Concept Primer - Directional Overcurrent - 1
Concept Primer - Directional Overcurrent - 1
Concept Primer - Directional Overcurrent - 1
June 19, 2018
Marketing contact:
Martin Van Der Linde
Directional Overcurrent
To oversimplify, if the voltage and current vectors point the same way, its
probably forward, and if they point in opposite directions, the fault is
probably reverse.
The typical industry practice for relays is to convert the phase measured
currents and voltages to sequence components (Positive, Negative and Zero
Sequence Voltages and Currents). Overcurrent Direction is calculated on the
difference between the angle of the Positive Sequence Voltage and the
Positive Sequence Current.
Let’s explore a fault scenario to get this understanding. Consider the following
Firstly, let us take the most simple case, when we assume the cable is a
resistor. The Qualitative vectors for the Positive Sequence Voltage and
Current are in figures 2 and 3 below.
From this diagram, we will consider Fault A as a forward fault. The fault angle
then between V1 and I1 would be approximately 0 degrees. For the converse
case, a reverse fault, the difference would be approximately 180 degrees.
Commonly, the fault angle range is up to 90 degrees either side of the “most
forward/reverse case”.
If the relay characteristic angle indicated the fault was forward from -90,
through 0 to 90 degrees, the fault would be picked up as forward, and reverse
for anything else.
But why do we care about such a large range of angles for a forward fault?
Conceptually, when we look at the fault vector diagram, the resistive values
are along the x axis, and the reactive values are along the y axis. The more
reactance (which could be capacitive or inductive), the more the vectors
The reason that engineers set an operating range, is to catch all the cases for
a forward fault, whilst rejecting all the reverse cases (or vice versa).
Depending on your cable choices and network, the amount of X and R
depending on the fault distance from the circuit breaker will result in very
different angle readings.
The table above outlines a few values for an example comparison between
two Aluminium Conductors. One is a 95mm2 cross section, and the other a
240mm2. The interesting value here is the X/R ratio. The X/R ratio shows that
for a given length of line, you can expect a certain amount of reactance and
When the ratio is below 1, the longer the cable, the more resistive it is. That
is, the further the fault is away from your circuit breaker, the closer the
voltage-current vector difference will be to zero.
When the ratio is above 1, the longer the cable, the more reactive it is. The
further the fault is away from your circuit breaker, the further the voltage –
current vector difference will be apart.
In other words, depending on your cable, the vector difference will either
diverge or converge because of the ratio between X and R. Figure 5 shows
qualitative current vectors based on the X and R relationship.
The biggest reason for phase shift between voltage and current is the
X/R ratio at a fault site.
All practical networks have some reactance, and the reason for a
Relay Characteristic Angle is to account for all the Overcurrent Fault
Cases, as the ratio between X and R varies along the length of the
protected feeder.
The more resistive a network is, the closer the RCA is to zero degrees.
The more reactive it is, the closer the RCA is to 90 degrees.
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