Mobile: +91 9775517009 Address: Ananda Bhawan Complex, Rangamati, Midnapore, West Bengal 721102, India
Mobile: +91 9775517009 Address: Ananda Bhawan Complex, Rangamati, Midnapore, West Bengal 721102, India
Mobile: +91 9775517009 Address: Ananda Bhawan Complex, Rangamati, Midnapore, West Bengal 721102, India
Email: [email protected]
Address: Ananda Bhawan Complex,
Rangamati, Midnapore, West Bengal
721102, India
To secure an entry level position or an Internship in a company where I can learn and grow
in the professional & personal front by being able to assist and work alongside the
experienced members of the project group and being able put my acquired knowledge &
skills to use in problem solving whilst contributing to the company’s mission to the best of
my potential with a devoted and trustworthy attitude.
Project Title: Tablet based ordering and billing system for restaurant
Project Outline: Tablet based ordering system for restaurant where an android tablet is
provided to the customers to browse through the menu and place order through the tablet over
Wi-Fi. The order so placed is routed to the server at the manager’s desk where the billing is done
using the same software.
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Project Outline: A system designed for monitoring of the door for visitors over Wi-Fi using phone
or PC. The door can be locked & unlocked through the system. It was developed for the fulfilment
of the Design LAB. Coursework in B.Tech.
Tools: Mbed, MS Project, Visual Paradigm, ArgoUML, Bugzilla, Proteus, Keil Micro Vision
Embedded Systems Design & Development
Wireless Sensor Network
Cyber & Product Security
Lead developer of a team of five for development of leave management system for the
fulfilment of Software Engineering coursework in M.Tech.
Lead developer of a team of six for development of remote door attending system for
the fulfilment of design laboratory coursework in B.Tech.
Date of Birth : 6th August 1992
Gender : Male
Linguistic Proficiency : Read - English, Hindi, Bengali
Write - English, Hindi, Bengali
LinkedIn Profile :
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: Midnapore
Date: 05/03/2019 _____________________________
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