IEEE 2007 Paper - Capacitor Application Issues

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Thomas M. Blooming, P.E. Daniel J. Carnovale, P.E.

Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member, IEEE
Eaton Corporation Eaton Corporation
7000 Highlands Parkway SE 1000 Cherrington Pkwy
Smyrna, GA 30082 Moon Township, PA 15108
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract - Capacitors provide well-known benefits to kW or kVA during the demand interval to do the required kvar
electric power systems. These benefits include power calculation. In the latter, one would use the accumulated kWh
factor correction, voltage support, release of system and kvarh to first calculate the required kvarh of correction
capacity, and reduced system losses. As with any piece needed over the month, and then divide out the hours in the
of electrical equipment, there are a number of application month to get the required capacitor bank size.
issues that engineers need to be aware of. These issues In most real-world cases, power factor correction
range from the very basic to the very complex. calculations based on peak kW/kVA and power factor in a
Most of these application issues can be, and have short demand interval will require a larger capacitor bank to
been, the subject of their own detailed technical papers. correct the power factor than the accumulated kWh and kvarh
This paper does not get into rigorous detail but rather over a month method. This is because the kvar calculation is
discusses these issues with the goal of making the done at peak load, even if the power factor during that interval
reader aware of many of the traps one can fall into when may not be as low as at periods of lighter load.
applying capacitors. The reason that a power factor correction calculation based
The application issues are addressed based on the on accumulated kWh and kvarh generally results in a lower
authors’ experiences working in various capacities required capacitor size for correction is that you do not need
(performing power system measurements and studies, to meet the target power factor at any particular point in time
performing engineering service failure investigations, or during any particular demand interval. It is okay, for
advising capacitor sales personnel, consulting with end instance, if you do not meet the target power factor during the
users, and building custom capacitor banks), thus seeing middle of the day, when loads are typically highest, as long as
these problems from many different angles. you exceed the target power factor at other times, typically at
night when loads are lower.
Index Terms - capacitors, power factor, demand, penalties, In the extreme case, one can meet the target power factor
filters, harmonics, resonance, transients. by running a leading power factor at times (sending vars back
the utility), in effect turning the kvarh meter backwards. Some
I. CAPACITOR SIZING utilities allow this. It is more common for utilities using this
type of contract (accumulated kWh and kvarh) to not give
credit for leading power factor. A utility may state in its rate
A. Power Factor Definition
that the power factor shall be determined by the kWh and
Even the most basic capacitor application question, how lagging kvarh accumulated over the month—note the
much capacitance is needed, is not as simple as it first exclusion of leading kvarh. One utility explicitly states, “A
appears. This is because electric utility power factor penalties device will be installed on each kilovar meter to prevent
vary considerably and power factor is not calculated reverse operation of the meter.”
consistently from utility to utility. Regardless of whether leading kvarh are credited, with
In order to calculate the required amount of capacitance to power factor calculated by accumulating kWh and kvarh over
raise the present system power factor to a specified higher the month one can make up for being below the target power
power factor, several pieces of information are needed: the factor at some times by being above the target power factor at
kVA or kW and power factor of the existing load, and the other times. This may allow one to choose a smaller fixed
target/desired power factor. The difficulty comes from the fact capacitor, as opposed to a larger, switched capacitor bank.
that we can calculate power factor in different ways, and these It is not practical to cover all the possible variations on how
different ways affect how much capacitance we need to apply power factor might be calculated; there is an exception to
in a given situation. Note that this discussion is focused on every rule. The point is that engineers should be aware that
simple 60 Hz power factor calculation; we are not delving into the way power factor is calculated affects the required kvar
more esoteric considerations such as harmonic power flow, calculation. Engineers should read the electric utility’s
distortion power, and such. published rate to determine how power factor is calculated
Some utilities calculate power factor as an average during and take this into account.
the 15 (or 30) minute interval coincident with the peak kW or
kVA demand, depending on how the utility bills for peak B. Month-by-Month Calculations versus Averaging
demand. Other utilities accumulate kWh (kilowatt-hours) and Another source of error when calculating the required kvar
kvarh (kvar-hours) over the course of the month, in effect needed to correct poor power factor is relying too much on
calculating an average power factor over the entire month. In averages, maxima, and minima. It is always a good idea to
the former case, one would use the power factor and the peak gather a number of past power bills when doing power factor

correction analysis. This is because load levels vary over the II. POWER FACTOR PENALTIES
course of a year and you would want to choose the amount of
capacitance needed based on a worst case month. It is not the intention of this paper to discuss power factor
The problem is that some people try to summarize these penalties in detail but rather to present an overview so that the
multiple months of data in order to do just one power factor reader will have a basis to investigate their utility bill. Table 3
calculation. Table 1 shows some power factor calculations shows a number of different types of power factor penalties.
done on a month-by-month (each month calculated Most are straightforward and can be analyzed by engineers
separately) basis. Table 2 shows the monthly data and end users to help determine how to reduce power factor
summarized before doing the power factor calculations. penalties. Sometimes utilities will incorporate multiple
Typically one would choose the average or maximum kW load methods of billing for low power factor, so several of the
and the average or minimum power factor. The results show penalties in Table 3 may be applied.
that you can end up buying a much larger capacitor bank than Sometimes a power factor penalty is somewhat hidden. For
necessary using this approach. example, in a straight kVA demand rate there is nothing that
Calculations should be done on a month-by-month basis. explicitly mentions a power factor penalty. But a poor power
The largest capacitance needed in an individual month would factor will result in a higher kVA for a given kW of load, so
then be selected, say 600 kvar based on the results from there is an implicit power factor penalty built into that rate. In
Table 1. It may seem time-consuming to do multiple power other cases the utility may give a rebate for maintaining a
factor calculations by hand. However, with a spreadsheet power factor above a given level. At a glance you might not
program such as Microsoft Excel it is easy to do a number of think you are paying a penalty if you do not get this rebate.
these calculations very quickly. But you would be leaving money on the table if you did not
An additional benefit of doing these calculations in a take advantage of the rebate. It is functionally equivalent to a
spreadsheet is that other calculations of interest can be power factor penalty, just phrased differently.
incorporated. Such calculations might include no-load voltage Note that for most of these rates it is not practical to correct
rise with fixed capacitors and the resonant harmonic all the way to unity power factor. First of all, further
frequency of the system when capacitors are added (if the improvement (above a power factor threshold level) costs
user inputs certain system information, including source more. Even if there is a unity power factor target (e.g. kVA
transformer kVA and percent impedance). billing), going closer to unity may cost more to achieve than
will be saved. This could result in higher absolute dollars
saved but a lower rate of return on the project (due to the
higher initial investment). Secondly, going all the way to unity
TABLE 1 might require a switched capacitor bank, whereas applying a
EXAMPLE POWER FACTOR CALCULATIONS, lesser amount of capacitance reduces the possibility of
USING MONTHLY DATA, .95 PF TARGET leading power factor (for which some utilities also penalize), or
at least minimizes how far leading the power factor will go.


1000 .83 343.3 Capacitors must be built to tolerate voltages and currents in
excess of their ratings according to standards. The applicable
1100 .80 463.4 standard for power capacitors is IEEE Std 18-2002, IEEE
950 .73 577.2 Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors. Additional information
is given in IEEE Std 1036-1992, IEEE Guide for Application of
700 .65 588.3 Shunt Power Capacitors.
850 .70 587.8 IEEE Std 18-2002 gives the following continuous overload
limits. These are “intended for contingencies and not
intended to be used for a nominal design basis.” [15]
• 110% of rated rms voltage
• 120% of rated peak voltage
• 135% of rated rms current (nominal current based on
rated kvar and voltage)
• 135% of rated reactive power
1200 .65 1008.5 Short time overload voltages were specified in IEEE Std 18-
MAXIMUM KW AVERAGE PF KVAR NEEDED 1992 (on older version of the standard) and IEEE Std 1036-
1992 and are listed below. These standards state that a
1200 .75 671.9 capacitor may be expected to see a combination of 300 such
AVERAGE KW MINIMUM PF KVAR NEEDED overvoltages in its service life. Note that these overvoltages
are “…without superimposed transients or harmonic content.”
966.7 .65 812.4
• 2.20 per unit rms voltage for 0.1 seconds
AVERAGE KW AVERAGE PF KVAR NEEDED (6 cycles of rms fundamental frequency)
• 2.00 per unit rms voltage for 0.25 seconds
966.7 .75 541.3
(15 cycles of rms fundamental frequency)


kVA (demand) Penalty for < 1.0 pf; generally Demand = 800 kW; pf=80%; kVA=1000; demand charge = $10/kVA
rates applied as a $/kVA pf penalty = (1000 – 800)*$10 = $2000/month
PF (kVA) When the pf is less than X%, the When the pf is less than 90%, the demand may be taken as 90% of the measured kVA
adjustment demand may be taken as X% of pf=80%; kVA=1000; demand charge = $10/kVA
the measured kVA Billed demand = 0.90*1000 = 900 kW
pf penalty = (900 – 1000*0.80)*$10 = $1000/month
PF ratio (kW If the pf is < X%, the demand will If the pf is < 85%, the demand will be adjusted by the following: 85%/actual pf * actual
demand) be adjusted by the following: demand = adjusted demand.
adjustment X%/actual pf * actual demand = Demand = 800 kW; pf=80%;
adjusted demand. demand charge = $10/kW
Adjusted demand = (0.85/0.80)*800=850kW
pf penalty = (850-800)*$10 = $500/month
PF magnitude PF adjustment increases or Where the pf is < 85%, the net demand charges shall be increased 1% for each whole 1% the
(kW demand) decreases the net (kW) demand pf is < 90%; likewise, where the pf is higher than 95%, the demand charges will be reduced
adjustment charge X% for each Y% the pf is by 1% for each whole 1% the pf is above 90%.
above or below the utility Demand = 800 kW; pf=80%; demand charge = $10/kW
specified pf Up to 90%, demand adjustment = 800*10%=80kW (from 80% to 90%) = net demand of 880
If pf is corrected to 1.0, pf adjustment (reduction) = 800*10%=80kW (from 90%-100%) =
net demand of 720kW
Correcting pf from 80% to 100%, potential net savings is (880-720)*$10/kW = $1600/month
PF multiplier Demand is increased (or Demand = 800 kW; pf=80%; PFM = 1.086; demand charge = $10/kVA
(PFM) decreased) by a calculated pf penalty = 800*$10*(0.086) = $688/month
multiplier determined by a utility
table or by a formula
kvar demand $X per kVA of reactive demand in $0.45 per kVA of reactive demand in excess of 50% of the kW demand
charge excess of Y% of the kW demand Demand = 800 kW; pf=80%;
kvar demand = 600; excess kvar demand = 600 – 800*0.50 = 200 kvar
pf penalty = 200 kvar*($0.45/kvar) = $90/month
kvarh charge $X per kvarh $0.000835 per kvarh
kvarh = 500,000
pf penalty = 500,000*0.00835 = $417/month
kWh adjustment $P/kWh for first Q*kWh*demand $0.040/kWh for first 100 kWh*demand
(note that this $R/kWh for next S*kWh* demand $0.035/kWh for next 150kWh*demand
often applies $X/kWh for next Y*kWh demand $0.025/kWh for next 150kWh*demand
where the kW $Z/kWh for all additional $0.020/kWh for all additional kWh
demand is first
Actual demand = 800 kW; Adjusted demand = 1000 kW; kWh measured = 500,000
With penalty
100*1000=100,000 kWh @ 0.04/kWh=$4000
150*1000=150,000 kWh @ 0.035/kWh=$5250
150*1000=150,000 kWh @ 0.025/kWh=$3750
(500,000-100,000-150,000-150,000)*$0.02/kWh = $2000
Total = $15,000
Without penalty
100*800=80,000 kWh @ 0.04/kWh=$3200
150*800=120,000 kWh @ 0.035/kWh=$4200
150*800=120,000 kWh @ 0.025/kWh=$3000
(500,000-80,000-120,000-120,000)*$0.02/kWh = $3600
Total = $14,000
Penalty = $15,000 - $14,000 = $1,000/month
(in addition to demand penalty)

• 1.70 per unit rms voltage for 1 second • 2.70 per unit rms voltage for 0.0167 seconds
• 1.40 per unit rms voltage for 15 seconds (1 cycle of rms fundamental frequency)
• 1.30 per unit rms voltage for 1 minute It should be noted that some capacitor manufacturers make
• 1.25 per unit rms voltage for 30 minutes heavy duty capacitors particularly for industrial environments.
An even older version of the standard, IEEE Std 18-1980, One manufacturer makes the following claims about its heavy
also included the following permissible overvoltages. duty capacitors in its literature. “...they are designed to
exceed the requirements of these [ANSI/IEEE, NEMA, and
• 3.00 per unit rms voltage for 0.0083 seconds
IEC] standards in terms of continuous rms and peak
(½ cycle of rms fundamental frequency)
overvoltage withstand capabilities, and in tank rupture this paper, there are significant requirements for applying
characteristics.” This manufacturer rates the continuous capacitors on motor terminals.
overvoltage capability at 125% (as opposed to 110%) and its
continuous peak overvoltage capability at 135% (as opposed B. Conductor and Disconnect Sizing
to 120%). NEC Article 460.8 (A), for low voltage capacitors, states:
When doing power system studies it is important to
The ampacity of capacitor circuit conductors shall not
compare the measured or calculated voltages or currents
be less than 135 percent of the rated current of the
against these ratings. In different study cases, different
ratings will apply. For example, harmonics are a steady-state
phenomenon so the continuous limits would need to be NEC Article 460.8 (C) (3), for low voltage capacitors, states:
considered. However, voltage harmonics resulting from a The rating of the disconnecting means shall not be
relatively short term event, such as transformer energization less than 135 percent of the rated current of the
inrush, might be compared against the short time overload capacitor.
ratings. Capacitors can draw more than their rated current during
One of the interesting implications of these overvoltage overvoltage conditions. They also tend to be an attractive
allowances is that capacitors can be applied at voltages in path for harmonic currents, which boost the rms current.
excess of their ratings for very short periods of time. Why Note also that capacitors are not like typical power system
would one do this? The main reason is because the kvar loads that have some diversity (not on all the time). A fixed
produced by a capacitor is related to the square of the voltage capacitor bank will draw full load current continuously. Even
ratio. For example, a capacitor applied at a voltage 40% an automatically-switched capacitor bank can switch on and
higher than its nameplate will produce double its nameplate stay fully on for most of the day.
kvar. There is another reason to oversize the wire serving a
Capacitor motor starting is one application where this is capacitor bank. It is not practical to set overcurrent protective
done. Large medium voltage motors, possibly applied on devices tightly enough to protect against overloads. Capacitor
relatively weak power systems, sometimes cause an switching transients will result in excessive nuisance trips if
excessive voltage drop during motor starting. When a motor protection is set too closely to the capacitor nominal current.
starts, it draws a large amount of reactive current. Capacitor Without such overload protection, it is important that the wires
motor starting is the practice of momentarily switching on a be sized to tolerate overloads. The overcurrent protection
capacitor bank for a short time during motor starting, to section, next, discusses this further.
compensate for the reactive current draw, allowing the motor
to start successfully without causing excessive voltage drop. C. Overcurrent Protection
Since the capacitors are only on-line momentarily, they can be
There are two purposes for the fuses and breakers used to
significantly underrated. This takes advantage of the
protect capacitors. 1) In the event of a capacitor failure it is
momentary overvoltage capabilities that capacitors must meet
important to prevent additional energy from reaching the
by industry standards. By underrating the capacitors, the
capacitor, which could cause the capacitor can to rupture. 2)
reactive power (kvar) output of the capacitor bank is
It is also important to protect the system by removing the fault
significantly increased. Note that capacitors sized for power
current that may occur if a capacitor fails.
factor correction do not provide nearly enough kvar to
Overcurrent protection is discussed in NEC Article 240.
significantly aid motor starting.
Article 240.3 indicates that for certain equipment the reader
Users should be aware that capacitor overvoltage capability
should consult other articles with information specific to that
was not intended for everyday use but rather for contingency
equipment. For capacitors, the overcurrent protection
use. If the motors are switched daily, or harmonics or
information in Article 460 applies.
transients are present, or the capacitors occasionally are on
NEC Article 460.8 (B), for low voltage capacitors, states:
line without load and the feeder voltage rises, the life of the
capacitor will be shortened. Operations personnel should The rating or setting of the overcurrent device shall
strive to minimize such motor starts to maximize capacitor life. be as low as practicable.
The conclusion is that capacitor motor starting is a perfectly Note that this statement, in conjunction with the conductor
legitimate method to aid the starting of large motors. But it ampacity sizing requirement, means that it is possible to
must be realized that these capacitors may experience a choose an overcurrent device that does not protect the cable
reduced service life. Despite this reduced life, capacitor against overloads. This can be seen by consulting the
starting may still be an economical alternative. recommended wire and fuse/breaker charts for given
capacitor sizes published by capacitor manufacturers.
IV. CODE REQUIREMENTS AND PROTECTION The “as low as practicable” statement means that we want
to choose or set our overcurrent protective devices as low as
A. NEC Article 460 possible. But going too low can cause nuisance trips.
Capacitors can draw significant inrush current when
The National Electric Code (NEC) [1] provides guidance in energized.
the installation and protection of power capacitors in Article The Bussman “SPD Electrical Protection Handbook” [13]
460. This section of the paper discusses selected items from makes some recommendations for capacitor fuses.
NEC Article 460, and focuses mainly on low voltage Generally, size dual-element, current-limiting fuses at
capacitors. The reader is encouraged to consult this article 150% to 175% of the capacitor rated current and size
for more information. For example, although not discussed in
non-time-delay, fast-acting, current-limiting fuses at V. CAPACITOR SELECTION
250% to 300% of the capacitor rated current.
At first glance this looks like a very large difference in fuse A. Overview
size. These sizing recommendations are driven by how
Selecting the “right amount” of kvar compensation is
quickly the fuses respond to high current faults. The time-
relatively straightforward. For example, the amount of
current characteristics of these fuses are very different, and
capacitance required to change the existing power factor from
the fuses must be selected based on their behavior for high
0.75 lagging to 0.95 lagging is a simple calculation. However,
current, short time (inrush) events, not by their nominal (long
selecting the actual size and type of capacitor is not always
time, overload) ratings.
straightforward. Several variables, including the fact that you
Consultants often specify 200 kA interrupting capacity
generally have to choose from nominally available sizes, the
current-limiting fuses in low voltage capacitor banks. Because
type and variability of the load, and the physical and electrical
of this, many standard capacitor designs use such fast-acting
location are all significant considerations when selecting the
fuses. Even though it looks like the fuses are oversized, they
capacitor. Some important considerations for determining the
are not. The time current characteristics of these fuses
type and size of power factor correction equipment are:
require a larger nominal fuse size to avoid nuisance tripping.
• Utility penalties
D. Unbalance Protection • Installed cost and payback of equipment
Large, medium voltage capacitor banks can be made up of • Load variability
many capacitors in series and parallel groups. In some • kW losses
cases, the capacitors are individually fused (whether internal • Self excitation of motors
to the capacitor, or externally). If a capacitor fails the fuse will • Harmonic resonance
remove that capacitor from the circuit. Even so, this removal • Voltage regulation
of capacitance from the circuit can cause an unbalance in the • Load requirements (flicker requirements)
capacitor bank, which can stress the remaining capacitors.
These considerations will potentially lead to significant
Unbalance protection, while not required by code, is used to
differences in equipment selection and placement.
prevent such continuous overvoltage conditions from
stressing and potentially failing individual or groups of B. Equipment Cost
capacitors when one or two capacitors fail or blow fuses. This
is very common on large medium voltage capacitor banks Payback on the investment of installing power factor
such as utility substation capacitors. Generally, unbalance correction equipment is typically the main criteria for approval.
protection uses two settings, alarm and trip. If the unbalance A very rough estimate of installed cost of various power factor
does not cause enough continuous overvoltage on individual correction solutions is shown in Table 4. With larger
capacitors to exceed their ratings, the system alarms. It trips capacitors there will be some reduction in cost and, similarly,
immediately if the unbalance causes an overvoltage that for very small capacitors, the cost may be somewhat more
would stress the capacitors to failure. than these values. A rough rule of thumb for fixed capacitors
is that the cost of the capacitor itself is approximately 1/3 of
E. Capacitor Discharge the total cost. The remainder of the installed cost includes the
protective device (breaker/fuse) and the installation labor and
Capacitors are energy storage devices. If this energy were
material. For switched capacitors, the cost of the capacitor is
allowed to be stored in the capacitor indefinitely it could be a
typically a larger proportion of the cost.
safety hazard. Long after the capacitor bank is disconnected
it could retain a dangerous amount of energy. TABLE 4
The NEC specifies that capacitors shall have an automatic INSTALLED COST COMPARISON
means to discharge this trapped charge. Typically this means OF POWER FACTOR CORRECTION EQUIPMENT
either internal or external discharge resistors.
NEC Article 460.6 (A), for low voltage capacitors, states: TYPE OF CORRECTION INSTALLED COST,
The residual voltage of a capacitor shall be reduced $/KVAR
to 50 volts, nominal, or less within 1 minute after the
capacitor is disconnected from the source of supply. Fixed (LV – motor applied) $15
NEC Article 460.28 (A), for capacitors over 600 V, states: Fixed (LV) $25
A means shall be provided to reduce the residual Fixed (MV) $30
voltage of a capacitor to 50 volts or less within 5
minutes after the capacitor is disconnected from the Switched (LV) $50
source of supply.
Switched (MV) $50
If a capacitor bank is not properly discharged, or if it is
switched back into the circuit before it has been allowed to Static Switched (LV) $75
discharge, can result in greater than normal capacitor
switching transients. This is discussed later in this paper. Switched Harmonic Filter (LV) $75
Switched Harmonic Filter (MV) $60
Active Harmonic Filter (LV) $150
C. Nominal Size and Configuration relatively inexpensive and are simply used as a switch. The
control algorithm switches steps in and out in order to
Capacitors are available in a variety of sizes. In the smaller maintain a set power factor. It does not switch in steps as
sizes at low voltage they are available in very small soon as the power factor falls below a certain level nor does it
increments. In larger sizes they are typically available in 50 or switch out banks as soon as the power factor rises above a
100 kvar increments. certain level. Rather, it waits to see if the condition persists
Low voltage capacitors are typically internally connected in for a (programmable) length of time to avoid excessive
a three-phase delta configuration. Medium voltage capacitor hunting, or the constant switching in and out of a step.
banks can be comprised of single-phase or three-phase The control algorithm also avoids switching in a step within
capacitors connected in wye or delta configurations. one minute (5 minutes for MV capacitors) after it has been
D. Fixed versus Switched Capacitors disconnected. This allows trapped charge to dissipate to less
than 50 V before reconnecting them. This is done so that
As discussed earlier, the determination of the capacitors are not switched in when they have a trapped
instantaneous, peak, and average power factor vary greatly. charge that might lead to an excessive switching transient.
Consequently, the billed power factor or target power factor
may be much different than the “typical” power factor during E. Static Switched Capacitors
peak or off-peak loading periods of a normal day. Most power Some LV loads require much faster kvar compensation,
systems have some variability in loading throughout the day. often within one 60 Hz electrical cycle (16.7 msec). These
Typically, commercial and light industrial loads peak during switched capacitors are often called static switched capacitors
the day and are substantially lower overnight while minimal (sometimes adaptive var compensators) and are controlled by
infrastructure loads are energized and operating. Heavy power electronic switches (SCR/thyristors). With these
industrial and process oriented loads are consistent during devices the controller can precisely control when the
“normal” operation but may vary greatly through various capacitors are switched on. By matching the system voltage
stages of the process. with the capacitor voltage, even if a trapped charge exists,
Because of this variability in loading, switched capacitors capacitor switching transients can be largely eliminated.
are often required to minimize power factor penalties, to These static switched capacitors are often required for
regulate voltage, and to minimize system loading. Still, it is minimizing voltage flicker and other problems due to high
very difficult to beat the cost and simplicity of applying a fixed impact loads such as spot welders. That is, they provide
capacitor bank. The following paragraphs discuss some of additional benefits well beyond simple power factor correction.
the considerations for switched capacitor banks. The disadvantage of these systems is their higher cost.
The main advantage of a switched capacitor bank is that it
automatically brings on only as much kvar as you need at any F. Overvoltage Considerations
given time, provided that it is sized large enough. You do not
need to turn it on at the beginning of the shift, nor turn it off at When the load varies greatly, fixed capacitors or switched
the end of the day. One disadvantage is that if there is a capacitors with steps larger than required for correcting the
certain critical amount of capacitance that will tune the system power factor may lead to overcompensation and excessive
to a problem harmonic frequency, an automatic bank will likely leading power factor. The most substantial issues resulting
find it as it adds and removes capacitance. from leading power factor are system overvoltage and
Switched capacitor banks have an electronic controller that generator regulation issues. Simply stated, generators prefer
senses the system power factor (measuring system voltage a lagging power factor load. A generator can find it difficult to
within the capacitor bank and system current via an external properly regulate its output voltage when serving a leading
CT or CTs) and regulates the number of steps or stages that load.
are energized. The controller is programmed to raise the If a capacitor is left connected to lightly loaded or unloaded
system power factor to a “target” power factor. system (resistive and reactive loads disconnected), the
LV capacitors often have more stages/steps than MV system voltage will rise. How much the voltage will rise
systems. MV switched capacitors require significant depends on the impedance of the upstream distribution
additional cost per switched stage because of the required system and the amount of kvar connected. Figure 1 shows
switching devices (contactors) and required physical space Voltage Rise vs. kvar Loading for Various
required for the switching components. Source Transformer %Z Values
One method for achieving multiple step variability without 7
having multiple switching devices is to use different size
switching steps. For example, if the load varied greatly and
% Voltage Rise

5 6%
1500 kvar of MV capacitors was required, one could use 1 X 5%
300 and 2 X 600 kvar stages. This would allow steps of 300, 4
600, 900, 1200, and 1500 kvar with three switching devices 3
instead of five. This is often done in MV systems and is 2 2%
sometimes seen on LV systems. The disadvantage of such 1
an approach is that not all the stages would be receive equal 0
use. With equal size stages a controller can equalize the duty 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
on all the stages. % kvar Loading
A high percentage of switched capacitor banks are
switched with mechanical contactors. These contactors are FIGURE 1. VOLTAGE RISE VERSUS KVAR LOADING
the voltage rise based on the transformer impedance capacitors to motor terminals because the total motor current
(assumed to be the bulk of the upstream system impedance) is reduced when a capacitor it applied at the motor terminals.
and the size of the capacitor bank relative to the transformer Today, with harmonic currents generated by many of the
size. loads on a typical power system, having many capacitors
People applying capacitors are often concerned about this spread around the system could result in many harmonic
voltage rise. It is important to realize, however, that there is resonances in the system. Harmonic current could see the
often much greater voltage variation due to improper inductance of a length of cable along with the capacitance on
transformer tap selection and, more importantly, to utility a given motor at the end of that cable as a tuned harmonic
voltage variation. Voltage rise due to the capacitors is just filter. That “filter” will attract harmonics from throughout the
one of the factors to consider. Importantly, when the load is system and overload the capacitor. The result is a situation
light (overnight or over the weekend) the utility system loading where one or a few capacitors on certain motors keep failing
may also be light and therefore the system voltage may be while others are completely unaffected. The safer design
higher than nominal. Therefore, with a large capacitor on a choice is to apply capacitors at the main distribution or MCCs
lightly loaded system, the overall system voltage may be if harmonics are a concern.
much higher than desirable (5-8% higher than nominal, for In addition to harmonic concerns, the reason for applying
example). Where harmonic filters are required and used for kvar compensation might dictate the proper location for
kvar compensation, similar considerations for balancing the capacitors, on motors or at a more central location.
load with the applied kvar are important. Generally, if a utility power factor penalty is the main concern,
then applying capacitors at the main switchgear is appropriate
VI. CAPACITOR PLACEMENT (compensation only needs to be downstream of the utility
metering). If kVA reduction or loss (kW) savings are a
A. Physical Location of Capacitors concern, then applying the capacitor compensation at or near
the loads is the most appropriate solution.
An induction motor will roughly draw a fixed kvar across its Loss reduction on the order of 1-2% of the overall kW
entire loading range. Unloaded motors have a very low power consumption is possible with distributed capacitors. Note that
factor (0.20, for example). As the kW load increases, the many unscrupulous and/or unknowing salespeople will claim
power factor increases up to the nameplate value at full load. much higher kW savings but greater than 2% is extremely
Prior to the recent influx of harmonic loads, applying a fixed unusual. Because of this, kW savings alone are typically not
capacitor switched on and off with the motor contactor or enough to justify the cost of applying capacitors. The payback
breaker was a great way to minimize the kvar required by based on loss savings is generally 10 years or more.
motors on the system, loaded or unloaded.
It also ensured that overcompensation and the associated B. Electrical Location of Capacitors
issues would not occur since the capacitor was switched on Another consideration is whether to apply the capacitors at
and off with the motor. Distributed capacitors also reduced low voltage or at medium voltage, if that option is available.
the overall system losses by reducing the rms current feeding There are a number of reasons why you would choose one or
each motor or MCC. Motor and capacitor manufacturers have the other.
tables for sizing motor applied capacitors. If there are many low voltage unit substations, it may be
The most significant issue with motor applied capacitors is more cost effective to install one medium voltage bank than
“self-excitation.” This occurs when a motor has enough inertia multiple low voltage banks.
to keep spinning once disconnected from the power system Sometimes the physical space available, whether there is
and the capacitor is large enough to supply the reactive power more space at the low voltage locations or in the medium
needs of the motor. Self-excitation can cause damaging voltage substation, will dictate the choice. If a large amount of
overvoltages. It can also cause damage to the motor shaft if capacitance is needed it may simply take too much space to
the motor is reconnected to the system while still rotating due apply multiple low voltage banks that provide enough kvar.
to self-excitation. This issue is well documented in many Some companies choose to apply low voltage capacitor
technical papers. Due to self-excitation concerns, all motor banks solely on the basis that their electricians are trained to
applied capacitors are smaller than the total required kvar of work on low voltage equipment but will not touch medium
the motor. voltage equipment, even if de-energized.
A capacitor should not be placed downstream of a motor In some cases, if there are significant amounts of
starter such that it would see sudden voltage changes. The harmonics on the low voltage services, it may be possible to
capacitor may be placed downstream of the main contacts in avoid a harmonic problem by applying a medium voltage
a starter where it will see a steady voltage, but not further bank, rather than low voltage banks. The impedance of the
downstream (output of the entire starter) where it would see transformer might serve to isolate the harmonics to some
the varying voltage sent to the motor. degree and it may be possible to avoid a local parallel
Capacitors should not be placed downstream of softstarts resonance problem at the low voltage level. This is a double-
(capacitor will see a very distorted waveform with sudden edged sword, however, because a medium voltage bank will
voltage changes, and will fail) unless it is connected via a also be more closely coupled to the utility system. This is
contactor that only brings the capacitor on-line after the another way of saying that the harmonics from your neighbors
softstart has been bypassed. Many softstarts have auxiliary can much more easily find their way into your medium voltage
contacts to convey this information. capacitor bank. It is beneficial to carefully study a medium
Important considerations regarding motor protection (not in voltage capacitor bank installation from an overall system
the scope of this paper) should be considered before applying point of view to avoid possible utility system interaction issues.
C. CT Location for Automatic Banks This is done by using a summing CT to aggregate the CT
currents measuring each low voltage bus. It is important that
In addition to the placement of the actual capacitor(s), the each low voltage bus be served by the same type of
selection and placement of the current transformers (CT) used transformer connection (for proper phasing) and the CTs at
in automatic capacitor banks is equally important. The CT each bus are connected to the same phase. It is also
should be placed where it will measure the full load needing important that the low voltage bus with the capacitor bank be
power factor correction, including the capacitor itself (so the able to handle leading power factor, and the possible resulting
capacitor bank can see its impact on the system). overvoltage, when the capacitor bank is doing significant
In most automatic capacitor banks the controller makes the compensation for the other busses. This approach makes
assumption that the load is balanced across all three phases. sense if there is one bus with a large service that requires
We are concerned about the overall three-phase power factor, most of the power factor correction.
after all. And the capacitors and contactors used are both
three-phase devices. It is not possible to separately
compensate power factor on different phases. VII. HARMONICS (TO FILTER OR NOT TO FILTER)
Therefore, most automatic capacitor banks require only one
CT and switch all steps on as a three phase group. Some A. Overview
switched capacitors may require 2 CTs (deriving the third It is not possible to talk about capacitor application issues
phase current by the addition of the other two phases) or 3 without discussing harmonics. The intention of this paper is
CTs. Note that the location/placement of the CT(s) and its not to analyze harmonic resonance but to discuss the issues
orientation (polarity) are critical to ensure proper operation of related to resonance. Unfortunately, resonance is a self-
the automatic bank. correcting problem: Fuses will blow, breakers will trip, or
Field errors when placing capacitor CTs include putting the capacitors will fail, thus changing the resonant points and de-
CT on the breaker serving the capacitor bank, itself. This tuning the circuit. Failing equipment is not the most cost
does nothing to measure the overall system power factor. effective way to de-tune a circuit, however. Avoiding
Sometimes a CT is placed on the middle or the end of a resonance is challenging, but possible.
busbar in low voltage switchgear, where it does not measure IEEE Std 519-1992 [5] discusses the possible effects of
the full load. harmonics on capacitors. Portions of Section 6.5 of this
It is also very common that the CT gets placed on the document are presented below:
wrong phase or has the wrong orientation (based on what the
controller expects). This will result in the controller calculating A major concern arising from the use of capacitors
the system power factor incorrectly and, most likely, not in a power system is the possibility of system
providing power factor correction. The controller may see a resonance. This effect imposes voltages and
leading power factor already, indicating no need to add further currents that are considerably higher than would be
capacitance to the system. Or it will get improper feedback the case without resonance.
when it does switch on a capacitor step—power factor gets The reactance of a capacitor bank decreases with
worse when a step is added so the controller thinks there is a frequency, and the bank, therefore, acts as a sink for
problem and does not continue to add capacitance. higher harmonic currents. This effect increases the
One simple sanity check during installation is verifying that heating and dielectric stresses.
the controller reads a realistic power factor (not just .8, for The result of the increased heating and voltage
example, but .8 lagging, not leading—some people miss the stress brought about by harmonics is a shortened
second part). This can often be checked against system capacitor life.
metering. A second sanity check is watching to see that the B. Series Resonance
power factor improves (gets closer to unity from a lagging
power factor) when a step is energized, manually if Series resonance occurs when a non-linear load “sees” an
necessary. inductance (in the form of a transformer, cable, or reactor) in
If a CT is installed incorrectly, it is difficult to change after series with a power factor correction capacitor. At some
the fact. An outage may have been required to install the CT frequency the series combination of the inductance and
in the first place, and it may be impractical to take a second capacitance will be equal and will sum to nearly zero (ignoring
outage. This is not a problem because most capacitor banks resistance). This is a very attractive path for harmonic current
do not require a second outage because they allow the user at that frequency. Figures 2 and 3 show series resonance,
to change settings or wiring to compensate for the improper from the point of view of the load.
CT placement. Harmonic filters are purposely “series resonant” at a fixed
Double-ended substations require careful consideration. frequency to attract harmonic currents and consequently
The capacitor bank may be placed on either of the secondary reduce harmonic voltage distortion. Uncontrolled series
buses if the primary buses are tied together (for utility penalty resonance generally results in nuisance fuse operation or
considerations) but the CTs for automatic banks must be in a tripping of circuit breakers, as well as possible capacitor
shared (additive) arrangement to ensure that either or both failures.
transformer loads are considered and compensated.
C. Parallel Resonance
Capacitors may be placed on both halves of the double-ended
substation if each capacitor bank has summed CTs on its Adding capacitors will cause the power system to be tuned
main and on the tie. to a certain harmonic. This is known as parallel resonance
It is possible to compensate multiple low voltage services between the capacitors and the source (including the
with one capacitor bank, on one of the low voltage busses.
Utility Utility

Transformer VFD Transformer

100 PF Cap
PF Cap

Series Resonance
Equivalent Circuit Parallel Resonance
Equivalent Circuit
Transformer Harmonic
and Cable Current Harmonic
Source Source
PF Cap Current
PF Cap Impedance


transformer) inductance (see Figures 4 and 5). This
frequency is the crossover point at which the inductive and
capacitive reactances are equal. XC kVAtransformer
h= OR h=
A parallel resonance presents a high impedance to injected
harmonics at or near the resonant frequency, thus amplifying
XL Z transformer × k var
harmonics at these frequencies. It causes problems only if a Example: 1500 kVA transformer, 5% impedance, 600
source of harmonics exists at or near that frequency. This is kvar capacitor:
more likely when the capacitor bank is a switched bank with
multiple steps since there are several possible resonant 1500
frequencies. h= = 7.1st harmonic
It is unlikely that the injected harmonics will be at precisely .05 × 600
the parallel resonant frequency, but near-resonance can be Therefore, any source of 7th harmonic current on the
very damaging as well. If, for example, the parallel resonant system will be amplified by the parallel resonant condition. As
point is at the 5.3rd harmonic and a source of 5th harmonic a rule of thumb, on 480 V, 600 V, and medium voltage (MV)
current exists on the system, problems are likely. In short, systems, avoid parallel resonance below the 7.8th harmonic
parallel resonance can result if both of the following are true: (to stay away from the 5th and 7th) and between the 10.3rd
• Harmonic-producing loads (such as AC/DC drives, through the 13.6th (to avoid the 11th and 13th) harmonics.
induction heaters, arcing devices, switch mode power Because this is an estimated calculation, a change in source
supplies, and rectifiers) are operating on the system. impedance or capacitor size will change the parallel resonant
• Parallel resonance exists at a frequency equal or near to point and could be problematic. Other parallel resonant
the harmonic frequencies produced by the above loads. conditions may occur but are less common.
The resonant frequency of a system, at a transformer D. Harmonic Filters
secondary, can be estimated with the following formulas. h is
the tuned harmonic of the system, XC is the capacitive A capacitor bank can be configured as a harmonic filter by
impedance of all capacitors connected to the secondary bus putting some inductance in series with the capacitance. See
of the transformer, and XL is the inductive impedance of the the series resonance discussion earlier in this paper. It will
transformer (plus primary source inductive impedance, if still supply reactive power (counter intuitively, more kvar than
known). The second formula is a simplified version of the first with the capacitance alone) but will also filter harmonics from
formula, using only the transformer impedance as XL (usually the power system. This is known as a passive harmonic filter.
a reasonable assumption). When is a filter needed? One rule of thumb suggests that a
potential problem may exist if both the power factor correction
(kvar) is greater than 25% of the transformer kVA and the There are many other considerations when applying
harmonic-producing load (e.g. drive load) is greater than 40% harmonic filters:
of the transformer kVA. Values below 15% and 25%, • Multiple capacitors at different locations (e.g. capacitors on
respectively, would not be expected to cause a problem. multiple motors) can cause multiple resonance points. This
In the authors’ opinion, it is better to do some resonance is a significant reason why distributed capacitors are not
calculations and get a solid grasp of the situation. If the recommended today where many harmonic sources are
resonance point falls on a critical harmonic you can run into prevalent.
problems below the “rule of thumb” values mentioned above. • Often, users assume that harmonic filters attract all
If you find that you have both a “significant” amount of harmonic currents. This is not true. Most filters are
harmonic load and your system resonance point is near a detuned enough (4.7th applied as a 5th filter) that they only
characteristic harmonic of your harmonic source(s) (e.g. 5th, absorb roughly half (ballpark: 30-70%) of the harmonic
7th, 11th, etc.), then you most likely need a harmonic filter. If current on a typical system.
either or both are in a gray area then you cannot say for sure • If a fixed filter is applied on an individual load, a reactor
without a power system study, but this is not always possible must be placed upstream of the filter and load, otherwise
given budget constraints. the filter may become overloaded. The user’s intention may
Applying a harmonic filter in lieu of a standard capacitor be for the filter to filter only harmonics from that load, but it
bank avoids the parallel resonance problem by forcing the may attract harmonics from elsewhere in the system.
parallel resonant point to be below the series resonant • Harmonic-producing loads with a high power factor (e.g.
“tuning” point of the filter. For example, a nominal 5th drives) can be a tricky proposition for passive filters. It is
harmonic filter, commonly tuned to the 4.7th harmonic, is natural to want to add a filter for a drive. But this could lead
often parallel resonant near the 3.8th harmonic (well below to a situation where a very small filter is used or very few
any harmonics of concern, except in very rare instances). steps of an automatic filter bank are on-line (because very
The manufacturer explicitly chooses the series tuning point little kvar is needed for power factor correction). This small
of the filter and this will not change, but the resulting parallel amount of capacitive filtering would then have to sink a very
resonance frequency is determined by the interaction of the large amount of harmonic current. Note that the 60 Hz
filter and the source impedance. The same filter will be a current in such a filter is determined by the equipment
4.7th harmonic filter regardless of the system in which it is (nameplate kvar) but the harmonic current is determined by
applied, but the resulting parallel resonant frequency may be the harmonic loads in the system and the impedance of the
the 3.8th in one system and the 4.1st in another, for example. filter. In short, it is possible to overload the filter. If such
There are several reasons why a 4.7th harmonic tuning loads are just part of the overall load then this is not
point is chosen for low voltage filters and relatively small generally a problem.
medium voltage filters. A passive filter is tuned below the • With automatic filter banks, it is desirable to switch on the
nominal frequency to be filtered (e.g. 5th). If a filter is tuned filter steps as quickly as possible. If many harmonic-
very close to the 5th harmonic it might attract excessive producing loads come on-line at once, and if there are long
harmonic current (in excess of component ratings). delays when switching the filter bank, one small filter step
Component tolerances also require that we design a safe may be left to sink a lot of harmonic current until the next
distance from tuning precisely to the 5.0th harmonic. As filters steps switch on. This may also occur if a filter bank is
age the tuning tends to drift closer to the 5th harmonic, so it is configured with a few fixed steps, therefore fixed filter steps
good to start a safe distance from 5.0th tuning. should be avoided.
Large medium voltage filters can be tuned much more • A harmonic filter should be specified first by the amount of
closely to the 5th harmonic (4.9th, for example). This is 60 Hz power factor correction required and then specify the
because there are many more capacitors in each group, and tuning point (typically 4.7th for tuned or 4.2nd for de-tuned).
the loss of any individual capacitor will not shift the tuning Then, based on measurements or estimates, determine if
point very much. Such filters are often designed after a more the filter will be overloaded by harmonic currents.
rigorous study, which allows the designer to better know the • If multiple filters are applied, switching order (first on/off) is
harmonics expected to flow in the filter and take that into very important. Lowest order on first and off last. For
account, despite tuning more closely to the 5th. example, 5th on, 7th on, then 7th off, 5th off. This is due to
If power factor correction is the ultimate goal (as opposed to parallel resonance concerns. A 7th harmonic filter may
actually filtering harmonic currents), “de-tuned” filters, 4.1st or produce a parallel resonance near the 5th harmonic. If the
4.2nd for example, may be applied. This reduces the filtering 7th harmonic filter is left on-line alone, it might amplify
effect of the filter, but results in more of a “plug and play” harmonics near the 5th.
solution because you do not have to worry about overloading
• Capacitors used in a harmonic filter must have a higher
the filter. A small but significant amount of 5th harmonic
than nominal voltage rating. Generally, 550 V or 600 V
current will still be filtered, though, just as a 4.7th filter will also
capacitors are used in 480 V filters. There is a steady-state
provide some filtering at higher frequencies such as the 7th,
voltage rise due to the inductance in series with the
11th, 13th, etc.
capacitor (even if no harmonics are present). There will
Other non-typical tuning points (4.3rd in one case) are
also be higher peak voltages on the capacitors due to
possible but typically are used on a case-by-case basis, more
harmonics flowing in the filter. Therefore you cannot
typically at medium voltage (again, after detailed study). This
convert a standard rated capacitor into a filter or it could
is sometimes done to precisely place the parallel resonant
potentially fail from overvoltage. It is possible to buy a
point (at the 3.5th harmonic, with the 4.3rd tuning mentioned
straight capacitor bank with higher voltage capacitors if you
might want to convert to a filter later, however.
• If an automatically switched capacitor bank is to be momentarily.
configured as a filter, each step in the bank must be There will then be a capacitor inrush current as the
configured as a filter by adding a reactor in series with each capacitor charges. The voltage on the capacitor will then
capacitor step. recover and overshoot the system voltage by roughly the
• Medium voltage and low voltage filters are specified same amount that it dropped, and then oscillate around the 60
differently. At low voltage it is common to specify the filters Hz system voltage. It is possible for this overvoltage to reach
based on nameplate capacitor kvar ratings at applied nearly 2.0 per unit (twice the peak system voltage) if the
voltage (e.g. kvar at 480 V, even if 600 V capacitors used), capacitor is initially uncharged and the switching occurs at the
ignoring the increased kvar effect of the filter reactors. At peak voltage. System impedance usually keeps this
medium voltage it is more common to specify an effective overvoltage from reaching the theoretical peak.
filter kvar at the nominal voltage. The capacitor voltage will continue to oscillate around the
60 Hz fundamental waveform, with the oscillation gradually
E. Application Advice getting damped out, usually within a cycle depending on the
When harmonics and capacitors are discussed, even in an system resistance. The magnitude of the transient and its
overview paper such as this, people may feel overloaded and characteristic oscillation frequency will depend on the
not know where to begin. Follow these general steps: characteristics of the electric power system in question.
The magnitude of the transient will vary based on two
1. Perform a resonance calculation. This is necessary for
variables at the time of the switching. These variables are the
each step of an automatically switched bank. That is, do
initial voltage on the capacitor (trapped charge, usually close
the resonance calculation for each possible amount of
to zero if the capacitor has been allowed to discharge) and the
capacitance. As mentioned in Section I, this can be
instantaneous system voltage at the time of the switching.
easily done with a spreadsheet.
The greater the difference between these two voltages, the
2. If the harmonic resonance is not close to characteristic
greater the magnitude of the transient. The worst case
harmonics of (5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, etc.), apply straight
transient will occur when the system voltage is at peak voltage
(non-filtered) capacitors.
and there is a trapped charge on the capacitor of peak system
3. If the harmonic resonance is close to characteristic
voltage at the opposite polarity.
harmonics consider filters (4.7th tuning), de-tuned bank
Recall that the NEC requires resistors to discharge
(4.2nd tuning), or further study.
capacitors rated 600 V and lower to 50 V or less within one
4. If extremely heavy drive or rectifier loads are present,
minute (and less than 50 V in five minutes for MV capacitors).
passive filters may become overloaded. Consult the
The control algorithm in an automatic capacitor bank avoids
manufacturer or study further.
switching in a step within one minute after it has been
disconnected, so in normal operation there should be very
VIII. CAPACITOR SWITCHING TRANSIENTS little trapped charge on the capacitors when switching. But in
manual mode or with fixed capacitors switched with a breaker
A. Overview or disconnect, this situation can and does happen.
Trapped charge may occur if:
A capacitor switching transient is a normal system event
that can occur whenever a capacitor is energized. Typically, 1. The discharge resistors failed or became disconnected.
de-energizing a capacitor does not cause a system transient. 2. The capacitors were switched manually before they were
On energization, the transient occurs because of the allowed to discharge.
difference between the system voltage and the voltage on the 3. The capacitor control unit switched the contactors too
capacitor. A basic characteristic of capacitors is that the quickly (improper settings), before the capacitors had
voltage across them cannot change instantaneously. If a adequate time to discharge their trapped charge.
capacitor is at zero voltage and system voltage is applied to it, 4. Contactor bounce/chatter or circuit breakers restrike
the system voltage will be pulled down to nearly zero during opening. Both of these events may lead to
multiple trapped charge scenarios causing significant
2.5 5000 transients and voltage escalation due to trapped charge
on a capacitor. These types of events typically lead to
catastrophic failure of equipment.
1.5 3000
With regard to this last point, it is important that contactors
or breakers be capable of interrupting capacitive current,
1.0 2000 especially at medium voltage. The interrupting duty depends
Voltage (per unit)

on the configuration of the capacitor bank and the system,

Current (A)

0.5 1000
and can be as high as 3 per unit (of the normal line-to-neutral
0.0 0
voltage), or even higher (3.46 pu) if there is a failed capacitor
-0.5 -1000

B. Back-to-Back Capacitor Switching
-1.0 -2000
Another type of capacitor switching transient is called back-
-1.5 -3000
to-back switching. This situation occurs when a second
0 45 90 135 180
60 Hz Degrees
225 270 315 360
capacitor is switched on in close (electrical) proximity to a
previously energized capacitor. In this case a higher
2.5 10000 although a couple of coils provide only a minimal amount of
2.0 8000 Pre-insertion resistance or inductance is sometimes
employed in the contactors or switches used to minimize
1.5 6000

capacitor switching transients. This is an excellent solution for
1.0 4000
unfiltered capacitor banks. This has been done at medium
voltage in certain applications when necessary, and is now
Voltage (per unit)

Current (A)
0.5 2000 available in low voltage switched capacitor banks.
In such a low voltage contactor there are actually two sets
0.0 0
of contacts. The first set to close has some resistance or
Capacitor #2 Current
inductance in series with the contacts, thus limiting the
transient. The second set does not, thus shorting out the first
-1.0 -4000 set and carrying all the current once it closes. The first set is
smaller because it only has to carry current momentarily.
-1.5 -6000
75 90 105 120
60 Hz Degrees
135 150 165
D. Utility Capacitor Switching Magnification
Utility companies switch large substation capacitor banks,
FIGURE 7. BACK-TO-BACK CAPACITOR SWITCHING TRANSIENT often daily, to provide reactive power and voltage support
during peak load conditions. Often, these banks are switched
frequency transient initially occurs as the previously energized
on in the early morning as loads increase and they are turned
capacitor shares its charge with the newly energized
off later in the day when loads decrease. During the
energization, a switching transient occurs on the power
The previously energized capacitor pushes current to the
system at a natural frequency typically in the range of 300-
other capacitor as a source in parallel with the utility. When
1200 Hz. During the de-energization, no significant transients
they are in close proximity to each other, there is often very
occur on the power system.
little impedance between capacitors. This allows a very high
This switching transient during energization cannot exceed
outrush current from the previously charged capacitor and
twice the peak sinewave voltage. Typically, the resulting
inrush to the charging capacitor. After this initial inrush, there
overvoltage is approximately 1.2-1.6 times the normal peak
is another transient as the pair of capacitors cause the voltage
voltage. However, if a customer has a capacitor applied on
to oscillate around the 60 Hz fundamental voltage, as
their power system on the secondary side of a step-down
described above, as if they were a single capacitor bank.
transformer, as shown in Figure 8, and if the inductive
Figure 7 shows the energization of a 50 kvar, 480 V
reactance of the transformer and cables between the two
capacitor step with trapped charge and with 150 kvar of other
capacitors matches the capacitive reactance of the customer’s
capacitor steps in service. The energization occurred at peak
capacitor at the natural switching frequency of the utility
system voltage. The time scale for Figure 7 is greatly zoomed
capacitor, the customer capacitor (already pre-charged) tries
in from that in Figure 6, to better show the higher frequency
to maintain its terminal voltage and immediately dumps
initial transient.
significant current into the utility capacitor bank. The
C. Minimizing Capacitor Transients impedance of this circuit looks like a short circuit at the
switching frequency of the utility capacitor, thus allowing
There are two basic ways to minimize capacitor switching significant back-to-back transient current. By pushing this
transients. One way is to switch the capacitor at a point in large amount of current through the step-down transformer,
time when the system voltage matches the voltage on the the customer voltage oscillates significantly at the switching
capacitor, even if there is a trapped charge. This is only frequency as shown in Figure 9. Notice that in Figure 10, with
possible with a switching device that can be precisely the customer capacitor removed, the oscillation from the utility
controlled, and is done with static-switched capacitors, as capacitor switching event is greatly reduced.
described earlier in this paper. The magnitude of the transients and the oscillations are
Another way is to insert some impedance, resistance or significant enough to cause equipment failure. In some
inductance, in the circuit to minimize the transient (limit the cases, equipment may misoperate or shutdown when multiple
capacitor inrush current, thus minimizing the resulting voltage zero crossings occur as a result of these exaggerated voltage
oscillation). Harmonic filters do this naturally because there is
an inductor in series with the capacitor. Some people choose
harmonic filters largely to reduce transients, in addition to the
harmonic benefit. Some purists feel that iron-core reactors do
not minimize the transients as much as one might expect,
because the core can saturate, but in the authors’ experience
iron-core reactors do a good job reducing the transients. Note
that large, medium voltage filter banks often use air-core
reactors, which do not saturate.
Sometimes a small inductor is added in series with a
switched capacitor (often done at MV). In some cases at low
voltage this is done by coiling some wire in the circuit,

oscillations, as shown in Figure 9. [3] R. H. Simpson, “Misapplication of Power Capacitors in

This is a relatively rare situation but it can and does happen Distribution Systems With Nonlinear Loads—Three
frequently enough to watch for this issue. This problem can Case Histories,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
be rectified by changing the natural frequency of the customer Applications, Vol. 41, No. 1, January/February 2005.
system by adding inductance in the form of reactors or an [4] T. M. Blooming, “Capacitor Failure and Fuse Operation
isolation transformer, or changing the size of the capacitor Investigation and Analysis: A Case Study,” Power
bank. Alternatively, another method of power factor correction Quality ’99 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November
can be used in lieu of standard capacitors on the customer 1999.
system, such as harmonic filters or active filters. [5] IEEE Std 519-1992, “IEEE Recommended Practices
and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric
IX. CAPACITORS AND FAULT CURRENT Power Systems,” © Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc. 1993.
The question is often asked, “Should capacitors be included [6] Carnovale, Dionise, Lorch, and Gerstnecker, “Electric
in fault studies?” The simple answer is, no. The reasoning is Arc Furnace Harmonic Filter Failure, Analysis and
relatively simple. An energized capacitor will very quickly Repair,” Power Systems World, Power Quality 2001
discharge into other loads (or the fault) within ¼ of a 60 Hz Conference.
electrical cycle at a frequency much higher than the [7] D. J. Carnovale, T. J. Dionise, and T. M. Blooming,
fundamental fault current. This is significantly different than “Price and Performance Considerations for Harmonic
motors operating on the system that will “generate” back into Solutions,” Power Systems World, Power Quality 2003
the faulted system and contribute to the overall fault current. Conference, Long Beach, California.
Therefore, since capacitors do not offer a significant source [8] “Electrical Transients in Power Systems,” Second
power during a fault, they can be ignored. This is the Edition, Allan Greenwood, © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
standard used in commercially available power system 1991.
modeling programs. [9] “Distribution System OverCurrent Protection Workshop
– Course Notes,” © Cooper Power Systems, Inc. 1996.
X. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY [10] IEEE Std 18-2002, “IEEE Standard for Shunt Power
Capacitors,” © Institute of Electrical and Electronics
With so many potential problems in applying power factor Engineers, Inc. 2002.
correction capacitors on a power system, why would an [11] IEEE Std 1036-1992, “IEEE Guide for Application of
engineer consider applying them? Capacitors offer real Shunt Power Capacitors,” © Institute of Electrical and
savings on the utility bill, reduce system losses, and help to Electronics Engineers, Inc. 1993.
stabilize voltage, all while increasing system capacity. [12] D. J. Carnovale, “Power Factor Correction and
Understanding the potential for problems and applying Harmonic Resonance: A Volatile Mix,” EC&M
engineering judgment and economic analysis will lead to safe Magazine, June 2003, pp.16-19.
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This paper presents some of the practical considerations to Protective Devices Based On The National Electric
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