Remington Middle/High School Choir Handbook
Remington Middle/High School Choir Handbook
Remington Middle/High School Choir Handbook
Middle/High School
Choir Handbook
Remington Choir Calendar
Additional performances may be added for Singers. Dates will be updated on the
Choir Google that is on my website.
o Black skirt, dress, or slacks
o Black dress top, if wearing skirt or slacks
o Black flats or low heels
Concert Choir:
o Black slacks and Black Dress Shirt
o Black dress shoes
o Black dress socks
o Black flats or black low heels
o Black Dress or Black Pants w/ Black Shirt
You will also be assigned a choir robe that will be stored in the classroom. We won’t wear them for
every performance but you be responsible for taking good care of it. If it gets damaged or lost you will
be responsible financially for replacing it.
T-shirts (to be worn with jeans) may be ordered at the beginning of the school year for informal
performances and must be paid for before pickup. Outfits are the responsibility of the student unless
otherwise noted to be provided by the school. There are some tuxedo parts from previous years
available for rental if sizing allows. As soon as outfits have been ordered, invoices will be sent out.
Payment plans are an option, but no check out sheet will be signed until all outfits and fees have been
paid for.
To be provided by school:
o Vest
o Bow tie and cinch tie
To be provided by student:
o Tuxedo jacket
o Tuxedo pants
o Tuxedo shoes
o Tuxedo shirt
o Black socks
To be provided by student:
o Dress
o Spandex briefs
o Nude character shoes
o Pantyhose
If you need help finding anything that is your responsibility, please let me know.
Policies for Grading and Participation
Course Standards:
• Standard #1: Students demonstrate age appropriate musical tone.
• Standard #2: Students demonstrate note and intonation fluency through performing,
applying, identifying, and defining standard notation for rhythm.
• Standard #3: Students will demonstrate rhythmic fluency through performing, applying,
identifying, and defining standard notation for rhythm.
• Standard #4: Students will demonstrate understanding of musical expression and
interpretation through performing, applying, identifying, and defining standard notation
for dynamics, tempo, articulation, and expression.
Grading scale:
0 = No evidence 1 = Needs 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Exemplary
No evidence of improvement Evidence shows Evidence Evidence
conceptual Evidence of growth; demonstrates demonstrates a
understanding. minimal progressing understanding deeper
understanding, toward the and application of understanding of
not grasping the standard/s. the standard/s. the standard/s.
concepts even
with teacher
Standard #3: Students will demonstrate rhythmic fluency through performing, applying, identifying, and
defining standard notation for rhythm.
Needs Improvement Basic Proficient Exemplary
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
minimal understanding inconsistent proficient exemplary
of rhythmic notation. understanding of understanding of understanding of
Student performs with rhythmic notation. rhythmic notation. rhythmic notation.
numerous inaccurate Student performs with Student performs with Student performs all
rhythms and/or lacks a lack of consistency in infrequent rhythmic rhythms accurately
steady pulse. rhythms and pulse. errors while pulse with a steady pulse.
remains steady.
Standard #4: Students will demonstrate understanding of musical expression and interpretation through
performing, applying, identifying, and defining standard notation for dynamics, tempo, articulation, and
Needs Improvement Basic Proficient Exemplary
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
minimal understanding inconsistent proficient exemplary
of style elements, understanding of understanding of understanding of
dynamics, musical terms, musical terms, symbols musical terms, symbols
interpretation, symbols, and signs. and signs. Student and signs. Student
phrasing and correct Student performs with performs with accurate performs with
tempo. mechanical expression expression most of the excellent expression
most of the time. time with occasional and accurate style
Attention to style lapses in dynamics, elements,
elements, tempos phrasing, tempo interpretation,
alterations, phrasing, alterations, style phrasing, dynamics,
dynamics, elements, and and tempo.
interpretation missing. interpretation.
Citizenship Rubrics
Standard #1: Integrity
Needs Improvement Basic Proficient Exemplary
My behaviors and I occasionally speak I am aware of how my I take ownership of my
words negatively before considering how behavior impacts behaviors, apply
impact my my behavior impacts others so I choose my feedback, show
relationships with peers and staff, and I words and actions improvement, and I
peers and staff, and I occasionally accept carefully, and I accept mend relationships
struggle to react consequences consequences maturely with peers and staff if I
appropriately when maturely but may try without argument or have damaged them. I
faced with to give excuses when I negotiation if I make a stand up against
consequences. make a mistake. mistake. language and behavior
that targets or hurts
others or I go out of my
way to include all
students when
Formative Assessments
• Daily citizenship grades based on work ethic and integrity
• Concert etiquette
• Sight singing understanding and execution
• Repertoire and singing skills
• Music theory skills and worksheets
Summative Assessments
• Concerts (skills and preparation)
• Written and aural tests
• Written concert evaluations
Students will receive multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know and are able to do through
a balanced system of formative, summative assessments and developmental feedback. Concerts will
NOT be the only things on which grades are based. Students will have an opportunity for a “do-over”
with tests or worksheets. The purpose is to grow and learn, not just memorize and recall.
Due Dates
Deadlines will be established with students in a reasonable time frame for all participants. Students will
be informed of concerts at the beginning of each school year and are expected to attend as they have
had several months notice. Assignments and tests will be given plenty of time to complete.
Concert attendance
When we perform, everyone is expected to be present at warmup time. A make-up assignment will be
given to those students that are absent. This will include: recording yourself singing your part on each
song of the concert and a reflection.