Zomato Finaicial Model
Zomato Finaicial Model
Zomato Finaicial Model
Particulars 2018
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 48.63
Right of use asset 186.02
Capital work in progress 7.45
Goodwill 1061.18
Other intangible assets 602.12
Intangible assets under development 5.42
Financial assets
Investments 95.66
Loans 43.21
Other financial assets 548.52
Tax assets (net) 41.99
Other non current assets 5.33
Total non- current assets 2,645.53
Current assets
Inventories -
Financial assets
Investments 8,196.63
Trade receivables 260.84
Cash and cash equivalents 1,003.95
Other bank balances 1,076.78
Other financial assets 377.42
Tax assets (net) 55.43
Other current assets 128.36
Total current assets 11,099.41
Total assets 13,744.94
Equity and liabilities
Equity share capital 0.30
Instruments entirely equity in nature 1743.75
Other equity 10,360.59
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the parent 12,104.64
Non-controlling interests 84.33
Total equity 12,188.97
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 13.25
Lease liabilities 105.20
Other financial liabilities -
Provisions 71.72
Other non-current liabilities -
Total Non
Current Current Liabilities
liabilities 190.17
Financial liabilities
Borrowings -
Trade payables
a. total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises -
b. total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises 673.54
and small enterprises
Lease liabilities 182.03
Other financial liabilities 21.43
Provisions 25.30
Other current liabilities 463.50
Total Current Liabilities 1,365.80
Total liabilities 1,555.97
Total equity and liabilities 13,744.94
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
72.98 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
121.06 104.76 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67
278.36 297.00 53.52 53.52 53.52 53.52 53.52
39.83 53.49 22.04 22.04 22.04 22.04 22.04
4,410.40 16,370.25 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01
13.14 14.68 - - - - -
742.70 564.24 529.86 529.86 529.86 529.86 529.86
- 13,759.37 - - - - -
142.74 167.07 259.06 259.06 259.06 259.06 259.06
489.60 257.32 139.02 139.02 139.02 139.02 139.02
1388.18 14762.68 927.94 927.94 927.94 927.94 927.94
- 10.77 30 30 30 30 30
3,762.18 2,676.57 2942 2942 2942 2942 2942
26,047.37 19,937.89
1,380.02 1246.35
27,427.39 21,184.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1,105.18 2028.67
-15.97 -110.06
7,988.80 7,407.73
126.36 100.82
842.36 1,377.44
40,016.38 15,283.22
50,063.11 26,087.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-22,635.72 -4,903.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-1,220.29 -3,247.66
-23,856.01 -8,151.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 13.04
0 13.04
-23,856.01 -8,164.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-24.72 -24.37
-24.72 -24.37
252.73 -34.11
252.73 -34.11
228.01 -58.48
-23,628.00 -8,222.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-23,671.58 -8,128.16
-184.43 -36.12
-23,856.01 -8,164.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
234.72 -56.71
-6.71 -1.77
228.01 -58.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-23,436.86 -8,184.87
-191.14 -37.89
-23,628.00 -8,222.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)
Restated Consolidated Statement of Cashflows
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)
-294.58 -89.7
- -
499.40 369.48
342.96 1007.96
962.71 -
155.20 -
447.96 113.10
- -
63.97 9.42
- -
359.40 917.97
985.33 1420.62
- -
13.07 -
-0.86 1.38
- 6.72
-515.05 -612.3
-257.02 2329.69
- -
- -15.86
- -5.93
1.14 -
0.04 22.42
110.20 63.95
-264.9 -185.66
-21,247.04 -2,797.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-935.68 -194.63
- -
2,687.59 -6010.06
558.09 858.55
-15.96 -110.7
-1,168.95 -2512.38
37.93 39.87
-1,031.65 362.41
-21,115.67 -10,364.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-320.5 185.61
-21,436.17 -10,179.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-213.46 -48.04
0.86 0.15
-0.95 -56.36
-3,125.79 -48993.62
1,461.74 14,957.30
40,127.14 65,207.79
-21,478.76 -83408.77
- -203.71
-0.1 -
- -
330.00 -
-0.15 -0.01
251.65 109.08
- -
17,352.18 -52,436.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3,916.10 66,083.10
- -
- 18.95
- -44.83
-17.68 -12.16
- -1771.08
- -28.03
-199.22 -140.61
-110.2 -63.95
-0.04 -22.42
3,588.96 64,018.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-495.03 1,403.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
42.88 -16.62
- 6.61
2,124.15 1,672.00 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46
1,672.00 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46
Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)
Restated Consolidated Statement of Cashflows
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)
Revenue Break Up
4,660.23 13,125.86
0.00 0.00