Gelli Module Educ
Gelli Module Educ
Gelli Module Educ
Look for the pictures in the internet that show and/or describe science subject. Paste the
pictures on every circle connecting to the word science.
Science is concerned with discovering the truths about the natural world. It
rigously tests ideas through experimentation and subjected scientific proposals to peer
review . this is something that no other field does. Science contributes to our
understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe is the
result of scientific research and experimentation, from how trees reproduce to what atom
is made of.
Science, unlike art philosophy, religion and other forms of knowledge, is founded
on empirical research. This research is carried out by scientist in order to answer a
question about the natural world. Empirical research is based on systematic observation
and experimentation, rather than on opinions and feelings. Science distinguishes itself
from other modes of knowing by employing empirical standards, logical arguments, and
skeptical examination. Science knowledge has a long history that includes the
refinement and evolution of theories, ideas, and beliefs.
3.Why do you think Science is one of the core subjects in basic education?
Science is one of the oldest and most important academic disciplines, and it
encompasses a wide range of topics. It is also a key component of the acronym STEM,
which stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. In many countries
around the world, the matter of how to promote these subjects is a hot topic. this is
particularly true of the sciences, one of the core subjects in basic education that can lead
to many degree options for students. Science is one of the most significant subjects in
school because of its relevance to students lives and the universally applicable problem
solving and critical thinking skills it develops. These are the following life long skills that
enables students to generate ideas, weigh decisions intelligently. We can no longer
ignore the special needs of science subject. All students need a course that develops
their scientific literacy and critical thinking skills every year.
Science Teaching Should Be Consistent with Clearly express their own opinions on the
the Nature of Scientific Inquiry
subject under consideration begin to
Natural Science Teaching Should Aim to
Counteract Learning Anxieties The education environment continues to
Following these principles can help to make teaching more effective and efficient,
as well as create conditions that promote student learning. Students will be more
open-minded and critical thinkers as a result. These principles will assist students
in organizing and prioritizing their knowledge and skills that they wish to focus on,
and will serve as a guide for them as they navigate their way through this
teaching experience.
As a science teacher you will have a special role in bridging gap between the
different world of science and scientists and the world of the students. In this day
of instant and global information access, it has become increasingly important for
science teachers to help students develop science process skills instead of
focusing solely on the memorization of the body facts. And for me a good science
teacher understands how learning takes place, knows how to apply the principles
of learning and believes that all students can learn. Teachers who helps students
make connections between the information they are to learn. And also know that
learning takes place by doing, and that learning begins with meaningful
experiences. A good science teacher never makes negative assumptions about
the potential of their students and help the students see themselves as scientists
and engineers instead of passively observing other people doing the work of
science. It is more about creating opportunities for the students to see science in
application instead of just reading about it on text book.
Filipino students are bombarded with theories and terminologies that aren't
always what makes science exciting. Scientists do not memorize and regurgitate
information; instead, they ask questions, predict outcomes, and conduct
experiments. Many would suggest that science does not actively engage ordinary
people. Students today, on the other hand, I believe, see science as an important
part of their daily lives because they cultivate their beliefs while remaining open
to other points of view.
5. What can you say about the latest international assessment result that the
Philippines is one of the lowest student science and English literacy?