TP Anglais
TP Anglais
TP Anglais
This topic is very importance for us because, the practice of pharmacy or pharmacology needs
pharmaceutical technology because it helps the system of the health lake, it’s help also to be in
a good mood and his more purpose is focusing on improving the safely, quality and efficiency
of pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Today we would like to update you on the place of a technology, industry, and manufacturing in
the pharmacy services in our society.
After reading the unit that concern the topic, in our presentation we will focus on three major
Pharmacy technology
The aim of pharmaceutical industry
The pharmacy technology in the future.
Timing: 15 minutes
We must know that in the health care system, pharmacy technology is a very important part.
Nowadays Scientific knowledge, techniques and methods, are making pharmacy technology
applicable to the practice of pharmacy or pharmacology.
In this way, pharmacy technology will be able to produce new drugs, it’s the way of improving
the capacity of manufacturing, the act to develop methods in producing new drugs by new
technics involved in industries.
As well as our topic is concerned, pharmaceutical technogy focusses on improving the safety,
quality and efficiency of pharmaceutical manufacturing through the application of relevant
technology. In absence of this, the safety and the quality of drugs remain doubtable; on the
ather hand pharmacy technology involves the compounding machines but manual tools as
well. For example
1. In 19th century scientists learned how to isolate and purify medicinal compounds and
developed large-scale manufacturing techniques. Those are in few words the purpose
or the aim of pharmaceutical technology, industry and manufacturing.
2. The understanding of biology and chemistry improved in the 20 th century, the
occurrence and severity of such diseases as typhoid fever poliomyelitis, and syphilis
were greatly reduced.
Those are in few words the aim or the purpose of the pharmaceutical technology, industry
and manufacturing.
Thirdly, in the future, pharmaceutical manufacturing will need to employ innovation due to
perform the capacity, the efficient and the safety of producing drugs. As we know and as
we are seeing, technology industry is going upper and upper, pharmaceutical technology
also will be improved as well as technology is going on improving. That permit to respond
to the challenges of knew discoveries( eg; complesx drug dlivery systems and
nanotechnology)and ways of doing business such as individualized therapies or genetically
tailored treatments.
In definitively, Pharmaceutical Technology is very important in the safety and the efficient of
manufacturing ; so the improving of industries and pharmaceutical technology is very needed
nowadays even in the future, that will permit doubtless in manufacturing and producing drugs;
it will occurs a lot of discoveries in pharmacy.