Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Assessment Tool
The Emotional Balance Sheet
Emotional wellness is one the most important and overlooked part of your overall health. This Emotional Balance Sheet
is part of an anger management assessment package offered by me, Dr. William DeFoore to help you get a clear picture
of where you are and where you're going. Your emotional health is key to good mental and physical functioning--in
other words, you need emotional well being if you're going to have the health and happiness you have always wanted!
So! Let's take a look at how you're doing in terms of managing your emotional energy levels:
You can easily copy and print this Emotional Balance Sheet, and fill in each of the blanks to get your score.
1. Rate yourself on each item with a _____ beside it.
2. Use the respective 0-5 Assets Scale and Liabilities Scale to rate yourself.
3. Calculate the difference between your asset score and your liability score to estimate your current emotional
wellness and Emotional Energy Balance.
Assets Scale
0--Not at all 1--Very little 2-- Moderate 3-- Sufficient 4-- Very good 5-- Excellent
Energy Assets-- established and lasting energy resources
Healthy mental processes:
1. Self-knowledge--how well you know your strengths and weaknesses _____
2. Spiritual and philosophical beliefs that bring comfort, peace and tranquility _____
3. Grounded optimism--a basically positive view of yourself and the world that is inclusive of "the big picture"
4. Self-enhancing beliefs--belief systems that give you energy, strengthen your faith and optimism, and get you
through the difficult times _____
Healthy emotional wellness patterns:
1. Self-empathy--the ability to see your deep emotions clearly, and to have compassion for yourself (without self
pity) _____
2. Self-esteem--your reserve of good feelings about yourself in general _____
3. Resilience--the ability to bounce back from poor emotional health and physical stress and difficulty _____
4. Stability--your level of consistency regarding your emotional response patterns, value systems and relationships
Healthy, established behavior patterns
1. Exercise/fitness program _____
2. Healthy diet _____
3. Contact with nature _____
4. Self-reflection, journaling _____
5. Meditation, prayer, spiritual practice _____
Meaningful work/professional life
1. Work satisfaction _____
2. Alignment between work and sense of purpose _____
3. Balance of work with home/family/social life _____
Fulfilling relationships
1. Good communication skills _____
2. Established community Family _____
3. Friends
a. One or more very close friends _____
b. A variety of casual friendships _____
c. A number of friendly acquaintances _____
2. Larger community identity affiliations _____
Liabilities Scale
0--N/A 1--Very little 2--Moderate 3--Noticeable 4--Significant 5--Major Concern
Energy Liabilities -- Patterns and processes that drain your energy and emotional wellness
Unhealthy mental processes
1. Low level of self-knowledge--little knowledge of your strengths and/or weaknesses _____
2. Insufficient or negative spiritual and philosophical belief systems _____
3. Pessimism, skepticism, cynicism re. self, others, life, the world _____
4. Self-limiting beliefs _____
Unhealthy emotional wellness patterns
1. Negative self image _____
2. Depression, residual anger, chronic fear/anxiety _____
3. Emotional volatility _____
Unhealthy behavior patterns
1. Lack of self-discipline--impulsivity _____
2. Lack of self-motivation--poor initiative and follow-through _____
3. Lack of self-empathy--self-loathing, self-denigration _____
4. Compulsive-addictive behaviors (food, sex, tv, internet, work, alcohol, drugs) _____
Work/professional life
1. High work-related stress levels_____
2. Work does not match your values/vision _____
3. Do not like your work/profession ____
1. Poor communication skills _____
2. Poor social skills _____
3. Social isolation _____
4. Dysfunctional relationships
a. Codependency _____
b. Dependency _____
c. Victim-persecutor-rescuer triangles ____
Total Energy Assets Score: ________________
Total Energy Liabilities Score: ______________
Emotional Wellness Energy Balance:_________________