put distance between two things [literally]. So the Bayyinah came to clearly
separate 2 groups from each other; believers from disbelievers.
2. What is a Bayyinah? The Bayyinah is A mighty messenger1
from Allah, reading out2 pages which are blessed with
purity3, both of them are Bayyinah together.
3. Containing upright4 scriptures5 and law which is not
crooked and keeps other on the straight way

4. Yet those who were given6 the Scripture who

had knowledge but didn’t follow it became divided7 only
after they were sent such clear evidence
5. And they were not commanded except to
worship8 Allah alone, sincerely devoting their
Rasoolun(with tanween) - mufeed-ul-Azma - Magnificent, awesome - Messenger from
Allah. He ‫ ﷺ‬is a clear evidence (Bayyinah) from Allah. He is the practical implication of this religion
Bayyinah is - the Messenger and the Message.
So humbling yourself before a Messenger requires true sincerety and to overpower your ego. Since obeying a man
in all matters is really hard for the ego. And only the sincere ones can achieve this.
This is religion in theory – another Bayyinah from Allah . yatloo - tilawa = to Read at someone, and also means to
Follow (since a reader follows the lines on a page).
The Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬being illiterate is reciting something which cannot come from a human being. The
character of the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬and the purity of the Qur'an become unstoppable for the people of
the book and polytheist and as a result muslim has to be separate from Disbeliever.
Qayyimah - qaama - keep firm, upright, that stands straight. If something was crooked, it is straightened to
upright too.
Kutubbun - can refer to writings[i.e. a book is called Kitab], and can also refer to (hukm) - laws of Allah.
When Allah refers to those who are - Oowtul kitaab[Those given the book], it usually has a negative context.
However, whenever Allah says; aatayna hum al kitab - those who We gave the book. This is usually in a Positive
context and will have positive statements next to it., This is because all good is attributed to Allah, and evil is
distanced from Him.
By dividing into sects - people are going from light to darkness by dividing into sects, whereas guidance should
really unite you, taking you out of darkness into the light. You moved into this darkness even though you had the
knowledge. This is such a dangerous path to tread on to.
The word 'abada (ya'bud) - 'abd = Slave. The opposite/antonym of 'abd (slave) in arabic is a Rabb (Master).
religion only for His sake1 as people of true
faith2, and to establish the prayer which is worship
of Allah alone, and to pay the prescribed alms3
which is for the sake of Allah helping needy people, for that is
the upright4 religion.
6. Those who disbelieve and want to stay in disbelief
among the People of the Book and the
idolaters will have the Fire of Hell which is a
torture chamber, there to remain permanently. They

The antonym for 'aabid (worshipper) in arabic is Illah (god). Both are applied when when Allah is implying in a
nominal form. The Slave is fulltime in his slavery, whereas a worshipper is worshipping for a specific time.
Ibn Taymiyyah said your Slavery to Allah consists of 5 factors :
1- Love
2- Obedience
3- Sincerety
4- absolute trust (tawakkul) in Him.
5- the terms of slavery; are dictated by Allah. The rules and standards come from Allah
alone, which you have to follow.
(since usually the phrase could be; deena Lahu [for Him], but that would not specify that it is for Him Alone.)
hunafaa - hanaf; to incline away from misguidance, to being upright and committed without being distracted by
others (istiqamah in that path). Janaf - the opposite of hanaf. Incline towards deviation, walking away from the
straight path.
Hanif – who focused only to something; in this case only focus to Allah.
Earn pure money and spend some of them for the welfare of the society and needy people – this is a social action
which will make someone more close to Allah.
Moving from Ikhlas/Sincerety toIqaamah - Establishment. Since sincerety brings about firm results and Allah
rewards sincerety for His sake with establishment.
This is the original commanded upon Ibrahim and upon both Ishmael and Ishhaq
are the worst of creation5. Because Allah gave them the
Bayyinah and they rejected it.

7. Indeed!1 Those who believe in message and messenger

and do good deeds as the message and the messenger
commanded are the best of creation because Allah gave
them the Bayyinah and they accepted it.

8.Their special reward is especially with their Lord

which is everlasting Gardens graced with
flowing streams, where they will stay forever2.
Allah is well pleased3 with them and they are
also pleased with Him. All that is for those
whoever in awe4 of their Lord.

bara'a[to bring something into existence]
By Allah sayying "Ina" - he is removing any type of doubt the listener might have about this statement.
Some scholars (including Ibn Taymiyyah) had a rare opinion that hellfire won't remain forever because abadan is
mentioned for Jannah [Paradise] but not for hell. The Majority of the scholars however differed, they had the view
that abadan has been mentioned for hellfire in other aayaat in the Qur'an like surah ahzab 33:65.
They said that sometimes Allah describes hellfire more, and Jannah less .Sometimes He mentions Jannah more and
hellfire less. When they are in equal proportions - both are mentioned as abadan. In this surah - more description
is given for the people of Jannah - so the description of abadan [forever] is extra detail for the people of Jannah to
increase them in desire for Paradise more.
Aardda – total satisfaction and totally pleased
Khashiya – fear someone greater then yourself
[‫]سورة القدر‬

ِ ‫بِ ۡس ِم ٱهَّلل ِ ٱل َّر ۡح ٰ َم ِن ٱل َّر ِح‬

‫ر‬ٞ ‫ لَ ۡيلَةُ ۡٱلقَ ۡد ِر َخ ۡي‬٢ ‫ َو َمٓا أَ ۡد َر ٰى َك َما لَ ۡيلَةُ ۡٱلقَ ۡد ِر‬١ ‫إِنَّٓا أَن َز ۡل ٰنَهُ فِي لَ ۡيلَ ِة ۡٱلقَ ۡد ِر‬
٤ ‫وح فِي َها ِبإِ ۡذ ِن َربِّ ِهم ِّمن ُك ِّل أَمۡ ٖر‬ ُ ‫ٱلر‬ ُّ ‫ تَنَ َّز ُل ۡٱل َم ٰلَئِ َكةُ َو‬٣ ‫ف ش َۡه ٖر‬ ِ ‫ِّم ۡن أَ ۡل‬
٥ ‫س ٰلَ ٌم ِه َي َحتَّ ٰى َم ۡطلَ ِع ۡٱلفَ ۡج ِر‬ َ

1. We1 sent2 it3 down on the Night4 of Glory5.

2. What6 will explain to you what that Night of Glory 7 is?
Nahnu was used in semitic languages to show power and strength. There are Two instances of when Ana - I, is
mentioned; Either when Allah is extremely angry, or when He is extremely merciful.
Ana - I, is informal speech. This makes it more; Personalised, closer to the slave.
anzala - (af'ala) sent down AT ONE TIME –the Torah and The Gospel
naz-zala - (fa'al-la) - sent down gradually – the Qur'an (Surah ale imran ayah 3)
"Allah sent the Qur'an down all at one time from the Preserved Tablet to the House of Might (Bayt al-'Izzah), which
is in the heaven of this world. Then it came down in parts to the Messenger of Allah based upon the incidents that
occurred over a period of twenty-three years.''
the “it” here is obvious which is Qur'an so not mentioning it is an eloquence
ash-Sha'rawi: This night was noble and majestic and dignified before the Qur'an was revealed, and when the
Qur'an was revealed - it increased in its majesticness.
Qadr means Estimation and Determination.
Allah knows everything, so He informs His angels what He has decreed for the people for this upcoming year.
Qadr - nobility/honor/dignity - because of the Night's Dignity.
Qadr - to Appreciate - in this Night those who obey Allah, Allah really Appreciates it. He counts this night as more
than 1000 months.
Qadr - constriction / congestion / to be stuck in something. [see al Fajr 89:16] It's called this because SO many
angels are sent down to the Earth on this Night, that the Earth is filled and congested / packed with angels on this
Maa - at-ta'ajjub (to surprise you and give you awe).
Ibn Abbas had the opinion it is 23rd (based on his ijtihad/research). In a later opinion he had the opinion was
27th. The most often mentioned opinion by the scholars is the 27th.
It's interesting how when ibn Abbas explained his view of the 27th to Umar ibn al Khattab, he said;
Laylatul Qadr has 9 letters. [Lam, Ya, Lam, Ta (marboota). Alif, Lam. Qaf, Daal, Ra. = 9 Letters] And Laylatul Qadr is
mentioned 3 times in this surah. 9 x 3 = 27. So he had the opinion that it the Night of Qadr is on the 27th of
Ramadan. This method is not taken as a daleel/proof, but it is interesting how he formed this opinion.
3. The Night of Glory1 is better than a thousand months2
4. on that night the angels and the Spirit3 descend4 again and again
with their Lord’s permission5 on6 every task;

He also had this view because;

This surah has 30 words in it (like 30 days in a month). But the 27th word is ‫ ِه َي‬hiyya [meaning 'it']. [in Ayah 5]
He then says that Hiyya/it - implies that this word is the 27th word out of the 30, the same way the 27th night is
the night of Qadr out of the 30 nights.
The safest position to have is that it falls in one of the odd nights and we don't know which one.
By Allah repeating the words 'Night of Qadr' again in the 2nd ayah, it shows the Night's strong
Then for Allah to repeat the words; 'Night of Qadr' (Laylatul Qadr) in the 3rd ayah again, shows
how extremely important and majestic this Night is in the sight of Allah.
By not mentioning the exact night of Qadr Allah did mercy upon us. As now we will seek that
night and overcome the laziness of praying only one night in a year and also if we missed one
night possibilities are that another night will be the night of Qadr and also we get saved from a
severe blame if there was only one night and we missed that
The surah began with; What will give you a clue what the Night of Qadr is?
It is a night that has amazing rewards and extreme Mercy from Allah.
By Allah saying 1000 months = He means all time.
1000 months meant hyperbolised, i.e. Better than Forever.
During the time of Allah's Messenger,The Arabs would say; "I will be your friend for 1000
months" = meaning, 'I will be your friend, always.'
So this could ayah could mean that The Night of Qadr is better than all times.
So an infinity context is being implied.
83 years is almost like a life so this night is more blessed then praying the entire life of
The mala'ikah [angels] And ar-Ruh (the spirit - Jibreel/Gabriel). By Ijma' (consensus) - the
Muslim scholars all agree that ar-Ruh is Angel Jibreel.
Mala'ikah and Ruh (Jibreel) is repeatedly mentioned in the Qur'an, with the angels [mala'ikah]
being mentioned first - then the Ruh.
We see that in surah Naba' - Allah describes the Jibreel/ar-Ruh standing/yaqoom with the
angels. The angels are not moving, so ar-Ruh/Jibreel is mentioned first.
In this surah - there is movement of the angels descending, so the Mala'ikah/angels are
mentioned first, and then the Ruh/Jibreel is also descending with them.
Who brings the Qur'an down? The Noble Angel Jibreel. So on this Night, this Angel - who
revealed the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad - descends every year in our world with other
angels. What an honour.
He repeats his Sunnah every year, of coming down on the day the Qur'an was first revealed.
..bi idhni Rabihim..
5. [there is] peace1 that night until2 the break of dawn.

by the permission of their Master.

Tanazzalu could be used instead of tatanazzalu but the latter one is more in meaning then the former one
In [41:30] Allah uses tatanazzalu and here Allah uses tanazzalu
In the Surah Fussilat, more angels are coming down at the time of death. How often does death
happen? Everyday, all the time - people are dying, so many angels are always coming to take
the peoples' soul away. [So 2 Ta's are mentioned as a prefix.]
In the Night of Power, the Angels are coming down, but it is happening alot less [because it is
only 1 night in the year] in comparison to the total amount of angels for death everyday of the
year. [So 1 Ta is mentioned as a prefix.]
But even then, there are ALOT of angels coming in this night.
al Bica'i: The missing Ta also implies that the angels come down quickly and secretly in this
Present tense refers that it is something that happens every year
Why is Allah's permission [ idhn ] mentioned ?
Because alot of polytheistic religions commit shirk with the Angels, making them into a deity
which is worshipped. So Allah is implying that the angels can't do anything - except with His
Min in classical arabic can also mean - 'because of'
because of every command
Shaykh Salman ar-Ra'i: It is said the angels are looking forward to seeing the believers on
so they seek permission of their Master (Allah) to come down on this Night, and Allah allows
them to descend, after which they meet and greet the believers who are in worship during that
night with Salaam (peace and greetings). So we see that the angels are excited to meet Allah's
obedient slaves.
On this night there is absolutlely no evil whatsoever. This night is entire peace (salamuN -
a Hadeeth quoted by Ibn Katheer: A battalion of angels come down with Jibreel and they enter
every Masjid, and approach every believer who is in worship and give him Salaam.
The long journey the angels and Jibreel take, just to give Salaam to the believers.
What an honour.
Salam is a masdar which will translated not as peaceful rather as peace. So this night is peace
itself. Salam is opposite with war. So on this night forget every single conflict, hate and only
focus to the worship of Allah to get peace.
Allah increase the time until you see the break of the dawn – suhoor is finished even when everything is dark. But
this is a mercy of Allah that He extended this night a little bit until you see the light.

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