The Following Steps Will Be Observed by The Researcher
The Following Steps Will Be Observed by The Researcher
The Following Steps Will Be Observed by The Researcher
Obtain permit to conduct the study. The researcher wills secure the permit to
conduct of the study from the Schools President through the dean of the respondent-
school. The permit contains the objectives of the study.
Process and evaluate the obtained data. To assess the data the following
assessments will be followed.
Age 16 - Age 30 – Age 40 - 49
29 39
Excellen 37 or less 39 or less 40 or less
t 38 - 42 40 - 43 41 - 44
Good 43 – 50 44 – 50 45 - 52
Fair 51 or more 51 or more 53 or
Poor more
Excellen 43 or less 43 or less 44 or less
Good 44 – 46 44 -47 45 -47
Fair 47 – 55 48 – 56 48 - 57
Poor 56 or 57 or 58 r more
more more
2. Push ups
The following table, adapted from Golding et al. (1986), provides normative data for the
Push Ups for Men
Above Below
Age Excellent Good Average Poor
Average Average
17 -
>56 47-56 35-46 19-34 11-18 <11
20 -
>47 39-47 30-38 17-29 10-16 <10
30 -
>41 34-41 25-33 13-24 8-12 <8
40 -49 >34 28-34 21-27 11-20 6-10 <6
50 -
>31 25-31 18-24 9-17 5-8 <5
60 -
>30 24-30 17-23 6-16 3-5 <3
The following table, adapted from Golding et al. (1986), provides normative data for the
Push Ups for Women.
Above Below
Age Excellent Good Average Poor
Average Average
17 -
>35 27-35 21-26 11-20 6-10 <6
20 -
>36 30-36 23-29 12-22 7-11 <7
30 -
>37 30-37 22-29 10-21 5-9 <5
40 -49 >31 25-31 18-24 8-17 4-7 <4
50 -
>25 21-25 15-20 7-14 3-6 <3
60 -
>23 19-23 13-18 5-12 2-4 <2
1. Sit-ups
Femal 11.9 -
>15 15.0 - 12.0 6.9 - 4.0 <4
e 7.0
Gende Averag
Excellent Above Average Below Average Poor
r e
Male <4 4.0 - 4.2 4.3 - 4.4 4.5 - 4.6 >4.6
<4.5 4.5 - 4.6 4.7 - 4.8 4.9 - 5.0 >5.0
The following table is for female athletes (adapted from: Hede et al. 2011):
Ag Above
Excellent Average Below average Poor
e average
14 >1.91m 1.91 - 1.73m 1.72 - 1.60m 1.59 - 1.47m <1.47m
15 >1.85m 1.84 - 1.73m 172 - 1.60m 1.59 - 1.50m <1.50m
16 >1.83m 1.83 - 1.68m 1.67 - 1.58m 1.57 - 1.45m <1.45m
>16 >1.91m 1.91 - 1.78m 1.77 - 1.63m 1.62 - 1.50m <1.50m
Female 17.0 - 17.9 secs 18.0 - 21.7 secs 21.8 - 23.0 secs >23.0 secs
Excellen Below
Above Average Average Poor
t Average
>35 30 - 35 25 - 29 20 - 24 <20