German Verbs With Prepositions 1 German Lesson
German Verbs With Prepositions 1 German Lesson
German Verbs With Prepositions 1 German Lesson
This German verb guide is part of our free German for Beginners course. Also see our German Verbs section for more about German verbs.
A preposition in a German verb phrase takes an object in the same case that the preposition normally requires (accusative or dative). For a preposition
such as mit, which is always dative, the object of the preposition in the verbal phrase would also use the dative: “Hör doch mit dem Lärm auf!” (“Cut
out the noise!” - Verb phrase: aufhören mit).
For many prepositions, as in the mit example above, you only have to know what kind of preposition you have — i.e., für, always accusative, or von,
always dative. Doubt concerning the correct case only arises with the so-called two-way prepositions, also called the “doubtful” prepositions. (In the
chart below, two-way prepositions are indicated with an asterisk [*].) The doubt comes about because a two-way preposition can take either an
accusative or a dative object. With verbs, the normal rules for determining the case of a dual preposition (wo/wohin) don't always apply. For many verb
+ preposition expressions, you simply have to learn which case the verb uses, much as you have to learn the gender of a German noun. That's just
one good reason why you should study the prepositional verb charts that follow.
There are, however, some helpful rules of thumb for the two-way prepositions with verbs. With the exception of an, two-way prepositions with verbs
usually take the accusative case. For instance, in verbal phrases, the two-way preposition über usually means “about” and is accusative. In contrast,
most an verb phrases, such as arbeiten an (to work on), are dative. Unlike the other two-way prepositions, very few verb expressions with an are
accusative. These include: denken an (think of), glauben an (believe in), s. halten an (hold to), and s. erinnern an (remember). In stock verb phrases,
über is always accusative, vor is always dative (but not in other situations). Also see additional comments for particular verbs/prepositions in the
charts below.
The first verb + preposition chart below lists the prepositions alphabetically, with example sentences. The chart in Part 2 lists the verbs alphabetically.
ABBREVIATIONS USED: A (accusative), D (dative), etw (etwas), jdn (jemanden, someone), s. (sich, reflexive verb), s.o. (someone), s.t. (something)
auf* auf etw achten A Sie müssen auf den Preis achten.
You have to pay attention to the price.
für für etw sorgen A Die Polizei sorgt für Recht und Ordnung.
The police strive for law and order. 1/3
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He fell in love with her.
mit mit etw rechnen D Wir haben mit seiner Dummheit nicht gerechnet.
We didn't account for his stupidity.
über* über etw/jdn urteilen A Ich kann nicht über sein Talent urteilen.
I can't judge his talent.
von von etw/jdm distanzieren D Sie haben sich von ihm distanziert.
They distanced themselves from him.
vor* jdn vor etw retten D Sie hat ihn vor dem Wasser gerettet.
She saved him from the water.
Some verbs can be used with more than one preposition, which may or may not change its meaning. The verb bestehen, for instance, used with auf
means “to insist on,” while the same verb used with aus means “to consist of/be made of.” The verb halten can be used with a variety of prepositions,
each of which gives the verb a different meaning: halten für, halten an, halten von, halten zu are all possible variations. The verb sich freuen auf
means “to look forward to,” while sich freuen über means “to be glad about.” (Also see Confusing Words in German.)
In the next chart, we list many common verb + preposition expressions alphabetically by verb.
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