Application To Lift A Prohibition On Entry e

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Application to lift a prohibition on entry

or temporary access to Norway for a

short visit without the prohibition on
entry being revoked
Date Place of application Picture
(stamp of police
district or Foreign
Service mission)

The application form is for applicants who have been expelled from
Norway and on whom a prohibition on entry has been imposed that is
still valid. It is a criminal offence to provide materially incorrect or clearly
misleading information,

If you apply for a permit for residence or work together with this
application, you do not have to fill in the same information twice.
You must nevertheless state name and date of birth on this form.

1 Your personal details

(write your name as it appears in your travel document)
Family name First name
Middle name If applicable, previous name/ surname
Date of birth (day/month/year) Place of birth Country of birth
19 / 03 / 1994 BAGHDAD IRAQ
Gender Mother tongue Occupation
Marital status
Single Married/civil partner Cohabitant Separated Divorced Widow/widower
Place and date of last change in marital status Citizenship (specify all)
SULAYMANIYAH 16 / 01 / 2018 IRAQ

Contact information
UDI would like to use your phone number and your e-mail address in order to contact you in both this
application process, and for future applications. It is therefore important that you fill inn these columns.
State your past / current residence outside Norway (street / road)
Postcode Town Country
Cell phone Phone number in your home country E-mail
07706028237 +9647706028237 [email protected]
Address in Norway where you live or will live (street) Postcode Town
Alternative address if the answer to the application is to be sent another place

Postcode Town

Application to lift a prohibition on entry E

2 Identity / travel documents
Travel document Travel/identity document number Valid until (dd/mm/yy)
Passport from country of origin A6084027 23 / 04 / 2020
Travel warrant, Country of issue Issuing authority
immigrant’s passport or similar IRAQ REPUBLIC OF IRAQ
No travel document
Specify any other persons who are entered in the travel document. Use a separate sheet if necessary.

If you do not have a travel document, you can state other documents that give information about your
identity, for example national identity card. Use a separate sheet if necessary.

3 Information about previous stays in Norway

Have you stayed in Norway previously? If yes, state when and for how long
Have you previously applied for a residence permit in Norway? If yes, state what year
Yes No 2015
If you have previously resided in Norway, state the date of departure (must be documented)

4 Do you apply for lifting of a prohibition on entry or access to Norway

for a short visit?
I apply for
Lifting of prohibition on entry
Lifting a prohibition on entry on the basis of EEA regulations
Access to Norway for a short visit (specify the period day/month/year)

I apply in connection with

Family immigration with spouse/partner Au pair permit
Family immigration with children Student permit
Residence permit as a skilled worker Visa application
Seasonal worker Other. Explain:

5 Please state the reason for the application for temporary lifting of
prohibition on entry or access to Norway for a short visit
It is a condition for the prohibition on entry to be lifted that the situation has changed significantly since
the situation at the time of the expulsion. Such a significant change must be due to conditions that the
applicant does not have the ability to influence or control. State which changes constitute the grounds
for your application. Use a separate sheet if you need more space.
The information must be documented.

I apply for liftin of prohibition on entry because i want to practice my life next to my wife as husband , i
wish udi understand i am away two years from my wife and its so hard time for my wife and me ,
6 Criminal offences since you left Norway
Complete if expelled on the basis of criminal offences.
Have you been convicted of criminal offences since you left Norway?
Yes No
If yes, state the type of criminal offence, the penal sanction and where and when you were convicted
(use a separate sheet if necessary).

Are you currently charged with a criminal offence?

Yes No
Please enclose an up-to-date certificate of good conduct from your home country and/or any other
country in which you have resided since you left Norway, as this can be relevant to the consideration
of the application.

7 Signature
I hereby confirm that the information given in this application is correct and complete.

Place and date Your signature


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