Literacy P 2
Literacy P 2
Literacy P 2
1. What is a home?
2. Write one thing found in the classroom.
3. Give the main natural source of light.
4. State one role of a father in a family.
5. Name one animal found at home.
6. Draw this example of common accidents.
8. Write one way of keeping food safe.
9. Write one thing used by a cook.
10. Name the garden tool.
11. Mention one example of people who keep peace at school.
12. Write one example of things we make.
13. Give one example of food crops.
14. Why do people build houses?
15. How is a teacher useful in a community?
16. In which district is your school found?
17. Name one living thing found in our surroundings.
18. How are pencils useful in a classroom?
19. Draw this example of clothes.
20. Name the building at school where pupils bathe.
21. Who is a cousin?
22. Name the school symbol drawn.
St. Theresa’s Namagunga
Primary Boarding School
P.O Box 68, Lugazi __________________
27. Give the use of item drawn.
28. Why do people make mats?
29. Where do sick people go for treatment?
30. Write one thing found in the sitting room.
31. Name one thing used to clean our bodies.
32. Give one means of water transport.
33. How do you keep your classroom clean?
34. Mention one person who cares for sick children at school.
35. Name this item used to protect ourselves from rain.
36. Who calmed the storm?
37. Why did God give us neighbours?
38. Name the special day when Moslems go for general
39. Which day marks the beginning of lent for Christians?
40. How do you talk to God?
41 (a) Name the types of weather.
garden tool use
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(ii) _________________
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parents ________________________________
eyes ________________________________
hands ________________________________