Isap Capsule Proposal

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Date Completed:

International School of Asia and the Pacific

College of Information Technology and Engineering Signature of Proponents

Alimannao Hills, Penablanaca, Cagayan

Proponents Last Name First Name MI






Field of Information Technology


Research Action Research Design


Research Topic


(as proposed by
the proponent)

Approved Title:

(as redirected by
the research

References 1. Del Rosario-Raymundo, M.R. (2017), "QR codes as mobile learning tools
for labor room nurses at the San Pablo Colleges Medical Center",
(APA Style)
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 138-158.
2. Ramos, C. C. (March 2019). “Two in one: Struggles of Working
3. Abenoja, R., Accion, N., Aguilar, J., Alcasid, M., Amoguis, A., Buraquit,
D., Mama, A., Pacete, J., Pame, J. (March 2019). “The Experiences of
Working While Studying: A Phenomenological Study of Senior High
School Students”.
4. Walter, J. (March 10, 2020). “The Life of a Filipino Working Student”.
5. Look Upgrade Inc. (August 2018). “Life of Filipino Teenager as Working
6. Maleriado, M. A., Carreon, J. (2019). “The Features of Quick Response
(QR) Code as an Attendance Monitoring System: Its Acceptability and
Implication to Classroom”.
7. Molina, C.J. (2018). “VIRAL: Techy teacher tracks students class attendance
via QR codes.”.
8. Jeson, Jacinto & Galgo, Jeson. (2020). Efficacy of Scan Attendance
Manager Application Using Quick Response Code in Dagohoy National High
School, Bohol, Philippines. Journal of English Language Studies. 2. 1-12.
9. Ahmed, A. (August 27, 2019). “How to Monitor Employee Performance”.
10. Claypoole, V., Szalma, J,. (2019). “Electronic Performance Monitoring
and sustained attention: Social facilitation for modern applications”.
11. Jathar, C., Gurav, S., Jamdaade, K. (July 7, 2019). “A Review on QR
Code Analysis”.
12. Abdul Khalid, F. N. B. (2020). “SMART ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING
13. Blackman, R. (May 28, 2020). “How to Monitor Your Employees — While
Respecting Their Privacy”.
14. Hossain, S., Zhou, X., Rahmann, F. (November 29, 2018). “Examining
the impact of QR codes on purchase intention and customer satisfaction
on the basis of perceived flow”.
15. Ahmed, W. and Zaneldin, E. (2020). "Blending QR code with video
learning in the pedagogical process for the college foundation level"
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 67-85.


eptual Administrator
Framework  Add profiles
 Username  Grantees Record
 Password Name, ID number,
Assigned Area
Course and Year, Sex,
image, QR Code
 Update profiles
 Delete profiles Work Monitoring
 Print records System Using QR
Code for MCNP-
Employee in charge ISAP
 Username  Record and update Grantees
 Password personal profile Association
 Name (Last Name,  Date / Time
First Name, Middle  Scan QR Code
 Employment
 Department
 Upload image

Review of LOCAL

(Synoptic and
Argumentative) QR codes as mobile learning tools for labor room nurses at the San Pablo
Colleges Medical Center

According to Rowena Del Rosario, M.R. (2017), she found out that QR
codes encoded with text information, telephone numbers and URL links to the
mobile website all demonstrated a high level of functionality, usability and
usefulness. The majority of the participants liked the experience of using the QR
codes, citing ease of use of the QR codes; a high level of satisfaction in the kind
and amount of supplementary medical information accessed; and the favorable
effect the QR codes had on their personal learning.

Two in One: Struggles of Working Students

Ramos, C. C. (March 2019). In locality, working students are very

common nowadays and they say that time management is their number one
problem. The kind of responsibility a working student have is not easy but it is a
big help for them to be productive and professional someday.

The Experiences of Working While Studying: A Phenomenological Study

of Senior High School Students

Abenoja, R., Accion, N., Aguilar, J., Alcasid, M., Amoguis, A., Buraquit,
D., Mama, A., Pacete, J., Pame, J. (March 2019) found out on their study that
based on the participants’ responses on their perceptions on working while
studying, it is confirmed that financial support, self-development and internal
motivation to integrate theory and practice are among the driving forces of
working while studying at university. The findings also show that the participants
have happy feeling and good time management. Moreover, it shows that the
effective ways of overcoming the problems they encounter is through good time
management and self-reflection.

The Life of a Filipino Working Student

Walter J. (March 2020) states that no matter which employment route

they undertake, these working students are an epitome of resilience,
perseverance and hard work. The life of a working student may be hard, but
most pull through to later on tell their own success stories to the younger
generation. Hopefully, by then, education in the Philippines is made more
accessible to each and every Filipino family.

Life of Filipino Teenager as Working Student

According to Look Upgrade Inc. (August, 2018), being a working student

is very hard, they need to give their 100 percent of attention when they are in
school and give 100 percent of their strength when they work. Being a working
student is much different especially on the schedule. Their duties as a working
student are hard while they’re still in school. They have different time for working
and give a time for studying. A working student is responsible enough to handle
their life being a student. They will know how hard to handle a job while they
need to go to school after their work. They will know how important the
commitment and the time when they become a working student.

The Features of Quick Response (QR) Code as an Attendance

Monitoring System: Its Acceptability and Implication to Classroom

Michael Angelo C. Maleriado (2019) concluded in his study that the

benefits of the QR Code is it is easy to generate if in case the student lost or
misplaced his/her own code. It can be generated for free and the app can also
be downloaded for free on Android phones and can also be generated even
without the use of the internet which make it cost effective and practical. Both
teachers and students agreed that this innovation made an impact on the way
they manage their classroom and how students are liking the idea of going
digital when attendance is being checked. Teachers also mentioned that aside
from checking attendance, the use of QR Codes can also be used in different
fields of education. Teachers find it more effective to figure out who is absent
from the class especially if you are handling big classes every day. Students on
the other hand also enjoy this innovation because they know how fast
attendance are being checked. Though this has been done for years this idea is
very new in the public school system. QR code attendance system is a very
simple app that has a scanner which scans the code of the students when they
arrived in the classroom. All the data can be transported easily in an Excel
format. The interface is very simple making it very easy to understand and use
for teachers of all ages. With the newly updated app, teachers can continuously
scan the QR codes of the students. So instead of manually pressing the scan
button after each student, teachers can just put the phone in one place, press
the continuous scan and just let students place their codes in front of the phone
to be scanned. Teaches use bundles of papers each year and some of them go
to waste. With this innovation, everything is done in digital format and the
number of paper being used is minimized making it paperless and eco-friendly.

VIRAL: Techy teacher tracks students class attendance via QR code

As featured by Molina, C.J. (2018) in his blog, according to teacher

Michael Angelo Maleriado of Imus City, Cavite, who teaches contact center
services under the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject, that
using QR codes are not only time saving and easier for data access since it is
done digitally, it is also cost-effective since it is a green initiative that involves
minimal use of paper.

Efficacy of Scan Attendance Manager Application Using Quick Response

Code in Dagohoy National High School, Bohol, Philippines

According to Galgo J., (2020), it states that scan Attendance Manager is

a reliable application wherein teachers could conveniently use to monitor class
attendance by simply scanning the QR code embedded to each student's ID. As
expected, this application provides efficient data output from detecting absent
students to generating reports; thus, it is advisable to use. As all teacher-
respondents strongly agree, there is nothing to worry about generating the
reports since the data produced by the SAM application is definitely accurate. It
was also concluded that the Scan Attendance Manager app is not only useful for
classroom attendance; it can also be used to different kind of activities
considering that there will be attendance to monitor.


How to Monitor Employee Performance

According to Ahmed, A. (2019) In order to make tracking progress and

monitoring performance more efficient, implement technology solutions in your

During your monthly check-in meetings with each employee or

department, be sure to track the progress of each of their performance metrics.
This way, you can ensure employees are on track toward meeting their goals. If
they are far behind or far ahead, you may need to review performance or

Electronic Performance Monitoring and sustained attention: Social

facilitation for modern applications

According to Claypoole V., Szalma J. (2019), Electronic Performance

Monitoring, or EPM, has been described as the use of electronic systems to
monitor and evaluate performance. Research on the effects of EPM has
indicated that electronic monitoring may improve employee productivity and

A Review on QR Code Analysis

According to Jathar, C., Gurav, S., Jamdaade, K. (2019), it states that

nowadays, taking attendance manually by using paper and pen was one
approach we used even we knew the process seems slow and unproductive.
Students play truant and trying to cheat on their attendance by asking friends to
put initial on the attendance sheet. This project proposed as an alternative
solution for educators to streamline the process of taking the attendance by
using QR Code.

Quick Response code is usually authenticated with the help of the

camera of one’s mobile phone. QR codes can easily scanned through mediums
like Tablets, laptops and personal computer desktops. The system automatically
generates the ID of the user and its password. The characteristic which makes
QR codes stand out is they can still be scanned even if they are partially
QR codes are becoming popular day by day in the upcoming generation
as it offers way easier authentication that the traditional old fashioned user id
and password. QR codes offers many advantages such as greater storage
capacity, fast readability, 360-degree reading, small print size, error correction,
support for more languages and durability against soil and damage. Many firms
who are relatively new in the online business are tend to use these codes
instead of normal login process.



According to Abdul Khalid, F. N. B. (2020), QR Code, stands for Quick

Response Code, is a two-dimensional code used to record thousands of
characters and numbers in a small image created by Denso-Wave Corporation
of Japan in 1994. The QR Code is arranged in columns and rows of black and
white colors designed to be read by smartphone users. Users utilize the QR
Code can simply use the software decodes built-in into the applications to
convert scanned code images into the coded information and save it into the
database. [1] QR Code systems have been used widely in many application
areas, such as transport ticketing, entertainment, commercial tracking or product
labeling, etc. In this system, the users will scan the QR Code that generates by
the lecturer. The system records the attendance based on user information
extracted from the QR Code. The code that will be used here is to read the data
and store it into the database so that the system could retrieve it from the

How to Monitor Your Employees — While Respecting Their Privacy

According to Blackman, R. (2020), the article states there that even

before Covid-19 sent an unprecedented number of people to work from home,
employers were ramping up their efforts to monitor employee productivity. A
2018 Gartner report revealed that of 239 large corporations, 50% were
monitoring the content of employee emails and social media accounts, along
with who they met with and how they utilized their workspaces.

Examining the impact of QR codes on purchase intention and customer

satisfaction on the basis of perceived flow

According to Hossain et. Al., (2018), this research is associated to e-

mails or websites address that can help to capture more information during
registration process, content downloading time, and browsing time. QR codes
can facilitate tracking activities of online interactions and make easier evaluating
a campaign’s return on investment.

Blending QR code with video learning in the pedagogical process for the
college foundation level

According to Ahmed, W. and Zaneldin, E. (2020), students participated to

explore the usefulness of using online learning through using videos blended
with QR code to enhance the students’ performance in understanding one of
the undergraduate foundation courses in the college of engineering, namely,
engineering economy.
Research 1.To track honest records.
2.Can also be used to recognize and evaluate the performance of the student grantees
Objective and see how often they comply to their respective areas.

3. To collect data efficiently

4. To provide fair information

5. To prevent truancy

Significance of This study is focused on the design and development of Work Monitoring System for
the Proposed MCNP-ISAP Grantees Association which will provide a great help in monitoring their
Study records. Specifically, the study will be beneficial to the following;

MCNP-ISAP Grantees Association. The findings of this project will be useful for the
MCNP-ISAP Grantees Association in monitoring their daily and weekly
accomplishment report.

Researchers. The researchers will be greatly benefited because it is their first time
working on an extensive analysis, design and development of a project that will help
them to think more on a helpful method that may benefit others through an easier
process in working.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as their reference to innovate the system
and for similar studies to be conducted in the future.

Methods Software Developmental Methodology

The formal method that the proponents used in order to accomplish what have
been set in the purpose and objectives is the Waterfall model which is one of the
SDLC. We decided to follow the Waterfall model because it proposes an analysis and
design that holds the system and guides us to our study. Waterfall model of the SDLC
can develop ways and methods as our guide to present facts about the Information
management and Work monitoring system for the grantee association. We also need
to study other aspects of the association in order for us to create and develop a
system that will probably answer the existing problem.

Also, this chapter show the strategies and techniques used by the proponents
as a reference for their capstone project, the strategies and techniques use by the
proponents are interview, observation and internet research.

Waterfall Development Model

Data Gathering






Figure 2. This figure shows how the flow of the research will work using Waterfall
Development Model.

Data Gathering

The proponents meet and interview the MCNP-ISAP grantees and employees for data
gathering, and find solutions for the MCNP-ISAP Grantees Association


The collected data are analyzed to determine the development of the systems features
and functions. Furthermore, the proponents concluded that the waterfall model
associates as a proper software development method.


In this phase, the proponents design the content of the overall system features and
interface of the system.


Once the overall content, features, and interface are finalized, the proponents start to
build system. The proponents will use the Visual Studio, C#, PHP, MIT APP Inventor,
and SQL Server.


In this phase the application is tested to identify unseen errors and the user will be
asked to provide suggestions and feedbacks that will help improve the system.


After several tests of finding faults, errors, and adjustments, the fully functioning
system will be delivered to the client to use in a live environment.


Maintenance to the system is necessary to further observe the system in a live


Data gathering tool should also be included in a separate sheet

Data Gathering Techniques

The researcher conducted an interview with the employees of the association and gathered all the data
needed for the system. Thus, the proponents need this to conduct a study about the existing system which is
the paper-based processes to make it more reliable and efficient to use.

Questionnaires- The proponents used questionnaires and conducted an interview with the employees
regarding the work, checking of attendance of ISAP grantees problems and process during their working

Books/Journals- The proponents utilized thesis books for inference on information yielding a detailed and
publishable research.

Internet- This was used to gather information as a reference. The researchers read information from the
internet to better describe the term and process cited in this study.

Observation – The researchers obtained the problems and processes of grantee association during their set
working hours in order to gather reliable data to supplement the information needed to help with the
problems encountered by them together with the employees in the school.

Data Collection Procedure

Once we've agreed on a design for our research, we'll get started. It is critical that we continue to
follow the methodical approach and begin collecting data. We must also select how we will gather data, after
deciding what data to acquire, of course. Furthermore, it is crucial to note that we will gather data based on
how useful it will be in the research as well as its efficacy. We must be aware of any potential issues that
may arise throughout the data gathering procedure. So, in order to obtain accurate data, we must first ensure
that we have established precise selection criteria. As a result, when conducting research, we must evaluate
if the study is genuine or heuristic, analytic or deductive, in order to ensure that our findings are entirely
correct. Open observations, record reviews, diaries and interviews, verbal reporting, questionnaires, and
tests, for example, can all be used to collect data in qualitative research. Then, whatever method we choose
to gather data, we must ensure that it is trustworthy, consistent, and accurate, and that we can trust the
information. Finally, the data collection tools must be appropriate for the study aim. However, it will not
always fit to the letter, in which case we can utilize a ready-made instrument, even if it does not meet the
study objectives.

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