MCQ's MCS Evening 3th-A
MCQ's MCS Evening 3th-A
MCQ's MCS Evening 3th-A
1. Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view?
a) Collaboration
b) Use case
c) State chart
d) Activity
Answer: b
2. Which diagram in UML shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled
system at a specific time?
a) Sequence Diagram
b) Collaboration Diagram
c) Class Diagram
d) Object Diagram
Answer: d
Answer: b
Answer: d
6. We use _________ where various parts of system use are identified and analyzed in turn.
a) tangible entities
b) scenario-based analysis
c) design-based analysis
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: d
Answer: c
9. Select the diagram that is used to model the vocabulary of a system.
a). Object Diagram
b). Activity Diagram
c). Both a and b
d). Class diagram
Answer: d
Answer: d
11. What does a simple name in UML Class and objects consist of?
a) Letters
b) Digits
c) Punctuation Characters
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: c
13. An operation can be described as?
a) Object behavior
b) Class behavior
c) Functions
d) Object & Class behavior
Answer: d
Answer: c
15.Which UML diagram is shown below?
a) Use Case
b) State Chart
c) Activity
d) Object Diagram
Answer: b
16. Which of the following is not needed to develop a system design from concept to
detailed object-oriented design?
a) Designing system architecture
b) Developing design models
c) Specifying interfaces
d) Developing a debugging system
Answer: d
17. A description of each function presented in the DFD is contained in a ________
a) data flow
b) process specification
c) control specification
d) data store
Answer: b
18. Which diagram indicates the behaviour of the system as a consequence of external
a) ER diagram
b) state transition diagram
c) activity diagram
d) none of these
Answer: b
Answer: c
20. Design patterns does not follow the concept of software reuse.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
21. The use of design patterns for the development of object-oriented software has
important implications for
a) Component-based software engineering
b) Reusability in general
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: a
24. What are the different interaction diagram notations does UML have?
a) A sequence diagram
b) A communication diagram
c) An interaction overview diagram
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
25. Which of the following statement is true?
a) A transition is a change from one state to another
b) Transitions may be spontaneous, but usually some event triggers them
c) An event is a noteworthy occurrence at a particular time; events have no duration
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
26. Which diagram in UML shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled
system at a specific time?
a) Sequence Diagram
b) ER Diagram
c) Class Diagram
d) Object Diagram
Answer: d
27. Which of the following is the main advantage of object-oriented software development?
c. Promoting reusability
Answer: d
28. Which of the following describes the state of an object?
a. Methods
b. Data
c. Attributes
Answer: c
a. Generalization
b. Abstraction
c. Classification
d. Association
Answer d
a. Process
b. Data flow
c. Datastore
d. External entity
Answer: e
31. Select where the class diagrams are not convenient
Answer: c
Answer: c
33. Which one is used to display a set of objects and their relationships?
a) Object diagram
b) Class diagram
c) Use case diagram
d) Activity diagram
Answer: a
34. How many views of the software can be represented through the Unified Modeling
Language (UML)?
a) Four
b) Five
c) Nine
d) None of the above
Answer: b
35. Which of the following views represents the interaction of the user with the software
but tells nothing about the internal working of the software?
a) Use case diagram
b) Activity diagram
c) Class diagram
d) All of the above
Answer: a
36. UML diagram that shows the interaction between users and system, is known as
a) Activity diagram
b) E-R diagram
c) Use case diagram
d) Class diagram
Answer: c
Answer: d
38. _________select from the following in which engineering and reverse engineering can
be applicable
a) tagged values
b) stereotypes
c) class diagram
d) Both a and b
Answer: c
39.Select the best diagram to model business workflows?
a) ER diagram
b) Activity diagram
c) Use Case diagram
d) None of these
Answers: b
41. A UML diagram that facilitates requirements gathering and interacts between system
and external users, is called as
a) Flowchart diagram
b) Sequence diagram
c) Use case diagram
d) Data flow diagram
Answer: c
42. Which core element of UML is being shown in the figure?
a) Node
b) Interface
c) Class
d) Component
Answer: d
Answer: b
a) qualified
b) non-qualified
c) non-qualified
d) qualified
Answer: :d
45.which of the following Composite name consists of in a UML Class and object diagram?
a) Delimiter
b) Simple names
c) Digits
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
a) Use Case
b) Collaboration Diagram
c) Sequence Diagram
d) Object Diagram
Answer: c
50.Select which one is model static data structures.
a) Object diagrams
b) Class diagrams
c) Activity diagrams
d) All of the above
Answer: B