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Name:______________________________________________ Student No.

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Worksheet on the Analysis Rizal’s Retraction

Rizal retracted Rizal did not retract

List down the evidences provided -From the documents reviewed, the testimony -Dr Ricardo Pascual a person who was
of the eyewitnesses revealed that Jose Rizal permitted by the archbishop to examine the
indeed signed the letter of retraction. Father document, scrutinized the document found in
Balaguer who claimed that he was with Rizal 1935 and came up questioning its authenticity
during the last day before execution, presented by comparing the handwriting to other
the retraction format prepared by Father Pio documents written by Rizal. Some
before the execution. On December 29, 1896, inconsistencies were identified and is
Rizal accepted and signed the document. observations concluded that the found
retraction document fin 1935 was a forgery.
- In 1935, an archdiocesan archivist Fr. Manuel
Garcia founds the original retraction document - Another abjection came from the former
of Rizal which was showed to the President president of the University of the Philippines
Manuel L. Quezon. On the same day, they and a prominent Mason, Rafael Palma, who
asked the director of the National Library “disputed the veracity of the document “. The
Teodoro Kalaw to examine the document. reason is the document did not reflect the true
Kalaw eventually declared that the document character and beliefs of Rizal as shown in his
was “authentic, definite and final". writing.

- In connection to the credibility of the

document, a handwriting expert at UP Diliman
examine the document and concluded that
“there is not the slightest doubt that every word
on the sheet of paper was written by Jose

- The marriage of Jose Rizal and Josephine

Bracken before Rizal was executed is also
considered as proof that Rizal signed the letter
of retraction since they will not get married if
Rizal did not re embraced the catholic faith.
Father Balaguer agreed that there was a
retraction and marriage between the two.
- A document written by Federico Moreno was
also considered as more objective since Moreno
was not a member of a Catholic hierarchy nor a
Mason. Moreno was in Fort Santiago as a chief
inspector, the latter part of his report stated that
after Rizal signed the letter, he read his prayer
book while kneeling in front of the altar.

 Examine the evidences Both evidences presented arguments about Rizal's letter of retraction. On the documents
 Evaluate the facts provided by presented by the church, Father Balaguer and Fr. Pi gave the letter for Rizal to sign. This shows
both sides that the church might convinced Rizal to sign the letter of Retraction and to re-embrace the
 Develop your own view: catholic faith. Based from the account presented by Rene Escalante, the Jesuits warned Rizal to
o Do you think Rizal return to catholic faith so that his soul would not go to hell. Moreover, it was emphasized that the
letter of retraction was signed and become one of the reasons why Rizal and Bracken got married.
o Justify your answers
The catholic church presented the argument from the primary sources which was believed to be
based on the evidences
you have listed above. the eyewitnesses of the said event.
On the other hand, some individuals already expressed doubts toward the issue. They
claimed that the original documents must be presented to everyone so that everyone should have
seen the written declaration. Some Filipino Masons came up with some activities that debunked
and ridiculed the “retraction story”. The found document in 1935 also gathered questions about its
authenticity. The said document left a big question to some. However, according to the article
“the discourse was no longer over whether Rizal signed or not, but rather, the debate already
focused on the document was genuine or not.”
In my view, the letter of retraction was true. Base on the evidences provided by the
eyewitnesses of the said event, I think Rizal really retracted. But I think the only thing he retracted
was the religious errors as stated in the letter. He was not against Catholicism; he was just against
the practice and abuses of the Spanish Friars during the Spanish era (as cited in his novels). But
what was the reason why he retracted? Only Rizal could answer that. Though there are lots of
objections about Rizal’s retraction on the inconsistencies of the document, some Filipino
historians believed that the handwriting and signature of Rizal might vary because of the pen used
in writing the letter. Some also believed about the forgery of the document but the signature of the
witnesses proved its authenticity since some signatures are complicated. Moreover, during his last
hours before the execution, he was seen doing Religious acts. We know that Rizal came from a
religious family, there is no doubt that he would return to his catholic faith, besides there is no
question about his faith since in his writings, he just used the term “church” to address the issue
about the abuses of the friars.
Rizal’s retraction left no clues, and even if the document was made available, it will not
convince everyone. But thought we believed about Rizal’s retraction; this does not make him a
less hero to us.

Compare the evidences on both sides. List down the pros and cons on the effect of this issue on Rizal’s heroism

Most of the Filipino people are Catholics,

This issue requires a deeper
as Rizal returned to his catholic faith, this issue
understanding for us to know its advantages on
 Pros might affect people’s spiritual side (especially
Rizal’s heroism. This issue proved Rizal’s
religious people) and might help them to
commitment to his loved ones, and to his faith.
appreciate Rizal’s heroism in a deeper way.
This issue might bring confusion to some.
It may also provide conflicts since there are
Rizal’s retraction is somehow unbelievable
 Cons some people who might support or debunked
since his works proved his disagreement to the
this issue.

 Explain the historical significance of this controversy.

 Propose an ideal/action on how this controversy may be addressed.

This controversy is one of the most debatable issues in the Philippine history. Aside from its evidences that proved its authenticity, there
are still objections that arrived with this issue. Relating to its historical significance, Rizal is one of the most important persons in our country,
sacrificing himself for his countrymen and putting the idea of patriotism and nationalism into our hearts are the things the he left us. Thought the
retraction might damage his image as our hero, we must not forget his contributions to our country. This issue is a great help for our historians to
provide studies that might help explain this controversy. It will also help them to seek for more information about this issue. Despite of this
controversy, it does not make Rizal less of a hero. It can’t be the reason my people should devalue him for he made a significant thing for
Filipinos. The nationalism and patriotism of every Filipinos are still burning and that was because of him.
This controversy may be addressed by putting some activities tackling Rizal issues. Social media is also a great help but the persons
involved must be really educated about this issue so that it will open our minds about our hero and for us not to devalue him because of this

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