Zomato Finaicial Model

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Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)

Restated Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities

(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)

Particulars 2018
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 48.63
Right of use asset 186.02
Capital work in progress 7.45
Goodwill 1061.18
Other intangible assets 602.12
Intangible assets under development 5.42
Financial assets
Investments 95.66
Loans 43.21
Other financial assets 548.52
Tax assets (net) 41.99
Other non current assets 5.33
Total non- current assets 2,645.53
Current assets
Inventories -
Financial assets
Investments 8,196.63
Trade receivables 260.84
Cash and cash equivalents 1,003.95
Other bank balances 1,076.78
Other financial assets 377.42
Tax assets (net) 55.43
Other current assets 128.36
Total current assets 11,099.41
Total assets 13,744.94
Equity and liabilities
Equity share capital 0.30
Instruments entirely equity in nature 1743.75
Other equity 10,360.59
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the parent 12,104.64
Non-controlling interests 84.33
Total equity 12,188.97
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
Borrowings 13.25
Lease liabilities 105.20
Other financial liabilities -
Provisions 71.72
Other non-current liabilities -
Total Non
Current Current Liabilities
liabilities 190.17
Financial liabilities
Borrowings -
Trade payables
a. total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises -
b. total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises 673.54
and small enterprises
Lease liabilities 182.03
Other financial liabilities 21.43
Provisions 25.30
Other current liabilities 463.50
Total Current Liabilities 1,365.80
Total liabilities 1,555.97
Total equity and liabilities 13,744.94

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

397.73 364.14 233.51 233.51 233.51 233.51 233.51

918.90 668.22 604.96 604.96 604.96 604.96 604.96
3.15 1.88 - - - - -
1884.85 12092.85 12477.84 12477.84 12477.84 12477.84 12477.84
689.28 2780.24 2074.19 2074.19 2074.19 2074.19 2074.19
4.26 7.67 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28

72.98 - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
121.06 104.76 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67 30062.67
278.36 297.00 53.52 53.52 53.52 53.52 53.52
39.83 53.49 22.04 22.04 22.04 22.04 22.04
4,410.40 16,370.25 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01 45,530.01

21.31 37.27 147.97 147.97 147.97 147.97 147.97

21,372.54 3,239.21 22,052.48 22,052.48 22,052.48 22,052.48 22,052.48

703.37 1,231.17 1298.68 1298.68 1298.68 1298.68 1298.68
2,124.15 1,672.00 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46
262.79 1,926.84 5971.12 5971.12 5971.12 5971.12 5971.12
3,972.57 1,111.32 6,295.45 6,295.45 6,295.45 6,295.45 6,295.45
97.81 399.86 444.66 444.66 444.66 444.66 444.66
1,163.86 3,015.90 2229.6 2229.6 2229.6 2229.6 2229.6
29,718.40 12,633.57 41,505.42 41,505.42 41,505.42 41,505.42 41,505.42
34,128.80 29,003.82 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43

0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31

2437.20 2524.00 4549.31 4549.31 4549.31 4549.31 4549.31
23,556.11 4,573.51 76,437.55 76,437.55 76,437.55 76,437.55 76,437.55
25,993.61 7,097.81 80,987.17 80,987.17 80,987.17 80,987.17 80,987.17
-314.17 -65 -57.09 -57.09 -57.09 -57.09 -57.09
25,679.44 7,032.81 80,930.08 80,930.08 80,930.08 80,930.08 80,930.08

13.14 14.68 - - - - -
742.70 564.24 529.86 529.86 529.86 529.86 529.86
- 13,759.37 - - - - -
142.74 167.07 259.06 259.06 259.06 259.06 259.06
489.60 257.32 139.02 139.02 139.02 139.02 139.02
1388.18 14762.68 927.94 927.94 927.94 927.94 927.94

- - 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2

- 10.77 30 30 30 30 30
3,762.18 2,676.57 2942 2942 2942 2942 2942

286.35 152.88 182.42 182.42 182.42 182.42 182.42

1,325.73 2,530.96 745.77 745.77 745.77 745.77 745.77
51.17 92.54 69.77 69.77 69.77 69.77 69.77
1,635.75 1,744.61 1194.25 1194.25 1194.25 1194.25 1194.25
7,061.18 7,208.33 5,177.41 5177.41 5177.41 5177.41 5177.41
8,449.36 21,971.01 6,105.35 6105.35 6105.35 6105.35 6105.35
34,128.80 29,003.82 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43 87,035.43

34128.8 29003.82 87035.43 87035.43 87035.43 87035.43 87035.43

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Priva
Restated Consolidated Statement of Profit & Loss
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)

Particulars 2018 2019

Revenue from operations 4,660.23 13,125.86
Other income 210.25 851.34
Total income (I) 4,870.48 13,977.20
Purchase of stock in trade - 187.19
Changes in inventories of traded goods - -21.31
Employee benefits expense 2,904.93 6,007.90
Finance costs 63.49 86.89
Depreciation and amortization expense 291.47 431.15
Other expenses 2,679.75 29,386.91
Total expenses (II) 5,939.64 36,078.73
Restated loss before exceptional items and tax (III= I-II) -1,069.16 -22,101.53
Exceptional items (IV) - 11,999.20
Restated loss before tax (V= III+IV) -1,069.16 -10,102.33
Tax expense, comprising:
Current tax - -
Deferred tax - -
Total tax expense (VI) 0 0
Restated loss for the period / year (VII= V-VI) -1,069.16 -10,102.33
Other comprehensive income:
(a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in
subsequent periods:
(i) Re-measurement losses on defined benefit plans -0.02 -4.83
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be re-classified to
profit & loss - -
Subtotal (a) -0.02 -4.83
(b) Items that will
subsequent periods:
(i) Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 28.38 -24.25

(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be re-classified to profit

& loss - -
Subtotal (b) 28.38 -24.25
Restated other comprehensive (loss) / income for the period /
year (a+b) 28.36 -29.08
Restated total comprehensive loss for the period / year -1,040.80 -10,131.41
Restated loss for the period / year
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the parent -1,036.77 -9,649.47
Non-controlling interest -32.39 -452.86
-1,069.16 -10,102.33
Restated other comprehensive (loss) / income for the period /
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the parent 28.36 -25.95
Non-controlling interest - -3.13
28.36 -29.08
Restated total comprehensive loss for the period / year
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the parent -1,008.41 -9,675.42
Non-controlling interest -32.39 -455.99
-1,040.80 -10,131.41
Restated loss per equity share
- Basic earnings per share (INR) -2,243.76 -16,027.31
- Diluted earnings per share (INR) -2,243.76 -16,027.31
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

26,047.37 19,937.89
1,380.02 1246.35
27,427.39 21,184.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1,105.18 2028.67
-15.97 -110.06
7,988.80 7,407.73
126.36 100.82
842.36 1,377.44
40,016.38 15,283.22
50,063.11 26,087.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-22,635.72 -4,903.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-1,220.29 -3,247.66
-23,856.01 -8,151.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- 13.04
0 13.04
-23,856.01 -8,164.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-24.72 -24.37

-24.72 -24.37

252.73 -34.11

252.73 -34.11

228.01 -58.48
-23,628.00 -8,222.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-23,671.58 -8,128.16
-184.43 -36.12
-23,856.01 -8,164.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
234.72 -56.71
-6.71 -1.77
228.01 -58.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-23,436.86 -8,184.87
-191.14 -37.89
-23,628.00 -8,222.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)
Restated Consolidated Statement of Cashflows
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)

Particulars 2018 2019

Cash Flow from operating activities
Restated loss before tax -1,069.16 -10,102.33
Adjustments to reconcile loss before tax to net cash flows:
Liabilities written back -2.51 -108
Excess provisions written back -13.89 -3.58
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets 259.56 281.94
Amortization of intangible assets 31.91 149.21
Impairment of goodwill - -
Impairment of intangible assets - -
Provision for doubtful debts and advances 50.80 127.60
Assets written off - -
Bad debts written off 8.49 1.90
Income on assignment of contracts - -8,880.94
Fair value gain/ (loss) of contingent consideration on assignment of contracts - -1,210.67
Share- based payment expense 140.26 999.66
Gain on sale of non-current investments - -47.34
Advances written off 6.25 52.75
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment (net) -2.96 -0.31
Allowance for credit loss on trade receivable written back -2.01 -
Net gain on mutual funds -95.37 -554.09
Fair value loss/ (gain) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss - 330.00
Reversal of fair value gain on contingent consideration on assignment of contracts - -
Rent waiver on lease liabilities (refer note 38) - -
Gain on termination of lease contracts -14.87 -2.61
Investment written off - 0.61
Interest expense 5.71 1.24
Interest on lease liabilities 47.07 69.38
Interest income -73.09 -133.46
Operating loss before working capital changes -723.81 -19,029.04
Movements in working capital :
(Increase) / decrease in trade receivables -108.98 -547.53
Decrease in loans 19.09 43.21
(Increase) / decrease in other financial assets -184.97 -2,057.64
Decrease / (increase) in other assets 34.83 -1,056.26
(Increase) in inventory - -21.31
(Decrease) / increase in financial and other liabilities 25.33 2,301.91
Increase in provisions 18.57 93.64
Increase / (decrease) in trade payables 272.15 3,123.26
Cash used in operations -647.79 -17,149.76
Income taxes (paid) / refund (net) -45.62 -276.79
Net cash used in operating activities (A) -693.41 -17,426.55
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant & equipment (including capital work in progress and
capital advances) -53.24 -451.04
Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment 13.54 0.60
Purchase of intangible assets -5.55 -13.62
Investments in bank deposits (having original maturity of more than 3 months) -1,608.05 -469.82
Redemption bank deposits (having original maturity of more than 3 months) 1,096.34 1,284.84
Proceeds from sale of liquid mutual fund units 2,254.96 28,246.33
Payment to acquire liquid mutual fund units -9,976.00 -40,868.15
Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired (refer note 33 (b) and 33 (c)) -21.64 -360.69
Acquisition of a non-controlling Interest, net of cash acquired - -
Purchase of non current investments -5 -397.98
Sale of non-current investments - 138.00
Transaction cost on acquisition of business (refer note 33a) - -
Interest received 73.10 133.46
Lease receipts 25.33 23.57
Net cash flows (used in)/ from investing activities (B) -8,206.21 -12,734.50
Financing activities
Proceeds from issue of compulsorily convertible cumulative preference shares
("CCCPS") 9,699.59 22,644.86
Proceeds from issue of equity share capital - -
Loan taken during the period / year - -
Loan repaid during the period / year -75 -0.7
Transaction cost on issue of shares -9.7 -22.64
Share based payment on cancellation of option - -
Income on assignment of contracts - 8,880.94
Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities -149 -137.3
Payment of interest portion of lease liabilities -47.07 -69.38
Interest expense -5.71 -1.24
Net cash flow from financing activities ( C) 9,413.11 31,294.54
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 513.49 1,133.49
Net foreign exchange difference 12.84 -13.29
Cash and Cash Eqvivalent acquired through business combination - -
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period/ year 477.62 1,003.95
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period/ year 1,003.95 2,124.15
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

-23,856.01 -8,151.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-294.58 -89.7
- -
499.40 369.48
342.96 1007.96
962.71 -
155.20 -
447.96 113.10
- -
63.97 9.42
- -
359.40 917.97
985.33 1420.62
- -
13.07 -
-0.86 1.38
- 6.72
-515.05 -612.3
-257.02 2329.69
- -
- -15.86
- -5.93
1.14 -
0.04 22.42
110.20 63.95
-264.9 -185.66
-21,247.04 -2,797.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

-935.68 -194.63
- -
2,687.59 -6010.06
558.09 858.55
-15.96 -110.7
-1,168.95 -2512.38
37.93 39.87
-1,031.65 362.41
-21,115.67 -10,364.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-320.5 185.61
-21,436.17 -10,179.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-213.46 -48.04
0.86 0.15
-0.95 -56.36
-3,125.79 -48993.62
1,461.74 14,957.30
40,127.14 65,207.79
-21,478.76 -83408.77
- -203.71
-0.1 -
- -
330.00 -
-0.15 -0.01
251.65 109.08
- -
17,352.18 -52,436.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3,916.10 66,083.10
- -
- 18.95
- -44.83
-17.68 -12.16
- -1771.08
- -28.03
-199.22 -140.61
-110.2 -63.95
-0.04 -22.42
3,588.96 64,018.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-495.03 1,403.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
42.88 -16.62
- 6.61
2,124.15 1,672.00 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46
1,672.00 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46 3,065.46
Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)
Restated Consolidated Statement of Cashflows
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)

Revenue Break Up (%) 2018 2019

India 59.07% 78.66%

UAE 23.98% 14.81%
ROW 17.71% 7.38%
Adjustments -0.75% -0.85%
Total 100.00% 100.00%

Revenue Break Up

India 2,752.76 10,325.02

UAE 1,117.45 1,943.62
ROW 825.16 969.09
Adjustments -35.14 -111.87
Total 4,660.23 13,125.86

4,660.23 13,125.86
0.00 0.00

Percentage Change in Revenue 2018 2019

India 275%
UAE 74%
ROW 17%
Adjustments 218%
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

85.17% 90.98% 92.54% 93.37% 93.93% 93.98%

10.48% 6.16% 5.17% 4.57% 4.16% 4.08%
4.88% 3.23% 2.64% 2.39% 2.22% 2.26%
-0.53% -0.38% -0.35% -0.32% -0.30% -0.32%
100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

22,184.45 18,140.37 16507.74 16012.50 16813.13 18494.44

2,730.93 1,228.73 921.55 783.32 744.15 803.68
1,270.49 644.12 470.21 409.08 396.81 444.43
-138.5 -75.33 -61.77 -55.59 -54.48 -62.65
26,047.37 19,937.89 17,837.72 17,149.31 17,899.61 19,679.90

26,047.37 19,937.89 17837.7212 17149.30705 17899.6059596 19679.8956439

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

115% -18% -9% -3% 5% 10%
41% -55% -25% -15% -5% 8%
31% -49% -27% -13% -3% 12%
24% -46% -18% -10% -2% 15%
Zomato Limited (formerly known as Zomato Private Limited and Zomato Media Private Limited)
Restated Consolidated Statement of Cashflows
(All amount in INR Millions unless otherwise stated)

Percentage Change in Revenue 2018 2019 2020

India 275% 115%
UAE 74% 41%
ROW 17% 31%
Adjustments 218% 24%
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
-18% -9.00% -3.00% 5.00% 10.00%
-55% -25.00% -15.00% -5.00% 8.00%
-49% -27.00% -13.00% -3.00% 12.00%
-46% -18.00% -10.00% -2.00% 15.00%

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