Mech 32-Strength of Materials: Fundamental Concepts 1
Mech 32-Strength of Materials: Fundamental Concepts 1
Mech 32-Strength of Materials: Fundamental Concepts 1
Chapter 1
Fundamental Concepts 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Equilibrium 26
Chapter 4
Analysis of Structures 39
Chapter 5
Friction 50
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The center of gravity is a point where whole the weight of the body act is
called center of gravity.
As we know that every particle of a body is attracted by the earth towards
its center with a magnitude of the weight of the body. As the distance between
the different particles of a body and the center of the earth is the same, therefore
these forces may be taken to act along parallel lines.
A point may be found out in a body, through which the resultant of all
such parallel forces acts. This point, through which the whole resultant (weight
of the body acts, irrespective of its position, is known as center of gravity (briefly
written as C.G). It may be noted that everybody has one and only one center of
Learning Outcome/Objective
Learning Content/Topic
The plane figures (like triangle, quadrilateral, circle etc.) have only areas,
but no mass. The center of area of such figures is known as Centroid. The
method of finding out the Centroid of a figure is the same as that of finding out
the center of gravity of a body.
Axis of reference
The center of gravity of a body is always calculated with referrer to some
assumed axis known as axis of reference. The axis of reference, of plane
figures, is generally taken as the lowest line of the figure for calculating y and
the left line of the figure for calculating x.
The center of gravity (or Centroid) may be found out by any one of the
following methods
1. By geometrical considerations
2. By moments method
3. By graphical method
The center of gravity of simple figures may be found out from the geometry of the
For each two-dimensional shape below, the area and the centroid coordinates are given:
𝑏 ℎ
rectangle 𝑏ℎ
2 2
𝑙 ℎ 𝑏ℎ
Isosceles-triangle 2 3 2
Right- 𝑏 ℎ 𝑏ℎ
triangular area 3 3 2
𝑑 𝑑 𝜋𝑟2
Circle 2 2
4𝑟 4𝑟 𝜋𝑟2
Quarter-circle 3𝜋 4
𝑑 4𝑟 𝜋𝑟2
Semi-circle 3𝜋 2
2𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 0 𝛼𝑟2
Circular sector 3𝛼
4𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝛼 𝑟2
0 (2𝛼 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝛼)
Circular segment 3(2𝛼 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝛼) 2
0 0 𝜋𝑎𝑏
elliptical area
4𝑎 4𝑏 𝜋𝑎𝑏
area 3𝜋 3𝜋 4
4𝑏 𝜋𝑎𝑏
Semielliptical area 0
3𝜋 2
Semi parabolic
3𝑏 3ℎ 2𝑏ℎ
The area between 8 5 3
the curve and
the axis, from to
3-D Centroids
For each three-dimensional body below, the volume and the centroid coordinates
(𝑥̅ , 𝑦̅) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑧 are given:
b = the base side of the
above ℎ L 𝑏ℎL
prism's triangular base,
General for 3 2 2
h = the height of the
triangular prism general
prism's triangular base
L = the length of the prism
ar base
Solid semi-
ellipsoid of a = the radius of the base 3ℎ 2𝜋𝑎2ℎ
0 0
revolution circle 8 3
around z-axis h = the height of the semi-
ellipsoid from the base
circle's center to the edge
The center of gravity of a body may also be found out by moments as discussed below.
Consider a body of mass M whose center of gravity is required to be found out. Now
divide the body into small strips of masses whose centers of gravity are known as
shown in figure:
m1, m2, m3………= mass of strips 1, 2, 3, ….
x1, x2, x3…………= the corresponding perpendicular distance or the center of
gravity of strips from y-axis
∑ 𝑚𝑦̅
𝑦̅ = ------------------ 2
2 30 mm
150 mm
30 mm
Area (a) mm2 Distance (y) mm ay
1 a1 = 30(150-30) = 3600 (150-30)/2 = 60 3600(60)=216000
2 a2 = 30(100) = 3000 150-15=135 3000(135)=405000
∑ = 6600 ∑ = 621000
The center of gravity is at 94.091 mm from the bottom, also 𝑥̅can be located by
inspection since the section given is symmetrical.
100 mm
15 mm
50 mm
Solution 1:
100 mm 2
1 15 mm
50 mm
Area (a) mm2 Distance (x) mm ax
1 a1 =50(15) = 750 50/2 = 25 750(25)=18750
2 a2 = (100-30)(15) = 1050 15/2=7.5 1050(7.5)=7875
3 a1 =50(15) = 750 50/2 = 25 750(25)=18750
∑ = 2550 ∑ = 45375
The center of gravity is at17.794 mm from the right, also 𝑦̅ can be located by inspection
since the section given is symmetrical.
Solution 2:
1 2
100 mm
15 mm
50 mm
Find the centroid of an unequal angle section 100 mm x 80 mm x 20mm.
100 mm
20 mm
80 mm
100 mm 1
2 20 mm
80 mm
∑ 𝑎𝑥̅
𝑥̅= = 80000 = 𝟐𝟓 𝒎𝒎 from the right
𝐴 3200
∑ 𝑎𝑦̅
𝑦̅ = = 112000 = 𝟑𝟓 𝒎𝒎 from the bottom
𝐴 3200
The center of gravity of solid bodies (such as hemisphere, cylinder, right circular
solid cone etc) is found out in the same way as that of the plane figures. The only
difference between the plane and solid bodies is that in the case of solid bodies we
calculate volumes instead of areas
A solid body formed by joining the base of a right circular cone of height H to
the equal base of right circular cylinder of height h. Calculate the distance of the center
of gravity of the solid from its plane face when H = 120 mm and h = 30 mm
𝑦̅ = = 40.714 mm
The center of gravity of such a section is found out by considering the main
section; first as a complete one and then deducting the area of the cut out hole that
is taking the area of the cut out hole as negative. Now substituting the area of the cut
out hole as negative, in the general equation for the center of gravity, so the equation
will become:
𝑎1𝑥̅1 − 𝑎2𝑥̅2 …
𝑥̅ =
𝑎1 − 𝑎2
𝑎1𝑦̅1 − 𝑎2𝑦̅2 …
𝑦̅ =
𝑎1 − 𝑎2
A semicircle of 90 mm radius is cut out from a trapezoid as shown in figure, find the
position of the center of gravity.
a=200 mm
h=120 mm
r=90 mm
b=300 mm
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑧𝑜𝑖𝑑 = ℎ = 200+300 (120) = 30000
2 2
𝜋𝑟2 𝜋(90)2
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑙𝑒 = = = = 4050𝜋
2 2
𝑐. 𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑙𝑒 = = 38.197
30000(56) − 4050𝜋(3.197)
𝑦̅ = = 𝟔𝟗. 𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝐦𝐦
30000 − 4050𝜋
Moment of Inertia; Product of inertia
The moment of inertia is a physical quantity which describes how easily a
body can be rotated about a given axis. It is a rotational analogue of mass, which
describes an object's resistance to translational motion.
Inertia is the property of matter which resists change in its state of motion.
Inertia is a measure of the force that keeps a stationary object stationary, or a moving
object moving at its current speed. The larger the inertia, the greater the force that is
required to bring some change in its velocity in a given amount of time. Suppose a
heavy truck and a light car are both at rest, then intuitively we know that more force
will be required to push the truck to a certain speed in a given amount of time than will
be needed to push the car to that same speed in the same amount of time.
Similarly, moment of inertia is that property where matter resists change in its
state of rotatory motion. The larger the moment of inertia, the greater the amount of
torque that will be required to bring the same change in its angular velocity in a given
amount of time. Here, torque and angular velocity are the angular analogues of force
and velocity, relating to moment of inertia in the exact same way that force and velocity
relate to mass.
Unlike inertia, moment of inertia depends not only on the mass but also the
distribution of mass around the axis about which the moment of inertia is to be
calculated. An object can have different moments of inertia about different axes. That
is, to rotate an object about different axes with an equal angular acceleration, different
torque (or effort) is required. This concept is relevant and highly necessary throughout
mechanics. While life would be simple if nothing rotated, realistically we need to have
a way to deal with both translation and rotation (often at the same time). This is a
necessary piece in analyzing more complex motion
Learning Outcome/Objective
Learning Content/Topic
Lesson 7-1 – General Properties and Ideas
• Moment of inertia is a tensor quantity. It has different values for different axes.
• It depends upon the mass as well as the mass's distribution around its axis.
• A body can have different moments of inertia about different axes.
• It is an inherent property of matter by which it tries to maintain its state of
angular motion unless and until it is compelled by external torques.
• It is an extensive (additive) property: the moment of inertia of a composite
system is the sum of the moments of inertia of its components' subsystems
(all taken about the same axis).
The moment of inertia (MI) of a plane area about an axis normal to the plane is
equal to the sum of the moments of inertia about any two mutually perpendicular axes
lying in the plane and passing through the given axis.
The moment of area of an object about any axis parallel to the centroidal axis
is the sum of MI about its centroidal axis and the product of area with the square of
distance of from the reference axis.
Essentially, IXX= IG+Ad2
A is the cross-sectional area
d is the perpendicular distance between the centroidal axis and the parallel
• Consider the moment of inertia Ix of an area A with respect to an axis AA’. Denote by
y, the distance from an element of area dA to AA’.
• Consider an axis BB’ parallel to AA’ through the centroid C of the area, known as the
centroidal axis. The equation of the moment inertia becomes:
The second component is the first moment of area about the centroid
𝑦̅′𝐴 = ∫ 𝑦̅ ′ 𝑑𝐴 ⇒ 𝑦̅′ = 0
⇒ 𝑦̅′𝐴 = 0
𝑰𝒙 = 𝑰𝒙 + 𝒅𝟐 𝑨
The polar moment of Inertia, J, of a cross-section with respect to a polar axis,
that is, an axis at right angles to the plane of the cross-section, is defined as the
moment of inertia of the cross section with respect to the point of intersection of the
axis and the plane. The polar moment of Inertia may be found by taking the sum of
the moments of inertia about two perpendicular axes lying in the plane of the cross-
section and passing through this point.
It is basically the moment of inertia about the z-axis, and is calculated using
the formulas:
𝑱 = 𝑰𝒙 + 𝑰𝒚
𝑱 = ∫ 𝒓𝟐𝒅𝑨
𝑘= √
𝐼𝑥̅ 𝐼𝑦̅ 𝐼𝑧
𝑘𝑥̅ = √ 𝐴 𝑘𝑦̅ = √ 𝐴 𝑘𝑧 = √ 𝐴
The dimension of the radius of gyration is [L]. However, the radius of gyration
is not a distance that has a clear-cut physical meaning, nor can it be determined by
direct measurement; its value can be determined only by computation using the
above equations.
Shapes Moment of Inertia
Right triangle
Isosceles triangle
Quarter Circle
Half parabola
Ix = 𝟒
𝝅𝒂 𝒃
Ix = 𝟒𝟒
Ixy = 0
Quarter Ellipse
Circular sector
*for other shapes, it can be solve using the formulas given above by integration.
Lesson 7-5 – Method of Composite Areas
Consider a plane region, A, that has been divided into the subregions A1, A2,
A3, …. The moment of inertia of the area of A about an axis can be computed by
summing the moments of inertia of the subregions about the same axis. This
technique, known as the method of composite areas, follows directly from the property
of definite integrals: the integral of a sum equals the sum of the integrals. For example,
Ix , the moment of inertia about the x-axis, becomes
𝐼𝑥̅ = (∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝐴)𝐴 = (∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝐴)𝐴1 + (∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝐴)𝐴 2+ (∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝐴)𝐴 +3 ⋯
Where (Ix )1 is the moment of the inertia of the area of the subregion A1 with respect
to the x-axis. Obviously, the method of composite areas also applies to the
computation of polar moments of areas:
Where (I𝑱𝒐)1 is the moment of the inertia of the area of the subregion A1 with respect
to point O.
1. The centroid of the plane region is located at C. If the area of the region is 2000
mm2 and its moment of inertia about the x-axis is Ix = 40 × 106 mm4, determine Iu.
Note that we are required to transfer the moment of inertia from the x-axis to
the u-axis, neither of which is a centroidal axis. Therefore, we must first calculate 𝐼𝑥̅ ,
the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis that is parallel to the x-axis.
After 𝐼𝑥̅ has been found, the parallel-axis theorem enables us to compute the
moment of inertia about any axis that is parallel to the centroidal axis. For I u we have
2. For a rectangle with base b and height h, compute the following: (1) the moment
of inertia about the y-axis by integration; (2) the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis that is parallel to the x-axis; and (3) the polar moment of inertia about
the centroid.
Part 1
The area of the differential element shown in the figure is dA = b dy. Because
all parts of the element are a distance y from the x-axis, ℎwe can use:
𝑏𝑦̅3 𝒃𝒉𝟑
𝑰𝒙 = ∫ 𝒚𝟐𝒅𝑨 = 𝑏 ∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝑦̅ = [ ]=
0 3 0 𝟑
*this result agrees with the information listed for rectangle in the table given above.
If we had chosen to use double integration with dA=dxdy , the analysis would
ℎ 𝑏 𝒃𝒉𝟑
𝑰𝒙 = ∫ 𝒚𝟐𝒅𝑨 = ∫ ∫ 𝑦̅2𝑑𝑥̅𝑑𝑦̅ =
0 0 𝟑
which is identical to the previous result.
Part 2
We can calculate 𝐼𝑥̅ from the parallel-axis theorem and the result of Part 1.
Substituting Ix = bh3/3 into the parallel-axis theorem, and recognizing that the
transfer distance d (the distance between the x-axis and the centroidal x-axis) is h/2,
we find that 𝑏ℎ3
𝑰 =𝑰 − 𝑨𝒅𝟐 = ℎ 2 𝒃𝒉𝟑
𝒙 𝒙 − 𝑏ℎ ( ) =
3 2 𝟏𝟐
Part 3
One method of computing 𝐽𝑐 is to use 𝐽𝑐 = 𝐼𝑥̅ + 𝐼𝑦̅ . From the results of Part
Another method of computing 𝐽𝑐 is to first compute the 𝐽𝑜 = 𝐼𝑥̅ + 𝐼𝑦̅ and then
transfer this result to the centroid. From the results of part 1, we have
𝑏ℎ3 ℎ𝑏3 𝑏ℎ
𝐽𝑜 = 𝐼𝑥̅ + 𝐼𝑦̅ = + = (ℎ2 + 𝑏2)
3 3 3
The transfer distance is the distance between point O and the centroid of the
𝑏 ℎ
rectangle; that is, 𝑑 = √( )2 + ( )2. From the parallel-axis theorem, we obtain
2 2
𝑏 2 ℎ 2 2 𝑏2 ℎ2
𝐽 = 𝐽 − 𝐴𝑑2 = 𝑏ℎ (ℎ2 + 𝑏2) - 𝑏ℎ [√ ] .= 𝑏ℎ (ℎ2 + 𝑏2) - 𝑏ℎ( + )
𝑐 𝑜 ()+()
3 2 2 3 4 4
𝑱= (𝒉𝟐 + 𝒃𝟐)
𝒄 𝟏𝟐
3. For the area shown, calculate the radii of gyration about the x- and y-axes.
We consider the area to be composed of the three parts shown below: a
triangle, plus a semicircle, minus a circle. The moments of inertia of each part are
obtained in two steps. First, the moments of inertia about the centroidal axes of the
part are found from Table. The parallel-axis theorem is then used to calculate the
moments of inertia about the x- and y-axes.
𝑏ℎ 90(100)
𝐴= = = 4500𝑚𝑚2
2 2
𝑏ℎ3 90(100)3
𝐼𝑥̅ = = = 2.50 𝑥̅ 106 𝑚𝑚4
36 36
ℎ𝑏3 100(90)3
𝐼𝑦̅ = = = 2.025𝑥̅106 𝑚𝑚4
36 36
𝜋𝑟2 𝜋(45)2
𝐴= = = 3180.86 𝑚𝑚2
2 2
𝜋𝑟4 𝜋(45)4
𝐼𝑦̅ = = = 1.61𝑥̅106 𝑚𝑚4
8 8
𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟2 = 𝜋(20)2 = 1256.637 𝑚𝑚2
𝜋𝑟4 𝜋(20)4
𝐼𝑥̅ = = = 0.1257𝑥̅ 106 𝑚𝑚4
4 4
Composite Area
To determine the properties for the composite area, we superimpose the
foregoing results (taking care to subtract the quantities for the circle) and obtain
The product of inertia of a plane area (also called the product of area) about
the x- and y-coordinate axes is defined by
𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ = ∫ 𝑥̅𝑦̅ 𝑑𝐴
where A is the area of the plane region shown in Fig. 9.3, and x and y are the
coordinates of dA.
The dimension of product of inertia is [L4], the same as for moment of inertia
and polar moment of area. Whereas moment of inertia is always positive, the product
of inertia can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the manner in which the
area is distributed in the xy-plane.
If an area has an axis of symmetry, that axis and the axis perpendicular to it
constitute a set of axes for which the product of inertia is zero.
1. Calculate the product of inertia of the triangle shown (a) about the x- and y axes
using (1) single integration; and (2) double integration.
For the horizontal element shown:
𝑑𝐴 = 𝑥̅𝑑𝑦̅
𝑥̅𝑒𝑙 =
𝑦̅𝑒𝑙 = 𝑦̅
𝑰𝒙𝒚 =
𝑑𝐴 = 𝑦̅𝑑𝑥̅
𝑥̅𝑒𝑙 = 𝑥̅
𝑦̅𝑒𝑙 =
𝑑𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ = 0 (By symmetry)
𝑦̅ 𝑥̅𝑦̅2
𝑑𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ = 𝑑𝐴 𝑥̅𝑒𝑙 𝑦̅𝑒𝑙 = (𝑦̅𝑑𝑥̅ )(𝑥̅ ) ( ) = 𝑑𝑥̅
2 2
𝑰𝒙𝒚 =
2. Using the result in the above example, calculate𝐼𝑥̅ 𝑦̅ , the product of inertia of the
triangle shown about centroidal axes parallel to the x-and y- axes.
From the solution to the last example, we have 𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ = . The parallel
𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ = 𝐼𝑥̅𝑦̅ − 𝐴𝑥̅ 𝑦̅= 𝑏2ℎ2 𝑏ℎ 𝑏 ℎ
− 2 (3 )( )
24 3
Which simplifies to
𝑰𝒙𝒚 = 𝟕𝟐
1. Calculate the product of Inertia for the angle shown by the method of composite
Ans: 57.5 mm
Ans: 28.4 mm
2. Ans: 57.5 mm
3. Ans: 28.4 mm