Anatomical Studies Sandalwood Tree
Anatomical Studies Sandalwood Tree
Anatomical Studies Sandalwood Tree
Anatomy and functional status of 100–120 Mg oil. The major issues related to depletion of
sandal in forests include illegal feelings, smuggling and
haustoria in field grown sandalwood diseases3.
tree (Santalum album L.) Due to the widening gap between demand and supply,
sandal has a great potential as plantation, and as compo-
D. Rocha1,*, P. K. Ashokan1 , nent of agro-forests. However, large scale planting of
sandal has not picked up due to poor establishment, re-
A. V. Santhoshkumar1 , E. V. Anoop and
sulting from its root parasitic nature and lack of knowl-
P. Sureshkumar2 edge about host–parasite relationships4. Hence, there is a
College of Forestry, and potential to increase sandalwood production through bet-
College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University,
Vellanikkara, Thrissur 680 656, India
ter understanding of the nature of host–parasite relation-
ship, production of high quality planting materials and
A study on the physiology of root parasitism in sandal knowledge of its silviculture. Presently, only a few stud-
(Santalum album L.) was conducted by comparing a ies are available on the relation of host in field grown
six-year-old sandal grown alone and along with a host sandal tree. Understanding of haustorial anatomy would
(Casuarina equisetifolia). Although maximum haus- give important clues on how sandal takes up food materi-
torial connections were observed when grown along als from host plants through specialized tissue. Consider-
with the host, sandal formed haustorial connections ing the above, studies were carried out to understand the
with plants including grass up to a distance of 3 m. physiological state of haustoria in the field grown sandal
Anatomical studies on haustoria indicated a vascular tree.
connectivity between the host and sandal. While the
The experiments were carried out in field-established
haustoria functioned as a physiological unit support-
ing nutritional requirements of sandal, direct lumen– six-year-old sandal trees at the Kerala Agricultural Uni-
lumen xylem connections between sandal and host versity, Thrissur district, Kerala (10.54N, 76.28E). The
were absent. Functional status of the haustorial con- study compared the number and structure of haustorial
nection was studied by radio-labelling the host connections in sandal with host (Casuarina) established
(Casuarina) and nearby grass with phosphorus (32 P). in the same pit and sandal growing alone without host
Presence of translocated 32P in sandal was noticed after (host plant – Casuarina dead naturally after establish-
six hours of labelling the host. 32 P activity was noticed ment of sandal). Two sample trees each were excavated
from eight days up to 16 days after which then it to study the physical association between the sandal tree
started decreasing. Study with multiple hosts revealed with the nearby plants including the host. Soil around one
that the extent of translocation from hosts to sandal quarter area around sandal tree basin was carefully exca-
varied from 28.9% (coconut + Casuarina + rubber as
vated by applying waterjet. The number of functional and
host) to 78.5% (Casuarina + rubber as hosts). Reverse
translocation of 32 P from sandal to host was also ob- non-functional haustoria on host roots was carefully re-
served. The study concludes that it is not necessary to corded from excavated area.
plant the host along with the sandal as it is practiced Anatomical studies were conducted to understand the
presently. functional status of sandal–haustoria association. Thin
(2–5 m) microscopic sections of sandal–haustoria were
taken following standard procedures of fixing, tissue
Keywords: Haustoria, radio tracer, root parasitism,
processing and staining. Functional status of haustoria
was studied by observing the movement of radioactive
phosphorus (32 P) from Casuarina to sandal. The translo-
SANDAL tree (Santalum album L.) is a precious tree well cation through the haustoria from host plant to sandal tree
known for its fragrant wood (East Indian Sandalwood) and back was studied by labelling host plant (Casuarina)
and the scented oil derived from it (East Indian Sandal and wild grasses growing around sandal tree with 32 P and
tree oil). Sandal is a member of the family Santalaceae observing the translocation of radio-label to sandal tree.
and locally called chandan. S. album is indigenous to In- The first treatment of labelling host plant with 32 P was
dia covering an area of 9600 sq. km (ref. 1) with most of done in two different ways. One by labelling the host
the area (90%) falling in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu2. The plants (Casuarina) without sandal tree in the same pit but
annual production of sandalwood in India has been de- growing between the rows and the other in the host plants
clining. Data shows that production declined from (Casuarina) growing with sandal in the same pit. Sandal
4000 MT (metric tonne) per year in the 1950s to 500 MT trees as well as Casuarina growing around the labelled
in 2007 (ref. 1). The global annual demand for sandal- plants were traced for 32P. Sandal trees were labelled with
wood is estimated to be about 5000–6000 MT wood and 32
P to study possible reverse translocations from sandal to
host plants.
The diluted 32 P sample was applied to the host plant by
*For correspondence. (e-mail: [email protected]) root feeding. The feeder roots of the host plant were
130 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 1, 10 JULY 2017
excavated and inserted into a polyethene tube of size tions between the sandal tree and the host. This is sup-
(2 15 cm2). 32 P solution at the rate of 1.2 mCi in 20 ml ported by the observation of tracheary elements within
was dispensed into the polythene tube, sealed and used haustoria of six santalaceous root parasites examined by
for labelling one host (Casuarina) plant. Similar study scanning electron microscopy with particular reference to
was conducted with sandal grown along with cocoa, the kind of cells which contain granules6. The earlier
cashew, coconut, teak and rubber. For labelling grass studies called it ‘phloeotracheids’. It was observed that
species growing around sandal tree, only 0.06 mCi, made the granules occur in short vessel elements and in imper-
up to 1 ml was used. Fresh leaf samples were collected forate cells which are thought to represent a specialized
from both host and sandal tree at 1 h, 2 h, 6 h, 2 days, 8 type of tracheid. Earlier studies7 also detected that in
days and 16 days after 32P application and were assessed haustorium of Osyrisarborea, a distinct interrupted zone
for 32 P activity. Radioactivity was determined in a com- was present above the vascular core. The majority of xy-
puter-controlled liquid scintillation system (Hidex- lem elements observed in the vascular core was perfo-
Triathler) using Cerenkov counting mode and the activity rated7. It was suggested that these graniferous tracheary
was expressed as counts per minute (cpm g–1). elements function in the regulation of pressure and flow
The number of functional and non-functional haustoria of sap7. Vascular connectivity between sandal and host
in host roots is shown in Table 1. For this classification, root through haustoria was also reported earlier. Intimate
active translocation of water and nutrients between host vascular connectivity was earlier observed between the
and sandal tree was taken as the presence of an active roots of the host and sandal tree8. The structure func-
hausteria. Sandal trees with hosts had a larger number of tioned as a unified unit serving the physiological re-
haustoria compared to sandal without host. However, quirement of sandal. Although similar observations were
sandal trees without host were also found to have haus- reported, direct lumen–lumen xylem connections between
torial connections with the roots of adjoining plants. A the xylem of the host and the parasite were absent (Figure
maximum number of haustorial formation with good host 3). This confirms that the movement of xylem sap from
was observed, thus significantly enhancing the growth host to sandal occurs principally via pits of host xylem
and nutrient status of sandal seedlings5. It was also ob- elements.
served that the tissue graft between host root and sandal The counts of 32 P in sandal tree, translocated from the
haustoria was quite firm and not easily detachable during host plant at different time intervals, after labelling the
the excavation process. host plant with 32P are shown in (Figure 3). During the ini-
Anatomy of sandal–haustoria attached with the host tial two hours, after labelling the host with 32P, no notable
(Casuarina) (Figure 1), showed close vascular connec- counts were observed in sandal tree. However, higher
counts were logged after 6 h of labelling the host plant
with radio labelled probe. This indicates that the rate of
Table 1. Number of sandal–haustoria on host root translocation of xylem sap from host to sandal tree is very
rapid. The peak count of 32 P in sandal tree was observed
Functional haustoria Non-functional hustoria
on eighth day of the labelling, showing that the transloca-
Sandal + Casuarina 44 6 tion of 32 P continued up to the eighth day. The reduction
Sole sandal 12 6 trend after the eighth day up to sixteenth day may be due
to the decay of 32 P in both the host and sandal.
Table 3. Translocation of 32 P from sandal tree to host trees Translocation of radio-labelled phosphorus from the
32 –1
P counts (cpm g ) host to sandal tree growing at different distances is shown
in Table 2. The 32 P in labelled Casuarina grown with san-
Treatments Sandal Casuarina** Teak** dal tree in the same pit was more as compared to Casuarina
Sandal + Casuarina + Teak* 513 183 275 grown alone. Sandal tree in the same pit with Casuarina
showed a 32 P count of 283 cpm g–1 . It was further noticed
*Indicates P labelled plant. **All the hosts were planted in the same that a sandal at a distance of 1.5 m away from this treat-
pit as that of sandal tree.
ment had a 32 P count of 216 cpm g–1. Similarly, it was
also observed that sandal situated at a distance 1.5 m
away from a radio labelled Casuarina standing alone had
a 32 P count of 260 cpm g–1. Interestingly, it was observed
that the labelled Casuarina and sandal had nearly the
same 32P count (260 cpm g–1 and 263 cpm g–1 ). The 32 P
count in sandal tree which was 2.5 m and 3 m away from
labelled Casuarina also showed appreciable count
(248 cpm g–1 and 200 cpm g–1 respectively).
Casuarina being a drought adapted species with nee-
dles in place of leaves, dilution effect is less and hence
most of the 32P absorbed was translocated to sandal tree.
The 32P count in sandal tree translocated from wild grass
growing around the sandal tree is shown in Figure 4.
There was significant transfer of 32 P count (200–
300 cpm g–1) from the labelled wild grass to sandal tree.
The 32 P from hosts were translocated to sandal tree in
both cases. Interestingly, indications of reverse transloca-
tion from sandal tree to host plant were evident from the
Figure 3. Count of 32 P translocated from host, Casuraina to sandal
trees growing at different distances on different time intervals. data on 32 P count translocated from labelled sandal tree to
host plants (Table 3). The translocation from sandal tree
to host Casuarina was 26% and to teak was 34.89%.
From the data, it is evident that translocation from sandal
tree to host is also equally efficient.
Root connections between hosts other than Casuarina
and sandal in the same pit were also studied (Table 4).
The translocation from hosts to sandal varied from 27.6%
to 78.5%. The percentage of total 32 P count detected in
sandal tree and host plant also varied depending on the
species of host plant and the number of host species pre-
sent in the same pit as that of sandalwood tree. Transloca-
tion varied from 27.65%, when rubber was host to 71%,
when cocoa was the host. The multiple plants present in
the same pit as sandalwood tree also showed 32 P count
translocated from the labelled host plant. As the host
plants did not have root connections between them, trans-
location from labelled host to other host plants in
Figure 4. Count of translocated 32 P from wild grass to sandal tree. the pit or in the adjacent pit may be mediated through
*Indicates 32 P labelled plant. **All the host plants were planted in the same pit as that of sandalwood tree.
sandalwood tree which might have formed functional 5. Annapurna, D., Rathore, T. S. and Joshi, G., Modern nursery prac-
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should be studied to reduce the impact of parasitic nature ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. D.R. thanks Kerala Agricultural Univer-
of sandal in agro-forestry situations. Properly designed sity for financial and technical support for pursuing this research.
planting will ensure regular periodical returns from crops
while also ensuring significant income in long term from
Received 3 July 2015; revised accepted 3 March 2017
doi: 10.18520/cs/v113/i01/130-133
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