Topcon Gts-2 (Geodetic Total Station) : Survey Review
Topcon Gts-2 (Geodetic Total Station) : Survey Review
Topcon Gts-2 (Geodetic Total Station) : Survey Review
J. R. Hollwey
To cite this article: J. R. Hollwey (1983) TOPCON GTS-2 (GEODETIC TOTAL STATION), Survey
Review, 27:207, 43-44, DOI: 10.1179/sre.1983.27.207.43
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Looking back at past issues of the Survey Review I found in the October 1975 (No. 178)
editon a review by Arthur Allan of the Aga Geodimeter 12 and in the October 1972 (No. 166)
edition my review of the Watts ST300 Microptic theodolite.
With the Topcon GTS we have an instrument which combines angle and distance
measurement to very similar specifications; say a range of 1kilometre with a single prism and
horizontal angle readings to 0'.1 (6"). Such is the progress in instrument design in under ten
In a modern instrument we seek almost automatic measurement of distance, simple or
automatic reading of the circle and a facility for automated recording of both. Such an
instrument requires high productivity, reliability and ideally as Iowa cost as possible. Young
surveyors are as skilled as their predecessors but with employers being prepared to invest
large sums of money in equipment, speed of operation matters more than in the past. Looking
at this instrument I sought qualities of use which would make it simple and quick to use,
meeting a specification which embraces 90~~of the surveys being made today.
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The GTS-2 is a combination EDM/theodolite in which the axis of the infra-red distance
measurement beam completely coincides with the optical axis of the theodolite telescope.
Combined targets and reflectors enable directions and distances to be determined at one set
up of the instrument.
The instrument looks at first sight like an oversized theodolite, the clip-on battery pack
attaches to the top of the standards and doubles as a carrying handle. After taking this
instrument from the robust carrying case and attaching to the conventional Wild type tripod I
felt confident that I would encounter no difficulties in use. Admittedly the handbook is well
written, but like so many others before I had only subjected it to a brief study. Typical of this
familiar appearance is the facility to fully transit the telescope, and the presence of
conventional coaxial upper and lower plate clamps and slow motion screws. The tribrach is
detachable making the instrument an ideal traversing tool.
The vertical circle has a fast responding automatic indexing system and the horizontal
circle readings are obtained by optically pairing graduations from each side of the circle. Both
circles are graduated in 1 intervals and the micrometer gives fine readings down to
10seconds (Model GTS-2 (10)) and 6 seconds (Model GTS-2 (06)). Interpolation to one-half
of this read out is easily achieved.
I used the telescope under a variety oflighting conditions and the manufacturer's claim of
a 3" resolving power was maintained. The telescope focused down to 1·5m without
perceptible loss of collimation. The telescope image is erect providing a 30 x magnification
with a 1 20' field of view.
In general the GTS-2 is a good workmanlike theodolite which will enable directions to be
determined easily to a standard deviation of around 6" to 10".
Turning to the distance measurement, I found the method of operation simple and
straightforward. The battery level is first checked and at the same time error codes will
indicate any instrumental malfunction. Correction factors for atmospheric conditions in ppm
and for offsets in mm can be set. As with the AGA 12 a continuous audio signal will be heard
if the infra-red signal is being reflected back to the instrument. The return signal level is
displayed and sweeping across the prism reflector this value can be maximised even when
observing through vegetation.
Measurement starts automatically when the return signal level reaches its maximum value
and provided the operation mode switch is set to either FINE or COARSE the slope distance
will be shown in the display window. This measurement will be repeated automatically and
the display updated. There are two basic modes of operation; FINE in which measurement
results to the millimetre are displayed and updated every five seconds and COARSE 1 in.
which measurement results to the centimetre are displayed and updated every two seconds. A
COARSE 2 mode provides updating everyone second and in this mode the instrument can be
used to track a prism moving at 3 metres per second.
Distances are presented in either metres or feet, a simple selector switch providing this
facility. When the adjustment switch cover on the top of the instrument is unscrewed, the
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offset value can he set or altered and seven option switches selected. These enable the audio
signals to be inhibited, the feet switch to be deactivated, the COARSE to be changed from 1 to
2 Of vice versa~and the distance output to be extended to 9999 metres by introducing a third
modulation frequency (it should however be noted that for ranges over 2 km, an array of 9
reflector-swould be needed).
The distances measured can be presented on a small calculator which is easily connected
to the instrument. This calculator enables the horizontal distance and height difference to be
det~{mined if the observed' slope angle is keyed in. A distance between a preset distance and
the measured distance can also be determined and displayed. This same connection can be
used to link the GTS-2 to-the GEODATA (Micronic 445L) Electronic Fieldbook, and thence
to a larger computer directly or by cassette or acoustic coupler. On such a device both vertical
and horizontal angles must be keyed in.
The TopcQt\ GTS-2 is a versatile instrument at a mqst attractive price. It is highly
competitiv~ with the combined purchase price of a 10" theodolite and infra-red EDM
instrument and must be given serious consideration by any organisation considering
setting up an automated surveying system.
It is a simple instrument to use, rather like a well designed motor car I felt at home
from the start with the controls. Its reliability can only be determined with time but I would be
quite happy to purchase this instrument. Further details of the GTS-2 and other EDM
instruments in the Topcon range can be obtained from:-
Hall and Watts Limited (EDM Department),
Longlands Trading Estate,
Wakefield Road,